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hermygirl 08-15-2018 02:26 AM

Common Room

The circular common room emits a warm, welcoming glow as you enter from the sloping passageway; a cosy nook burrowed away at the castle’s basement level. Somehow the low-ceilinged room always manages to appear as if basked in natural sunlight, even though the small round windows are barely above ground level. They’re the perfect height for watching the seasons pass by - the orange-reds of autumn leaves giving way into the white snow of winter; the daffodils and tulips signifying new beginnings in spring giving way to a pleasant grassy meadow of wildflowers come the summer.

Inside, the room is every bit as cheerful and cosy as you’d expect for the home of the Hufflepuffs. The walls are covered in a mottled buttercup yellow with black detailing, whilst the woodwork is warm and honey-toned with a polished natural beeswax finish. Comfortable, worn in couches, ottomans and beanbags are clustered in small groups throughout the space, freely moved according to conversations being held and games being played at any given time. The main feature is of course the fireplace, with a tiled surround and intricate carved mantle of dancing badgers. Above it hangs the portrait of Helga Hufflepuff herself, holding a golden cup up in a toast to the hive of activity below.

Whether you want to relax with a book, check out the latest additions to your Chocolate Frog Card collection, play a game of exploding snap or finish up homework, the Hufflepuff Common Room is the perfect home from home.

Fitheach 09-08-2018 02:29 AM

Lizzie collapsed into one of the incredibly comfortable, over puffy chairs. Her lap was laden with magical and mysterious beast reference material from the library she had raided earlier. Sighing deeply she nestled into the chair and cracked open her own personal over worn copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them her parents had given her years ago, nothing wrong with doing a little advanced re-reading.

AstryaLoreyn 09-08-2018 02:32 AM

Arthuria couldn't stop grinning as she stood by herself and out of everyones way looking around the common room. It was cozy and so beautiful and she was estatic to be there. There would be a good length journal post tonight and a letter written home. She felt a little anxious as she looked around, she saw Lizzie sit down on the couch and went over to sit with her. "May I join you?" Arthuria asked

Fitheach 09-08-2018 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by AstryaLoreyn (Post 12352458)
Arthuria couldn't stop grinning as she stood by herself and out of everyones way looking around the common room. It was cozy and so beautiful and she was estatic to be there. There would be a good length journal post tonight and a letter written home. She felt a little anxious as she looked around, she saw Lizzie sit down on the couch and went over to sit with her. "May I join you?" Arthuria asked

Lizzie looked up from her book, it was Arthuria, the girl she'd become friends with on the train.

"Sure." she smiled, "I'm busy reading but I don't mind the company."

Suddenly a plate of cookies and some tea appeared out of thin air on a table before them, thanks to some Hogwarts magic. Lizzie blinked at the sudden appearance of the goodies, then looked at Arthuria.

"Wanna borrow a book?" she offered, reaching with her free hand for a shortbread.

AstryaLoreyn 09-09-2018 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Fitheach (Post 12352469)
Lizzie looked up from her book, it was Arthuria, the girl she'd become friends with on the train.

"Sure." she smiled, "I'm busy reading but I don't mind the company."

Suddenly a plate of cookies and some tea appeared out of thin air on a table before them, thanks to some Hogwarts magic. Lizzie blinked at the sudden appearance of the goodies, then looked at Arthuria.

"Wanna borrow a book?" she offered, reaching with her free hand for a shortbread.

Arthuria smiled and sat down. She reached he'd into her messenger back and pulled out the book she had been reading on the train and smiled at Lizzie. "Thank you but I have one, I don't mind reading with you " and she knew Lizzie would understand what she meant by that. Another plate of cookies appeared and a few glasses of milk.

sweetpinkpixie 09-10-2018 07:15 AM

After that morning's S.O.R.E Derf had taken to the creature barn to share his breakfast with Picketta....who had been particularly cross with him for not visiting her more often and keeping her stuck in this barn for several days. Though she had forgiven him thanks to a little piece of kiwi fruit - a bit of human food she had not known she was missing in her life until she had mistaken a stray seed on Derf's cheek for a bug and eaten it. Which meant, naturally, he couldn't just LEAVE her the bowtruckle had made her usual escape from the barn in his enchanted pocket and back to the Hufflepuff common room where the sixth year had decided to do something he did not typically do: take a nap.

Flopping back in his own bed, the intensity of his schedule along with still wavering emotional stability had him positively exhausted. So he awoke hours later and stumbled down to the common room where Arthuria and Lizzie were sitting over milk and cookies. Oh, and some tea too.

"Afternoon," he yawned while stretching his long limbs towards the ceiling - his straw blonde hair looking as though it had a green stick tangled up in it.

PuppySara 09-10-2018 08:57 PM

Up for grabs
Josie came into common room, maybe running. Having four siblings here had proven to be a lot more exhausting than she originally thought. Especially when three of those siblings were first years who wanted their big sister to show them literally everything... At least she could be alone in her common room, a blessing in disguise honestly.

The fourth year gave a sigh of relief and sat down, relaxing for what honestly felt like the first time since her family had gotten back from their vacation to Italy over a month ago.

Fitheach 09-11-2018 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12352950)
After that morning's S.O.R.E Derf had taken to the creature barn to share his breakfast with Picketta....who had been particularly cross with him for not visiting her more often and keeping her stuck in this barn for several days. Though she had forgiven him thanks to a little piece of kiwi fruit - a bit of human food she had not known she was missing in her life until she had mistaken a stray seed on Derf's cheek for a bug and eaten it. Which meant, naturally, he couldn't just LEAVE her the bowtruckle had made her usual escape from the barn in his enchanted pocket and back to the Hufflepuff common room where the sixth year had decided to do something he did not typically do: take a nap.

Flopping back in his own bed, the intensity of his schedule along with still wavering emotional stability had him positively exhausted. So he awoke hours later and stumbled down to the common room where Arthuria and Lizzie were sitting over milk and cookies. Oh, and some tea too.

"Afternoon," he yawned while stretching his long limbs towards the ceiling - his straw blonde hair looking as though it had a green stick tangled up in it.

Lizzie looked up from her book as Derf approached. He looked like he'd just climbed out of bed. She was exhausted too, but she had never been able to nap, though if these exercise sessions continued she was sure she'd learn. She noticed a piece of stick in his hair and stood up motioning to pick it out of his hair, when it moved.

"Oh my Hippogriff!!!!" she shrieked, falling back into her chair,"Is that a Bowtruckle?!!"

She knew Newt had had a Bowtruckle, she'd only ever read about them and now there might be one right in front of her.

AstryaLoreyn 09-12-2018 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12352950)
After that morning's S.O.R.E Derf had taken to the creature barn to share his breakfast with Picketta....who had been particularly cross with him for not visiting her more often and keeping her stuck in this barn for several days. Though she had forgiven him thanks to a little piece of kiwi fruit - a bit of human food she had not known she was missing in her life until she had mistaken a stray seed on Derf's cheek for a bug and eaten it. Which meant, naturally, he couldn't just LEAVE her the bowtruckle had made her usual escape from the barn in his enchanted pocket and back to the Hufflepuff common room where the sixth year had decided to do something he did not typically do: take a nap.

Flopping back in his own bed, the intensity of his schedule along with still wavering emotional stability had him positively exhausted. So he awoke hours later and stumbled down to the common room where Arthuria and Lizzie were sitting over milk and cookies. Oh, and some tea too.

"Afternoon," he yawned while stretching his long limbs towards the ceiling - his straw blonde hair looking as though it had a green stick tangled up in it.

Arthuria looked up as the cute boy from the robe shop joined her and Lizzie. Lizzie's excitement over what looked like a moving stick, though as Arthuria looked closer she saw it was a creature who looked like a stick. "Hello" she said to him as she put her book away so she could socialize better. She smiled at the little creature "hello little one" she said

sweetpinkpixie 09-12-2018 10:50 PM

including Josie too :3
Flopping backwards and sinking into the plush sofa directly in front of the fireplace, Derf was honestly on the verge of falling asleep again. That is...until someone was shouting about hippogriffs.

"HUH?!" he woke with a start. "No one panic. I don't know how they got in here but they are likely more spooked than you a------" Wait what? Oh, no hippogriffs in the common room. Just an expression. Ears reddening considerably, the sixth year's eyes crossed as he looked upwards to see Picketta's leaves just barely dipping over the rim of his brow. "Yeah, she it," he smiled affectionately at the bowtruckle before looking back at the first years. "Lizzie, Arthuria. This is Picketta," he introduced as he gestured upwards with an indication from his index finger. He then introduced the girls, along with some other choice words that she BEHAVE, by means of some clicking and chattering of his teeth.

And then Josie entered, looking a bit exhausted. "Hey Josie, you need some chocolate?" Since he was never without at least five boxes of chocolate frogs in those enchanted pockets of his. Well, usually anyway.

AstryaLoreyn 09-12-2018 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12353401)
Flopping backwards and sinking into the plush sofa directly in front of the fireplace, Derf was honestly on the verge of falling asleep again. That is...until someone was shouting about hippogriffs.

"HUH?!" he woke with a start. "No one panic. I don't know how they got in here but they are likely more spooked than you a------" Wait what? Oh, no hippogriffs in the common room. Just an expression. Ears reddening considerably, the sixth year's eyes crossed as he looked upwards to see Picketta's leaves just barely dipping over the rim of his brow. "Yeah, she it," he smiled affectionately at the bowtruckle before looking back at the first years. "Lizzie, Arthuria. This is Picketta," he introduced as he gestured upwards with an indication from his index finger. He then introduced the girls, along with some other choice words that she BEHAVE, by means of some clicking and chattering of his teeth.

And then Josie entered, looking a bit exhausted. "Hey Josie, you need some chocolate?" Since he was never without at least five boxes of chocolate frogs in those enchanted pockets of his. Well, usually anyway.

Arthuria smiled at the Picketta "she is beautiful" she said as she cooed at the twig a little more and then sat back, letting Lizzie enjoy her encounter with what seemed to be her favorite creature. Sitting back she survayed the room.

Fitheach 09-13-2018 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12353401)
Flopping backwards and sinking into the plush sofa directly in front of the fireplace, Derf was honestly on the verge of falling asleep again. That is...until someone was shouting about hippogriffs.

"HUH?!" he woke with a start. "No one panic. I don't know how they got in here but they are likely more spooked than you a------" Wait what? Oh, no hippogriffs in the common room. Just an expression. Ears reddening considerably, the sixth year's eyes crossed as he looked upwards to see Picketta's leaves just barely dipping over the rim of his brow. "Yeah, she it," he smiled affectionately at the bowtruckle before looking back at the first years. "Lizzie, Arthuria. This is Picketta," he introduced as he gestured upwards with an indication from his index finger. He then introduced the girls, along with some other choice words that she BEHAVE, by means of some clicking and chattering of his teeth.

And then Josie entered, looking a bit exhausted. "Hey Josie, you need some chocolate?" Since he was never without at least five boxes of chocolate frogs in those enchanted pockets of his. Well, usually anyway.

Lizzie leafed through her book and opened it up to the page on Bowtruckles, comparing the drawn picture to the real one on Derf's head. Picketta seemed to study the picture too.

"That's you," Lizzie laughed, "your kind anyway."

Derf turned his attention to another girl that entered the common room.

"Do you think she'd let me hold her?" Lizzie asked, "Where did you get a Bowtruckle? Do you have an interest in fantastic creatures too?"

PuppySara 09-13-2018 04:49 AM

The brunette looked up at hearing her name and smiled, "Thank you, I'd actually appreciate it... Maybe it'll help me wake up so I can actually work on my homework." She smiled and stood to move closer to her prefect and the two younger students, "It's Derf... right?"

She took a seat again just a few seats away this time instead on the other side of the room. Admittedly it was probably clear that she was nervous... She'd never actually attempted to talk to any of her housemates... Or honestly the only people she'd ever spoken to were professors in class... and even that was a scarce thing. But she made herself promise she would actually try to talk to her fellow students this year... And hopefully it wouldn't prove as draining as her four younger siblings had been proving to be.

Fitheach 09-14-2018 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by PuppySara (Post 12353468)
The brunette looked up at hearing her name and smiled, "Thank you, I'd actually appreciate it... Maybe it'll help me wake up so I can actually work on my homework." She smiled and stood to move closer to her prefect and the two younger students, "It's Derf... right?"

She took a seat again just a few seats away this time instead on the other side of the room. Admittedly it was probably clear that she was nervous... She'd never actually attempted to talk to any of her housemates... Or honestly the only people she'd ever spoken to were professors in class... and even that was a scarce thing. But she made herself promise she would actually try to talk to her fellow students this year... And hopefully it wouldn't prove as draining as her four younger siblings had been proving to be.

Lizzie pulled her attention away from the Bowtruckle for a moment as an upper year approached their group of chairs. This must be Josie, Derf had greeted her.

"Hi, Josie. I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzie. Cookie, chocolate,tea?" she smiled, offering the spread of what laid on the tables.

It was definitely a perk being right next to Hogwart's kitchens.

sweetpinkpixie 09-15-2018 03:03 AM

Derf was anxious, to say the least, as both first year girls continues to fawn over Picketta. While the bowtruckle was never one to turn down compliments and attention, she still was fiercely protective of her Home Tree - him. Though, thankfully, for this particular pair their attention was mostly on her and not himself...which seemed to put his companion at ease. They weren't here to try and steal her away then, and the sixth year even reassured her of this fact with a few more clicks of his tongue and chatters of the teeth.

"She doesn't take too well to strangers," he explained to Lizzie as he lifted his own hand to allow Picketta to crawl on to it. "Doesn't trust many humans and even some of my closest friends are not on good terms with her." Picketta refused the offer to climb on to his hand, nestling herself more in his straw colored hair so she could perch and get the best view of the common room. "She was part of a long term assignment set by Professor Wayland a few terms back. We all, well...those who signed assigned an infant creature to take care of. I got her," he explained, crossing his eyes to look up at the bowtruckle with an affectionate smile that went beyond a wizard and his familiar in place. "She wasn't too keen on the relationship to start...but we've come a long way since then. Professor Wayland saw fit that I got to keep her. Though...well...I don't really see it that way. Me keeping her. She decided to keep me."

Though he soon turned his gaze back to Josie. "Yeah, that's me," he nodded, now fishing into his pocket for that chocolate frog and offering it to her. "If you wouldn't mind...letting me keep the card though...that would be appreciated." Glancing back to Lizzie, Derf had to ask. "Do you bake?" he inquired, pointing to the cookies. Daisy enjoyed baking ... as did Stephanie. They could start a Hufflepuff baking circle maybe.

PuppySara 09-15-2018 11:18 PM

She gave a small smile and nodded to the younger girl, "Charmed I'm sure." She shook her head to the other options though, she really didn't eat sweets often, so the chocolate frog should be more than enough of a sugar rush for her, "Thanks though for the offer."

She glanced at the bowtruckle and smiled, "Such cute creatures, aren't they? If my father weren't so worried that the dogs would think they were a treat he said he'd get me one as well..." The fourth year gave a small laugh, "But at least I have a pygmy puff to cuddle up to at night." Speaking about Archie seemed to awaken the red puff up and he gave a small squeak.

She took the chocolate frog and smiled gratefully giving him the wizarding card. She wasn't a collector anyways so it didn't bother her, "Thanks again... Being the unofficial tour guide for my siblings has been taking more out of me than I thought."

Fat Friar 09-16-2018 03:55 PM

Gathering for the Huffle-hunt!
The Friar was in a very jovial mood as he swooped into the common room shortly before two o'clock on this special Saturday afternoon. The Hufflepuff leaders had come up with such a fun plan, and he was lucky enough to be starting it off!

He settled by the ornate mantlepiece, where a special chocolate frog card had been left, raising the mug in his hand. "Gather ye round, good Hufflepuffs! The Huffle-hunt will be starting shortly!"

Excitement, he had it.

Fitheach 09-18-2018 02:01 AM

She listened intensely to Derf as he spoke about Picketta, she sure hoped she'd have the same opportunity to care for a creature like a Bowtruckle. She nodded at Josie and settled back to starring at Picketta entangled in Derf's hair and comparing it to her book, while also jotting notes.

Lizzie was about to reply to Derf's question about baking when her eyes were
drawn to the mantlepiece of the common room fireplace. There perched in all his ghostly glory was the Fat Friar, she'd only glanced him at the start of term feast.

"Huffle-hunt?" she questioned aloud.

sweetpinkpixie 09-18-2018 04:21 AM

Derf was a bit uncomfortable with the idea of getting a bowtruckle. Picketta had come to be in his care under, well, excruciating circumstances. Bowtruckles were not meant to be pets...and Picketta wasn't that to him either. Anyone who knew him knew he looked at her with a fondness that went well beyond the connection of a wizard with their familiar. And now he was recalling his conversation with Sully over this very topic, bringing a smile to his face.

"I'm glad she chose me," he said simply, his feelings on this subject wrapped up neatly in those final two words. "Not so glad that the wizards who chopped down her Home Tree for wand wood did not take proper consideration and measures into account for that tree's dwellers, however."

Leaning back against the couch as the chocolate frog was accepted, Derf watched Picketta scamper about his lap trying to decide how she wished to situate herself now that she had assessed that these females were of no threat to her...when Alfred arrived.


Not that he had entirely forgotten. Derf had all his preparations done - and the golden glittery mess of paper and paste to prove it on the floor of his dorm which, well, he still needed to clean up but...more on that later.

"Hello, Alfred," the sixth year greeted the ghost with a knowing grin. "I better get going then. I'll be seeing you three very soon though," he added with a wink.

Plus...he needed to get Picketta back to the barn. Reckoned Professor Noble would not take well to her being in attendance to the WHATEVER it was the Hufflepuff leaders had planned.

Fat Friar 09-22-2018 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Fitheach (Post 12354432)

She listened intensely to Derf as he spoke about Picketta, she sure hoped she'd have the same opportunity to care for a creature like a Bowtruckle. She nodded at Josie and settled back to starring at Picketta entangled in Derf's hair and comparing it to her book, while also jotting notes.

Lizzie was about to reply to Derf's question about baking when her eyes were
drawn to the mantlepiece of the common room fireplace. There perched in all his ghostly glory was the Fat Friar, she'd only glanced him at the start of term feast.

"Huffle-hunt?" she questioned aloud.


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12354451)
Leaning back against the couch as the chocolate frog was accepted, Derf watched Picketta scamper about his lap trying to decide how she wished to situate herself now that she had assessed that these females were of no threat to her...when Alfred arrived.


Not that he had entirely forgotten. Derf had all his preparations done - and the golden glittery mess of paper and paste to prove it on the floor of his dorm which, well, he still needed to clean up but...more on that later.

"Hello, Alfred," the sixth year greeted the ghost with a knowing grin. "I better get going then. I'll be seeing you three very soon though," he added with a wink.

Plus...he needed to get Picketta back to the barn. Reckoned Professor Noble would not take well to her being in attendance to the WHATEVER it was the Hufflepuff leaders had planned.

Hoo-hoo! He was looking forward to this event indeed. The Friar drifted across the common room, closer to where the students were sat. They were going to come join in the fun, right? "Indeed, Lizzie!" He grinned. "A scavenger hunt, of sorts. All should become clear veeeery shortly."

But they couldn't kick off just yet, because young Derf had somewhere to be! "You better indeed, Derf. Hopefully we won't be too far behind!" He nodded at the Prefect, before looking to Josie and Lizzie. "Could one of you get the chocolate frog card on the mantlepiece for me?"

Fitheach 09-22-2018 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Fat Friar (Post 12355181)
Hoo-hoo! He was looking forward to this event indeed. The Friar drifted across the common room, closer to where the students were sat. They were going to come join in the fun, right? "Indeed, Lizzie!" He grinned. "A scavenger hunt, of sorts. All should become clear veeeery shortly."

But they couldn't kick off just yet, because young Derf had somewhere to be! "You better indeed, Derf. Hopefully we won't be too far behind!" He nodded at the Prefect, before looking to Josie and Lizzie. "Could one of you get the chocolate frog card on the mantlepiece for me?"

'Oh a scavenger hunt!', Lizzie's eyes lit up with excitement at the ghost's explanation.

She half listened as he then spoke to Derf and once again faced her and Josie. Chocolate Frog Cards had never been her favourite but she could see the fun in collecting them, she'd had a number of friends and family who collected and still collected them.

She stood up and moved towards the mantlepiece, brushing just a little close to the Friar, she shivered slightly apologizing under her breath. She reached up on her tip toes and was able to grab the card.

"Here you are." she offered, turning back the Friar.

Fat Friar 09-24-2018 10:03 PM

He was glad to see Lizzie was as excited as he was for the hunt, and bounced a little where he floated. Which may well have added to her chill, but he wasn't to know that.

"Thank you, my dear. Thank you! But there's no use giving it to me..." Being of spirit-kind, he couldn't hold the card himself, and he already knew what was on it. On the front was a picture of Bridget Wenlock, and on the reverse, was the first clue for their hunt. And a glance at the common room clock told him they really should be starting off. They didn't want to risk infringing on the new curfew rules!

"On that there card is a riddle...solve it, and we'll know the next stop on our hunt!"


Originally Posted by Bridget Wenlock's chocolate frog card
Hello badgers, one and all
and heed the scavenger Hunter's call
consider each famous badger face
and figure Out the special place
where you will find another clue
to lead you onward, up, down, out and through
until you reach The very end
and find yourself with all your friends

To begin your journey consider she
who studied the art of arithmancy
her number writ in inviSible ink
will take you near where eagles think
Magical Properties of this number
will take you near where lions slumber
Find the way, the path, the route
and then you'll figuRe this clue out
go forth young badgers, come-and-go
and soon the next clue you will know.

sweetpinkpixie 09-25-2018 12:06 AM

DECLONING OFFICIALLY. have fun guys :3
Grinning as Lizzie got to it with the Friar, Derf offered the ghost a friendly wave before tucking Picketta back into his blonde hair. Thankfully, where he needed to be and where he needed to get Picketta to were, well, one in the same for the most part. So that cut some of his nervous energy out and translated it to excited.

Already tempted to help or offer some sort of hint...Derf decided to just leave them to it. Surely Albert would be up to that task and, well, this was a Hufflepuff leadership thing and it was important to share the load.

So it was, without another word seeing as he had already said is bye for nows, the sixth year slipped out of the common room.

Be seeing you SOON!

Fitheach 09-25-2018 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by Fat Friar (Post 12355696)
He was glad to see Lizzie was as excited as he was for the hunt, and bounced a little where he floated. Which may well have added to her chill, but he wasn't to know that.

"Thank you, my dear. Thank you! But there's no use giving it to me..." Being of spirit-kind, he couldn't hold the card himself, and he already knew what was on it. On the front was a picture of Bridget Wenlock, and on the reverse, was the first clue for their hunt. And a glance at the common room clock told him they really should be starting off. They didn't want to risk infringing on the new curfew rules!

"On that there card is a riddle...solve it, and we'll know the next stop on our hunt!"

Lizzie thought long and hard breaking down the clues in the riddle out loud hoping the others might help with the one's she was stuck on.

"Where Eagles think...well the Ravenclaw symbol is actually an eagle and not a raven so it could be their tower. Where Lions slumber could be the Gryffindor common room and dormitories, but neither were on the same floor. Gryffindor being on the 7th and Ravenclaw's on the 5th. Eagles thinking could also be the library."

Lizzie starred at the card again.

"Then there are these bold letters O,T,S,P & R. They could spell a clue. Any ideas?" she asked those around her. "Sport...Quidditch? Games Keeper? Hagrid?"

She was utterly stumped.

Devina Wellheart 09-25-2018 11:56 PM

Cal made his way into the common room in hopes of finding Bel, the Quidditch captain. He had decided he just didn't have the time needed to be part of the quidditch team. Even if he was only just a reserve player.. The truth was he'd been getting so many detentions that he needed the time he did have for doing his assignments and making sure his marks didn't get too low. His priority was, afterall, his eduation.

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