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On a raised dais situated at the farthest point of the Great Hall stands a long table where the members of the Hogwarts staff sit and enjoy their meal while casting a watchful eye out on the four House tables. Each staff member has an assigned, cushioned chair to sit on throughout the duration of the feast, though the more notable out of them all is the throne-like golden chair in the centre reserved for the headmaster.
Keep in mind that you should not be wandering up to the staff table if you are not a staff member before Headmaster Trent has delivered his speech. Doing so will result in the loss of points or worse before you've even made it an hour into the term. If you wish to speak with someone seated up here, you will have to wait until after the speech has been said and there is food and drink on all of the tables. Make sure to keep your visit brief though -- the staff were also waiting on the food to appear and are just as hungry as you.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
There was one trait that Kaysha Alexandra Stewart possessed and would only fall out of habit about it if the circumstances were dire. The trait was punctuality. It was no surprise that she was among the first to arrive at the Hall. There was a soft smile on her face as she looked around after arriving at her designated spot at the Dais. It was unfortunate that she had spent so much time away from the Castle last term. Still smiling, the woman smoothed her light purple dress beneath her before taking her seat. It was as she was readjusting her cloak that she really began to hope that the current term be a quiet one. There had been lots of excitement prior, after all.
Kay rested her chin on her linked hands, lost in thought about her upcoming lessons. Surely she wouldn't be alone at the Dais much longer?
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
This was it, the big night when the students came in and the Headmaster role took on it's next set of responsibilities. He'd done what he could during the summer months after accepting the job but it was easy to run a castle when you had all of 11 other people to keep charge of. Now they'd be coming in by the hundreds, some more excited to be there than others. Some willing to test the new boundaries, some just wanting food and their beds. He'd be like the latter but the nerves were keeping him awake.
Malachi made his way to the dais after finishing up a few things in his office. There was still a bit of time so finding only Stewart at the table didn't surprise him much. By his watch, there was still a bit of time before the arrivals.
He nodded his greeting to the Muggle Studies Professor down at her seat before taking his own in the middle. The centre. THE Headmaster spot. Nervous? Him? Only slightly, where was his wife?
In all honesty, Kai was nervous....but it was a...well...it was an excited sort of nervous. He was genuinely looking forward to starting his career at the school he used to walk around watching others cause havoc in--from that very table over there. The scarlet and gold. Best seat in the castle when things went down. The memories. The nightmares.
What a great year this was going to be!
The Headmaster drummed his fingers lightly against the surface of the table while he waited for the others to arrive.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
The dark cranberry robes she wore were fastened around her neck by a golden ribbon with golden lace running down her outfit - these lines moved ever so gently as she walked. If one looked very, very closely, they would see the outline of a bird moving within those lines. Blink and it was gone. The bird was a raven, but she would insist it was a crow if anyone were to ask.
Alice made her way to the staff table, pleased that she was one of the first. She sat down next to Kaysha and placed her elbows on her lap. "Good evening, Kay," she said to her colleague, and she moved to give her a small embrace before sitting back down. "It's so good to see you again. How was your summer?" She rather liked Kay even though she didn't know her very well due to her unfortunate firing last year. Despite Alice having spent so much time being loyal to Julian (which she was very sorry for now), Kay did not seem to be holding a grudge against her for it - and Alice was very thankful for that.
"Good evening, Headmaster," said Alice, smiling and dipping her head respectfully at her new boss. Malachi N. Trent was the third head of Hogwarts she had served under during her past year and one day at Hogwarts - and he was brand new. The woman who hired her had been a fair headmistress. The man that replaced her (Julian) had been terrible - she was willing to admit that after having tried to please him the entire previous year. He had required total obedience, and even then he was never fully pleased. Malachi didn't seem like that, but she knew almost nothing about him. She would have to wait and see.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Was Amelia nervous? Absolutely. She'd been back a few times during her children's youth to watch a quidditch match with them, but otherwise this was really her first time back in the castle in thirty years. Thirty-one years. And while none of her former professors were still there, there was an air of familiarity as she set up her office in what was once the space of the legend, Maximus Vindictus. Even as multiple people had passed through his space since he'd been in that space. The faces had changed, yes, but the castle itself was truly timeless.
But after two decades in her previous role as healer for the Pride of Portree, Amelia Adara was more than ready to embrace the change and help shape the future quidditch stars of the UK. While her own children have since graduated, along with most of her close friend's children, there were still a few familiar surnames to the former Hufflepuff, including her second year nieces. Not that it mattered, because known or not, she would not be giving them special treatment.
Approaching the staff dais with punctuality, she noticed she was of the first few to arrive, nodding at Alice and Kaysha as she passed them towards her assigned seat. Next to the Headmaster. He seemed a decent enough wizard, but Amelia always seemed to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. It was one of her greatest faults, really. "Evening," she said quietly, slipping into her seat. Ugh, why was she so nervous?? She wasn't a thirteen year old seeing Hogwarts for the first time. But seeing in through the lenses of her former flying instructor was wild and disbelieving, truly.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
This was it. There was no turning back now. Not that Joyce Darlington would turn back given the chance, oh no. She'd heard through the grapevine about the recent goings-on inside these castle walls and as a new member of the faculty, she felt personally responsible to help turn things back around. To ensure that the students graduated from this fine establishment with memories that could be looked back on fondly, and not with horror. And with top-notch grades, of course.
Ankle boots click-clacking against the stone floor, Joyce marched her way up to the staff dais, happy to note that she was neither the first or the last to arrive.
"I trust everyone had a pleasant journey," she commented lightly in greeting as she rounded the table, smoothed down her robes and took her seat at the table. Right at the very end. That suited her just fine.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Kalen was.. almost glad to be back to school, despite how hard he had fought to be here, part of him wondered. Ahh.. well. It was water under the bridge now wasn’t it? He walked down the long hall, his boots creaking with every step he made and his leather jacket rustled as he held his tea cup steady as he moved carefully.
He had thought ahead this time and made his tea before hand. That way he didn’t have to make a spectacle of making his favorite beverage in front of everyone, not to mention he had a few calming sips of the liquid before he had entered the great hall.
His Slytherin pin was on his shirt, partially hidden by his jacket, but he wore it with pride. Hopefully this year he would be around more and not let the kids down.
He slid into his seat at the far end of the table with a smile and nod to everyone who was sitting there. No one was really close to him, and he didn’t feel like yelling his greetings across the hall. He set his tea cup softly on the table and slid off his jacket as he looked around. Hopefully..
He stopped his thoughts in his tracks and looked out onto the empty hall.
How exciting was this?! Dolly Diane PilliwickleHanoverCheshireDoran Dopple had returned to Hogwarts after eighty-one short years! Not much had changed in those 81 years - no, Dolly was quite the same as she had been as a young lady. Very bright and bubbly, quite friendly, just as energetic and almost as enthusiastic about life in general. Five husbands taught her many things over the years - the most important being that they were rather pointless (other than the financial support), and once they all had taken their turns kicking the bucket, Dolly had decided to close the husband book and start a new chapter.
Ninety-nine wasn't too old to start a new chapter. She still had plenty of time. Which is why she had LEAPT at the opportunity to teach at Hogwarts! She had never had children of her own, so maybe she would see what it was like to have a thousand of them. Oh, how delightful!
Shuffling into the Great Hall excitedly, Dolly waved a lanky, wrinkly, saggy arm at the staff table as she approached with excitement. "Oh, helloooooo, friends!" she shouted (as well as her croaky old voice could do) as she shuffled her pink clog shoes across the floor.
"OH, Headmaster Treble, isn't this just SO exciting?!" she exclaimed, coming around the back of his chair to ruffle his hair and give him a HOT PINK kiss on the cheek. "Who'd-a thought?! An old maid like me and a young, handsome man like yourself, starting a new job at the same time!" Fancy that!
After giving his shoulders a good pat, Dolly scooted down two seats to sit in her place as the new Charms professor. Well! Wasn't this just so fetch!
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Excitement was certainly in the air. He had overheard the buzz coming from the portraits as he made the trek down from his office. Tonight was the night the students were arriving, and Joseph himself was looking forward to the occasion and starting his own journey at Hogwarts.
The former Cairo WU professor entered the Great Hall, seeing it for the first time with the banners, plates, cutlery, and goblets neatly set. It was quite a sight, even the stormy night sky displayed overhead was something to be mesmerized by. He couldn't help but look around as he casually strolled beside one of the tables. The place certainly wasn't like Beauxbatons, but it was still quite magnifique all the same.
"Hello, everyone," he addressed those that were present the moment he stepped onto the dias, a pleasant smile on his face. When his gaze fell upon Malachi, he gave the man the additional greeting of a polite dip of his head and stifled a chuckle (he'd leave it to Dolly to do all of the kissing).
Joseph then made his way over to his seat, the first on his side of the table, and his bright blue eyes looked out to the empty tables that would be filled mere moments from now.
The day had finally arrived. All the work, the move, the getting to know her fellow professors, and setting up her new office had been welcomed distractions while she waited for the day the students would arrive. Running into Joshua in Diagon Alley had only increased her excitement.
Running a bit later than she had hoped, Kassandra entered the Great Hall with slightly more enthusiasm than planned. Her long plum robes billowed out behind her as her short legs worked hard to make quick work of crossing the room. The smile on her face reached her eyes as she scanned the table. She knew it was going to be a great year and the sooner it started, the better.
"Good evening to all of you." she greeted as she rounded the table to her seat, right next to the headmaster. She just loved being smack in the middle of things and couldn't wait for the students to arrive.
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Tristan was running the tiniest bit late, but was glad to see that none of the students had arrived yet as he pushed open the doors to the Great Hall. He quickly made his way up to the dais where the staff table sat, along with his many new and old colleagues, and their brand new Headmaster.
As he made his way to his seat he gave everyone a smile saying, "Evening everyone, hope you are all well! Headmaster." He gave the man a nod. Before sitting down he took his leather jacket off, resting it on the back of his chair, and gave Kalen's shoulder a pat before sitting down. Now the Gryffindor pin on his vest could be seen. Yes, he wasn't a true Gryffindor, but he was excited to be their Head of House and couldn't wait to get to know his Lions.
"This should be a great evening." He said to Kalen with a wink before stealing the other man's teacup and taking a sip.
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
Joshua arrived later than usual to the feast after having escorted the first years across the windy lake through the cold and pouring rain of the September evening. The boat ride had gone pretty smoothly except for some should we say hiccups. The groundskeepeer/Herbology professor quickly made his way across the hall and up to the dias where he could see that many of his colleaguesm and their new headmaster was already seated.
Heading for his assigned seat, Joshua rounded Joyce’s seat and Noble’s vacant one before he stopped behind Kaysha momentarily to shrug off his moleskin coat and water filled cap. He had hung his coat over one arm and was turning his cap over to wring out the water when all of it by accident poured down over Kaysha’s head. Perplexed at what he had done he blurted out an apology to her. "I'm so sorry Kaysha, I didn’t mean to do that. It was a wet boat ride across the lake." Taking out his wand he quicky cast the hot air charm to dry up both himself and Kaysha’s hair.
Walking the few short steps down to his seat in between Amelia and Alice he hung his coat over the back of his chair after shoving down the cap into a pocket. Sitting down Joshua smiled all around at his colleagues "Good evening everyone!"
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Kalen was sitting there, just idly looking at the stormy clouds overhead, when he noticed one of the older new professors, Dolly he thought it was, kiss the Headmaster! He looked away and had to muffle a laugh in his hand, Merlin this was going to be an interesting term.
He nodded and smile at the new Ancient Runes Professor who had slipped into a seat not far from his own. At the moment both chairs on either side of him were empty, but he assumed that it wouldn’t be like that for long. He almost wanted to start a conversation with Joesph, but he didn’t feel like starting something and then have it get interrupted so, a wave and a smile would do for now. Perhaps he could catch him after the feast.
A nod went to the new Divination Professor, Kassandra? He needed to get better with names, as she made her way past him, before his green gaze caught a hold of someone entering the hall and a soft smile tugged at his lips for the briefest of moments, before he set his face back into the calm professor mask he usually wore.
He shook his head at the pat and then chuckled softly as his tea cup was once again swiped and a drink was stolen! “I see next feast I’m going to have to bring two cups aren’t I?” He grinned ever so slightly before nodding.
“Mmmm, should be, let’s hope the craziness of the last term is behind us. ” No more firings please, his nerves couldn’t take it.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
His staff was beginning to roll in. Malachi nodded to each greeting, offering up a polite one of his own. That was how it worked. Greet, greet back, sit, wait for the students, get kissed by an old lady--wait what??
It took several moments to process the action and the lipstick he was unaware now rested on his cheek. SEVERAL. Only then did he process Dopple's words. Exciting. Old maid. Handsome--why thank you but not the time Trent--something something.
Honestly he just blinked at her. That was all the reaction the man could muster. The spell was broken when shortly after, the students began filing in. Right. Back to being Headmaster and not an absolutely shook man. "Er....very exciting. Glad you felt up to the challenge. Not many would by the time they've gotten to where you have in life." Wrangling teenagers wasn't exactly how he planned to spend his golden years.
The seats on either side of him filled, as did the rest of the table. Thinking it never too late to begin his observations, the man was already making little mental notes, things he'd address later. Right now, from his seat, he leaned forward trying to figure out what could be grabbing the attention of those in blue. With the positioning like it was and some tall students--not to mention the students leaning over and therefore blocking whatever it was from this side of the Great Hall--it was difficult to get a good look. "What...what've they got there?" He asked, using all his restraint not to rise from his seat to get a better look as dark brows creased in concentration. It was only then that he noticed a few at the lion table distracted as well, but the elf being out of his line of vision and under the table, all he saw was distracted students. "And them?" He said, nodding toward the scarlet and gold.
Dear Merlin don't let it be dung bombs. Not tonight. Tomorrow maybe. Day after was even better but not his first night.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Kay would not be the sole staff at the Dais for much longer. It wasn’t something she minded anyway. She watched the new Head make his way up to his spot then returned his nod with one of her own and a smile to accompany it. In all honesty, she was wary of him and possibly would be of almost everyone now. There were just too many events that had occurred at Hogwarts over the terms and that had finally begun to make her less trusting.
Next to arrive was Alice. Despite them being hardly being familiar with each other, Kay liked her. However, the Muggle Studies Professor was not going to be rushing into a true friendship like she would usually do. Alice had once stood with Scrimgeour, did she not? The smile was returned and the hug too. “Hello, Alice. It’s wonderful to be back at the Castle. I’ve missed so much thanks to what transpired last term. Oh, the summer was peaceful. It gave me a chance to recharge. How have you been?’’
“Hello, Amelia.’’ It was plain to see that Amelia was nervous. That was to be expected. It was a big change to be teaching at Hogwarts from a previous career. The new Flying instructor would adjust. “Good evening, Joyce. I sure did. Are you fully settled in now?’’ Tea-loving Kalen received a nod to match his own when Kay noticed him. Dolly was quite... the spectacle. Kay couldn’t help but beam. “Hello, Dolly!’’ It was something to hear the ancient woman call the Headmaster ‘Treble’ and give him a kiss. Kay’s eyes widened in surprise, immediately wondering what Trent’s reaction would be... which turnt out to be outright surprise and perplexion. Now her gaze found Joseph, Kassandra and Tristan soon after. They all got a pleasant “Good evening’’.
Almost at the same time that Joshua arrived, Kay noticed him. It took her a moment to remember that he now had the additional job as Groundskeeper that would have kept him from being early; after all, someone had to see all the first years safely across the Lake. Her blue gaze averted from him. The sight of him still vaguely annoyed her because him and his presence had a proclivity to do so. The fact that he paused behind her did not go unnoticed but she ignored him still. That is, until a stream of water came pouring down on her head and freshly shampooed and conditioned hair. Kay managed to contain her shriek (unlike last term) but spun around to glare at Joshua. Before she could say anything, there was an apology and hot air blowing her hair dry. “Leave it,’’ she hissed quietly but the damage had been done. Her long, brown hair was much too dry and now sat puffed out on her head so that she looked slightly fluffy. She dragged in a deep breath and exhaled slowly as she turned to face the Hall again. Why, in the name of all Muggle things, did that Herbology professor insist on annoying her? Why was it that she had to be a little friendly to him now and could not follow up that episode with a snark remark? Because Kaysha would need Joshua’s help for her lessons that term. She needed everything for those to be copacetic and being rude to the man would not help.
Trent’s questions made the woman pay closer attention to the students that were now gathered. There was something up with her Ravenclaws. “I’m not sure. I can’t exactly see.’’ Her reply, hopefully, drifted down to the Head. It helped that she was facing his direction at present. “Would you like me to go check?’’ For all she knew, one of the Claws had acquired a new cat or something of the sort.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Yes she was nervous, but also excited about the possibilities of being here. It wasn't long before the staff dais began filling with her colleagues. Joyce and Kalen and Tristan and Kassandra. But then ....
Did her meal neighbor just empty lake water on whom she recognized as Kaysha from the summer?? A trickle of water spraying onto her own dress, which she flicked casually like it would do anything. She wasn't bothered by that so much as the fact that it was childish and almost ... flirtatious. "Save it," she whispered toward Joshua when he had claimed his seat. There was more meanings to those words, but she didn't care to elaborate at present, at least not with their boss person literally right next to her.
Speaking of him, Amelia turned her head and had to give a small smile at the pink lipstick mark. Okay, so honestly, she hadn't thought that the hire of Dolly Dopple was for REAL. The woman was old enough to be her grandmother, but apparently she wasn't just at their summer meeting for show. If there was ONE thing to be said for her though, the woman had spirit. Enough of spirit, as she heard the Headmaster talking about some commotion down at the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor tables. She tilted her head to scrutinize a moment ... Oh no, Carsyn better not have been involved in whatever it was.
"I think ... probably sugar induced from the train. We're going to have to work on healthier snacks being available from the trolley." Or some creature. Whatever it was, Amelia hoped it wasn't a niffler.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
"Maybe next time you should dry yourself up before reaching the dais..." Noble commented as he silently appeared at the table besides Wishart, lips pursed and clearly unamused at the drips of water that had also landed on his own chair. He removed his wand to dry them, grumbling under his breath at the need to do so, before taking a seat. Whether it was just plain insolence or a childish prank on Kaysha he had no idea, but Noble expected better of his students...not alone his colleague.
It was petty and childish. Thank goodness Amelia was here to help him keep his sanity.
Now he was sat down, the potion master's eyes moved across the room, taking in the start of his fourth term, his second as Hufflepuff Head of House. His gaze settled on the table of black and yellow, perhaps relieved to see whatever had excited some of the other tables hadn't yet spread to theirs. Hopefully it'd stay that way.
"I vote for a first year's escaped toad," Noble added to the ongoing conversation around him. Had Haruldur and Paul still been here, he'd probably have jokingly wagered a galleon or two on it; there was always someone's familiar that decided to start exploring early. As was, he found himself visually marking out the Hufflepuff student leaders just in case. Except, well, where exactly was the new Head Boy?
The smile on her face brightened as she watched Joshua enter and make his way to the table. She was still having a hard time seeing little Joshua as a grown man and knew he would probably remain little in her mind forever. The picture of him as a child only solidified as she watched him dump water on poor Kay's head. Kassie did her best to not let out the laugh she was so desperately trying to keep inside. At laugh that was not directed at Kay's misfortune, but at the gentleman's actions.
No sooner had the water incident come to an end that she heard the headmaster's words. "I can't quiet make it out from here, but there does seem to be something amiss. I sure hope it's not a cat. I don't care to be an itchy mess all evening." She leaned forward a bit to get a better look. Still not being able to tell what was there, she considered getting up from the table. However, before she could offer to go and check it out, Kaysha volunteered. Kassie shrugged her shoulders and quickly lost interest. No students were being injured by or showing distress over whatever was happening, so she was fine staying right where she was. Plus, the food had to be there soon and she was hungry.
Joyce simply nodded at Kaysha's question, far too horrified by the events around her to muster up a response. Had she really witnessed the Headmaster receive a sloppy kiss? And why did Professor Wishart think it acceptable to arrive resembling a drowned rat? And now it seemed the students at the table of her former house had smuggled in some sort of ... creature?
She was half-tempted to go and deal with the matter herself but settled on taking a sip from her goblet and peering at the man beside her instead. She was grateful to note that the Potions Master was a gentleman of the .... well, of the more mature variety and not a few years past graduation like others at this table appeared to be. Dolly Dopple not included. "Is it always like this?"
Alice returned the greetings to all her colleagues, both from those she knew and from the newcomers. The newcomers were certainly a - shall we say - interesting bunch - especially that Dolly woman. She found it somewhat comforting to see so many new faces - new faces meant people who were unaware of how she had supported Julian for most of the last year. That was an embarrassing thing that she would rather everyone just forget about.
Kay's return greeting was as nice as Alice expected it to be, though she could tell (from how the events of last term were mentioned right away) that Kaysha didn't completely trust her. Or maybe Alice's natural paranoia was just acting up again. Regardless, it wouldn't stop her from being nice to the Muggle Studies professor. "That's good," she said. 'My summer was very orderly and quite uneventful, thank you." She glanced towards the Ravenclaw table with narrowed eyes. "Ugh!" The Ravenclaws were not the source of her ire, though - that Ugh! was meant for the little furry creature moving among them. "What IS that thing?"
Then Joshua happened, ruining her concentration. Wow, AGAIN, Joshua (??!?), thought Alice furiously as she inclined herself as far away as possible from the dripping water falling around Kay to avoid getting hit. Surely he did that on purpose! This was the second year in a row that he'd done something to Kay at the start of term feast - and in front of all the students too. "Good evening, Joshua," she returned his greeting with just a hint of coolness to her voice. Not too cool, just a hint. "Please don't make me wet. I hate getting wet."
Because some drops had definitely fallen on her too.
Last edited by Goblinfrog; 01-04-2019 at 03:00 AM.
Reason: fixing bizarre typo
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
The more he stared was the more perplexed he became. It had nothing to do with worry but more to do with the growing frustration at not being able to see whatever was going on. It could've been literally anything.
Slowly, he shook his head at Stewart's question, noting that whatever it was it wasn't causing screams, disorder or panic. "No...no I'm sure the prefects can handle it. That's their job, afterall." It wasn't something wide scaled. They gave the kiddos the badges, they could let them handle the minor things.
The others offering up suggestions on what it could've been told him that he wasn't simply imagining things. There was actually something there that was holding their attention. "Doubt it's a cat, we'd see that for sure and students have all seen a cat." They wouldn't react like that about another...not so many of them anyway. Maybe it was sugar, like Adara mentioned or a run away toad like Noble said. Either way, he was starving and sure they were too.
Malachi stood with his goblet, knocking at the edge with his fork to get their attention.
"Everyone, your attention please." The Headmaster paused a moment to give them a chance to settle. From a standing position, he vaguely caught a glimpse of something pink. A pygmy puff, maybe? Definitely something the prefects could handle without it being blown up. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. For the new students settled among us, we find ourselves in the same shoes...well...relatively same. I'm up here, you're down there--but figuratively we're in the same shoes." Ahem. Moving on. "By the positioning of my seat--I guess the fact I'm addressing you too. You know what, there were probably a lot of hints--anyway, it's clear I'm the new Headmaster. My name is Malachi Trent and I look forward to working with you all moving forward." Excited really, but there was no need to put that into the speech.
Briefly, the man peeked down at his hand, a subtle gesture to see the next item on his impromptu list. "After that bit of unpleasantness last term, I think we could all use a fresh start. We do have a few new members on staff. Starting at the very right end of the table, Professor Joseph Flamel will be in charge of the subject of Ancient Runes. Beside him, Professor Justine Aramis taking over Arithmancy." He paused just enough for them to give a small wave or however they wanted to go about that. "Professor Dolly Dopple will take on the position of Charms Professor. On her left, Professor Kassandra Sullen has taken up the post of Divination Professor. To my left, Professor Amelia Adara. She will be the new flying instructor and healer. At the very left end, Professor Joyce Darlington for Transfiguration."
Again, he glanced down at his palm. "Huh?" Oh. "Oh right. As always and as a word of caution to our new students, the forbidden forest is--as you guessed--forbidden. Anyone found in there, if not eaten by the acromantulas or carried off by any number of other things lurking, will have to sit through a particularly non-stimulating detention that may leave you wishing you were eaten. Unless I decide otherwise, then you you may end up eaten afterall through a series of unfortunate circumstances that were likely unintended." Can't say they weren't warned. "On another note, classes begin bright and early in the morning. I know many of you may be excited to be back with your friends but tardiness and lethargy will not be tolerated so get a good night's sleep. You have all year to catch up. But enough from me for now, let's eat!"
He took his seat then and watched the food appear at each table. It was funny how the little moments brought the strongest bits of nostalgia. Something he'd think about once he got his stomach full.
Malachi didn't waste a second before he began piling his plate. Where to start??
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Walking the few short steps down to his seat in between Amelia and Alice he hung his coat over the back of his chair after shoving down the cap into a pocket. Sitting down Joshua smiled all around at his colleagues "Good evening everyone!"
Tristan watched as Joshua made his way towards his seat, biting his lip trying not to laugh when all the water from his hat poured onto Kaysha. He cleared his throat, masking a chuckle, and said, "Evening, Joshua. A little wet outside?" He gave the other man a little smirk.
Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles
A nod went to the new Divination Professor, Kassandra? He needed to get better with names, as she made her way past him, before his green gaze caught a hold of someone entering the hall and a soft smile tugged at his lips for the briefest of moments, before he set his face back into the calm professor mask he usually wore.
He shook his head at the pat and then chuckled softly as his tea cup was once again swiped and a drink was stolen! “I see next feast I’m going to have to bring two cups aren’t I?” He grinned ever so slightly before nodding.
“Mmmm, should be, let’s hope the craziness of the last term is behind us. ” No more firings please, his nerves couldn’t take it.
Tristan chuckled at that comment. "I keep telling you to. Maybe next feast." He said with a smirk and a quick wink. He gave the tea cup back and tapped the table 3 times with his index finger.
"Yes. Let us hope it is." He said with a small grin before noting a commotion not only at the Ravenclaw table, but also at the Gryffindor table. His brows furrowed, wondering what in the world could be going on.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
The seats on either side of him filled, as did the rest of the table. Thinking it never too late to begin his observations, the man was already making little mental notes, things he'd address later. Right now, from his seat, he leaned forward trying to figure out what could be grabbing the attention of those in blue. With the positioning like it was and some tall students--not to mention the students leaning over and therefore blocking whatever it was from this side of the Great Hall--it was difficult to get a good look. "What...what've they got there?" He asked, using all his restraint not to rise from his seat to get a better look as dark brows creased in concentration. It was only then that he noticed a few at the lion table distracted as well, but the elf being out of his line of vision and under the table, all he saw was distracted students. "And them?" He said, nodding toward the scarlet and gold.
Dear Merlin don't let it be dung bombs. Not tonight. Tomorrow maybe. Day after was even better but not his first night.
Tristan looked as the Headmaster pointed to each table...his concern growing. But he didn't make any comments back. He wasn't sure what was happening but he knew he would have to make his way to the Gryffindor table soon.
Originally Posted by hermygirl
"I vote for a first year's escaped toad," Noble added to the ongoing conversation around him. Had Haruldur and Paul still been here, he'd probably have jokingly wagered a galleon or two on it; there was always someone's familiar that decided to start exploring early. As was, he found himself visually marking out the Hufflepuff student leaders just in case. Except, well, where exactly was the new Head Boy?
"I think you may be right, Ignatius." Tristan said as a first year girl started yelling about her toad. He chuckled as he watched the scene playing out. This was Hogwarts...and boy had he missed it.
Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom
No sooner had the water incident come to an end that she heard the headmaster's words. "I can't quiet make it out from here, but there does seem to be something amiss. I sure hope it's not a cat. I don't care to be an itchy mess all evening." She leaned forward a bit to get a better look. Still not being able to tell what was there, she considered getting up from the table. However, before she could offer to go and check it out, Kaysha volunteered. Kassie shrugged her shoulders and quickly lost interest. No students were being injured by or showing distress over whatever was happening, so she was fine staying right where she was. Plus, the food had to be there soon and she was hungry.
When he heard Kassandra's comment about cats, a rueful grin played across his lips. "Are you allergic, Kassandra? I'm surprised you aren't an itchy mess already. There are many cats in the castle as well as Kneazles in the barns. You may want to take a daily allergy potion." He said with a wink, trying to hide his amusement.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
The more he stared was the more perplexed he became. It had nothing to do with worry but more to do with the growing frustration at not being able to see whatever was going on. It could've been literally anything.
Slowly, he shook his head at Stewart's question, noting that whatever it was it wasn't causing screams, disorder or panic. "No...no I'm sure the prefects can handle it. That's their job, afterall." It wasn't something wide scaled. They gave the kiddos the badges, they could let them handle the minor things.
The others offering up suggestions on what it could've been told him that he wasn't simply imagining things. There was actually something there that was holding their attention. "Doubt it's a cat, we'd see that for sure and students have all seen a cat." They wouldn't react like that about another...not so many of them anyway. Maybe it was sugar, like Adara mentioned or a run away toad like Noble said. Either way, he was starving and sure they were too.
Malachi stood with his goblet, knocking at the edge with his fork to get their attention.
"Everyone, your attention please." The Headmaster paused a moment to give them a chance to settle. From a standing position, he vaguely caught a glimpse of something pink. A pygmy puff, maybe? Definitely something the prefects could handle without it being blown up. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. For the new students settled among us, we find ourselves in the same shoes...well...relatively same. I'm up here, you're down there--but figuratively we're in the same shoes." Ahem. Moving on. "By the positioning of my seat--I guess the fact I'm addressing you too. You know what, there were probably a lot of hints--anyway, it's clear I'm the new Headmaster. My name is Malachi Trent and I look forward to working with you all moving forward." Excited really, but there was no need to put that into the speech.
Briefly, the man peeked down at his hand, a subtle gesture to see the next item on his impromptu list. "After that bit of unpleasantness last term, I think we could all use a fresh start. We do have a few new members on staff. Starting at the very right end of the table, Professor Joseph Flamel will be in charge of the subject of Ancient Runes. Beside him, Professor Justine Aramis taking over Arithmancy." He paused just enough for them to give a small wave or however they wanted to go about that. "Professor Dolly Dopple will take on the position of Charms Professor. On her left, Professor Kassandra Sullen has taken up the post of Divination Professor. To my left, Professor Amelia Adara. She will be the new flying instructor and healer. At the very left end, Professor Joyce Darlington for Transfiguration."
Again, he glanced down at his palm. "Huh?" Oh. "Oh right. As always and as a word of caution to our new students, the forbidden forest is--as you guessed--forbidden. Anyone found in there, if not eaten by the acromantulas or carried off by any number of other things lurking, will have to sit through a particularly non-stimulating detention that may leave you wishing you were eaten. Unless I decide otherwise, then you you may end up eaten afterall through a series of unfortunate circumstances that were likely unintended." Can't say they weren't warned. "On another note, classes begin bright and early in the morning. I know many of you may be excited to be back with your friends but tardiness and lethargy will not be tolerated so get a good night's sleep. You have all year to catch up. But enough from me for now, let's eat!"
He took his seat then and watched the food appear at each table. It was funny how the little moments brought the strongest bits of nostalgia. Something he'd think about once he got his stomach full.
Malachi didn't waste a second before he began piling his plate. Where to start??
Tristan was just about to ask if he should go to the Gryffindor's when Kay asked if she should go to the Ravenclaw's. Hearing the Headmaster's response, Tristan stayed seated...but his eyes were on that table throughout the Headmaster's speech.
It was plain to see the new Headmaster was not only excited, but nervous. Tristan grinned glancing over for a moment to look at his new boss who was rambling slightly. as he went through the new professors, Tristan clapped in welcome to the new staff members. It was great having new people. Of course the others would be deeply missed, but it was nice to have new people around.
When the Headmaster finished his speech, and the food appeared on the table, Tristan immediately started eating. He hadn't really had much since breakfast trying to get all the creatures settled. He also had a bone to pick with a certain Head Boy...but that would come later.
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
"Changed my mind, Heads of Houses, could you please...erm....." It wasn't the fluffy creature that suddenly had him nearly choking on his ham, no, it was that one kid apparently pledging to be by his side and a whole bunch of teenage crazy. Malachi shifted his gaze from one table to the next, not sure where to even start.
"If you could make a quick stop down at the tables to sort out whatever's going on." He KNEW he should've been suspicious when he saw them gathering like that but he honestly hadn't expected......Merlin what was that one kid doing? Yelling? What?
The man lowered his fork and rubbed at his face. "So much for a quiet feast."
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Almost at the same time that Joshua arrived, Kay noticed him. It took her a moment to remember that he now had the additional job as Groundskeeper that would have kept him from being early; after all, someone had to see all the first years safely across the Lake. Her blue gaze averted from him. The sight of him still vaguely annoyed her because him and his presence had a proclivity to do so. The fact that he paused behind her did not go unnoticed but she ignored him still. That is, until a stream of water came pouring down on her head and freshly shampooed and conditioned hair. Kay managed to contain her shriek (unlike last term) but spun around to glare at Joshua. Before she could say anything, there was an apology and hot air blowing her hair dry. “Leave it,’’ she hissed quietly but the damage had been done. Her long, brown hair was much too dry and now sat puffed out on her head so that she looked slightly fluffy. She dragged in a deep breath and exhaled slowly as she turned to face the Hall again. Why, in the name of all Muggle things, did that Herbology professor insist on annoying her? Why was it that she had to be a little friendly to him now and could not follow up that episode with a snark remark? Because Kaysha would need Joshua’s help for her lessons that term. She needed everything for those to be copacetic and being rude to the man would not help.
When Kaysha spun around to glare at him Joshua had been quite prepared to be shrieked at or worse considering the damage he had sustained to her now puffy hair by his little water accident. However Kaysha surprised him by just hissing at him to 'leave it.'"As you wish…" Joshua responded quietly feeling like he had been saved by some magnificent reason that he couldn’t decipher. He raised his mouth to say something else then closed it again, thinking better off it. If someone asked him why he couldn’t stop annoying Kaysha so much then he wouldn’t be able to give them any good reasons other than that he liked doing it and she did the same to him. It had been that way years ago in school too.
SPOILER!!: Amelia
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Did her meal neighbor just empty lake water on whom she recognized as Kaysha from the summer?? A trickle of water spraying onto her own dress, which she flicked casually like it would do anything. She wasn't bothered by that so much as the fact that it was childish and almost ... flirtatious. "Save it," she whispered toward Joshua when he had claimed his seat. There was more meanings to those words, but she didn't care to elaborate at present, at least not with their boss person literally right next to her.
"I think ... probably sugar induced from the train. We're going to have to work on healthier snacks being available from the trolley." Or some creature. Whatever it was, Amelia hoped it wasn't a niffler.
'Save it…' Were the whispered words of advice that his meal neighbour gave him. Joshua hadn’t planned to annoy Kay more tonight so he let Amelia’s advice about Kay wash over him uncommented. Instead he offered having heard the tail end of her earlier comment to the Headmaster about sugar. "If you want Amelia then I can start growing some more vegetables and fruits in the greenhouses that can be used as 'healthier snacks' by the students in their common rooms with Headmaster Trent's permission of coure. I’d be open to discussions on what kind of fruits and vegetables would be suitable too." Joshua had his extensive herbal knowledge to lean on, but he wasn’t totally against a fruitful discussion with the school healer that might have another view. It was for the student’s best after all.
SPOILER!!: Noble
Originally Posted by hermygirl
"Maybe next time you should dry yourself up before reaching the dais..." Noble commented as he silently appeared at the table besides Wishart, lips pursed and clearly unamused at the drips of water that had also landed on his own chair. He removed his wand to dry them, grumbling under his breath at the need to do so, before taking a seat. Whether it was just plain insolence or a childish prank on Kaysha he had no idea, but Noble expected better of his students...not alone his colleague.
It was petty and childish. Thank goodness Amelia was here to help him keep his sanity.
Noble’s silent appearance by his side sent a chill up Joshua’s spine. Sometimes the potions master was a bit creepy with his silent comings and goings. This time though he was granted a comment about his wet appearance from the man. Flashing a look sideways at Noble he replied "Yes, I shall keep that in mind Ignatius for future boat rides. The weather was sadly not very welcoming to the first years tonight since it’s literally pouring outside." Poor first years. Feeling that the potions master was very unamused and grumbling even Joshua decided against starting a conversation with him for now, maybe with some food he’d be more conversational?
SPOILER!!: Alice
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
Then Joshua happened, ruining her concentration. Wow, AGAIN, Joshua (??!?), thought Alice furiously as she inclined herself as far away as possible from the dripping water falling around Kay to avoid getting hit. Surely he did that on purpose! This was the second year in a row that he'd done something to Kay at the start of term feast - and in front of all the students too. "Good evening, Joshua," she returned his greeting with just a hint of coolness to her voice. Not too cool, just a hint. "Please don't make me wet. I hate getting wet."
Because some drops had definitely fallen on her too.
When seated Joshua looked down at the house tables, trying to see what commotion Trent was talking about but he didn’t see very much of anything of what could be going on. But if he had to give a wild guess he interjected in the ongoing conversation instigated by the headmaster since nobody was shouting, laughing or crying. "Maybe one of the students is amusing the others with fun stories of the summer or brought something to the feast to show the others like a new broom or something…"
Turning his attention to Alice he smiled and nodded seriously “I shall try my best to fulfil that wish.” After a second Joshua asked curiously. "How come you hate getting wet Alice? Also did you have a lovely summer vacation?# He had set a goal for himself to be more conversational this year with those who sat next to him.
SPOILER!!: Tristan
Originally Posted by Suziella
Tristan watched as Joshua made his way towards his seat, biting his lip trying not to laugh when all the water from his hat poured onto Kaysha. He cleared his throat, masking a chuckle, and said, "Evening, Joshua. A little wet outside?" He gave the other man a little smirk. [/font]
Was Tristan amused? Was there a masked chuckle in his greeting of him perhaps? Joshua looked over the CoMC professor and smirked back. "Good evening Tristan. The rain is quite wet and cold tonight i must say. It was not a very pleasant boatride across the lake. Luckily though all the kids stayed in their boats, nobody fell out." Unless you counted the boy that had taken a stumble into the water when he attemped to switch boats?
SPOILER!!: Headmans speech
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Malachi stood with his goblet, knocking at the edge with his fork to get their attention.
"Everyone, your attention please." The Headmaster paused a moment to give them a chance to settle. From a standing position, he vaguely caught a glimpse of something pink. A pygmy puff, maybe? Definitely something the prefects could handle without it being blown up. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. For the new students settled among us, we find ourselves in the same shoes...well...relatively same. I'm up here, you're down there--but figuratively we're in the same shoes." Ahem. Moving on. "By the positioning of my seat--I guess the fact I'm addressing you too. You know what, there were probably a lot of hints--anyway, it's clear I'm the new Headmaster. My name is Malachi Trent and I look forward to working with you all moving forward." Excited really, but there was no need to put that into the speech.
Briefly, the man peeked down at his hand, a subtle gesture to see the next item on his impromptu list. "After that bit of unpleasantness last term, I think we could all use a fresh start. We do have a few new members on staff. Starting at the very right end of the table, Professor Joseph Flamel will be in charge of the subject of Ancient Runes. Beside him, Professor Justine Aramis taking over Arithmancy." He paused just enough for them to give a small wave or however they wanted to go about that. "Professor Dolly Dopple will take on the position of Charms Professor. On her left, Professor Kassandra Sullen has taken up the post of Divination Professor. To my left, Professor Amelia Adara. She will be the new flying instructor and healer. At the very left end, Professor Joyce Darlington for Transfiguration."
Again, he glanced down at his palm. "Huh?" Oh. "Oh right. As always and as a word of caution to our new students, the forbidden forest is--as you guessed--forbidden. Anyone found in there, if not eaten by the acromantulas or carried off by any number of other things lurking, will have to sit through a particularly non-stimulating detention that may leave you wishing you were eaten. Unless I decide otherwise, then you you may end up eaten afterall through a series of unfortunate circumstances that were likely unintended." Can't say they weren't warned. "On another note, classes begin bright and early in the morning. I know many of you may be excited to be back with your friends but tardiness and lethargy will not be tolerated so get a good night's sleep. You have all year to catch up. But enough from me for now, let's eat!"
He took his seat then and watched the food appear at each table. It was funny how the little moments brought the strongest bits of nostalgia. Something he'd think about once he got his stomach full.
Malachi didn't waste a second before he began piling his plate. Where to start??
When the boss stood up to deliver his headmaster speech Joshua listened attentively and was very pleased about the extra emphasis his boss put on not venturing into the forbidden forest unescorted by a school staffer. He hoped that the student's would adhere to the warning of detention but Joshua knew he still had to keep close watch and make sure no students still wanted to try their luck with the forest's deadly creatures.
As the food arrived, Joshua felt just how hungry he was and his stomach even growled to confirm that to him. He helped himself to a little bit of everything before he started to dig in.
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Was Tristan amused? Was there a masked chuckle in his greeting of him perhaps? Joshua looked over the CoMC professor and smirked back. "Good evening Tristan. The rain is quite wet and cold tonight i must say. It was not a very pleasant boat ride across the lake. Luckily though all the kids stayed in their boats, nobody fell out." Unless you counted the boy that had taken a stumble into the water when he attempted to switch boats?
Tristan grinned at the other man's response. Joshua would never learn to leave Kay alone would he? He often wondered if there was more there but...not his business. "Yes, I can see that. Thank Merlin no one fell out. That would have been very unlucky indeed." He gave Joshua a small smile before hearing the headmaster...
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
"Changed my mind, Heads of Houses, could you please...erm....." It wasn't the fluffy creature that suddenly had him nearly choking on his ham, no, it was that one kid apparently pledging to be by his side and a whole bunch of teenage crazy. Malachi shifted his gaze from one table to the next, not sure where to even start.
"If you could make a quick stop down at the tables to sort out whatever's going on." He KNEW he should've been suspicious when he saw them gathering like that but he honestly hadn't expected......Merlin what was that one kid doing? Yelling? What?
The man lowered his fork and rubbed at his face. "So much for a quiet feast."
Tristan looked out over at the Gryffindors...something more than a lost Toad was amuck. He sighed and stood, pushing his chair back before responding, "Right away, Headmaster." He left his jacket hanging on his chair and made his way to the Gryffindors. He had a feeling a certain seventh year girl was behind this. Wasn't she always?
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸