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The Wooden Bridge, also known as the Covered Bridge, connects the Courtyard to the rest of the Grounds. This rickety bridge has been damaged and repaired many times over and although it looks like it may fall apart and let the students tumble down into the ravine below it probably won’t. That would be highly unlikely... Still, any unusually loud creaking should be reported to the Groundskeeper. Just in case.
The long and narrow bridge has held its own for many, many years and deserves your respect. On your way between the Grounds and the Castle; why don't you stop and admire the view for a moment.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
It really was such a sight to behold. Mark always, ALWAYS enjoyed the view the wooden bridge leading out of the Courtyard gave before heading down into the Grounds of the Castle. If he were reckless like Józef, Mark would lean out and see how far he could see into the surrounding Mountains. But he was content with his position.
Mark would pace back and forth on the bridge taking in as many different points of views as he could to admire each spot. It wouldn't be as amazing to be out here in a few months during the Winter. Once that season as passed, the Ravenclaw boy would be out here once again during the spring to take in it's sights.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by DJ Moose
It really was such a sight to behold. Mark always, ALWAYS enjoyed the view the wooden bridge leading out of the Courtyard gave before heading down into the Grounds of the Castle. If he were reckless like Józef, Mark would lean out and see how far he could see into the surrounding Mountains. But he was content with his position.
Mark would pace back and forth on the bridge taking in as many different points of views as he could to admire each spot. It wouldn't be as amazing to be out here in a few months during the Winter. Once that season as passed, the Ravenclaw boy would be out here once again during the spring to take in it's sights.
There was a time when Lucas Dakest was worried about going on the Wooden Bridge. Not scared, worried.
But this was an older Lucas Dakest and he knew better. There were no shufflings or tentative steps or..... or..... any of it. He did pause at the edge of the bridge, yes, and he didn't like the way it swayed so much but..... that wasn't going to stop him. Taking a deep breath, he started walking. Properly.
Was anyone seeing this? Because this was HUGE.
But there was no one else here. No one, apart from that one boy over there who looked........ familiar?
Curious, the second year found himself walking closer and closer to the boy to see who it was. And if it wasn't anyone he knew then, well, he could run. All that running the previous year had to count for something right? And it wouldn't be awkward he hoped because they won't even know him or remember his face or any of it.
But as he neared the boy, it looked like he didn't have to worry about that. The curious look was replaced with a smile and he found himself almost skipping the last few steps. "Surprised you didn't bring your chess pieces out here," he said, coming to a stop right next to the Ravenclaw. Hello.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
There was a time when Lucas Dakest was worried about going on the Wooden Bridge. Not scared, worried.
But this was an older Lucas Dakest and he knew better. There were no shufflings or tentative steps or..... or..... any of it. He did pause at the edge of the bridge, yes, and he didn't like the way it swayed so much but..... that wasn't going to stop him. Taking a deep breath, he started walking. Properly.
Was anyone seeing this? Because this was HUGE.
But there was no one else here. No one, apart from that one boy over there who looked........ familiar?
Curious, the second year found himself walking closer and closer to the boy to see who it was. And if it wasn't anyone he knew then, well, he could run. All that running the previous year had to count for something right? And it wouldn't be awkward he hoped because they won't even know him or remember his face or any of it.
But as he neared the boy, it looked like he didn't have to worry about that. The curious look was replaced with a smile and he found himself almost skipping the last few steps. "Surprised you didn't bring your chess pieces out here," he said, coming to a stop right next to the Ravenclaw. Hello.
Oh oh! It's Lucas. Mark smiled toward the Gryffindor who seemed to be trekking over the bridge carefully, it seemed pretty un-Lion like, but it worked for being Lucas. Mark had learned that about Lucas. Through some observations last term.
He chuckled a bit at Lucas' comment about bringing chess pieces on the bridge. "It's too windy to place on the bridge." The bridge was in the middle of a small valley that dipped down. There was a lot of windy moments right here. So he would surely loose many of the chess pieces if he played here. As opposed to say in the Arcade Room. "Have you gotten any better since I last played you?" Mark wasn't sure Lucas was one to keep playing chess after playing against him the one time. Especially since Joe was major distraction during their game.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by DJ Moose
Oh oh! It's Lucas. Mark smiled toward the Gryffindor who seemed to be trekking over the bridge carefully, it seemed pretty un-Lion like, but it worked for being Lucas. Mark had learned that about Lucas. Through some observations last term.
He chuckled a bit at Lucas' comment about bringing chess pieces on the bridge. "It's too windy to place on the bridge." The bridge was in the middle of a small valley that dipped down. There was a lot of windy moments right here. So he would surely loose many of the chess pieces if he played here. As opposed to say in the Arcade Room. "Have you gotten any better since I last played you?" Mark wasn't sure Lucas was one to keep playing chess after playing against him the one time. Especially since Joe was major distraction during their game.
Oh hey, will you look at that? He'd made someone LAUGH.
It probably wasn't a big deal but it was huge for this lion's ego.
Lucas tried his hardest not to beam, especially since Mark was talking about the bridge and how windy it was and, well, why it was a bad place to play chess up here. Instead, he chose to look over at the surroundings...... and then down at the bottom of the valley. Why? Just because. But he kind of wished he didn't because, uh, it wasn't doing his worries about the bridge any favours. Nope nope nope.
"Yeah......" he started, looking back up again, "They might find a new home right down there." At this, he pointed aaaaaaall the way down to where the bottom of the valley was. "But what if it wasn't windy? Would you take the risk?" He didn't really know why he was asking this but curiosity had gotten the better of him. And they were friends, right? So weird questions were normal.
He hoped.
At his question, a sheepish look crossed the boy's face and he scratched the back of his head. "Uh, well...... no?? I don't think I'm very good at Wizard's Chess." Or normal chess. Any chess. All chess. "It's a little confusing to me but I'm still starting." A beginner. That's what he was.
He was very conveniently trying to forget who else was there the last time they played. For embarrassment reasons.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Oh hey, will you look at that? He'd made someone LAUGH.
It probably wasn't a big deal but it was huge for this lion's ego.
Lucas tried his hardest not to beam, especially since Mark was talking about the bridge and how windy it was and, well, why it was a bad place to play chess up here. Instead, he chose to look over at the surroundings...... and then down at the bottom of the valley. Why? Just because. But he kind of wished he didn't because, uh, it wasn't doing his worries about the bridge any favours. Nope nope nope.
"Yeah......" he started, looking back up again, "They might find a new home right down there." At this, he pointed aaaaaaall the way down to where the bottom of the valley was. "But what if it wasn't windy? Would you take the risk?" He didn't really know why he was asking this but curiosity had gotten the better of him. And they were friends, right? So weird questions were normal.
He hoped.
At his question, a sheepish look crossed the boy's face and he scratched the back of his head. "Uh, well...... no?? I don't think I'm very good at Wizard's Chess." Or normal chess. Any chess. All chess. "It's a little confusing to me but I'm still starting." A beginner. That's what he was.
He was very conveniently trying to forget who else was there the last time they played. For embarrassment reasons.
Mark looked down just as soon as his Lion Friend pointed to the bottom of the ravine. Huh...you know if your not on your broom. Being this high up was sort of scary. Maybe they should move this conversation along to somewhere less dangerous. "I really hope if they do, they'd enjoy it." He sure as heck won't if they were down there. He hadn't finished perfecting the summoning charm so getting them back would be a bit of a task.
he shook his head at Lucas' next inquiry. "I'd be in the way of everyone." Which as a he was trying out for keeper was sort of what he needed to do so maybe that was good? "maybe closer to either of the ends." if anything were to happen to the bridge. No matter how long it's been up. Mark would like to be able to escape easily.
"Would you like me to show you some different strategy games?" The Ravenclaw asked. "There are a ton of games I love to play that are way different than Chess that you might like way more." Like Checkers! That was a lot easier, and still required some thought.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Ashleigh-Marie was still getting used to Hogwarts and everything the castle was huge and she was getting lost and she still didnt know that many people and she was missing her life in china already but she had promised her parents that she would make life at Hogwarts work she just missed them so much
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Ashleigh-Marie was still getting used to Hogwarts and everything the castle was huge and she was getting lost and she still didnt know that many people and she was missing her life in china already but she had promised her parents that she would make life at Hogwarts work she just missed them so much
Cordelia was always careful when she crossed the bridge to get to the rest of the grounds. The rickety old thing looked as though it might collapse at any moment, sending her plummeting to her death. Not that that would be an entirely terrible way to go, all things considered. There were many more painful ways to die. Treading carefully, Cordelia slowly made her way to the center of the bridge. Hey look at that, the bridge was still standing! Better stop her for a moment in case the bridge couldn't handle too much movement at once. "Hi," Cordelia greeted some random girl who happened to be around the place where she stopped.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by griffin
Cordelia was always careful when she crossed the bridge to get to the rest of the grounds. The rickety old thing looked as though it might collapse at any moment, sending her plummeting to her death. Not that that would be an entirely terrible way to go, all things considered. There were many more painful ways to die. Treading carefully, Cordelia slowly made her way to the center of the bridge. Hey look at that, the bridge was still standing! Better stop her for a moment in case the bridge couldn't handle too much movement at once. "Hi," Cordelia greeted some random girl who happened to be around the place where she stopped.
Ashleigh-Marie saw the young first year gryffindor and said "Hi it is amazing that this bridge has been standing for years, despite the history surrounding the bridge but it is such an amazing spot to view things" Ash was just wanting to be friendly and hoped that she didnt scare the young lion off
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Ashleigh-Marie saw the young first year gryffindor and said "Hi it is amazing that this bridge has been standing for years, despite the history surrounding the bridge but it is such an amazing spot to view things" Ash was just wanting to be friendly and hoped that she didnt scare the young lion off
It was amazing that this bridge was still standing, and not just because of the history of the bridge which she knew little about. "Yes, there is a nice view from here." If the bridge would stay standing long enough for her to enjoy the view. "I'm Cordelia. My friends call me Dia."
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by griffin
It was amazing that this bridge was still standing, and not just because of the history of the bridge which she knew little about. "Yes, there is a nice view from here." If the bridge would stay standing long enough for her to enjoy the view. "I'm Cordelia. My friends call me Dia."
Ash smiled at Dia and said "Nice to meet you Dia, I am Ashleigh-Marie but i am more commonly known as Ash or Leigh to people who know me well enough" Ash could tell that Dia was scared that the bridge was going to collapse out from under her feet
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Ash smiled at Dia and said "Nice to meet you Dia, I am Ashleigh-Marie but i am more commonly known as Ash or Leigh to people who know me well enough" Ash could tell that Dia was scared that the bridge was going to collapse out from under her feet
Dia smiled at Ash. Ashleigh-Marie was a very long name to remember. And she had thought Cordelia was a long name! "Nice to meet you, Ash. I'm a first year." Gryffindor, as Ash might have been able to tell from what she was wearing. "What about you?" Her conversation distracted her from her fear of the bridge being unstable.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by griffin
Dia smiled at Ash. Ashleigh-Marie was a very long name to remember. And she had thought Cordelia was a long name! "Nice to meet you, Ash. I'm a first year." Gryffindor, as Ash might have been able to tell from what she was wearing. "What about you?" Her conversation distracted her from her fear of the bridge being unstable.
Ash smiled at Dia and said "I am in 3rd year, i just moved here earlier in the year from china i spent my first two years at a school in Japan but i am still finding it hard to get used to my surroundings" Ash added "I am in Hufflepuff but don't you think that Hogwarts is such an amazing place" Ash was just amazed by how amazing her surroundings were
Despite it being cold, it didn't bother her and she quite liked the snow. She was a odd one, she loved rainy and snowy days they were her favorite. Although if Phoenix or Oceanus seen her out here, they'll be worried for sure. She was tired of being stuck in the castle, she needed to get out and get some fresh air. Although she decided the wooden bridge would be good, she didn't want to go too far, just incase the snow picked up again.
Walking to the wooden bridge with her Gryffindor scarf wrapped around her neck she had her gloves on and Gryffindor colored beanie on, she was bundled up from head to toe but she was warm. Looking at the snow falling she smiled happily catching snowflakes in her hands giggling. If the snow calmed down, she wanted to build a snowman or have a snow ball fight, that was always fun. Ah... so much things to do in the snow, but people didn't realize that, oh... well.
Despite it being cold, it didn't bother her and she quite liked the snow. She was a odd one, she loved rainy and snowy days they were her favorite. Although if Phoenix or Oceanus seen her out here, they'll be worried for sure. She was tired of being stuck in the castle, she needed to get out and get some fresh air. Although she decided the wooden bridge would be good, she didn't want to go too far, just incase the snow picked up again.
Walking to the wooden bridge with her Gryffindor scarf wrapped around her neck she had her gloves on and Gryffindor colored beanie on, she was bundled up from head to toe but she was warm. Looking at the snow falling she smiled happily catching snowflakes in her hands giggling. If the snow calmed down, she wanted to build a snowman or have a snow ball fight, that was always fun. Ah... so much things to do in the snow, but people didn't realize that, oh... well.
Lucas didn't like being cooped up much either. Even on blistering cold days he would try to make it outside to see the sun (if the sun was around; damn cloudy Scotland). He enjoyed FRESHHHHHH AIR. And of course...once snow started...YAAAAAS. LUCAS LOVED SNOW. It was like.........ugh! so cool! He had looked for Violet to come for a snow-filled walk, but he could't find her, and he just couldn't wait--he HAD to come outside.
So here he was. He made his way over to the bridge because he wanted to peer over the wooden railing and and see the depths below frosted in white. It'd be pretty, hopefully, and he found himself scooping up a small ball of snow in his hands as he walked across. He let the snowball go once he was holding his hand over side of the bridge. And dooooooown down it went. He followed it with his eyes until it smacked the very bottom, turning into a cloud of white. It made a pretty satisfying noise, too.
It was then that he noticed little Stella! Only...she wasn't THAT little anymore. Since when had she gotten all....NOT little???? "Stella!" He said with a smile and a wave.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Lucas didn't like being cooped up much either. Even on blistering cold days he would try to make it outside to see the sun (if the sun was around; damn cloudy Scotland). He enjoyed FRESHHHHHH AIR. And of course...once snow started...YAAAAAS. LUCAS LOVED SNOW. It was like.........ugh! so cool! He had looked for Violet to come for a snow-filled walk, but he could't find her, and he just couldn't wait--he HAD to come outside.
So here he was. He made his way over to the bridge because he wanted to peer over the wooden railing and and see the depths below frosted in white. It'd be pretty, hopefully, and he found himself scooping up a small ball of snow in his hands as he walked across. He let the snowball go once he was holding his hand over side of the bridge. And dooooooown down it went. He followed it with his eyes until it smacked the very bottom, turning into a cloud of white. It made a pretty satisfying noise, too.
It was then that he noticed little Stella! Only...she wasn't THAT little anymore. Since when had she gotten all....NOT little???? "Stella!" He said with a smile and a wave.
In her own little world giggling catching snowflakes in her hand she snapped out of her own little world as she heard her name. "Uh... who's calling me?" she asked out loud blinking a bit. Seeing Lucas she looked at him and smiled happily at him. "Lucas! Hi! I haven't seen you in ages where you been hiding at?" she asked him jokingly. It seem like it was ages since she last saw him, when did she last see him? Oh.. when they had Mr. Beady Stone Face here last term.
"Look at this Lucas freedom and we're allowed to wear what we like imagine that!" Letting out a giggle she shivered due to remembering last term, wasn't a good first year until the end. "So... how was your summer? I know a bit late, but haven't seen you awhile." she said frowning. Truth be told she haven't seen that many of her upper class friends, but she knew they had lives and understood that.
Lucas just chuckled a little. "I've been busy scheming, that's it. And trying to figure out the rest of my life, no big deal or anything." He laughed nervously. Because GOOODDDDD, he was feeling the stress about it all. But there was no need to dump that all on a second year. A thirteen year old! She had other things to worry about anyway!
Oh, Lucas was happy about that. The freedom to wear muggle clothes during the day when outside was a privilege he previously took for granted, but never again! "I missed it, honestly. And being able to exercise when I want to, too." He missed THAT the most. Waking up early every day had gotten SO OLD...
"My summer was...okay." Fora few reasons he couldn't mention, it hadn't been the best. But he wouldn't go into that now because firstly, it wasn't his business to share. And secondly...again, Stella was thirteen. She didn't need to know all his seventeen year old drama. Not that his summer had been a result of HIS drama...or drama at all. Just some serious issues he was still thinking about when it came to Indigo and making sure his best mate was all good. "How about yours though?"
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Lucas just chuckled a little. "I've been busy scheming, that's it. And trying to figure out the rest of my life, no big deal or anything." He laughed nervously. Because GOOODDDDD, he was feeling the stress about it all. But there was no need to dump that all on a second year. A thirteen year old! She had other things to worry about anyway!
Oh, Lucas was happy about that. The freedom to wear muggle clothes during the day when outside was a privilege he previously took for granted, but never again! "I missed it, honestly. And being able to exercise when I want to, too." He missed THAT the most. Waking up early every day had gotten SO OLD...
"My summer was...okay." Fora few reasons he couldn't mention, it hadn't been the best. But he wouldn't go into that now because firstly, it wasn't his business to share. And secondly...again, Stella was thirteen. She didn't need to know all his seventeen year old drama. Not that his summer had been a result of HIS drama...or drama at all. Just some serious issues he was still thinking about when it came to Indigo and making sure his best mate was all good. "How about yours though?"
Chuckling she nodded and smiled. " I don't need scheming, I'm lucky I wasn't in trouble when the Headmaster seen me by the fruit bowl that was missing the pear!" she said sighing. She just thought she was going to get into trouble or something, but she didn't do it so no reason to punish her. She looked at him and seen that he looked stressed out. "Are you ok? You seem stressed out about something." she said looking at him worried. He was her friend, it was her job to worry about them even if he was older than her.
Stella laughed. " Oh... yeah I love my robe but wearing it every day was tiring and getting old, hey... I still go on a morning walk, but I'm glad we don't have to listen to his voice over the intercom ever again!" she said happily. Last term was eventful, that was nicely putting it but it was better then what she wanted to say. She was happy to have freedom and have Hogwarts feel like happiness and wonder, the happiness and wonder her brother's finally told her about. She was glad to be learning magic and living alittle, wondering around the castle and having adventures, she missed all that last year.
Stella looked at him and nodded sensing that he didn't have a very good summer, and knew not to push the issue. Stella lookes at him and shook her head, her summer was fantastic but she didn't want to rub it in. "I had a fantastic summer, but I don't want to rub it in when you didn't, that's not right." she said simply. She wasn't the one to boost or brag about herself when others were feeling down or low, no she wouldn't want that if she was feeling down or low.
Chuckling she nodded and smiled. " I don't need scheming, I'm lucky I wasn't in trouble when the Headmaster seen me by the fruit bowl that was missing the pear!" she said sighing. She just thought she was going to get into trouble or something, but she didn't do it so no reason to punish her. She looked at him and seen that he looked stressed out. "Are you ok? You seem stressed out about something." she said looking at him worried. He was her friend, it was her job to worry about them even if he was older than her.
Stella laughed. " Oh... yeah I love my robe but wearing it every day was tiring and getting old, hey... I still go on a morning walk, but I'm glad we don't have to listen to his voice over the intercom ever again!" she said happily. Last term was eventful, that was nicely putting it but it was better then what she wanted to say. She was happy to have freedom and have Hogwarts feel like happiness and wonder, the happiness and wonder her brother's finally told her about. She was glad to be learning magic and living alittle, wondering around the castle and having adventures, she missed all that last year.
Stella looked at him and nodded sensing that he didn't have a very good summer, and knew not to push the issue. Stella lookes at him and shook her head, her summer was fantastic but she didn't want to rub it in. "I had a fantastic summer, but I don't want to rub it in when you didn't, that's not right." she said simply. She wasn't the one to boost or brag about herself when others were feeling down or low, no she wouldn't want that if she was feeling down or low.
Lucas had to chuckle. Stella was a funny kid. "What happened with all that? I blocked out most of last year, so even if I knew about it...pfffft, I don't remember it." And his scheming he was doing currently was probably the sneakiest he had ever been in his life. And he wasn't sure he liked it. He HATED lying to his parents like that. "I am a little stressed...since I'm a seventh year...I'm graduating you know? And I have to figure out the rest of my LIFE." He flopped dramatically.
THE VOICE. Lucas had to agree. The former headmaster's VOICE over the intercom had become a deep, annoying nag under his skin by the end of it all. He would be lucky and hAPPY to never see that man ever again. "You're not kidding. I was so sick of all that stuff by the end. You never appreciate freedom until it's gone, I guess." He shrugged and rolled up some snow into a little snowball, patting it so it was perfectly round. "Gonna make a mini snowman," he grinned. Right there on the railing! "And no, Stella, it's okay. I asked you! That means I wanna know!" He said with a small smile. He didn't want her to feel like she couldn't tell stories! "What did you get up? Hung out with anyone? Went anywhere on vacation?" HE realized he didn't know much about Stella...did she have parents? Did she live at home? Those questions weren't exactly polite to ask, either.
Lucas had to chuckle. Stella was a funny kid. "What happened with all that? I blocked out most of last year, so even if I knew about it...pfffft, I don't remember it." And his scheming he was doing currently was probably the sneakiest he had ever been in his life. And he wasn't sure he liked it. He HATED lying to his parents like that. "I am a little stressed...since I'm a seventh year...I'm graduating you know? And I have to figure out the rest of my LIFE." He flopped dramatically.
THE VOICE. Lucas had to agree. The former headmaster's VOICE over the intercom had become a deep, annoying nag under his skin by the end of it all. He would be lucky and hAPPY to never see that man ever again. "You're not kidding. I was so sick of all that stuff by the end. You never appreciate freedom until it's gone, I guess." He shrugged and rolled up some snow into a little snowball, patting it so it was perfectly round. "Gonna make a mini snowman," he grinned. Right there on the railing! "And no, Stella, it's okay. I asked you! That means I wanna know!" He said with a small smile. He didn't want her to feel like she couldn't tell stories! "What did you get up? Hung out with anyone? Went anywhere on vacation?" HE realized he didn't know much about Stella...did she have parents? Did she live at home? Those questions weren't exactly polite to ask, either.
Stella rolled her eyes. "Last year was eventful, the battle of red caps during DADA last year got me scarred for life literally!" she said shivering. "Although the missing pear on the portrait going into the kitchen was a little while ago this year, whew... glad that I didn't get detention. " she said sighing. "Hey... you still got some time to figure it out, and besides you're probably not the only seventh year that's like that. " she said pointly. " Besides this year is about having fun, don't worry about the stuff that isn't here yet!" she said goving him a soft warm smile.
Stella nodded she absolutely hated the booming voice wherever you went, she literally wanted to rip the speakers off and stomp on them. " I'll never abuse the freedom to wear whatever I want again!" she said seriously. Seeing his mimi snowman she giggled. "Now just need some eyes and mouth and hands!" she said. Grabbing some little stones she put it on the mini snowman before she seen some yarn in her jacket using it for the mouth. "There we go, just need some sticks now." she said happily. " Okay, I spent the summer in New York and then the last bit of it before we came back in California with my best friend Oceanus, we had a blast the ocean was amazing, I learned how to surf!" said said remembering how her summer went and smiled.
Smelly cat love|so many books so little time|Loonymione| Lives in Central Perk!|Rave Slither & Huff
It was a lazy Saturday morning and Kaira was bored. She had finished all her homeworks and reading for upcoming classes. This was her well deserved break.
But she was bored now. When she was busy with her schoolwork all she wanted to do was get out and take a break and now she realised that grass was always greener on the other side.
As she strolled around the wooden bridge, she looked at the beautiful sky, lost in thought.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by Sangeetha
It was a lazy Saturday morning and Kaira was bored. She had finished all her homeworks and reading for upcoming classes. This was her well deserved break.
But she was bored now. When she was busy with her schoolwork all she wanted to do was get out and take a break and now she realised that grass was always greener on the other side.
As she strolled around the wooden bridge, she looked at the beautiful sky, lost in thought.
Sometimes the difficult part of being too productive was that things were finished too early. That was Drewett's current dilemma. He had finished most of his homework last night before he went to bed, and that left him with very little to work on today. He liked working on things early, he really did. He just did not know what to do with so much of his free time these days, except helping Rylee out through her problems and hanging out with her friends and trying not to let Eviloise get to him.
His wandering around brought him to the wooden bridge again. For some reason, Drewett quite liked this place. It was outside, with nice fresh air, and it offered a lovely view of the courtyard and the grounds. Resting his elbows on wooden railing, Drewett looked out to admire the view.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Smelly cat love|so many books so little time|Loonymione| Lives in Central Perk!|Rave Slither & Huff
Kaira was lost in her own thoughts when she felt someone standing next to her. As she looked up, she saw a certain fourth year whose name she could not recall at the moment gazing at the sky.
Kaira hadn't gotten around to meeting people outside her year much (other than an unpleasant run in into Zoryn Spinnet). So she decided to say hi.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Originally Posted by Sangeetha
Kaira was lost in her own thoughts when she felt someone standing next to her. As she looked up, she saw a certain fourth year whose name she could not recall at the moment gazing at the sky.
Kaira hadn't gotten around to meeting people outside her year much (other than an unpleasant run in into Zoryn Spinnet). So she decided to say hi.
'Hi..I am Kaira..,' she said.
The presence of the younger Ravenclaw did not go unnoticed, but he figured some firsties would feel far too intimidated if an obviously older student first talked to them. Like how he felt three terms ago.
Not like he was of the intimidating nature, by the way. He probably still internally freaks out whenever someone asks him about things. And speaking of, when the girl spoke to him, Drewett blinked at the distance before turning to face her. HE didn't realize first years could be so tiny. Had he been that small as a first year too? "Hello...." he said, a little smile on his face. "I-I'm Drewett."
So... uh... conversation....because he felt like he needed to continue it somehow. "It's a g-good day out, isn't it?"
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...