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It’s a stormy January afternoon in Scotland. The wind has a bitter chill to it, the temperature has plummeted beyond what has become the norm in the brief time since your return to the castle and the sun seems to have forsaken this side of the country—but that has no bearing on this lesson. While Professor Fletcher had wanted to host this particularly lesson out on the grounds, he’d made all the necessary arrangements up in the divination tower.
When you enter, the first thing you’ll notice is that the classroom is much larger than it typically is. The second thing you’d notice? It is essentially empty. Come to think of it, the room doesn’t look much like a classroom but more resembled the space out on the grounds. A wide expanse of grassland seeming to stretch in all directions thanks to the aid of a few well placed charms. You could walk quite a distance in each direction without hitting the disillusioned walls, but wandering off while the man carries out his lesson is il-advised...to say the least.
As a direct consequence of the newer rules being in place, the man had already addressed the students in an earlier lesson, informing them the standard greeting was to be withheld until after he greeted them. He didn’t need the confusion, or flimsy protests of ignorance.
The remain standing rule wouldn’t be too hard to follow today as there are no chairs present. Come in quietly and wait for the lesson to begin.
OOC: Welcome to the second Divination lesson of the term! I'll be moving the class along in 24 - 36 hrs. Remember to keep in mind the Professor's rules and your character should be fine....unless you don’t want them to be.
Skyler nodded. He did have a point but she had forgot to mention the other part of her answer. She figured she should at least try and defend her answer. You could enchant the cieling to have a full moon. But, he had already moved on to the next question. Perhaps she would tell him her explanation after class. For now....
After Skyler had went up to get a bow an quiver of arrows, she put the quiver around her shoulders and held the bow firmly with her left hand as she got back to her spot. She then raised her right hand.
"Professor," Skyler said. "Belomamcy was used a lot ij ancient wars. The Roman soldiers would shoot the arrows up in the air and see which way the arrow would lean as it flew."
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Daisy went over to the table laden with bows and quivers full of arrows and grabbed a quiver and bow before making her way back to where she had been standing prior. As she strapped the quiver about her shoulder and held her bow firmly, Daisy thought of her answer then slowly raised her left hand.
"In one form of belomancy, most of the arrows have an answer tied to them with I think some being blank and after being shuffled in a quiver, the first arrow drawn is the indicator."
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by Calvin Fletcher
Calvin hadn’t been expecting words from this one until she’d gotten the task done and moved on to answering the question. For that reason—and the outrageous nature of the words—the man had taken an extra moment to process them. The man deadpanned at the Slytherin, his lips moving into a hard line about his face. The door slammed shut with a loud, echoing bang before the girl could get close to it, his indignation difficult to mask. “I don’t remember giving you that choice, Ms. McKinley. In the event you’ve forgotten, this is school. At school, you attend classes. In these classes you do not dismiss yourself or choose when youwant to leave.” The break had clearly been too long for her if she was now forgetting her station as a student.
Walking out? Leaving a lesson because she felt like it? “This isn’t a free for all. You will complete the push ups now and turn your attention once more to the lesson or you will have your laps woefully extended at tomorrow’s S.O.R.E.” Those were her options, her only options. “But you will not be leaving and you will be seeing me for detention.” You’d think she would have learned from Prichard attempting the same back in September. If the man hadn’t allowed the boy to leave on his whim, why would he allow her now?
Why a student felt that if she didn’t like what was happening she could simply be disrespectful by excusing herself from a lesson prematurely was beyond him, but she, like several students still, was sadly mistaken. He would set her straight presently.[/SIZE]
She wasn't sure why she expected him to NOT slam the door. She jumped just a tad when it shut and stopped mid-stride. She felt anger bubble up inside her as he spoke to her, her skin prickling. She turned to look at him while he lectured her about school. School? He called this a school? It felt like Azkaban. And he was a dementor, sucking her SOUL out.
But he gave her options.
Option 1 was to do the push ups and return her attention to the lesson. Option 2 was to run extra long tomorrow morning. Which meant she would miss breakfast, yes... But you know what? Natalie was feeling salty today.
"This is not a school anymore. It's a prison." she fired back, her hands shaking with fear because she had N E V E R spoken to a figure of authority in this way before. Maybe it was because she was on edge with her latest fallout with Derf, but she was finding it hard to keep herself together. "I kindly accept your second offer." She couldn't leave, but since he had offered... she was going to NOT participate in the lesson. And probably run for five hours tomorrow morning. Which she would regret as soon as she woke up tomorrow morning.
As for detention, well... There was a first time for everything.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
See, this was why Archer was wearing her rebellion on her back, as it was (yes, the sequin phoenix was still there). Fletcher either hadn't noticed, as he was at the front of the room, or had realized that taking her blazer from her would not only cause her to be breaking the rule about uniforms (well, more than she was) but be causing a scene. And speaking of scenes, Mt. McKinley over there was surprising her right now. After all, the Ravenclaw had been seeming to follow all the rules like a good little girl.
Anyway, Archer got up and fetched a bow and quiver, not at all worried about the professor seeing the sequin phoenix on her back. See, in addition to the whole 'scene' thing, she had charmed her blazer with a spell that would give whoever tried to remove either the phoenix or her blazer by magic or any other means (other than herself, of course) a rather nasty shock (something she had learned at Illvermorny). Slinging the quiver over her shoulder and holding on to her bow as instructed, she returned to her seat.
As for the question...? "Honestly? I think its a rather foolish way to go about getting answers. I mean, how far the arrow travels is rather arbitrary." she answered with a hint of amusement.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Was Natalie going to just……. walk out of class?
Apparently, Fletcher wasn’t going to let her get away that easily, and Max watched the whole exchange with raised eyebrows, surprised at Nat’s blatant act of defiance. Was it bravery or stupidity? He wasn’t sure, but he was impressed for sure.
He was also impressed with the sudden appearance of the table of bow and arrows because HELLO bow and arrows were crazy cool.
“Are there targets, Sir? Are we gonna get to shoot the arrows?” Max asked enthusiastically as he moved toward the table and collected a bow and quiver. He was so excited he temporarily forgot how intimidating Fletcher was.
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by Calvin Fletcher
Calvin may have told the girl it was a fair guess, being outside where atmospheric conditions could properly be observed and interpreted, but instead the man found himself looking at the shiny snitch hung about her neck. The hair flip was unnecessary, the man would’ve recognised it a mile away and he was less than amused by the gesture of open defiance as he saw it. Being told not to wear jewellery then wearing some to a lesson, well, few things got bolder than that right now so her response was entirely ignored in favour of the man wordlessly accio-ing the necklace.
Silently, he turned it over in his hands a few times, considering his course of action. There was no need to cause disruption during his class but there wouldn’t be a slap on the wrist for making a conscious effort to defy a rule that was so easily followed. The girl no doubt was hoping for this. “It’s a fine piece.” He conceded quietly. “You’ll present yourself at my office if you want it back, or wait til you arrive at detention, whichever is at your greatest convenience.” He continued, his tone deceptively calm and polite as he banished the piece of jewellery to his office. He, however, had no intention of giving it back.
Moving on.
It was very comforting to see the older Slytherin girl standing up for herself as well. Nettie knew she wasn't the only one who had been irritated with these stupid rules, and they were getting worse by the day. It made her feel more sure in her own actions to see someone else standing up to him.
When it came to her necklace, she knew that he was going to take it - although she admittedly had not expected the man to literally accio it off of her neck. She hoped the clasp hadn't been broken, but that could be fixed - it was a small price to pay for her little act of defiance. Heart beating even faster, she stayed firmly where she was, watching him turn the necklace over in his hands a few times as she picked her next words carefully.
"With all due respect, Professor," she resisted the urge to practically spit that last word at him, "How is my necklace a distraction? How is ANY jewelry a distraction? Also, that's my personal property. It was a gift. Why do you and the Headmaster feel you can take my personal stuff from me?" she asked. She was completely ignoring the lesson now. This particular form of Divination seemed weird to begin with - if she got kicked out of class like the older girl, she wouldn't be particularly upset.
She was playing with fire and she knew it. Goodbye points. Goodbye freedom. She'd had enough of this though. Would anything come of this? Probably not. Could she be a bit of an annoyance to the professor and make his life a bit harder in the meantime? Yup. Definitely. Her brothers didn't call her a firecracker for nothing.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Alastair walked up to the table and took a quiver and a bow. He wondered why some of the other students were acting up. Sure the teacher was strict, but it was school and in school you listened to the teacher. And unfortunately, one was a Ravenclaw, meaning their points lead might be in danger.
"I know there are several different ways to use arrows. Sometimes the arrows are tossed and how the incline is the omen, another is to mark the arrows then mix them in a quiver and pull one out." Alastair answered. Judging by the bow, they were going to be shooting arrows!
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
By now, Dorian was completely unfazed by the detentions given out to his fellow students. Although, Nettie's necklace incident did caught his attention because one. She was in his House and two. He felt bad for her.
He also had a piece of jewelry that he had gotten from his father, his real father. It was a silver ring with a big black stone in the middle. But it was currently in his trunk in the dormitory because of the stupid rules.
He wanted to help her out but he knew that by doing so he would only get himself in to trouble and Ravenclaw as well. So he kept his mouth shut, his jaw clenching as he fought to not say a piece of his mind and quietly walked over to grab a bow and quiver.
Strapping the quiver around his shoulder and holding the bow in his hand, Dorian walked back to where he last stood and raised his free hand in the air. "apart from it commonly being known as Belomancy, it is also known as bolomancy and Sortes Saggita......ehm.." he blanked out...
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Oh for the love of Merlin.
Jessa grimaced, her stomach twisting uncomfortably while she watched several of her classmates test the man’s already limited patience. When it wasn’t the professors breaking rules and trying to draw them into it to make her nerves bad, it was her classmates deciding they needed to do all....this. It wasn’t that hard to keep one’s head down and the results of those spoke for themselves. You got left alone.
Jessa had seen what happened to the nails that stood out more than once. These were small scale individual rebellions. Alone they would achieve nothing more than punishment they could’ve otherwise quite easily avoided.
The Ravenclaw never liked making waves. She did not like attention. She did not like standing out. How they could throw themselves out there like that on their own was beyond her.
“I think objectively speaking, it could be an accurate means of discerning answers. The answers written on the arrows aren’t arbitrary. They either are or aren’t, unlike reading symbols in flames or tea leaves or the like where the image might change depending on who’s looking at it. Makes misinterpretation much harder.”
Just gonna....try to ignore the chaos and remember to breathe. Not your problem, Cambridge. That note specifically said in lessons, the professors were in charge of discipline.
Not her problem.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
I’m right, you’re wrong. They don’t call me a Seer for nothing.
SPOILER!!: Replies
SPOILER!!: Ms. Queen
Originally Posted by 2111jen
Skyler nodded. He did have a point but she had forgot to mention the other part of her answer. She figured she should at least try and defend her answer. You could enchant the cieling to have a full moon. But, he had already moved on to the next question. Perhaps she would tell him her explanation after class. For now....
After Skyler had went up to get a bow an quiver of arrows, she put the quiver around her shoulders and held the bow firmly with her left hand as she got back to her spot. She then raised her right hand.
"Professor," Skyler said. "Belomamcy was used a lot ij ancient wars. The Roman soldiers would shoot the arrows up in the air and see which way the arrow would lean as it flew."
“Very good, Ms. Queen.” The man replied. Whether in direct reply to her response or to the fact she managed to pay attention in this midst of the rising disruption was unclear but whatever the case, it was a good response all the same. “Usually used as a means of discerning the direction that needed to be taken.”
SPOILER!!: Ms. Swann
Originally Posted by Ginevra
Daisy went over to the table laden with bows and quivers full of arrows and grabbed a quiver and bow before making her way back to where she had been standing prior. As she strapped the quiver about her shoulder and held her bow firmly, Daisy thought of her answer then slowly raised her left hand.
"In one form of belomancy, most of the arrows have an answer tied to them with I think some being blank and after being shuffled in a quiver, the first arrow drawn is the indicator."
“Correct, Ms. Swann.” He nodded confirmation of as much. The fact it would be one of two forms done in just a little while didn’t need to be said just yet.
SPOILER!!: Ms. McKinley
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
She wasn't sure why she expected him to NOT slam the door. She jumped just a tad when it shut and stopped mid-stride. She felt anger bubble up inside her as he spoke to her, her skin prickling. She turned to look at him while he lectured her about school. School? He called this a school? It felt like Azkaban. And he was a dementor, sucking her SOUL out.
But he gave her options.
Option 1 was to do the push ups and return her attention to the lesson. Option 2 was to run extra long tomorrow morning. Which meant she would miss breakfast, yes... But you know what? Natalie was feeling salty today.
"This is not a school anymore. It's a prison." she fired back, her hands shaking with fear because she had N E V E R spoken to a figure of authority in this way before. Maybe it was because she was on edge with her latest fallout with Derf, but she was finding it hard to keep herself together. "I kindly accept your second offer." She couldn't leave, but since he had offered... she was going to NOT participate in the lesson. And probably run for five hours tomorrow morning. Which she would regret as soon as she woke up tomorrow morning.
As for detention, well... There was a first time for everything.
Calvin took a very DEEP and deliberate breath before giving any further response to this one. It didn’t matter what the girl thought this place was, he had. He had a lesson to continue and wouldn’t waste the time arguing it with her. There would be plenty of time to decide what this school was or wasn’t in detention. This was not the time nor the place and the time was ticking. Rather than further indulge the disrespectful girl, the man gave her a severe look. “Come up and collect a bow and a quiver of arrows, Ms. McKinley. I won’t be telling you a third time.” He warned darkly.
Whatever reason the girl chose to rebel were her own but the lesson hadn’t ended and he’d given instructions. While she remained in the lesson, she would follow these instructions. It was that simple.
SPOILER!!: Ms. Calrissian
Originally Posted by lazykitty
See, this was why Archer was wearing her rebellion on her back, as it was (yes, the sequin phoenix was still there). Fletcher either hadn't noticed, as he was at the front of the room, or had realized that taking her blazer from her would not only cause her to be breaking the rule about uniforms (well, more than she was) but be causing a scene. And speaking of scenes, Mt. McKinley over there was surprising her right now. After all, the Ravenclaw had been seeming to follow all the rules like a good little girl.
Anyway, Archer got up and fetched a bow and quiver, not at all worried about the professor seeing the sequin phoenix on her back. See, in addition to the whole 'scene' thing, she had charmed her blazer with a spell that would give whoever tried to remove either the phoenix or her blazer by magic or any other means (other than herself, of course) a rather nasty shock (something she had learned at Illvermorny). Slinging the quiver over her shoulder and holding on to her bow as instructed, she returned to her seat.
As for the question...? "Honestly? I think its a rather foolish way to go about getting answers. I mean, how far the arrow travels is rather arbitrary." she answered with a hint of amusement.
The shiny pattern on the back of this one’s robes was proof enough she too was trying to test his patience. While he hadn’t seen it at first, it was now very hard to miss as the girl turned to head back to her spot. Once again, he would not turn this into a big show or any sort or cause it to become further distraction. It was a deliberate alteration of the uniform, defacing it and this wasn’t allowed. “We both know you’re aware that pattern is in violation of the rules, Ms. Calrissian. You, too will be serving detention. Remove it now.” This wasn’t a suggestion, he would give her a moment in which to do so.
SPOILER!!: Ms. Carden
Originally Posted by Waterloo
Was Natalie going to just……. walk out of class?
Apparently, Fletcher wasn’t going to let her get away that easily, and Max watched the whole exchange with raised eyebrows, surprised at Nat’s blatant act of defiance. Was it bravery or stupidity? He wasn’t sure, but he was impressed for sure.
He was also impressed with the sudden appearance of the table of bow and arrows because HELLO bow and arrows were crazy cool.
“Are there targets, Sir? Are we gonna get to shoot the arrows?” Max asked enthusiastically as he moved toward the table and collected a bow and quiver. He was so excited he temporarily forgot how intimidating Fletcher was.
“Focus on the question at hand, Mr. Carden.” Said firmly but not unkindly. There had been enough distraction this lesson without the students becoming themselves distracted with other aspects of the lesson yet to be announced. “But no, there won’t be any targets for today’s activity.”
SPOILER!!: Ms. Gladin
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
It was very comforting to see the older Slytherin girl standing up for herself as well. Nettie knew she wasn't the only one who had been irritated with these stupid rules, and they were getting worse by the day. It made her feel more sure in her own actions to see someone else standing up to him.
When it came to her necklace, she knew that he was going to take it - although she admittedly had not expected the man to literally accio it off of her neck. She hoped the clasp hadn't been broken, but that could be fixed - it was a small price to pay for her little act of defiance. Heart beating even faster, she stayed firmly where she was, watching him turn the necklace over in his hands a few times as she picked her next words carefully.
"With all due respect, Professor," she resisted the urge to practically spit that last word at him, "How is my necklace a distraction? How is ANY jewelry a distraction? Also, that's my personal property. It was a gift. Why do you and the Headmaster feel you can take my personal stuff from me?" she asked. She was completely ignoring the lesson now. This particular form of Divination seemed weird to begin with - if she got kicked out of class like the older girl, she wouldn't be particularly upset.
She was playing with fire and she knew it. Goodbye points. Goodbye freedom. She'd had enough of this though. Would anything come of this? Probably not. Could she be a bit of an annoyance to the professor and make his life a bit harder in the meantime? Yup. Definitely. Her brothers didn't call her a firecracker for nothing.
Again, he would not indulge in the defiance and draw it out any further than it had already gone. There would be ample time in detention to get things squared away that wouldn’t remove his time and attention from the work he was trying to do this afternoon. “You fortfeit your necklace the moment you wore it, Ms. Gladin. You have no one to blame for the consequence of your actions but yourself. You’re well aware it’s a violation and wore it all the same. Welcome to the real world where there are consequences. Come collect a bow and quiver of arrows. Like Ms. McKinley, I won’t be telling you again.”
It was mind blowing just how il-formed the brain of some teenagers could still be. Breaking rules with no anticipation for the results of that. It would be one thing if the child knew or expected something of this degree but an entirely different thing entirely when said student believed she was in the right for disobedience.
Actions = consequences. This was still a school last he checked.
SPOILER!!: Mr. Hornfield
Originally Posted by Zekk
Alastair walked up to the table and took a quiver and a bow. He wondered why some of the other students were acting up. Sure the teacher was strict, but it was school and in school you listened to the teacher. And unfortunately, one was a Ravenclaw, meaning their points lead might be in danger.
"I know there are several different ways to use arrows. Sometimes the arrows are tossed and how the incline is the omen, another is to mark the arrows then mix them in a quiver and pull one out." Alastair answered. Judging by the bow, they were going to be shooting arrows!
“Correct, Mr. Hornfield. Like Ms. Swann started earlier, there is a branch that involves pulling arrows from the quiver to gain a response. The direction the arrow falls is another. Some positions are linked to noticeably good omens and similarly there are those with negative meanings attached.”
SPOILER!!: Mr. Katharos
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
By now, Dorian was completely unfazed by the detentions given out to his fellow students. Although, Nettie's necklace incident did caught his attention because one. She was in his House and two. He felt bad for her.
He also had a piece of jewelry that he had gotten from his father, his real father. It was a silver ring with a big black stone in the middle. But it was currently in his trunk in the dormitory because of the stupid rules.
He wanted to help her out but he knew that by doing so he would only get himself in to trouble and Ravenclaw as well. So he kept his mouth shut, his jaw clenching as he fought to not say a piece of his mind and quietly walked over to grab a bow and quiver.
Strapping the quiver around his shoulder and holding the bow in his hand, Dorian walked back to where he last stood and raised his free hand in the air. "apart from it commonly being known as Belomancy, it is also known as bolomancy and Sortes Saggita......ehm.." he blanked out...
Had the man been paying less attention he may not have noticed the boy’s sentence trailing off, but he had and it caught his attention. “Yes, Mr. Katharos?” Did he intend to conclude his sentence?
SPOILER!!: Ms. Cambridge
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Oh for the love of Merlin.
Jessa grimaced, her stomach twisting uncomfortably while she watched several of her classmates test the man’s already limited patience. When it wasn’t the professors breaking rules and trying to draw them into it to make her nerves bad, it was her classmates deciding they needed to do all....this. It wasn’t that hard to keep one’s head down and the results of those spoke for themselves. You got left alone.
Jessa had seen what happened to the nails that stood out more than once. These were small scale individual rebellions. Alone they would achieve nothing more than punishment they could’ve otherwise quite easily avoided.
The Ravenclaw never liked making waves. She did not like attention. She did not like standing out. How they could throw themselves out there like that on their own was beyond her.
“I think objectively speaking, it could be an accurate means of discerning answers. The answers written on the arrows aren’t arbitrary. They either are or aren’t, unlike reading symbols in flames or tea leaves or the like where the image might change depending on who’s looking at it. Makes misinterpretation much harder.”
Just gonna....try to ignore the chaos and remember to breathe. Not your problem, Cambridge. That note specifically said in lessons, the professors were in charge of discipline.
Not her problem.
“A good point, Ms. Cambridge. Having precise answers does remove the margin of error where interpretations is concerned.” He was ready to move on.
Just a quick recap as I’d like to hope you’ve all done the necessary readings by now.” He didn’t give reading assignments for them to be disregarded. They weren’t “technically not homework” that didn’t need to be completed. They provided insight and information that would be useful during lessons and prevented him having to spend an incredible amount of time going into great detail about things they should already know. “Like many other branches of divination, belomancy was practiced by ancient societies, most notably the Babylonians, Greeks, Arabs, Assyrians and Scythians.” He assumed they already knew this.
The arrows typically have sacred markings on them and feathers at the end opposite the tip as you can see here.” Calvin picked up a spare arrow, holding it out for them to see as theirs were currently hung at their backs and he didn’t need the unnecessary shuffling about.
“You may more closely inspect them when the activity begins. One means of performing belomancy, as Ms. Swann and Mr. Hornfield mentioned, involves writing answers and tying them to the arrows then drawing them from the quiver. The first arrow drawn is the answer. Another involves again tying answers to the arrows but this time shooting them. The arrow that flies the furthest is the answer. The answers should be clear. In ancient times answers such as “God wills it”, “God forbids it” and a third being blank were among the most used. If the arrow that flew the furthest was the blank arrow, it meant the reader was required to wait for a response from the gods and would have to perform the reading again at a later time.”
He replaced the arrow with the others at the table. “We’ll begin with the first method we’ll be practising today. I’d like everyone to think of a question or concern. Write three responses but have a fourth left blank. Concentrate on the question. Let it flow freely through your mind. When you feel you’ve gotten the right focus and a clear enough mind, reach into the quiver of now four arrows and draw an arrow.” He gestured to the table. “There’s parchment up here you may rip into smaller pieces for use should you have left your own.” A concession as he didn’t want to hear any excuses of anyone not being prepared for the lesson.
OOC: Sooooo this was meant to be up hours ago but I ended up losing the whole post and having to retype it all. This is the first part of the practical Fletcher has planned. The students will think of a question, write three answers but leave a fourth blank. Leaving only those four arrows in the quiver, they will draw to get the answer. I’d like this done in 2 posts. You have until Wednesday at 9 am EST. If you’ve got any questions feel free to send a PM!
Last edited by Calvin Fletcher; 10-15-2018 at 11:28 PM.
Reason: Got my days mixed up >_<
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
No offense (actually ALL the offense) but the most interesting part of this whole lesson was whatever was going on between Nat and Mozzarella Head. Look, Zoryn thought Nat was very pretty and nice too, but rebellious? Not in a million years. The girl was a straight up goody-goody two shoes. A lawful good. A good egg. A straight edge. A— you get the point. So THIS? This was impressive. Zoryn liked this Natalie.
But like, not gonna lie, it was not expected.
The same way Mozzarella Head probably felt about the Gryffindor’s answer. Yeah. She said that.
Arrows? Zoryn could get behind that. Especially if it meant she could aim one at his obnoxiously large head and claim it to be ‘accidental’. With that thought in her head, Zor moved to grab a bow and quiver, strapping the latter around her shoulder and holding bow in hand.
Necessary readings?
LOL. As if.
Obviously her question would be about his hairless head.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Arthuria had stayed quiet during the lesson, agreeing that she wasn't sure she saw how personal jewelry was a distraction but she had choose not wear any as the Headmaster had instructed, though it felt like she was betraying her late little brother by not wearing his birth stone. She listened to the lesson smiling as she observed the lesson and listened as her classmates answered and delighted in that it was something she didn't know much about and got busy thinking of questions as she took out a pile of parchment she had already cut up into perfect squares. Taking her quill out she wrote wrote out her questions.
__________________ Astrya
Last edited by AstryaLoreyn; 10-15-2018 at 10:41 PM.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by Calvin Fletcher
Calvin took a very DEEP and deliberate breath before giving any further response to this one. It didn’t matter what the girl thought this place was, he had. He had a lesson to continue and wouldn’t waste the time arguing it with her. There would be plenty of time to decide what this school was or wasn’t in detention. This was not the time nor the place and the time was ticking. Rather than further indulge the disrespectful girl, the man gave her a severe look. “Come up and collect a bow and a quiver of arrows, Ms. McKinley. I won’t be telling you a third time.” He warned darkly.
Whatever reason the girl chose to rebel were her own but the lesson hadn’t ended and he’d given instructions. While she remained in the lesson, she would follow these instructions. It was that simple.
She wanted to fight him. She was mad and upset and feeling rebellious for the first time in her life and she wanted to fight him. She was proud of Nettie for standing up too and she gave her an appreciative look, but she knew it was pointless. But she couldn't leave. None of them could leave and none of them could be HAPPY, so... she gave up. And decided to join everyone else in their unhappy divination learning.
But she wasn't doing push ups.
After a final glare to Fletcher, Natalie dropped her bag again and went up to get a bow and a quiver of arrows, snatching them away before returning to her place in the makeshift classroom. She should have stayed home after the Christmas holiday. Being home alone with nothing to do was better than this.
Grumpy, Natalie was finding it hard to focus. But she caught the important part. Write down three answers to a question she had. Leave the fourth blank. Quickly, she grabbed her notebook out of her back and scribbled down on a piece of paper:
Originally Posted by Natalie's paper
Question: Are the new staff members evil?
1. Yes
2. Definitely
3. Absolutely!
Then she ripped them up (more violently than necessary) and attached them to each arrow before putting them into the quiver. Done.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by Calvin Fletcher
Again, he would not indulge in the defiance and draw it out any further than it had already gone. There would be ample time in detention to get things squared away that wouldn’t remove his time and attention from the work he was trying to do this afternoon. “You fortfeit your necklace the moment you wore it, Ms. Gladin. You have no one to blame for the consequence of your actions but yourself. You’re well aware it’s a violation and wore it all the same. Welcome to the real world where there are consequences. Come collect a bow and quiver of arrows. Like Ms. McKinley, I won’t be telling you again.”
It was mind blowing just how il-formed the brain of some teenagers could still be. Breaking rules with no anticipation for the results of that. It would be one thing if the child knew or expected something of this degree but an entirely different thing entirely when said student believed she was in the right for disobedience.
Actions = consequences. This was still a school last he checked.
"But WHY is it even a rule to begin with?" Nettie asked. She knew she continued to poke the bear, but she wanted to keep this up as long as she could before he completely blew his top. She spotted the older Slytherin girl looking her way, but it seemed that she had decided to forfeit her fight. Nettie knew she probably should throw in the towel as well but...nope. Not done. Not quite yet. Her best hope at this point was that he would chalk up her constant questioning to her Ravenclaw curiosity.
"What has anyone's jewelry ever done to anyone?" she asked. She didn't expect him to answer, but her point remained the same. She could understand why the Headmaster thought running in the morning would build up some sort of strength in them. She could see not having PDA in the halls. But having their stuff taken for no reason? It was just getting ridiculous. This wasn't a school, it was a prison, and they were being punished despite having done nothing wrong. "In fact, why are WE all being treated like we did something wrong with these rules? Headmistress Hawthrone was the one who screwed up last term...not us, she said with a shrug. Perhaps it was the idea that they should be grateful that they came in and got rid of Hawthrone, like they were some sort of saviors or something.
Ok, her point had been made. Or so she hoped. She was sure nothing would get through Fletcher's thick brain, but she had gotten it off her chest and that made her feel a LOT better - even if he was going to lay down the hammer on her. She had prepared herself for it. Hopefully her classmates would see the ridiculousness in all of this as well. If she was the only one standing up to them, along with the Slytherin girl, they wouldn't get ANYWHERE.
So, she finally shut her mouth and got up, moodily walking over and roughly taking a bow and arrow back to her spot.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,085
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
catch up
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Derf was momentarily pleased that his out of the box thinking had been the more accurate of responses given...only only momentarily. The removal of the disillusionment charm on the equipment had only held his attention long enough to remind him that he did not know the first thing about holding a bow and arrow and therefore was unlikely to get any sort of accurate reading when it came to Belomancy. Seemed sorta...inaccurate for a reading to be based on ones ability or inability to use a bow and arrow, didn't it? Though before he could ask for some sort of rudimentary instruction how how to even HOLD a bow properly....Natalie happened.
....and some of the color drained from his face.
During their, er, conversation....Natalie had outright said that being expelled would be better than staying here. And now, seeing her outlandishly act out like this and speaking against one of the professors they all knew would come down the hardest...he couldn't help but blame himself. Because, again, he was the cause for her upset and her need to act out. It was the same pattern over and over again, only this time instead of her being careless with her heart she was being careless with her livelihood. And he wasn't sure which was worse, honestly. But one thing was clear from his keen observations of Natalie, she acted out when things were not exactly going the way she wished them too...and this was another example of that. And he completely blamed himself, a building pressure in his chest that made making any sort of impartial decision making, well, impossible. While the voice of Ian rang in his head about not being fair to take responsibility for the actions of another person...he couldn't help it. It kept happening and he felt like a dried pile of dragon dung.
And then there was everything going on with Nettie, which he made a subconscious note to seek out later, and her necklace. It was these small acts of defiance that upset him the most. Not because people were upset so much with what was going on at Hogwarts, he was too, but these did not benefit anyone and it really was a matter of cause and effect. It just...made him sad that now the younger Ravenclaw would have to sacrifice something clearly precious to her...for what? To have it destroyed to try and prove that it...wasn't a distraction? Wouldn't she be even MORE distracted now because she was upset?
It was a self-fulfilling prophecy. Ironic, given the subject.
"....Nettie...please drop it..." he pleaded under his breath as he went up to retrieve his own quiver and bow. Which he did quickly without making too much eye contact with Professor Fletcher, not until he had it sufficiently slung about his shoulder and with the bow in his hand. Yeah...he did not know the first thing about how to do this.
The question in his mind was easy, as were the possible answers, so setting to this first task was easy enough...though left the Hufflepuff still with a lingering concern. Thus, his hand went up. "Professor Fletcher? I don't believe I will be capable of an accurate reading considering I...don't even know how to hold a bow and arrow properly." Firing an arrow off being an entirely other manner in and of itself. "Or...is my dropping and fumbling of arrows as I make an attempt to fire acceptable? When we get to that part, I mean."
QUESTION: Should I take the risk?
paper slip 1: Yes.
paper slip 2: No.
paper slip 3: Ask Zoryn next and do the opposite of what she suggests
paper slip 4:
Slips written and tried to the arrows, he returned them to his quiver for now and started swirling them around a bit to shake things up.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Daisy was quite pleased that she had answered correctly but her expression didn't display that facet of information. She tore off three strips of parchment and grabbed her quill and ink. As she dipped her quill into the inkpot, Daisy thought of her question. She then began to write.
Originally Posted by Daisy Swann's Parchment
Question: What type of career should I consider after graduation? Piece #1: Ministry of Magic Piece #2: Diagon Alley (e.g. Following in Aunt Helena's footsteps) Piece #3: Take a year-long break before considering your options Piece #4:
Daisy then securely fastened each piece of parchment to the ends of her arrows before placing them in her quiver.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Dorian felt his cheeks heating up and he was sure that his ears were a shade of red by now. He hated it when he forgot pieces of information , especially when he was telling them at that moment. "Nothing, sir..." he answered and then figured he needed to say a bit more, to explain himself without making himself look stupid. "I figured it was unimportant information...so i ...didn't add it. My apologies..."
It wasn't often that the Ravenclaw was glad that there'd be practical part of the lesson so fast as he preferred theory classes but he was glad to have something to do now. Dorian walked over to the table and grabbed a piece of parchment, next he walked back to his bag and opened it up. He felt inside and took out a pen. He wanted to sit down on the ground as he thought of a question to ask but he had a feeling that that wouldn't be allowed.
So, what would his question be? He had several that he wanted answered. But for now he would go with a simple one. He turned on his heels and walked to a tree and used it as a support to write down his question on the piece of parchment after ripping it four times.
Originally Posted by Parchment
Question: Do i get a well paid job that i like doing after i graduate?"
1- HA! No
2- definitely, without even sweating
3- Only if you work hard for it
4- ----
Mweh couldn't he just write down 'yes' 'yes' and 'yes' ? Cause that be way quicker.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Zoryn, like everyone else, took out some parchment and began scribbling. In a surprising turn of events, she was behaving today. This did not happen often, people!!!!!!!
Question: Will anything ever grow up there?
Slip 1: Nah #baldieforever
Slip 2: Yes! it is a christmas miracle
Slip 3: Maybe mold
Slip 4:
Once she had her answers written, the Gryffindor ripped each piece up on it's own and began tying them to bows. One each. Did they really have to do this exercise? Couldn't they skip the divination stuff and use to bows to go HUNTING. or something. maybe.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
There was almost visible relief when Nat decided to just go with it and do what the man said. There was similarly visible exasperation when Nettie chose to continue. It didn’t make sense to her, this whole willfull defiance. It never had, least of all when it had no benefits and a load of negatives. Just didn’t seem worth it when it would change nothing but come at a great cost like that.
Reminding herself it wasn’t her problem for the millionth time in order to keep her nerves mostly calm, Jessa got a piece of parchment and set herself to the task at hand. There wasn’t much stock put into this and she didn’t believe the arrow could really give her answers as she was blessed with no particular sight or gift for Divination but standing around wasn’t an option.
The man had made that clear time and time again.
The Head Girl scribbled out the possible outcomes to the question she had before carefully tying them to the end of her arrow. She gave each a look over before setting them back into her quiver.
Originally Posted by Parchment
Is it worth the risk?
1. Absolutely. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
2. Absolutely not, don’t even consider it.
3. Fish around but abandon course at the first sign of disaster
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
At this point Juni was really wishing that she had just skipped this class today like she wanted. She might just get up herself and leave. Nah probably not. She didn’t want to make matters worse for herself, the others that were already in trouble, and most of all her house. She didn’t answer the second question on count of actually not knowing the answer, nor even the question. She didn’t hear it. Though she was quite interested shooting a bow and arrow over the whole divination part of it. She did take a few notes though of what she did here.
She did however hear about getting up and getting the bow and quiver. Which she did. Then she went back to where she was. Shouldering the quiver and taking the bow by her side she waited for the lesson to continue.
She started taking more notes again. So much note taking. There wasn’t to many questions that she could think of. But she had a few on her mind that she would like answered. She got up and got a piece of parchment. Even though she didn’t believe that this was the best way to decide or even persuade her choice with this. She tore the paper into four pieces and wrote down and three of the pieces. Then she took all of the arrows out of the quiver, took four of them and tied a paper to each of them. Placing those back inside the quiver.
Question: Where should I apply for a summer internship?
1. St. Mungo’s
2. Gringotts
3. Ministry of Magic
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Max simply nodded obediently when Fletcher instructed him to focus. He would do his best to focus but the prospect of shooting arrows made it kinda hard. It sucked that there weren't any targets to aim at, but this was still cool.
Divination... cool. Who woulda thought?
It was so cool that he was oblivious to all the drama between Fletcher, Nat and the little Ravenclaw kid. He was too busy scribbling his question and answers down to care about what was going on elsewhere.
He had a question about his comic book, obvs.
Originally Posted by Parchment
Will things end well for the Veela Slayers?
1. Nope, they're done for.
2. Don't worry, they've GOT this.
3. Sorry, no spoilers.
4. ----
"Professor, how accurate can this be?" Max raised his arm in the air. He hadn't been spoken to, but he had a question. "Because if I wanted I could just write down positive answers..."
Which would just defeat the whole point, right?
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
Skyler sighed and took a breath. Why does everyone want to be defiant? Just role with the rules. She had to learn that through her first detention. Which by the way, she was planning on making it her only detention for the rest of her four years at Hogwarts. Alright, let's see...
For a bit, Skyler could not think of a question. She wasn't entirely sure, yet. She frowned but took a bit of time and let it flow through her brain though. What question to ask? Then she thought of one. What would I want to be when I graduate Hogwarts?. It was a very basic question yes, but a question none the less. Okay, let's see what kind of answers we can come up with.
The professor had provided parchment but she had some with her. So, she ripped the parchment into four small strips. remember to leave one blank
She wrote her answers down.
What job should I try for when I graduate?
1.COMC professor
2.Work at the ministry of magic (not sure which field yet)
She looked over her answers a bit. When she was satisfied, she took the four arrows out and tied the papers onto each one and put them back in the quiver.
I’m right, you’re wrong. They don’t call me a Seer for nothing.
This time Fletcher blatantly ignored the Ravenclaw. He’d already explained it to her. Her trying to drag it out any further would only pull his attention from the task he was set to before before the lesson was over. He would not feed into whatever she was trying to accomplish. The man looked past her to the Hufflepuff Prefect at his comment. “It doesn’t matter how many times you fumble with your arrow Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne, as long as when you do manage to fit it into the bow, you get it to shoot even a few feet away. He picked up a bow and arrow and demonstrated the right technique, slowly. “Pay attention to the positioning on my hands.” He went on with the explanation, changing positions several times as he did but in the end did not shoot the arrow. That was for later. If you find you’re still having difficulties, please let me know and I’ll further advise.”
He watched the students set to the task, none harming themselves in the process was always a bonus where this lot was concerned. He was sure some among them could harm themselves in a sponge room.
Believe it or not, Carden raised a good point. “To put only positive responses would be to your own detriment as it would surely interfere with the accuracy of the reading. You rob yourself of a fair reading in those situations and lose out on an opportunity for genuine enlightenment. Anyone doing so will do so at their own risk.” Said loud enough for all to hear in case any of them had been so inclined.
They were forced to do the activity, regardless. Might as well do it right and get something out of it.
He glanced down at his watch. They would need to move on.
“When you’ve done this activity, I want each of you to choose a spot behind either line.” As he spoke, he revealed a pair of parallel lines with enough space between them for students to stand by either with their back turned to a classmate without anyone interfering with anyone else. This left them facing the open field on either side. “Once again, you will consider a question but this time you will choose two responses and leave a third blank. If the responses you have now can be applicable to the next question then you may use them but you must remove one as only three arrows will be shot and the blank one is to remain. Once you’ve focused on the question, you will fire your arrows out into the field.” He gestured while he spoke.
“To be clear, there is to be NO aiming of arrows in any direction but the open field. No shooting at classmates. No going to retrieve your arrows until EVERYONE has finished firing their three arrows in your line.” For the obvious reason he didn’t want any of them skewered. “The arrow that flies furthest is the answer. Pay keen attention to where your arrows fall. Begin.”
OOC: We’ve come to the final activity! You will have until Saturday, October 20 @ 10 am EST to get it done. You don’t have to wait til everyone is done firing to have your student retrieve their arrow, simply assume in your post that everyone is done. They will think up a question and responses—or use the same responses if they are applicable—then shoot the arrows to see which flies the furthest. As before, if you’ve got questions, feel free to ask. Catch up is perfectly acceptable.