-   Term 52: May - August 2019 (
-   -   Charms Lesson 1 (

TakemetotheBurrow 06-23-2019 10:05 PM

"The Intruder Charm could count, as it sets off an alarm that might scare a thief off. If you want to protect the items in your home, you could use it to try and deter anyone from coming in and trying to steal from you." Vita's possessions were valuable, but not in the way that would cause anyone to want to take from her. The things she wanted to keep safe were of sentimental value.

emjay 06-23-2019 11:17 PM

Gunnar was rather pleased once class began. Not only were they getting right to the point of the lesson straight away, but it was also a topic he was fairly eager for. He knew a bit about anti-theft magic himself, having to learn some of it the hard way back in his first year here... not that he would dwell on that. So, either today would be a piece of cake, or he'd learn some more useful magic - or, preferably, both.

"Concealment charms work well to hide valuable possessions from potential thieves," Gunnar easily offered after raising his hand. He supposed they'd work similarly to keeping things hidden within mokeskin as Aaron said. And he knew several jinxes and curses as well that fit along this theme, but he found the answer he provided to be class-appropriate.

Watson 06-24-2019 02:00 AM

Tell me everything you know about Anti-Theft Magic.

Well.... That was a big ask. Chase paused, listening to the other students' answers before providing his own input His attention was caught by Kam and he faltered slightly when he raised his hand. The sight of her caused him to lower his hand and then re-raise it. Kam.... They needed to chat after class.

"The disillusionment charm could prove to be handy, Professor Fuller-Thompson," suggested Chase. He supposed that being able to disguise oneself with the background surrounding one person could help catch a fiend. "With that spell, you could easily catch a culprit."

sarahlooo 06-24-2019 03:39 AM

Text Cut: Replies

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack (Post 12417580)
Nina arranged the items on her desk a few times in order to optimize space. She liked her workspace neat, but also practical. It was difficult to do with an obnoxious box taking up most of the space. She did, however, look up to see Józef grinning and offered him one in return. She was also quite disappointed that he didn't come to sit near her, but she didn't let the disappointment show on her face. She wasn't desperate.

When their Professor finally took center stage to begin addressing the class as a whole, Nina found herself to be quite thankful. She hated the in between waiting time before a lesson. There was really only so much disinterest a person could feign without having an excuse as to why they showed up in the first place. Pretending to hate the subject was an awful lot of work. Again, she was keen to learn anti-theft magic in particular, knowing that the spells would be quite useful for the dormitory. And as such, she made sure to have a spare piece of parchment out for notes. Which she would take rather diligently.

One of the things she did appreciate about her Head of House was how quickly he got to the point of his lessons. Most Professors enjoyed asking silly questions that took a long while to circle back to the main subject at hand. It was not only a large waste of time, but it was also annoying. While Nina knew a bit about particular spells imbued with anti-theft magic (the thief's curse being one she had personal experience with), she decidedly stayed quiet. Pretending not to pay attention, when really she was very much listening to every word.

Nina was...silent. Truthfully, he wasn’t that surprised. Piers had a feeling that she didn’t like him very much and, therefore, wouldn’t be participating much in class discussions. But that was fine. She could do whateeever she wanted.


Originally Posted by Fireheart (Post 12417582)
As the professor greeted the remaining students, Avalon examined her box more carefully. She was tempted to pick it up and shake it to see what was inside. But a glance at the blackboard, followed by Professor Fuller-Thompson's introduction, told her that the box had something to do with anti-theft magic.

Another topic with which she wasn't terribly familiar. She had heard her dad discussing it in regard to his job with the ministry, but she only remembered bits and pieces. She tentatively raised her hand. "I don't know any of the specific spells, but I think that a lot of anti-theft magic prevents things from being summoned." She felt slightly ashamed that she couldn't recall at lease one anti-theft charm. Retrieving her quill, she scribbled the date and title of the lesson on a piece of parchment in the mean time.

When the first person raised their hand, Piers gestured at the girl so she could answer. Ah, yes, the anti-summoning charm. Little did she know, that was exactly what they would be discussing today. ”Very good, thank you.” That’s all he would say on the matter... for now.


Originally Posted by GrapehSarah (Post 12417605)
Cassidy gave Professor Fuller-Thompson another small smile. She was here in class. And she actually quite enjoyed Charms. However, she didn't know much about the subject for the day. She bit her lip, her usual thinking habit, but nothing really was coming to mind. Other than anti-theft magic prevented things from getting stolen, but that seemed like a really stupid thing to blurt out. And Cassidy didn't feel like sounding stupid today. So she sat in silence just letting her other classmates handle this question.

His eyes moved over Cassidy again. It looked like she had something to say, or that she was at least thinking pretty hard, but... silence? That was alright. As long as she was paying attention.


Originally Posted by lazykitty (Post 12417616)
Jeez, could you be any vaguer, professor? "Most magical objects sold these days have one cast on them," was Archer's contribution. Well, he had said anything. "Which I don't really understand, because most people these days are really too boring and lame to try and steal something," she added with her signature chuckle. Don't blame her for the wording, it was something that she'd overheard someone complaining about over the holiday. Not that she would personally try to steal anything, she wasn't that kind of person.

Piers moved onto the next student and listened to her answer. He nodded at the first part of the answer. Some places did sell objects that already had anti-theft magic on them, but they were usually a bit more pricey. It was the second part of her answer that was the most interesting. People were too boring and lame to steal? He almost laughed. ”I, uh.. Don’t think that’s a bad thing.” And moving on.


Originally Posted by Kolyander (Post 12417635)
As the lesson began, Rylee opened her bag and pulled out a clean sheet of parchment and her self-inking quill. From the moment the professor started speaking she was taking down notes. Anti-theft magic was very useful and she was going to make sure she paid very close attention during this lesson. These were spells that she most certainly wanted to know and learn... well if these were ones she didn't already know that is.

"There's the Thief's Curse, professor. It's placed on books to keep people from reading to much of a book without purchasing it from the shop. I'm sure it can be used on other items as well with different effects."

Ah yes, the charms that store owners put on their merchandise were quite excessive. Piers nodded. ”That’s right. Very smart of them to do that.”


Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson (Post 12417637)
Patrick was a bit surprised to see they were going to be learning about anti theft charms. We’re people stealing around the castle and he hadn’t noticed? Had he taken so much time to himself the prior weekend that he didn’t have a clue what was going on around the castle? He was confused for a second.

Shaking his head and getting his paper out he prepared himself for writing the notes for the class. He was writing answers left and right. “Are there rules about what kind of anti-theft charms you can use? Like with muggles they have certain things they can’t do if someone is stealing their belongings... does the same apply here?” well he was asking the hard questions today.

Ah, and there was his other prefect. Piers gestured at Patrick so he could answer. And it was a question for him, alright. It was.. Slightly confusing. Muggles had certain things they couldn’t do if someone was stealing things from them? Perhaps he meant at stores? ”Well... no.” he said rather plainly. ”Anti theft charms would actually prevent that. There are no rules to charming your own objects.” Charming other people’s objects was a sticky subject for another time.


Originally Posted by Govoni (Post 12417648)
Aaron frowned at the back of Archer's head. She was incredibly pessimistic for someone from their house, but he supposed that was part of the reason she was such a good Prefect partner. She could be firm, where he failed to be. Sighing, he turned his attention back towards the professor, and refrained from tapping his quill to his notebook page. Nervous habit these days.

There was bad mojo afoot. Aaron stayed unsettled.

As for anti-theft magic, he had a few ideas, sure. Depending on what you were protecting, there were options, but then again, he'd never had a problem with anyone trying to steal from him. That he knew of, anyway. Maybe someone had tried. Or maybe he was far too trusting. That was a very real possibility.... huh.

Aaron made sure to raise his hand, offering a small smile. "All my most valuable items are protected by mokeskin." But that was probably better suited for Creatures lessons. "Colloportus seals doors, so you could put something in a room and seal the door to keep it safe." But also, if it was that important, you could also just reduce the size and carry it around on your person.

When the next kid raised his hand, Piers called on him right away. He nodded at the first part of his answer, but paid more attention to the last part. Colloportus was a good lock, a good way to lock things in a room. Piers nodded. ”Very true, thank you. As long as there is no other way out, the objects in that room can’t be summoned.”


Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles (Post 12417654)
Kamryn was barely paying attention to who had come into the class. She was so in her own head she didn’t even notice that her best friend was behind her.

She looked up as the Professor asked about anti theft spells, but at the moment she wasn’t really feeling like answering anything, so instead she kept her head down and wrote notes and didn’t say anything..

That should work for now.. yeah?

This one.. Silent, but taking notes, so he was okay with that. Moving on.


Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow (Post 12417673)
"The Intruder Charm could count, as it sets off an alarm that might scare a thief off. If you want to protect the items in your home, you could use it to try and deter anyone from coming in and trying to steal from you." Vita's possessions were valuable, but not in the way that would cause anyone to want to take from her. The things she wanted to keep safe were of sentimental value.

Vita had an answer, so Piers called on her. He listened and nodded. ”Good. The Intruder Charm isn’t necessarily anti theft, but it’s certainly helpful to when when someone may be trying to steal something from you. Very good, vita.”


Originally Posted by emjay (Post 12417681)
Gunnar was rather pleased once class began. Not only were they getting right to the point of the lesson straight away, but it was also a topic he was fairly eager for. He knew a bit about anti-theft magic himself, having to learn some of it the hard way back in his first year here... not that he would dwell on that. So, either today would be a piece of cake, or he'd learn some more useful magic - or, preferably, both.

"Concealment charms work well to hide valuable possessions from potential thieves," Gunnar easily offered after raising his hand. He supposed they'd work similarly to keeping things hidden within mokeskin as Aaron said. And he knew several jinxes and curses as well that fit along this theme, but he found the answer he provided to be class-appropriate.

A concealment charm, yes. Piers nodded again. ”A good idea, thank you.” Again, not anti-theft, per say, but definitely helpful.”[/b]


Originally Posted by Watson (Post 12417694)
Tell me everything you know about Anti-Theft Magic.

Well.... That was a big ask. Chase paused, listening to the other students' answers before providing his own input His attention was caught by Kam and he faltered slightly when he raised his hand. The sight of her caused him to lower his hand and then re-raise it. Kam.... They needed to chat after class.

"The disillusionment charm could prove to be handy, Professor Fuller-Thompson," suggested Chase. He supposed that being able to disguise oneself with the background surrounding one person could help catch a fiend. "With that spell, you could easily catch a culprit."

Piers called on the next student. Again, not an anti theft charm, but he understood that they were running out of options here. ”A good suggestion, yeah. Thank you.” Disillusionment charms were handy.. Unless you forgot where that object was yourself.

As all of the answers were listed off in the discussion, Piers silently added them to the chalkboard with a wave of his wand each time he wanted to add them onto the board. That way, those who wanted to take notes, could.

”Alright,” he said again, pacing slowly in the front of the classroom. ”Some of you hinted at what we’ll be working on today. Our anti-theft magic today is specifically the anti-summoning charm. This charm, when placed on an object, makes it so that no one other than the owner of the object can summon it.” He would let that sink in. In the meantime, he wiped the chalkboard clean and wrote down something new on it. "Not only that," he continued, "But if you put this charm on, say... a box... and put items within the box, the items inside the box will not be summonable." Hence the boxes on their desks.


Originally Posted by chalkboard
Anti-Summoning Charm

”Before we get into the incantation and practice, I want to discuss one more thing. A spell that has the power to prevent something from being un-summonable... What would be something that you would put this charm on? On the contrary, what are some things you wouldn’t want to put the charm on?” And, ready, go. Again.

OOC: Thanks for your replies! Feel free to use your imagination again on this next one. Class will move on in about 24 hours from this post.

griffin 06-24-2019 05:17 AM

Wow, you could stop other people from summoning your stuff? That was so cool! Cordelia needed to try this out. She eagerly looked at the box in front of her, wondering if they were going to put things inside to try summoning after placing the anti-summoning charm on the box. Cordelia thought long and hard about the professor’s next question. What would she and wouldn’t she want to place an anti-summoning charm on? ”Well, you wouldn’t want to put an anti-summoning charm on medical equipment that is intended for someone else to use on you to save your life if you’re unconscious. Like an emergency glucagon kit for severe low blood sugar emergencies in people with diabetes.” That was what someone might have to use on her if she was severely low and unable to take sugar orally, unconscious, or having a seizure. ”But you might want to put this charm on a jewelry box or other valuable that you don’t want people to be able to steal easily.” You know, important things that you didn’t want to lose but also didn’t need for saving your life. Cordelia scribbled down some notes on what the professor and her classmates were saying. This sounded like important stuff. Whether or not she would actually be able to interpret her notes later, however, was up to debate. Spelling wasn’t exactly her strong suit, and her handwriting wasn’t that great either.

Jean Granger 06-24-2019 10:37 AM

The Anti-Summoning Charm would definitely be a pretty useful spell. Everyone in the Wizarding World was summoning things left right and center - although it was convenient, objects could sometimes fly over to the wrong person and lead to theft, intended or otherwise. The professor's questions got her thinking about what she would use the charm on and what she would not put it on. Because coming to think of it, she wouldn't want to use the charm on ALL her possessions.

Raising her hand, Jade said, "Personally, I would like to use the charm on my book collection, so that other people would not be able to take my books without my permission. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to put the charm on something like my socks, because I would need to summon them quickly when I get dressed in the morning." Sometimes she would think she was prepared to leave for class, only to find out that she was not wearing her socks. Then she would spend a long time trying to locate an appropriate pair of socks from random places in her dorm. Accio was her saviour in these situations.

2111jen 06-24-2019 01:08 PM

Austin blinked at the question. Although he was getting better at speaking, he still felt exhausted when he did talk. Today was one of those days. He remained silent. He had a lot of answer in his head, it was just too long to say outloud or even write down so he remained silent but was paying attention.

oh its Erik ok 06-24-2019 04:59 PM

Oooooh so that was what Vivi and Elise would use at home to make sure she couldn't summon stuff. She always thought it was because she sucked and couldn't concentrate. Eloise hated it. But it could be useful.

"Hey, Professor could you put this spell on food?"

Like not a sandwich obviously because it would go everywhere and be a gigantic mess but you know appropriate foods and such

Would be lazy and efficient to well lazy people not having to get up and all and just rely on hand eye coordination

ArianaBlack 06-24-2019 06:21 PM

.... An anti-summoning charm? That was what they were learning about today? The Slytherin was incredibly disappointed, something which was quite visible on her face with the deep frown she wore. How would an anti-summoning charm work against Karlin? The girl picked LOCKS. She wouldn't need a summoning charm to swipe something from within Nina's trunk. She'd just go into the trunk and snatch it herself.

Nina's previously feigned disinterested had ultimately ended in actual disinterest because clearly this lesson would provide no real information for her today. She'd still learn the charm because that would most probably prove to be useful in very select circumstances, but the discussion was pointless. Nothing of interest.

Nor was Eloise's concern about food. The girl was clearly driven by her stomach. How unsurprising.

MunchyBubbles 06-24-2019 08:17 PM

Kamryn looked up from writing her notes as the Professor asked his next question and she tilted her head in thought before raising her hand to answer.

“I feel putting the charm on safes or vaults would be one of the best uses of it, seeing as it protects everything inside. But I wouldn’t want it to be on normal items that you need all the time.

Such as clothing or things of that nature. ”
Basically things of values would do well from that charm. It wouldn’t be nice to put on books or cups or things like that.

gritandgrace 06-24-2019 10:00 PM

Eni wasn't overly enthusiastic about this lesson. It wasn't like she had anything to lock away. Except maybe from her little brother. Maybe this could be useful.

She raised her hand and answered, "What about the Caterwauling Charm? That could be useful when it comes to intruders looking to steal something - right?"

Eni didn't have much when it came to what to put the charm on but as for what notto put the charm on. She has a few ideas, "What about your bags and other precious items you'd carry on you. I certainly wouldn't put an Anti-Summoning Charm on my bag. I lose it too much."

hermionesclone 06-24-2019 10:19 PM

Lucas, being too busy looking over the box in front of him, completely missed whatever it was that Fuller-Thompson had asked. That is, until he noticed something being written on the board and found himself looking up.

Anti-Summoning Charm?

Oh. Oh!

That would make it harder to steal things, wouldn't it?

But this only raised even more questions, especially after some other people answered and he found himself....... thinking. Just thinking. Of things he'd lost, of things he was always told to make sure he had on him before he left the house, of things he wished he could use the summoning charm on during the holidays.

But when his hand went up, he found himself asking something instead of, uh, giving an answer. "Well, what about keys?" Pause. "Beeeeeeecause you lose keys a lot, right? So you wouldn't put the Anti-Summoning Charm on it but..... that means people can easily steal your keys." Which was a big deal, really.

TakemetotheBurrow 06-25-2019 12:40 AM

Vita smiled a little at Lucas' answer, finding it adorable for some reason. She'd been feeling so old lady compared to everyone else, the things going on outside of Hogwarts that she was dealing with and her future right around the corner. It made her feel a bit like she didn't belong in this place anymore, no matter how much she didn't want to leave.

"I'd want to place the charm on items that are personal and valuable to me, ones that I normally keep out of sight from others." Like her diary. She could use the charm on that for sure. "I wouldn't place the charm on everyday items, like my blanket. I'm always cold, so it's good to be able to summon that when I need to."

sarahlooo 06-25-2019 03:12 AM

Text Cut: Replies


Originally Posted by griffin (Post 12417716)
Wow, you could stop other people from summoning your stuff? That was so cool! Cordelia needed to try this out. She eagerly looked at the box in front of her, wondering if they were going to put things inside to try summoning after placing the anti-summoning charm on the box. Cordelia thought long and hard about the professor’s next question. What would she and wouldn’t she want to place an anti-summoning charm on? ”Well, you wouldn’t want to put an anti-summoning charm on medical equipment that is intended for someone else to use on you to save your life if you’re unconscious. Like an emergency glucagon kit for severe low blood sugar emergencies in people with diabetes.” That was what someone might have to use on her if she was severely low and unable to take sugar orally, unconscious, or having a seizure. ”But you might want to put this charm on a jewelry box or other valuable that you don’t want people to be able to steal easily.” You know, important things that you didn’t want to lose but also didn’t need for saving your life. Cordelia scribbled down some notes on what the professor and her classmates were saying. This sounded like important stuff. Whether or not she would actually be able to interpret her notes later, however, was up to debate. Spelling wasn’t exactly her strong suit, and her handwriting wasn’t that great either.

When the first hand went up, Piers pointed at her so she could answer. And it was a... very specific answer. Medial equipment - emergency kits for people with diabetes. Well, she wasn’t wrong, those were probably bad things to put anti-summoning charms on. Piers simply nodded after she finished her answer. ”Right, medical equipment is probably not a good thing to put an anti-summoning charm on.” But jewelry boxes and valuables, yes. ”Yes, you’re right. Thank you.” Good examples.


Originally Posted by Jean Granger (Post 12417733)
The Anti-Summoning Charm would definitely be a pretty useful spell. Everyone in the Wizarding World was summoning things left right and center - although it was convenient, objects could sometimes fly over to the wrong person and lead to theft, intended or otherwise. The professor's questions got her thinking about what she would use the charm on and what she would not put it on. Because coming to think of it, she wouldn't want to use the charm on ALL her possessions.

Raising her hand, Jade said, "Personally, I would like to use the charm on my book collection, so that other people would not be able to take my books without my permission. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to put the charm on something like my socks, because I would need to summon them quickly when I get dressed in the morning." Sometimes she would think she was prepared to leave for class, only to find out that she was not wearing her socks. Then she would spend a long time trying to locate an appropriate pair of socks from random places in her dorm. Accio was her saviour in these situations.

When the next hand went up, Piers gestured at her. Book collection, right. Everybody had different things they didn’t want to be stolen. Some had jewelry and money, others cared more about their books and that was fine. Piers nodded as she continued, talking about her socks. ”Good ideas. Though sometimes you may wish you could summon your books... if you happen to be comfy on the couch already and not want to get up.” Not that that had happened to him before...


Originally Posted by 2111jen (Post 12417735)
Austin blinked at the question. Although he was getting better at speaking, he still felt exhausted when he did talk. Today was one of those days. He remained silent. He had a lot of answer in his head, it was just too long to say outloud or even write down so he remained silent but was paying attention.

Piers’ eyes moved to Austin for a moment. He didn’t really expect him to answer in front of the whole class, but Piers could tell he was paying attention, so that was good enough for him.


Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok (Post 12417764)
Oooooh so that was what Vivi and Elise would use at home to make sure she couldn't summon stuff. She always thought it was because she sucked and couldn't concentrate. Eloise hated it. But it could be useful.

"Hey, Professor could you put this spell on food?"

Like not a sandwich obviously because it would go everywhere and be a gigantic mess but you know appropriate foods and such

Would be lazy and efficient to well lazy people not having to get up and all and just rely on hand eye coordination

Ah yes, a very good question. A question that he would have asked if he were the student. ”Technically, yes, but the magic isn’t as stable with items that are... biodegradable, if you will. The magic only lasts as long as the matter lasts, so if you eat it...” Piers shrugged and gestured to the air in front of him. She could figure out the rest.


Originally Posted by ArianaBlack (Post 12417771)
.... An anti-summoning charm? That was what they were learning about today? The Slytherin was incredibly disappointed, something which was quite visible on her face with the deep frown she wore. How would an anti-summoning charm work against Karlin? The girl picked LOCKS. She wouldn't need a summoning charm to swipe something from within Nina's trunk. She'd just go into the trunk and snatch it herself.

Nina's previously feigned disinterested had ultimately ended in actual disinterest because clearly this lesson would provide no real information for her today. She'd still learn the charm because that would most probably prove to be useful in very select circumstances, but the discussion was pointless. Nothing of interest.

Nor was Eloise's concern about food. The girl was clearly driven by her stomach. How unsurprising.

Nina’s disappointment was almost audible. The look on her face spoke louder than anybody’s actual voice in the classroom. It almost made him want to laugh, but he fought the twitch on his lips and moved onto the next raised hand - somebody who actually want to participate.


Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles (Post 12417777)
Kamryn looked up from writing her notes as the Professor asked his next question and she tilted her head in thought before raising her hand to answer.

“I feel putting the charm on safes or vaults would be one of the best uses of it, seeing as it protects everything inside. But I wouldn’t want it to be on normal items that you need all the time.

Such as clothing or things of that nature. ”
Basically things of values would do well from that charm. It wouldn’t be nice to put on books or cups or things like that.

Piers called on the next hand that went up. He nodded at her response, agreeing with her logic. ”Very good, you’re right. It’s good to put them charm on safes and valuables. Good.”


Originally Posted by gritandgrace (Post 12417781)
Eni wasn't overly enthusiastic about this lesson. It wasn't like she had anything to lock away. Except maybe from her little brother. Maybe this could be useful.

She raised her hand and answered, "What about the Caterwauling Charm? That could be useful when it comes to intruders looking to steal something - right?"

Eni didn't have much when it came to what to put the charm on but as for what notto put the charm on. She has a few ideas, "What about your bags and other precious items you'd carry on you. I certainly wouldn't put an Anti-Summoning Charm on my bag. I lose it too much."

Back to the Caterwauling Charm. Piers nodded. ”Yes, that belongs in the anti-theft category. It is helpful for keeping intruders out, but doesn’t necessarily mean that something can’t be stolen.” All the thief had to do was... hurry, essentially.

As for her next comment, Piers nodded again. ”A good thought, thank you.” Some people WOULD want to put the anti-summoning charm on their bag so others couldn’t steal it, but some people, like, Eni, would want to so they could summon it when they wanted to.


Originally Posted by hermionesclone (Post 12417784)
Lucas, being too busy looking over the box in front of him, completely missed whatever it was that Fuller-Thompson had asked. That is, until he noticed something being written on the board and found himself looking up.

Anti-Summoning Charm?

Oh. Oh!

That would make it harder to steal things, wouldn't it?

But this only raised even more questions, especially after some other people answered and he found himself....... thinking. Just thinking. Of things he'd lost, of things he was always told to make sure he had on him before he left the house, of things he wished he could use the summoning charm on during the holidays.

But when his hand went up, he found himself asking something instead of, uh, giving an answer. "Well, what about keys?" Pause. "Beeeeeeecause you lose keys a lot, right? So you wouldn't put the Anti-Summoning Charm on it but..... that means people can easily steal your keys." Which was a big deal, really.

Lucas brought up a good point with his question and Piers appreciated it. ”Excellent question, Lucas. This is an argument you only have to have with yourself. If you’re prone to losing your keys, perhaps the anti-summoning charm isn’t a good idea. But if you don’t want anyone to summon them...” He simply shrugged. ”You have to weigh the pros and cons yourself. Good point though, thank you.” Truly, it was up to the caster of the spell.


Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow (Post 12417799)
Vita smiled a little at Lucas' answer, finding it adorable for some reason. She'd been feeling so old lady compared to everyone else, the things going on outside of Hogwarts that she was dealing with and her future right around the corner. It made her feel a bit like she didn't belong in this place anymore, no matter how much she didn't want to leave.

"I'd want to place the charm on items that are personal and valuable to me, ones that I normally keep out of sight from others." Like her diary. She could use the charm on that for sure. "I wouldn't place the charm on everyday items, like my blanket. I'm always cold, so it's good to be able to summon that when I need to."

Piers called on Vita again when she raised her hand. Personal and valuable items, yes. And everyday items, no. ”Very good, Vita. Thank you.”

Once Piers was satisfied with the answers that he had gotten, he paused by the chalkboard to summarize all the answers into one. ”Alright, so we’ve established that the anti-summoning charm might be a good on. Safes, valuables, things you may not need every day. We also decided that we may not want to use it on everyday items that you might want to summon in a moment of need or... laziness.” Again, not speaking from experience or anything...

”Alright, now for the fun part. We’re going to learn the incantation and practice the spell. In a little bit we’ll play a game and you’ll need to have good practice of the spell in order to do well.” Piers then paused and waved his wand at the chalkboard. The incantation appeared on the board.


Originally Posted by Chalkboard
Anti-Summoning Charm
non voco furtum

He waited for them to write it down in their books before continuing. ”Three words. Non Voco Furtum. This incantation, with two simple taps on the object you are trying to protect, and you’ve got your object protected from somebody else summoning it.” Pause. For dramatic effect. ”Practice the incantation a few times and then start trying to cast it on the box that you’ve got on your desk. You can test out a summoning charm if you want, to see if it works.” That seemed simple enough, right?


Before they got started Pier raised a finger to pause them so they would listen. ”Now, this spell may seem simple, but it can be quite tricky to master. It’s not easy to master a protection spell, so don’t get impatient with yourself if you can’t figure it out.”

”Alright? Get started.” He’d be around if they had questions.

OOC: Thanks again for your replies! This post now begins our Mini Activity! In as many posts as you’d like, have your character practice the incantation and then practice doing the spell on the box that is on their desk. There is no minimum requirement of posts. You have three days to work on this! Have fun!”

ArianaBlack 06-25-2019 04:07 AM

While Nina was quite displeased when she learned which spell they would be working with today, she still tuned back in to learn the incantation. She pretended, but she wasn't an actual idiot. And as such, she began with practicing the incantation. Only the reckless (typically Gryffindors) jumped straight into a new spell without properly testing out the syllables. And because everyone else was busy practicing on their own, Nina didn't mind speaking.

"Non voco furtum," the words felt funny on her tongue, though most incantations typically did. "Non voco furtum," it was a clever incantation. Voco came from the same root as vocare, presumably... To summon. Furtum referred to theft, if she remembered correctly. Basic latin was incredibly useful for lessons. And there was really no question as to what the first word meant.

"Non voco furtum," again until the syllables no longer felt foreign to her tongue.

gritandgrace 06-25-2019 04:30 AM

Eni caught something the Professor had said, "Professor? You said it would prevent someone else from summoning the object; does this mean that the caster of the charm could still summon the object or is there a way to make that exception? If so, that could be quite handy." That's something she would be very interested in learning!

In the meantime Eniola took to practicing the charm, maybe she could finally keep her brother out of her things when she goes home for the summer. That would be a relief!

"Non voco furtum. Non voco furtem. Non voco furtem..." She continued to repeat and double tap the object. Eni knew she probably wouldn't get it right away, but it still would've been nice; she chuckled to herself at the thought.

LilFox06 06-25-2019 05:22 AM

Valencia thought about what sort of uses, if any, this spell would have in her personal life. She didn't really have anything she'd consider valuable. Sure, she had jewelry, but the young Ravenclaw had no concept of their worth. Nor did she want to one day drop an earring an not be able to summon it if she couldn't find it.

With those thoughts busy on her mind she gave the spell a try. "Non voco furtum" she repeated several times to herself.

Ginevra 06-25-2019 06:02 AM

Daisy grabbed her notebook and self-inking quill and began to write:


Originally Posted by Charms Notebook
Anti-Summoning Charm
Incantation: Non Voco Furtum
Wand Movement: Two taps on the object you wish to protect.

Grabbing her wand, Daisy practiced the two taps only a couple of times due to the relative ease of the wand movement. She placed her wand back down on her desk and under her breath said, "Non Voco Furtum" about four times in order to pronounce the incantation more sufficiently.

lazykitty 06-25-2019 08:45 AM

Well, it may not be a bad thing, but it certainly made life much less exciting, right? Not mention making the Aurors basically a waste of space and money.

And her classmates were only proving her point for her. But she couldn't really think of anything out of the box for her answer, so she stayed silent. Not particularly pessimistic per se, just.....well, she didn't know what to label it and she wasn't really sure she wanted to. That would mean she would have to ~explore~ it.

Anyway, as for the spell, she sounded the incantation out first, to be sure she was saying it right. Once she was sure, she tapped the box on her desk twice. "Non Voco Furtum." Now, to try it. Casting a quick Accio, Archer waited. The box stayed where it was, which meant success!

Kolyander 06-25-2019 11:59 AM

Question! & Practicing xD
Rylee hadn't raised her hand to give an answer to the question but she was thinking about quite a list of things that she would put this particular charm on. Like say... her bag and the entire contents of her trunk that was up in her dorm. That did pose one question though and she was curious enough to raise her hand and ask. "Professor... if I placed the charm on say a jewelry box than all the items inside would be unsummonable as you said... but does the charm work on each individual item inside the box or just the box itself? What I mean is... if say I take a ring out of the charmed box would someone then be able to summon the ring?" This was important honestly. If the items were only safe inside the box she would have to rethink what she would really put the charm on and what she wouldn't.

Anti-summoning charm. Non Voco Furtum. It basically meant 'no theft' in Latin. Sort of. The translation wasn't spot on with how it was worded now but broken down she was able to figure it out. Learning Latin had become very important over the last year or two. Anyhow... it was time to focus on practicing the charm. "Non Voco Furtum...Non Voco Furtum.." Rylee repeated several times to herself working on not only on the pronunciation of the charm but how it felt as she said it.

Ginevra 06-25-2019 01:26 PM

Daisy was ready to put her newly learnt spell to use. She tapped on the box in front of her two times as she clearly said, "Non Voco Furtum!" In order to test the effectiveness of the spell she had just cast, Daisy leaned slightly into her seat to get some distance between herself and the box.

Aiming her wand at the box, Daisy cast "Accio," and the box stayed firmly attached to its' spot. The young witch smiled to herself.

2111jen 06-25-2019 09:37 PM

Austin listened and wrote down the spell incantation
non voco furtum
He noddred and glanced at the box on his desk. Why was the box not on another table? He didn't know. Austin shrugged and didn't put up his wand as he quietly pronounced the incantation a few times to get the hang of the words.
"Non vo-co for-tum. Non-non-vo-co-for-tum. Non voco fortum."
Okqy. That was done. He picked up his wand and tapped the box two times as he said the spell.
"Non voco fortum."
Okay. Let's see if this works.
He took his wand and pointed his wand at the box.
"Acio," he said.
Austin frowned when the box got summoned to him. Really?

Fireheart 06-25-2019 10:00 PM

So they would be learning about anti-summoning spells today after all! Theo would certainly be pleased to hear that his daughter was learning spells that were commonplace at the Ministry. Avalon listened intently as her classmates listed some things that should and should not have the charm. She couldn't really think of anything unique to add to the conversation, so she opted to stay quiet, scribbling a note on her parchment every now and then.

SPOILER!!: Parchment

Non Voco Furtum - Anti-Summoning Charm
Tap object twice.
-Good for valuables
-Not so good for everyday items

Whispering the incantation to herself a few times to get the pronunciation right, she grasped her wand. With a gentle double tap on the box and a firm "Non Voco Furtum," the first year attempted to protect the item. But other than a slight jostle of the lid, nothing seemed to happen. Perhaps that meant the spell worked? There was only one way to find out. Avalon walked a few feet away from her desk and pointed her wand at the box. "Accio!" Without missing a beat, the box soared through the air and into her hands. No success.


Originally Posted by 2111jen (Post 12417898)
Austin listened and wrote down the spell incantation
non voco furtum
He noddred and glanced at the box on his desk. Why was the box not on another table? He didn't know. Austin shrugged and didn't put up his wand as he quietly pronounced the incantation a few times to get the hang of the words.
"Non vo-co for-tum. Non-non-vo-co-for-tum. Non voco fortum."
Okqy. That was done. He picked up his wand and tapped the box two times as he said the spell.
"Non voco fortum."
Okay. Let's see if this works.
He took his wand and pointed his wand at the box.
"Acio," he said.
Austin frowned when the box got summoned to him. Really?

Glancing over her shoulder, Avalon noticed that her friend Austin seemed to be having similar trouble. "Mine didn't work the first time either," she said as she placed her box back onto the table. She didn't think she had done anything wrong - in fact, she had followed the instructions diligently. But the professor said that this charm could be tricky to master, so maybe it just took a bit more concentration and effort. "Maybe we should keep trying?"

2111jen 06-25-2019 11:48 PM

Austin glanced at Avalon after putting his box back. He nodded.
yeah. That would be a good idea He thought to himself.

ArianaBlack 06-26-2019 02:42 AM

"Non Voco Furtum," she practiced out loud once more. It was rather straight forward. Practicing the spell with a game, however, was quite ridiculous. They weren't children. Nina would much rather sit here and use the spell for practical means. While she understood that the application through a game would give them ample time to grow familiar with the spells usage, it was also something one did for a three year old.

While most of her classmates were immature, it was still very belittling. Nina didn't like games. They weren't fun. Though her immediate focus was on the application of the incantation on the box before her. And so, Nina tapped her box twice, "Non Voco Furtum," before clearing her throat. "Accio wooden box," and waited.

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