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This is where a large bulk of the school's events are held. This is the widest room in the entire castle, fitted on three sides with wall windows and silk curtains. On an average day, the room is bare save for the grand piano that sits in the centre. This is moved off to the corner during special occasions. The floors are tiled and have anti slipping charms to prevent accidents on its exceptionally clean surface.
Dance lessons are held here periodically, regardless of upcoming events. This is another quiet space within the school, usually empty and usually undisturbed. Should you need a moment alone or a bit more silence for your concentration with the school now being twice its usual capacity, it might not be such a bad idea.
Eating in this room, outside of special occasions, is strictly prohibited. Dueling, fighting or any other form of behaviour that can result in destruction or chaos is also strictly prohibited.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Schmoe the cookie thief! <3
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
"Excellent," he nodded a few times too many. Was it excellent though? Was it really?
Because to be entirely honest, Finneas was no good at dancing. He preferred bopping around, and snapping his fingers. The feet thing, though. That was not something he had ever mastered. Fortunately, he may be able to write off any blunders as a fault of the height difference. Surely that would work.
He raised his noodly arm, and maneuvered himself so that he was standing directly across from the first year. "With a hand!" That's how they started. Hopefully she would not leave him hanging. Additionally, he didn't want to just put his hand on her back without consent, so y'know, he let his other hand linger neaaar her back until she gave him the ready.
Claudine too, was wondering if this was indeed an excellent thing. She wondered yet again what the heck she was doing here, and did she really want to go to the ball that much to suffer through this stupid dance lesson? She was already shooting scathing looks at Blake for stealing her friend. What did Bernie see in that wimp anyway?
The Snakette stared at Schmoe and his arm. Merlin! They were going to be the laughing stock of this room. More staring happened when his arm came closer and though he hadn’t touched her, Claudine flinched visibly. “I uh.’’ She gestured wildly with her hands. “I’m not comfortable with physical contact nor is dancing my thing. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea for me to come here. I’m sorry, Professor, to have wasted your time.”
There was still plenty of time for him to find a partner. Maybe.
Professor de Notresdame + mentions Carys, Carsyn and Cole
Analiese had heard someone say her name. Oh, it was Professor de Notresdame. She walked over to him and politely said, "Yes, professor?" She was very careful to keep her manners, especially after the rose garden incident. She would've added a curtsey but that was a bit too formal. Once hearing his words, she immediately glanced over at the three other students (Carys, Carsyn and Cole) he was talking to. They only seemed a few years older than her. Much better than dancing with a teacher.
Many people had already started dancing and she was still standing here. And she would rather keep it that way; she didn't want to go to the dance anyway. But she still wanted to go, as she wanted fix hip her reputation with Desmarais and de Notresdame
Last edited by SneakySeverusSnape; 10-25-2019 at 02:52 AM.
Reason: Accidentally hit send before I finished - oops
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by love-for-HP
Blake for a half of a second thought he nailed it!! Here he was in a ballroom with a beautiful fellow first year Bernadette dancing away. They had to be the best pair in the room ... and then the next second there was some sort of nonsense about them counting wrong and his nose was smashed against Bernadette's shoulder and she was screaming something about her foot. "Owwwwwww........" He grabbed his nose and this time there was no denying the blood that began to poor from his nose onto his outfit. "I think my nose is broken" Blake said tipping his head back to attempt to stop as much blood flow out of it. But he still did have a half of a mind to look as Bernadette... "Are you okay???" He added noticing her foot, but he only half cared seeing as he was loosing an obscene amount of blood from his nose.
Oh no. 'Ogwarts happened.... again.
"I'm so sorry!" Bernadette cried, initially hopping around and trying to hold her foot with one hand, and finally attempting to steady herself with a hand on Blake's shoulder. Only, MERLIN'S BEARD! His nose had turned into a Fruit Gusher! "BLAAAAAAAKE," she whinged loudly as the blood just kept going and going like an Energizer Bunny, "you're getting blood on my DRESS too!!!!!!"
It was bad enough if his shirt looked like the prom scene from Carrie, but now her dress had flecks of blood on it? WHAT A MESS! Where were the professors now, huh, since they'd been so concerned with her counting? Plus other kids were laughing at them! "Shuddup, ILYA," Bernie glared at him and Cece. She whipped her head around to try to find help, but mostly only saw an uncomfortable Claudine refusing to touch Schmoe. She didn't blame the Slytherin, he was weird. But Schmoe! "SCHMOE!" the first year continued her usual shouting. "Help us! Blake's literally dying!" Didn't he see the blood? Unlike Potions class, this was a REAL EMERGENCY.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Missa was very much without a partner. Even the first year she had made conversation with had floated away and found herself a guy. It was quite embarrassing honestly. She tried glancing around, thinking she might have missed Eiji somewhere in the small crowd - but nope, he really had slipped away.
A little annoyed, she looked around again - and THANKFULLY her gaze fell on the only person who looked as much of a loser as she did right now. Before he could slip away too, she approached the boy and tapped his shoulder, "Shall we?"
Alessandro was thrilled with the turn of events. His brief absence looked like it was going to make it nearly impossible to be partnered up. He could stand off to the side, look positively gutted and none would be the wiser.
Until, Missa, he believed was her name, came over and tapped him on the shoulder.
His politeness flipped on like a switch and he extended his arm, waiting for her to link their arms, "Of course." Settled, Al guided her out to the dance floor and assumed the proper and most gentlemanly dance position. There was nothing disrespectful about the distance between them. It was neither too close nor too far. Lowly, he asked, "Have you ever done this before?" He could lead, if need be.
Cole/Carys/Headmaster/Nostredame/Analiese + first year dramatics
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Wait. What? One thing Cole was coming up to saying take turns and before Carsyn even had the chance to say anything about taking turns, the Headmaster was already at them about pairs. UH. Yea, she hadn't done anything wrong. She wasn't even given the opportunity to tell Cole no because pairs, so why did it feel like she was in trouble??? Frown lines forming on her forehead, as she watched and nodded at the Headmaster, unable to form words when the Head suggested maybe even partnering with Nostredame. Uh that open shirt wearing professor? It was all Carsyn could do but to nod vaguely in understanding, barely aware of her motions or speech. Barely aware of listening to the head instruct about playing out the counts in one's head. Struggle for control. What ... she wanted to take control ... she wanted to suddenly grab the creatures professor by his manly shoulders and move with those hips. That frame. That.
Wait. What. I find it disappointing zat you would elect a rotation rathair zan not acknowledging ze pleading looks of one of your youngair peers who has been looking for a partnair. One of you will partnair with Mademoiselle Anderson, No. No. But the Headmaster had said partnering with him and now before she could say, she'll take him, he was shunning one of them off onto the second year. It was only a dance. It wasn't like they were asking for you to marry the person. To snog them. Just a lesson. She could do it. Even if it may have been weird considering her five foot seven self was likely taller than the Ravenclaw.
Feeling like she needed to get away from Cole who started this whole mess by even suggesting a 'taking turns' before she had the chance to argue against it, Carsyn quickly moved over to the second year. She could do it. Besides, girls were usually better dances on the whole, weren't they? Except Nostredame cause Carsyn was pretty sure that man had moves but since that was out of the question she held her hand out for the shorter girl. "I'll partner with you. Cole, you can partner with Carys." Okay. Settled.
Until she heard the dramatic cries of her younger housemate whom she helped in transfiguration. UM What?? Dying? How? Why? Was that blood? What even happened?? And before she even had the chance to say or do anything, the fourth year felt rather lightheaded and fell backward with a kerthunk onto the ballroom floor. Gryffindor down.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Tina returned the boy’s smile with a small one of her own. Kaiser, right. She’d heard the name in passing and remembered it was something with a K, but she never really bothered to memorize her classmates’ names. She preferred to reserve her brain space for facts and figures rather than the names of people she’d probably never see again after the end of the term. Anyway, at least if she had to take part in this idiotic dance class, she lucked out in the partner department. If nothing else, he wasn’t awkwardly shorter than her, and he was among the least obnoxious people in the room. “Thanks,” she replied. “Nice to meet you. I’m Tina.” See? She was trying to be sociable.
With the pleasantries out of the way, Tina turned her attention to Trent. While she had learned the waltz before, it had been nearly three years since she left Beauxbatons, so she was bound to be out of practice. She watched the demonstration closely, but she found the headmaster’s way of explaining the steps confusing. Six counts, yet only four directions of movement. That sounded like a recipe for disaster! Instead, she focused on the board, trying to commit the steps to memory. Her head jerked up at the sound of Professor Sissay’s voice, and she nearly breathed a sigh of relief. She was all for not clutching on to each other! Human contact, even from her closest friends, weirded her out.
Out of the corner of her eye, Tina saw Ilya, the first year she met on the carriage ride to school. If this had been anything besides dancing, she probably would’ve asked him to be her partner, but for these purposes, she thought he’d be better off with someone closer to his own age. She was several inches taller than him, and that would make it harder for him to lead her - and if she knew the customs of her former school half as well as she thought she did, Desmarais would probably not take kindly to a girl leading a boy in the dance. She didn’t want to set him up for trouble! Blink, blink. Uhhhh… was he okay? Why was he looking her way? And was she just seeing things or did his hair just turn GREEN?! She might talk to him later… or maybe not. She wasn’t good at handling people’s emotions.
For now, Tina turned her attention back to her partner. “Do you want to lead?” she asked, getting into position to begin the waltz. She had no idea if he knew how to waltz and was fully prepared to lead if he didn’t, but she’d let him decide. For all she knew, he might be the type who didn’t like being bossed around by a girl. Either way was fine with her.
Okay. Good. That was the whole partner thing sorted out, at least. Made things easier. Tina, he kept that in mind. Tina Dantes. Sure.
When Trent and Sissay set about teaching them the steps, Kaiser did his best to focus on them. It was all very well trying and failing at a dance on his own, but now that he had a partner, he didn't want to risk stepping on any toes. Literally. Common courtesy, you know? You just didn't step on someone's toes. Not usually, at least.
The dance didn't look too difficult, at least. Kaiser thought he might be able to manage it...
He gave the diagram one last lingering look, trying to commit it to memory. At this point he still hadn't noticed the lingering gaze of a first year Ravenclaw, at least... not until he turned back to Tina, just as she turned to look at him, and he just happened to catch a glimpse of the boy with a... brave choice in hair colour... staring right at him and looking none too pleased. Kaiser blinked, stared right back at him, before shrugging it off and turning his attention fully back to Tina.
Lead? Well, Kaiser was operating fully on the assumption that this was a first attempt at the dance for the both of them. "I will try," he said with a quick nod, also getting in position and raising his hands to rest them where they were supposed to rest. He decided to just try and not think too much about his weird relationship with physical touch, and directed his thoughts elsewhere. He broke into an apparently grin. "If I am terrible, you can lead instead."
Right, so... was she ready? "Okay..." That was the cue that Kaiser was about to start, and so he did, moving with the count. Awkwardly at first, because this was an entirely new sequence of movement, but Kaiser was at least coordinated enough to not get it entirely wrong straight away.
And already... a disaster nearby. Kaiser glanced over at the first years who were in their predicament (the natural habitat of first years, it seemed), and breathed a small sigh, before returning his focus to the steps.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Nearby, two first years were having a dilemma. Analiese could've done something, but she didn't know any healing spells. Shame. And by the looks of things, it was just a nosebleed. It would go away soon. Was that how nosebleeds worked? She had never had a nosebleed herself, so she didn't know. Suddenly, the older girl in front of her collapsed onto the floor. She must've been one of those people with a phobia of blood. How exactly did you help people that had fainted? Her mother had probably told her once, but she wouldn't have been paying attention. Anything about healing made her extremely bored. She remembered something about a "recovery position", but what even was a recovery position?
Analiese tried to get a teacher's attention (even if it was de Notresdame) to alert them about both the first year's nosebleed and the older girl's fainting. And dear other first year, there was no need to be so dramatic. It was only a nosebleed. Get a tissue or something. Analiese might have had a tissue on her. She normally kept tissues in her pockets. She felt inside her pocket, but of course there were no pockets. It was women's clothing, after all. She never really understood why companies never put pockets in women's clothing. At least her wand was securely down her sock. What? Women's clothing, as she said, never - for some weird reason - had pockets, so other ways of storing things were needed.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Finneas stood their awkwardly, hand still raised and trying to look very encouraging. Key word: Trying. "Er... That's quite alright," he bobbed his head up and down. Finneas understood Claudine's discomfort. He wasn't much of a dancer himself. And he also understood that perhaps she was rather uncomfortable dancing with a professor. He got it. Truly, he understood. "Maybe we can start with the footwork." That would eliminate all of the issues, right?
........ Only, where there were Hogwarts' students, there were always infinite issues it seemed.
Hearing his name being SHOUTED by Bernadette, Finneas whipped his head around. He needed to tell her that she couldn't just call him 'Schmoe' because Trent would probably have a word or two to say about that... Professors and respectability, you know? But how did one approach that sort of conversation it was very awk--OH MY.
Mr. Ryan's nose was a fountain of blood asdfadsf O_____O Finneas stumbled his way over, flailing his arms about. "No, no Mr. Ryan do not tilt your head backwards!" He motioned rather dramatically. "Fingers pinching the bridge like so," he demonstrated hurriedly. "And tilt forward!"
Also, to be completely clear, Blake was not dying. He just had a nosebleed, Bernadette. These students were very dramatic and almost gave him heart attacks on the daily, did they know that? It was with all of this commotion and helping the first years that kept him properly distracted when Carsyn hit the ground. YUP, that's right. Schmoe had no idea what was going on behind his back.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
SPOILER!!: Bernadette, Schmoe and all the other commotion
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Oh no. 'Ogwarts happened.... again.
"I'm so sorry!" Bernadette cried, initially hopping around and trying to hold her foot with one hand, and finally attempting to steady herself with a hand on Blake's shoulder. Only, MERLIN'S BEARD! His nose had turned into a Fruit Gusher! "BLAAAAAAAKE," she whinged loudly as the blood just kept going and going like an Energizer Bunny, "you're getting blood on my DRESS too!!!!!!"
It was bad enough if his shirt looked like the prom scene from Carrie, but now her dress had flecks of blood on it? WHAT A MESS! Where were the professors now, huh, since they'd been so concerned with her counting? Plus other kids were laughing at them! "Shuddup, ILYA," Bernie glared at him and Cece. She whipped her head around to try to find help, but mostly only saw an uncomfortable Claudine refusing to touch Schmoe. She didn't blame the Slytherin, he was weird. But Schmoe! "SCHMOE!" the first year continued her usual shouting. "Help us! Blake's literally dying!" Didn't he see the blood? Unlike Potions class, this was a REAL EMERGENCY.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Finneas stood their awkwardly, hand still raised and trying to look very encouraging. Key word: Trying. "Er... That's quite alright," he bobbed his head up and down. Finneas understood Claudine's discomfort. He wasn't much of a dancer himself. And he also understood that perhaps she was rather uncomfortable dancing with a professor. He got it. Truly, he understood. "Maybe we can start with the footwork." That would eliminate all of the issues, right?
........ Only, where there were Hogwarts' students, there were always infinite issues it seemed.
Hearing his name being SHOUTED by Bernadette, Finneas whipped his head around. He needed to tell her that she couldn't just call him 'Schmoe' because Trent would probably have a word or two to say about that... Professors and respectability, you know? But how did one approach that sort of conversation it was very awk--OH MY.
Mr. Ryan's nose was a fountain of blood asdfadsf O_____O Finneas stumbled his way over, flailing his arms about. "No, no Mr. Ryan do not tilt your head backwards!" He motioned rather dramatically. "Fingers pinching the bridge like so," he demonstrated hurriedly. "And tilt forward!"
Also, to be completely clear, Blake was not dying. He just had a nosebleed, Bernadette. These students were very dramatic and almost gave him heart attacks on the daily, did they know that? It was with all of this commotion and helping the first years that kept him properly distracted when Carsyn hit the ground. YUP, that's right. Schmoe had no idea what was going on behind his back.
Blake was rather thankful that Bernadette was shouting for some adult assistance, the Professors should know what to do about all of this right... there were healing spells that could fix his nose ... right?? "Thanks Bernadette." Blake added as he continued to tip his head backwards.
And then Schmoe was saying something about pinching his nose, that didn't seem right, but then again adults knew things.. so Blake tried it and screamed ... "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" ... no pinching the nose that hurt like bloody hell! And then he heard a huge thump as well and without thinking let go of his nose to look around and as blood continued to poor onto the floor. "Professor please help!" Blake pleaded, he needed real help, like someone fix his nose RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Honey!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Claudine wasn’t worried about making Schmoe feel bad. In fact, she rarely cared about making anyone feel bad with her opinions or mannerisms. Right now, she wasn’t surprised that Schmoe was being understanding. After all, from what she had observed about him, he wasn’t a people person either. In a way, it was comforting to have a Professor who was like that because said professor could be understanding with her. Perhaps this was why Claudine felt slightly warmer towards him.
“Footwork is a good place to start,’’ the Snakette mumbled. “Please tell me you know what they are.’’ As she had been paying attention to all the moves but the footwork when Trent and Sissay had demonstrated.
Then Claudine too, was dropping it all to suddenly have her attention drawn to Bernie and Blake. Blake was… bleeding. Refraining the urge to roll her eyes at her Housemate, she moved towards the other two first years. “Has anyone got any tissues?’’ If not… “Professor? Can you conjure something for Blake to wipe the blood away?” You know, in case it got into his mouth.
The girl was then covering her ears with her hands. “BLAKE! GET A GRIP!’’ She glared at the over dramatic boy. “You’re going to be fixed, just follow Professor Schmoe’s instructions and quit being a baby.’’ Claudine had half a mind to reach over and pinch his nose more than to just stop the blood flow but also to purposely put him in more pain as revenge for yelling in her ears and stealing her friend.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
"That's because it is a proper name..." Cecelia raised her eyebrows a little and tilted her head, thinking Ilya's comment a LITTLE odd, but she didn't comment further 'cause SHE could be polite TOO.
"I have a good friend that likes to dance and HE is REALLY talented." Cece wasn't quite as light on her feet as Flynn, and she always wished she could soak up some of his technique, even IF she thought her version of dancing looked way more fun. "But mostly I dance with my grandpa. He's a lovely dancer."
The spin caught her a LITTLE off guard and Cecelia nearly stomped right down on her partner's left foot, sidestepping at the last moment and wobbling a bit as she did so. OOPS! That had been a CLOSE call. It seemed that others were having those, too, and when she was nudged, Cecelia looked around to see what Ilya found so funny. What she discovered made her FROWN, especially 'cause now Bernie was giving HER a mean look when SHE hadn't even done anything at all! "Ilya, that's mean. He's really hurt." She frowned at the boy, annoyed that Bernie would think she was in on the laughing at her expense, and at him for laughing in the first place. "Bet you wouldn't think it was so funny if you were the one with the bloody nose and someone was laughing at you." Bet he'd be all kinds of embarrassed then.
The small blonde TRIED to give Bernie and Blake an apologetic look, but she figured she'd better talk to them after the lesson, TOO. She didn't want anyone to be upset with her for something SHE didn't even do.
It was bad enough if his shirt looked like the prom scene from Carrie, but now her dress had flecks of blood on it? WHAT A MESS! Where were the professors now, huh, since they'd been so concerned with her counting? Plus other kids were laughing at them! "Shuddup, ILYA," Bernie glared at him and Cece. She whipped her head around to try to find help, but mostly only saw an uncomfortable Claudine refusing to touch Schmoe. She didn't blame the Slytherin, he was weird. But Schmoe! "SCHMOE!" the first year continued her usual shouting. "Help us! Blake's literally dying!" Didn't he see the blood? Unlike Potions class, this was a REAL EMERGENCY.
Originally Posted by love-for-HP
Blake was rather thankful that Bernadette was shouting for some adult assistance, the Professors should know what to do about all of this right... there were healing spells that could fix his nose ... right?? "Thanks Bernadette." Blake added as he continued to tip his head backwards.
And then Schmoe was saying something about pinching his nose, that didn't seem right, but then again adults knew things.. so Blake tried it and screamed ... "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" ... no pinching the nose that hurt like bloody hell! And then he heard a huge thump as well and without thinking let go of his nose to look around and as blood continued to poor onto the floor. "Professor please help!" Blake pleaded, he needed real help, like someone fix his nose RIGHT NOW!!!!!
It was even funnier that Bernie did not like him laughing at the head bumping action over there. Yeah, okay, her partner was bleeding from his nose but that was not funny or serious, he bled from his nose dozens of times and here he was fully healthy and recovered.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
"That's because it is a proper name..." Cecelia raised her eyebrows a little and tilted her head, thinking Ilya's comment a LITTLE odd, but she didn't comment further 'cause SHE could be polite TOO.
"I have a good friend that likes to dance and HE is REALLY talented." Cece wasn't quite as light on her feet as Flynn, and she always wished she could soak up some of his technique, even IF she thought her version of dancing looked way more fun. "But mostly I dance with my grandpa. He's a lovely dancer."
The spin caught her a LITTLE off guard and Cecelia nearly stomped right down on her partner's left foot, sidestepping at the last moment and wobbling a bit as she did so. OOPS! That had been a CLOSE call. It seemed that others were having those, too, and when she was nudged, Cecelia looked around to see what Ilya found so funny. What she discovered made her FROWN, especially 'cause now Bernie was giving HER a mean look when SHE hadn't even done anything at all! "Ilya, that's mean. He's really hurt." She frowned at the boy, annoyed that Bernie would think she was in on the laughing at her expense, and at him for laughing in the first place. "Bet you wouldn't think it was so funny if you were the one with the bloody nose and someone was laughing at you." Bet he'd be all kinds of embarrassed then.
The small blonde TRIED to give Bernie and Blake an apologetic look, but she figured she'd better talk to them after the lesson, TOO. She didn't want anyone to be upset with her for something SHE didn't even do.
Dancing with her grandfather? He smiled at that. He also had a grandmother who he would dance with if she asked. She didn't. But they were fairly close, even closer than his mother if he was allowed to say that out loud. It was nice to learn that Cece had the same kind of closeness with a grandparent, too. Ilya rarely felt he associated with someone, so this was nice.
Ilya would've complimented Cecelia for her quick reflexes avoiding the stomp on his foot and all, but she was being a granny in her lecturing and lack of sense of humor. He ROLLED his eyes at her. "Oh relax, they're fine. He's just being overdramatic." Screaming and stuff? Why? And Bernie was the most hilarious girl he'd ever met, the girl caused chaos wherever she went.
It was weird waltzing with someone you were arguing with, did anyone know that? He had just found out as he continued to waltz with Cece. So, he moved his feet, one two three, one two three, and avoided looking at her face. Did she just give Bernie a look behind his back (figuratively)? Eye rolling AGAIN.
Last edited by Magical Soul; 10-29-2019 at 07:51 AM.