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The pouring rain probably isn't the best welcome for this batch of first years. Fortunately plastic rain ponchos were handed out to each of them before going further down a steep, narrow path. After what must have been several minutes of slipping and stumbling, the path opens up to the edge of the Black Lake. There before you a number of small boats are docked on the shore, and, if you squint your eyes, the twinkling lights of the castle from its many turrets and towers can be seen in the distance.
Once everyone has taken a seat in the boat of their choosing, the boats all move at once and begin slowly gliding across the lake. With the rain pouring, the lake isn't as smooth as it normally has been in the past. If no one manages to fall out of their boat, the journey will take about fifteen minutes. Once the boats carry you through a curtain of ivy and along a dark tunnel, coming to a halt at the boathouse, you need only clamber up a flight of stone steps to the giant oak front doors of the school.
OOC: The Hogwarts boats can carry up to a total of four first-year students.
Being here. Hearing the Groundkeeper’s voice. Maxie has barely had enough time to get himself into a proper lather when the whistle blew and the almighty train shuddered to a stop.
Bewildered was a good word to describe the young boy’s current state- as were: freaked, shook, pixelated and un-ready. He had no choice but to follow the tide - he hoped Niko would understand and forgive him - out of the train and onto the station platform.
Rain. Darkness. Maxie didn’t think it could be worst.
... And then he realized he was meant to jump into one of those rickety boats by the shoreline...
It took a fair bit of convincing- and a solid push from another first year- before Maxie ambled into one of those boats.
Fear was pulsing through his entire being and spilling out into the cold September night. Maxie was trying very hard not to let his emotions overwhelm him, but it was dark and raining and he was heading to the very castle his parents had promised him he would only see when /he was ready/, and nothing felt right and it was his /birthday/.
He hadn’t hated his birthday since Damien was too busy with school to be around for it.
How could they have done this to him? Maybe it was a punishment for not making friends like he said he would this summer? Maxie truly couldn’t believe they were doing it for his own good as they’d said- it made no sense, Hogwarts was a death trap and no good for anyone.
in case you weren’t sure anyone happened to include Maxie Anderson-Belfort.
The same Maxie Anderson-Belfort who was tightly sat, awaiting a partner on Hogwarts pitch black lake. Miserable, Maxie angrily pushed his wet hair from his face and quietly wished (not for the first time) that Niko was also a first year.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
Last edited by nicole black; 01-01-2019 at 09:53 PM.
Reason: coding
Being here. Hearing the Groundkeeper’s voice. Maxie has barely had enough time to get himself into a proper lather when the whistle blew and the almighty train shuddered to a stop.
Bewildered was a good word to describe the young boy’s current state- as were: freaked, shook, pixelated and un-ready. He had no choice but to follow the tide - he hoped Niko would understand and forgive him - out of the train and onto the station platform.
Rain. Darkness. Maxie didn’t think it could be worst.
... And then he realized he was meant to jump into one of those rickety boats by the shoreline...
It took a fair bit of convincing- and a solid push from another first year- before Maxie ambled into one of those boats.
Fear was pulsing through his entire being and spilling out into the cold September night. Maxie was trying very hard not to let his emotions overwhelm him, but it was dark and raining and he was heading to the very castle his parents had promised him he would only see when /he was ready/, and nothing felt right and it was his /birthday/.
He hadn’t hated his birthday since Damien was too busy with school to be around for it.
How could they have done this to him? Maybe it was a punishment for not making friends like he said he would this summer? Maxie truly couldn’t believe they were doing it for his own good as they’d said- it made no sense, Hogwarts was a death trap and no good for anyone.
in case you weren’t sure [/i]anyone[/i] happened to include Maxie Anderson-Belfort.
The same Maxie Anderson-Belfort who was tightly sat, awaiting a partner on Hogwarts pitch black lake. Miserable, Maxie angrily pushed his wet hair from his face and quietly wished (not for the first time) that Niko was also a first year.
Where were the umbrellas when you needed them. The one thing Igor forgot to bring. He was glad the only train ride was over but now. He would rather be back in the dry compartment again.
He looked around in well as much amazement as he could while ignoring the rain and the coldness. He heard the Groundskeeper and thought it best to follow instructions and go with the flow, so to speak.
This boats didn't look that safe and secure to Igor and the one he was closest to well one guy was not looking too forward to getting into it. At this point the first year had to trust the groundskeeper again and took a deep breath before slowly and carefully getting into the boat with the nervous guy.
"Hey, you think these boats are safe?"
Maybe magic fixed it all but still.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Where were the umbrellas when you needed them. The one thing Igor forgot to bring. He was glad the only train ride was over but now. He would rather be back in the dry compartment again.
He looked around in well as much amazement as he could while ignoring the rain and the coldness. He heard the Groundskeeper and thought it best to follow instructions and go with the flow, so to speak.
This boats didn't look that safe and secure to Igor and the one he was closest to well one guy was not looking too forward to getting into it. At this point the first year had to trust the groundskeeper again and took a deep breath before slowly and carefully getting into the boat with the nervous guy.
"Hey, you think these boats are safe?"
Maybe magic fixed it all but still.
“N-no.” Maxie said, unthinking. Had he been more himself, he might have tried to reassure the younger boy, but he was panic-stricken and pale and had very little in the way of kindness in him. Maxie swallowed audibly, his face wet with rain despite the poncho he’d hastily thrown on. There were no oars, no rudder.. not even a set of instructions to follow to get the boat moving, and had Maxie been calmer he might have wondered if this wasn’t - perhaps - a test.
But he was not calm. or thoughtful.
The twelve-year-old huddled in his seat, arms wrapped tight around his gangly legs. He stared hard at the other boy, expecting a word or.. something- anything to get them going, really. “Do you know how to... m-make this t-thing go?” Others had already moved on without help and he was beginning to worry they’d be stuck forever in this awful rain.
Except maybe if he got really and truly sick he’d be sent home and never have to go to hogwarts at all-
Okay, he was well aware it was a long shot but a boy could dream.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
“N-no.” Maxie said, unthinking. Had he been more himself, he might have tried to reassure the younger boy, but he was panic-stricken and pale and had very little in the way of kindness in him. Maxie swallowed audibly, his face wet with rain despite the poncho he’d hastily thrown on. There were no oars, no rudder.. not even a set of instructions to follow to get the boat moving, and had Maxie been calmer he might have wondered if this wasn’t - perhaps - a test.
But he was not calm. or thoughtful.
The twelve-year-old huddled in his seat, arms wrapped tight around his gangly legs. He stared hard at the other boy, expecting a word or.. something- anything to get them going, really. “Do you know how to... m-make this t-thing go?” Others had already moved on without help and he was beginning to worry they’d be stuck forever in this awful rain.
Except maybe if he got really and truly sick he’d be sent home and never have to go to hogwarts at all-
Okay, he was well aware it was a long shot but a boy could dream.
Mary stepped into the nearest boat. It contained two boys, both having fear-stricken wet faces. She had pulled the poncho on, covering up everything but her face and the hem of her robes, but she could still feel the rain running down her neck and underneath her shirt.
"Hello," she said quietly, though it was likely drowned out by the pounding rain. She huddled the pocket-sized kitten, Blue, under her robes. Blue looked like she was going to stay dry, which was a good thing, because Mary DID NOT want to deal with a wet cat.
Last edited by Zannash; 01-01-2019 at 01:14 PM.
Reason: I had the plot messed up
This boats didn't look that safe and secure to Igor and the one he was closest to well one guy was not looking too forward to getting into it. At this point the first year had to trust the groundskeeper again and took a deep breath before slowly and carefully getting into the boat with the nervous guy.
"Hey, you think these boats are safe?"
Maybe magic fixed it all but still.
Professor Wishart lead the throng of new first year’s from the Hogmeade train station and down to the shoreline, and the waiting fleet of boats. It was going to be a wet and cold 15 minute ride for these youngsters in the dark before they reached the warmth of the castle. Thankful for his moleskin coat and cap that repelled the pouring rain he barked out instructions, amplified by the handy sonorous charm. "Everyone please take a seat in one of the waiting boats and make use of the ponchos! Each boat can take up to 4 students, the quicker you all get on board the quicker we can get up to the castle! Any problems or questions give a shout for Professor Wishart and i’ll be right with you."
Joshua sure hoped that he wouldn’t need to fish out any first years or pet’s for that matter out of the dark lake waters. It was his first boat ride as groundskeeper in charge and he would be very pleased if it went smoothly without hitches, but this was children so he could only wait and see what happened. Hearing a boy's very valid question Joshua turned to answer with a smile on his face even if it was hardly seen in the dark. "The boats are perfectly safe. They move by magic. If you just sit still it will be an enjoyable ride."
Last edited by Nordic Witch; 01-01-2019 at 04:52 PM.
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Unfortunately, Odaline had come to realise over the period of their train journey that she was going to be stuck with these first years for the rest of her time here. Classes.. potentially a bedroom.. Oda was not excited for it.
And even worse was that she now had to get into a boat to get to school? Wasn't the long train journey more than enough?
Quietly, she got into an empty boat and prayed that no one joined her.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Originally Posted by Shanners
Unfortunately, Odaline had come to realise over the period of their train journey that she was going to be stuck with these first years for the rest of her time here. Classes.. potentially a bedroom.. Oda was not excited for it.
And even worse was that she now had to get into a boat to get to school? Wasn't the long train journey more than enough?
Quietly, she got into an empty boat and prayed that no one joined her.
Armed with Cracker (no one had claimed him!) in his cloak pocket and Biscuit tucked into his shirt pocket, and his WAND!!, Ronan squinted into the rainy darkness as he followed all the other first years and the, um, adult? Professor? Someone? down to the bOATS. The eleven year old had bothered chatted with Mary on the train for a good long time before he'd run out of energy and slept. The rest of his train ride had been spent looking for Biscuit, whom he'd found at the very last possible moment, at the very front of the train.
The excitement level had lowered to a good, normal 7, but the boats and people climbing in and the prospect of HOGWARTS FOR REAL brought a bright smile to his face. YAY. So Mary got into a boat with two other boys - whom he recognised :O what were their names?? - so Ronan veered left and climbed into the next boat over, that just had the one girl.
"HI! I'm Ronan, this is Biscuit," Ronan YELLED because the rain was loud, and pointed at his chest, "and Cracker," he pointed at his cloak pocket. "Are you excited?? I'm REALLY excited!!"
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by Daemon
Armed with Cracker (no one had claimed him!) in his cloak pocket and Biscuit tucked into his shirt pocket, and his WAND!!, Ronan squinted into the rainy darkness as he followed all the other first years and the, um, adult? Professor? Someone? down to the bOATS. The eleven year old had bothered chatted with Mary on the train for a good long time before he'd run out of energy and slept. The rest of his train ride had been spent looking for Biscuit, whom he'd found at the very last possible moment, at the very front of the train.
The excitement level had lowered to a good, normal 7, but the boats and people climbing in and the prospect of HOGWARTS FOR REAL brought a bright smile to his face. YAY. So Mary got into a boat with two other boys - whom he recognised :O what were their names?? - so Ronan veered left and climbed into the next boat over, that just had the one girl.
"HI! I'm Ronan, this is Biscuit," Ronan YELLED because the rain was loud, and pointed at his chest, "and Cracker," he pointed at his cloak pocket. "Are you excited?? I'm REALLY excited!!"
Please no.
It could not get worse than one person. She could make him sit at the other end of their boat and ignore the smell of excitement coming from him or the stench of fun that made her feel sick. Did people realise that they smelt this bad when those things were happening in their life? And then.. and then he stated to talk.
Odaline stared at him across the boat, eyes narrowing as he got further into his introductions.
"No." She said simply, face not giving anything other than complete distaste away. "You are three. I am one. This boat is four. No more." Whatever 'Biscuit' and 'Cracker' were... they were now a boat of four.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Originally Posted by Shanners
Please no.
It could not get worse than one person. She could make him sit at the other end of their boat and ignore the smell of excitement coming from him or the stench of fun that made her feel sick. Did people realise that they smelt this bad when those things were happening in their life? And then.. and then he stated to talk.
Odaline stared at him across the boat, eyes narrowing as he got further into his introductions.
"No." She said simply, face not giving anything other than complete distaste away. "You are three. I am one. This boat is four. No more." Whatever 'Biscuit' and 'Cracker' were... they were now a boat of four.
For now..........
Did she just say NO? Who wasn't excited to go to Hogwarts??????? Even MARY had been excited (kinda), and Mary didn't get excited by lots of things (he knew this from his train ride long acquaintanceship with her).
Then she continued to speak and honestly? Ronan lost her completely. Was this maths? Or... a riddle?? He wasn't very good at riddles, Dad was way better. "I....... HUH??"
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by Daemon
Did she just say NO? Who wasn't excited to go to Hogwarts??????? Even MARY had been excited (kinda), and Mary didn't get excited by lots of things (he knew this from his train ride long acquaintanceship with her).
Then she continued to speak and honestly? Ronan lost her completely. Was this maths? Or... a riddle?? He wasn't very good at riddles, Dad was way better. "I....... HUH??"
The stink of confusion mixed in with excitement and the combination made Odaline consider swimming the rest of the way to school.. not that she knew the way to school at all. But she would much rather figure it out than be stuck with this boy and his smells.
"Quiet." Please. Pretty please. Making eye contact would be the closest Oda got to using the word please, though and so this loud kid and his snacks needed to behave and accept that.
“N-no.” Maxie said, unthinking. Had he been more himself, he might have tried to reassure the younger boy, but he was panic-stricken and pale and had very little in the way of kindness in him. Maxie swallowed audibly, his face wet with rain despite the poncho he’d hastily thrown on. There were no oars, no rudder.. not even a set of instructions to follow to get the boat moving, and had Maxie been calmer he might have wondered if this wasn’t - perhaps - a test.
But he was not calm. or thoughtful.
The twelve-year-old huddled in his seat, arms wrapped tight around his gangly legs. He stared hard at the other boy, expecting a word or.. something- anything to get them going, really. “Do you know how to... m-make this t-thing go?” Others had already moved on without help and he was beginning to worry they’d be stuck forever in this awful rain.
Except maybe if he got really and truly sick he’d be sent home and never have to go to hogwarts at all-
Okay, he was well aware it was a long shot but a boy could dream.
Originally Posted by Zannash
Mary stepped into the nearest boat. It contained two boys, both having fear-stricken wet faces. She had pulled the poncho on, covering up everything but her face and the hem of her robes, but she could still feel the rain running down her neck and underneath her shirt.
"Hello," she said quietly, though it was likely drowned out by the pounding rain. She huddled the pocket-sized kitten, Blue, under her robes. Blue looked like she was going to stay dry, which was a good thing, because Mary DID NOT want to deal with a wet cat.
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Professor Wishart lead the throng of new first year’s from the Hogmeade train station and down to the shoreline, and the waiting fleet of boats. It was going to be a wet and cold 15 minute ride for these youngsters in the dark before they reached the warmth of the castle. Thankful for his moleskin coat and cap that repelled the pouring rain he barked out instructions, amplified by the handy sonorous charm. "Everyone please take a seat in one of the waiting boats and make use of the ponchos! Each boat can take up to 4 students, the quicker you all get on board the quicker we can get up to the castle! Any problems or questions give a shout for Professor Wishart and i’ll be right with you."
Joshua sure hoped that he wouldn’t need to fish out any first years or pet’s for that matter out of the dark lake waters. It was his first boat ride as groundskeeper in charge and he would be very pleased if it went smoothly without hitches, but this was children so he could only wait and see what happened. Hearing a boy's very valid question Joshua turned to answer with a smile on his face even if it was hardly seen in the dark. "The boats are perfectly safe. They move by magic. If you just sit still it will be an enjoyable ride."
.......that was the answer he was afraid he was going to say. These things didn't look safe to Igor and he was only confirming. Igor swallowed and looked around nervously. This poncho he threw on rather quick was not helping with the rain much. Before he knew it someone else was on the boat with them.
"I don't think...."
Hey, wait i don't think these things are safe with more than two peoples. Even if the Groundskeeper said four. He didn't know if that was true. Oh good, they moved by magic. Magic would make sense for it seating all of them and moving.....even in the rain That solved that problem. He started nodding repeatedly thinking this won't be so bad even with a third person in the boat.
Have to be polite to the girl who just got in the boat with them.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,087
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
The change in staffing unbeknownst to the Hufflepuff, Derf immediately made his way over to the first year boats after helping unload luggage and such from the Hogwarts Express. He was nervous, but he felt as though he hadn't totally botched things up yet so things were already looking more positive than they had in previous terms. Well, minus some of that tension on the train...but he had anticipated its presence so it wasn't as rough as it could have been.
It was hard to believe that this would be his last time assisting Mr. Baldvinsson with the boats, a tradition of theirs the Hufflepuff had maintained ever since first earning the prefect badge in his fourth year. Only when he got to the dock...there was no Mr. Baldvinsson but instead he was greeted by the voice of the Herbology professor. No, no Derfael. Don't start slipping into your old ways and start with crazy theories about how the Herbology professor used a flesh eating shrub to remove the former groundskeeper. Just...just don't do it.
He was totally doing it. Maybe he should consider a career as a fiction writer along side his pursuit of magizoology?
"Uh...evening...professor," he greeted with slight apprehension while ruffling his hair. "Um...where is Mr. Baldvinsson?" No offense meant, just innocent inquiry over here. "I usually help him with the first year boats....too?"
Also, the rain? Did it really have to rain on everyone's first night back? Though thankfully he had counter this by using his wand to produce an umbrella just to make sure he didn't accidentally take someones poncho who would properly need it on their trip across the Black Lake.
And that one first year yelling about his pet - rather Derf assumed it was a pet - brought back memories of HIS trip across with Zoryn. His first proper memory of Hogwarts and, well, it was most certainly unforgettable.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
"Uh...evening...professor," he greeted with slight apprehension while ruffling his hair. "Um...where is Mr. Baldvinsson?" No offense meant, just innocent inquiry over here. "I usually help him with the first year boats....too?"
Also, the rain? Did it really have to rain on everyone's first night back? Though thankfully he had counter this by using his wand to produce an umbrella just to make sure he didn't accidentally take someones poncho who would properly need it on their trip across the Black Lake.
And that one first year yelling about his pet - rather Derf assumed it was a pet - brought back memories of HIS trip across with Zoryn. His first proper memory of Hogwarts and, well, it was most certainly unforgettable.
Professor Wishart was helping a few first years who were a little wobbly on their feet to climb into one of the boats when he heard Derfael’s apprehensive voice behind him. Satisfied that the kids we’re safely on board Joshua turned to the newly badged head boy with a small smile pursing his lips as he wiped away some rain drops from his face. "Good evening Derfael and congratulations to your Head boy appointment!"
The question was inevitable Professor Wishart knew, so he responded kindly but shortly to the seventh year’s inqueries. "Mr Baldvinsson retired from his position as groundskeeper to go back to Svalbard at the end of the last school year and I was asked to take on his duties, along with my teaching responsibilities." So that was why he stood there on the rainy shoreline with the new younglings.
"It’s admirable of you to offer assistance with the first year boats Derfael, but I’ve got it covered this time." Professor Wishart said quietly. "It’s better if you go help out with the carriages I’m sure there are more potential disasters and squabbles to avert among the returning students." The last was said with some finality. All though he appreciated the head boy’s offer, Derfael’s place was with the carriages, not here.
The boat was thankfully sturdy even as the other two students climbed in. It was the little things Maxie was thankful for. He was trembling now, not only with anxious energy but sheer cold - rain on a late september night would do that to you - The robe he'd found in his trunk wasn't nearly warm enough for this onslaught of in-climate weather, poncho or no poncho the damage had been done.
Maxie tucked his hands under his armpits for warmth as he nodded first to the Groundskeeper (he didn't want to talk to him in case the older man turned out to be polyjuiced or a hag or enchanted or just plain mean), and then to the girl. She looked really small and Maxie - for the first moment since he'd realized he'd been tricked earlier that morning - felt well and truly sympathetic. If he'd had those warming pocket things Muggles used he'd have offered her one.
If there anyone who could be excited amidst all this doom and gloom it would be that boy who'd nearly killed him this summer. Maxie, bewildered and slightly furious, stared hard at the shouting boy and his unhappy companion as if it was their faults the gangly boy was sitting in a tiny boat on a possibly-still-inferi-infested during a particular terrible English rainstorm.
Now, he was well aware it wasn't the excited boy's fault (or the annoyed girl's for that matter), but he could very much fault them for taking their dear sweet time in getting into the boats.
"C-Can we go now?" Maxie was still very much against stepping foot into the castle in the distance - but he was much more against staying out here all night. Another had joined them, a broad shouldered blond boy with a badge pinned to his chest and Max allowed himself the tiniest bit of relief. Older kids were always a good sign in his life.
"I-I.. I- D-don't Think there's a-A-anymore coming." the birthday boy said. He turned a little, speaking this time properly to his boat companions. It was part question and part statement and all in the hopes they'd be on the move soon.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
Mary was quite scared. She hoped the boats would move soon. The pounding rain rocked the boat and she felt more and more water running down her neck through the flimsy poncho.
She looked into the next boat over and motives that she wasn't the only one annoyed by the over-exuberant boy named Ronan. She felt kind of bad for the girl, but at the same time, even she was a little hyper from excitement. Either the girl REALLY didn't want to here, or was just even more shy than herself.
"I don't see anyone else, we must be good" she shouted. Of course, Mary was a very quiet person, so her version of shouting could probably barely, of not at all, be heard over the wind. Nothing like what Ronan was doing.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Originally Posted by Shanners
The stink of confusion mixed in with excitement and the combination made Odaline consider swimming the rest of the way to school.. not that she knew the way to school at all. But she would much rather figure it out than be stuck with this boy and his smells.
"Quiet." Please. Pretty please. Making eye contact would be the closest Oda got to using the word please, though and so this loud kid and his snacks needed to behave and accept that.
Or she would drown his snacks happily.
Ronan was starting to feel a little cross. A lot cross. What was her problem?? This is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME THING. The boats and seeing Hogwarts for the first time and didn't this surly girl know ANYTHING about this place??? PLUS, he didn't like being ordered around. Or told to be quiet. He'll be AS LOUD AS HE WANTS, THANKS.
Maybe she's gonna get sorted Ravenclaw. Noel always said Ravenclaws were bossy. "No! Why are you so grumpy anyway?? I don't wanna be in a boat with you!" at least Mary never told him to be quiet!! And so Ronan Wallace stood up, with his rat children Biscuit Wallace and Cracker Wallace, and moved to get out of the boat. HMPF. But it was dark and absolutely pouring - and boats were very weirdly shaped things, did you know? - so the eleven year old naturally tripped and fell face first into the dirt, freezing cold lake water seeping into his socks and shoes.
NooooooooOOOOOoOOoOoOOOOOOOO ;____________;
He righted himself in an instant, blushing face hidden behind a layer of grime, and checked first that the rats were okay. THEN, with his muddy nose stuck in the air, stomped on the lake shore to the next boat over and (carefully) climbed into that one instead.
"OKAY NOW WE CAN GO." And, for good measure, he stuck his tongue out at miss QUIET. PFFFT.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,087
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Professor Wishart was helping a few first years who were a little wobbly on their feet to climb into one of the boats when he heard Derfael’s apprehensive voice behind him. Satisfied that the kids we’re safely on board Joshua turned to the newly badged head boy with a small smile pursing his lips as he wiped away some rain drops from his face. "Good evening Derfael and congratulations to your Head boy appointment!"
The question was inevitable Professor Wishart knew, so he responded kindly but shortly to the seventh year’s inqueries. "Mr Baldvinsson retired from his position as groundskeeper to go back to Svalbard at the end of the last school year and I was asked to take on his duties, along with my teaching responsibilities." So that was why he stood there on the rainy shoreline with the new younglings.
"It’s admirable of you to offer assistance with the first year boats Derfael, but I’ve got it covered this time." Professor Wishart said quietly. "It’s better if you go help out with the carriages I’m sure there are more potential disasters and squabbles to avert among the returning students." The last was said with some finality. All though he appreciated the head boy’s offer, Derfael’s place was with the carriages, not here.
Congratulations. Yeah. That.
It was one thing Derf wished he could fast forward to tomorrow...or the end of the week...whenever those would stop. He wasn't unappreciative, of course he was, it just flustered him a bit with the heightened expectations. It was a lot of pressure...but sorta good pressure? Pressure he was willing to take on and do his best to meet said expectations, you know?
"Thanks, professor," he nodded with slightly flushed ears and some more pointed ruffles of his straw hair.
Retired. That was...a shame. The seventh year had really enjoyed the man's presence, particularly on the quidditch pitch and his flying lessons. "Oh. Um...well...er...congratulations...on your promotion?" Was it a promotion? It sorta seemed like one. He probably shouldn't have had the questioning tone at the end. "I'm sure you'll do an ace job of it, professor." Yes, there. Much better.
He wouldn't protest, but Derf did feel a bit....crestfallen of the break in tradition. It was sorta one of his favorite things, seeing and feeling the energy of the first years like this. It was also their first glimpses of the castle and, well, with the particularly dark backdrop thanks to the rain...it was even more striking in appearance. Though he almost would beg to differ about the potential disasters - his worst trip to Hogwarts had been his first year with the tipped over boat and he and Zoryn needing to swim to catch up to it. But still, the blonde nodded his head in understanding. "...okay," he said a little defeated but not letting it show on his face. Had he already....not met expectations then? Being in the wrong place that had previously been the right place and...no, Derfael. You were not doing this this term. No over thinking. It just was what it was. "See you back at the castle, professor!"
Offering a small smile, he turned to make his way over to the carriages while offering chipper greetings here and there to the passing first year making their way down to the docks.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Ronan was starting to feel a little cross. A lot cross. What was her problem?? This is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME THING. The boats and seeing Hogwarts for the first time and didn't this surly girl know ANYTHING about this place??? PLUS, he didn't like being ordered around. Or told to be quiet. He'll be AS LOUD AS HE WANTS, THANKS.
Maybe she's gonna get sorted Ravenclaw. Noel always said Ravenclaws were bossy. "No! Why are you so grumpy anyway?? I don't wanna be in a boat with you!" at least Mary never told him to be quiet!! And so Ronan Wallace stood up, with his rat children Biscuit Wallace and Cracker Wallace, and moved to get out of the boat. HMPF. But it was dark and absolutely pouring - and boats were very weirdly shaped things, did you know? - so the eleven year old naturally tripped and fell face first into the dirt, freezing cold lake water seeping into his socks and shoes.
NooooooooOOOOOoOOoOoOOOOOOOO ;____________;
He righted himself in an instant, blushing face hidden behind a layer of grime, and checked first that the rats were okay. THEN, with his muddy nose stuck in the air, stomped on the lake shore to the next boat over and (carefully) climbed into that one instead.
"OKAY NOW WE CAN GO." And, for good measure, he stuck his tongue out at miss QUIET. PFFFT.
Mary decided that to even out the weight on the boats, she was going sit over there. Besides, the girl over there was not going to ask her to talk. A quiet boat ride would be nice, especially after Ronan bugged her for nearly half the train ride.
She, a much more agile person than Ronan, had no problem stepping around him to get out of the boat. She did not get dirt on anything other than her already dirty shoes. She stepped into the girls boat and did not speak. Peace at last!
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by Daemon
Ronan was starting to feel a little cross. A lot cross. What was her problem?? This is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME THING. The boats and seeing Hogwarts for the first time and didn't this surly girl know ANYTHING about this place??? PLUS, he didn't like being ordered around. Or told to be quiet. He'll be AS LOUD AS HE WANTS, THANKS.
Maybe she's gonna get sorted Ravenclaw. Noel always said Ravenclaws were bossy. "No! Why are you so grumpy anyway?? I don't wanna be in a boat with you!" at least Mary never told him to be quiet!! And so Ronan Wallace stood up, with his rat children Biscuit Wallace and Cracker Wallace, and moved to get out of the boat. HMPF. But it was dark and absolutely pouring - and boats were very weirdly shaped things, did you know? - so the eleven year old naturally tripped and fell face first into the dirt, freezing cold lake water seeping into his socks and shoes.
NooooooooOOOOOoOOoOoOOOOOOOO ;____________;
He righted himself in an instant, blushing face hidden behind a layer of grime, and checked first that the rats were okay. THEN, with his muddy nose stuck in the air, stomped on the lake shore to the next boat over and (carefully) climbed into that one instead.
"OKAY NOW WE CAN GO." And, for good measure, he stuck his tongue out at miss QUIET. PFFFT.
"Then don't." Odaline muttered, settling further into the position she was sitting as Ronan got out of her boat. Her boat. Luckily, he had finally gotten the hint that this was not a boat for him and it was a boat for her. Now she wouldn't have to drown him on the way over. Interesting. Even more interesting was how loud she laughed and the happiness plastered on her face when Ronan fell over into the dirt. Take that, annoying boy.
She was still laughing when he got settled into the other boat, her shoulders wiggling with each chuckle. That was.. until Ronan decided to stick his tongue out at her and her face FELL.
If looks could kill...
Odaline growled back at him, grabbing a twig from out of her boat and pointing at Ronan before SNAPPING the twig in half and then in half again. Go ahead and stick your tongue out again, Ronan.
Originally Posted by Zannash
Mary decided that to even out the weight on the boats, she was going sit over there. Besides, the girl over there was not going to ask her to talk. A quiet boat ride would be nice, especially after Ronan bugged her for nearly half the train ride.
She, a much more agile person than Ronan, had no problem stepping around him to get out of the boat. She did not get dirt on anything other than her already dirty shoes. She stepped into the girls boat and did not speak. Peace at last!
As quick as being alone had came... it went. And Odaline realised that the first years at Hogwarts were dumb. Very dumb. And did not learn from the mistakes of others.
She glared at the girl and turned away to ignore her.
"Then don't." Odaline muttered, settling further into the position she was sitting as Ronan got out of her boat. Her boat. Luckily, he had finally gotten the hint that this was not a boat for him and it was a boat for her. Now she wouldn't have to drown him on the way over. Interesting. Even more interesting was how loud she laughed and the happiness plastered on her face when Ronan fell over into the dirt. Take that, annoying boy.
She was still laughing when he got settled into the other boat, her shoulders wiggling with each chuckle. That was.. until Ronan decided to stick his tongue out at her and her face FELL.
If looks could kill...
Odaline growled back at him, grabbing a twig from out of her boat and pointing at Ronan before SNAPPING the twig in half and then in half again. Go ahead and stick your tongue out again, Ronan.
As quick as being alone had came... it went. And Odaline realised that the first years at Hogwarts were dumb. Very dumb. And did not learn from the mistakes of others.
She glared at the girl and turned away to ignore her.
The girl glared at her, but Mary didn't care. She was not going to talk to her, so it honestly did not matter. A silent boat ride was, in fact, nothing compared to this girls glares. She looked down at her feet and sat there. Ronan was dumb and DID NOT listen to people. She hoped he would not be in the same house as her.
"Thanks, professor," he nodded with slightly flushed ears and some more pointed ruffles of his straw hair.
Retired. That was...a shame. The seventh year had really enjoyed the man's presence, particularly on the quidditch pitch and his flying lessons. "Oh. Um...well...er...congratulations...on your promotion?" Was it a promotion? It sorta seemed like one. He probably shouldn't have had the questioning tone at the end. "I'm sure you'll do an ace job of it, professor." Yes, there. Much better.
He wouldn't protest, but Derf did feel a bit....crestfallen of the break in tradition. It was sorta one of his favorite things, seeing and feeling the energy of the first years like this. It was also their first glimpses of the castle and, well, with the particularly dark backdrop thanks to the rain...it was even more striking in appearance. Though he almost would beg to differ about the potential disasters - his worst trip to Hogwarts had been his first year with the tipped over boat and he and Zoryn needing to swim to catch up to it. But still, the blonde nodded his head in understanding. "...okay," he said a little defeated but not letting it show on his face. Had he already....not met expectations then? Being in the wrong place that had previously been the right place and...no, Derfael. You were not doing this this term. No over thinking. It just was what it was. "See you back at the castle, professor!"
Offering a small smile, he turned to make his way over to the carriages while offering chipper greetings here and there to the passing first year making their way down to the docks.
Joshua kept one eye and one ear on the first years chatter as they boarded the boats around him. There was a couple of first years that stood out from the rest that seemed to be having a bit of a difference of opinion over who was sitting in which boat. He’d let it be for now though but he’d step in if neccessary.
Turning his attention back on Derf he said modestly, the slight pink sheen on his cheeks was thankfully obscured by the dark and rain. "Thank you Derfael, it’s feels nice to know that at least one student thinks i can fill Mr Baldvinsson’s shoes." Even if Joshua had his own internal doubts and worries that he kept to himself, it still meant a lot to hear from a student that they had faith in his capability to do a good job as groundskeeper.
He couldn’t see it on the boy’s face, but his acceptance of going off to help with the carriages sounded a bit defeated, crestfallen even to Professor Wishart’s ears. "Bye Derfael!" he called kindly after the head boy’s dissapearing figure before he turned his gaze elsewhere.
Seeing how a boy (Ronan) took a stumble into the muddy shore water in an attempt to switch boats to get away from a girl (Odaline) made Professor Wishart quickly head on over to investigate. By the time he arrived the two students were now sitting in separate boats and giving each other looks. Raising his voice slightly to be heard over the pouring rain he looked from the boy to the girl and demanded an explanation. "What is going on here? What are you fussing about?" Flashing a glance to the boy he asked in a kinder tone. "Are you all right? You didn’t swallow any lakewater?"
Why were they still out here in the rain? Why? Maxie sniffled and huddled, and curled as much as he could into himself as the events turned and twisted until the girl who'd been sat with himself, and that other boy was now with that mean looking girl and the boy who had nearly killed him this summer was in his boat and- and now the Groundskeeper was looming over them with a sharp expression (maxie assumed it was sharp, he couldn't actually see the man's face in the dark) and they still weren't moving.
"C-Can we g-Go now???" He felt as if he were screeching to the hateful wind rather than the man before them.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence