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DaniDiNardo 12-04-2018 10:54 AM

Entrance Hall
Whether you are brand new to Hogwarts or have been here a while, the Entrance Hall is always a breath-taking sight to see. Always memorable are the high ceilings, the colourful portraits on the walls, and the grand marble staircase. Various torches light the large room, keeping it nice and cozy at all times of the year. Arched windows atop the staircase, featuring the four Hogwarts Founders in all of their glory, bring in natural lighting as well.

This room branches off to the rest of the castle. If you are standing by the enormous oak doors and the House hourglasses, to the right are the doors that lead to the Great Hall. Next to them are doors that will reveal a broom cupboard and the basement corridor. Opposite is a door to a stairwell that will take you do the dungeons and another that will take you down a corridor where the staff room and other rooms can be found. Going up the marble staircase will take you to a corridor that connects to the moving staircase chamber. There is a lot to see here, so take your time exploring!

GrapehSarah 06-04-2019 02:04 AM

For SneakySeverusSnape
Cassidy was just coming from a study session with Rhett in the Great Hall. She wasn't quite ready to head back to the tower just yet so she decided to take a little detour. She wanted to look at the hour glasses that showed the house points to see them up closes. She wasn't very happy that her house was in third place right now. She'd been trying to find ways to earn points herself here and there wherever she could.

The little first year bit her lip. How could she fix this situation? She started to pace back and forth in front of the hour glasses, which would be a strange sight for anyone to see.

SneakySeverusSnape 06-04-2019 10:01 PM

Analiese was in quite a hurry. She needed to deliver a very important letter. But she thought it would be a good idea to stop to check the house points. She wasn't exactly pleased to see someone else there, but thankfully the other girl seemed to be in the same year as her. But she seemed to be acting quite strange.

"Hello. Have you come to see the house points as well?" Analiese raised an eyebrow when she saw that her house was in second place. Although it was only two points ahead of Gryffindor.

GrapehSarah 06-05-2019 01:35 AM

Cassidy stopped her pacing and looked up. She gave the girl who appeared to be about her age a big smile. "Yes. I was just trying to figure out why we were sitting so low." She pointed to the hour glasses full of rubies. "Cassidy Burke by the way." She offered putting out her hand. Mum and dad were always big on manners.

SneakySeverusSnape 06-05-2019 01:47 AM

Analiese grinned back and shook her hand. "Analiese Allanach-Senchuri." She looked up at where Cassidy was pointing. "Well, we're not far ahead from you." She pointed up at the hourglass of sapphires. She looked surprised when she saw how much diamonds there were compared to the emeralds, rubies and sapphires. There were at least more than a 100 less!

GrapehSarah 06-05-2019 01:50 AM

Cassidy smiled at Analiese. "Not at all." Just a few more points and they would be beating the Ravenclaws. But should she really focus on that when hello. New friend potential! She wouldn't have to just talk only to her brother which was getting kind of old. She'd been here how many months and hadn't really made any good friends. It was her own fault really. She'd been focused too much on school work. Hence the worrying about the points. But how do you make friends? "So do you have any siblings? I have a twin. His name is Rhett and he's in Hufflepuff." That worked right?

SneakySeverusSnape 06-05-2019 02:19 AM

"I have a brother but he's already finished Hogwarts." Analiese was still bewildered at Hufflepuff's points. "And don't worry. You'll get more points eventually." She accidentally dropped the novel she was holding. "Oops." She bent over and picked it up. She pushed it into her bag for safekeeping.

GrapehSarah 06-05-2019 02:27 AM

"That's fun. Rhett and I are twins. I always wondered what it would be like to have an older sibling. Technically I'm oldest since I was born first." Cassidy was never actually the one to point that out. She usually left that to Rhett, who almost always brought it up. "I know but being in third still sucks." She noticed Analiese dropped a book that wasn't a normal school book. "Reading anything interesting?"

SneakySeverusSnape 06-05-2019 02:58 AM

Analiese shrugged. "I don't see him much anyway. He's at Wizarding University, in the Hong Kong campus." She looked up after putting the book in her bag and moved her hair out of her face. "If it's not interesting, why am I reading it?" She laughed at her own joke. " It's by a muggle German author and it's called Der Tod in Venedig."

GrapehSarah 06-05-2019 03:04 AM

Cassidy frowned slightly. "Oh I'm sorry. I would hate not seeing my brother, even if he can be annoying at times." She wondered how Analiese dealt with that. Maybe she wrote him letters that would help a little but not getting to see someone for that long. It was hard enough not seeing her parents. She couldn't imagine not seeing Rhett. Cassidy laughed a little, obviously at Analiese's joke. "What does that mean?" She asked furrowing her brow.

SneakySeverusSnape 06-05-2019 03:27 AM

"I got used to it. I still write him letters though." Analiese bent down and tied her loose shoelace. " It means 'Death in Venice'. The whole book's in German." She pushed her hair out of her face and ran her fingers through it. "Did you see the bowtruckles who were coming out of the forest? They were all over the outside pathways. I wonder what's happening inside the forest."

GrapehSarah 06-05-2019 03:31 AM

"At least you can write him letters." Cassidy thought that was good enough. Death in Venice? In German? "You speak German? That's cool. I only know English. Is it a murder mystery? Sounds like it by the name of the book." Cass loved mysteries. Much more interesting reads. She shook her head no. "No, but I heard there were a bunch of weird things going on with the animals. I wonder what's happening to the poor things that's making them act so strange."

SneakySeverusSnape 06-06-2019 10:08 PM

Analiese slightly nodded in agreement as Cassidy spoke. "Yes, I speak German. It's actually not a murder mystery. The word 'death' in the title refers to the main character dying of cholera at the end of the book. I've finished reading it, actually. You can read it if you want. But then you don't understand German. That's a shame." Analiese was planning on reading 'Adolphe' by Benjamin Constant next. The author has quite a funny name, if you asked her." Anyway, I need to go deliver this letter," She pulled the letter out of her pocket. "So I'll see you around then."

GrapehSarah 06-08-2019 02:59 AM

Cassidy kept the smile on her face even though she was a little disheartened at being wrong. Oh well. "It's fine. I've never had a reason to know German until this moment." She gave the girl a little nod. "Of course. I'll see you around." She gave Anliese a little wave and turned to start heading back to the common room. Maybe there was some kind of spell that would translate the words from one language to another. That would be very useful. Cassidy would have to look into that.

The Narrator 06-27-2019 05:10 PM

Early one late February morning, the mist that has slowly been spreading over the grounds comes to a stop just outside the giant double doors leading to the castle. It doesn’t quite hit the door, stopping a few feet away but should anyone try venturing out they will find it difficult to get too far.

The entire castle is surrounded by this foreboding manifestation. Those who have already been inside it know what horrors await.

Might be a good time to start looking into some indoor activities. The outside is no longer an option...unless you dare venture out and risk being lost in this thick cover.

itsjustjesse 06-28-2019 12:01 AM

Good g r i e f all Gráinne Grace wanted to do was go outside and take a walk across the snow laden grounds but she couldn’t. Opening the door to the castle she just watched as the looming mist waiting for anyone to venture into it. ”I don’t trust you, fog” she muttered as she looked around hoping that maybe just maybe Aoife would be around. She’d know if this had anything to do with the mythical Féth Fíada right?

Were they under the magic mist…did people even see them here? She wondered for a moment as she debated venturing out into the clearly forboding mist. “you don’t scare me” she lied, as she just stood there watching and waiting for the mist to creep forward once more.

DaniDiNardo 06-28-2019 01:18 AM

Hi hi ^_^
Ah breakfast time. The point in the morning where he’d get himself a few shots of coffee to remove the looming sleepiness. Sleep itself was hard to come by these days, something he considered going to Beryl about before it started affecting his work performance but for now the man subsisted on coffee.

The Headmaster walked his way across the entrance hall, having every intention of heading for the great hall. That’s when he noticed the first year by the door. Wanting a morning jog perhaps?

“Morning, Fhearghall. Off to an early morning, are we?” The man did slow some as he got closer to the doors and thus her on his way across, feeling it his duty to warn her not to stray too far. The mist hadn’t let up and until they could find an effective way of getting rid of it, it was much too dangerous a risk—“Sweet Merlin!!!”

Without taking even a second to think, Malachi took the girl firmly at the shoulder and pulled her AWAY from the door. Seconds later his wand was drawn and the giant double doors that led outside slammed shut.

It was here! It had come to the castle!! They would pick them off like flies!!!! It was over. No escape! The Headmaster had to shake the first few thoughts from his mind, forcing himself to get a grip. This was not the time for panic. “You didn’t see anyone go out there, did you??” Admittedly something he should have asked before he sealed the doors but it was nothing that couldn’t be undone. Although with fog RIGHT THERE he couldn’t imagine why anyone would head out there. He’d given warnings about the mist. Surely they would all know better.

“No time to waste, we’ll have to seal the windows before it gets in.”

itsjustjesse 06-28-2019 02:58 AM

Graínne was about ready to close the door and head back into the great hall for breakfast. THERE WAS A HAND ON HER SHOULDER – oh, oh! Had anyone gone out there?

”n-no sir, no one went out there…” she had almost, but she had heard stories of how chilling and fear indusing that fog really truly was. ”would you like me to get some tall people to help?” she asked as she looked up at the rather tall headmaster…well, tall indeed compared to her. After all even with spells she probably couldn’t even reach the tallest of the windows.

Pushing the sleeves of her shirt up her arms she couldn’t help but smile. Yes, yes – maybe this would be good. She’d be able to help people and maybe that would be good right? Maybe then Laim would stop being such a jerk. Wait this was liam he’d never not be a jerk. "i'll go find some tall gryffindors..." they'd help.

DaniDiNardo 06-28-2019 04:25 AM

Oh. Thank. MERLIN.

There was no one outside. He wouldn’t have to play the hero. There would be no obligatory digging into his roots for his Gryffindor and dashing out into the terrifying mist and those...those sharp eyes...those...those sharp pincers. There would be no need to let the mist in.

Malachi was so wrapped in his little world of relief that at first he didn’t understand a word the young Gryffindor was saying.

“Tall people?” What were they doing with tall people now? Oh! The windows. But tall people? Took an extra second for THAT to make sense, too and when it did the man looked down at her.

“That’s right, you’re still a little bean.” The man had forgotten that first years weren’t as well versed in spells. “Right, right yes, go get tall people! We need all the help we can get covering the castle!” Run like the wind little tiny human!

gritandgrace 06-28-2019 05:29 AM

Eni hadn't meant to eavesdrop, she simply been walking by, but - "What's this about tall people?" She asked.

She wasn't exactly short, but the Headmaster was most certainly taller. What is the Headmaster sending the little firstie to get tall people for?

itsjustjesse 06-28-2019 06:59 AM

Graínne just blinked at Headmaster Trent as he stood there…clearly he was terrified of that mist. Graínne’s thick irish accent likely didn’t help him in understanding anything she said at all. ”yes, tall people” she repeated, her eyebrows knitting together as she watched as the realization seemed to dawn on Headmaster Trent’s face.

…a little bean? she wasn’t a bean yet she was a cailín…she likely wouldn’t be a bean until she was like a fifth year. ”I’m not a bean” she practically whispered. It was likely, though, that Headmaster Trent wasn’t aware of the Gaeilge meaning of the word BEAN. ”I’ll do that, I’ll find peo—“ oooh a person was here!

Ooooooooooh a tall person! ”tall person! Hi…we need to seal the windows from the mist” leaning forward closer to the taller girl Graínne spoke up in what could only be a harsh whisper ”the mist is like less than a meter away from the front doors – we have to get other tall people to help too!” she needed her to know how important height was.

Jessiqua 06-28-2019 07:52 AM

Hanna was avoiding the outside. What with all of the creatures, and the cold. Nope, she much rather stay inside. Which was why she was doing her exercises up and down the stairs around Hogwarts. So... why was the Headmaster there asking for tall people?

It didn't take long to see why. The mist was, actually, rather terrifying. Like a horror movie. Hogwarts, the horror movie. She shuddered, before coming to a stop near the Headmaster. "I can close some windows," she said, and began trying to reach up to shut the one near her. "Do you need me to do anything else?"

Nordic Witch 06-28-2019 08:00 AM

Ellie was heading down the staircase intending to go down to the lake and study or hang out with the creatures in the pens. The further down she got on the staircase as the entrance hall doors came into view the third year spotted some sort of commotion around them. The headmaster sounded agitated and there we're some other student's there too. Ellie raised her voice and called down. "Hi! What's going on? Do you guy's need help with something?" Tall people? Who we're considered tall anyway? Headmaster Trent was there and he was taller than all of them we're.

itsjustjesse 06-28-2019 10:34 AM

yessssssssssssssssss there was a prefect here! ”awesome – I can…direct? I’m good at directing.” she actually didn’t know any of that – she was just saying it because she wanted to help right…because well, Headmaster Trent looked a little scared there and helping was what you did when people were scared right? Or…well, that’s what mam said.

Hearing Ellie’s voice just made her smile, phew, she. Knew her at least ”Yesss Ellie!” she grinned, and pointed her rather small hands toward her housemate ”I’m sure you can reach taller windows than I can – I mean…you’re obviously” while she spoke Graínne was tapping hand against her head and lifting it up as HIIIIGH as she could go ”y’know” as if she were indicating without words that Ellie was taller than her. Which she was, clearly.

”we should probably go find taller people too…like ones that can reach all the windows – oh, and older ones that know more spells like spells that make things airtight and all magically locked and impenetrable…barrier like things” this was like dooms-day-prepping here. They had to go right. ”or I mean, if people don’t mind I’d offer to sit on someones shoulders and close the taller windows too” there – see they had options.

gritandgrace 06-30-2019 01:23 PM

Sorry for the late reply>_<

Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime (Post 12418109)
Graínne just blinked at Headmaster Trent as he stood there…clearly he was terrified of that mist. Graínne’s thick irish accent likely didn’t help him in understanding anything she said at all. ”yes, tall people” she repeated, her eyebrows knitting together as she watched as the realization seemed to dawn on Headmaster Trent’s face.

…a little bean? she wasn’t a bean yet she was a cailín…she likely wouldn’t be a bean until she was like a fifth year. ”I’m not a bean” she practically whispered. It was likely, though, that Headmaster Trent wasn’t aware of the Gaeilge meaning of the word [i]BEAN[i]. ”I’ll do that, I’ll find peo—“ oooh a person was here!

Ooooooooooh a tall person! ”tall person! Hi…we need to seal the windows from the mist” leaning forward closer to the taller girl Graínne spoke up in what could only be a harsh whisper ”the mist is like less than a meter away from the front doors – we have to get other tall people to help too!” she needed her to know how important height was.

Tall person...great. Not what I want to be known as here. How about, Beater for Hufflepuff? A good student? Girl with a winning smile? she thought to herself...her ego may have raised a bit in recent years. Nevertheless she would help of course. Wait. Wait. THE MIST?? NO. No. No. No. No. That wouldn't do at all! She had been in the mist. She'd felt it's affects. She won't go through that again. "We need to seal this castle! Nothing in or out! Spell the windows shut and put up protection spells! We can't let that thing in here." she commanded. She wasn't much of a commander, but she knew she didn't want that mist to get anyone else..least of all her.

Walking to the nearest windows she shoved it shut. Hard. "Protégo Maxima! Fianto Duri!" she was moving quickly and efficiently. That little firstie could not have picked a more determined girl for the job. She would get the highest window shut and locked even if she had to summon her broom to do so. Goodness knows she wasn't that tall.

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