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Do you have a knack for flying? Would you like to be on a team with some of the most talented students in school? Are you a member of Hufflepuff House? If any of these apply to you, you have come to the right place. If playing Quidditch or making life-long memories and friendships is your dream, then put on your Hufflepuff robes, hop on your favorite broom and show everyone what you’ve got!
Are you simply curious to see who will make the cut and represent Hufflepuff in the Quidditch Cup? Then by all means, join in from the comforts of the Stands.
The Hufflepuff captain; Bel Macindoe (Tegz), will guide you through this tryout. Best of luck!
Former Hufflepuff Quidditch Captains HarrysHoney16, Sarah, Terry Weasley, Nikolai Vannacutt,
Lee Andrez, Evy Abagnale, Evan Cassels, Molly Woodrow, Jack Langley,
Amelia Rose, Rapunzel Black, Kaika Lockhart, Miranda BelCanto,
Melanie Lockhart, Isobel VonHue, Kita Lewis, Keefer Marius, Renesmee Dixon, Ella Bishop, Kaiden Yarborough, Isa Wright,
OOC: This thread is for IC purposes only. The members of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team will be selected by the Flying Official (PhoenixRising) and the Hogwarts RPG Admin (DaniDiNardo) after the completion of this survey.
Open Positions Include: 2 Beaters, 3 Chasers, 1 Keeper, 3 Reserves
They weren't things you'd associate with someone so meek and gangly. In maxie's case, he'd have forgiven you for the assumption, as he himself was in disbelief.
He hadn't fully planned on trying out but the flyers had called to him like a lethifold to a sleeping wizard, before he'd known it, the Hufflepuff had signed himself up and owled his brother for kneepads. Was it weird he was here before the captain? or did he show up after the try-outs? would more be coming? More people meant less chances he'd get in and more chances for Maxie to make a fool of himself- Oh merlin, he was heavily rethinking this. Heavily, heavily, heavily.
The 12-year-old took a deep, steadying breath and focused on the way his bronze kneepads glinted in the sunlight. His chest felt tight. His palms were sweaty mom's spaghetti.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
Last edited by nicole black; 01-05-2019 at 10:36 PM.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
The best kept secret Ronan had EVER had. His family knew that he loved Quidditch obviously, but he NEVER EVER told them he'd try and try OUT for the TEAM. He'd been somewhat nervous himself, but when the hat yelled HUFFLEPUFF it was a no brainer. Of COURSE he had to try out for the Hufflepuff quidditch team! Nothing would stop him!
Not even Maximillian Anderson-Belfort who lived with him now and who was here TOO.
Ronan was dressed head to toe in his Falmouth Falcons gear. Which.. looked a bit too Ravenclaw for his liking, so he took some yellow socks of his and made them hang from his pockets. A yellow headband around his head and his Comet 620 in his hand and TADA, Ronan Wallace was the picture perfect candidate for the chaser position. RIGHT?? Right.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
The thing Aaron was most excited for, as he shuffled out to the pitch, was showcasing all the new moves he'd learned over the summer. He'd had a whole team of talented friends (yep, they were friends now, there was no going back, he'd claimed them fair and square!) to learn from. But also, he felt more prepared than ever before. Not to mention, he'd gained a few inches over the summer months, as well as bulking up. His arms had already been in the best possible shape, but the rest of him had finally caught up.
At any rate, the fifth year finally looked his age. A point of contention for him, actually.
....GOSH.... he was beyond ready to go!
While he waited for Cap'n Bell, the fifth year mindlessly swung his bat to and fro, casting beaming looks at the two smaller boys. "Hello." He knocked the bat against the toe of his right shoe, glad they seemed just as prepared as he felt.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Pointedly ignoring the appearance of Ronan Wallace, that’s what he was doing. Pointedly, willfully ignoring. What else could he do after the feast debacle or the dorm-room debacle?
Maxie gripped the handle of his broom tightly, his eyes now fixed on the golden hoops high above him and the other two. He jumped a little as the older boy greeted him- them- WHY WAS HE ALWAYS THERE TO BE LUMPED IN? - but didn’t look over least he catch his dorm-mates eye. “H-hey.” He said, clearing his throat uncomfortably. His broom (a Shooting Star Mock 5) was a well-appreciated tether to reality and yknow, the ground.
“W-were you on the t-team before?” Max asked, still averting his gaze. He was suddenly worried the older boy wouldn’t realize his words were directed toward him- or, worst yet, Ronan would think he was asking him.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Ronan smiled as another, older looking person joined him and He Who Mostly Doesn't Exist. "Hello," Ronan greeted him, probably the most mellow he's been at Hogwarts so far. Older kids............... kinda scared him. They knew so much and they had every reason to look down at him and he just wanted everyone to like him and erase their memories of the feast and-
He Who Mostly Doesn't Exist is speaking.
Ronan hoped it wasn't at him.
"I'm Ronan... what's your name?"
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
She'd been up for hours, setting things up early as always, but this time around for her third time running tryouts for Hufflepuff, Bel had decided to change things up again. So instead of the pitch she'd got permission and then roped Derfael into helping her set things up at the lake.
There was also a long line of under and over flags, over land and water, and a whole lot of corona rings made out of bubbles charmed to float in the air. Not only that, but some big balloons floated apparently harmlessly over the water.... for now. But! She had to go and fetch her future team! She left her broom, her clipboard, and her whistle behind at the lake and jogged over to the pitch. Sure enough there were a few there already!
"Hey Aaron!" And what were those firsties names again? Oh yeah! "Ronan, Maxie, great to see ya! Hey you guys! So, surprise! We're actually gonna do our tryouts over by the lake, but this is a perfect chance for a warm-up so lets all run over there!" She grinned at them."I'll give you lot a head start." Yes because she was putting a note up on the nearest goal post saying to meet her over at the lake, so that any stragglers knew where to go too.
And then she took off at a run, trying to beat them all there.
ooc: Okay I figured things out, thanks for your patience guys and sorry for the communication confusion! Everyone should jog over to the lake where the tryouts are actually gonna be held . When they get there they will see a big (and obvious) obstacle course set up that they can't miss. For any stragglers there's a note to say where to go.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Quidditch tryouts, here she came! Archer was ready to blow whoever had decided to come for her slot as chaser out of the water! Only, once she reached the pitch, she found no one there, not even their captain. Which was weird, because she was pretty sure she'd seen the Aussie head out this morning....
Staring out at the pitch, looking for any sign of, well, anyone, she stood scratching slightly at an itch on her arm. Not a bad one, mind. Probably just a mosquito bite. Wait, was that a note? Ah, the lake. Archer took off at a well-paced jog to catch up with the rest of those tryouters. Was that the right word?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: Maxie/Ronan
Originally Posted by nicole black
Pointedly ignoring the appearance of Ronan Wallace, that’s what he was doing. Pointedly, willfully ignoring. What else could he do after the feast debacle or the dorm-room debacle?
Maxie gripped the handle of his broom tightly, his eyes now fixed on the golden hoops high above him and the other two. He jumped a little as the older boy greeted him- them- WHY WAS HE ALWAYS THERE TO BE LUMPED IN? - but didn’t look over least he catch his dorm-mates eye. “H-hey.” He said, clearing his throat uncomfortably. His broom (a Shooting Star Mock 5) was a well-appreciated tether to reality and yknow, the ground.
“W-were you on the t-team before?” Max asked, still averting his gaze. He was suddenly worried the older boy wouldn’t realize his words were directed toward him- or, worst yet, Ronan would think he was asking him.
Originally Posted by Daemon
Ronan smiled as another, older looking person joined him and He Who Mostly Doesn't Exist. "Hello," Ronan greeted him, probably the most mellow he's been at Hogwarts so far. Older kids............... kinda scared him. They knew so much and they had every reason to look down at him and he just wanted everyone to like him and erase their memories of the feast and-
He Who Mostly Doesn't Exist is speaking.
Ronan hoped it wasn't at him.
"I'm Ronan... what's your name?"
Aaron looked between the two younger boys, the "small smile" blossoming into a much more substantial one. Of course, since the youngest Botros spat rainbows, he didn't quite catch the underlying tension with his new (potential) teammates. To him, they simply appeared full of nerves. He'd been the same way before his first tryout. He'd shown up late, had stumbled all over himself, nearly fell of his broom no less than five times... It had been the epitome of a "hot mess".
He could empathize.
....and because the two hadn't been speaking when he appeared, yes, Aaron assumed the words were meant for him. So, no worries!
"Yes, I was on the team last term... This will be my third year, actually." The adoration he felt for the Hufflepuff team radiated brightly on the fifth year's face. This team, and their Captain, was amazing. They'd won a championship and everything. It had been an honor, and he hoped to be chosen again. "What about you? Do you have experience?" The kid was wearing some seriously nice kneepads. And sure, he seemed torn up with nerves, but one didn't just wear nice kneepads for no reason. Aaron believed in him.
...and Ronan was a cool name. "I'm Aaron. It's nice to meet you... Do you follow all the professional teams, or are you Falmouth all the way?" He was all decked out in Falmouth gear. That was probably foolish to ask. And the broom... Aaron had never had the luxury of being all-in on one team. He had family and friends scattered throughout the league, and team trading happened a lot. "You look ready to kill it! ...What position are you going for?"
Originally Posted by Tegz
She'd been up for hours, setting things up early as always, but this time around for her third time running tryouts for Hufflepuff, Bel had decided to change things up again. So instead of the pitch she'd got permission and then roped Derfael into helping her set things up at the lake.
There was also a long line of under and over flags, over land and water, and a whole lot of corona rings made out of bubbles charmed to float in the air. Not only that, but some big balloons floated apparently harmlessly over the water.... for now. But! She had to go and fetch her future team! She left her broom, her clipboard, and her whistle behind at the lake and jogged over to the pitch. Sure enough there were a few there already!
"Hey Aaron!" And what were those firsties names again? Oh yeah! "Ronan, Maxie, great to see ya! Hey you guys! So, surprise! We're actually gonna do our tryouts over by the lake, but this is a perfect chance for a warm-up so lets all run over there!" She grinned at them."I'll give you lot a head start." Yes because she was putting a note up on the nearest goal post saying to meet her over at the lake, so that any stragglers knew where to go too.
And then she took off at a run, trying to beat them all there.
ooc: Okay I figured things out, thanks for your patience guys and sorry for the communication confusion! Everyone should jog over to the lake where the tryouts are actually gonna be held . When they get there they will see a big (and obvious) obstacle course set up that they can't miss. For any stragglers there's a note to say where to go.
.... And their conversation was being cut short since Cap'n Bell had finally made an appearance! ..... With excellent news, it would seem! He'd thought it was suspicious that nothing had been set up before they'd arrived. She was always doing something fun and innovative for them, and he hadn't seen that changing anytime soon.
He snorted a laugh, ruffling his hair into a spiky mess. It was impossible not to have a small crush on the girl. She was just...great. He was blushing, pretty sure. "Oh, you are on!"
...Before he took off, though, he glanced to Ronan and...Maxie, Bel had just called him. "We can get hot chocolate after and finish talking, yeah?" With that he was off, not completely pushing the peddle to the metal. He wanted Maxie and Ronan to keep up with him, after all. Because it was more fun that way!
Something Aaron was still working on, was keeping his breathing regulated as he ran. He always forgot to pace himself. So, he started slowing down as he neared the lake, keeping it at an easy speed. He didn't really care about beating anyone. Not like that..... Oh, wow.
He did push himself the rest of the way, feet pounding against the ground as he cheered the obstacle course. This was about to be a lot of fun.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Derf had been all too keen to help Bel set up for tryouts again. It was his last chance to do so, you know? Plus he could admit to selfishly liking having a bit of a sneak peek at what she had in store. And try outs at the lake? They clearly had a thing for that location this term. Ahem.
So while Bel went back up to the pitch to leave her note and bring whoever had gathered there down here, Derf began to do his own jogging warm up along the shore. He threw in a few sets of high knees and grapevines along the way and tried his best to ignore the itch to just mount his broom and give the course itself a warm up. He just wanted to get into the air and feel the freedom that came with it, but he also knew doing that without Bel's instruction was setting a pretty poor example and he was TRYING to be more conscientious about this sort of thing.
Leaping up to give one of the lower corona rings a high five - finding himself more amused than he should be as the bubbles moved aside for his hand to pass through - Derf looked up just as Bel was coming back with a small cete of Hufflepuffs with Archer making her way down as well. At least...he thought that was her. It was hard to tell at this difference.
"G'day, Hufflepuffs," he greeted with a bit of an impish grin.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
"I like Kenmare too kinda but the Falcons are the best ever," Ronan replied to Aaron, the older boy who was talking to him and consequently making the eleven year old feel awfully important. He knew all about the Quidditch league, obviously, he owned almost all the Quidditch edition chocolate frog cards, but didn't want to bore Aaron! He probably knew WAY more than Ronan did.
As for being ready... YES. YES HE WAS, thank you for noticing! "Chaser!" was Ronan's quick reply, not mentioning that he probably would have liked to try seeking if Bel wasn't a seeker and their captain. He was speedy on the ground, he could only imagine what it would be like to zoom around the pitch, having all the other players move so you could catch that TEENY TINY little snitch! Once, when he was seven, he'd gone to a Quidditch match and the snitch had appeared BY HIS HEAD for like a second, and it was the best second of his life at the time!! His signed quaffle at home though, eclipsed that moment a few years later.
BUT. Never mind, never mind, BEL the CAPTAIN was here. He'd been at school for, what, a few weeks? Five days? Who's counting?? And yet Ronan ALREADY thought she was the BEST ever, right after ice cream and his rats. She was so COOL, with her ACCENT and her like, super duper cheerful nature and FRECKLES. And she was always so nice, which was so.. nice??? He'd never anyone that nice before, not even his MUM.
"HI BEL!" Ronan waved his arms, grinning widely at the Hufflepuff quidditch captain. Ooooh, by the lake?? Just like at home! Almost, since that was the sea, technically, but SAME DIFF duh. Ronan listened with rapt attention, and gasped out loud when she said running. RUNNING IS HIS THING. YES! YES! TIME TO IMPRESS!!
Ronan did not have to be told twice as he tore down to the lake, leaving literal dust in his wake. Ronan E. Wallace had won MEDALS for sprinting. He'd been the FAST at the 400m track in his ENTIRE DISTRICT. He wasn't sure what running had to do with quidditch, but as he held his broom high above his head and dashed towards the shoreline, he delighted in thinking he was already great at a quidditch related thing. BOOYEAH.
The eleven year old skidded to a stop and...... stared. "WooowwwwWWWW!!!!"
And, head boy Derf was here too! "HI DERF!!"
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Last edited by Daemon; 01-07-2019 at 12:26 AM.
Reason: I got out of bed to fix a mistake I remembered typing
Why was He-who-must-not-be-named everywhere? all the time? The park, the train, the boat, the feast, his dorm - his bed -and now on the field, far too close for comfort. Maxie had always firmly believed in the Anderson-Belfort family luck or lack there of, but this was really and truly pushing it.
Maxie turned his head ever so slowly toward the older boy - Aaron, apparently -because he realized staring at the stands was much too rude for someone trying to play a team sport. Third Year, Maxie rolled that around in his head a little, worry taking the place of his embarrassment and frustration. He had seniority, he had proper experience, and Maxie wouldn't have been surprised to discover Aaron was friends with the team captain. All solid points for a spot on the team. Maxie gripped his broom handle tightly, his stomach wriggling like an undercooked eel.
It was fine, fine, fine.
"I f-F-fly a-lot." The moment the words left his lips the first year regretted them. Absolutely the lamest, the lamest. Of course he flew a lot, they all did otherwise they wouldn't have been there. Blessedly, The captain came swooping in and saved Maxie from having to say anything else. He nodded hello to Bel, not trusting himself to speak again. The lake? His unruly brows raised up but he had no questions, only that wriggling sensation and a growing need to get started already.
He'd never known himself to be so impatient, but all that was always his first emotion. "Y-yeah!" He shouted back to Aaron, hardly realizing what he was agreeing to as he took off, refusing to fall back too early in the game. He-who-must-not-be-named was going for Chaser too? Well- Well- Fine, but he wasn't gonna stand in Maxie's way. Nope, no, nope. If he failed it wouldn't be because Ronan had outdone him, it'd be because- well- because he'd failed. So there.
Okay, okay wait. This was the warm-up.
Maxie slowed enough to be just behind Aaron. Conserve energy. Be smart. Right, he had this. right right right right right right. Broom held up high, Maxie's eyes widened as he beheld the obstacle course awaiting them - it was huge and huge and had he mentioned? huge. Taken aback, Max nearly missed the Head Boy and his greeting-
Nearly, but not quite. He was tall, and broad shouldered and very blonde. Maxie found himself staring at the crinkles the older boy's eyes made as he smiled. Head Boy seemed.... Good. Good and Nice. Like the lead of a movie before it all goes wrong. "H-Hi." He wasn't winded, Captain. He was stuttering. Just normal anxious stuttering. "T-this is.... " Huge.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Wheeeew that was a good run! Bel stopped by the pile of Quaffles and scooped up her clipboard. Yep she'd noticed the fast ones! And the not so fast but still steady ones!
And here came the others, bringing up the rear too!
"Okay everyone! Please stretch a bit while I'm chattering on, I've got all the positions you're going out for written down here on my clipboard- most of you know I play seeker, but I just wanna say quickly if anyone is kinda keen on workshopping seeker going forward, its never a bad thing to have a back up! And also I'm not gonna be here forever so its a great idea to start working on your skills anyway so just keep that in mind! But for now, you can see this here obstacle course half out over the water - you're definitely gonna get wet today! But after we'll get hot chocolate so don't sweat it. I wanna see how well you play in all conditions - after all, games continue rain OR shine!" They sure did!
"So here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna toss quaffles for those of you going for chaser, and you're gonna head to the goal hoops - you can pick if you wanna go through the unders and overs, or if you wanna go through those bubbles up there, the corona rings- and then you're gonna try and score a goal and get there faster than whoever is taking the other route, and then you're gonna fly back here as fast as you can - dodging those big balloons up there - they're all filled with water! They'll only burst if they hit a person though, they WON'T burst if a beater's bat hits them-- which is why if you're trying out for beater, I want you to do your best to keep those balloons off your future team mates! OR if you feel like it, you can try and smack them at them instead, totally up to you and since both of those options show off different skills you might want to change it up a bit to show me what you've got." She grinned at Aaron and Derfael in particular. They'd been her beaters for a while now, not that that meant they were guaranteed it this time around, but she had tried to come up with something new to really test them, that was for sure. She was eager to see how fast Archer could take the obstacle course too, especially if those two decided to try and keep her on her toes.
"And, probably unsurprisingly, for anyone trying their hand at keeper, I want you to head down to the hoops and do your best to try and block those quaffles!" Made sense right? "But everyone should give the obstacle course a go regardless of what your ideal position is - I want to see how well you maneuver, how fast you can fly while still being accurate and controlled, and I want to see you challenge yourself each time you go through to do better than the time you went before!" Were they all following so far? "And most important, have fun!" She scooped up her whistle and put it around her neck again and then she looked at the first years.
Ooohhhh boy.
"Um. One other thing. You guys... Maxie... Ronan.... you know... first years aren't ALLOWED their own brooms right? Without permission? And you can't get permission unless you make a school team?" She sounded a bit apologetic about it but.... "You're going to have to try out on school brooms. Leave your brooms here and I'll have to give them over to the flying professor for safe keeping." Erm. Sorry about it. She pointed at the rack of brooms nearby, all school brooms. Also on the rack were other bits and pieces. "Anyone who doesn't have them, help yourself to any pads or goggles or anything else you need from the school equipment. Aaand.... if there aren't any questions and if you're done stretching and warming up, lets get airborne!" She blew her whistle and scooped up one of the quaffles, ready to throw it for the first person to fly to the obstacle course.
ooc: Okay! Its officially beginning!
everyone should attempt the obstacle course a few times
chasers need to try and score goals, Bel will throw them quaffles (you can say that Bel threw a quaffle for them, you don't have to wait for me to post!)
keepers need to try block goals!
beaters need to try and hit the balloons at the others, or hit them away (alternate!)
everyone should try avoid the balloons which will burst on impact and are filled with water!
the unders and overs flags are half over the water and half on land - feel free to have your charrie dunk themselves by accident
the coronas/rings are made of bubbles, they're various sizes and keep changing sizes - they won't pop on impact but if your character misjudges they might temporarily get stuck in a bubble ring when its smaller!
so you don't have to wait for others to post trying to score/block etc, you can RP that your character is going against the NPC characters who were on the Hufflepuff team last term (don't directly RP for them but you can say if your charrie missed/succeeded against them). They are as follows:
Otherwise, you can RP with each other as much as you like - just try not to leave anyone hanging and communicate if you're not going to be able to continue posting with them!
Be reasonable with your character's abilities! Nobody's 100 percent amazing 100 percent of the time! Have fun with it!
If you have any questions or need clarification do not hesitate to ask. You can also contact the Quidditch Official or the School Admin at any time if you have any concerns or questions about the survey (don't forget to do it!)
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Ronan did as he was told, and stretched while Bel spoke. He kept glancing at the obstacle course - the aerial obstacle course - and the longer he Bel spoke, the more he looked at the course, the less confident he felt. Hoops?? Water balloons?? RACING?? Ronan was fast on land, but up in the air? Not so much. Not in his opinion. The Falcons chasers were impossibly faster than him. And probably everyone here, too. A knot formed in the eleven year old's stomach as he looked at all the returning players from past years, and he realised that there was a very likely chance he would not make the team.
It made Ronan really sad, but not as sad as Bel's next words. "What?? Ronan's eyes WIDENED. He knew, of course, the rule about brooms (a lot of convincing went into getting his parents to pack his) but he thought it would be okay and no one would care? "But... I don't know how to fly on.. a different broom," Ronan's voice had quietened to just above a whisper, disheartened and broken already. He just wanted to get on the team. No wonder first years never made it, they had to try out on really bad brooms.
Dragging his feet, Ronan went and handed Bel his Comet, red faced and oh so very sad. "Please tell the flying professor to be careful," Ronan said, dejected and genuinely worried that something might happen to his broom at the hands of Hogwarts. Please, Merlin, let nothing happen to his Comet.
With sad, drooped shoulders, he then went to grab a school broom, locating an ancient Comet model. At least it's still a Comet, right? He climbed the broom, and with an unsure bite of his lip, kicked off unsteadily into the air.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Okay, but that wasn't his fault. He'd had no idea. His parents had packed his trunk! They'd put in his broom! Maxie wanted to burrow into the ground. He felt dumber than a doorknob and it wasn't even his fault and here he was being peered at like a big dumb dumb guy. He shrank back, holding his broom to his chest instinctively as Bel pointed out the broom cupboard.
Ronan seemed just as upset. Maybe it wasn't nice to feel good about it, but Maxie kinda did. Not in a hahaha way but in a okay, this is fair way.
"T-Take good care of h-him." Maxie reproachfully muttered, handing over his Shooting Star before rushing over to the cupboard. He peeked through the options - none of them looked great, some actually looked like they might've been there since Potter's time - but one black and green model stuck out to him. He grabbed it quick, not bothering to look at the name, and took off to rejoin the others.
He had to make up time - could he actually make up time with a broom this old? He didn't know but he guessed... he'd find out...
Stomach in knots, face red, fingers tight, and jaw set- Maxie kicked off the ground hard as he could - and into the air he went!
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Waving back as Ronan greeted him, Derf kept any chit chat to himself as Bel began explaining how tryouts would be going - stretching as he did so, of course. Seeing as this was tryouts and water balloons all in good fun...Derf knew which option he was going for. Aiming for a moving target was much more difficult that simple deflection and, after all, it would be helpful to aspiring chasers to learn how to keep alert with their peripheral vision for any sort of incoming action, whether it a bludger or another chaser keen on shouldering them off their course. "Sounds ace," he grinned as he leaned against his broom, waiting for the official signal to kick off and get air born.
His eyes, naturally, drifted to the first years and the necessity to hand over their own brooms. He felt...bad, honestly. It was a rule that he hated enforcing himself and remembered how it was in his first year longing for his broom back home. So he tried to offer the pair an encouraging smile. "Healer Adara has great respect for the game of quidditch and that includes brooms. They will be in good hands, promise," he offered them as they grabbed school brooms. "Just think of it as a test in adaptability, you know? Quidditch is a sport of keeping you on your toes."
Tucking his bat under his arm, Derf mounted his own broom and promptly kicked off the ground positively starved for the feeling of being in the air. He hadn't had a proper fly since the last friendly the U-17 Wales team had had before summer's end and it had been entirely too long. Rotating his bat in his hand a bit, allowing his wrist to warm up and adjust to holding it, the seventh year hovered a bit in place just...basking in the feeling of flying for a moment. But he did not linger there for too long before zipping off towards the water filled balloons - carefree smile plastered across his face.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
SPOILER!!: Ronan
Originally Posted by Daemon
Ronan did as he was told, and stretched while Bel spoke. He kept glancing at the obstacle course - the aerial obstacle course - and the longer he Bel spoke, the more he looked at the course, the less confident he felt. Hoops?? Water balloons?? RACING?? Ronan was fast on land, but up in the air? Not so much. Not in his opinion. The Falcons chasers were impossibly faster than him. And probably everyone here, too. A knot formed in the eleven year old's stomach as he looked at all the returning players from past years, and he realised that there was a very likely chance he would not make the team.
It made Ronan really sad, but not as sad as Bel's next words. "What?? Ronan's eyes WIDENED. He knew, of course, the rule about brooms (a lot of convincing went into getting his parents to pack his) but he thought it would be okay and no one would care? "But... I don't know how to fly on.. a different broom," Ronan's voice had quietened to just above a whisper, disheartened and broken already. He just wanted to get on the team. No wonder first years never made it, they had to try out on really bad brooms.
Dragging his feet, Ronan went and handed Bel his Comet, red faced and oh so very sad. "Please tell the flying professor to be careful," Ronan said, dejected and genuinely worried that something might happen to his broom at the hands of Hogwarts. Please, Merlin, let nothing happen to his Comet.
With sad, drooped shoulders, he then went to grab a school broom, locating an ancient Comet model. At least it's still a Comet, right? He climbed the broom, and with an unsure bite of his lip, kicked off unsteadily into the air.
"I flew on a school broom my whole first year of playing Quidditch." Bel said, hoping to be encouraging. "You'll be alright, and so will your broom - promise!" She would make sure of it, in fact. She watched him get into the air, not super steady there but she assumed that was a confidence thing if he was upset about the broom thing.
"You've got this Ronan! Show me your stuff!" Anddd.... she heaved a quaffle up for him to catch.
SPOILER!!: Maxie
Originally Posted by nicole black
Okay, but that wasn't his fault. He'd had no idea. His parents had packed his trunk! They'd put in his broom! Maxie wanted to burrow into the ground. He felt dumber than a doorknob and it wasn't even his fault and here he was being peered at like a big dumb dumb guy. He shrank back, holding his broom to his chest instinctively as Bel pointed out the broom cupboard.
Ronan seemed just as upset. Maybe it wasn't nice to feel good about it, but Maxie kinda did. Not in a hahaha way but in a okay, this is fair way.
"T-Take good care of h-him." Maxie reproachfully muttered, handing over his Shooting Star before rushing over to the cupboard. He peeked through the options - none of them looked great, some actually looked like they might've been there since Potter's time - but one black and green model stuck out to him. He grabbed it quick, not bothering to look at the name, and took off to rejoin the others.
He had to make up time - could he actually make up time with a broom this old? He didn't know but he guessed... he'd find out...
Stomach in knots, face red, fingers tight, and jaw set- Maxie kicked off the ground hard as he could - and into the air he went!
Him? Maxie's broom had a gender? Okay. Bel nodded seriously. Just like with Ronan's broom, she'd make sure it was fine. She understood how important and personal sporting equipment could be.
Aaaand.... once he was up there, she tossed him a quaffle too, eager to see what the kid had in him.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Waving back as Ronan greeted him, Derf kept any chit chat to himself as Bel began explaining how tryouts would be going - stretching as he did so, of course. Seeing as this was tryouts and water balloons all in good fun...Derf knew which option he was going for. Aiming for a moving target was much more difficult that simple deflection and, after all, it would be helpful to aspiring chasers to learn how to keep alert with their peripheral vision for any sort of incoming action, whether it a bludger or another chaser keen on shouldering them off their course. "Sounds ace," he grinned as he leaned against his broom, waiting for the official signal to kick off and get air born.
His eyes, naturally, drifted to the first years and the necessity to hand over their own brooms. He felt...bad, honestly. It was a rule that he hated enforcing himself and remembered how it was in his first year longing for his broom back home. So he tried to offer the pair an encouraging smile. "Healer Adara has great respect for the game of quidditch and that includes brooms. They will be in good hands, promise," he offered them as they grabbed school brooms. "Just think of it as a test in adaptability, you know? Quidditch is a sport of keeping you on your toes."
Tucking his bat under his arm, Derf mounted his own broom and promptly kicked off the ground positively starved for the feeling of being in the air. He hadn't had a proper fly since the last friendly the U-17 Wales team had had before summer's end and it had been entirely too long. Rotating his bat in his hand a bit, allowing his wrist to warm up and adjust to holding it, the seventh year hovered a bit in place just...basking in the feeling of flying for a moment. But he did not linger there for too long before zipping off towards the water filled balloons - carefree smile plastered across his face.
Bel was pretty eager to see Derfael let loose, get a bit of his stresses out. He carried a lot of them lately, she'd noticed. And it wasn't as if she didn't understand why once he explained things, but still, she didn't want stress or trauma for her mate. Aaaand she was certain he'd keep those first years and the other hopefuls on their toes.
"On ya D!"
Bel kept throwing quaffles up as players looped around to take another go at the obstacle, and kept an eye on how everyone was doing. She was taking a few notes too but mostly she just watched and yelled encouragement to everyone.
ooc: Remember, you don't have to wait for Bel to throw your charrie a quaffle! Also, anyone can jump in at any time!! Please endeavor to post throughout the tryouts so that your fellow members have people to post off too. Part of the fun is playing with each other after all, and your character DOES need to prove themselves in order to make the team!
everyone should attempt the obstacle course a few times
chasers need to try and score goals, Bel will throw them quaffles (you can say that Bel threw a quaffle for them, you don't have to wait for me to post!)
keepers need to try block goals!
beaters need to try and hit the balloons at the others, or hit them away (alternate!)
everyone should try avoid the balloons which will burst on impact and are filled with water!
the unders and overs flags are half over the water and half on land - feel free to have your charrie dunk themselves by accident
the coronas/rings are made of bubbles, they're various sizes and keep changing sizes - they won't pop on impact but if your character misjudges they might temporarily get stuck in a bubble ring when its smaller!
so you don't have to wait for others to post trying to score/block etc, you can RP that your character is going against the NPC characters who were on the Hufflepuff team last term (don't directly RP for them but you can say if your charrie missed/succeeded against them). They are as follows:
Otherwise, you can RP with each other as much as you like - just try not to leave anyone hanging and communicate if you're not going to be able to continue posting with them!
Be reasonable with your character's abilities! Nobody's 100 percent amazing 100 percent of the time! Have fun with it!
If you have any questions or need clarification do not hesitate to ask. You can also contact the Quidditch Official or the School Admin at any time if you have any concerns or questions about the survey (don't forget to do it!)
He still wasn't sure why he was here, why he'd decided quidditch was all of a sudden for him, but he was kind of glad to be here. Everyone seemed so welcoming and nice and... well with the exception of those first years who were giving off weird vibes. But only with each other so he wasn't all that bothered. His arms stretched out over his head, flopping down to rest on his dark hair as Bel came over to greet them all. He kept quiet, just smiling in greeting. Summer events had sorta done that to him. Quieter than usual and fighting the battle between wanting to be alone all the time and doing everything he could to keep busy. So maybe this could be good for him, something he didn't know he needed.
So they were running? Perfect. He was good at this. Not being fast but... still fair and he certainly had the stamina. Special thanks to Derf, Theo, and Faith for helping him out last year and sorta making that his new hobby; the working out more so than the running but... still. Fast wasn't really his style, nor was showing off so he maintained a spot at the middle of the group.
Oh wait wow.
Obstacle course. MASSIVE obstacle course. With bubbles and... balloons???? This was... wow. "You did this? All by yourself?' And as if right on cue, his eyes landed on Derf. Heh. Hi friend. So maybe not by herself. But still."Bel, this is awesome." But even better? They were going to get to run through it and... yeah, wow. Cue the sparkly eyes.
Oh and thank merlin. There was gear here already. With a jaunty few steps, Eamon made his way to it and dug through all of the options, pulling a side some brown goggles and gloves, with matching pads before going to retrieve a broom. Any old broom. Just another brown one with a faded label. Cool. Check. Done. Wait.... He needed a bat too. Graaaaab.
Now it was time to show what he thought he had. Or the potential of what he could be? Yeah. That. The goggles came down and his feet flew up.
Right so...
He looked around at the other Hufflepuffs. And then down at Bel, a pit forming where all that confidence once was. Both of the other beaters had been on the team before. And one was Derf. Merlin. Okay. Get going, Eams. With the bat in hand, swaying a little in attempt to release his anxiety, he inched toward the uppers and lowers, figuring that was a good way to start.
The seventh year stopped and took a break before diving right in.
Quite literally, unfortunately. Maybe he should've done a proper broom warm up earlier this morning. Oops. Feet scraping the ground, Eam kicked off hard going right back up and over the first obstacle. They were supposed to be racing again, right? Let's kick up the speed. He dove back down, intentionally going through the next one sideways so he could have more room to go back up quicker without having to be too careful about going forward too much so his climb wouldn't be as sharp and difficult. For those that were more spaced sideways, he kept his turns a lot sharper, holding tighter to the handle of his broom, keeping his body closer. But near the end, he grew a little too confident in his abilities and sort knocked into one of the poles out on the water, feet getting soaked as they hit the water.
Annoyed and fired up at his failure, he snaked around the goal posts picking up speed toward the balloons, bat extended out as he neared them; ready.
He sent a balloon whirling toward Tammy, narrowly missing her as he dodged a few coming into his own path.
Oh yeah. This was fun. Time to go again.
He zoomed toward the beginning again with a better goal in mind: Don't get wet, but get someone else wet instead. Seems doable.
back on your feet again, lift your head, hold it_h i g h______________________________________________ _____________you wanna run it back but you can't turn the time, you start to feel like you're losing your shine __________________________________but the grass ain't always greener on the_o t h e r_ s i d e
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Running was one of the more freeing exercises, and Aaron sucked in lungfuls of air as he completed his "warm up". It felt like he hadn't had a proper run in ages, even though he'd just come off a summer of intensive U17 training. Weight training, running, and yoga (quite shockingly to him) had been included in the experience. The more you know, right?
...and this obstacle course! Aaron moved closer, getting a better look at the design, absorbed for several moments in how it must flow in the name of this tryout session. There was a huge space for confusion, but he like to believe he and Captain Bell were kindred. Or maybe it was all the training he'd had over the summer, but it made sense to him right away. However, before jumping right in, the Puffer did a few more stretches. His body would thank him later, for sure.
While he took care of those, Aaron tried to act as though he couldn't hear Bel speaking to Maxie and Ronan about their brooms. True story, he'd never owned his own, brand new broom before. All of his had belong to West at one point of another and had been gifts to benchmark his accomplishments of making teams, so he could understand the distrust. He was sure this Professor Adara lady checked out, but she was also new this term, so he couldn't say if she were trustworthy or not, not really knowing her yet. He wanted to take her some honey, but after tryouts were done and the team selected. It would be embarrassing if she thought he was trying to bribe his way onto the team. Or something. Gross.
.... and now to get on his broom and take up his bat. It was like coming home at this point. But later, he did want to speak to their captain about maybe training to be her alternate if anything happened. Not that he had designs on her position, but like she'd just mentioned, stuff happened, and they should have someone prepared. Actually...why wait? "Captain, maybe I could go through the Seeker trails, as well? After my Beater ones, in case you need an alternate this term?" It would be a challenge and would keep him pushing himself harder. So, hopefully Bel would see the upside.
Alright. He was to be hitting bubbles today. BRING IT ON!
Straddling his broom, the Fifth Year took to the skies, bat hand. The familiar weight of it was comforting to some deep-seeded part of him. Made him feel powerful! Fierce!... Things he usually wasn't. But quidditch had a knack for making even the most adorable people into warriors. He was one of those adorable people, in his own opinion. Once stable, he shuffled his bat from hand to hand, rolling his wrists a few times. His whole being was tingling with excited anticipation. He glanced to Derf, and weighed the options between attacking and defending. Both...at different intervals (obviously), but defending seemed most important at the moment. Bludgers on impact hurt and it was half his job to protect the Hufflepuff team!
.... It was also difficult not to get distracted by looking down at his reflection as he flew over the water. Best. Tryout. Session. Ever.
Aaron blinked a few times as he flew near one of the lady!teammates, just as a balloon narrowly missed her. It hit him instead, soaking the bottom part of his trousers and splashing his face. WOW...... the cold water was... bracing! Rolling his shoulders in preparation, he peered around for the culprit; spying a larger quidditch hopeful. Eamon, right? Yeah, Aaron had seen him around the common room... Grinning widely, he took off to oppose him. It often happened in games that the opposition would attack and they'd would need to be quick in defending. So, this exercise (revenge) made the most sense to him. He maneuvered closer to the balloons, bouncing one on his bat for a moment, since these were impervious to bats. That didn't mean he couldn't use it to his advantage!
He waited a beat...and then sent the balloon soaring in Eamon's direction. The only thing missing was the satisfying sound of bat-hitting-metal.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
He was so AMPED. So HYPED UP that this boy completely missed his balloon making contact with Aaron. Distracted and on edge like an abraxan waiting to be released for it's race, Eamon's eyes had been focused forward. They darted this way and that, looking for any stray balloons floating in his path. He wasn't paying near enough attention to the rest of his surroundings. Rookie mistake.
Next thing he knew, a balloon made contact with shoulder, swaying him hard. What the...? Eyes darting around more carefully, more calculated, the seventh year caught sight of the culprit. "Aaron!" He grinned fully with a short laugh, the first genuine expressions of happiness he'd had in a good long while and zoomed forward, closer to another balloon.
War? Water balloon war.
A mischevious grin replaced his delighted one as he pushed forward, trying to use another player moving past as his cover... and then...
He sent a balloon back.
back on your feet again, lift your head, hold it_h i g h______________________________________________ _____________you wanna run it back but you can't turn the time, you start to feel like you're losing your shine __________________________________but the grass ain't always greener on the_o t h e r_ s i d e
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
See, this was the incredible thing about Hufflepuffs. There was no malicious intent behind the shared water balloons, just the promise of a challenge and well-met competition! That first one was probably on Aaron, though, because he was supposed to have sharp eyes (and be paying attention). He'd somehow missed it barreling in his direction.
Deceptioooon..... diiiiiiiisgrace.....
...but oh, yeah.
Water-balloon war was a GO!
Aaron beamed at the other boy's smirky face, equally pleased.... And barely dodging his second balloon, as well. The guy had a great back swing, he could admit. "Oh, it's on!".... while also including the other quidditch hopefuls in their fun and games. As the Hufflepuff Fifth Year raced off, flattening himself against the handle of his broom, he circled around, steering clear of others on the makeshift pitch. Gaining some ground on a concentrated area of balloons, he started shooting them off; snowball-fight style. Brooke got the first one...while another girl (Christina) got the second. And Ronan got another! "Sorry!" But actually, not sorry.
Eamon, he hadn't forgotten about you... The whole point of going after others first had been to get Eamon to drop his guard, so when Aaron zipped past to get behind the boy, he smacked a fourth water balloon at his back.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
But that was alright. It was all in good fun. But also trying to impress one miss Bel. And missing only added more fuel to his fire. More incentive to keep going at him. He was going to hit someone. Well technically he'd already gotten Aaron but still. Someone else? Please. Focus, Eamon.
While Aaron seemed to be focusing on the other players, Eamon took the time to go through the course fully again. He quickly pulled out his wand, drying his feet and the few spots that Aaron's balloon had managed to spread to. Perfect. Clean slate to try again. He took a sharp inhale, studying the obstacles with his eyes first, trying to mentally plan it all out before taking off.
Okay Eamon. Go.
Dashing forward, Eamon took the first obstacle going up. Using a more head on tactic, he tried his heart at the quick dips and sharp climbs, getting a little more comfortable with the course as he got closer and closer to the water. But the tail of his broom was still throwing him off and he knew he could do better. He continued over the water taking the dives a little too close for comfort, he nearly scraped his feet along it again, but called the broom up just in time. Okay, progress.
And now it was time to near Aaron again. Eam had lost track of the boy coming around the bend of the posts. But he didn't stop as he neared the balloons. He could've been focused on the others. So.... he continued.
Making his way through the balloon forest, he dodged a balloon coming way by his side, deeeeefinitely hit by one of the reserves from last year. Caspar, was it? Thankfully, Caspar's timing was perfect. It gave him just enough time to catch sight of the one coming from behind him and actually move out of it's way. AARONNNNN.
Payback? No. Getting even? No... Leveling the playing field. Yeah. He sped toward Aaron with a new intention: to protect the younger boy because there most definitely was a balloon heading his way, due to no fault of Eamon's. Just someone else's idea. Quickly, he moved for the boy arm extended out, ready to smack the thing away.
And he did. Just in time. More grinning for the younger badger. "Wanna work together?"
back on your feet again, lift your head, hold it_h i g h______________________________________________ _____________you wanna run it back but you can't turn the time, you start to feel like you're losing your shine __________________________________but the grass ain't always greener on the_o t h e r_ s i d e
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
To be entirely honest, the seventh year forgot he was at a tryout for a hot minute. It was just so freeing to be on a broom and in the air, feet not touching the ground and wind licking your face. Today even had the added bonus of being more distant from the castle and other wizarding-made structures, so it all felt fresher and organic. Not that tryouts on the quidditch pitch had ever felt suffocating or nothing.. But there was a different quality to it all now, like they were going back to their roots. Back to the core of what it was to be alive.
He was having a moment here as he weaved figure eights around the water balloons, okay?
He also managed to dodge a few that were sent across the course by others despite not entirely paying attention. His body was just in-tune and alert to his surroundings, like a bird in flight. Of course, even birds could get knocked off their flight path and this just so happened to be the case for Derf as several water balloons sent by the likes of Eamon and Aaron. One square in the chest, splashing his face and drenching his shirt. Another to his knee. And yet another to the bristles on his broom, which sent him in a bit of a spin that he had to quickly adjust for with a tight loopty-loop. Laughing and running a hand through his wet hair, Derf felt even lighter than before the water ballons had struck. Which was, well, perhaps it was a bit counter intuitive, but still true.
All right. Time to get down it proper then.
Trusty bat in hand, Derf zipped back on course and struck the first balloon, HARD, and sent it straight towards Eamon and another towards Aaron since the two had seemed to pause for just a moment to have a chit chat. And, just because he was feeling light and playful, the seventh year swerved his broom towards an oncoming balloon and positioned himself at just the right angle to whack it in Bel's direction. You know, always good to be an active participant in your own tryouts rather than a simple spectator.
Knowing how anxious the first years were about having to use school brooms, Derf leaned forward and abandoned the row of water balloons left to be struck and zoomed forward to cover the backs of the aspiring chasers as they made their way through the coronas. Timing was not ideal and he was honestly a few seconds behind the trajectory Aaron's strike on the balloon and sent it on towards Ronan, but still not too far off that he couldn't get at least half a good whack on it and knock it off course of the first year. "I got your back," he winked at the badger before zipping off to try and catch up with another balloon.
Maybe this one he would see about knocking through a corona just for fun.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
The smartest strategy was to hit and run, and Aaron stayed true to that for the most part, dodging the other Hufflepuffs with bouts of gleeful laughing. He pushed himself harder, drawing up on the broom to make his body smaller, quickly putting distance between him and enemy water balloons. His bat was tucked beneath him, secured..... When he got the distance he sought, Aaron pulled up, rolling his wrist; swinging his bat back towards a stray water balloon. This one had Maxie's name written all over it. And to make sure there were no hard feelings about it, the older Hufflepuff sent back a little wave. They'd have hot chocolate as a group later, hopefully. Like Captain Bell said.
... and yeah, chit-chatting was usually what got him in trouble. With his back turned, a sudden SWOOSH! ended in a wet POP! against his shoulder. It soaked his training clothes immediately... Clutching the handle of his broom, Aaron whipped around, looking for the source...... DERF! "Thanks for that!" Yeah, Aaron was being sassy, but playful at the older boy. Seriously...thanks for the reminder that he was in the middle of tryouts and not the common room. The comfort line blurred for him sometimes. And that wasn't an exaggeration.
With a nod of affirmation to Eamon, BECAUSE YES, LET'S WORK TOGETHER!, Aaron threw himself forward, eager to return-fire with a barrage of water balloons. Because he wasn't properly focused on technique, the delivery was sloppy... At first.
... but then he remembered that Captain Bell was watching! And analyzing their performances. So, he pushed to do better! Maneuvering a bit, he soared higher, Making a beeline (PUN!) towards another grouping of water balloons. Those were all bounced towards different Hufflepuffs.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____