-   Term 52: May - August 2019 (
-   -   Charms Lesson 1 (

sarahlooo 06-21-2019 08:49 PM

Charms Lesson 1
It was a chilly February morning when Piers opened the doors of the Charms classroom for another lesson. Actually, it was hard to believe that it was already February. Perhaps that meant that Spring would come soon and that dreaded, mysterious mist would finally dissapate and leave them alone. It had interfered with his Wellness Club, which he would now have to find a way to do indoors. The castle was large enough to jog around in, but it was much easier to run into students while doing so. That and a few other things were on his mind the morning of his lesson, but he did his best to push all other thoughts beside his lesson plan aside.

While Piers waited for the students to arrive, he set a small wooden box down on each table for each student. When he was done with that, he went back up to the front of the classroom and wrote on the chalkboard the topic of their lesson. No surprises. Then he leaned against his desk with his arms crossed over his chest and waited for his students to arrive.


Originally Posted by chalkboard
Anti-Theft Magic

OOC: Welcome to Charms! Keep in mind that this is NOT the first lesson your characters have had as it's already February in the RPG. Come on in and have a seat and we'll get the lesson rolling at about 8pm on June 22nd (GMT - 8).

Lesson Progression:
- Greetings and Question 1
- Replies and Question 2
- Replies and Mini Activity
- Main Activity Instructions

MunchyBubbles 06-21-2019 10:23 PM

Kamryn hadn’t been sleeping well, or really eating well, so lately she was up before everyone and just skipped breakfast, which meant she was usually early to her classes..

And today was no different.

She peeked her brown head in and then the rest of her body followed as she gave the Professor a small smile.

“Hello Professor.” She said softly as she gave him a wave and then moved to a chair that was in the middle, she settled down at it and looked at the box on her desk, before her blue eyes moved to the board.

Anti theft charms hmm?

gritandgrace 06-21-2019 10:56 PM

Eniola yawned walking into the classroom, she was SO tired. She really couldn't help the second one that escaped either. "Morning Professor." She said as she fell into her chair and tried desperately to keep her head up. She knew she shouldn't have skipped breakfast,it meant she skipped her coffee too. Mmmmm coffee.

GrapehSarah 06-21-2019 11:20 PM

Cassidy was not feeling her usual self. She hadn't been since the incident with the mist. She walked to charms wondering if maybe she should visit the school nurse to get checked out. Perhaps she would after class was over.

She walked into the room and sat down at her usual spot right up front. She gave Professor Fuller-Thompson a half smile, definitely not her usual big face filling grin. "Morning sir." And no sing songy voice either. Just a standard greeting. She looked at the board and then at the little box in front of her. Well today was going to be an interesting lesson.

oh its Erik ok 06-22-2019 01:48 AM

Eloise was still not well ok she was back to normal after the whole mist thing but well Fuller was there and well she still felt awkward about the crying and having to be saved even if it was a while ago now.


"Hiya, Professor"

She said looking at him and then at the board. Oh interesting. Could be helpful in the dorm or at home really. Unless Vivi knew how to get about these types of charms being all miss fancy pantsy curse breaker in training she is.

It a seat she goes

Fireheart 06-22-2019 02:11 AM

Avalon was getting sick of the cold weather. The winter seemed to be dragging on, and she was tired of shivering everywhere she went. Early morning classes didn't help, either. For some reason, it was ten times more difficult to wake up early when it was cold outside. Thankfully, she had downed a large cup of tea just before heading over to Charms class, so she was slightly warmed up. And she had remembered to bring her gloves today - thank Merlin, because the walk to the Charms classroom was chilly.

"Good morning, Professor," she said politely, trying to stifle a yawn. She took a seat next to a first year Gryffindor, Cassidy, who also didn't look very cheerful at this hour. "Hello there," Avalon said softly, giving her a weak smile. She wasn't sure if she should ask the girl how she was doing. She certainly didn't look like her normal self. But Avalon didn't want to pry. So she glanced down at the box on her desk, her curiosity instantly piquing as to what might be inside.

Suziella 06-22-2019 03:11 AM

Sebastian made his way into the charms room. Kam usually walked with him to their lessons...but lately she hadn't been around for them to have that time. She looked exhausted and a little thin. He was really starting to worry about her, but how was he supposed to talk to her about it?

"Morning, Professor." Sebastian said with a small smile. "Morning all." He said with a wink and a cheeky grin. He wasn't sure if Kam wanted him to sit next to her today so he sat behind her instead. He began to pull out his supplies so he would be ready for the lesson, worrying the whole time about the girl sitting in front of him.

ArianaBlack 06-22-2019 05:19 AM

Nina hadn’t made her mind up about Professor Fuller-Thomson. He had many admirable traits, like his no-nonsense approach to conversation or his rather direct teaching methods. But for every point in his favor, he also did weird things like munch on bean toast and gave false hope to hopeful students looking to transfer Houses. She also did not join his wellness club. Because the thought of “””exercising””” with her classmates was enough to make her want to convulse. She would much rather do yoga out on the quad by herself.

But charms was a useful subject. And as such, her opinion of the man would never affect her approach to the class itself. As she made her way inside the room, she kept her typical look of displeasure in place... Only to immediately begin grinning upon reading what was on the board. Only to AGAIN drop the smile and replace it with a neutral expression. Merlin forbid if anyone saw she was actually excited to LEARN.

She paused briefly to acknowledge her Professor with a look, before making her way to the middle of the room where she could hopefully blend in with the rest of the class and get away with staying silent during the Q&A portion. Though she only allowed herself to get excited about it in secret, this lesson would hopefully prove to be very useful. Gunnar had promised to teach her some protective spells too and she still planned on receiving personal lessons from him (cute boy, all to herself, duh), but every spell to keep Karlin away from her things was truly a huge help. Living with a professional pickpocket in your dormitory was an actual nightmare.

griffin 06-22-2019 05:34 AM

Cordelia did not enjoy the cold February weather. The cold always made her blood sugar go high, and the pattern on her continuous glucose monitor currently resembled a rollercoaster. Cold weather season was also when everyone got sick, and getting sick was worse for her than for most people because she had to deal with Type 1 Diabetes on top of everything else. Cordelia walked by the professor on her way in to the charms classroom. ”Morning, Professor.” There was nothing particularly good about cold mornings, so Cordelia just left the good out of her greeting entirely. Her first thought at seeing the box on her desk was that she would love to decorate the box and make it look pretty. That probably wasn’t what the professor intended for them to do today, however. Considering the message on the board she was guessing they would be learning ways to keep people out of locked boxes, and by extension other locked places.

SilverTiger 06-22-2019 08:25 AM

It was February, but Stasya was finding it harder than usual to get excited over everything the month should bring. Honestly, the mist and all the other weirdness was messing with her head a bit. She’d half-been tempted to try and smuggle creatures inside the castle away from it all, but so far she’d resisted. Danger was usual at Hogwarts, but that didn’t change that she wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about the recent developments. Even Charms, which usually raised her spirits even given the change in professors after Professor Marchand’s retirement from his posts, wasn’t working quite as well as usual, as a subject.

She’d still managed a smile for the professor, however. It wasn’t his fault Hogwarts was developing a case of fog. At least, she didn’t think it was. He seemed just as wary of the mists as anyone was. “Good morning, Professor Fuller-Thompson,” she greeted him, making her way to her usual seat. The box only received a cursory glance, along with the phrase on the board. Anti-Theft. It made her wonder what the significance was in the bigger picture. Maybe there was a reason he’d chosen to teach the subject now?

Ginevra 06-22-2019 09:05 AM

Maybe it was the mist for some odd reason or maybe the exhaustive amount of studying that she had been doing but Daisy was feeling drained as she made her way to the Charms classroom. "Hello, Professor," Daisy greeted, ensuring that her face belied any tiredness. She made her way to her usual seat in the middle of the classroom and quickly glanced at the wooden box in front of her, before looking up at the blackboard. Daisy raised an eyebrow in interest.

Kolyander 06-22-2019 12:14 PM

For many obvious reasons, Rylee was tired. Studying for OWLs and keeping up with her many other activities was exhausting but she was managing. The only way to get things done was to not allow it all to pile up on her, which was easier said than done at times. The slight lack of sleep wasn't going to break her spirit though and it was with her usual cheerful attitude that she entered the classroom.

"Good morning, Professor," Rylee greeted warmly on the way to her seat. It was only after settling at her desk that she allowed her attention to focus on the box that was there and than the words on the board. Anti-Theft Magic. Interesting. Her curiosity was certainly peaked right now.

TakemetotheBurrow 06-22-2019 01:20 PM

Charms was her favorite subject, always had been. It was why with everything going on, Vita managed a small smile as she slipped into the classroom. At least here she would be in her element. At least here she'd know what to do and how. It was a welcome to change to all this other seventh year business going on.

"Hello Professor." And also head-of-house. And also mentor, she supposed. She really did need to pick his brain about possible career choices she might want to look into. Maybe she'd try and talk to him after class.

For the moment, the brunette found herself a seat and considered the box in front of her and how, given the subject matter, she might arm it with an alarm.

Harron Peasley 06-22-2019 11:24 PM

"Hi Professor," Józef said brightly, before looking around the classroom for a seat. He saw Nina, and offered her a grin, but she was sat in the middle and the middle wasn't exactly where he'd chose. So instead he headed to the back row, looking curiously at every single box he passed on his way there.

When he sat down, he immediately turned his attention to the box on his chosen desk. It looked exactly the same as all of the other boxes, but this one was his and so he was going to pick it up, and shake it against his ear.

Were they allowed to open it? Jó glanced around to see what everyone else was doing.

hermionesclone 06-23-2019 12:35 AM

Since he'd much rather be doing a bunch of other things than taking part in the Wellness Club, it was safe to say that Lucas had missed......... whatever had happened. A mist? Yeah, he'd missed it. But it wasn't long before the news of the mist reached his ears, making him even more glad that he didn't do exercise.

But even if he wasn't taking part in that club, coming to Charms lesson was a must and so, he was here. "Morning, Professor," he mumbled, shooting him a small smile as he wandered over towards an empty seat and....... a wooden box? He looked up and around, noting that everyone else had wooden boxes as well, and then noticing the three words written on the board.

And then it made all the sense.

Anti-theft? So was this going to attack if he touched it? Or set off an alarm?

Charely Potter 06-23-2019 01:33 AM

Taddy felt more tired than usual today. He wasn't quite sure, probably too many naps the previous day was settling in. If anything he had been feeling more tired since winter break ended, his blonde hair was fully brunette now from lack of sun-brightening. It was quite chilly today so he was wrapped with his blanket around still. This was Charms class though, so perhaps he won't need it for long.

"Morning, Professor." Tad greeted, shaking his curls out of his eyes to wake himself. Maybe the cold would help wake him up, so he dropped the blanket into his seat before sitting down. There was a box. Hmm.. Anti-Theft magic. He was very curious now.

sarahlooo 06-23-2019 02:12 AM

Text Cut: Replies

Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles (Post 12417469)
Kamryn hadn’t been sleeping well, or really eating well, so lately she was up before everyone and just skipped breakfast, which meant she was usually early to her classes..

And today was no different.

She peeked her brown head in and then the rest of her body followed as she gave the Professor a small smile.

“Hello Professor.” She said softly as she gave him a wave and then moved to a chair that was in the middle, she settled down at it and looked at the box on her desk, before her blue eyes moved to the board.

Anti theft charms hmm?

And the first student had arrived. Piers returned the smile with his own and a nod. ”Morning,” he replied as she sat down and then returned his eyes to the door.


Originally Posted by gritandgrace (Post 12417476)
Eniola yawned walking into the classroom, she was SO tired. She really couldn't help the second one that escaped either. "Morning Professor." She said as she fell into her chair and tried desperately to keep her head up. She knew she shouldn't have skipped breakfast,it meant she skipped her coffee too. Mmmmm coffee.

Yeah, he was feeling that yawn too. Piers wasn’t really a morning person, you know? ”Morning,” he replied again to the yawner as she walked into the classroom and found her seat. Hopefully their discussion would wake up both of them.


Originally Posted by GrapehSarah (Post 12417479)
Cassidy was not feeling her usual self. She hadn't been since the incident with the mist. She walked to charms wondering if maybe she should visit the school nurse to get checked out. Perhaps she would after class was over.

She walked into the room and sat down at her usual spot right up front. She gave Professor Fuller-Thompson a half smile, definitely not her usual big face filling grin. "Morning sir." And no sing songy voice either. Just a standard greeting. She looked at the board and then at the little box in front of her. Well today was going to be an interesting lesson.

Ah, and there was Cassidy. The last time he saw her was at their unfortunately-ended health and wellness jog at the pathways. The memory gave him chills. But it was a new day and the mist was outside. Not in here. He nodded at the girl, noting that she seemed less cheerful than before. ”Good morning.”


Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok (Post 12417495)
Eloise was still not well ok she was back to normal after the whole mist thing but well Fuller was there and well she still felt awkward about the crying and having to be saved even if it was a while ago now.


"Hiya, Professor"

She said looking at him and then at the board. Oh interesting. Could be helpful in the dorm or at home really. Unless Vivi knew how to get about these types of charms being all miss fancy pantsy curse breaker in training she is.

It a seat she goes

And there was another from the events at the pathways. Both of the girls looked okay, at least and were hopefully not traumatized. Piers gave her a nod. ”Hello,” he responded simple as she found her seat.


Originally Posted by Fireheart (Post 12417499)
Avalon was getting sick of the cold weather. The winter seemed to be dragging on, and she was tired of shivering everywhere she went. Early morning classes didn't help, either. For some reason, it was ten times more difficult to wake up early when it was cold outside. Thankfully, she had downed a large cup of tea just before heading over to Charms class, so she was slightly warmed up. And she had remembered to bring her gloves today - thank Merlin, because the walk to the Charms classroom was chilly.

"Good morning, Professor," she said politely, trying to stifle a yawn. She took a seat next to a first year Gryffindor, Cassidy, who also didn't look very cheerful at this hour. "Hello there," Avalon said softly, giving her a weak smile. She wasn't sure if she should ask the girl how she was doing. She certainly didn't look like her normal self. But Avalon didn't want to pry. So she glanced down at the box on her desk, her curiosity instantly piquing as to what might be inside.

The cold weather was quite depressing, especially with that unnatural foggy mist on the grounds. Hopefully it wouldn’t last long. Piers nodded at the next girl to walk in. ”Good morning.” What was her name again? Would he ever learn them? Probably not.


Originally Posted by Suziella (Post 12417504)
Sebastian made his way into the charms room. Kam usually walked with him to their lessons...but lately she hadn't been around for them to have that time. She looked exhausted and a little thin. He was really starting to worry about her, but how was he supposed to talk to her about it?

"Morning, Professor." Sebastian said with a small smile. "Morning all." He said with a wink and a cheeky grin. He wasn't sure if Kam wanted him to sit next to her today so he sat behind her instead. He began to pull out his supplies so he would be ready for the lesson, worrying the whole time about the girl sitting in front of him.

Ah, good, a smile. He could do with one of those. Piers returned the small smile to the next student that walked in. ”Good morning,” he responded pleasantly as the kid found his seat.


Originally Posted by ArianaBlack (Post 12417518)
Nina hadn’t made her mind up about Professor Fuller-Thomson. He had many admirable traits, like his no-nonsense approach to conversation or his rather direct teaching methods. But for every point in his favor, he also did weird things like munch on bean toast and gave false hope to hopeful students looking to transfer Houses. She also did not join his wellness club. Because the thought of “””exercising””” with her classmates was enough to make her want to convulse. She would much rather do yoga out on the quad by herself.

But charms was a useful subject. And as such, her opinion of the man would never affect her approach to the class itself. As she made her way inside the room, she kept her typical look of displeasure in place... Only to immediately begin grinning upon reading what was on the board. Only to AGAIN drop the smile and replace it with a neutral expression. Merlin forbid if anyone saw she was actually excited to LEARN.

She paused briefly to acknowledge her Professor with a look, before making her way to the middle of the room where she could hopefully blend in with the rest of the class and get away with staying silent during the Q&A portion. Though she only allowed herself to get excited about it in secret, this lesson would hopefully prove to be very useful. Gunnar had promised to teach her some protective spells too and she still planned on receiving personal lessons from him (cute boy, all to herself, duh), but every spell to keep Karlin away from her things was truly a huge help. Living with a professional pickpocket in your dormitory was an actual nightmare.

And then there was Nina. The girl who came to his office and probably lied to him to try and get out of the Slytherin house. Didn’t she know that no one got out of their house? Especially liars. Anyway, he SAW that look she was giving him. Maybe it was just her way of saying hello, but he returned the look and then looked past her to the next student.


Originally Posted by griffin (Post 12417519)
Cordelia did not enjoy the cold February weather. The cold always made her blood sugar go high, and the pattern on her continuous glucose monitor currently resembled a rollercoaster. Cold weather season was also when everyone got sick, and getting sick was worse for her than for most people because she had to deal with Type 1 Diabetes on top of everything else. Cordelia walked by the professor on her way in to the charms classroom. ”Morning, Professor.” There was nothing particularly good about cold mornings, so Cordelia just left the good out of her greeting entirely. Her first thought at seeing the box on her desk was that she would love to decorate the box and make it look pretty. That probably wasn’t what the professor intended for them to do today, however. Considering the message on the board she was guessing they would be learning ways to keep people out of locked boxes, and by extension other locked places.

There were a lot of “morning” greetings, he noticed, that were not preceded by a “good”. It was just an observation. Perhaps this cold and damp winter was getting to them. ”Good morning,” he replied to the next student, his eyes glancing towards the clock. Almost time to start.


Originally Posted by SilverTiger (Post 12417523)
It was February, but Stasya was finding it harder than usual to get excited over everything the month should bring. Honestly, the mist and all the other weirdness was messing with her head a bit. She’d half-been tempted to try and smuggle creatures inside the castle away from it all, but so far she’d resisted. Danger was usual at Hogwarts, but that didn’t change that she wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about the recent developments. Even Charms, which usually raised her spirits even given the change in professors after Professor Marchand’s retirement from his posts, wasn’t working quite as well as usual, as a subject.

She’d still managed a smile for the professor, however. It wasn’t his fault Hogwarts was developing a case of fog. At least, she didn’t think it was. He seemed just as wary of the mists as anyone was. “Good morning, Professor Fuller-Thompson,” she greeted him, making her way to her usual seat. The box only received a cursory glance, along with the phrase on the board. Anti-Theft. It made her wonder what the significance was in the bigger picture. Maybe there was a reason he’d chosen to teach the subject now?

Ah, a full-namer. Life at Hogwarts was a little bit more simple when his name was just Professor Fuller. The added name made his name rather long. It almost tempted him to just have the kids call him by his first name. But that was probably “unprofessional”. ”Good morning, Stasya.”


Originally Posted by Ginevra (Post 12417526)
Maybe it was the mist for some odd reason or maybe the exhaustive amount of studying that she had been doing but Daisy was feeling drained as she made her way to the Charms classroom. "Hello, Professor," Daisy greeted, ensuring that her face belied any tiredness. She made her way to her usual seat in the middle of the classroom and quickly glanced at the wooden box in front of her, before looking up at the blackboard. Daisy raised an eyebrow in interest.

This student looked as tired as he felt. He nodded to Daisy. ”Hello, student.”


Originally Posted by Kolyander (Post 12417534)
For many obvious reasons, Rylee was tired. Studying for OWLs and keeping up with her many other activities was exhausting but she was managing. The only way to get things done was to not allow it all to pile up on her, which was easier said than done at times. The slight lack of sleep wasn't going to break her spirit though and it was with her usual cheerful attitude that she entered the classroom.

"Good morning, Professor," Rylee greeted warmly on the way to her seat. It was only after settling at her desk that she allowed her attention to focus on the box that was there and than the words on the board. Anti-Theft Magic. Interesting. Her curiosity was certainly peaked right now.

And this one was tired... but optimistic. At least that was the vibe he was getting from her when she walked in. ”Good morning,” he replied with a small smile as she found her seat.


Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow (Post 12417536)
Charms was her favorite subject, always had been. It was why with everything going on, Vita managed a small smile as she slipped into the classroom. At least here she would be in her element. At least here she'd know what to do and how. It was a welcome to change to all this other seventh year business going on.

"Hello Professor." And also head-of-house. And also mentor, she supposed. She really did need to pick his brain about possible career choices she might want to look into. Maybe she'd try and talk to him after class.

For the moment, the brunette found herself a seat and considered the box in front of her and how, given the subject matter, she might arm it with an alarm.

Ah, and there was his prefect. Well, one of them. He seemed to see more of this one than the other, though. But Vita had been at the pathways with him when the mist appeared and shook them to the core, so he was glad to see her today. ”Vita,” he greeted with a nod.


Originally Posted by Harron Peasley (Post 12417560)
"Hi Professor," Józef said brightly, before looking around the classroom for a seat. He saw Nina, and offered her a grin, but she was sat in the middle and the middle wasn't exactly where he'd chose. So instead he headed to the back row, looking curiously at every single box he passed on his way there.

When he sat down, he immediately turned his attention to the box on his chosen desk. It looked exactly the same as all of the other boxes, but this one was his and so he was going to pick it up, and shake it against his ear.

Were they allowed to open it? Jó glanced around to see what everyone else was doing.

Oh good, another optimistic one. Piers nodded at the next boy that walked in. ”Hello there,” he replied, less enthusiastically as he found his seat.


Originally Posted by hermionesclone (Post 12417564)
Since he'd much rather be doing a bunch of other things than taking part in the Wellness Club, it was safe to say that Lucas had missed......... whatever had happened. A mist? Yeah, he'd missed it. But it wasn't long before the news of the mist reached his ears, making him even more glad that he didn't do exercise.

But even if he wasn't taking part in that club, coming to Charms lesson was a must and so, he was here. "Morning, Professor," he mumbled, shooting him a small smile as he wandered over towards an empty seat and....... a wooden box? He looked up and around, noting that everyone else had wooden boxes as well, and then noticing the three words written on the board.

And then it made all the sense.

Anti-theft? So was this going to attack if he touched it? Or set off an alarm?

No, the box wouldn’t attack if he touched it. It wouldn’t really do anything just yet. The mumble didn’t really match the smile on the kid’s face, but... it was time to get started. ”Morning,” he replied, checking the clock again.


Originally Posted by Charely Potter (Post 12417570)
Taddy felt more tired than usual today. He wasn't quite sure, probably too many naps the previous day was settling in. If anything he had been feeling more tired since winter break ended, his blonde hair was fully brunette now from lack of sun-brightening. It was quite chilly today so he was wrapped with his blanket around still. This was Charms class though, so perhaps he won't need it for long.

"Morning, Professor." Tad greeted, shaking his curls out of his eyes to wake himself. Maybe the cold would help wake him up, so he dropped the blanket into his seat before sitting down. There was a box. Hmm.. Anti-Theft magic. He was very curious now.

Alright, after this kid, the lesson would start. Piers nodded at him as he entered the classroom. ”Good morning,” he responded politely. There. Now it was time.

And it was time to get started.

Piers pushed himself off the edge of the desk and waved his wand to shut to the classroom door. ”Alright everyone, quiet down. Time to get started.” Piers paused a moment to roll up the sleeves on his dress shirt and waited for the students to quiet down so he could get started.

”Anti theft magic,” he said, gesturing to the chalkboard, in case some of the students hadn’t looked at it yet. ”It comes in a few different forms and is very useful in protecting special items.” He was being vague for a reason. ”So, let’s start by discussing what we may know about it. Do you know any spells? What they work on and what they don’t? Tell me everything you think you know about anti theft magic - go.” And he would write stuff down on the board.

OOC: Class has officially begun! Posting your characters arriving to class late MAY have IC consequences, but hey! That might be fun. Go ahead and have your character answer something about anti theft magic. It can be real or can be totally made up. Up to you! Class will move on in about 24 hours from this post.

ArianaBlack 06-23-2019 03:37 AM

Nina arranged the items on her desk a few times in order to optimize space. She liked her workspace neat, but also practical. It was difficult to do with an obnoxious box taking up most of the space. She did, however, look up to see Józef grinning and offered him one in return. She was also quite disappointed that he didn't come to sit near her, but she didn't let the disappointment show on her face. She wasn't desperate.

When their Professor finally took center stage to begin addressing the class as a whole, Nina found herself to be quite thankful. She hated the in between waiting time before a lesson. There was really only so much disinterest a person could feign without having an excuse as to why they showed up in the first place. Pretending to hate the subject was an awful lot of work. Again, she was keen to learn anti-theft magic in particular, knowing that the spells would be quite useful for the dormitory. And as such, she made sure to have a spare piece of parchment out for notes. Which she would take rather diligently.

One of the things she did appreciate about her Head of House was how quickly he got to the point of his lessons. Most Professors enjoyed asking silly questions that took a long while to circle back to the main subject at hand. It was not only a large waste of time, but it was also annoying. While Nina knew a bit about particular spells imbued with anti-theft magic (the thief's curse being one she had personal experience with), she decidedly stayed quiet. Pretending not to pay attention, when really she was very much listening to every word.

Fireheart 06-23-2019 03:47 AM

As the professor greeted the remaining students, Avalon examined her box more carefully. She was tempted to pick it up and shake it to see what was inside. But a glance at the blackboard, followed by Professor Fuller-Thompson's introduction, told her that the box had something to do with anti-theft magic.

Another topic with which she wasn't terribly familiar. She had heard her dad discussing it in regard to his job with the ministry, but she only remembered bits and pieces. She tentatively raised her hand. "I don't know any of the specific spells, but I think that a lot of anti-theft magic prevents things from being summoned." She felt slightly ashamed that she couldn't recall at lease one anti-theft charm. Retrieving her quill, she scribbled the date and title of the lesson on a piece of parchment in the mean time.

GrapehSarah 06-23-2019 07:34 AM

Cassidy gave Professor Fuller-Thompson another small smile. She was here in class. And she actually quite enjoyed Charms. However, she didn't know much about the subject for the day. She bit her lip, her usual thinking habit, but nothing really was coming to mind. Other than anti-theft magic prevented things from getting stolen, but that seemed like a really stupid thing to blurt out. And Cassidy didn't feel like sounding stupid today. So she sat in silence just letting her other classmates handle this question.

lazykitty 06-23-2019 10:11 AM

Jeez, could you be any vaguer, professor? "Most magical objects sold these days have one cast on them," was Archer's contribution. Well, he had said anything. "Which I don't really understand, because most people these days are really too boring and lame to try and steal something," she added with her signature chuckle. Don't blame her for the wording, it was something that she'd overheard someone complaining about over the holiday. Not that she would personally try to steal anything, she wasn't that kind of person.

Kolyander 06-23-2019 02:04 PM

As the lesson began, Rylee opened her bag and pulled out a clean sheet of parchment and her self-inking quill. From the moment the professor started speaking she was taking down notes. Anti-theft magic was very useful and she was going to make sure she paid very close attention during this lesson. These were spells that she most certainly wanted to know and learn... well if these were ones she didn't already know that is.

"There's the Thief's Curse, professor. It's placed on books to keep people from reading to much of a book without purchasing it from the shop. I'm sure it can be used on other items as well with different effects."

siriusblackliveson 06-23-2019 02:36 PM

Patrick was a bit surprised to see they were going to be learning about anti theft charms. We’re people stealing around the castle and he hadn’t noticed? Had he taken so much time to himself the prior weekend that he didn’t have a clue what was going on around the castle? He was confused for a second.

Shaking his head and getting his paper out he prepared himself for writing the notes for the class. He was writing answers left and right. “Are there rules about what kind of anti-theft charms you can use? Like with muggles they have certain things they can’t do if someone is stealing their belongings... does the same apply here?” well he was asking the hard questions today.

Govoni 06-23-2019 05:41 PM

Aaron frowned at the back of Archer's head. She was incredibly pessimistic for someone from their house, but he supposed that was part of the reason she was such a good Prefect partner. She could be firm, where he failed to be. Sighing, he turned his attention back towards the professor, and refrained from tapping his quill to his notebook page. Nervous habit these days.

There was bad mojo afoot. Aaron stayed unsettled.

As for anti-theft magic, he had a few ideas, sure. Depending on what you were protecting, there were options, but then again, he'd never had a problem with anyone trying to steal from him. That he knew of, anyway. Maybe someone had tried. Or maybe he was far too trusting. That was a very real possibility.... huh.

Aaron made sure to raise his hand, offering a small smile. "All my most valuable items are protected by mokeskin." But that was probably better suited for Creatures lessons. "Colloportus seals doors, so you could put something in a room and seal the door to keep it safe." But also, if it was that important, you could also just reduce the size and carry it around on your person.

MunchyBubbles 06-23-2019 08:00 PM

Kamryn was barely paying attention to who had come into the class. She was so in her own head she didn’t even notice that her best friend was behind her.

She looked up as the Professor asked about anti theft spells, but at the moment she wasn’t really feeling like answering anything, so instead she kept her head down and wrote notes and didn’t say anything..

That should work for now.. yeah?

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