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For those who belong in Slytherin House, on the right side of the Great Hall is where your table awaits. Green banners containing an embroidered silver snake float above the polished table in honour of the cunning Salazar Slytherin. Already placed on the tables are silver plates with accompanying cutlery and goblets. All that is missing right now are the mountains of food and pitchers containing your favourite beverages.
Though your stomach might be growing as you take a seat on one of the long benches next to the table, it is important to not get hangry -- gnawing your arm away or jabbing your fork repeatedly on the surface of the table will do no good whatsoever. Give everyone some time to get settled in and wait for Headmaster Trent to deliver his speech. Keep yourself preoccupied by catching up with your fellow housemates or those who are visiting from the other tables until it is time to sink your teeth into the hearty and delicious meal prepared by the house-elves.
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
He probably should’ve ignored the hair tugging and pretended to stay snoozing because there was a lot going on. Too much going on. He enjoyed feasts for FOOD reasons, but all the other parts??? The waiting around?? The overcrowded table??? All the talking??? Ughhhhhh. It sucked.
Before he could assure Cam that everything was A-ok, the new Headmaster was doing the whole speech thing. He seemed like a pleasant enough dude, but then again, anything had to be better than metal-man Scrimgeour. And what was that? A new Charms professor? Max scanned the staff dais to see who’d be teaching his favourite subject and……
“Woaaaah, she looks bloomin’ ancient,” he observed, choosing to IGNORE the looks from Natalie, the snapping first year and the house-elf drama as he started piling his plate with goodies and poured himself a goblet of pumpkin juice. Avoiding Prefect-ing was thirsty work y’know. He downed half his goblet in one gulp and turned to finally greet his dorm mate back. “Alright………. Liam….?”
Woah. Liam. LIAM.
Suddenly, he was blushing furiously. Cheeks, ears, neck. All pink.
He shuffled down the bench into the spot Cam had just left vacant and leaned closer to get a better look at the other boy.
“……….. I - I never realised how perfect your hair is. Can I...... Do you mind if I touch it?” He was going to touch it anyway, okay. He had to.
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
Patrick smiled at Skyler she looked at little uneasy to come back to Hogwarts. He couldn’t blame anyone this year for not wanting to come back. It had been wild every year since he had been there. He wanted her to be at ease, “yeah. I had a great summer. Spent a lot of it playing baseball and quidditch. What about you?” he tried to keel his voice calm as to not scare her off.
Patrick tried to contain his laughter at the two girls who had tried to interact with Odaline. He never understood why people tried to push those who didn’t want to interact... not everyone is a social butterfly.
Patrick watched the girl join the table and figured since she looked closer in age to him he’d introduce himself. He wondered how she ended up at Hogwarts. “Good train ride? Also, welcome to Slytherin.” he blushed cause there was no easy way to ask the next question. ”what year are you in? Oh I’m Patrick by the way.” his southern accent coming out as he had spent his last two weeks of summer in the states with his grandparents.
Patrick’s eyes followed his housemates movements wondering what he was doing. He wasn’t so sure he liked their running around the tables like the we’re up to something. He kept them in his sights as he took a sip of the pumpkin juice before placing it back on the table unsure of what they were doing. He felt a little tingly wondering if the house elves had changed the pumpkin juice recipe or not he shrugged and kept eating.
Skyler jumped a bit as she was a bit lost in thought but quickly settled down and looked up at Patrick.
"That's good," she smiled. "My parents took me to Hogsmede," she said. "And we went to muggle London once."
Yeah, Liam was definitely not equipped to handle the child and the house elf. It wasn’t his problem and he was going to ignore it like the mature adult that he was. Plus, with the headmaster speaking, he had an excuse to pretend to pay attention to something else.
Until Cam jumped up like his bum was on fire.
Okay, so Cam has warned him earlier about the spiking that was going to happen. So Liam knew. But Liam was also not known for his Attention Span of Steel and so he’d... momentarily forgotten.
Which was why Cam’s actions seemed so weird. And Max’s seemed........ weirder.
Sure, the boys were dormmates. Friends. But they weren’t particularly close. And Max had certainly never before complimented Liam’s hair so enthusiastically.
”Thanks, I-” he looked over at Max, blinking a bit in surprise at his sudden proximity. And the noticeable color on his face. “I guess you can touch it, yeah.” Sure. Why not? His throat feeling suddenly dry, Liam reached for a drink. He grabbed a glass of pumpkin juice, eyes closing as he downed it. Whoo.
As he opened his eyes his gaze fell to the Hufflepuff table, searching for Cam for help. But what he saw instead was the most beautiful girl he’d ever laid eyes on. Merlin, she was gorgeous, wasn’t she? Had he ever told her? She was breathtaking. That face. Those cheekbones.
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Odaline wanted nothing to do with anyone at the table or anyone that had spoken to her, so the fact that the girls had gone away and left her was a relief.
Originally Posted by Toddles
Toddles' boney elbows and knees now brought him to the underside of the Slytherin table in desperate pursuit of HIS Fluffsies. Once again crawling over all the feets of studentsies, Toddles not-so-quietly called out for HIS beloved lost pet. "Fluffsies...Fluffsies...where are you Fluffsies? Come backs to Toddles!"
A couple of more crawls later and Toddles let out a GASP as he saw something PINK sticking out under the footsie of one of the studentsies (Samia), prompting Toddles to crawl even FASTER and SHOVE the shoesie off. "FLUFFSIES? FLUFF....oh." No. Frayed not.
POUTING, Toddles continued his crawl until he spotted another studentsies on the floor too (Shanners), though Toddles had a ways to crawl before her reached that studentsies. Why was this studentsies on the floor? Was she looking for something too? Had SHE stolen HIS Fluffsies and was now grumpy like Argyle because she no finds him too? Toddles big round eyes narrowed as he crawled more quickly over studentsies feetsies and pointed one of his long elf fingers towards her with a sudden change of elfsie heart. Toddles must find Fluffsies on his own! Studentsies would only wants to keepsy Fluffsies because Fluffsies was too cute to ever EVER part with! "Missus shall not take Toddles' Fluffsies!"
Obviously.. she wasn't alone for long and with a frown, Odaline folded her arms tighter and shrinked away. "What Fluffsies?" What on Earth was that? Was it new Hogwarts words? Teen words? Ugh, couldn't she go now? Was she allowed to? There was food available, but she wasn't hungry. Oda didn't enjoy the idea of eating in view of all these other people.
And not this oversized rat that she was encountering down here? Did rats talk at Hogwarts?
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok
After all that with the sorting hat and finding a spot at the table and listening to the Headmaster talk. FINALLY Igor could eat. He was having a good time just watching how everyone interacted or well the prefects looked alright. Everyone else he would just have to get to know. And guess her name was uh wait he forgot it already. But Odaline was just as weird. So ...that's all he had on that.
Was the house elf, ok?
Seemed like it was looking for something. Or was he lost at this table. He had no idea
Weird...but he was finally going to eat now. He piled his plate high with food and well started drinking some pumpkin juice laced with the love potion watching Oda trying to hide at the end of the table
He got out of his seat and made his way over to Odaline and sat down right in front of her. Nothing else mattered right now.
"Your eyes are beautiful!"
This kid was worse than Ronan from the boats.
Odaline was going home. Hogwarts was crazy. There were people everywhere and it was more overwhelming than shopping in Diagon Alley had been. "No." She said, pushing him backwards. No, no, no, no and no.
His feet were ticklish, and someone invading his privacy and taking his shoe off took him VERY MUCH off guard because WHAT? Looking down under the table, he barely caught sight of the elf before he scurried away.
What even was this school?
Huffing, the sixth year reclaimed his shoe before sitting up straighter and looking at Vita, "it was definitely better than the last term"which was saying something to be honest.
Before he could say something further though, Natalie had decided to acknowledge his presence - and for some reason, it just annoyed him some more - especially the way she tried to gloat about her badge. Holding her gaze, he sat there - expression blank. Was this a stare off? Yes.
......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥
He was back and had managed to complete the mission successfully. He'd almost walked over to Zoryn to high five her or something but then had figured that that would've been a bit too obvious and suspicious. So instead he was BACK at the house table, downright exhilarated that he'd done the thing without getting caught.
Had Liam seen him???
"Look, I got us rolls." Cam said as she reached the table again, still keeping up the charade. "I-" Oh. Why was Max in his seat? Also why was he touching Liam's hair? "Liam?" Had Max drunk the pumpkin juice? Unfortunately for everyone involved, Cameron had missed his boyfriend's question about Bel over at the Hufflepuff table so he gave Liam an amused look. Max looked funny with his hand in Liam's hair.
Plopping down in the seat Max had just vacated, now sitting next to him again, Cameron reached over to grab his goblet and fill it with water. HE HAD DONE THE THING!
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Max made sure to get his fingers riiiiiiight in there. Liam’s hair was so soft. So very soft. Like velvet. No. Even better. Like fluffy cotton candy. He found himself wondering if it smelled as good as cotton candy too. He had to find out. He had to KNOW.
He didn’t even notice Cameron’s return. Nor did he pay much attention to Liam’s question about Bel. In fact, he felt himself getting agitated that his dormmate was paying more attention to the Hufflepuff table than to HIM. HELLO. He was right HERE.
“MmmmmMMM, it smells so GOOD.” Yes, he had shuffled even closer and leaned in for a hair sniff. “Liam, you’re so great. Did you know that? Because you are. You’re so great, and your hair is so great and and and…..”
SIIIIIIIGH. He could just MELT.
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Sighing from the drama, and looking around the room the 2nd year Slytherin's eyes fell on Jorgie and Alis before trying to find her brother. Nope, couldn't see him at all.
So, she filled up her pumpkin juice, taking another sip of it as she continued to search for Cam.
Only, instead of finding Cam - she settled her eyes on the most PERFECTLY beautiful boy EVER.
With wide eyes, she stared at Max, trying to slip closer to him.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: Toddles
Originally Posted by Toddles
Toddles' boney elbows and knees now brought him to the underside of the Slytherin table in desperate pursuit of HIS Fluffsies. Once again crawling over all the feets of studentsies, Toddles not-so-quietly called out for HIS beloved lost pet. "Fluffsies...Fluffsies...where are you Fluffsies? Come backs to Toddles!"
A couple of more crawls later and Toddles let out a GASP as he saw something PINK sticking out under the footsie of one of the studentsies (Samia), prompting Toddles to crawl even FASTER and SHOVE the shoesie off. "FLUFFSIES? FLUFF....oh." No. Frayed not.
POUTING, Toddles continued his crawl until he spotted another studentsies on the floor too (Shanners), though Toddles had a ways to crawl before her reached that studentsies. Why was this studentsies on the floor? Was she looking for something too? Had SHE stolen HIS Fluffsies and was now grumpy like Argyle because she no finds him too? Toddles big round eyes narrowed as he crawled more quickly over studentsies feetsies and pointed one of his long elf fingers towards her with a sudden change of elfsie heart. Toddles must find Fluffsies on his own! Studentsies would only wants to keepsy Fluffsies because Fluffsies was too cute to ever EVER part with! "Missus shall not take Toddles' Fluffsies!"
Well. Slytherins were a talkative bunch, weren't they? Torii thought this to herself with a hint of sarcasm. Almost no one was welcoming the new girl. At Ilvermorny, she'd have already found all her friends and started up conversations with all of them. Here at Hogwarts, everybody acted like she was invisible.
Feeling something at her feet, she looked down and saw a house elf crawling around on the floor. Ermm??"Excuse me? Excuse me... What are you looking for?" she asked. What was a Fluffsies? Her first conversation at Hogwarts was with a house elf crawling underneath a table looking for a Fluffsies. Wonderful. She just hoped that wasn't an indication of how the whole year would be.
Text Cut: siriusblackliveson
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson
Patrick watched the girl join the table and figured since she looked closer in age to him he’d introduce himself. He wondered how she ended up at Hogwarts. “Good train ride? Also, welcome to Slytherin.” he blushed cause there was no easy way to ask the next question. ”what year are you in? Oh I’m Patrick by the way.” his southern accent coming out as he had spent his last two weeks of summer in the states with his grandparents.
Torii had just emerged from her peek under the table, when she heard an unfamiliar voice. Ohh. The unfamiliar voice was talking to her. So Slytherins did talk to each other. "Oh, yeah. It was cool. Kind of long, but it was alright," she answered. "Thanks. Although...what's a Slytherin mean?" She had finally decided to ask that, seeing as she was now one of them. Patrick. She'd have to remember that. "I'm Torii."
Not to long after Bettie sat down the new head master gave his speech. Bettie I you could say enjoyed the speech and clapped as he introduced the new staff. Then he had to talk about the forbidden forest. Just the thought of that place gave Bettie a painful look and a slight cringe. No worries here. This one student has no plan to go in that place. It was bad enough with the last headmaster. Making them go in there. She has a scar from that, that "Red Cap". Not to mention the scar on her arm because of Professor hot head.
*Bettie lost in thought* Next thing Bettie knew the speech was over and there was food on the table. Bettie being in a bit of a bad mood she snapped, "Can someone please pass me a bake potato?"
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Kalen was on his feet almost as soon as the Headmaster spoke, he wasn’t sure what the heck was going on with his snakes, but he wasn’t super happy about it. He put his tea cup down on the head table and headed off for the Slytherin table.
“Anyone care to tell me what’s going on here?” ” He asked the table in general as he looked around to figure out where his prefects were and uhh.. was Max.. touching Liam’s hair?
Surely this wasn’t exactly the right place for that yeah?
“Anyone care to explain what’s happening?” Kalen asked as his green eyes looked around, rather taken aback by the amount of lovey dovey ness in the hall. Yeah the PDA rule was gone now but..
Now this, this was c o m m o t i o n, heck that was the only word Beth would have deemed appropriate for the situation…unsolicited hair touching…and sniffing? Had Prefect Carden been drinking Butterbeer on an empty stomach – that was something mum had always warned Beth off of doing…really, it all seemed possible?
Sidling closer to her favorite human Eria Lovecraft Beth just whispered. ”do you have any idea what is going on in their heads?” her grey eyes scanned across the table.
Sure – sure she saw h i m the bookstore creeper that she had only told Callum and Cordy about…that one was someone to avoid. Or at least that was the plan so far. Lowering her voice and keeping it dead straight like the words she was about to say were the most important thing in the world…because to her they were – ”he’s creepy, I’m staying away from that one” she nodded her head toward the kid that looked like a miniature brooding twa…”I met him over summer – he tried to hold my hand without my consent…consent that’s important.” she nodded her eyes still expressing little emotion as they scanned the table over toward the miniature version of Ronan Carter.
It was then…mid scan that she saw Professor Kennedy and debated answering his question. ”apparently they have nice smelling hair?” Beth shrugged her shoulder and blinked slowly, other than that no. She didn’t know what was going on – and really, there were some things she didn’t care for…like who cared really if Toddles was screaming at a first year.
Toddles was Toddles.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Cameron couldn't quite stop himself from giggling at Max's antics, truly believing that Liam could take care of himself. Plus, he really couldn't blame Max for his new-found obsession with Liam's hair; his boyfriend really did have amazing hair. Very soft. And great. That too.
He was too busy being amused by Max and Liam to notice Holly coming closer to them, unfortunately. Or fortunately for his own sanity maybe. Humming to himself he glanced around at the other tables as he casually balanced the rolls he had brought over from the Hufflepuff table on top of their own basket full of rolls. They definitely had enough of those now, didn't-
Oh. Kennedy.
Quickly pushing an entire roll into his mouth to have a good excuse not to give any verbal answers, Cameron simply gave a shrug in reply to their Head of House's questions. WHO KNEW? Not him. Definitely not him. He was just here, eating rolls.
Stealthy Ninja Queen | Snake For Life | waddling baker | binge royalty ♚
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Torii had just emerged from her peek under the table, when she heard an unfamiliar voice. Ohh. The unfamiliar voice was talking to her. So Slytherins did talk to each other. "Oh, yeah. It was cool. Kind of long, but it was alright," she answered. "Thanks. Although...what's a Slytherin mean?" She had finally decided to ask that, seeing as she was now one of them. Patrick. She'd have to remember that. "I'm Torii."
Patrick blinked hard. Uh what's a slytherin mean? He wondered if she meant what does it mean to all of us, or what are the values. He had to know a bit more about what she was looking for. "Nice to meet you Torii. Yeah my first train ride was long. Luckily I had a older student start looking out for me." He thought back to Skylar his former captain looking out for him as he boarded the train that first term.
He tried to keep thinking about what a Slytherin mean. "Well it's our house. Kind of like at Ilvermorny. We have different traits that make us who we are, well each house has a common set of ideals that shine brighter." Although he figured that wasn't the answer she was looking for. "Unless you already knew that then were just the snakes from Salazar Slytherin one of the founders." he blushed not knowing if she already knew the answer.