-   Term 52: May - August 2019 (
-   -   Arithmancy 2: Introduction to Elemental Arithmancy (

oh its Erik ok 06-12-2019 05:03 PM

Would you look at that the first couple answers where even nerdier than what even Eiji the biggest nerd she knew said. Scratch that it would be a battle between him and Drewidiot. She means Drewie..Drewett. Eloise sighed and thought about anything to add to the lesson that was groundbreaking.

Water in winter.

Yeeeah Eloise got nothing well maybe....

"Its deadly"

Which too beee faaaair can be said about basically anything but it was an answer.

So there you go

gritandgrace 06-12-2019 07:54 PM

Eniola took her seat and greeted the Professor, significantly happier the closer she got to Christmas holidays.

Why is water essential to life? You'd think that'd be obvious, no? Eni thought to herself and yet she only really had one thought that stood out the most to her. Raising her hand she said, "Transportation. Muggle and Wizard kind alike use water for transportation quite often. It's quite essential to many people all over the world for that one purpose alone, let alone all the others."

MadMadamMalfoy 06-12-2019 08:00 PM

Tina slumped down in her seat, trying to make herself as small as possible - not an easy task, as she was one of the taller students. Maybe making herself less visible would make her less of a target to be called on. If she didn't have to say anything, she wouldn't be wrong and look stupid.

She wasn't sure what to think when Professor Sissay said they'd be looking at the deeper meanings behind combinations. Don't get her wrong, she was glad not to be doing number analysis again, but this sounded awfully… uncertain. She perked up a little bit when she heard they were learning about water today. That sounded rather interesting, and - Did she hear that right? A question with clear-cut correct answers? Thank Merlin! Finally a question she felt confident answering!

Tina sat up straighter as her hand shot into the air. After being called on, she said, "As far as properties go, the chemical formula for water is H2O, which means two atoms hydrogen and one atom oxygen in each molecule of water. One non magical use for water is hydroelectricity, or electricity created using the movement of water to power generators."

She sat back in her seat, feeling pleased with herself as she finished speaking.

siriusblackliveson 06-12-2019 08:51 PM

What could he say other than what had already been said? Sure it was something they needed as humans to survive because they needed water to stay hydrated. Eiji was right that it was conjurable.... wait was that even a word? Letting a small sigh out as he looked up he finally did notice the clouds. Oh Merlin no. he did not want to get wet today in class. he wanted to enjoy his day not have this happen.

Raising his hand, "well it helps grow things, like crops for food, or things needed for potions." He knew that first hand because of his summers with his grandparents. Dry summer meant that the crops didn't come in and that meant people couldn't make the potions they needed or eat the small round of crops they grew.

SneakySeverusSnape 06-12-2019 09:03 PM

It is conjurable? IT IS CONJURABLE?! THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE? Analiese silently thought to herself as she listened to the other answers. Her hand shot in the air immediately when she thought of a suitable answer. "Water is used in homes for drinking, cleaning, food preparation, maintaining lawns and plants, and removing sewage waste. Commercial use is very similar but usually operates on a larger scale in facilities such as hotels, office buildings, restaurants, shopping centres and military bases." She added... a short essay to the lesson, you could say. The young Ravenclaw listened quietly to her classmates' answers and internally faceplamed while remaining her normal, smiley look.

hermionesclone 06-12-2019 09:30 PM

The smile immediately spread across his face when Sissay mentioned that special little elephant she'd let him keep. "Dani the elephant is great! She's stopped trying to jump into inkpots and has been trying to hang out with my other dormmates....." His voice trailed off slightly as some part of his brain, some weird anxious part, started reminding him that he was talking too much. Did Sissay want to know any of this? He doubted it.

But she was talking so he focused on her talk about combinations and deeper meanings and...... water? What was the connection there?? He just sat there, staring at the elephant sculpture up front, almost as if he expected the secret meaning to pop out of nowhere. But no, no answer came to him and even if it had, his mind was already starting to wander........


What were they talking about again? Water?

Blinking, Lucas glanced first at Sissay and then some of the others as they started talking about water and the different things it's used for and....... did someone mention that it was deadly?

Okay, no, he wasn't thinking about that.

Instead, he raised his hand in the air to offer something. "The planet wouldn't be what it is and wouldn't sustain life if it didn't have water" Pause. "And, I guess, when we explore other planets, we usually look to see if it has water because if it has water, then it'll sustain life, right? Bodily functions, hydration, all of it. And a new planet that has water is a huuuuuuuuge discovery."

Was he answering the question? Probably not.

Lissy Longbottom 06-12-2019 11:24 PM

This classroom was TOO cold. Trinetta was not a fan. Thankfully, since it was December anyways, she'd been wearing her sweater to class as opposed to just her vest, but her hands were still cold and she was currently sitting on them to try and keep warm. She raised her hand to add her answer, though, and hoped that the sooner they'd get through this Q&A portion of the lesson, the sooner the professor would explain why it was so cold and hopefully do something to fix it.

"It could be argued that water is the most powerful element," she stated. It certainly was in her opinion. "It can put out fire, and given enough time and force it can break down the Earth...we're really all at the mercy of water," she said. She realized a moment later that that was a TAD dramatic but...where was the lie? Honestly?

Bazinga 06-13-2019 02:26 AM

The sound of the water, why was it here? Why did it not happen until she hit the classroom that she had to go? Sitting down she was going to do everything in her power to not have to ask to go, she couldn't afford to miss class, but she couldn't afford to have an accident in front of cute boys either. What would Finlay think or Calyx, Merlin that would make her hide in her dorm the rest of term, even give up Quidditch she'd be so mortified.

So concentrating on the professor when she started talking Chloe was determined to forget the water, forget her problem, and just....

Water? She was asking about water, Chloe should have known. Listening to everyone talk about the biggerst thing she was trying to forget at the moment she raised her hand, "It flushes your body by making you have to use the loo and go pee and sometimes, well, just the sound of it makes you realize you have to go pee or makes you have to go more even if you had to go a little."

Yes, that was her answer, because that's what she was thinking about.

ArianaBlack 06-13-2019 03:46 AM

Nina watched as her classmates entered the room, she had already pulled out her materials for the lesson and organized her desks a couple of times to allow for maximum note-taking space. Practicality was very important, obviously. But so was comfort. As for her classmates, far too many of them were overly-chatty, something that while she had grown accustomed to, she still did not approve of. Her demeanor only changed when some boy (Maxie, from the looks of it-- though she couldn't be sure of it without her contacts) decided to HUG Professor Sissay???? Nina watched with an unimpressed expression on her face. Had the boy meant to do that or had he simply forgotten that they were at a school, not a daycare?

Nina truly worried for some of these kids.

Thankfully it did not take long for the lesson to actually begin, and Nina once again drew her attention to the front of the room. She did have a feeling the elements would somehow be linked to their class today, though focusing on water specifically had taken her by surprise. While the first question was rather open-ended, surely Professor Sissay hadn't wanted people to blurt out whatever they wanted. Eloise's answer made absolutely no sense (but then again, who is surprised) (no one). Eiji's answer was highly disappointing, he could do better than that. He was just being lazy. She made sure to give him a look to convey that.

Nina didn't raise her own hand, though she did have plenty of thoughts. She agreed with most of her classmates, water was clearly an essential element to sustaining life. Without water many of the practices at Hogwarts would cease to exist. Chloe McCarthy, however, ought to do a better job at reading a room, ew why would she mention peeing.

Lislchen 06-13-2019 09:26 AM

...after Chloe's answer, Anahera briefly worried SHE was going to need a quick trip to the toilet as well. But it seemed that the coldness of the room had basically counteracted that need.

After (half) listening to most of the other answers, she raised her hand and said, "It's one of the four classical elements." Nobody had said that before right? Not in so many words anyway.

And maybe if they answered Professor Sissay's question(s) fast, they'd be allowed to practice their heat charms. Yes?

Kimothy 06-13-2019 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Daemon (Post 12416510)
"If you haven't spotted it already," Ayana looked around her class and caught some of their gazes, "today we will be discussing water. What are some properties of water that you know of? Magical and not, what is it used for, why is it so essential to life?" Starting off small, just to grab the magnitude of this wonderful, magical, important substance that exists in the world.

Water. H2O. Dihydrogen monoxide. This wasn't a lesson Drewett would expect from an Arithmancy class. The fact that it was all scientific was enough reason for him to conclude that he would be enjoying this class today. The nerd in him was awake.

And of course, he'd dive right into the properties of water. His brain immediately thought of every single concept on chemistry, physics, and biology he could think of that could be connected to water. There were so many of them. Water cycles, body temperature regulation, thermodynamics, photosynthesis, light infraction, marine life....

It was a list. He could go on and on about it. He got a bit too excited. "It has high surface t-tension, Professor," Drewett said, his hand raised up to answer the question. There it was. The nerd was out.

Daemon 06-14-2019 12:31 AM

Text Cut: TakemetotheBurrow

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow (Post 12416535)
Vita smiled wider, noting the way their professor reacted to being hugged. At least she'd been a good sport about it. The seventh year decided she was a fan of the woman, she was.

Properties of water. Water was... wet. Not a particularly clever answer, but it was the first one that came to mind. Luckily the brunette had enough sense not to say that out loud.

"Our bodies use water to function. Without it, we wouldn't be able" And that made it essential to all of their lives.

Ayana's brow went up as her smile increased, turning towards Vita as the Prefect answered her question. "Being. Interesting. So, what is the stuff of life?" the words were important here, the concepts, but she wasn't giving anything away just yet.

Text Cut: PhoenixRising

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (Post 12416539)

Maeve was shook. Honestly. So shook, she hadn't even been able to greet the Professor, because she'd walked in time to see her younger housemate had given his professor a hug?? UHHH??? Had she missed something? At least Professor Sissay seemed rather chill about the whole thing. Maybe it was being so close to winter break. Or maybe it was the general chill vibe of the classroom. Either way, she was relieved at Professor Sissay's words that they'd be stepping away from seven digit number meanings, because HALLELUJAH. No math today, please.

Water. She could do that. Even if the sound of the trickling made her have to use the loo just a tad.

"It's essential for hydration too. It also has several states it could be found in... like liquid or solid or gas."

"Quite correct, it takes on various forms," Ayana nodded and smiled at the girl, glad to see her participating. Even simple answers were important, especially in this lesson.

Text Cut: Fireheart

Originally Posted by Fireheart (Post 12416560)
Thank goodness they weren't doing more number analyses today. Avalon was already halfway checked out for winter break, and she wasn't sure that her brain could handle it. She glanced over at the waterfall as Professor Sissay asked the class to name some properties of water. It seemed like a relatively basic way to start the lesson. Avalon waited for a few other students to answer first before raising her hand -- she didn't want to seem too eager.

"It's important for a lot of different subjects here at Hogwarts, like potion-making and Care of Magical Creatures. Without it, we wouldn't be able to create all the cures and draughts we have. We also wouldn't have the Black Lake, so we wouldn't be able to learn about the Giant Squid, grindylows, and merpeople." She remembered from potions class that one of the most crucial ingredients when it came to brewing was standard potioning water. Not to mention that it was the base for a lot of other liquids used in potion-making. And Care of Magical Creatures would be a drastically different class without water.

Oh wonderful, wonderful. "Water serves many purposes, especially at Hogwarts, and provides a natural habitat," Ayana summarise young Avalon's words with a smile and a couple of nods. "Very good Avalon."

Text Cut: lazykitty

Originally Posted by lazykitty (Post 12416578)
"Just found out where I'm spending the winter break," was Archer's reply to the professor asking if she was okay.

Soon the lesson was started, forcing Archer to put aside thoughts of rain in place of snow and all the other unfortunate things going to her father's meant (I mean she loved the man and it was really more the location she objected to, but still). Did they really have to sit in a cold room to talk about water? Like Vita had said, it came in all states so....unless this was just a lead in question and they would indeed be dealing with the solid state of it. "It helps regulate both our body temperature and our blood pressure." Which made it the original 'regulator' (sorry, Warren G.). "Ooo, and it controls the Earth's climates and weather patterns through the ocean currents and temperatures. For example, when high humidity, wind, and warm temperatures on the ocean's surface combine, they create a hurricane." Er, those were the slim basics of it, anyway. She was sure there was more to it than that, but then it would be verging into science so...

Ayana did not need to consult her numbers to figure that Archer certainly wasn't pleased about her holiday plans. She would check in with the girl perhaps before they all leave, to make sure everything was alright, but right now the Arithmancy professor was quite impressed with the answer offered. "So water regulates, it controls, it morphs, and it supports." Ayana nodded, considering these uses. Certainly without water, there would be no sea and no climate at all, it's at the very heart of the basic earthly support system. Interesting.

Text Cut: sweetpinkpixie

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12416623)
Situated in his seat, it didn't take too long for the Slytherin's brow to raise once class began....and they would be talking about water? Was this some sort of association with elemental magic?

....could you become proficient in these forms of magic by breaking down magical properties numerically? Only...the professor had said that they were not doing analysis today, so perhaps not. Still, his interest was tickled a fair bit.

Water though. It was associated with Slytherin house, so he wondered if himself and his housemates would potentially have an advantage in today's lesson. He certainly hoped so.

"It is conjurable," he offered up, somewhat lazily, upon raising his hand.

Most of everything else had been touched upon.

It... what? Ayana blinked at Eiji, slightly disappointed. "Correct, it is indeed conjurable," and a few more things, but if that's all he could come up with then okay. "Any other uses for water that occur to you?"

Text Cut: oh its Erik ok

Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok (Post 12416626)
Would you look at that the first couple answers where even nerdier than what even Eiji the biggest nerd she knew said. Scratch that it would be a battle between him and Drewidiot. She means Drewie..Drewett. Eloise sighed and thought about anything to add to the lesson that was groundbreaking.

Water in winter.

Yeeeah Eloise got nothing well maybe....

"Its deadly"

Which too beee faaaair can be said about basically anything but it was an answer.

So there you go

"Very good Eloise, it has the power to take life away as well as provide it," Ayana continued to slowly walk at the front of the classroom, taking time to consider each answer that was given. She hoped they were all doing the same, for this is the type of thinking she wanted to encourage and cultivate in her students, a broad mind, a keen sense of sharpness about the world.

Text Cut: gritandgrace

Originally Posted by gritandgrace (Post 12416634)
Eniola took her seat and greeted the Professor, significantly happier the closer she got to Christmas holidays.

Why is water essential to life? You'd think that'd be obvious, no? Eni thought to herself and yet she only really had one thought that stood out the most to her. Raising her hand she said, "Transportation. Muggle and Wizard kind alike use water for transportation quite often. It's quite essential to many people all over the world for that one purpose alone, let alone all the others."

Ayana positively beamed at Eniola, with her non traditional answer that perfectly highlighted how genuinely versatile water is. "Wonderful Eniola, an excellent answer," she nodded at the girl as she brushed past her row. Very, very good answers so far, Ayana was happy to note. Lots of variety with each response.

Text Cut: MadMadamMalfoy

Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy (Post 12416635)
Tina slumped down in her seat, trying to make herself as small as possible - not an easy task, as she was one of the taller students. Maybe making herself less visible would make her less of a target to be called on. If she didn't have to say anything, she wouldn't be wrong and look stupid.

She wasn't sure what to think when Professor Sissay said they'd be looking at the deeper meanings behind combinations. Don't get her wrong, she was glad not to be doing number analysis again, but this sounded awfully… uncertain. She perked up a little bit when she heard they were learning about water today. That sounded rather interesting, and - Did she hear that right? A question with clear-cut correct answers? Thank Merlin! Finally a question she felt confident answering!

Tina sat up straighter as her hand shot into the air. After being called on, she said, "As far as properties go, the chemical formula for water is H2O, which means two atoms hydrogen and one atom oxygen in each molecule of water. One non magical use for water is hydroelectricity, or electricity created using the movement of water to power generators."

She sat back in her seat, feeling pleased with herself as she finished speaking.

Ayana certainly didn't know where Tina's enthusiasm suddenly came from but she wasn't about to complain. Her answer was spot on, and very scientific. She wondered if the girl had muggle parents working in scientific fields, or in wizarding academia. "Quite right Tina, well done! Water is used, primarily by muggles, for energy," she nodded and smiled at her.

Text Cut: siriusblackliveson

Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson (Post 12416640)
What could he say other than what had already been said? Sure it was something they needed as humans to survive because they needed water to stay hydrated. Eiji was right that it was conjurable.... wait was that even a word? Letting a small sigh out as he looked up he finally did notice the clouds. Oh Merlin no. he did not want to get wet today in class. he wanted to enjoy his day not have this happen.

Raising his hand, "well it helps grow things, like crops for food, or things needed for potions." He knew that first hand because of his summers with his grandparents. Dry summer meant that the crops didn't come in and that meant people couldn't make the potions they needed or eat the small round of crops they grew.

"Good, very good! Provides life, aids in creating potions, essential for growth," Ayana happily nodded towards Patrick, and glanced at the tomatoes and cucumbers on her desk. A good source of inspiration, that! Very good. Excellent.

Text Cut: SneakySeverusSnape

Originally Posted by SneakySeverusSnape (Post 12416642)
It is conjurable? IT IS CONJURABLE?! THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE? Analiese silently thought to herself as she listened to the other answers. Her hand shot in the air immediately when she thought of a suitable answer. "Water is used in homes for drinking, cleaning, food preparation, maintaining lawns and plants, and removing sewage waste. Commercial use is very similar but usually operates on a larger scale in facilities such as hotels, office buildings, restaurants, shopping centres and military bases." She added... a short essay to the lesson, you could say. The young Ravenclaw listened quietly to her classmates' answers and internally faceplamed while remaining her normal, smiley look.

Ayana took in a breath to start summarising Analiese's words, but... well. That list was quite extensive. "Excellent Analiese, you've captured just how varied water's uses are in our world," in a very succinct manner too. These young Ravenclaws must read a lot, or be extraordinarily smart. Ayana hoped it was a bit of both. And perhaps specifically Analiese's parents work in the muggle water companies?

Text Cut: hermionesclone

Originally Posted by hermionesclone (Post 12416644)
The smile immediately spread across his face when Sissay mentioned that special little elephant she'd let him keep. "Dani the elephant is great! She's stopped trying to jump into inkpots and has been trying to hang out with my other dormmates....." His voice trailed off slightly as some part of his brain, some weird anxious part, started reminding him that he was talking too much. Did Sissay want to know any of this? He doubted it.

But she was talking so he focused on her talk about combinations and deeper meanings and...... water? What was the connection there?? He just sat there, staring at the elephant sculpture up front, almost as if he expected the secret meaning to pop out of nowhere. But no, no answer came to him and even if it had, his mind was already starting to wander........


What were they talking about again? Water?

Blinking, Lucas glanced first at Sissay and then some of the others as they started talking about water and the different things it's used for and....... did someone mention that it was deadly?

Okay, no, he wasn't thinking about that.

Instead, he raised his hand in the air to offer something. "The planet wouldn't be what it is and wouldn't sustain life if it didn't have water" Pause. "And, I guess, when we explore other planets, we usually look to see if it has water because if it has water, then it'll sustain life, right? Bodily functions, hydration, all of it. And a new planet that has water is a huuuuuuuuge discovery."

Was he answering the question? Probably not.

Dani the elephant? Sissay's smile grew as young Lucas talked. While she had some reservations about his choice of name - Dani was far too mundane a name for an elephant in her opinion - she appreciated his enthusiasm. She only hoped her charms would be strong enough to last the little elephant a while. And as for his answer, Ayana's eyes twinkled merrily. "We do look for water first, because of its countless uses to us as humans, and generally to life itself as you mentioned. Excellent, Lucas."

Text Cut: Lissy Longbottom

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom (Post 12416653)
This classroom was TOO cold. Trinetta was not a fan. Thankfully, since it was December anyways, she'd been wearing her sweater to class as opposed to just her vest, but her hands were still cold and she was currently sitting on them to try and keep warm. She raised her hand to add her answer, though, and hoped that the sooner they'd get through this Q&A portion of the lesson, the sooner the professor would explain why it was so cold and hopefully do something to fix it.

"It could be argued that water is the most powerful element," she stated. It certainly was in her opinion. "It can put out fire, and given enough time and force it can break down the Earth...we're really all at the mercy of water," she said. She realized a moment later that that was a TAD dramatic but...where was the lie? Honestly?

Ayana immediately liked this phrasing. It could certainly be argued. And water is indeed a very powerful element. She wasn't quite sold that they were at the mercy of water; after all, water did not have a unifying consciousness of any sort, so it had no capacity for ill feelings towards humans. Which is quite comforting, if one were to consider repercussions. And as Eiji had so kindly pointed out, water is conjurable and therefore easily put to work. "Very good Nettie, it can overpower other elements, that's an interesting observation." She let the rest of it slide, though her dark eyes lit up with amusement.

Text Cut: Bazinga

Originally Posted by Bazinga (Post 12416660)
The sound of the water, why was it here? Why did it not happen until she hit the classroom that she had to go? Sitting down she was going to do everything in her power to not have to ask to go, she couldn't afford to miss class, but she couldn't afford to have an accident in front of cute boys either. What would Finlay think or Calyx, Merlin that would make her hide in her dorm the rest of term, even give up Quidditch she'd be so mortified.

So concentrating on the professor when she started talking Chloe was determined to forget the water, forget her problem, and just....

Water? She was asking about water, Chloe should have known. Listening to everyone talk about the biggerst thing she was trying to forget at the moment she raised her hand, "It flushes your body by making you have to use the loo and go pee and sometimes, well, just the sound of it makes you realize you have to go pee or makes you have to go more even if you had to go a little."

Yes, that was her answer, because that's what she was thinking about.

Well... alright. Ayana was usually not a fan of bathroom discussions in her class, but perhaps young Chloe here was in need of a visit. She should have gone before class, but if it was urgent Ayana would excuse her when they started their activities. "Yes Chloe, it aids in the filtering of toxins from your body." Technically, the job of the kidneys, but without water that whole mechanism doesn't function.

Text Cut: ArianaBlack

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack (Post 12416672)
Nina watched as her classmates entered the room, she had already pulled out her materials for the lesson and organized her desks a couple of times to allow for maximum note-taking space. Practicality was very important, obviously. But so was comfort. As for her classmates, far too many of them were overly-chatty, something that while she had grown accustomed to, she still did not approve of. Her demeanor only changed when some boy (Maxie, from the looks of it-- though she couldn't be sure of it without her contacts) decided to HUG Professor Sissay???? Nina watched with an unimpressed expression on her face. Had the boy meant to do that or had he simply forgotten that they were at a school, not a daycare?

Nina truly worried for some of these kids.

Thankfully it did not take long for the lesson to actually begin, and Nina once again drew her attention to the front of the room. She did have a feeling the elements would somehow be linked to their class today, though focusing on water specifically had taken her by surprise. While the first question was rather open-ended, surely Professor Sissay hadn't wanted people to blurt out whatever they wanted. Eloise's answer made absolutely no sense (but then again, who is surprised) (no one). Eiji's answer was highly disappointing, he could do better than that. He was just being lazy. She made sure to give him a look to convey that.

Nina didn't raise her own hand, though she did have plenty of thoughts. She agreed with most of her classmates, water was clearly an essential element to sustaining life. Without water many of the practices at Hogwarts would cease to exist. Chloe McCarthy, however, ought to do a better job at reading a room, ew why would she mention peeing.

Another lesson, another quiet Nina. After the break, Ayana would be insisting on participation. It genuinely irked her to see the bright girl sit silently, and her talks with Carmine only reaffirmed this resolve. "Nina? Anything to add?"

Text Cut: Anahera

Originally Posted by Lislchen (Post 12416686)
...after Chloe's answer, Anahera briefly worried SHE was going to need a quick trip to the toilet as well. But it seemed that the coldness of the room had basically counteracted that need.

After (half) listening to most of the other answers, she raised her hand and said, "It's one of the four classical elements." Nobody had said that before right? Not in so many words anyway.

And maybe if they answered Professor Sissay's question(s) fast, they'd be allowed to practice their heat charms. Yes?

Indeed it is! "Very good, it is one of the four elements, and it's a fact we will do well to remember, once we return for the break." Not to spoil their upcoming module, but they would be dealing a lot with the elements until at least February.

Text Cut: Kimothy

Originally Posted by Kimothy (Post 12416713)
Water. H2O. Dihydrogen monoxide. This wasn't a lesson Drewett would expect from an Arithmancy class. The fact that it was all scientific was enough reason for him to conclude that he would be enjoying this class today. The nerd in him was awake.

And of course, he'd dive right into the properties of water. His brain immediately thought of every single concept on chemistry, physics, and biology he could think of that could be connected to water. There were so many of them. Water cycles, body temperature regulation, thermodynamics, photosynthesis, light infraction, marine life....

It was a list. He could go on and on about it. He got a bit too excited. "It has high surface t-tension, Professor," Drewett said, his hand raised up to answer the question. There it was. The nerd was out.

Another scientific one. Ayana was never quite used to the delight of discovering such analytically inclined students. "Yes it does, which is one of the many ways in which it helps plants survive," drinking from the ground like a straw. Good, very good. Sustaining life.

Ayana raised her hand to signal the discussion had come to an end, and to return the attention to her. "Water, as we know and as we have heard now in the classroom, is essential to very many aspects of life. The sheer variety of uses and functions make it one of the most unique substances known to arithmancers," she said, eyes twinkling and arms moving around, animating her speech. The numbers are off, if you will, in the most delightful way possible. Hypatia herself had been quite fond of elemental analysis.

"Now, what do you think would happen if we were to try and cast our trusty Number Revealing charm on water?" she'd promised no analysis work, but she'd never said they weren't going to be working with their most favourite charm. She had to leave them some food for thought over the break, not to mention introduce some new mathematical concepts. This would be an exciting lesson indeed, if she managed to cover all her topics.

"This presents a number of issues off the bat. If I cast on this ice sculpture, would it show me the same values as if I were to cast on the waterfall? And what about the tomatoes? There's water inside them too," Ayana gestured to the various objects, ending with pointing upwards towards the clouds, letting them ponder by themselves if they think the water there would also have the same values.

There was another, bigger problem as well, to do with the very nature of the spell they had learned, but that was for the activity portion of the class. "Think of the numbers and their meanings, and the combinations that we've learned so far. What numbers would we see, in your opinion?" Ayana's cloak, dimmer now that there was no sunlight to shine on it, swished gently as she turned to tap the board, where the single digit number meanings then appeared. Much simpler than having them all waste time finding the correct page in their textbook.


The Single Digit System

0 - DUAL PURPOSE - death, finality, unnatural OR emptiness, nothing, decay
1 - independence, energetic, solitude
2 - duality, unity, collaboration
3 - foundation, versatility, growth
4 - severe, structured, rigorous
5 - average, adaptable, change
6 - chaotic, disorder, scatter
7 - power, shape-shifting, superiority
8 - infinity, repeatable, life
9 - complexity, high leveled, intricate

Common Combinations

Double nine (99) or double seven (77): immense power, nine in effect and seven in magical potency. Generally, repeating numbers signify more of that property, or two properties within that number that overlap.
Six zero (60) - a negative event happened to the object being analysed and it's very reason for existing has been removed.
Double zero (or more) (00) - Very little magical properties and/or use, or an object that is very old and decayed.
Zero one (01) - Often appears in muggle made objects (plastic and other unnatural materials) and machinery that does not have magical use.
Double eight (88) - Very common to find in animals and in objects full of life, such as animated portraits.

OOC: the numbers are coming ^__^ feel free to come up with some more combinations that you think would make sense for water, or have your students be way off if that's more their style! | Same amount of time until we move on!

hermionesclone 06-14-2019 10:48 PM

Oh, so that was answering the question, then?

His smile only grew as she spoke but he soon found his eyes wandering back to the ice sculpture itself. Countless uses to life and humans sounded right, but he was still failing to understand what this had to do with Arithmancy. Could you find the meaning behind water? Was that what they were doing today?

This already sounded like a lesson that was going to make his head hurt.

His eyes wandered over towards the board when the numbers and meanings started to appear on there. What numbers would they see? ...... Uhhhh....... Yeah, he didn’t know. Not at all. Could they guess? Because he only had guesses at this point and no real meaning behind those guesses.

So, it was with that thought in mind, that he raised his hand up in the air. "Okay, so, for that ice sculpture, I’m thiiiiiiinking........ a four would fit? Because...... uh...... oh! It’s structured and rigorous. It’s a solid, basically, not the normal liquid consistency of water, you know? That’s how it can keep the shape of an elephant." Was he rambling? "And it would be hard to move something like that." He was rambling.

oh its Erik ok 06-14-2019 11:30 PM

Take that one best friend Nina Castillo. Her answer was actually a good one. Shows how much you know about arithmancy or water in this case. be fair she is probably smarter than Eloise her but lets not get into that.

Wait, how did tomatoes get involved..oh water in them. But why not talk about humans at that point we have a lot of water in us. Weird.

"So would it just be as simple Double Eight if you tried it on like you for example since we have water in us like said????"

Hey it was a question or would it be the exact opposite for like a puddle or something.

We were making waves with this lesson weren't we.

sweetpinkpixie 06-15-2019 12:48 AM

......what was THAT look for, Nina? Offering her an equally unimpressed look - because what answer had she even provided? - his hazel-green eyes all but challenged her to do better than him the next go around. Put your galleon where your mouth was, Castillo.

Even more irritating was the professor calling him out too, it gave him Care of Magical Creature flashbacks which were the most unappreciated sort of flashbacks. The desire to offer a sarcastic quip was there, but he valued his time too much for that and potentially spending it in detention again was not optimal. Plus, he rather liked Professor Sissay. She was intelligent and interesting. Maybe someone Grandpa Charles could get friendly with and then leave his Uncle Ryu alone.


"Alchemy," he offered with a light shrug. "Ingredient or harnesses its elemental qualities. Sometimes both depending on the procedure." There.

And since he had challenged Nina to a battle of the intellects - mostly to try and expose her in the process - he would be sitting this question out. Though his thoughts immediately went to forces of nature, tsunami, and the number 77 or 99 being present. Which was, also, somewhat uninspiring and lacked insight. It was a rather straight forward thought.

ArianaBlack 06-15-2019 03:08 AM

Anything to add?

Nina shook her head. She had plenty she could have added to the discussion, but she would rather not contribute to the lesson in anyway. It would be far too risky. And she didn’t take risks. Instead, the Slytherin feigned disinterest as others continued to give their answers to the question. She did, however, see the LOOK that Eiji had given her. And she knew exactly what he meant by it too.

He was so agitating. And it wasn’t going to work.

Only it did work.

Because if there was anything worse than outing herself in the middle of a lesson, it was that smug look that Eiji Rasting wore on his face. And so without a proper analysis of his potential motives, Nina’s hand shot up to answer the next question posed to the class. There was a first time for everything.

“Different bodies of water have differing characteristics by their very nature,” having to do with their size, mineral content, location, etc. “Surely as a result, arithmancers could associate different numbers with each.” It was obvious, really. Nina was almost surprised that no one else had thought to raise the point yet. “Take a lake for instance, they are completely surrounded by land giving them rigidity and structure, qualities one can associate with the numerical value of 4. A river, in comparison, is free-flowing and changes in size, shape, and volume dependent on many factors. Association with the number seven would make much more sense.” She kept her back straight and her eyes on Professor Sissay as she gave her answer with confidence. “Perhaps an ocean could be associated with the numerical value of 1, as it is boundless, full of life, and entirely it’s own entity, unlike the others.” Really she could go on and on with these examples. There were so many different examples to draw from. Seas, gulfs, ponds. She had hardly even touched the surface.


She looked back over at Eiji to give him a look to convey that she had one-upped him and dropped the figurative mic, before turning back to realize what she had just done. Immediately her hand flew up to grab a lock of hair, which she began twirling around her fingers. “Like, um, maybe?”

Lissy Longbottom 06-15-2019 03:31 AM

...what was happening?

Nettie watched Nina and Eiji in interest, her mouth pulling in to a small smirk as she watched the two Slytherins go back and forth. It was always fun watching Eiji get in to arguments. It was amusing watching him get all worked up about something, but it was ALSO amusing when someone put up a good fight and provided a successful argument against whatever he was saying.

But, this was Arithmancy, and Nettie's brain was already hurting and they were only on the second question. So who had the better argument? She had no clue. She didn't really CARE either. But it was still amusing, and Nettie always enjoyed when the drama in the classroom didn't revolve around her.

It didn't happen often, but when it did - it was refreshing.

She raised her hand after a period of thought to drop her two knuts in to the conversation. "I think 9 would be good for water, because it means complexity, and as we've established, water is a VERY complex element," she answered simply. Arithmancy was probably not nearly as difficult as she made it out to be, most days.

lazykitty 06-15-2019 11:02 AM

"I think Nina has it completely wrong. She hasn't even accounted for the basic chemical formula of water, H2O or for the basic properties, power and potential for destruction it holds, no matter which state it's in," Archer started with....wait was that a bit of her chuckle returning? Why yes, yes it was. "With that in mind, I think that there are a few basic numbers that would show up in regards to water, no matter the state: the double nines showing the aforementioned power, with one of those nines being the central figure revealing water's underlying complexity; an eight for its pure infiniteness," Was that even a word? Oh well, it was now. "as the water that's on Earth now is the same stuff that's been here since the planet formed, also for the repetitiveness of the water cycle itself; a three for it's the very foundation for life on a planet; and possibly a six for the chaos it can sometimes cause." Ugh, that had been a mouthful.

As for the objects? "I think that if you cast the charm on the ice sculpture and the waterfall, you would get the same numbers. After all, they're still both water, just in different states. But the tomato wouldn't have the same numbers, since it's a plant, something that, while it depends on water to survive, is still something fundamentally different."

siriusblackliveson 06-15-2019 06:04 PM

He supposed Nina had a point but he wasn't so sure that Sterling had it right either. Sure water had a base that was always the same H2O but it didn't always have the same properties, creeks were something he could drink out of as a kid. Lakes were contained so often dirty as all get out. So he supposed that while different they were still bodies of water.

"I think I agree with both Nina and Sterling. I think that even though all water has the same chemical make up its all different. Like we drink out of streams, but we would never drink lake water. Some oceans have more salt in the water than others. Some of the oceans are really cold water but are really warm in others. Doesn't that actually account for something?" Wow he never tried to start these kind of conversations in a class he wasn't 100% confident with. It wasn't something that he often did and he was kind of surprised in himself.

He was writing down all of the things on the board he began to wonder if 13 was as unlucky for water as it was for other things in the world but kept it to himself. Nope not going to go down the rabbit hole today.

MadMadamMalfoy 06-15-2019 10:05 PM

Did that really just happen? Did she actually give a correct answer to an arithmancy question? Tina positively beamed when Professor Sissay praised her answer. Maybe this class wasn't such a lost cause after all! Her sudden burst of confidence diminished slightly when she heard the next question, though. Great, another one of those vague, opinion-based questions she hated! Too much guesswork and uncertainty for her liking… she dealt in hard, undebatable facts.

While her classmates seemed to be focusing mostly on the ice sculpture and waterfall, Tina turned her attention to the bowl of cucumbers and tomatoes, pondering possible numbers. The first one that jumped out at her was 8… infinity, repeatable, life. The water inside those vegetables sustained them as part of a living plant, and the vegetables themselves would, in turn, provide life-sustaining nourishment. Okay, that was a good start. What else? She thought for a minute. What about 3? That meant foundation, versatility, growth. Water was one of the foundations needed to grow a seed into the plants that eventually produced those vegetables, so that sort of fit, right? Or was it too much of a stretch?

Unfortunately, Tina didn't consider either of her ideas concrete enough to voice out loud, so she kept quiet. She knew she'd made the right decision as soon as Hogwarts's resident loudmouth over there (Archer) piped up. Wow… just why? Disagreeing was one thing, but there was a right and a wrong way to do it. Mentioning names and calling someone wrong in front of a classroom full of other people was definitely the wrong way! And that insipid chuckle - as soon as Tina heard it, she was 100% convinced that the Hufflepuff knew what she was doing and was actively trying to humiliate that other girl (Nina). If there wasn't a professor present, Tina would've let her have it, but she wasn't worth the loss of house points. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from scoffing. Honestly, she didn't know why she continued to be surprised by that one's complete and utter lack of tact!

Just when Tina thought all kinds of chaos was going to result from that comment, her attention turned to the Slytherin prefect who spoke (Patrick). Thank Merlin some of the leaders in this school showed conduct befitting the rank they held! She gave an appreciative nod, as if to say, I agree with what he said.

Daemon 06-15-2019 11:37 PM

Text Cut: hermionesclone

Originally Posted by hermionesclone (Post 12416769)
Oh, so that was answering the question, then?

His smile only grew as she spoke but he soon found his eyes wandering back to the ice sculpture itself. Countless uses to life and humans sounded right, but he was still failing to understand what this had to do with Arithmancy. Could you find the meaning behind water? Was that what they were doing today?

This already sounded like a lesson that was going to make his head hurt.

His eyes wandered over towards the board when the numbers and meanings started to appear on there. What numbers would they see? ...... Uhhhh....... Yeah, he didn’t know. Not at all. Could they guess? Because he only had guesses at this point and no real meaning behind those guesses.

So, it was with that thought in mind, that he raised his hand up in the air. "Okay, so, for that ice sculpture, I’m thiiiiiiinking........ a four would fit? Because...... uh...... oh! It’s structured and rigorous. It’s a solid, basically, not the normal liquid consistency of water, you know? That’s how it can keep the shape of an elephant." Was he rambling? "And it would be hard to move something like that." He was rambling.

The first answer! Ayana smiled warmly over at little Lucas, and made sure not to look even a little bit disappointed at the quite incorrect response. The purpose here was to learn, not get a lucky break! "It is true that four symbols structures, and solidity but would you think this elephant resembling ice sculpture is structured? Notice how it's already melting, and the charm has changed its shape from regular ice to an elephant, would that change the numbers you might get?" food for thought, little Lucas. It's important to keep thinking.

Text Cut: oh its Erik ok

Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok (Post 12416774)
Take that one best friend Nina Castillo. Her answer was actually a good one. Shows how much you know about arithmancy or water in this case. be fair she is probably smarter than Eloise her but lets not get into that.

Wait, how did tomatoes get involved..oh water in them. But why not talk about humans at that point we have a lot of water in us. Weird.

"So would it just be as simple Double Eight if you tried it on like you for example since we have water in us like said????"

Hey it was a question or would it be the exact opposite for like a puddle or something.

We were making waves with this lesson weren't we.

No, no waves. "A double eight!" Ayana repeated with a wave of her hand, indicating the particularly bright red tomatoes. "Double eights mean so much life, life bursting at the seams, the very object you're casting on overflowing with life," she exaggerated her tone just slightly and on purpose, and looked again at the red fruit. "But this poor tomato is, quite frankly, a little dead don't you think? And the clouds aren't very alive either... You're right that water provides life, but does it inherently exhibit it? What if we had a fishbowl?" thought food for you too, Eloise. This is excellent thinking, excellent!

Text Cut: sweetpinkpixie

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12416803)
......what was THAT look for, Nina? Offering her an equally unimpressed look - because what answer had she even provided? - his hazel-green eyes all but challenged her to do better than him the next go around. Put your galleon where your mouth was, Castillo.

Even more irritating was the professor calling him out too, it gave him Care of Magical Creature flashbacks which were the most unappreciated sort of flashbacks. The desire to offer a sarcastic quip was there, but he valued his time too much for that and potentially spending it in detention again was not optimal. Plus, he rather liked Professor Sissay. She was intelligent and interesting. Maybe someone Grandpa Charles could get friendly with and then leave his Uncle Ryu alone.


"Alchemy," he offered with a light shrug. "Ingredient or harnesses its elemental qualities. Sometimes both depending on the procedure." There.

And since he had challenged Nina to a battle of the intellects - mostly to try and expose her in the process - he would be sitting this question out. Though his thoughts immediately went to forces of nature, tsunami, and the number 77 or 99 being present. Which was, also, somewhat uninspiring and lacked insight. It was a rather straight forward thought.

Another somewhat disappointing series of long minutes from Eiji Rasting, but Ayana was far too wrapped up in everyone else's excellent thinking to dwell on the surly Slytherin. Giving him a nod, she moved on.

Text Cut: ArianaBlack ft. Bold Text

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack (Post 12416811)
Anything to add?

Nina shook her head. She had plenty she could have added to the discussion, but she would rather not contribute to the lesson in anyway. It would be far too risky. And she didn’t take risks. Instead, the Slytherin feigned disinterest as others continued to give their answers to the question. She did, however, see the LOOK that Eiji had given her. And she knew exactly what he meant by it too.

He was so agitating. And it wasn’t going to work.

Only it did work.

Because if there was anything worse than outing herself in the middle of a lesson, it was that smug look that Eiji Rasting wore on his face. And so without a proper analysis of his potential motives, Nina’s hand shot up to answer the next question posed to the class. There was a first time for everything.

“Different bodies of water have differing characteristics by their very nature,” having to do with their size, mineral content, location, etc. “Surely as a result, arithmancers could associate different numbers with each.” It was obvious, really. Nina was almost surprised that no one else had thought to raise the point yet. “Take a lake for instance, they are completely surrounded by land giving them rigidity and structure, qualities one can associate with the numerical value of 4. A river, in comparison, is free-flowing and changes in size, shape, and volume dependent on many factors. Association with the number seven would make much more sense.” She kept her back straight and her eyes on Professor Sissay as she gave her answer with confidence. “Perhaps an ocean could be associated with the numerical value of 1, as it is boundless, full of life, and entirely it’s own entity, unlike the others.” Really she could go on and on with these examples. There were so many different examples to draw from. Seas, gulfs, ponds. She had hardly even touched the surface.


She looked back over at Eiji to give him a look to convey that she had one-upped him and dropped the figurative mic, before turning back to realize what she had just done. Immediately her hand flew up to grab a lock of hair, which she began twirling around her fingers. “Like, um, maybe?”

This... was possibly more surprising than Mr. Kowalski's hug at the beginning of the lesson. Honestly. Ayana had been sure she'd need to have a stern talking to with the girl after the holidays. Wonderful! Wonderful. She hoped these academic challenges between Nina and Eiji continued. "You've raised some very interesting points, excellent thinking Nina. I do especially like your reasoning for one being associated with the ocean," Ayana's voice almost had a whimsical tone, remembering her first time trying to assess the numbers and meanings of water. Futile, of course, but they did not know it as of yet. Nina had arrived pretty close to the point she will be making soon, and for that she received a very warm smile and several slow, pleased nods.

Text Cut: Lissy Longbottom

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom (Post 12416815)
...what was happening?

Nettie watched Nina and Eiji in interest, her mouth pulling in to a small smirk as she watched the two Slytherins go back and forth. It was always fun watching Eiji get in to arguments. It was amusing watching him get all worked up about something, but it was ALSO amusing when someone put up a good fight and provided a successful argument against whatever he was saying.

But, this was Arithmancy, and Nettie's brain was already hurting and they were only on the second question. So who had the better argument? She had no clue. She didn't really CARE either. But it was still amusing, and Nettie always enjoyed when the drama in the classroom didn't revolve around her.

It didn't happen often, but when it did - it was refreshing.

She raised her hand after a period of thought to drop her two knuts in to the conversation. "I think 9 would be good for water, because it means complexity, and as we've established, water is a VERY complex element," she answered simply. Arithmancy was probably not nearly as difficult as she made it out to be, most days.

Nine! Quite good, quite good, as wrong as the rest of them but an excellent attempt! "Very good thinking! Nine is the epitome of complexity," oh that had rhymed, how wonderful, she'd need to remember the turn of phrase, "but have we established that water is complex? Its uses are complex, like creating energy or providing a habitat for life, but what about the water itself? Brain food in the form of questions is the best way to keep the wheels turning.

Text Cut: lazykitty

Originally Posted by lazykitty (Post 12416864)
"I think Nina has it completely wrong. She hasn't even accounted for the basic chemical formula of water, H2O or for the basic properties, power and potential for destruction it holds, no matter which state it's in," Archer started with....wait was that a bit of her chuckle returning? Why yes, yes it was. "With that in mind, I think that there are a few basic numbers that would show up in regards to water, no matter the state: the double nines showing the aforementioned power, with one of those nines being the central figure revealing water's underlying complexity; an eight for its pure infiniteness," Was that even a word? Oh well, it was now. "as the water that's on Earth now is the same stuff that's been here since the planet formed, also for the repetitiveness of the water cycle itself; a three for it's the very foundation for life on a planet; and possibly a six for the chaos it can sometimes cause." Ugh, that had been a mouthful.

As for the objects? "I think that if you cast the charm on the ice sculpture and the waterfall, you would get the same numbers. After all, they're still both water, just in different states. But the tomato wouldn't have the same numbers, since it's a plant, something that, while it depends on water to survive, is still something fundamentally different."

By Hypatia, this was antagonistic. Ayana didn't appreciate the tone, though she very much liked the girl's thinking. Hmm. "I must intercede here, please do not tell your fellow students that you think they're wrong Archer," Ayana began, addressing that first before anything else. "Especially during discussions, I request fact based and thoughtful opinions from everyone, and encourage a thought provoking dialogue, there is no room for wrong or right among opinions," and, certainly not about water. That's the wonderful thing about it.

"Now, about your own opinion. It's very, very well thought out, just like Nina's. Your suggested numbers are excellently picked," Ayana nodded, the warm smile returning as she remembered the girl's case for nines and sevens. Certainly, it would make sense for there to be lots of those. "But you have touched upon a point that I would like you to think of.. Water, is a singular thing, two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. How would you cast the spell on the tomato? I can't see any water. I know it's there, but I can't see it? And how about those clouds above your head?" There's a certain... problem, that they'd be touching on very soon.

Text Cut: siriusblackliveson

Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson (Post 12416894)
He supposed Nina had a point but he wasn't so sure that Sterling had it right either. Sure water had a base that was always the same H2O but it didn't always have the same properties, creeks were something he could drink out of as a kid. Lakes were contained so often dirty as all get out. So he supposed that while different they were still bodies of water.

"I think I agree with both Nina and Sterling. I think that even though all water has the same chemical make up its all different. Like we drink out of streams, but we would never drink lake water. Some oceans have more salt in the water than others. Some of the oceans are really cold water but are really warm in others. Doesn't that actually account for something?" Wow he never tried to start these kind of conversations in a class he wasn't 100% confident with. It wasn't something that he often did and he was kind of surprised in himself.

He was writing down all of the things on the board he began to wonder if 13 was as unlucky for water as it was for other things in the world but kept it to himself. Nope not going to go down the rabbit hole today.

Ayana loved Patrick's response, and the accompanying warmth she felt from it. Very, very good. Very good. She hoped he had a wonderful Christmas, just for this. "You've touched on a very good point there Patrick! How many times do we really interact with pure water? It usually has salts and minerals in it, when we drink, or dirt, or any other assortment of non-water things. It certainly sounds like that presence would change the numbers we would expect to see." Ayana was nigh on trembling with excitement. Or was it cold? It was quite cold in here. Perhaps she'd let the elephant melt, to get some warmth back into her bones.

Text Cut: MadMadamMalfoy

Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy (Post 12416909)
Did that really just happen? Did she actually give a correct answer to an arithmancy question? Tina positively beamed when Professor Sissay praised her answer. Maybe this class wasn't such a lost cause after all! Her sudden burst of confidence diminished slightly when she heard the next question, though. Great, another one of those vague, opinion-based questions she hated! Too much guesswork and uncertainty for her liking… she dealt in hard, undebatable facts.

While her classmates seemed to be focusing mostly on the ice sculpture and waterfall, Tina turned her attention to the bowl of cucumbers and tomatoes, pondering possible numbers. The first one that jumped out at her was 8… infinity, repeatable, life. The water inside those vegetables sustained them as part of a living plant, and the vegetables themselves would, in turn, provide life-sustaining nourishment. Okay, that was a good start. What else? She thought for a minute. What about 3? That meant foundation, versatility, growth. Water was one of the foundations needed to grow a seed into the plants that eventually produced those vegetables, so that sort of fit, right? Or was it too much of a stretch?

Unfortunately, Tina didn't consider either of her ideas concrete enough to voice out loud, so she kept quiet. She knew she'd made the right decision as soon as Hogwarts's resident loudmouth over there (Archer) piped up. Wow… just why? Disagreeing was one thing, but there was a right and a wrong way to do it. Mentioning names and calling someone wrong in front of a classroom full of other people was definitely the wrong way! And that insipid chuckle - as soon as Tina heard it, she was 100% convinced that the Hufflepuff knew what she was doing and was actively trying to humiliate that other girl (Nina). If there wasn't a professor present, Tina would've let her have it, but she wasn't worth the loss of house points. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from scoffing. Honestly, she didn't know why she continued to be surprised by that one's complete and utter lack of tact!

Just when Tina thought all kinds of chaos was going to result from that comment, her attention turned to the Slytherin prefect who spoke (Patrick). Thank Merlin some of the leaders in this school showed conduct befitting the rank they held! She gave an appreciative nod, as if to say, I agree with what he said.

Alas, more quiet from Tina's corner. Ayana had hoped that the girl might be opening up a bit more, and maybe would be encouraged by Nina's sudden outburst of speech. She offered her a questioning raise of her brow, quietly encouraging. She thought the girl had a very good head on her shoulders. She'd do very well with the number charts that were lined up for their spring module.

Ayana raised her hands once again to bring the discussion to a close. "Let's summarise, or attempt to, shall we? Water is complex and vast and structured, we've heard double sevens and eights and nines, we've heard one, we've heard four, and a six," there may have been more, but those were the ones that she had remembered. "What about the figure two? Water exists in harmony with the earth does it not? Once upon a time, this entire planet was covered in water," Ayana began pacing in front of the class again, weaving her story with hand waving and a steady, engaged tone. "Or a five, did anyone say five? Water is one of the most adaptable substances I can think of, one that wears down mountains to make changes nothing else can.

And what about zero?"
she looked around, her dark eyes twinkling as they often do when she'd ready to teach something huge, "Death? Water is dangerous, Eloise here pointed that out. In the Dead Sea, where nothing lives, water is empty. One could argue that the salt content is the real culprit, but the salt without the water wouldn't be a sea." Ayana waited a few moments to let the concepts settle before pulling out her wand and pausing next to the waterfall, where the water was still happily trickling down.

"Let's test our theories then? Emfanizou Arithmou!" she pointed her wand at the little formation, and the number that appeared as she circled the tip were numbers they had already seen - for the rock behind the water. "Well, it's not the rock I wanted, let me try that again," Ayana cast the charm once more, and new numbers emerged. Three eights, two sevens, one five and one six. "Exciting! Who was right?" Ayana turned to the class with an amused little grin. "But wait! Let me cast again, just to double check..." she quickly piped up, and on the second go an entirely different set of numbers emerged. Four nines, one zero, two fives. Curious. Very curious. Interesting right? The Minoans thought so too.

"I'd like you to practice your charm, casting on the waterfall or the ice sculpture, or even the clouds, and tell me if perhaps you can arrive at some concrete numbers," Ayana spread her hands wide, and stepped aside for them all to have space. Her little 'slip up' with the rock will be touched upon at the end of the lesson, if she had some time left over. She still wanted to introduce them all to elemental probability calculations and its exceptional use in predicative arithmancy.

"Try, while you're casting, to see if you can spot any reoccurring figures, or any sort of discernible pattern!" Good? Good.

OOC: Numbers and water and hints of maths oh my! You can use random generators to come up with the numbers, or just have fun with them! The students shouldn't have much of an issue with the spell, they've been using it since the beginning of term ^__^ | I've had to mess around with the times for this lesson and I apologise that there isn't a bit more for this part, you'll have up to 48 hours to complete it before we move on. Go forth and numberise! (that's not a word, I know, but it's late and I like it so we're keeping it cheers good night)

lazykitty 06-16-2019 02:50 PM

Wait....the professor was basically telling Archer not to be Archer there. So, who was she supposed to be, then? She gave a nod to show that she understood even if she didn't exactly like it and jotted down her notes.

Okay, so the numbers changed. That was definitely unexpected. Like, not even between the ice and the waterfall, but on the waterfall itself. Mind blown. Though, it did make her excited to try it for some reason. "Emfanizou Arithmou!" she cast, aiming her wand for the clouds overhead. 1725316 She cast the spell again and got 1620333. The triple three was interesting....

Lissy Longbottom 06-16-2019 06:26 PM

Trinetta raised an eyebrow when Archer started going after Nina like that. Dang, tell her how you really feel. She frowned, because she hated when people talked to her friends like that. At least, SHE considered Nina a friend. Did she consider her a friend too? It was impossible to tell with that girl. Still, the air in which she'd addressed her just didn't sit right with her, and she had some THOUGHTS that she wanted to get off her chest. She waited for a moment, collecting her thoughts in to a way that was more...acceptable than what she really WANTED to say, and then raised her hand.

"Water all contains the same three molecules, yes, but I think you also need to think about what else is impacting those molecules. For example, the ice sculpture is just made out of H20, but does the fact that they're frozen and not able to move and create friction impact the numbers? What about the impact of salt upon ocean water? Or fluoride in tap water? I don't believe it's just black and white, there's a LOT of variables to consider," she piped up, looking at the older Hufflepuff girl. So let's all take a chill pill, yes? They were literally arguing over water. She then turned to Nina and gave her a reassuring smile. She'd liked her answer and thought it had raised good points.

She was PRETTY sure that Sissay was trying to get them to see that water was VERY complex and all the numbers could apply to it. That's why the numbers she kept getting were different. They ALL applied in some way or another. Grabbing her wand, she decided to go for the waterfall and waved it, muttering "Emfanizou Arithmou!" as she did so. 9800601. She took notes on that and then waved her wand again. 2301884. She scribbled those down as well.

sweetpinkpixie 06-16-2019 11:24 PM

*link to the site used in this post for the numbers*
About that smirk Nina was hoping to wipe off his face? Yeah, about THAT. It only widened as she, somewhat, predictably played right into his hand and spoke THE most she had in any class to date. Not only that, but she full on revealed her antics to anyone who was paying attention. Speaking methodically and passionately in one instances and then doing that insufferably hair twirl the next with that terrible 'like, um, maybe?' that absolutely no one should but. It was, in a word, perfect.

And totally worth the disapproving look that Professor Sissay gave him yet again. Whatever.

It did seem as though at least one person was paying attention to what others were answering, which felt rare here at Hogwarts sometimes, but the fourth year found himself rolling his eyes a bit because honestly? Anyone who knew Eiji knew he had no problem calling out stupidity - looking at you, Trinetta - and while he was usually all for it this was not the case and his eyes briefly narrowed on the Hufflepuff prefect. Briefly. He attuned this sort of blatant ridicule as someone merely trying to stir the pot and provoke a reaction - which was why he provided no other and instead rested his hazel-green eyes back on Nine with a warm smile of approval. The sort he would give Rebecca when she finally mastered a concept she had been struggling with and, setting his ego aside, mouthed a 'You got me' in her direction before lifting a piece of paper he had turned into a score card for the lesson.


Two for Nina because she had given the better answer and therefore won the round and one for him because he had to give himself some credit for aiding the victory. It was only fair.

Setting the paper down when the professor moved things along, the Slytherin readied his wand and debated which to give it a go on...though he ultimately decided to go with the clouds. "Emfanizou Arithmou," he commanded somewhat lazily, he would rather be doing this on potions ingredients, and waited for the number sequence to reveal itself. "....7443815."

.......hmmmm. He supposed he ought to interpret those before trying the spell again, but he instead wrote them down on his parchment and gave his wand another flourish. "....3991841."

Repeated numbers in the same place in the sequence. That was interesting.

ArianaBlack 06-17-2019 04:48 AM

Nina Castillo was VERY nervous all of the sudden. Though she had made the conscious decision to arise to Eiji’s challenge, she hadn’t given the action ample thought. Meaning that she had only realized the consequences of such an action once it was too late to backtrack. She did try, however, to backtrack, that is. The like um maybe was meant to do just that.

And despite Professor Sissay’s encouragement, Nina Castillo was very upset. Because the Hufflepuff Prefect who had answered after Nettie gave an answer that not only challenged her own, but did so with malice. Despite the fact that Archer had come after her answer, Nina took it very personally. She may not have looked it, but the fourth year was incredibly sensitive. And hearing the words ‘Nina has it completely wrong,’ followed by ‘she hasn’t even accounted for’ just about did it. It made the Slytherin feel small and insignificant. The one time she had actually spoken in class with insight to offer, she was immediately shut down. And despite Patrick’s attempt at peacekeeping and Trinetta’s counter-argument in Nina’s defense, the light had still drained from the fourth year’s eyes.

Nina could think of a million arguments as to why Archer was wrong to say any of what she did. Of course water has a consistent chemical formula, but that was simply one component and couldn’t possibly be used as a generalization. Fructose, mannose, and glucose all had the same molecular formula. But they were most certainly not the same. They each had different tastes, different impacts on one’s blood sugar, found in different sources… She could go on and on. Chemical formulas also negated the possibility of an enantiomer. Formulas could be similar, but the molecule could have completely different biological effects dependent on the chirality. A chemical formula certainly meant something, but it couldn't be made the entire basis of systematization. So no. Archer’s argument was completely two-dimensional and insufficient and Nina…. Wasn’t going to verbalize any of these thoughts.

Because her feelings were hurt. And this was the last time she would ever speak up in class. She had firmly decided.

Eiji’s warm smile and score card, while sweet, didn’t help much either. She gave him a half-baked smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, before turning her attention to a spot just beyond their Professor. She didn’t want to engage in the rest of the lesson…. When they were given the go ahead to cast the number revealing spell, Nina distractedly picked up her wand. With very little conviction, she looked up at the clouds above, ”Emfanizou Arithmou” and tried the spell. But unfortunately nothing happened. Again she tried, ”Emfanizou Arithmou,” this time a stream of numbers revealed themselves before quickly disappearing. Though she didn’t have enough time to jot them down before they had disappeared, she did have a chance to glaze her eyes over them. 6993633. ”Emfanizou Arithmou,” again due to the lack of focus the numbers quickly disappeared, but she remembered enough of the last set to know that the numbers had slight variation. 9766843.

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