-   Term 51: January - April 2019 (
-   -   Library (

DaniDiNardo 12-04-2018 11:38 AM

A maze of thousands upon thousands of books, the library is heaven to any book-lover. Upon entering the high-ceilinged room, the smell of books, both ancient and new, hits you. There are many tall, narrow shelves neatly lined up, each divided into different sections -- charms, potions, Muggles, fiction, and so on. If you find a book you're interested in, simply make use of the sliding ladder or summon the book with Accio to retrieve it.

But the library just isn't a labyrinth of books. In the heart of the library and on the outskirts of it are tables and seating areas designated for quiet research and reading, some with accompanying fireplaces or large stained glass windows. Tucked away in the very back of the library is the Restricted Section, which requires a key that the librarian keeps on her person at all times and permission to enter because of the more mature titles and content that are tightly locked and chained within. At the entrance stands the front desk where the school librarian can usually be found, who will happily recommend a book, check out a book for you, and help you with any of your library needs.

OOC: Please do not play for the Librarian: Birchwoodmom.

Argyle 01-05-2019 08:26 PM

With a pop Argyle appeared in the expansive room. The house-elves purchases over the summer had long since been delivered to the library but that was far from the only thing that needed to take place in the space. Nope =, not the only thing. Nooks and crannies. Crannies and nooks. And every which way had to be looked after and cleaned.


Books not like dust.
Books not like germs

siriusblackliveson 01-09-2019 12:35 AM

Patrick plopped down on one of the chairs by the fire. He honestly just needed a nap before he ran off to Potions. It wasn't his fault that he had been studying hard, working out a ton. It was like his body had suddenly gone into shock since he had been back at Hogwarts.

Grabbing one of his books he propped it against his stomach to make it look like he was studying. That way he couldn't be yelled at. He really needed a few....

Argyle 01-09-2019 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson (Post 12380176)
Patrick plopped down on one of the chairs by the fire. He honestly just needed a nap before he ran off to Potions. It wasn't his fault that he had been studying hard, working out a ton. It was like his body had suddenly gone into shock since he had been back at Hogwarts.

Grabbing one of his books he propped it against his stomach to make it look like he was studying. That way he couldn't be yelled at. He really needed a few....



Argyle was making headway in the library. Any dust was no match for a determined house elf. Until the feather duster struck something organic in the form of a leg as she went around a chair. Argyle’s eyes widened, looking up at the form attached to said leg. “Argyle sorry…Argyle not mean for…bothering Master Captain.” Especially when Master Captain was studying and being good student.

OOooo Argyle was a bad elf.

siriusblackliveson 01-13-2019 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Argyle (Post 12380436)


Argyle was making headway in the library. Any dust was no match for a determined house elf. Until the feather duster struck something organic in the form of a leg as she went around a chair. Argyle’s eyes widened, looking up at the form attached to said leg. “Argyle sorry…Argyle not mean for…bothering Master Captain.” Especially when Master Captain was studying and being good student.

OOooo Argyle was a bad elf.

Feeling something nudge his leg Patrick tilted up a bit. He looked down to see Argyle with a duster in its hands. He felt terrible the little elf was only doing its job. “No you are all good Argyle. You were just doing your job. The library looks wonderful.” he leaned his head back ready to go back to sleep for just a few minutes.

Shanners 01-19-2019 05:45 PM

4 Amy
Without trying to sound like a swot, Odaline spent a lot of her free time in the library. Actually, all of her free time. She had very few ties to people and hadn't wanted to do quidditch so that wasn't a thing for her. Books were.

Given the Scottish weather they were encountering, Oda had an extra layer on under her school uniform. Thermals. But she may still have been a little bit too cold. Nothing unbearable or uncomfortable, but enough to make her wish she had another layer on. This Buchanan was easily cold and it wasn't a feeling her body was able to shake for hours. Which was why she was sat at a table, legs up on the bench with her and completing the homework that she'd been given this morning.

No time like the present.

LilFox06 01-21-2019 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by Shanners (Post 12383733)
Without trying to sound like a swot, Odaline spent a lot of her free time in the library. Actually, all of her free time. She had very few ties to people and hadn't wanted to do quidditch so that wasn't a thing for her. Books were.

Given the Scottish weather they were encountering, Oda had an extra layer on under her school uniform. Thermals. But she may still have been a little bit too cold. Nothing unbearable or uncomfortable, but enough to make her wish she had another layer on. This Buchanan was easily cold and it wasn't a feeling her body was able to shake for hours. Which was why she was sat at a table, legs up on the bench with her and completing the homework that she'd been given this morning.

No time like the present.

Valencia absolutely loved the library -- both this one and the one in the common room. She brought along her homework to do between classes. She looked around for an empty table before spotting someone in her year. Maybe she would be okay if they shared?

She made her name over before lightly tapping on the table to get the other girl's attention.

"Hi. Mind if I share?"

Argyle 01-21-2019 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson (Post 12381998)
Feeling something nudge his leg Patrick tilted up a bit. He looked down to see Argyle with a duster in its hands. He felt terrible the little elf was only doing its job. “No you are all good Argyle. You were just doing your job. The library looks wonderful.” he leaned his head back ready to go back to sleep for just a few minutes.

No you are all good Argyle

Argyle tilted her head as she tried to make sense of the words. No but good. It was only at the rest of the boy’s words that confirmed all was well. Doing her job and library looking wonderful. “Thank you Master Captain,” the house elf squeaked. “Argyle been working real hard on it.” A pet project for the year sorta.

OH! He wanted to rest...

Argyle scurrying backwards away from the chair as to not disturb him any further. Argyle was a good elf indeed.

The Narrator 01-22-2019 02:34 AM

All seems to be as it should in the library; however, those in search of particular titles might have a difficult time scouring the shelves.

Even though books are checked out of the library every day, four books in particular are nowhere to be found. If you need of one of these books for a homework assignment, you will be out of luck as their spots remain vacant.

It is a possibility that someone checked out one of these books, so asking the librarian might be beneficial so you can get in touch with the borrower. But it'll be rather puzzling when the records won't indicate that these books hadn't been checked out.

Where could those books have wandered off to? It wasn't that common for books in the library to go missing, was it?

Shanners 01-27-2019 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by LilFox06 (Post 12384200)
Valencia absolutely loved the library -- both this one and the one in the common room. She brought along her homework to do between classes. She looked around for an empty table before spotting someone in her year. Maybe she would be okay if they shared?

She made her name over before lightly tapping on the table to get the other girl's attention.

"Hi. Mind if I share?"

Oda was checking the facts that she needed before attempting her History of Magic homework when someone interrupted the silence she had settled into. The noise that tapping made was annoying. It was infuriating and she wanted to chop the hands off of the tapper.

Looking up to the villain in this story, Oda found herself looking at someone from her year. Even worse.

"Yes, share." Did she mean that yes, she minded? Or yes, sit?

LilFox06 01-29-2019 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Shanners (Post 12385706)
Oda was checking the facts that she needed before attempting her History of Magic homework when someone interrupted the silence she had settled into. The noise that tapping made was annoying. It was infuriating and she wanted to chop the hands off of the tapper.

Looking up to the villain in this story, Oda found herself looking at someone from her year. Even worse.

"Yes, share." Did she mean that yes, she minded? Or yes, sit?

Valencia offered a smile before taking a seat at the other girl's table. "Thank you." she said appreciatively.

Once she was settled, she took out her History of Magic book and began reading. Occasionally, she made notes in her textbook with a muggle pen.

Joyce Darlington 01-31-2019 06:58 PM

Face like thunder, Joyce entered the library and headed straight for the shelves dedicated for Transfiguration works and titles. She wasn't even sure if the Hogwarts library kept up to date with the latest issues of Transfiguration Today --- if they didn't, she would need to have stern words with the librarian.

Why didn't she simply have her own copy owled to her upon release?

That was the problem. She did.

It had arrived bright and early that very morning and she was absolutely positive she'd left it at her desk. After a stressful morning with stressful students, she'd been looking forward to some afternoon purusing but when she'd returned to her office however, it was gone.

Joyce Darlington was NOT one for misplacing things, so this was either someone's idea of a prank or the house-elves had moved it during their cleaning. What other explanation could there be?

So here she was.

Birchwoodmom 02-01-2019 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Joyce Darlington (Post 12386938)
Face like thunder, Joyce entered the library and headed straight for the shelves dedicated for Transfiguration works and titles. She wasn't even sure if the Hogwarts library kept up to date with the latest issues of Transfiguration Today --- if they didn't, she would need to have stern words with the librarian.

Why didn't she simply have her own copy owled to her upon release?

That was the problem. She did.

It had arrived bright and early that very morning and she was absolutely positive she'd left it at her desk. After a stressful morning with stressful students, she'd been looking forward to some afternoon purusing but when she'd returned to her office however, it was gone.

Joyce Darlington was NOT one for misplacing things, so this was either someone's idea of a prank or the house-elves had moved it during their cleaning. What other explanation could there be?

So here she was.

From her seat behind the desk, Kassie couldn't help but notice the displeased look upon the Transfiguration professor's face. However, before she could get out a single word, Joyce had passed her. Apparently, she was on some sort of mission. After placing a bookmark in her book of the day, she stepped out from behind the desk and sort of flowed over to Joyce's side.

"May I help you find something?" She asked, just above a whisper. There were several students studying and Kassie didn't want to disturb them. "The library has a lovely selection to choose from."

Joyce Darlington 02-01-2019 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom (Post 12387163)
From her seat behind the desk, Kassie couldn't help but notice the displeased look upon the Transfiguration professor's face. However, before she could get out a single word, Joyce had passed her. Apparently, she was on some sort of mission. After placing a bookmark in her book of the day, she stepped out from behind the desk and sort of flowed over to Joyce's side.

"May I help you find something?" She asked, just above a whisper. There were several students studying and Kassie didn't want to disturb them. "The library has a lovely selection to choose from."

"Actually, yes. Yes, you can." Joyce responded curtly, opting not to use her own 'library voice.' She wasn't exactly shouting but the whisper that Kassie was using was beyond ridiculous. She turned her attention back to the shelves but continued addressing the librarian.

"I'm looking for the latest issue of Transfiguration Today. There was a particular article that I was very much looking forward to but..." She stopped abruptly, not wanting to admit that her own copy had mysteriously vanished into the void. "Anyway, no matter. Do you have it?"

Birchwoodmom 02-02-2019 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Joyce Darlington (Post 12387317)
"Actually, yes. Yes, you can." Joyce responded curtly, opting not to use her own 'library voice.' She wasn't exactly shouting but the whisper that Kassie was using was beyond ridiculous. She turned her attention back to the shelves but continued addressing the librarian.

"I'm looking for the latest issue of Transfiguration Today. There was a particular article that I was very much looking forward to but..." She stopped abruptly, not wanting to admit that her own copy had mysteriously vanished into the void. "Anyway, no matter. Do you have it?"

Her eyes darted towards the table of students, hoping they weren't being disturbed. She looked back to Joyce and answered her, volume low, modeling proper library etiquette for the Transfiguration professor. "I do believe we have a copy. One moment, please." Kassie closed her eyes as she pulled out her divination pendulum and silently asked if the copy was in the library. The stone slowly began to wiggle, then swing, signaling its response. Her eyes popped open and her pendulum went back in her pocket.

"Yes, we do have a copy in the library." She scanned the shelves for a moment before finding it. "Here we go." Kassie gently took the copy of Transfiguration Today off the shelf and held it out for Joyce. "Is there anything else I can help you with? We just got a copy of Everyday Divination, if you would like to check it out. It has great tips and tricks on how to include divination in all you do."

Joyce Darlington 02-04-2019 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom (Post 12387587)
Her eyes darted towards the table of students, hoping they weren't being disturbed. She looked back to Joyce and answered her, volume low, modeling proper library etiquette for the Transfiguration professor. "I do believe we have a copy. One moment, please." Kassie closed her eyes as she pulled out her divination pendulum and silently asked if the copy was in the library. The stone slowly began to wiggle, then swing, signaling its response. Her eyes popped open and her pendulum went back in her pocket.

"Yes, we do have a copy in the library." She scanned the shelves for a moment before finding it. "Here we go." Kassie gently took the copy of Transfiguration Today off the shelf and held it out for Joyce. "Is there anything else I can help you with? We just got a copy of Everyday Divination, if you would like to check it out. It has great tips and tricks on how to include divination in all you do."

There may have been some impatient huffing and puffing at Kassie and her unorthodox method of locating library titles. There had to be an easier way. A simple summoning charm, perhaps?

It took every ounce of self-restraint not to scoff out loud when Kassie offered up a copy of Everyday Divination. Ludicrous.

"No, no, no. Thank you. This will do," she said, accepting the copy of the journal and tucking it safely under one arm. "I'll be sure to return it when I'm finished." Or when she finally managed to locate her own copy. She was positive she'd left it right there on her desk....

Anyway, she had no further business here. She offered the other woman a nod, turned on her heel and swiftly made her way for the exit.

Lottiepot 03-01-2019 02:52 PM

Eva <3
It had seemed like only last week that Caolan had arrived at Hogwarts for his first day at his new school and yet here he was in late February with exam season approaching at such an alarming rate. He had remained somewhat oblivious (or ignorant) for a few months but by this point he had accepted that it was probably time that he cracked on with revision instead of pretending that it wasn’t happening.

After all, he wanted to make his father proud.

He’d usually do his revision in the Common Room but lately there had been far too many distractions and he’d only get about half an hour in before getting up and doing something else. That day he had decided that the Library was his best bet for it seemed to be quiet and there were loads of study books around that he could refer to if needs be. He hadn’t decided what subject to concentrate on yet, perhaps something that he wasn’t so good at so he could get it over and done with. He was however completely distracted whilst he was scanning the shelves picking out what to study by a Herbology text book that he hadn’t come across yet.

He couldn’t help but pick it up and scan through the pages. Caolan was a terrible Ravenclaw who didn’t really enjoy reading that much but when something caught his eye he could be engrossed for hours.

Nordic Witch 03-03-2019 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Lottiepot (Post 12398970)
It had seemed like only last week that Caolan had arrived at Hogwarts for his first day at his new school and yet here he was in late February with exam season approaching at such an alarming rate. He had remained somewhat oblivious (or ignorant) for a few months but by this point he had accepted that it was probably time that he cracked on with revision instead of pretending that it wasn’t happening.

After all, he wanted to make his father proud.

He’d usually do his revision in the Common Room but lately there had been far too many distractions and he’d only get about half an hour in before getting up and doing something else. That day he had decided that the Library was his best bet for it seemed to be quiet and there were loads of study books around that he could refer to if needs be. He hadn’t decided what subject to concentrate on yet, perhaps something that he wasn’t so good at so he could get it over and done with. He was however completely distracted whilst he was scanning the shelves picking out what to study by a Herbology text book that he hadn’t come across yet.

He couldn’t help but pick it up and scan through the pages. Caolan was a terrible Ravenclaw who didn’t really enjoy reading that much but when something caught his eye he could be engrossed for hours.

Joshua usually did his grading, and prepping for classes in the sanctuary of his office or in the greenhouses for his classes, but today he was feeling restless and his mind just spinning in circles. The student’s weren’t the only ones feeling that the exam weeks were quickly coming closer and closer. He couldn’t concentrate on what was in front of him and instead of risking giving a student a grade on an assignment that they didn’t deserve he left his office. He patrolled the grounds with Amelia before he headed up after the end of his patrol shift to see if he could find a book or two that could take his mind off things in the library.

Professor Wishart quietly entered the library some minutes later letting himself slowly wander and peruse the books on the shelves, stopping occasionally to read the back of a novel. When he stepped into the herbology section of the bookshelves he was surprised to find Caolan there with his nose in a book, looking completely engrossed in it’s words. Curiously wondering what the boy was reading he casually knocked over some books that fell to the floor with a thump.

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