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There’s nothing spectacular about the classroom as you walk in today. No charms to make it entirely unrecognisable and no creatures likely to threaten your very feeling of safety. What is present is the decorations hung in jolly fashion in light of the festive season.
The desks are lined in neat rows, awaiting the arrival of their occupants. On the board reads a sign that says: “Drop your homework in the box before taking your seat”. The box in question sits on Headmaster Trent’s desk and perched against the edge of the desk is the Headmaster himself.
Did you remember your essay? All 24 inches of it?
To one corner, there is a pile of unknown things, stacked and covered by cloth. Those are of no concern for now. Come on in and prepare for the afternoon’s lesson.
OOC: Welcome to another DADA lesson!! Lost track of time with getting this up but here it is <3 Don't forget to read the classroom rules before posting. I'll have the first question up in 20-24 hours
Gunnar was trying very hard to ignore whatever drama some of the younger students of the class were currently embroiled in. It seemed to be a regular occurrence with many of them and it was one reason that he did not appreciate the lessons with mixed years. It cut into his focus and learning.
But he was fairly interested in today's class topic, even with the varied viewpoints, and he had been diligently working at his desk, even if he did not have much to say today. But it did not seem that he'd be permitted to stay silent long as interviewing portraits was next on the agenda. Three questions, one portrait. That shouldn't be too difficult, but what questions should he ask... and which portrait? He decided to hang back and listen to some of the other questions being posed as he could springboard off of those and perhaps make his deduction a bit easier.
He started towards the one called Mikailov, but soon changed his mind as he wasn't sure he could get much of an answer past all that laughing. So he soon settled on Croz. He seemed to have plenty to say. Walking over to that portrait, he hung back behind the small crowd of students huddled around it and paused to listen to what was asked and answered before coming up with his own inquiries.
Merlin. His accent really made it difficult for Gunnar to follow along. But he got something about smuggling dark creatures for the money. Speaking up, he added, "Excuse me, Mr. Croz, but as far as you know, was anyone harmed by any of the creatures you smuggled or traded?" Or wait, did he breed them himself?
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Viktor was mid cackle when the boy informed him the hat was hair. Hair?? BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!! Hair! Hair! It was hair!! Why was that so funny? Don't ask him, the man was simply beside himself with laughter.
Somehow he managed to stop at the next set of words to leave the kid's lips. "Secret? That's a secret?? That's your big secret??? I have bigger secrets!!!" HAHA. Hehehehehee!! "I never really swallow my potions. Hehe. I'm so bad sometimes. They tell me to, but I have my waaaayyyssss." Was that the story he meant, because that was how he interpreted it. "Don't tell anyone."
Question number 2 gone!
He was laughing? LAUGHING?! Seriously?
Lucas stood completely still, Viktor's laughter ringing in his ears. What was so funny about his HAIR?! Sure, it wasn't silky smooth and he wasn't winning any contests any time soon but he didn't care. He wasn't the type to spend hours on his hair in the morning. But now? Now he was feeling like he should. Like there was something wrong with how curly and bushy his hair was.
His heart rate quickened as the laughter only continued to ring in his ears. All thoughts about a classroom and an activity left his brain and, before he knew it, he found himself shouting, "ShutupshutupshutUP!"
"Shut up! This is serious."
Wait.... potions?! His eyebrows furrowed as Viktor started talking about..... potions. Not swallowing his potions. "I don't think that's why you're in this position, Viktor." And he had even more questions about this: about what potions he was talking about, who was making him take them, and why he didn't want to take them.
"I guess, it would just be easier to ask...... why are you here? What did you get caught for?"
"Aye, tha' be a tricky one." The man stroked his painted beard, trying to think of everything he'd ever heard and known about the situation. Was there anything he'd do different? Finally he gave a hearty laugh, "remembering" vividly the lads he sometimes worked with.
"I'd choose m'self a diff'ren set o' men t'be in business with." Cowards, the lot of them. "Tad bi' more loose lipped than I'da liked. Jus' as eas'ly bough' as tha day I recrui'd 'em an' no' a watt brigh'er than whe' I firs' me' 'em. Ye coul' learn a thin' or two fro' this, mi young lass. Choose yer par'ners in crime mo' carefully. If ye star' t' think ye can't trus' 'em the' i's time t'be findin' yerself a new crew."
Ah so don't pay loosed lipped individuals. Seems like common sense but i guess when you were as successful as Mr. Croz. If she even got that itch about someone being trustworthy she should listen to it. Goood advise. She nodded and wrote that down on her wanted poster. Yeah at this point it was pretty clear he was guilty and such but Eloise liked him. The slytherin smiled and thought of her last question.
"Ok last question, What was the easiest and most lucrative creature you smuggled? and well that story about the time you went swimmin' off by the creak would be cool now also"
All done with questions but still wanted to hear him talk.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Nettie nodded in agreement at Eiji's assessment, goosebumps erupting on her neck as he muttered in her ear. "Agreed. He doesn't seem to be hesitant to come clean on the details either, which should make this a bit easier," she added with a small smile. She noted those glances that Eiji kept throwing at Missa, feeling her heart sink a bit. She hated that he was upset about Missa, but...Nettie was still upset about the poster. So she didn't feel THAT bad at the moment.
She turned back to the portrait as Eiji asked his question, listening to his response. Well that was...disturbing, to say the least. She blinked at him with wide eyes. So he tortured them, basically? Now she had very little doubt that this wizard was not only crazy, but a Dark Wizard as well. Torturing and killing people? It would be the argument of the century to convince her otherwise...
She turned back to the portrait, knowing that their last question had to be a GOOD one. "You said you murdered them because they WANTED it. Why do you think your victims wanted that?" she asked. She was breaking her own rule about not asking generalized questions, but he seemed ready to spill every detail here. A roundabout way to get a motive, but it would hopefully get them a motive all the same...
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Motivation? Ah yes, he was expecting a question like that. Though he thought by now it would have been obvious.
"Galleons, lass! Col' har' galleons t' warm mi bed a' nigh'." The only things that mattered. "Why else woul' I b' riskin' life an' limb smugglin' drago's, minotaurs and acromantula eggs? Kicks? "
This once got a hearty laugh out of him too for her naivety.
Avalon eyed Mr. Croz as he answered her question, trying to spot any signs of nervousness that might indicate he was lying. She didn't notice anything, though. He seemed confident in his answers, and he was being pretty casual about the whole conversation. To make matters worse, she only had one question left, and she was no closer to determining if he was guilty or not than she was at the beginning of the lesson. All she knew was that he smuggled some creatures because he wanted some money. And that didn't necessarily make him a dark wizard. But it didn't make him completely innocent, either.
She laughed along with Mr. Croz even though she felt a little bit crazy doing so. "Okay, I have one more question. What sorts of feelings and thoughts were going through your head when you did this?" Not that he would necessarily be honest in his answer, but Avalon was genuinely curious. And she was desperate for any clues at this point.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Text Cut: Nina and Miss Drummond
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
"I knew you could handle it," she replied back, with a grin. He was in a good mood. So was she. Though her high spirits probably had to do with Drewett's influence at the moment. Nina didn't typically like pairing up with others in class if she could help it. Most of her classmates were entirely incompetent and she didn't want them to see that she knew what she was doing. But she was glad to be working with Drewett today. That and having a theory based lesson in Defense was a nice change. Nina didn't mind the wand work either, but she very much appreciated how Headmaster Trent sprinkled some history into their lesson today. Again, the Slytherin turned her attention to her partner, wearing a look of amusement on her face. "You make a good point." Though it wasn't strangling the Professor that she was worried about, it was about how he'd look at her if she strangled anyone. She liked being in his good books. He was so pretty.
Despite the fact that Nina did not care for the drama that was so evidently happening within the room, she did notice the change in Drewett's demeanor. And his ducked head. "I knew you were joking, Drewett," she whispered in attempt to be reassuring. "I don't think they're actually upset." And if they were it had nothing to do with the older Ravenclaw. It most likely had to do with what went down between the fourth year trio. But that was far too much to touch upon at the moment and they had a lesson to continue.
Drewett seemed ready to move on too, as he began suggesting an approach for the interrogation. Nina nodded along in agreement. Crime and motive was a good starting point. Though his second comment received a POINTED look! "Hey!" And a light shove. He was feeling very cheeky today. She kind of liked it. SHhhhh. She stood up from her desk and waited until Drewett did the same before walking over to the portrait with him.
Taking a moment to clear her thoughts, the Slytherin cleared her throat before speaking. "Hello, I'm Nina and he is Drewett," in all honest, she was kind of hoping that Drewett's charm would woo Lena so that she'd be less stingy with her answers. They only had three questions, every little bit helped. Besides, no one could resist those eyes right? It's why everyone at Hogwarts was practically head over heels in love with the boy. Hopefully that would work to their advantage today. That and Nina knew herself to be not-so-great with other women. "We'd like to know about your conviction. What exactly were you charged for and why did you do it?" Technically speaking, it was one question.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
A deep scowl set in as the next two approached.
Introductions? "I don't care." The only things flatter than her voice were her eyes as they took in the Ravenclaw-Slytherin pair. She was Lena Drummond, what use did she have for the names of two school aged children? She supposed she'd just answer to get rid of them. "Human experimentation. They called them unethical, I called them progress toward a better future. I did it for science. In the name of discovery and finding answers."
The sentiment went both ways. Drewett did, in fact, enjoy working with Nina Castillo. Anyone who thought otherwise—yes, that includes you, Trolloise, even if they were somehow friends—was wrong to think that Nina wasn't great company. He wasn't even going to delve into all the 'but she is boring' comments he'd heard from gossiping students in the corridor. There was no room for negativity towards the people he considered friends in Drewett's mindset. But also? Yes, it was best not to strangle the professor. Drewett actually liked Headmaster Trent. The Ravenclaw had learned a lot from his two years of teaching so far, and he was looking forward to more interesting lessons under him.
See? Nina Castillo was a good friend. "Thank you," he whispered back. Drewett still had a bit of pink on his face because of his comment. He didn't mean it at all. He'd only been carried off—that could actually be a nice addition to his crime report, if you thought of it—by the lesson and the obvious tension between the three fourth years. It was also obvious that he was no fan of drama, too.
Hey, hey. Nina, Nina, Nina. Drewett was also joking with the second half of his comment, but also half not. He knew he was right. He couldn't resist the laugh that came with her reaction, and he also rubbed on the area she had shoved. "Ow!" Okay, so he was being a tad bit cheeky today but it was in effort to make himself feel a little better after the looks he'd gotten from Eiji and Missa earlier. That, and so Nina could loosen up too. A little poking fun wasn't so bad, he'd realized. But for now, he let it go so they could focus on the task at hand. It didn't wipe away the little smile playing on his lips, though, when Nina began asking.
This was like watching Nina interrogating herself. Her reflection on a mirror. Ms. Drummond's 'I don't care' was the cherry on top of it, and Drewett found himself biting his lower lip so he didn't laugh. He was so amused, and it showed. If Nina looked at him and saw his expression, Drewett would probably be a victim of yet another shove on the shoulder. And he noticed how the lady in the portrait did not flinch. Did not look impressed. She was firm with what she believed in and where she stood.
So far, Ms. Drummond didn't strike Drewett as a dark witch. All dark activities were considered unethical, but not all unethical activities were dark. The moral code, too, was a social construct. Everyone had a subjective and biased point of view towards that is "right" and "wrong". Gray areas, like they'd mentioned in class. And did she mention that the jury was divided? Again, more gray areas. The Ravenclaw made a mental note on that, along with the responses he'd heard from Missa's, a younger Ravenclaw's (Analiese), and the Hufflepuff's (Eniola) questions. But now it was his turn to ask. "I-I understand what you mean, ma'am. We all need to p-progress for a better future, like you said." Not that Drewett would experiment on humans. That would break his own moral code. He'd used 'own' because there were far too many subjectivities surrounding ethics and dark activities. It was clear that he and Ms. Drummond had different definitions of what is good and not. "How d-did you experiment on them, ma'am, like did you use dark magic?" Also, it was technically just one question, and a direct one as well. Maybe trying to get her to tell her story would provide answers to questions they hadn't even asked.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by emjay
He started towards the one called Mikailov, but soon changed his mind as he wasn't sure he could get much of an answer past all that laughing. So he soon settled on Croz. He seemed to have plenty to say. Walking over to that portrait, he hung back behind the small crowd of students huddled around it and paused to listen to what was asked and answered before coming up with his own inquiries.
Merlin. His accent really made it difficult for Gunnar to follow along. But he got something about smuggling dark creatures for the money. Speaking up, he added, "Excuse me, Mr. Croz, but as far as you know, was anyone harmed by any of the creatures you smuggled or traded?" Or wait, did he breed them himself?
Lookie here, another little one come to pick at his imagined brain. A lad this time. This was turning into a roaring good time, a nice little chat with the kiddos before it was back to that dull museum.
He shrugged nonchalantly, the laughter still in his eyes. "No' really sure abou' tha', lad. I jus' han' 'em over t' their new owners an' collec' the galleons on tha way ou'. They're dark creatures, dang'rous no ma'er wha ye do. If people do' wan' t'be responsible, I do' reckon tha's my fault."
He didn't force anyone to buy his creatures and he didn't ask what purpose they had for them either.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
His heart rate quickened as the laughter only continued to ring in his ears. All thoughts about a classroom and an activity left his brain and, before he knew it, he found himself shouting, "ShutupshutupshutUP!"
"Shut up! This is serious."
Wait.... potions?! His eyebrows furrowed as Viktor started talking about..... potions. Not swallowing his potions. "I don't think that's why you're in this position, Viktor." And he had even more questions about this: about what potions he was talking about, who was making him take them, and why he didn't want to take them.
"I guess, it would just be easier to ask...... why are you here? What did you get caught for?"
Viktor was still cackling to himself even as the boy insisted he shut up. Hair! It was hair! He thought he was a hat! How much more wrong could he have been?? HAHAHA!! It was hair! Go figure.
"Nothing is serious, boy!" He retorted with a bit of a snort. Serious? How could anyone take anything so seriously when everything was just so...so....hilarious?
His eyes shone at the next question. "I don't think you really want to know, but I'll tell you anyway. They said it was murder! Can you believe that. Murder! I was only doing what they asked."
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok
"Ok last question, What was the easiest and most lucrative creature you smuggled? and well that story about the time you went swimmin' off by the creak would be cool now also"
All done with questions but still wanted to hear him talk.
He liked this one, he decided. Very inquisitive and got what he was trying to say. It was lovely. "Dragons, han's dow'. I's tha baby ones tha'r tha easies' t' smuggle. Pu' 'em in a sack, a shoe box, a li'le black ja' an' ye can ge' 'em by anyone."
Very lucrative, about as lucrative as the nundus. All a good time.
"No' as fer tha time me an' tha laddies wen' dow' by tha creak, foun' us a group o' young lassies in tha middle o' a--" But before he could get too far into the story, the Headmaster cleared his throat. The man had heard the story before and had flushed. Apparently he didn't want the students hearing about it too.
"Aye, maybe nex' time?"
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
She turned back to the portrait, knowing that their last question had to be a GOOD one. "You said you murdered them because they WANTED it. Why do you think your victims wanted that?" she asked. She was breaking her own rule about not asking generalized questions, but he seemed ready to spill every detail here. A roundabout way to get a motive, but it would hopefully get them a motive all the same...
Now wasn't that the question of the century. It had been asked several times before and while, depending on how his head was feeling, it did confuse him, most of the times he could give a proper answer based on what he knew.
"They asked! We had conversations! We spoke." He said with a proud grin. "My friends reassured me, they told me all their secrets, their inner desires. My friends know everything, they tell me everything." They always spoke to him, even when he tried to sleep. The potions made them stop, but sometimes he got lonely.
Originally Posted by Fireheart
She laughed along with Mr. Croz even though she felt a little bit crazy doing so. "Okay, I have one more question. What sorts of feelings and thoughts were going through your head when you did this?" Not that he would necessarily be honest in his answer, but Avalon was genuinely curious. And she was desperate for any clues at this point.
Only one more? Were her questions over already? Huh. For a moment he'd lost all track of how many were asked. Regaling the students with tales of his past had been quite the spot of entertainment he'd needed. This should happen more often.
His thoughts and feelings? The man felt he'd sort of answered this before but realized it hadn't been explicitly clear. He had no trouble giving further explanation.
"Reck'n tha only though' I was thinkin' was how much mo'e money I'd be walkin' away with. I's wha' i' is. A business. Ye do i' t' ge' tha sweet pay dirt. Migh' also 'ave been thinkin' o' how I plan t' spen' all tha' money." But that was about it. Nothing more there.
Originally Posted by Kimothy
So far, Ms. Drummond didn't strike Drewett as a dark witch. All dark activities were considered unethical, but not all unethical activities were dark. The moral code, too, was a social construct. Everyone had a subjective and biased point of view towards that is "right" and "wrong". Gray areas, like they'd mentioned in class. And did she mention that the jury was divided? Again, more gray areas. The Ravenclaw made a mental note on that, along with the responses he'd heard from Missa's, a younger Ravenclaw's (Analiese), and the Hufflepuff's (Eniola) questions. But now it was his turn to ask. "I-I understand what you mean, ma'am. We all need to p-progress for a better future, like you said." Not that Drewett would experiment on humans. That would break his own moral code. He'd used 'own' because there were far too many subjectivities surrounding ethics and dark activities. It was clear that he and Ms. Drummond had different definitions of what is good and not. "How d-did you experiment on them, ma'am, like did you use dark magic?" Also, it was technically just one question, and a direct one as well. Maybe trying to get her to tell her story would provide answers to questions they hadn't even asked.[/COLOR]
This one may have almost won himself the faintest upward twitch that could vaguely resemble a smile for his agreeing with her but any chance of that happening was quickly dashed. Did she use dark magic? Her gaze grew colder.
"I suppose that depends on what you call dark magic and what makes it dark in the first place. Any spell can be dark depending on it's use." Covered under the white cloth, she'd heard the class' discussion. It was appalling that after all that talk he would ask a question like that and she would ensure he saw the error in that.
"I didn't use any magic that I perceived to be dark." So there was that. "So no, I didn't use any dark magic. Not in my book. A lot of it entailed potions and their effects."
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
So instead of jumping right into it, Archer had decided to listen in on the conversations the portraits were having with her classmates. Headmaster Trent hadn't said they couldn't, after all. Besides, it was the best way to gage what, exactly they were dealing with here. But something the Viktor fellow said had her deciding to avoid him completely least she say something inappropriate. And the other guy's, Croz or whatever, accent was just.....not only was it hard to understand, but it was grating on her eardrums.
Which left her with the woman. Only she couldn't think of anything to ask her. I mean, she wasn't getting much to go on there. But then she thought of something that no one had thought to ask her yet. So she approached Ms. Drummond's portrait. "Excuse me, but what exactly did your experiments entail? And had your subject's given their full verbal and written consent? If they did, did they understand what, exactly they were consenting to" Because, yes that made a world of difference there. Also, she did realize that was all of her allowed questions all at once.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by lazykitty
Which left her with the woman. Only she couldn't think of anything to ask her. I mean, she wasn't getting much to go on there. But then she thought of something that no one had thought to ask her yet. So she approached Ms. Drummond's portrait. "Excuse me, but what exactly did your experiments entail? And had your subject's given their full verbal and written consent? If they did, did they understand what, exactly they were consenting to" Because, yes that made a world of difference there. Also, she did realize that was all of her allowed questions all at once.
It was somewhat unfortunate how on point this one was with her questions and it had the woman scrunching her nose in disdain. It should have been obvious from how guarded she was with her former responses...how vague...that she wasn't trying to give too much away.
But she was obligated to respond.
"I gave my subjects experimental potions." What for, she was still reluctant to explain to a child who would surely not understand. It would only serve to waste her time. She would throw her a bone with the rest however. "I didn't need their consent. They were scum and would not be missed." The woman wasn't entirely wrong either. The people hadn't been missed necessarily. Their absence wasn't what initially put her under suspicion. "It didn't matter if they knew what they were signing up for. I didn't need their consent in the first place."
So there.
Merlin's beard Croz would be the reason he busted a blood vessel or two. He facepalmed hard, breathing only once he'd stopped him from telling that story he'd told him earlier. It was not fit for the ears of students and the young Slytherin was no exception to that.
The Headmaster glanced down at his watch. It was time to be wrapping up. He'd heard a few of the questions, thought some would prove more useful than others but he wouldn't intervene.
"Alright everyone. Don't forget to scribble your final thoughts on the portrait you've chosen before handing in your wanted posters."
One of three was an actual dark wizard, it would be interesting to see which would come to the right conclusion.
OOC: There's still at least 6 hours left of this lesson but I'll be heading to bed and won't be able to close it until morning (my time). Your charries can make their final assessments.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Trent has a sense of distaste about her. Those responses were mediocre. Why did death eaters even exist? She started packing up her stuff. Hmm dark wizards. And wanted posters.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,084
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
SPOILER!!: Nettie & the portrait
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Nettie nodded in agreement at Eiji's assessment, goosebumps erupting on her neck as he muttered in her ear. "Agreed. He doesn't seem to be hesitant to come clean on the details either, which should make this a bit easier," she added with a small smile. She noted those glances that Eiji kept throwing at Missa, feeling her heart sink a bit. She hated that he was upset about Missa, but...Nettie was still upset about the poster. So she didn't feel THAT bad at the moment.
She turned back to the portrait as Eiji asked his question, listening to his response. Well that was...disturbing, to say the least. She blinked at him with wide eyes. So he tortured them, basically? Now she had very little doubt that this wizard was not only crazy, but a Dark Wizard as well. Torturing and killing people? It would be the argument of the century to convince her otherwise...
She turned back to the portrait, knowing that their last question had to be a GOOD one. "You said you murdered them because they WANTED it. Why do you think your victims wanted that?" she asked. She was breaking her own rule about not asking generalized questions, but he seemed ready to spill every detail here. A roundabout way to get a motive, but it would hopefully get them a motive all the same...
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Now wasn't that the question of the century. It had been asked several times before and while, depending on how his head was feeling, it did confuse him, most of the times he could give a proper answer based on what he knew.
"They asked! We had conversations! We spoke." He said with a proud grin. "My friends reassured me, they told me all their secrets, their inner desires. My friends know everything, they tell me everything." They always spoke to him, even when he tried to sleep. The potions made them stop, but sometimes he got lonely.
Three questions. Three. That was all they were allowed and Eiji found himself wishing he hadn't teamed up with Trinetta for this because as far as he was concerned she had completely wasted their third and final question. Did their specimen seem capable of providing them with any sort of constructive response as to why he had done what he did? The bloke was clearly not in his right mind for whatever reason, perhaps even a victim of torture himself, and asking why he thought the victims wanted to be killed was clearly not going to provide them with anything useful. What a waste and Eiji huffed a breath in frustration when that was proven to be the case.
Honestly. He shot her a disapproving look.
Though...with the portrait being as off as he was, maybe Eiji could weasel himself another answer. Because there were things he was curious about that were far more pressing than a why he thought the victims wanted to be killed.
So, casually, he pressed on with the interrogation. Could this guy even count? He somehow doubted it and there were so many voices in the crowd that it was unlikely for the headmaster to be able to know for certain who was paired with who and who all had asked what and how many.
"You say we," he noted, rolling his eyes towards Trinetta and then focusing back on the portrait. 'We' in place of 'I', to be specific. "We and speak very fondly of these friends of yours...where are they now? Be as specific as possible."
It was worth a try at least.
Only that try was in vain as the headmaster dismissed the class and Eiji begrudgingly returned to his desk to pack up.
As far as Eiji was concerned, they had nothing conclusive that pinned this individual as someone who had practiced nor studied the Dark Arts to any length. Knowing of the Killing Curse and that it was quick was common sens. Guilty of a heinous crime? Sure. The guy was convinced of that much at least. A Dark wizard though? Inconclusive, and he wrote as much on his parchment for the time being.
Viktor Mikailov
The only conclusive evidence of this individual is that he is not right of mind. How this came to be I do not know but it only adds to the fact that he is an unreliable narrator type - the first strike against him being that he is a portrait and only can tell and convey what he has been told by painters and other real world witches and wizards about himself. Charged with murder, it can also be concluded that he believes that he committed these crimes but I, again, stress that as someone who is not right in their mind it is inconclusive to know anything more than this. Questioning did not result in any specific mentions of Dark Arts application by the subject and there for it is inconclusive as to whether or not the subject themselves is a Dark wizard.
In conclusion:
Subject is guilty of their crime they have been charged with
Subject is not a Dark wizard
Frustrated in more ways than one, Eiji quickly packed up his things and turned in his in-class assignment to the headmaster with a polite nod of the head before exiting the classroom...and hopefully wait in the corridor for Missa.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 06-15-2019 at 02:58 PM.
Reason: go me for my page not refreshing and missing class ended *edited in Trentula*
Lookie here, another little one come to pick at his imagined brain. A lad this time. This was turning into a roaring good time, a nice little chat with the kiddos before it was back to that dull museum.
He shrugged nonchalantly, the laughter still in his eyes. "No' really sure abou' tha', lad. I jus' han' 'em over t' their new owners an' collec' the galleons on tha way ou'. They're dark creatures, dang'rous no ma'er wha ye do. If people do' wan' t'be responsible, I do' reckon tha's my fault."
He didn't force anyone to buy his creatures and he didn't ask what purpose they had for them either.
That was about what Gunnar had figured. Once this guy sold or smuggled or whatever these creatures, he probably didn't keep tabs on them. Still, he wondered briefly if he ever heard in the news about a dangerous creature attack and might have thought it was one of his. Maybe he didn't care though.
"Right, right, of course," Gunnar nodded as he jotted down some notes. "Did you breed any illicit or dangerous creatures yourself?" Perhaps that would point to a little more dark activity, but so far Gunnar was unconvinced. It was still a gray area as far as he was concerned.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Merlin's beard Croz would be the reason he busted a blood vessel or two. He facepalmed hard, breathing only once he'd stopped him from telling that story he'd told him earlier. It was not fit for the ears of students and the young Slytherin was no exception to that.
The Headmaster glanced down at his watch. It was time to be wrapping up. He'd heard a few of the questions, thought some would prove more useful than others but he wouldn't intervene.
"Alright everyone. Don't forget to scribble your final thoughts on the portrait you've chosen before handing in your wanted posters."
One of three was an actual dark wizard, it would be interesting to see which would come to the right conclusion.
OOC: There's still at least 6 hours left of this lesson but I'll be heading to bed and won't be able to close it until morning (my time). Your charries can make their final assessments.
Oh... it appeared that his time was up before he got to his third question anyway. Perhaps Gunnar shouldn't have taken his time deciding and listening to other questions. Oh well. Maybe he had enough to make something of a decision at least.
He either couldn't remember or never knew to begin with the man's first name, but Gunnar jotted down at least a few things on his parchment to turn in.
Mr. Croz was known for smuggling dark and dangerous creatures, likely being charged with that as a crime. His motivation was money as it seemed to be a lucrative business, especially for those willing to pay for something not easily gotten without a license or through legal means. He had no knowledge of any harm any of his creatures might have caused as he was simply interested in business transactions. There seems to be no evidence supporting his being a dark wizard from the questions answered, so my conclusion is that he is not.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Had Viktor not suddenly wagged his finger and gave a blood curdling cackle, Malachi's attention may never have settled on the man who now told Rasting he had already used 3 questions. Sneaking in a fourth or just a man off in his own head, the Headmaster didn't know but the time for questions was past and he watched as student after student brought their posters or reports to him.
He'd only vaguely caught Croz's response to McCarthy, something something never bred things himself something something knew a good dealer something something. It wasn't so much that he couldn't understand the man but that he'd spent the better part of the morning listening to him and now had a headache. The only logical course was tuning him out where he could.
"No homework, today." They'd get those next class. "Enjoy the rest of your afternoon. Stay out of trouble. I heard the elves have a special meal planned for dinner." Suffice to say he was looking forward to it.
OOC: Class is officially over, thanks for coming everyone! <3
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.