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If you want to be the last to leave or want to hang with the more rowdy crowd, then the back passenger cars of the train are for you. Just like the other cars, a long corridor provides access to the many compartments, each labelled with a letter, available for you and your friends to hunker down in until the train has come to a complete stop. Cushioned seats and large windows, allowing perfect views of the British scenery on your journey, await.
Well, what are you waiting for? Slide open a compartment door and make yourself at home. Place any of your belongings not in the luggage car on the racks above you. Chat with your friends about what you did this summer, enjoy munching on the snacks you bought from the trolley lady, get ahead of the game by reading your textbooks, or take a long nap as the train travels over numerous hills and mountainsides. Whatever you do, exhibit your best behaviour -- the prefects will be regularly patrolling the corridors and poking their heads inside your compartment to make sure you are doing so.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Finally, she was off to Hogwarts. Claudine was relieved to be out of the hair of all those French people. After stowing her luggage in the luggage compartment, she took a leisurely stroll down the corridor, observing the layout of the Express. It met her expectations and it was just as her family members had described to her. She figured that most students would want to sit up from so she wandered down to the back compartments where one was randomly selected.
Once inside, the door was slid back in place. The only possessions with her were her sketchbook and stationery case containing regular and coloured pencils. Claudine took up a spot close to the window so that she could have a view during the journey. For not, the sketchbook and case were set down beside her as she peered out at the happenings on Platform nine and three quarters.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Fiona was extremely grateful to be attending Hogwarts. During the Summer break, she had informed her parents about what had happened during her year at Beauxbatons. Fiona headed for a vacant compartment in the back and sat down near the window, stretching her legs out in front of her as she raised her arms above her head.
Cole boarded the back of the train with a peculiar small cage in his arms, and a letter from his uncle Alfred in the pocket of his jeans. It was really nice of him to give him a present to cheer him up for not being asked to become a house prefect like Carys and Carsyn. The cage shook a little, but Cole couldn't see in through the draped over cagewindows like he wanted to. It builded up excitement and expectation. He'd be really dissapointed if the cage turned out to hold a horned toad, he was really not a fan of toads.
Opening the door to an empty compartment on the right side Cole went over and sat down on the seat next to the window. Putting down the cage gently beside him he pulled out the letter to read it and it said:
Originally Posted by Letter
Dear Cole,
I hope you've boarded the train to Hogwarts before you read this like I asked you to. As you may have already noticed i've draped over the cage windows and put a time lock spell on the cage door which will lose it's effect in about 10 minutes so the there is no use trying to peek in. It was to not spoil my surprise to you and the creature inside is probably still sleeping. It likes to do that a lot, but is very affectionate I promise. I heard from my brother that your old pet had died over the summer so I thought i'd give you a new one.
I hope the pet will meet your dreams,
Uncle Alfred
PS. There is food and water for the pet in the cage
Folding up the letter Cole glanced at the cage before he turned his gaze to look out the window. It'd take a while still before he could see what his uncle had given him. It was probably for certain now that his new pet was not a toad or a snake unless his uncle had played a prank on him. Hopefully it was a cat or a kneazle.
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Finally, she was off to Hogwarts. Claudine was relieved to be out of the hair of all those French people. After stowing her luggage in the luggage compartment, she took a leisurely stroll down the corridor, observing the layout of the Express. It met her expectations and it was just as her family members had described to her. She figured that most students would want to sit up from so she wandered down to the back compartments where one was randomly selected.
Once inside, the door was slid back in place. The only possessions with her were her sketchbook and stationery case containing regular and coloured pencils. Claudine took up a spot close to the window so that she could have a view during the journey. For not, the sketchbook and case were set down beside her as she peered out at the happenings on Platform nine and three quarters.
Malia Fenwick was, technically, a SECOND YEAR now. Taller than before. Smarter than before. Wiser than before. Yeah. Hoooowever, last year they'd all been at Beauxbatons, so this was actually her first year at Hogwarts and booooooy was she EXCITED. Not only was it her first year at Hogwarts, it was also Roma's first year! She was SO excited to have her cousin at school with her again and she was really, really, REALLY hoping she would be a Slytherin like her. Smartypants Coby was a Ravenclaw and she'd been told that their common rooms were MILES away from each other, which was totally not fair.
Of course she wanted to spend the ENTIRE journey with Coby and Roma, who she'd left at the front of the train, but she had decided that she also needed to a) EXPLORE every part of the train on her own and b) see her other friends and people she knew. Those thing were important, too. Not as important as her best friends but, you know, needs must.
Malia's eyes took in every inch of the Hogwarts Express as she passed through the train corridor alllllll the way to the compartments at the end. She eventually started peering into compartments until she found one that had someone she knew inside. Then she BURST through the door, grinning. "Claudine, hey!" She didn't ask her dormmate if she minded Malia joining her, she simply flounced inside and sat down opposite her. "How was your summer?" Catch up first, then she could gush about HOGWARTS.
Dave Grohl-Josh Hutcherson-RupertGrint-HP-HG- Marvel-D.C-Taylor Hawkins-Drumming-Foo Fighters-
Rowan couldn't believe he had actually convinced his mother to let him get a cat. And he also couldn't believe she let him take the precious bean to Hogwarts! He glanced down at the fluffy white kitten cradled in his arm. Her beaming blue eyes stared back, and she gave him a slow blink. He smiled. "I still don't know what to name you," he whispered to her as he made his way down the corridor of the train, glancing back and forth for a familiar face.
The more compartments that went by, though, the more he realized he didn't really know many students yet. In fact, he only remembered three names... oh, Merlin. His heart began to race as his search for a friend became more frantic until he found himself at the very back of the train, facing an empty compartment. He sighed. He hadn't even tried to join in an already occupied compartment as he was too nervous to introduce himself.
"Guess it's just us," he sighed to the cat, who gave a tiny mew in response. He put up his things and plopped onto the empty seat, watching the remaining students bustling outside as they rushed to give their last goodbyes to their families.
Tom couldn't hide his delight as he search for a compartment, he was beaming from ear to ear. This was it, he was about to start a grand adventure, he felt like an explorer of sorts, you know like those who went up mount Everest or in search of the North Pole.
Tom looked around, there seemed to be people talking in different compartments, in the end, he found one that seemed to be empty and he quickly put down his stuff and went and sat down.
♣ Heejin here | Did somebody say coffee & cakes? | cat lover ♣
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Cole boarded the back of the train with a peculiar small cage in his arms, and a letter from his uncle Alfred in the pocket of his jeans. It was really nice of him to give him a present to cheer him up for not being asked to become a house prefect like Carys and Carsyn. The cage shook a little, but Cole couldn't see in through the draped over cagewindows like he wanted to. It builded up excitement and expectation. He'd be really dissapointed if the cage turned out to hold a horned toad, he was really not a fan of toads.
Opening the door to an empty compartment on the right side Cole went over and sat down on the seat next to the window. Putting down the cage gently beside him he pulled out the letter to read it and it said:
Folding up the letter Cole glanced at the cage before he turned his gaze to look out the window. It'd take a while still before he could see what his uncle had given him. It was probably for certain now that his new pet was not a toad or a snake unless his uncle had played a prank on him. Hopefully it was a cat or a kneazle.
There was a bit of a commotion in the prefects' compartment. Not that Jillian was enjoying the witty banters and all but she drag her feet out of there for a moment or two. her thoughts lingered whilst she walked around about school and about home but mainly of her cats and how she already misses them. Summer finished early and with her internship in the ministry, she didn't get to spend a ton of time playing with her cats. She found herself walking all the way to the back compartments.
Making a stop, she entered the nearest compartment and spotted someone inside already. He was familiar, Jillian remembers him from the feast last year at Beauxbaton however they didn't really talk to each other. She pondered for awhile as she tried to recall his name.
"Hello" she greeted and took the seat opposite to him. Jillian noticed that he has a parchment on his hand, perhaps he was reading a letter. Maybe he was intruding. "I'm sorry for disturbing you" she added.
There was a bit of a commotion in the prefects' compartment. Not that Jillian was enjoying the witty banters and all but she drag her feet out of there for a moment or two. her thoughts lingered whilst she walked around about school and about home but mainly of her cats and how she already misses them. Summer finished early and with her internship in the ministry, she didn't get to spend a ton of time playing with her cats. She found herself walking all the way to the back compartments.
Making a stop, she entered the nearest compartment and spotted someone inside already. He was familiar, Jillian remembers him from the feast last year at Beauxbaton however they didn't really talk to each other. She pondered for awhile as she tried to recall his name.
"Hello" she greeted and took the seat opposite to him. Jillian noticed that he has a parchment on his hand, perhaps he was reading a letter. Maybe he was intruding. "I'm sorry for disturbing you" she added.
10 minutes to go before Cole could see what affectionate pet his uncle had given him. It was pointless to play which pet is in the cage game when he had no idea. Hopefully his father had mentioned that he was a big fan of cats? Pulling his free hand through his short ash blond hair Cole thought about his internship at the ministry. It had been pretty cool to get to work with so many high persons like the senior secretary and he had even met the minister of magic himself; Mr Hollingberry. It'd look good on his future university applications he imagined but that was if he got through this years OWLs without any fail grades.
Cole's eyes had turned back to the cage beside him counting down the minutes when the compartment door opened and a short dark haired girl entered with a snake prefect badge pinned to her chest. Smiling welcomingly he said "Hello,and your not disturbing, Jillian isn't it? I'm Cole." Gesturing to the badge he said trying to not sound jealous. "Congratulations to being appointed prefect. My cousins just got appointed too; Carys and Carsyn."
At the sound of a loud pop Cole's eyes turned immediatley to the cage by his side where the door opened and out poured not one but FIVE brown rats on the seat beside him. Looking from the rats to Jillian he mumbled in astonishment and equal shock. "I um hope you're not afraid of rats?"
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Malia! <3
Originally Posted by natekka
Malia Fenwick was, technically, a SECOND YEAR now. Taller than before. Smarter than before. Wiser than before. Yeah. Hoooowever, last year they'd all been at Beauxbatons, so this was actually her first year at Hogwarts and booooooy was she EXCITED. Not only was it her first year at Hogwarts, it was also Roma's first year! She was SO excited to have her cousin at school with her again and she was really, really, REALLY hoping she would be a Slytherin like her. Smartypants Coby was a Ravenclaw and she'd been told that their common rooms were MILES away from each other, which was totally not fair.
Of course she wanted to spend the ENTIRE journey with Coby and Roma, who she'd left at the front of the train, but she had decided that she also needed to a) EXPLORE every part of the train on her own and b) see her other friends and people she knew. Those thing were important, too. Not as important as her best friends but, you know, needs must.
Malia's eyes took in every inch of the Hogwarts Express as she passed through the train corridor alllllll the way to the compartments at the end. She eventually started peering into compartments until she found one that had someone she knew inside. Then she BURST through the door, grinning. "Claudine, hey!" She didn't ask her dormmate if she minded Malia joining her, she simply flounced inside and sat down opposite her. "How was your summer?" Catch up first, then she could gush about HOGWARTS.
Claudine had been watching the families hurry the Hogwarts aged kids onto the train as it was almost departure time. She had observed tears, smiles, and a great deal of affection. One thing was for sure: she was certainly glad her family mostly did not find it necessary to display that level of emotion in public. If they did, Claudine just might have to disown them (not really, just pretend that she did not know them). Anyway, when Malia came bursting through the compartment door, Claudine gasped in surprise and spun in her seat.
Why was her Housemate always so loud?
The girls were opposites when it came to this aspect of themselves. “Malia. It was quiet, thank you for asking.” Claudine silently hoped that Malia wouldn’t stay for too long; she wanted peace and quiet, to savour each second on the way to Hogwarts. “Did you do anything fun?’’
Wizarding World RPG Admin St. Mungo's Mod WWW Mod Alley Proprietor
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,090
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year
Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports
Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Curtis sighed in relief as he got into a compartment of his own. For now, he wanted some alone time before he made it to Hogwarts. Parking himself into the seat, he leaned back with his legs sprawled against the nearby window. He grinned at the thought of the walking about the castle at last.
It was going to be a while before they arrived, so his eyelids began to close. Maybe a quick nap wouldn't hurt.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by Charely Potter
Curtis sighed in relief as he got into a compartment of his own. For now, he wanted some alone time before he made it to Hogwarts. Parking himself into the seat, he leaned back with his legs sprawled against the nearby window. He grinned at the thought of the walking about the castle at last.
It was going to be a while before they arrived, so his eyelids began to close. Maybe a quick nap wouldn't hurt.
Louise was BEYOND excited to be aboard the ACTUAL Hogwarts Express. Though it was officially her third term, it was actually her first term going to Hogwarts and she had been waiting for this day for literal years.
"Oh, finally, an empty compartment," Louise said to her white cat, Lucy, who sat perched on her shoulder. Lucy had striking green eyes and was rather small for a full-sized cat, making her the perfect size for a shoulder-perching cat. Louise had similarly green eyes, but her hair was bright red, just like her mother's.
And by empty Louise meant nearly empty. All the other compartments were crowded, so this one with the boy would have to do. She entered the compartment and her white cat jumped off the girl's shoulders and onto the bench to investigate the boy that sat on it. "Lucy, you must ask first before you sit on people's laps," Louise said as she sat across from the boy, which then prompted the cat to meow at the boy, almost as if it were asking him, "may I?" Then Louise crossed one leg over the other, and watched the boy for a moment as if she were testing him and his behavior toward her friendly cat.
Kaiser was not feeling remotely enthusiastic about his return to Hogwarts and the start of his seventh year. But then, he wasn't feeling remotely enthusiastic about anything at all, so it wasn't exactly a wrench to board the Hogwarts Express one more time. If there had been anything out in the free world that appealed to him, it might have been a lot more difficult to not call it quits and officially drop out, but the thought had only crossed his mind a few times. Each time he'd shrugged it off, and resolved to just keep taking things one day at a time.
A member of the group of part-time residents who had been escorted to platform nine and three quarters from Stemp House, Kaiser was one of those who hadn't uttered a word the entire time, other than to quickly say goodbye. He just had very little to say these days, and perhaps he might also have been harbouring an awful lot of guilt for the dejected look he'd seen on little Noah's face when the kid fully realised Kaiser would be leaving for the term.
Goodbyes said and train boarded, Kaiser tugged on the straps of his rucksack (he still used it in lieu of a trunk, and never ever stowed it in the luggage compartment) and ambled down the train corridor. Trying to push away the awareness of just how terrible he felt, Kaiser glanced into each compartment, trying to find an empty one, or, at the very least, one containing someone he wouldn't mind sitting with for a while. Having no luck on either front, Kaiser continued like this for some time.
And, when he reached the end of the train, he turned around and went back up the corridor again, and continued his search. Maybe this was better; for as long as he could remember, so long as he kept moving, kept busy, he felt better, because he didn't have to think. Maybe he could just walk up and down the train for the entire journey. He wouldn't mind that at all.
... Unless he bumped into certain people. That... he would mind.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by Weasley174
Tom couldn't hide his delight as he search for a compartment, he was beaming from ear to ear. This was it, he was about to start a grand adventure, he felt like an explorer of sorts, you know like those who went up mount Everest or in search of the North Pole.
Tom looked around, there seemed to be people talking in different compartments, in the end, he found one that seemed to be empty and he quickly put down his stuff and went and sat down.
Fiona had been busy looking out the window when she heard the distinct sound of someone entering the compartment and sitting down. Turning her head towards the source of the noise, she spotted a presumably first-year student looking rather excited to be there.
"You're new, aren't ya? I'm Fiona and I'm a Slytherin second-year," she greeted with a slight wave of her hand.
Cassi had been searching the train, looking for something quiet and out of the way. She did not want anyone to speak to her unless they were equivalent to her statute. Only if they were full blood were they were allowed within her presences. Otherwise, she did not speak. Dare at your own will but she was told what needed to happen during her first year of Hogwarts.
Fiona had been busy looking out the window when she heard the distinct sound of someone entering the compartment and sitting down. Turning her head towards the source of the noise, she spotted a presumably first-year student looking rather excited to be there.
"You're new, aren't ya? I'm Fiona and I'm a Slytherin second-year," she greeted with a slight wave of her hand.
Tom hadn't seen anyone when he had entered the compartment and so it was a shock to him when this girl spoke, he turned around to face her and smiled. "Hi Fiona, I'm Tom." He then realised what she had just said and his head was bursting with questions. "What's Hogwarts like? is there really a giant lake there? Is it really an ancient castle?" Tom could have gone on and on with all the questions but he had to stop for breath.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by Weasley174
Tom hadn't seen anyone when he had entered the compartment and so it was a shock to him when this girl spoke, he turned around to face her and smiled. "Hi Fiona, I'm Tom." He then realised what she had just said and his head was bursting with questions. "What's Hogwarts like? is there really a giant lake there? Is it really an ancient castle?" Tom could have gone on and on with all the questions but he had to stop for breath.
Boy was this kid eager! Fiona's mind was reeling with the vast amount of questions.
"Woah! Slow down, Tom. You see, due to an incident, Hogwarts was closed during my first year. Hogwarts staff and students had to attend Beauxbatons in France. I personally don't know what Hogwarts was like. My parents went to Ilvernmorny together. From what I've heard about it, it is an ancient castle with a giant lake."
Boy was this kid eager! Fiona's mind was reeling with the vast amount of questions.
"Woah! Slow down, Tom. You see, due to an incident, Hogwarts was closed during my first year. Hogwarts staff and students had to attend Beauxbatons in France. I personally don't know what Hogwarts was like. My parents went to Ilvernmorny together. From what I've heard about it, it is an ancient castle with a giant lake."
Tom was getting even more excited now, so Hogwarts was closed last year and they went somewhere else, did that mean there was more than one wizard school in the world? "How many wizard school are they in totally?" Tom was shocked to here there was more than one. "Is the Ministry of Magic, in charge of the whole world, or does each country have there own?" Tom was trying to figure out how many Minister of Magic there would be in total if every country had one. "What was Beauxbaton like?"
Wizarding World RPG Admin St. Mungo's Mod WWW Mod Alley Proprietor
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,090
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year
Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports
Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Louise was BEYOND excited to be aboard the ACTUAL Hogwarts Express. Though it was officially her third term, it was actually her first term going to Hogwarts and she had been waiting for this day for literal years.
"Oh, finally, an empty compartment," Louise said to her white cat, Lucy, who sat perched on her shoulder. Lucy had striking green eyes and was rather small for a full-sized cat, making her the perfect size for a shoulder-perching cat. Louise had similarly green eyes, but her hair was bright red, just like her mother's.
And by empty Louise meant nearly empty. All the other compartments were crowded, so this one with the boy would have to do. She entered the compartment and her white cat jumped off the girl's shoulders and onto the bench to investigate the boy that sat on it. "Lucy, you must ask first before you sit on people's laps," Louise said as she sat across from the boy, which then prompted the cat to meow at the boy, almost as if it were asking him, "may I?" Then Louise crossed one leg over the other, and watched the boy for a moment as if she were testing him and his behavior toward her friendly cat.
"Hello," she said simply. "How do you do?"
Eyelids were closed and dream time was moments away. Curtis could hear the engine of the motor running to lull him to sleep... and his tummy was feeling a bit warm now. Wait, what was that? He peeked an eye open to see the size of fluff with green eyes staring up at him before mewing.
A kitty. He blinked sleepily as the ball of fluff named Lucy mewed up at him with its green eyes. He knew cute and this was tattooed all over it. His hand gingerly moved over to pet it, "So this is yours..." He supposed it was okay to have his nap interrupted. "I take it everywhere else was full.... what's your name?" It was weird asking someone a question without their name.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by Weasley174
Tom was getting even more excited now, so Hogwarts was closed last year and they went somewhere else, did that mean there was more than one wizard school in the world? "How many wizard school are they in totally?" Tom was shocked to here there was more than one. "Is the Ministry of Magic, in charge of the whole world, or does each country have there own?" Tom was trying to figure out how many Minister of Magic there would be in total if every country had one. "What was Beauxbaton like?"
Fiona sighed and rubbed her eyes, trying to keep her annoyance hidden. "Er... I think there are eleven but don't expect me to name them all. I think you should do research on your own. There are international ministries of magic. For example, you've got the Ministry of Magic in Great Britain and Ireland. In the USA, it is known as the Magical Congress of the United States of America aka MACUSA."
Fiona paused before she answered about Beauxbatons and narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't ask me about Beauxbatons."
Austin was so used to not interacting with people, that he opened a neighboring compartment. He gave a small wave at the girl (Ginevra) and the other one she was talking to. He sat back in the empty seat. They were finally going back to Hogwarts.
Fiona sighed and rubbed her eyes, trying to keep her annoyance hidden. "Er... I think there are eleven but don't expect me to name them all. I think you should do research on your own. There are international ministries of magic. For example, you've got the Ministry of Magic in Great Britain and Ireland. In the USA, it is known as the Magical Congress of the United States of America aka MACUSA."
Fiona paused before she answered about Beauxbatons and narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't ask me about Beauxbatons."
Tom listened to Fiona as she spoke, maybe he should do some research about the whole wizarding world. He then listen to her when she said about Beauxbatons and he had a feeling that she wasn't happy with the place, but he didn't want to get on this girls bad side, she seemed nice enough to answer his questions, so he sat quietly for a moment thinking before asking. "So what are you looking forwards to the most about Hogwarts?"
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by Charely Potter
Eyelids were closed and dream time was moments away. Curtis could hear the engine of the motor running to lull him to sleep... and his tummy was feeling a bit warm now. Wait, what was that? He peeked an eye open to see the size of fluff with green eyes staring up at him before mewing.
A kitty. He blinked sleepily as the ball of fluff named Lucy mewed up at him with its green eyes. He knew cute and this was tattooed all over it. His hand gingerly moved over to pet it, "So this is yours..." He supposed it was okay to have his nap interrupted. "I take it everywhere else was full.... what's your name?" It was weird asking someone a question without their name.
The white kitty cat watched the boy's hand as it moved to pet her, and then she arched upward to get the FULL pet. She liked attention. And it didn't take long for her to curl up and settle on the boy's lap. Louise was used to Lucy making new friends. Sometimes she had to pull her cat away from strangers. But as long as this boy didn't seem to mind, she would let her stay on his lap.
"Her name is Lucy," she said in regards to the cat. "My name is Louise. Louise Bones." You know, Bones, like the Senior Undersecretary to the Minister? That Bones. "What's yours?" she asked next, since he didn't answer her previous question of "how do you do". Perhaps he was the kind of person who didn't talk to strangers without knowing their names first.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by 2111jen
Austin was so used to not interacting with people, that he opened a neighboring compartment. He gave a small wave at the girl (Ginevra) and the other one she was talking to. He sat back in the empty seat. They were finally going back to Hogwarts.
As she was talking to Tom, Fiona spotted fellow Slytherin Austin waving to the two of them. She reciprocated Austin's wave with a smile.
Originally Posted by Weasley174
Tom listened to Fiona as she spoke, maybe he should do some research about the whole wizarding world. He then listen to her when she said about Beauxbatons and he had a feeling that she wasn't happy with the place, but he didn't want to get on this girls bad side, she seemed nice enough to answer his questions, so he sat quietly for a moment thinking before asking. "So what are you looking forwards to the most about Hogwarts?"
Fiona thought for a few seconds. "Let me think. Having a proper dorm, how the lessons differ at Hogwarts. Honestly, everything!"
Wizarding World RPG Admin St. Mungo's Mod WWW Mod Alley Proprietor
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,090
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year
Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports
Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
The white kitty cat watched the boy's hand as it moved to pet her, and then she arched upward to get the FULL pet. She liked attention. And it didn't take long for her to curl up and settle on the boy's lap. Louise was used to Lucy making new friends. Sometimes she had to pull her cat away from strangers. But as long as this boy didn't seem to mind, she would let her stay on his lap.
"Her name is Lucy," she said in regards to the cat. "My name is Louise. Louise Bones." You know, Bones, like the Senior Undersecretary to the Minister? That Bones. "What's yours?" she asked next, since he didn't answer her previous question of "how do you do". Perhaps he was the kind of person who didn't talk to strangers without knowing their names first.
"Louise Bones.. that sounds rather important, doesn't it?" And with some familiarity. "You must have some lineage with that surname." It sounded entirely rich to Curtis as he gently pet Lucy the kitty, who was just about melting into his touch. Making friends wasn't particularly high on his priority list at Hogwarts. He was used to being alone back at home and it never bothered him... but there were perks to making new friends. Perhaps she could be one to him.
"The name's Curtis. Curtis Fuller to be exact." He said, leaning back into his seat once more in comfort. "You don't look or act like a first-year, so what year are you in?" Way too mature, considering what he witnessed earlier on the way to the compartment..