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Tired of sitting on the sidelines? Take your date and drift over to the dance floor. Don't have a date? That's fine, too. Bust a few solo moves, start a new trend, enjoy the evening that's been prepared for you.
The waltz is the most predominant of songs being played but occasionally, it gives way to more modern dance music that you can properly get into.
Just...nothing too wild. Remember, the Professors are very much present and will be watching. Perhaps you could even convince one to spare you a dance.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Bernadette wanted to dance, but also, she did NOT want to dance. And she absolutely, positively, definitely, definitely, was NOT going to dance alone.
The first year stood stubbornly off to one side of the dance floor, pretending to be engrossed in the little black flower pinned to the waist of her dress. Oh, hmm, look. It had lost a shiny jimmy already. F a s c i n a t i n g. Riveting stuff, really. Truly. She was not at all keeping an eye out for anyone else who was as interesting as the flower pinned to her dress.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Grainne had somehow managed to keep out of trouble this year…which had been utterly and e x t r e m e l y exhausting…it was almost more shocking than the fact that she had managed to keep their mother from reading even one single copy of the daily prophet all summer.
The young muggle-born witch wasn’t exactly in the mood to dance – sure, a part of her would have been thrilled to dance. The rest of her though, felt strange being at a dance what with Aine and Aoife nowhere to be found.
Seriously – where were her sisters? She’d felt awkward without her twin there – if she’d been there she’d have probably spent half the night trying to confuse people into asking wasn’t your mole on the other side of your face by playing little parlor games with everyone in attendance…too bad her almost-identical-twin had decided to sit this night out.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
SPOILER!!: Bernadette!
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Bernadette wanted to dance, but also, she did NOT want to dance. And she absolutely, positively, definitely, definitely, was NOT going to dance alone.
The first year stood stubbornly off to one side of the dance floor, pretending to be engrossed in the little black flower pinned to the waist of her dress. Oh, hmm, look. It had lost a shiny jimmy already. F a s c i n a t i n g. Riveting stuff, really. Truly. She was not at all keeping an eye out for anyone else who was as interesting as the flower pinned to her dress.
Although Rowan wasn't much of a dancer, he was in fact a gentleman. At least, that's what his mother had always said any chance she got, all the while squishing his cheeks. And though he mostly wanted to sit on the couches all night eating sweets, he couldn't help but feel that he ought to try and make some friends before they all went home for the summer. How embarrassing it would be to come back for his second year with no friends...
Of course, everyone his age seemed to be gathering towards the dance floor. His heart raced. He wanted a friend so badly. Just one, at least. He hadn't really made any all year, given how drastic a change Beauxbatons was in comparison to his expectation of his first year being spent at Hogwarts. It had sent him into hiding, almost (except for meals and classes, of course).
And so, he slowly inched towards the dance floor, where he noticed a girl around his age standing by herself. She looked hesitant, making him feel better about being hesitant himself. With that, he took a deep breath and approached her. "Hi," he greeted the Gryffindor with his best friendly smile, noticing her intense focus on the flower on her dress. "That's a nice flower," he commented awkwardly. Was this how you made friends?
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Finneas Schmoe reporting for chaperone duty! He was a man of very little taste, but he did very much intend on making the most of their last night in this castle. It was good fun while it lasted... Minus that bit about the dragon and almost getting kicked out. That was ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh not-so-fun.
The lanky stringed-cheese of a man made his way to the dance floor, keeping an eye out for kiddos who were dancing too-close-for-comfort. It was his job as a chaperone, after all. As he made his way down, his strange lilac dress robes flowed behind him. He first noticed Grainne who received an awkward wave, "How err do you do?" The lanky fellow swayed back and forth to the music. It was a shame that Alina wasn't around, she was a far better dancer than he was.
He did his best to stay on beat, however, even swaying his arms in a strange-sort-of way as he made his way around the dance floor. "Not errr dancing tonight, Bernadette?" he asked, blinking a couple of times. Before looking over to Rowan, who had just made his way over. Schmoe gave the boy a knowing (and uncomfortable) grin. Ah. Young love.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Last edited by ArianaBlack; 12-04-2019 at 05:54 AM.
Reason: i should preview before i post, isn't that a thought
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Holly was so ready to go home tomorrow. She couldn't wait for Cam to pick her up at the Train Station as was their tradition, and she couldn't wait to go back to her Gymnastic's teacher -- she had genuinely missed her this year. It seemed like forever since she had spent a few hours with her. Though even Holly knew that her first few lessons and days back with her would be sore. She hadn't pushed herself this year as much as she should have and she would likely pay for that.
Eh. She had been busy. She'd work hard around her internship to catch up and prove everyone wrong that she couldn't keep up while she went to a boarding school. She could. She had so far and she would 100% continue too. Nothing was out of your grasp when you wanted it as badly as Holly Tamesis wanted to continue excelling at gymnastics.
But as it was, she was still here at school so for now she slipped her hand into Avery's and walked out onto the dance floor with him. The one thing that did suck about summer was that they ended up split up. However, that was tomorrow's issue. For now, she placed a hand on his shoulder and slipped her hand around in his own until they were standing set for a waltz. It wasn't a surprise to anyone, but Holly adored that Avery could dance, and she let him lead her around the floor.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
This was SO COOL!
Honestly, Cecelia had been SUPER sad when the ball had been cancelled 'cause she'd worked SO hard on her dancing skills AND on her walking in uncomfy shoes skills, TOO. LUCKILY the mean headmistress had FINALLY seen the dragon produced light and the REAL trouble makers were getting in some REAL trouble while THEY got to have their very OWN ball-feast-THING without those judgy beauxbatons boys and girls.
Moving out on to the floor, BIG old smile on her face, the first year got RIGHT to it, showing off her MANY moves for all to see. You only had your very first ball experience ONCE, after all. She planned on enjoying EVERY minute.
"lanky stringed-cheese of a man" is the best description i've possibly ever read?
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by Ringo
Although Rowan wasn't much of a dancer, he was in fact a gentleman. At least, that's what his mother had always said any chance she got, all the while squishing his cheeks. And though he mostly wanted to sit on the couches all night eating sweets, he couldn't help but feel that he ought to try and make some friends before they all went home for the summer. How embarrassing it would be to come back for his second year with no friends...
Of course, everyone his age seemed to be gathering towards the dance floor. His heart raced. He wanted a friend so badly. Just one, at least. He hadn't really made any all year, given how drastic a change Beauxbatons was in comparison to his expectation of his first year being spent at Hogwarts. It had sent him into hiding, almost (except for meals and classes, of course).
And so, he slowly inched towards the dance floor, where he noticed a girl around his age standing by herself. She looked hesitant, making him feel better about being hesitant himself. With that, he took a deep breath and approached her. "Hi," he greeted the Gryffindor with his best friendly smile, noticing her intense focus on the flower on her dress. "That's a nice flower," he commented awkwardly. Was this how you made friends?
Hark! Another student approaches! And it was a boy Bernie had never seen before; or perhaps she did not recognize him because of his fancy dress robes?!
Bernadette looked up from her fiddling, hastily shoving her hands behind her back as she pressed herself flat against the wall. She must cement her image as a wallflower lest this boy --- nay, this Hufflepuff --- ask her to dance! Even though that was EXACTLY what she was HOPING would happen. She had to look nonchalant and like, totally bored by this dance thing.
"H-h-hi," she replied, suddenly starstruck by the boy, and stammering her response. What the heck, Bernadette! The cool cucumber routine was failing rapidly. She had danced with Blake Ryan with no problem at the practice. So why did she feel like her face was getting hotter for some reason? Had she suddenly caught a fever? Or maybe dragon pox was going around the school right now? She was tempted to fan herself off, but she couldn't because she was squishing her own hands behind her dress and probably cutting off circulation to them and this boy was saying that her flower was nice and LORT what did she say back to him?!!
She took a deep breath for no reason at all, accidentally taking in too much air and causing herself to hiccup suddenly. ".......hic--THANK-hic-YOU."
Bernie might have needed a hand with this social- interaction-with-BOYS thing.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Finneas Schmoe reporting for chaperone duty! He was a man of very little taste, but he did very much intend on making the most of their last night in this castle. It was good fun while it lasted... Minus that bit about the dragon and almost getting kicked out. That was ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh not-so-fun.
The lanky stringed-cheese of a man made his way to the dance floor, keeping an eye out for kiddos who were dancing too-close-for-comfort. It was his job as a chaperone, after all. As he made his way down, his strange lilac dress robes flowed behind him. He first noticed Grainne who received an awkward wave, "How err do you do?" The lanky fellow swayed back and forth to the music. It was a shame that Alina wasn't around, she was a far better dancer than he was.
He did his best to stay on beat, however, even swaying his arms in a strange-sort-of way as he made his way around the dance floor. "Not errr dancing tonight, Bernadette?" he asked, blinking a couple of times. Before looking over to Rowan, who had just made his way over. Schmoe gave the boy a knowing (and uncomfortable) grin. Ah. Young love.
Speaking of needing a long, gangly skeleton hand....
"SCH-hic-hic-MOE," Bernie hiccuped in his direction, pulling a hand out from behind her back to wave it WAY TOO HARD at him. "HI." Gosh, a friendly face! COME SAVE HER, SIR. She was, after all, his assistant professor? And WOULD she be dancing tonight?!?!
She awkwardly shifted her eyes to the Mystery Male Hufflepuff in Nice Clothes, and then shifted her glance back to Schmoe. "I dunn-HIC- know if I'm dancing? Or not? No -HIC! HIC!- no one has asked me yet?"
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
SPOILER!!: Schmoee
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Finneas Schmoe reporting for chaperone duty! He was a man of very little taste, but he did very much intend on making the most of their last night in this castle. It was good fun while it lasted... Minus that bit about the dragon and almost getting kicked out. That was ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh not-so-fun.
The lanky stringed-cheese of a man made his way to the dance floor, keeping an eye out for kiddos who were dancing too-close-for-comfort. It was his job as a chaperone, after all. As he made his way down, his strange lilac dress robes flowed behind him. He first noticed Grainne who received an awkward wave, "How err do you do?" The lanky fellow swayed back and forth to the music. It was a shame that Alina wasn't around, she was a far better dancer than he was.
He did his best to stay on beat, however, even swaying his arms in a strange-sort-of way as he made his way around the dance floor. "Not errr dancing tonight, Bernadette?" he asked, blinking a couple of times. Before looking over to Rowan, who had just made his way over. Schmoe gave the boy a knowing (and uncomfortable) grin. Ah. Young love.
Noticing one of his professors approach, dancing to the music, he couldn't help but smile a little, amused. He did like Schmoe, he was so entertaining and didn't seem to have a care in the world sometimes. He hoped to be like that someday. As they were approached, Rowan received what looked like a friendly smile. He returned the exact same one, not knowing how to react. He was just so shy with absolutely everyone, it seemed. He mentally gave himself a head shake in his mind, mentally telling himself to get a hold of himself and make friends. Even with Professor Schmoe.
"I like your moves," he decided to comment with a little giggle.
SPOILER!!: Bernadette!
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Hark! Another student approaches! And it was a boy Bernie had never seen before; or perhaps she did not recognize him because of his fancy dress robes?!
Bernadette looked up from her fiddling, hastily shoving her hands behind her back as she pressed herself flat against the wall. She must cement her image as a wallflower lest this boy --- nay, this Hufflepuff --- ask her to dance! Even though that was EXACTLY what she was HOPING would happen. She had to look nonchalant and like, totally bored by this dance thing.
"H-h-hi," she replied, suddenly starstruck by the boy, and stammering her response. What the heck, Bernadette! The cool cucumber routine was failing rapidly. She had danced with Blake Ryan with no problem at the practice. So why did she feel like her face was getting hotter for some reason? Had she suddenly caught a fever? Or maybe dragon pox was going around the school right now? She was tempted to fan herself off, but she couldn't because she was squishing her own hands behind her dress and probably cutting off circulation to them and this boy was saying that her flower was nice and LORT what did she say back to him?!!
She took a deep breath for no reason at all, accidentally taking in too much air and causing herself to hiccup suddenly. ".......hic--THANK-hic-YOU."
Bernie might have needed a hand with this social- interaction-with-BOYS thing.
Speaking of needing a long, gangly skeleton hand....
"SCH-hic-hic-MOE," Bernie hiccuped in his direction, pulling a hand out from behind her back to wave it WAY TOO HARD at him. "HI." Gosh, a friendly face! COME SAVE HER, SIR. She was, after all, his assistant professor? And WOULD she be dancing tonight?!?!
She awkwardly shifted her eyes to the Mystery Male Hufflepuff in Nice Clothes, and then shifted her glance back to Schmoe. "I dunn-HIC- know if I'm dancing? Or not? No -HIC! HIC!- no one has asked me yet?"
As the girl pressed herself to the wall and stammered, Rowan got nervous he wasn't doing so hot yet with the whole socializing thing. Although, he wouldn't let himself give up yet. In fact, maybe she was just as shy as he was? Was that why she was stammer- oh, and now hiccuping?
What did that mean? Was she alright?
"Can I get you some water? I'm no good at spells, but I do have the ability to go fill you a glass, y'know, manually," he joked (was he funny yet?). He thought maybe him joking would help diffuse the awkwardness that he seemed to have produced in the interaction. Although, he was making progress it seemed given she was responding and hadn't run away yet! "Maybe we can dance too?" he offered, giving a gesture to the floor with a slightly shaky hand. Merlin's beard, this was the longest conversation with a girl he had ever had. He was quite proud of himself.
Blake having searched every where else for his dance partner Bernadette and decided that she must already be dancing with out him. Jeez he sounded whiny even in his own brain. Shaking the silly thought off he glanced around.
Finally spotting her, Blake noticed she was with another student ... that kid looked familiar ... hadn't Blake just seen him stuffing his face with crepes? Maybe it was twin. But not wanting to intrude and certainly not waiting to be a third wheel. Blake gave a friendly smile to Bernadette and waited to see if he would be invited to join them.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Honey!
˝ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Simran had decided she'd had quite enough of the sidelines and of adulting for the moment, and made her way down to the dance floor, where a small crowd had begun to gather. She nodded at Finneas, but wasn't quite close by enough to strike a conversation -- which was just as well, since he seemed to be a little swarmed with students.
Instead, she noticed one of her Gryffindors, Cecelia Summers having what seemed to be the time of her life. "Excellent moves, Miss Summers!" she grinned, demonstrating a few of her own. Yes, she'd just join her. Fun was contagious, you see, and Simran was easily infected. Age had only made her more susceptible to having fun (or so she believed, since her granddaughter would have a few words to say here, none of which validating that statement in any way or form).
Waiting to be asked to dance was something Gryffindors did not do. Certainly not Gryffindors her age. You dance, and then someone realises that you desperately need saving, and then you no longer have a problem. Age certainly helped with problem solving, see?
honored, truly; i did some strange rearranging to make this work idk
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: Bernadette & Rowan
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Hark! Another student approaches! And it was a boy Bernie had never seen before; or perhaps she did not recognize him because of his fancy dress robes?!
Bernadette looked up from her fiddling, hastily shoving her hands behind her back as she pressed herself flat against the wall. She must cement her image as a wallflower lest this boy --- nay, this Hufflepuff --- ask her to dance! Even though that was EXACTLY what she was HOPING would happen. She had to look nonchalant and like, totally bored by this dance thing.
"H-h-hi," she replied, suddenly starstruck by the boy, and stammering her response. What the heck, Bernadette! The cool cucumber routine was failing rapidly. She had danced with Blake Ryan with no problem at the practice. So why did she feel like her face was getting hotter for some reason? Had she suddenly caught a fever? Or maybe dragon pox was going around the school right now? She was tempted to fan herself off, but she couldn't because she was squishing her own hands behind her dress and probably cutting off circulation to them and this boy was saying that her flower was nice and LORT what did she say back to him?!!
She took a deep breath for no reason at all, accidentally taking in too much air and causing herself to hiccup suddenly. ".......hic--THANK-hic-YOU."
Bernie might have needed a hand with this social- interaction-with-BOYS thing.
Speaking of needing a long, gangly skeleton hand....
"SCH-hic-hic-MOE," Bernie hiccuped in his direction, pulling a hand out from behind her back to wave it WAY TOO HARD at him. "HI." Gosh, a friendly face! COME SAVE HER, SIR. She was, after all, his assistant professor? And WOULD she be dancing tonight?!?!
She awkwardly shifted her eyes to the Mystery Male Hufflepuff in Nice Clothes, and then shifted her glance back to Schmoe. "I dunn-HIC- know if I'm dancing? Or not? No -HIC! HIC!- no one has asked me yet?"
Originally Posted by Ringo
Noticing one of his professors approach, dancing to the music, he couldn't help but smile a little, amused. He did like Schmoe, he was so entertaining and didn't seem to have a care in the world sometimes. He hoped to be like that someday. As they were approached, Rowan received what looked like a friendly smile. He returned the exact same one, not knowing how to react. He was just so shy with absolutely everyone, it seemed. He mentally gave himself a head shake in his mind, mentally telling himself to get a hold of himself and make friends. Even with Professor Schmoe.
"I like your moves," he decided to comment with a little giggle.
As the girl pressed herself to the wall and stammered, Rowan got nervous he wasn't doing so hot yet with the whole socializing thing. Although, he wouldn't let himself give up yet. In fact, maybe she was just as shy as he was? Was that why she was stammer- oh, and now hiccuping?
What did that mean? Was she alright?
"Can I get you some water? I'm no good at spells, but I do have the ability to go fill you a glass, y'know, manually," he joked (was he funny yet?). He thought maybe him joking would help diffuse the awkwardness that he seemed to have produced in the interaction. Although, he was making progress it seemed given she was responding and hadn't run away yet! "Maybe we can dance too?" he offered, giving a gesture to the floor with a slightly shaky hand. Merlin's beard, this was the longest conversation with a girl he had ever had. He was quite proud of himself.
Finneas hadn’t ever been complimented for his ~moves~ before. So the praise had him absolutely soaring! Figuratively of course, as gravity was still existed in this strange land of France. ”Thank you, Rowan. I hope you are enjoying the music?” Because Finneas sure was. He continued to give the boy a strange smile, before looking over at Bernadette who was sweating a strange sort of desperation unlike any he had ever witnessed before.
Was there really a need for a long, gangly skeleton hand though? Was ? There ? Really ?
Young Bernadette’s enthusiasm almost caught the man off guard. She hadn’t ever been this happy to see him before and…… it was SLIGHTLY suspicious. Given that Finneas wasn’t a suspecting man, however, the onset of enthusiasm was very well received.
He was about to respond, too, when Rowan chimed in. La deee daaaaaa. Finneas turned his head away to give them privacy (but for the record, he was very much listening). ”Looks like someone heard you,” Schmoe was trying to be encouraging, but instead… He just looked… Weird.
So, the usual!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!