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Back Cars https://s26.postimg.cc/ynolr5q55/back-cars-banner.jpg If you want to be the last to leave or want to hang with the more rowdy crowd, then the back passenger cars of the train are for you. Just like the other cars, a long corridor provides access to the many compartments, each labelled with a letter, available for you and your friends to hunker down in until the train has come to a complete stop. Cushioned seats and large windows, allowing perfect views of the British scenery on your journey, await. |
Well, here we are again. Taddy was back for his second year at Hogwarts, he was taller than before but still not tall enough to surpass much of his relatives. The goodbyes lasted longer than last year for the twelve year old. After the events of last year, he couldn't blame his parents for being extra hesitant on letting him go back. But, he had friends. His Aunty Elisa and Helena were here. He would be okay. Anyways, Taddy waved his final goodbyes before heading on the train. This time he wanted to make himself a bit more known by who he is rather than by who he is related to. So to the far back he went then choosing an empty compartment. This should do it. Sighing, he set his luggage up above before sitting in the seat by the window to gaze out. |
"Hi Taddy," she said as she poked her head through the door. "How are you? Did you have a nice Summer?" |
Open!! First year. Wow. She was finally off to Hogwarts. She was super nervous and also super excited. How was this year going to be? She had, for long, heard stories about Hogwarts from her sister, dreaming and hoping for this day to come as fast as possible. Now that it was here, she really had no idea how it was all going to be. As she waved goodbye to Papa and Amma, she boarded the train with her luggage and started searching for a compartment. She peered through the window and found two students, both of them looking older than her. She wondered whether to go and sit with them or search for an empty compartment. Maybe they didn't wanna be disturbed. She went ahead and found an empty compartment for herself. She unloaded her bags and sat there, looking outside at the mountains as the train started moving, and then it occurred to her that this was indeed symbolic of her moving towards a new destination in life. |
*snags* but also Taddy and Hanna Quote:
So here she was, clad in her first set of Hogwarts uniforms, messy hair and all, dragging her trunk across the train aaaaaaaaaaaaall the way to the back because cool people sat on the back. Right? RIGHT. Reaching one compartment, Harri slid the door open and saw two people already there, a girl and a boy. Hmm. They didn't look that cool though. Putting on a wide smile on her face, she waved at the two of them. "Hi! I'm Harri, with an i. Bye!" Well, that was definitely nicer than telling them they weren't very cool-looking, no? Quickly shutting the door before they could say anything else, Harri moved on. ...to a compartment occupied by one single person. Who didn't look that cool either but honestly, she was already tired from having to pull her things up to there soooo...She began to pull her things inside and gave the other girl a slight smile. "Hi. Mind if I join you?" |
Oh there was someone. Kaira turned her head away from the scenery to look at...oh, was she crying? She definitely looked a mess. 'Oh..sure..feel free,' she said. Should she ask her about the messy hair and red eyes? To be honest, she would have liked to, but something told her that this girl here did not like intrusion into her personal life. She smiled t her and said : 'Hi..I'm Kaira..You alright?' Woah, oops, that JUST SLIPPED OUT! She sort of regretted asking. |
o p e n 'Stay out of view', her mother had said. 'Keep quiet and listen to others', her father had instructed. Both messages were swirling around in her brain so Odaline stowed her trunk in the luggage area, pulled her hood up over her head and hurried towards the rear of the train. Oda assumed that the back of the train would be least busy and she was right. Or perhaps it was the fact that she had gotten onto the train very early. Odaline sat immediately by the window, only after opening it and checking if she could get out in case of a fire. And ignored everyone else. |
Cordelia peered through the windows of each compartment in the carriage, looking for just the right one. Finally finding one that wasn’t too crowded and was occupied by someone who looked about her age, Cordelia opened the door and entered the compartment. She took a seat across from the other girl and put her backpack down. ”Hi, I’m Cordelia. Are you a first year too?” With any luck the girl would be friendly. It would be okay too if the girl turned out to be more of the silent type. Quite a few of the kids at Stemp House she knew didn’t speak much, so Cordelia had some understanding of how to be respectful around people who might not be comfortable in social situations. Not that she always remembered what the care workers taught her in ‘how to be a good friend’ lessons. Either way, Cordelia had plenty of other things to entertain herself with if conversation didn’t go so well. For the train ride she had packed lunch, snacks, emergency snacks and juice, backup diabetes supplies, a small sketchbook and a set of colored pencils, and a few other odds and ends. She was well prepared for this train ride. Mostly she was looking forward to what was at the other end of the train journey. After all these years of watching the older Stemp House residents go off to school and begging Mrs. Stemp to let her go with them, she was finally old enough to go to Hogwarts! Hogwarts, here she comes! |
Penny <3 (And imaginary first-years, not any of you darlings!) A new year. Another train ride. Would this year be better than the last? Benji certainly hoped so. All in all, he was hesitant. Apprehensive. After all, he'd expected last year to be good, and it had been... Well, what it was. What if something went wrong again this term? Another new regime of terror? More scary dark creatures roaming about? There was much to be anxious about, it seemed, but Benji did his best to push those thoughts out of his mind. After all, last year he'd made it through for one reason: Penny Lane Goodman. She had been like an anchor for him through the crazy. They'd spent time together over the summer -- and it had been wonderful, of course -- but he had to admit that he was looking forward to a school year where they wouldn't have to hide out. He was a little bit elated at the idea of holding her hand through the corridor where everybody could see. And sitting with her at meals. Yes please. But right now, what he was most worried about was sitting with her on the train. They'd agreed that whoever boarded first would try to snag something in the back. He hadn't seen her yet, so he figured it was up to him to pick a car. He crept through the long corridor, searching for an empty compartment. A few first-years seemed like they were heading in the direction of one of the only ones that didn't have anyone in it, so he kind of just... Swooped in before they got there and slid the door shut. Heh. It wasn't his fault that, at 5'10", his legs were, like, two feet longer than theirs. (You'd probably be hard-pressed to find another 14-year-old his height, and he knew logically that he'd more than likely just hit his final growth spurt early, but a part of him refused to believe he was done growing.) He settled into the comfy seat, spreading his things out across from him and propping his feet up. Ha. Now there was only room for Penny, so those first years couldn't get any bright ideas about trying to squeeze in with him. It was brilliant. |
bit of Harri too Quote:
As the train began to move away, Tad could see the silhouettes of his family disappear. He gave them a last wave before facing the seat in front of him. He wondered. Would many of his friends return? What about the Quidditch team? Stuff had happened so Auntie Helena wasn't even allowed to start her first year because of it. Hm.. Well, no use worrying about that. He was heading there now and he would soon figure that out. Taddy turned his head at the door sliding open, he smiled. "Hey Hanna. I'm good and you?" There, at least one friend returned. "My summer went alright, I got to practice some Quidditch and traveled to watch my dad play a few games. How was yours? Hopefully she had a good one too. "I hope Hogwarts is fun this year." Suddenly he heard the door open again. Hmm, he didn't recognize them. Must be a firstie. "Hi Harri..." And then she was off. Welp, that was quick. She must've had other places to be. |
"Wow, your dad is a Quidditch player?" How did she not know that!? That was so cool! "It was a bit tiring. My baby brother has colic and spent most of the holidays screaming." To be honest, it would be nice getting a full nights sleep at Hogwarts. "Yeah... me too. But. Well, everything... came to an end. All the bad things." She didn't feel so sure though. Something always seemed to happen at Hogwarts. Quote:
Arm still in a sling (and mainly for dramatic and perk purposes, he was definitely ninety-nine per cent healed up by now), the Kowalski made his way through the train, opening every single compartment door to see if he could find ANYONE he wanted to sit with. A friend, someone who looked interesting, maybe even a GIRL to ask on a date. Because it hadn't gone well after his last trip to Diagon Alley. Not when he'd returned home needing a sling, after all. His mum had even confiscated his skateboard even though it hadn't been HIS that had caused the injuries!! And, to make matters worse, he hadn't been able to find it before going back to school. So, of course, he needed to find Beau ASAPPPPP and borrow his. But not just yet. The train ride was for company of any kind! HELLLOOOOOO. |
A boiled egg, a half-eaten licorice wand, some sickles, her slingshot... Where was Hohenheim? And that was when the compartment opened yet again, this time to a boy. Harri got to her feet, brow furrowing. "Have you seen a toad?" |
SPOILER!!: Benjiiiii <3 Sure her summer had been filled with lots of Benji, but being back at school meant she'd see him EVERY DAY! It was that fact that sent her nearly running through the train corridor to find him. After she had waved her brother (who had taken the day off of work to see she and their sister off) and mum (who had ALSO taken the day off) away she had made a beeline for the back cars. With Cassiopeia's cage held tightly under one arm she grinned and peered into every compartment as she passed. This was the BEST part of her day! And just as she pushed through a group of first years she finally laid eyes on her prize. The cutest boy on the planet! HER boyfriend! Oh man... it caused her stomach to lurch just a tad as she ripped the compartment door open and stepped inside, BEAMING. "Sorreh if M'late. There's firsties ev'rywhere," she explained as she set Cassi's cage down and opened the door. And then, wasting no more time, she perched on the seat next to Benji and leaned against his side. "How many days has it been since i last seen ya? Feels like forever." And to a teenager, she suspected it did... feel like forever, that is. Or maybe it was just her? What if Benj had decided he was done with her? Hahaha. She had almost forgotten about the gripping anxiety that came along with being a teen. Wonderful. But at least she could hold his hand now, right? And that is precisely what she did. Reaching over she slipped her somewhat sweaty hand into his and gave it a small squeeze. He did still fancy her, yeah? |
"Yeah, I've seen plenty of toads," he answered with a shrug, leaning his none-slinged shoulder against the compartment door and adopting a cool stance. "You'll need to be far more specific." |
And the person with her was not Ingrid or a parent. The girl that had walked in looked strange.. she smelled like food... and she had a lot of questions... Odaline hated questions. With a slight raised eyebrow, the 11 year old assessed what else she could see from this girl. Red hair. Seemed like a bright colour. Was going to be a nightmare. Did not want to be friends with. Those were her initial assessments from first look. Her name was worse. Cordelia. Sounded like a sunshine flower. "Hogwarts." She said simply. She didn't know if this train stopped anywhere on the way. Maybe this Cordelia kid would leave. Fingers crossed. |
She was coming to Hogwarts too. This was going to be the worst. At least, as far as Odaline was aware, there was only a 25% chance that they would be in the same house. Even less if you thought about the traits that they shared. None, if you had to know. None whatsoever. Odaline's mouth curled downwards into a frown and she shrugged. "Fun." It wasn't. She spared a glance towards the sketchbook that Cordelia had and took it into her own hands, flicking through the pages without a care about the other girls feelings. |
Taddy and Hanna Bettie sporting a black pleated skirt, over the knee black sock, and vintage 14 eyelet Dr. Martens. Attached to the tags on the back of her boots are small glittery silver bell with green snake painted or charmed on. Tucked into her skirt is one of her white school uniform shirts with that she has her Slytherin house tie. On her tie is a Slytherin shield tie tack and above that is a snake pin up by the knot of the tie. She is also wearing her cardigan and on her left hand second finger there is an old looking snake ring and on her right pinkie is a snake ring that looks like the Slytherin shield with a green stone on each side. Bettie carrying a black leather vintage round train case and a black leather book bag jingled down the long corridor of the back passenger car looking for a place to sit. Sliding open a compartment door she found Taddy and some girl she has not met yet. “Hi Taddy and friend. Am I interrupting you two or may I join you?” |
Kaira searched her backpack for her box of homemade cookies, that her Amma had made for her. She opened the box and found chocolate chip cookies, her favourite. 'Want some? My amma made them..,' she said, grinning. 'By Amma, I mean mom,' she added, her mom being Indian, insisted that she be called 'amma', which translates to 'mom' in her mothertongue. Quote:
'Hi..sure you don't wanna sit down?,' she asked. |
SPOILER!!: Penny <3 "Hey!" Benji replied, beaming in return. His GIRLFRIEND was heeeeeere!! "And hey to you, too!" Benji greeted Cassiopeia, sticking a finger gingerly in her cage to say hello. "No worries, you're not really late unless the train leaves you, right?" He smiled as she leaned into him, grabbing his hand. He quickly pulled it away, but not for the reason she might be thinking -- he brought his arm up to put around her shoulders instead, pulling her even closer. "Mmm, dunno," he said, nuzzling his face into her hair and smiling. "Feels like a million. Probably more like... Four? Five?" He pulled back, looking at her face. "Too many, anyway. But hey," he grinned, "that's over now, right? We get to see each other every day." He couldn't imagine anything better than that. So... Yeah, he was pretty happy. "So good news... You like me in glasses, right?" He cracked another smile. "I realized a few minutes ago that I forgot to pack spare contact solution. I've only got a little left, gonna have to wait for my mum to send me more once I can get an owl to her. And she's working for the next couple weeks... So I guess you'll have to get used to having a nerdy boyfriend." He would have asked her for some when she dropped him off, except she hadn't dropped him off. He had, as per usual, been sent off with no fanfare. His parents hadn't even been home when he'd set off, via the Muggle public transport system, for the station. He was used to it, but he didn't want to upset Penny, so he didn't mention it. He just smiled at her instead. He couldn't believe he actually got to hang out with her EVERY DAY!!!! |
"Oh really? Wow! That's cool. Next year one of my sisters will get to join." Well, assuming something bad doesn't happen to close the school. "How many siblings do you have? I have 2 younger sisters and one brother." Taddy had no idea what house they could be sorted in with their family being a mix of each house. "Yeah, he's a Chaser for the Tutshill Tornados." Tad was really proud of his dad and hoped he could be just as good as him. "Aw, that's too bad. I bet now it'll be easier to sleep at Hogwarts." If he had to spend another year waking up at 4 in the morning he didn't know what will happen. This was great, Taddy had thought just as he heard the compartment door open. "Hey Bettie!" He grinned at her. "I don't mind if you join us. Did you have a good summer?" They had plenty of room after all. "That's a cool ring." |
Nope, nope. Nuh-uh. She was still in that position when the other girl, Kaira, offered some cookies by her Amma who apparently was her mom? Uhh, right. Well, she couldn't have any of that yet when she was on the floor and still without her toad, now could she? "What? No, I don't want your cookies." Okay, that wasn't true. She wanted some cookies. She just had to find Hohenheim first. "I meant, maybe in a while, later." There. That sounded better. ...Recommence search! |
Kaira was slightly taken aback by the outright rejection of her cookies, but okay. Maybe the girl was too pre-occupied with her toad, she had said hi to her, so she probably wasn't the extremely rude type However, Kaira could tell that she was one of the extremely confident, I'm-gonna-rule-the-school types, but she wasn't gonna judge someone that fast. She put her cookies back in the box and put the box into her backpack and decided to help her find the toad in question. 'Here..let me help..,' she said, as she joined the search. 'Umm..any..umm.. particular identification mark that we could look for?,' she asked. 'Maybe..umm..he jumped out of your hand and is in umm..some other platform?,' she suggested. |
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