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The cleanest room in the entire castle is, for more than obvious reasons, the hospital wing. Considering this is a magical school and accidents happen, it is not uncommon to see students and even staff being sent or brought here throughout the school year. Rest assured that no matter what mishap or injury you have, the school healer will have you fixed up and back to normal in no time ... depending on the severity, of course.
The primary feature of this decent-sized room are a series of standard issued beds. Accompanying each bed is a set of dividers, meant to give the person staying here privacy, and a wheeled table at the foot of it containing a jar of crystal clear water, glasses, and a vase of brightly coloured flowers. For those staying overnight, the bedside tables contain a set of sterile pyjamas and a pair of clean socks that are charmed to adjust and fit the wearer. Two steel chairs have been provided for visitors -- these are not the most comfortable as the patients here need plenty of rest in order to recover quickly. As per her job description, the healer rarely leaves the room when there are patients under her care and is always on call.
OOC: Please do not play for the Healer: PhoenixRising.
Winter time was the worse for Stella seeing how she was a Asthmatic, she loved this time of year but also hated it as well, it was hard for her to breathe. Walking towards the Hospital Wing she peered into the place and bit her lip. Last term Professor Marchand well... best to call him Gaston now, gotten all her potions last year for her due to that mean Headmaster they had. Now she was out of her potions her parents gotten her and needed some more. Coughing and wheezing a bit she looked around trying not to distrub anyone else that was in here.
With her scarf wrapped around her nose and mouth she pulled it down to where it was wrapped around her neck. " Hello is anyone here?" she asked a bit shyly biting her lip with her potion bottle in her hands. Better take a seat and wait she decided. Taking a seat she waited patiently hiding her cough behind her scarf as she whimpers slightly.
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
When he'd made it to the safety of the entrance hall, Maxton had snuck a peek at the note Stewart had provided him and he wasn't impressed. Administer a potion and then send him back to class? Knowing his luck, he'd be sent back just in time for the physical activity to start.
He'd been considering just skipping out on the whole visit to the Hospital Wing thing completely, but what if Professor Stewart checked? While he was willing to fake a stomach ache to miss class, he still didn't want to find himself in trouble. What if word got back to Trent? The Headmaster already seemed to be harbouring some kind of dislike towards him and then there had been that whole talk about 'responsibility' and.....
Anyways, he was here now and it was time to turn up the dramatics.
Clutching at his stomach some more, Maxton made his way into the Hospital Wing and practically doubled over. He was dedicated to the cause, okay?
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by Granger Danger
Winter time was the worse for Stella seeing how she was a Asthmatic, she loved this time of year but also hated it as well, it was hard for her to breathe. Walking towards the Hospital Wing she peered into the place and bit her lip. Last term Professor Marchand well... best to call him Gaston now, gotten all her potions last year for her due to that mean Headmaster they had. Now she was out of her potions her parents gotten her and needed some more. Coughing and wheezing a bit she looked around trying not to distrub anyone else that was in here.
With her scarf wrapped around her nose and mouth she pulled it down to where it was wrapped around her neck. " Hello is anyone here?" she asked a bit shyly biting her lip with her potion bottle in her hands. Better take a seat and wait she decided. Taking a seat she waited patiently hiding her cough behind her scarf as she whimpers slightly.
Amelia's charms somehow had failed her. As she was on the pitch doing a few laps just to keep in shape, but failed to realize when a student was in the hospital wing. It was fortunate, however, that she was nearly done with her exercise routine and making a run to check on things in the hospital wing.
"Oh hello... Miss Starson, is it?" she said taking in the Gryffindor's appearance. She wasn't one hundred percent sure since the second year didn't play quidditch or take flying lessons but as it were, she was on her list of students taking regular medication. Asthma, diabetes, merlin, Gryffindor certainly got it covered.
"What can i do for you today?"
Originally Posted by Waterloo
When he'd made it to the safety of the entrance hall, Maxton had snuck a peek at the note Stewart had provided him and he wasn't impressed. Administer a potion and then send him back to class? Knowing his luck, he'd be sent back just in time for the physical activity to start.
He'd been considering just skipping out on the whole visit to the Hospital Wing thing completely, but what if Professor Stewart checked? While he was willing to fake a stomach ache to miss class, he still didn't want to find himself in trouble. What if word got back to Trent? The Headmaster already seemed to be harbouring some kind of dislike towards him and then there had been that whole talk about 'responsibility' and.....
Anyways, he was here now and it was time to turn up the dramatics.
Clutching at his stomach some more, Maxton made his way into the Hospital Wing and practically doubled over. He was dedicated to the cause, okay?
As Amelia was tidying up the hospital wing, a grunting noise was heard and the healer glanced up to find her green eyes looking straight at someone she DEFINITELY knew even if he dishearteningly refused to fly. Honestly, the Carden flying genes were wasted on this one. At least she still had several months to maybe get him on the broom just ONCE.
First things first though. "Well... if it isn't Prefect Carden. Whatever is ailing you?"
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
As Amelia was tidying up the hospital wing, a grunting noise was heard and the healer glanced up to find her green eyes looking straight at someone she DEFINITELY knew even if he dishearteningly refused to fly. Honestly, the Carden flying genes were wasted on this one. At least she still had several months to maybe get him on the broom just ONCE.
First things first though. "Well... if it isn't Prefect Carden. Whatever is ailing you?"
The only thing ailing him was a very strong dislike for running around outside in the cold, but....
Max clung to his stomach some more, trying to envisage that one time he'd eaten sausages way past their best and it had given him a bad tummy. He didn't want to OVERdo it though, so he took several breaths and looked at Adara with the best sad, wide-eyes he could muster. "I dunno, but it huuUUuurts."
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
Post Headmaster's Office (Daisy has handed in her badge)
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Daisy's mind was reeling from what had transpired. She had given up being a Prefect because she felt that she could no longer being able to cope. This was due to a serious of traumatic events that she had never properly discussed. Not even her family knew the full extent. That had to change and so Daisy was following Headmaster Trent's suggestion.
She made her way to the Hospital Wing and sat down in a seat and waited to be seen to by Healer Adara
Amelia's charms somehow had failed her. As she was on the pitch doing a few laps just to keep in shape, but failed to realize when a student was in the hospital wing. It was fortunate, however, that she was nearly done with her exercise routine and making a run to check on things in the hospital wing.
"Oh hello... Miss Starson, is it?" she said taking in the Gryffindor's appearance. She wasn't one hundred percent sure since the second year didn't play quidditch or take flying lessons but as it were, she was on her list of students taking regular medication. Asthma, diabetes, merlin, Gryffindor certainly got it covered.
"What can i do for you today?"
Stella nodded. "Yes ma'am, I'm sorry to intrude you must be really busy." she said looking around the hospital wing. "Get to the point Stella." she thought to herself. "I was wondering if I could have some more potions for my asthma, this weather is really getting to me." she said a bit shyly. She wasn't good at talking the adults, now people a bit older was fine but adults were big and had authority. Looking down at the potion bottle in her hands she bit her lip.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by Waterloo
The only thing ailing him was a very strong dislike for running around outside in the cold, but....
Max clung to his stomach some more, trying to envisage that one time he'd eaten sausages way past their best and it had given him a bad tummy. He didn't want to OVERdo it though, so he took several breaths and looked at Adara with the best sad, wide-eyes he could muster. "I dunno, but it huuUUuurts."
...... uh? Sooo while Amelia Adara may have been almost fifty (WHAT??) and wasn't born yesterday, she had teenagers quite recently and was well aware of smelling a skiving act when she saw one. And she was actually ninety-eight percent certain that this was one of them. At least that's what her mama senses were telling her.
She nodded at him. "Right okay so we're just going to have to do a thorough exam to get to the bottom of this. Sit down on the bed for me so I can check your vitals first." Mmhm. Start easy and then she can move onto phase two of the reveal to see if her speculations were correct.
Originally Posted by Ginevra
Daisy's mind was reeling from what had transpired. She had given up being a Prefect because she felt that she could no longer being able to cope. This was due to a serious of traumatic events that she had never properly discussed. Not even her family knew the full extent. That had to change and so Daisy was following Headmaster Trent's suggestion.
She made her way to the Hospital Wing and sat down in a seat and waited to be seen to by Healer Adara
The hospital wing had been relatively slow of lately. No sprained ankles on the ice outside. No broken bones. And so Amelia had been sitting at the plain wood desk she had procured there for her use when not in her office so she could be available when students need her. Such as a distressed looking Hufflepuff Prefect. Wait a second .........
Her green eyes glanced over at the sixth year whom taking a seat on one of the waiting chairs and then .... Uh where was her badge? Had some first year decided to steal it?
"Miss Swann?" she rose from her seat and walked briskly over to her. "What can I do for you?" Did she want to shadow her for some healing experience before a potential St Mungos Internship? Yet somehow Amelia had a distinct feeling that today's visit wasn't about Daisy's prospective healing career.
Originally Posted by Granger Danger
Stella nodded. "Yes ma'am, I'm sorry to intrude you must be really busy." she said looking around the hospital wing. "Get to the point Stella." she thought to herself. "I was wondering if I could have some more potions for my asthma, this weather is really getting to me." she said a bit shyly. She wasn't good at talking the adults, now people a bit older was fine but adults were big and had authority. Looking down at the potion bottle in her hands she bit her lip.
Amelia smiled. "Oh it's no worries." She said to the young Gryffindor as she listened to the reason for her visit. Ah yes, of course. More asthma potions; well, at least that was an easy visit. "Of course.... you don't need a reason for me to give you those potions. I trust you're taking them responsibly, yes? No unusual side effects?" Just to confirm, as she turned away momentarily to her back stock room of potions and medications. Fixing a new flask of her asthma potion quickly, she turned back around.
"Should be good for the next month." She said, handing her the flask and waiting for the empty vial in return. So she could have it for next month, naturally.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Last edited by PhoenixRising; 02-09-2019 at 07:41 PM.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
The hospital wing had been relatively slow of lately. No sprained ankles on the ice outside. No broken bones. And so Amelia had been sitting at the plain wood desk she had procured there for her use when not in her office so she could be available when students need her. Such as a distressed looking Hufflepuff Prefect. Wait a second .........
Her green eyes glanced over at the sixth year whom taking a seat on one of the waiting chairs and then .... Uh where was her badge? Had some first year decided to steal it?
"Miss Swann?" she rose from her seat and walked briskly over to her. "What can I do for you?" Did she want to shadow her for some healing experience before a potential St Mungos Internship? Yet somehow Amelia had a distinct feeling that today's visit wasn't about Daisy's prospective healing career.
Daisy looked sadly up at the Healer. "I have handed in my Prefect's badge to Headmaster Trent due to not being able to cope with the responsibilities. I have suffered some trauma for the past couple of years. Headmaster Trent thought it might be good if I talk to you about it. I think St Mungo's was mentioned."
She waited for a reply before continuing. Daisy would rather be lying on a hospital bed.
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
...... uh? Sooo while Amelia Adara may have been almost fifty (WHAT??) and wasn't born yesterday, she had teenagers quite recently and was well aware of smelling a skiving act when she saw one. And she was actually ninety-eight percent certain that this was one of them. At least that's what her mama senses were telling her.
She nodded at him. "Right okay so we're just going to have to do a thorough exam to get to the bottom of this. Sit down on the bed for me so I can check your vitals first." Mmhm. Start easy and then she can move onto phase two of the reveal to see if her speculations were correct.
Thorough exam? Max was a little bit wary about what exactly constituted as 'thorough'. He wasn't really keen on the idea of getting poked and prodded at and had really just been hoping he could maybe just lay down for a while or something.
Clearly his acting was just TOO good.
Still, he was going to play ball because he most definitely didn't want to be playing ball outside. Heh.
"O-okay.... ughhHhhh." Max pulled another pained expression as he quickly thrust the note from Stewart into his pocket and moved to sit himself down on the bed. "It... hurts.... right here." He clung to his stomach some more.
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Chloe was normally a super stoic person, but she couldn't stand this a moment longer. She'd taken the suggestion of her dormmates (finally) and made her way to the hospital wing. Maybe this made her weak in some way, but the ITCHING was making her crazy. Better to be weak than to be crazy.
Chloe took a seat and hugged herself to keep herself from scratching. It didn't do much to distract her, though, and after a minute or two, Chloe began to chew nervously on her sleeve.
[ Amelia smiled. "Oh it's no worries." She said to the young Gryffindor as she listened to the reason for her visit. Ah yes, of course. More asthma potions; well, at least that was an easy visit. "Of course.... you don't need a reason for me to give you those potions. I trust you're taking them responsibly, yes? No unusual side effects?" Just to confirm, as she turned away momentarily to her back stock room of potions and medications. Fixing a new flask of her asthma potion quickly, she turned back around.
"Should be good for the next month." She said, handing her the flask and waiting for the empty vial in return. So she could have it for next month, naturally.
She nodded and smiled shyly at her. "Well... I didn't want to bug you, I know demanding being a healer can be my mum is one." she said softly. Stella nodded. "Yes ma'am, take as needed but lately the weather been getting to me." she said frowning. Although all four seasons really didn't agree with her asthma but that was ok, as long as she had her potion she was good to go for a month. Standing there waiting with the empty vial in her hands, she took a seat waiting for her to return.
Standing up once again she took the vial before handing the empty one back to her. " Thank you so much, I'll be back next month." she said smiling at her. "Thanks Professor, don't work to hard and have a good day." she said before taking the cork off the vail before she took a few drops before putting it in her robe pocket. Ah....there we go, good to go, good as new and ready to face the day.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by Ginevra
Daisy looked sadly up at the Healer. "I have handed in my Prefect's badge to Headmaster Trent due to not being able to cope with the responsibilities. I have suffered some trauma for the past couple of years. Headmaster Trent thought it might be good if I talk to you about it. I think St Mungo's was mentioned."
She waited for a reply before continuing. Daisy would rather be lying on a hospital bed.
OKAY, so if Amelia was being honest, she did NOT expect Daisy to be so upfront about her visit reason so quickly. Yet she empathized with the Hufflepuff in that moment. Being a teenager was stressful, on top of prefecting, well, it wasn't for everyone and the healer found herself moving over to sit by the sixth year.
"I'm sorry to hear that, but yes, if you'd like, you can talk to me ... or if you'd prefer to set something up to speak with someone in St Mungos" Whichever, really. It was her choice and Amelia wasn't about forcing someone to do something they didn't want to do... unless it was truly for their benefit.
Originally Posted by Waterloo
Thorough exam? Max was a little bit wary about what exactly constituted as 'thorough'. He wasn't really keen on the idea of getting poked and prodded at and had really just been hoping he could maybe just lay down for a while or something.
Clearly his acting was just TOO good.
Still, he was going to play ball because he most definitely didn't want to be playing ball outside. Heh.
"O-okay.... ughhHhhh." Max pulled another pained expression as he quickly thrust the note from Stewart into his pocket and moved to sit himself down on the bed. "It... hurts.... right here." He clung to his stomach some more.
Of course he would want to just lay down but seeee Amelia didn't exactly trust him "simply hurting non-specifically" which was why if he was using this as an excuse to skive off class, well, she'd make it punishable. He was a seventh year and should know that skiving will get one nowhere.
"I seeee," she pressed her finger to her lips, thinking seriously on his predicament. "I'm afraid there's just one thing to do for this..." she disappeared for a brief moment to her office to fetch two things. One, a potion for tummy-aches and two, a training broom. "Take this and then I'm going to need you to get on this broom as part of your ... examination."
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Chloe was normally a super stoic person, but she couldn't stand this a moment longer. She'd taken the suggestion of her dormmates (finally) and made her way to the hospital wing. Maybe this made her weak in some way, but the ITCHING was making her crazy. Better to be weak than to be crazy.
Chloe took a seat and hugged herself to keep herself from scratching. It didn't do much to distract her, though, and after a minute or two, Chloe began to chew nervously on her sleeve.
The appearance of the Ravenclaw Head Girl was certainly a surprise and yet not unwelcome either. What was strange though was to see her chewing on her sleeve like some sort of animal??? "Miss Kettleburn ... is ... what can I do for you??" Because she was perplexed that was for certain.
Originally Posted by Granger Danger
She nodded and smiled shyly at her. "Well... I didn't want to bug you, I know demanding being a healer can be my mum is one." she said softly. Stella nodded. "Yes ma'am, take as needed but lately the weather been getting to me." she said frowning. Although all four seasons really didn't agree with her asthma but that was ok, as long as she had her potion she was good to go for a month. Standing there waiting with the empty vial in her hands, she took a seat waiting for her to return.
Standing up once again she took the vial before handing the empty one back to her. " Thank you so much, I'll be back next month." she said smiling at her. "Thanks Professor, don't work to hard and have a good day." she said before taking the cork off the vail before she took a few drops before putting it in her robe pocket. Ah....there we go, good to go, good as new and ready to face the day.
Amelia smiled when she said she didn't want to bug her. "It's no trouble at all, really. That's what I'm here for.... so yes, its demanding, but ensuring your well-being is just as important."
She nodded. "You're quite welcome and I'll see you soon."
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
The appearance of the Ravenclaw Head Girl was certainly a surprise and yet not unwelcome either. What was strange though was to see her chewing on her sleeve like some sort of animal??? "Miss Kettleburn ... is ... what can I do for you??" Because she was perplexed that was for certain.
Oh, the Healer was here! Chloe pulled her sleeve out of her mouth and was surprised to see that she'd chewed a hole through the cloth. Not chewed, exactly, more like eaten. Whoops, that was a new and unusual nervous habit.
"I have a rash? I mean, I do, it isn't a question, but it's weird now." Chloe held out her arms and shook back her sleeves, revealing the red raw skin that she'd scratched nearly to bleeding, now covered in fur. It was mortifying and gross. "And I appear to be... I... help me, please."
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by RomanceRising
OKAY, so if Amelia was being honest, she did NOT expect Daisy to be so upfront about her visit reason so quickly. Yet she empathized with the Hufflepuff in that moment. Being a teenager was stressful, on top of prefecting, well, it wasn't for everyone and the healer found herself moving over to sit by the sixth year.
"I'm sorry to hear that, but yes, if you'd like, you can talk to me ... or if you'd prefer to set something up to speak with someone in St Mungos" Whichever, really. It was her choice and Amelia wasn't about forcing someone to do something they didn't want to do... unless it was truly for their benefit.
Daisy sighed sadly. "I think I need to see someone at St Mungos. I'd be really grateful if you could arrange that for me. I don't want my schooling to suffer any longer."
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Originally Posted by RomanceRising
Of course he would want to just lay down but seeee Amelia didn't exactly trust him "simply hurting non-specifically" which was why if he was using this as an excuse to skive off class, well, she'd make it punishable. He was a seventh year and should know that skiving will get one nowhere.
"I seeee," she pressed her finger to her lips, thinking seriously on his predicament. "I'm afraid there's just one thing to do for this..." she disappeared for a brief moment to her office to fetch two things. One, a potion for tummy-aches and two, a training broom. "Take this and then I'm going to need you to get on this broom as part of your ... examination."
When she disappeared, Max waited patiently, still clutching his stomach just incase this was a trick and she wanted to try and catch him off guard. He wasn't falling for it.
His pained expression quickly turned to one of confusion however, when she returned. The potion - whatever it was - made complete sense. What in Merlin's name did a broomstick have to do with a dodgy stomach ache though????
Max accepted the potion, but before he took it, he gave his head a shake. "Professor, I can't fly. Making me get on that thing is just gonna make me feel a million times worse. I'll vom everywhere." And did she really want that!?
He thought she was supposed to be a Healer? This made zero sense.
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Oh, the Healer was here! Chloe pulled her sleeve out of her mouth and was surprised to see that she'd chewed a hole through the cloth. Not chewed, exactly, more like eaten. Whoops, that was a new and unusual nervous habit.
"I have a rash? I mean, I do, it isn't a question, but it's weird now." Chloe held out her arms and shook back her sleeves, revealing the red raw skin that she'd scratched nearly to bleeding, now covered in fur. It was mortifying and gross. "And I appear to be... I... help me, please."
Uhhhh .... wait, what?? Okay, did she just ...? Suddenly Amelia had this awful flashback to her sixth year at Hogwarts when Alexis Chosen had transformed into an animal and there were others too and but this wasn't like that, was it??? History didn't repeat itself? Okay, that was the biggest lie ever told but this was different. Chloe was not an animal.
"A rash. Hmm... I have anti-itch potions but I don't think ... this is... have you seen anyone else?" Because bizarre that it would just be affecting the head girl, wasn't it? Merlin, she needed to speak Noble and fast if this was an epidemic. She hadn't noticed disappearing kids though; hadn't the transformed kids left the Hogwarts grounds when this happened oh-so-many-years before??
Originally Posted by Ginevra
Daisy sighed sadly. "I think I need to see someone at St Mungos. I'd be really grateful if you could arrange that for me. I don't want my schooling to suffer any longer."
Amelia nodded at the Hufflepuff. "Of course, I'd be happy to and I can help anyway possible with tutoring, as well, if you needed it?" Figured she might as well offer that too.
Originally Posted by Waterloo
When she disappeared, Max waited patiently, still clutching his stomach just incase this was a trick and she wanted to try and catch him off guard. He wasn't falling for it.
His pained expression quickly turned to one of confusion however, when she returned. The potion - whatever it was - made complete sense. What in Merlin's name did a broomstick have to do with a dodgy stomach ache though????
Max accepted the potion, but before he took it, he gave his head a shake. "Professor, I can't fly. Making me get on that thing is just gonna make me feel a million times worse. I'll vom everywhere." And did she really want that!?
He thought she was supposed to be a Healer? This made zero sense.
Obviously it was to trick him into revealing that it was all a ploy and at his response she just shook her head. "Are you sure you're really the child to former professional quidditch player, Clifford Carden? Because everyone can fly and well, it's all part of the examination process since you don't seem to be up for any specifics, physical exertion is necessary to induce possible symptoms. Re-create and maybe we can get to the bottom of what's ailing you."
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Originally Posted by RomanceRising
Obviously it was to trick him into revealing that it was all a ploy and at his response she just shook her head. "Are you sure you're really the child to former professional quidditch player, Clifford Carden? Because everyone can fly and well, it's all part of the examination process since you don't seem to be up for any specifics, physical exertion is necessary to induce possible symptoms. Re-create and maybe we can get to the bottom of what's ailing you."
Did he look shocked and offended? Because he absolutely was.
"Yeah, he's my dad. So what? Just because he flies doesn't mean I have to fly too," Max quickly retorted defensively. They weren't the same PERSON. Oh wait. He was supposed to be in pain. "UghhHHHhh." He downed the potion in one gulp and as feebly as he could muster, offered the empty vial back to her. "Please, Miss. Physical stuff is just gonna make it hurt even mooooore."
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by RomanceRising
Amelia nodded at the Hufflepuff. "Of course, I'd be happy to and I can help anyway possible with tutoring, as well, if you needed it?" Figured she might as well offer that too.
Daisy smiled slightly at Healer Adara. "Tutoring would be great! I would love to pass my NEWTs next term."
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Text Cut: furry people for the win!
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Oh, the Healer was here! Chloe pulled her sleeve out of her mouth and was surprised to see that she'd chewed a hole through the cloth. Not chewed, exactly, more like eaten. Whoops, that was a new and unusual nervous habit.
"I have a rash? I mean, I do, it isn't a question, but it's weird now." Chloe held out her arms and shook back her sleeves, revealing the red raw skin that she'd scratched nearly to bleeding, now covered in fur. It was mortifying and gross. "And I appear to be... I... help me, please."
Originally Posted by RomanceRising
Uhhhh .... wait, what?? Okay, did she just ...? Suddenly Amelia had this awful flashback to her sixth year at Hogwarts when Alexis Chosen had transformed into an animal and there were others too and but this wasn't like that, was it??? History didn't repeat itself? Okay, that was the biggest lie ever told but this was different. Chloe was not an animal.
"A rash. Hmm... I have anti-itch potions but I don't think ... this is... have you seen anyone else?" Because bizarre that it would just be affecting the head girl, wasn't it? Merlin, she needed to speak Noble and fast if this was an epidemic. She hadn't noticed disappearing kids though; hadn't the transformed kids left the Hogwarts grounds when this happened oh-so-many-years before??
Itchy? Check. Furry? Like, with actual fur? Check. Finally seeking out the Healer for something that had been going on for awhile now? Yep, Archer checked all those boxes all right. And as she entered the hospital wing, it appeared that she wasn't the only one. Wait, was this something that was going around?
"Um, yuuup. Hi," she piped up, scratching her side. As for the fur? Well, it was visible, peaking out from underneath the sleeve of her short sleeve shirt.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
So the Healer wasn't inspiring hope OR offering solutions at the moment, and Chloe sulked quietly as she resumed scratching at the fur patches on her arms. She didn't want some lame anti-itch potion. She wanted a cure and she wanted the itch to be GONE.
"Is it an allergy? My mother and siblings have really serious allergies. Or something catching?" Chloe gave an impatient little shriek and sat on her hands. SO ITCHY. "And I don't know of anyone... oh. Archer. Archer is covered in hair too. So now we have an outbreak and you need to call the Ministry." Or maybe not that serious, but DO SOMETHING.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by Waterloo
Did he look shocked and offended? Because he absolutely was.
"Yeah, he's my dad. So what? Just because he flies doesn't mean I have to fly too," Max quickly retorted defensively. They weren't the same PERSON. Oh wait. He was supposed to be in pain. "UghhHHHhh." He downed the potion in one gulp and as feebly as he could muster, offered the empty vial back to her. "Please, Miss. Physical stuff is just gonna make it hurt even mooooore."
Okay this started off as Amelia being concerned but since Max was so obviously faking, she was just quite amused now. She nodded. "Right, of course but you're telling me you can't fly or you won't? And your sister, doesn't she play professionally too?" Of course, her own children while they did fly, they weren't as into it as her or her husband.
"Well then, the potion should help symptoms subside and the diagnosis just seems to be a minor case of senioritis, so I suggest you return to your classes as there's not a treatment for that."
Originally Posted by Ginevra
Daisy smiled slightly at Healer Adara. "Tutoring would be great! I would love to pass my NEWTs next term."
Amelia nodded, "Of course, if you feel comfortable, I can set something up with the individual professor? My recommendation would be to take one subject at a time and once you feel you're competent, you can move onto the next."
Originally Posted by lazykitty
Text Cut: furry people for the win!
Itchy? Check. Furry? Like, with actual fur? Check. Finally seeking out the Healer for something that had been going on for awhile now? Yep, Archer checked all those boxes all right. And as she entered the hospital wing, it appeared that she wasn't the only one. Wait, was this something that was going around?
"Um, yuuup. Hi," she piped up, scratching her side. As for the fur? Well, it was visible, peaking out from underneath the sleeve of her short sleeve shirt.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
So the Healer wasn't inspiring hope OR offering solutions at the moment, and Chloe sulked quietly as she resumed scratching at the fur patches on her arms. She didn't want some lame anti-itch potion. She wanted a cure and she wanted the itch to be GONE.
"Is it an allergy? My mother and siblings have really serious allergies. Or something catching?" Chloe gave an impatient little shriek and sat on her hands. SO ITCHY. "And I don't know of anyone... oh. Archer. Archer is covered in hair too. So now we have an outbreak and you need to call the Ministry." Or maybe not that serious, but DO SOMETHING.
Amelia wisheeeddd there was something she could offer the head girl, honestly, but it was a peculiar situation and alas she was coming to halt on ideas. But apparently a Hufflepuff, Archer, was now in here with fur too????
"I'm going to venture a guess that it's not allergies, unfortunately." Wait, the two girls didn't give this to each other, did they?? Diseases sadly spread like wildflowers among Hogwarts students. "Archer, have a seat," and she went to get her an anti-itch potion as well. It wasn't a permanent solution; more like a band-aid, until she could figure out more of what could be done. "Yes, Ministry, right good. Headmaster first though." Since she was sure Malachi would want to hear of these situations before rashly doing something like getting the Ministry involved. They didn't need the Ministry here quite yet, as she was sure they already were on the radar for events in the past few years.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
"Headmaster first, then, but can we also owl my mom?" Because Chloe's mother knew everything and would fix it. And that wasn't just some lame opinion, it was actual fact. Chloe grabbed hold of the anti-itch potion in the Healer's hand. Maybe that was rude? It probably was, but she was in actual literal pain and it was unbearable.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Daisy thought for a moment. "I think tackling one subject at a time with the individual professor sounds like the most ideal situation. It would be the least stressful option for me," she replied to the Healer.
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Okay this started off as Amelia being concerned but since Max was so obviously faking, she was just quite amused now. She nodded. "Right, of course but you're telling me you can't fly or you won't? And your sister, doesn't she play professionally too?" Of course, her own children while they did fly, they weren't as into it as her or her husband.
"Well then, the potion should help symptoms subside and the diagnosis just seems to be a minor case of senioritis, so I suggest you return to your classes as there's not a treatment for that."
Ohhhhh, would you look at that? The potion was working and his oh so mysterious symptoms were starting to subside. But when Daisy was ALSO mentioned, those fake stomach pangs quickly turned into anger and despite being dismissed to go back to class, Maxton entered tantrum mode. He didn't budge.
"I can't fly," he insisted, folding his arms across his chest as he G L A R E D at the woman. "And I think you presuming that I should be able to just because of my surname is dumb." There. He said it. It probably wasn't very wise but too late.
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