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Do you have a knack for flying? Would you like to be on a team with some of the most talented students in school? Are you a member of Slytherin House? If any of these apply to you, you have come to the right place. If playing Quidditch or making life-long memories and friendships is your dream, then put on your Slytherin robes, hop on your favorite broom and show everyone what you’ve got!
Are you simply curious to see who will make the cut and represent Slytherin in the Quidditch Cup? Then by all means, join in from the comforts of the Stands.
The Slytherin Captain, Skylar Diggory (PhoenixRising), will guide you through this tryout. Best of luck!
Former Slytherin Quidditch Captains Lady Slytherin, Nadia Rey, Ganymede Craft, Ozzy Thorn, Rave Stone, Jesse Salonen, Luna Moore, Marco Denver, Desdemonda Abendroth, Callie Long, Paris Greenwood, Woodson Whitcomb, Kiri Starstalker, Oliver Greenwood, Aaron Anderson, Lola Jones, Kimalia Fanster, Dylan Montmorency, Derryth Ferrier, West Odessa
Text Cut: OOC message
This thread is for IC purposes only. The members of the Slytherin Quidditch team will be selected by the Flying Official (potterobsessionist) and the Hogwarts RPG Admin (Zoe) after the completion of this survey.
The following team positions are available: 1 keeper, 1 beater, 3 chasers, 1 seeker, and 3 reserves.
This thread will remain open until the survey closes on the 18th of May.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Zoe or me via PM.
Have fun!
- Josefin
It's time for the Slytherin team to build on that team spirit, discuss what went right and wrong in the last game and most importantly; figure out how to win the next game to finally lift that Quidditch Cup.
The Slytherin captain; Skylar Diggory (PhoenixRising), will guide you through this practice.
Former Slytherin Quidditch Captains Lady Slytherin, Nadia Rey, Ganymede Craft, Ozzy Thorn, Rave Stone, Jesse Salonen, Luna Moore, Marco Denver, Desdemonda Abendroth, Callie Long, Paris Greenwood, Woodson Whitcomb, Kiri Starstalker, Oliver Greenwood, Aaron Anderson, Lola Jones, Kimalia Fanster, Dylan Montmorency, Derryth Ferrier, West Odessa
ooc: Welcome to the Slytherin Practice! This is for IC reference only, for you guys to have FUN! Please note that this is not the first IC practice of the term.
This thread will remain open until the 20th of July approx 7 pm CET.
Jess will hold this IC practice and if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to her or me via PM.
Yeap, Captain Skylar. It's true. He was finally trying out this term. What was wrong with that? Thought Quidditch try-outs were for everyone? "I wasn't." He replied, curtly. Did he need to explain more? No. Unless she asked. It seemed people tend to judge him too quickly lately. Eh, it wasn't the first time.
Nods at Kye. "Is that so? Good for you then. I think there's a few trying out for those positions. Good luck, again. You did well for chaser last year." He did wish her. See, Nathan can show a little sportmanship too. Unlike...someoneeeee, he rather not mentioned /her/ name. "I'm trying-out for seeker." He answered with a smirk.
Time to get on his broom and fly. Nathan summoned his broom with ease before he set off after the others. He loves going fast. He lives for the thrill as he zooms around the pitch.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Slow laps, Vivian could manage. It was only the first obstacle, after all, and there were probably more to come. Another thing she learned was to use her energy wisely, and so she figured that saving it for actual fast-paced activity where practice snitches were involved.
She watched as her friends went ahead to brave the obstacle course and then followed them. Approaching one of the obstacles, she leaned left to avoid it and then the same for the rest. Vivian occasionally twirled around a few of them just for the fun. Because Quidditch, though competitive, was also all about enjoying it too. It was a different feeling, being on a broom. She'd been doing it for years now too, but it felt like some sort of escapism from everything else. Like NEWTs, for example. Ahem.
Gradually, her slow laps turned into faster ones as she almost complete the course. Not as fast as she would go when chasing a snitch, of course, but to give herself a challenge. Oh, and she gave a one-hand wave towards the stands. Hi again, boyfriend.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
SPOILER!!: Individual replies <3
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson
Patrick looked around the Pitch, felt weird to be in an actual pitch and not the back field of his mamaw’s property. Looking around he realized that everyone was circling their arms. Snapping out of his daze he began to circle his arms and lean to the side and back. He was thankful that baseball had been his go to sport this summer too. His endurance was up, but it didn’t seem like many of his friends at Hogwarts were the running kind.
Skylar started talking which prompted him to stop circling his arms and finally listen up. It was high time they started to fly. He was ready to impress this year. It was disappointing being a reserve last year, but after flying so much at home, he was sure he would at least be a chaser this year. He was working his way to Keeper, but figured his arm would better serve the chasers. “Pretty good turnout Captain,” Patrick commented as he mounted his broom and zoomed off toward the top of the stands to get a few laps in before he started working on maneuvering around the field, and obstacles that Skylar had placed.
Skylar grinned when Patrick appeared. "The better to ensure we've got the best possible team," She grinned at the third year's comment when it came to his comment about the turnout. She observed as he kicked off into the air and with his laps. Good speed, definitely. He had loads of potential and Skylar was almost positive she could see the improvement from last year. Yes he'd been a reserve player, but that just meant he hadn't exactly stood out strong for any one position. Reserve, after all, wasn't a bad thing. It just meant he would be good to fill in anywhere; versatile players were good and important assets to any team.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Junia wasn't going to be short on distractions this term, but yes, quidditch served as one of the more enjoyable ones. Flying in general tended to help her clear her head, the action of an actual match just added to it. Enhanced it. It was much needed, and that's why she'd decided to keep at it this term, hectic as it'd make her schedule.
"Chaser again, yeah. It's what I'm best at." Not to say that her housemates couldn't be better. Wouldn't be. She glanced around at them, knowing her spot wouldn't be guaranteed. She'd just need to prove herself to Sky, that's all. She smiled at her fellow seventh year as she tightened her pony tail and then took hold of her broom, mounting it. "See you up there." And she kicked off, gaining height quickly and allowing herself to get lost in the feeling of flying.
"Makes sense." Skylar agreed wholeheartedly with the dormmate. She was stellar in the position; just as she herself, while she COULD play other positions, was better when it came to have a bat in her hand and defending and offending against bludgers.
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime
Beth glanced over and smiled to Lydia once more. ”good luck, I’m sure you’ll do well!” she excitedly quipped to her dormmate and turned to look around at the rest of the people trying out today. Oh, maybe things would go well? She wasn’t sure at least.
Looking over she glanced at the third year boy Ryder and gave him a slight nod by way of saying hello. Oh…so it arms were important – that obviously made sense. Beth simply listened to everything the quidditch captain was saying as she continued to stretch her arms out and do those arm circles. Taking a moment she stretched out her legs just to get a little more limber and then…they were being told to do a lap around the pitch.
Flying, merlin this was the part she loved. She loved it almost as much as she loved riding the horses she had trained on during the lessons she had Minnie used to take. ”good luck everyone,” she chirped out quickly before mounting her broom and kicking off of the ground. For a moment she hovered and mapped the best path around the pitch as she didn’t want to run into anyone and then, she leaned forward slowly at first and took off in an easy loop around the pitch. It was clear from the radiating smile that she was happy, truly happy to be on a broom and flying. Really, she wanted to try her hand at the obstacle course - but she could wait until she'd managed a few loops around the pitch...and until someone else had completed it so she'd know what not to do.
So Skylar wasn't going to lie, but she was rather nervous when it came to the ickle first years partaking in tryouts. She wanted to defend them and protect them, but as Beth kicked off into the skies and began her laps, it became quickly apparent to the Captain that this wasn't Beth's first flight. Her enthusiasm actually made her nostalgic because she felt had quidditch been around when she was a first year, she almost felt a kinship with the girl. At least she had two years of Hogwarts Quidditch, right? Better than nothing. She smiled though in observation of her flying.
Originally Posted by Dokimoto
As the obstacle course appeared, Kye gave a "Woo!" This had been the idea last year as well, and in Kye's opinion it had gone very well! As the Captain finished giving her instructions, Kye analyzed the course above.
Ah, yes, laps. Kye had to restrain herself from taking off and zooming around the pitch. It was not time for showing off for the sake of showing off! Maybe later... for now, it was time to show her skill, diligence, team spirit... all that jazz. She took a lap at a more average speed, keeping in line with most others. After that though, all gloves were off! Kye zoomed her quickest, and basked in the glory of the wind in her face at what felt like a billion miles per hour. It was GREAT to be back!
Kye was a strong flyer last year and even this summer, she was proving to be just as strong when it came to flying. The teamwork and camaraderie she'd shown last year with Zarina and Junia was truly flawless. She gave a thumbs up towards the roommate - not that she'd notice - putting a little star by her name.
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Cameron Tamesis was also here.
Of course he was.
He wouldn't miss this for anything, even though he had a pretty tight schedule for his OWLs year. Really tight. So tight in fact that he had studied right before coming here and had even been walking down here while levitating a Transfiguration textbook in front of him. But he'd have time for Quidditch. He not only didn't want to lose his touch with the game - it was vital that he kept practicing during the term, so he'd be ready for U17 in summer - but he also really needed an outlet. A distraction from studying.
Naturally, Liam was a good distraction as well but Quidditch was different.
After warming up his arms with the rest of the Slytherins, Cameron then nodded when Skylar told them they'd be FINALLY allowed to get on their brooms. He quickly mounted his and pushed himself off the ground, lips curling into a small smile as he felt the wind against his face. Yes, she'd said slow laps so he was going slow...sort of. Mostly.
Really, what constituted as 'slow' anyway?
Yes, she'd noticed her co-beater from last year was present again and she made a mental note to talk to him later if he'd learned anything from beating with Zoryn. Because strategy here; he might have been for Scotland and supporting Zoryn over the summer, however, now that it was the school year, he best be all in when it came to supporting her and Slytherin. Not that she doubted Cameron; he was a solid player last year and she actually was nearly sure his time at the Under Seventeen over the summer likely enhanced his skills even more.
Originally Posted by Nyx
"Good luck!" Lydia called to Beth as she finished her own arm circles.
This was it. This was the moment she'd been waiting for. It was time to fly! Feeling very nervous, Lydia brushed her wavy black hair back from her face and gripped the handle of her borrowed broom tightly. She could do this. It would probably be like riding a horse, which she'd done occasionally with her dad. He was big into equestrianism.
Lydia took a deep breath and mounted her broom. She took a moment to flash a quick smile at the captain as well, to let her know that she had this. Then she pushed off gently from the ground with her feet and before she knew it she was up in the air! The wind rushed gently past her face, and wow, this was great! Lydia glanced down at the ground; good thing she'd never been afraid of heights or she'd be in real trouble now. She hovered for a while, getting her bearings and also adjusting her balance. It would not do at all to slip off the end of the broomstick.
Finally, her nervousness fading, Lydia began flying slowly around the pitch, doing the laps as Skylar had instructed. At first her pace was slow, even lazy, but as she gained confidence, she leaned forward on the broom, and it picked up speed. Ok, this wasn't bad at all. She could get used to this. Even if she wasn't picked for the team, Lydia thought she would probably still do a lot of flying. How could anyone not love it?
Her other first year, who mounted with minimal difficulty and Skylar beamed at Lydia flying around the pitch. Seeing Beth and Lydia out there flying actually gave Skylar hope because they were the future of Slytherin. While veteran quidditch players knew what they were doing, it was the new players who would continue the amazing legacy. No crying though; she still had 10 more months to ensure she'd been leaving behind greatness.
Originally Posted by Symphora
Yeap, Captain Skylar. It's true. He was finally trying out this term. What was wrong with that? Thought Quidditch try-outs were for everyone? "I wasn't." He replied, curtly. Did he need to explain more? No. Unless she asked. It seemed people tend to judge him too quickly lately. Eh, it wasn't the first time.
Nods at Kye. "Is that so? Good for you then. I think there's a few trying out for those positions. Good luck, again. You did well for chaser last year." He did wish her. See, Nathan can show a little sportmanship too. Unlike...someoneeeee, he rather not mentioned /her/ name. "I'm trying-out for seeker." He answered with a smirk.
Time to get on his broom and fly. Nathan summoned his broom with ease before he set off after the others. He loves going fast. He lives for the thrill as he zooms around the pitch.
Nothing was wrong with that. She welcomed all to tryouts. But she WAS still surprised and nodded politely. Yes, obviously he wasn't kidding. He was here. Trying to keep an open mind when it came to Nathan and not let Vivian's rantings from earlier cloud her visions, she smiled politely at him, her eyes shifting towards the stands. Mostly for the comfort and stability of her rock sitting there, watching her. Ugh, she wished he would have tried out, but she understood his reasonings for not. At least he was there to support her, help her keep her her cool.
Originally Posted by Kimothy
The turnout this year was definitely a lot more than the previous. This didn't exactly bother Vivian because a part of her liked seeing new potentials in the team so they could keep the Cup in their hands. At the same time, they were competition too. At times, she did enjoy healthy competition... but unless your surname was Hale, then there seriously was a problem.
With the arm circles done, Vivian finished it off by cracking her knuckles one last time. Catching the snitch required making use of her fingers too, so at least her joints were warming up. But when Sky had revealed an obstacle course in midair, the Head Girl smiled a tiny bit. The Portree team had her do tons of these when she came to visit her Aunt during their practices. With her experience last term as well, it didn't seem like much of a problem. She actually enjoyed these kinds of obstacles.
"See ya, captain," Vivian gave her dorm mate a salute before summoning her broom with a swift "Up!" And with that, she mounted her broom and kicked off, zooming towards the course.
Also mental finger wiggles with Junia and Kye.
Originally Posted by Kimothy
Slow laps, Vivian could manage. It was only the first obstacle, after all, and there were probably more to come. Another thing she learned was to use her energy wisely, and so she figured that saving it for actual fast-paced activity where practice snitches were involved.
She watched as her friends went ahead to brave the obstacle course and then followed them. Approaching one of the obstacles, she leaned left to avoid it and then the same for the rest. Vivian occasionally twirled around a few of them just for the fun. Because Quidditch, though competitive, was also all about enjoying it too. It was a different feeling, being on a broom. She'd been doing it for years now too, but it felt like some sort of escapism from everything else. Like NEWTs, for example. Ahem.
Gradually, her slow laps turned into faster ones as she almost complete the course. Not as fast as she would go when chasing a snitch, of course, but to give herself a challenge. Oh, and she gave a one-hand wave towards the stands. Hi again, boyfriend.
Eyes back to Vivian as she kicked off into the air and she watched the bestie complete the laps. She had to grimace because there was really no slowing Vivian down and it made her pleased she pushed her towards trying for seeker.
As everyone seemed to be rounding about their final laps, Skylar glanced at the time on her wristwatch. "Okay, well done, everyone!!! Quick water break if you need it, but don't dilly-dally. We've got an obstacle course to complete!" She beamed at her housemates all trying out.
"While you have your water, pay attention, as I'll go and demonstrate..." With that, the brunette flew high up to where the start of the obstacle course was, a series of moving hula hoops... She flew through each one, guiding her broom left and right, up and down, nearly touching the edge of one as it was moving, but feeling the rush when she'd finished that first part.
Flying down and swooping to pick up one of the stray beater's bats - sadly not her own - she flew back to where Gater Balls were flying back and forth between targets on either side of the pitch .... they were charmed to do so, making it difficult to pass through, but as she'd been in the beater role for a few years now, she smacked one, and another, flying her way through the madness. If she did get hit, the balls were soft and wouldn't hurt the way a real bludger would.
She flew low enough to let the bat drop to the ground and that was when she reached the final bit of the obstacle course. Mini marshmallows, which were nearly impossible to see. The goal here? Catch as many as possible with only your mouth - obviously not too many that you'd choke. And there was a timer that dinged after thirty seconds. Not that great of a seeker herself, she did managed to catch two in her mouth, swallowing carefully.
Flying back over to the group, she glanced around them. "Okay, remember, precision and form is key. Speed will come." And on that note, they can begin. Also, Vivian? Don't ask where she got the marshmallows, because you already know the answer.
ooc: So make as many (or as few) posts as you'd like. If you haven't posted yet and would like to, you're welcome to ... tryouts DO end on May 18th, which is only three days away!!!! So please, if you haven't posted / submitted your questionnaire, it's required if you wish to be considered for the team.
Obstacle course is as follows:
1. Moving hula hoops - maybe about 6 or 7 - which you have to fly through all of them
2. Fly down and pick up a beater's bat to swat your way through the charmed gater balls. If you get hit, don't worry, they won't hurt you.... they are charmed to target you, however, so make use of the bat.
3. When you discard your bat, you'll notice the mini marshmallows and there's a timer set for thirty seconds when you reach this area. You have to try to catch as many as you can - with your mouth only - in that span of time.
4. HAVE FUN!!! Any questions ask me !!!
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Lydia watched Skylar demonstrate the obstacle course while hovering on her broom not too far away. Her balance had improved quite a bit so that she could sit on the broom without holding on to the handle, at least while she was being perfectly still. When the quidditch captain signaled that they could begin the obstacle course, Lydia floated over to the moving hula hoops. No one else had flown up there yet so she might as well be first. Honestly, she doubted she would get chosen, but this was turning out to be a lot of fun.
Concentrating, Lydia leaned forward on her broom so that it shot forward but not too fast. What had Skylar said? Speed would come later. Right now accuracy and precision were what was important. With that in mind, Lydia swooped in and out of the hula hoops. One...two...three...four...five...six...OOPS, she almost crashed into the side of the last hula hoop. She'd gotten too cocky there for a second. Lydia swerved just in time, but she still clipped the last hoop a little bit.
Ok, time for the gater balls. This was the part she wasn't looking forward to at all. Lydia swooped down and grabbed a beater's bat. Then she flew up the gater balls. Taking a deep breath, she started through. At first it wasn't too bad. She managed to swat away three balls in a row. Then the fourth one got her in the arm. Whomp. It didn't really hurt; it was her pride that was wounded. Dumb balls. So she wasn't cut out to be a beater it seemed. Lydia managed to make it through the gater balls; she'd swatted away about half, with the other half managing to smack her in some way.
Finally, it was time for the marshmallows! She was excited for this part. Not only would it demonstrate her potential skill as a seeker, but marshmallows were delicious. She wanted to eat as many as she could. Gripping the handle tightly, Lydia maneuvered her broom through the marshmallows. She darted this way and that, almost as if she were dancing in the air. Mouth open like a frog, she caught first one, then two marshmallows! And mmm, they were tasty. Wondering if she looked ridiculous but not really caring, Lydia continued to zoom around, mouth open. Chomp. Chomp! That was four. Oh, the timer was about to go off. Could she make one last catch?
Chomp! And the timer went off. She managed to snag five marshmallows. She had no idea if that was bad or good, but it had been fun. She floated down to the ground to watch everyone else take their turns.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
After her demonstration, Skylar had been hovering near the start of the obstacle course. In a place where she could quietly observe but avoid any moving hula hoops or stray gater balls from hitting her. She grinned when Lydia flew first to try it and was quite impressed actually with the skill; that girl would go far with the sport, Skylar decided. Even if she didn't make the cut this year, she had SO much time and Skylar had every confidence that with a summer or two of quidditch camp, she'd be on the house team in no time. But forget just the house team; she had potential to play for under seventeen too in a few years.
"Well done," she said approvingly. Especially given that she managed on FIVE marshmallows without choking. Impressive. Yes, yes. Was Vivian watching this?? Could they leave any leftover marshmallows at the end of the year with her? Maybe they could like entrust her to keep the marshmallow legacy alive. Send regular care packages with the sweet?
"Five more minutes!!!" Skylar called out to the others, hoping to see some more obstacle course action.
ooc: Obstacle course happening here. Reminder, last chance to tryout for the Slytherin Quidditch team is May 18th! You must complete the survey in order to be considered!
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
There was really no telling what Beth would have done had Skylar started crying. The first year, likely, would give her a brave face at first and ask later, after they were done trying out what was the matter…it was something, obviously, something would have been the matter. Still, it would have been nice had she known she were giving the Slytherin captain a feeling of pride at seeing two accomplished flyers. Yep, this was going to be fun.
For Beth, it was all due to those U11 training camps she and her sister had gone through nearly every summer while visiting their Grandmother. ”good luck Lydia!” Beth called over to her housemate and friend only to wince when she spotted her friend nearly crashing. This was going to be like a rollercoaster, she thought as she looked at the obstacles. Moving hoops – the balls that seemed to be charmed like bludgers…oooooh this was going to be fun.
Reaching her right hand up the slight thing carefully cracked her neck the way that Chiro-person did when she had fallen off of a horse over summer. The creak and pop sound didn’t bother her at all, and with another lean of her neck the other direction she was ready to fly this course. ”we’ve got this” she beamed and was awed when she watched how many Marshmallows Lydia had caught…good job, gosh she was proud of her dormmate. So proud.
Leaning forward Beth began to fly and with a quick turn she’d made it through the first hoop – one down six to go. Tilting downward she dove down to the next one and leaning forward before lifting up and a lean to the left she had made it – at an angle, through the thing. thank you gran she thought back at the little mini training course her grandmother had her go through over summer. Three down four to go. Mentally she tallied each of them as she went – four…five…six…and leaning forward she sped through the final hoop before diving down and with a slight possibly accidental roll she had grabbed the beater’s bat.
It was time – she was going to do this. Gater balls – they weren’t going to hurt her. She knew this much, but she was ready to blast the charmed balls away – her idea right now was to go slow and steady when she could…or well, as fast as she could really. Beth could handle pain if it were necessary that is. ”NOT ON MY WATCH” she hissed at the ball nearest her - because apparently hissing at balls made sense to the small blonde. Bat in hand she swiped it just in time to see the ball – two of them even, skitter away from her like water bugs riding the rippling water. She could do this. Ducking her head she felt the ball skim past her, the breeze it caused on her hair was a fair warning – but she’d done it. She hadn’t been hit yet – with another swipe of her bat she managed to lob another ball away from her as she leaned forward and scanned the area for the rest of them. She needed to get to the next part quickly.
”woo, that was…oh, darn” she sighed as she felt the light flump of a ball grazing the tailend of her broom, at least it wasn’t her body yeah?
There, she’d gotten to the end. Discarding the bat she was there in the mini-marshmallow area. Mini marshmallows – those weren’t so bad…tiny little things, she could manage this. Opening her mouth Beth leaned forward and flew as quickly as she could…marshmallow – marshmallow…that was a fly, A FLY! she made a face and ducked around it before catching a few more – the timer was ticking – there wasn’t time to turn and…she’d caught it – yes it the fly the marshmallow it was sitting on…stupid fly. ”ew fwyyyy” she gurgled out as she landed and it was already too late…”there…was a fly” she groaned coughing slightly but – eh, protein right and anything, anything in the name of tryouts.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Nathan certainly felt adrenaline started pumping through his veins. He had never felt this good before. The memories he had with his dad came rushing through his head when he remembered the countless hours and hard work spent during his Quidditch training in the past. He mustn't stop now. Nathan was determined to finish the course as instructed by the captain. His goal in sight and he was so ready!
Once again, he took off. Leaving behind a trail of dust towards the moving hula hoops. Concentrate Nathan, no turning back now! Uh-oh. One of the ring is coming at him fast! He swerved his broom to the right and into the hoop just in time, preventing him from having a major collision with the ring. "Woah...that was a close one."
Nathan dived in and out the hula hoops until the end before swooping down below to get the beater's bat. He knew he wasn't the best beater in the field but he hasn't got a choice, has he? Nathan aims and swings his bat at the charmed gater balls with all his might. He took one, two and three hits in a row. Oh yeah!! "OFF WITH YER HEADS!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, relishing his triumph over those balls. Sorry not sorry. His competitive spirit runs high at that moment. Too high to be exact.
Okay, enough batting. Time to move on to the next training which was the marshmallow course. Nathan bets his galleons, Vivian and Skylar were both in on this. What else motivated the head girl more than to catch those marshmallows, hmm? What about his favorite golden snitches? He wished he could catch them instead. Nathan made his way up into the air again, mouth gaping open to reach for those marshmallows. Using his expert maneuvring skills, he managed to catch a few in his mouth before the timer goes off.
After landing, Cameron waited by his bag and watched Skylar demonstrate the actual tasks for the tryouts. They seemed...challenging enough but he wasn't worried about them per se. He was pretty confident in his own abilities, especially after this summer. Even though they didn't exactly WIN a lot of games but hey, winning wasn't everything.
Okay, that was a lie but he had still been quite proud of himself.
Once Skylar was done showing them what to do, Cam set down his water bottle again and picked up his (own, yes, he'd brought his own obviously) bat before getting onto his broom. Yes, he'd noticed that their captain had only picked up her bat AFTER that obstacle course through the hoops but during a real game of Quidditch he'd also have his bat on him at ALL times. So Cam decided that it would be in his hand during the entirety of the tryouts.
Pushing himself off the ground, he subsequently made his way over to the hoops and flew through the first one with ease, holding his bat close to his body and leaning into his broom as best as he could. This position made it easier not to touch the hoops but it also increased his speed which in turn made the exercise a little harder. Not that he minded a challenge, you know. This was fun.
Once they were done warming up, Gunnar was beginning to feel a little more confident. Sure, he was still one of the younger and smaller of the Snakes trying out for the team, and probably wasn't as experienced as some of the ones who played last year, but he had his fair share of recreational experience and was a decent flyer.
He wondered if they'd be playing an actual match during their tryouts, but an obstacle course sounded pretty cool too. The twelve year old stopped to get a drink and watched Skylar demonstrate all the components.
Marshmallows....? Huh. That was a kind of interesting addition, figuring it tested seeker skills, though he wondered why not catching with hands since that was what a seeker would be doing. But he didn't question it for long before picking up his broom. He wouldn't mind a little snack.
Hula hoops were first and, after watching a couple others go through that part before him, he mounted his broom and took off for that area. He thought he was at least a good flyer, so hopefully this wouldn't be too difficult.
He managed to fly through the first hoop with relative ease, but tried to maneuver his broom a little too quickly to adjust for the second hoop, throwing him a bit off balance. Trying to recover without falling off his broom, he missed that second hoop as it came at him, but decided to keep going and got his bearings about him a little better as he guided himself through the third, then the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth, getting easier as he got the hang of it. Not too bad.
That part of the course done, he flew down to grab a beater's part for the next drill.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
When Sky called for a water break, Kye slowed down and flew nearby. She didn’t need a water break, so she watched as her captain ascended to the obstacle course. Using her hand to block the sun from her eyes, Kye watched as Sky got to the hula hoops…….. Hula hoops, huh? Intriguing… Okay, then the beater stuff (yes!), and then… marshmallows?! Hahahaha! Glorious idea, Sky.
When it was Kye’s turn, she took off from the ground hard, and zoomed towards the hula hoops. Merlin, she LOVED the sensation. She slowed down a little once she was near the hoops to concentrate, and not think of how much she currently resembled a circus act. Also, she didn’t want to embarrass herself by trying to go too fast and stumbling through it. She made her way through each hula hoop, managing to get through all of them without putting anyone’s life in danger.
She zoomed back down to the ground, her feet grazing the grass as she picked up a Beater’s bat. Aaaand got it. She made her way up to the Gater Balls and eyed them carefully. One started making its way to her, and she had time to wind up a bit before smacking it through the air. She hit a few more, some hard some not so much, before she felt one collide with her foot. Whoops. She brushed it off and whacked a few more away before diving back down to drop off the bat.
Alright, now it was marshmallow time! She couldn't say this was something she thought she'd be doing today, but here she was! She went after the marshmallows, but wasn't having much luck. She was having second thoughts on how good are hand eye coordination was now. With 10 seconds left, a marshmallow somehow found its way to Kye's mouth. Yes! With the timer counting down, she somehow managed to get one more marshmallow in. Aaaand time. Yea... well she didn't see herself as a Seeker anyway. *Internal shrug* That was fine.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Junia landed at a slow jog and dismounted her broom, cheeks flushed from flying. She felt good, free, and ready for the next portion of the tryout. After getting some water and adjusting her ponytail, the seventh year moved closer to have a look at the course Sky was setting out for them.
The marshmallow portion of this? Well, it was inspired. Maybe not appropriate for her quidditch diet, but the brunette was excited about having a captain approved excuse to eat sugary foods. As for the rest, it was doable and she was ready to go. After kicking off from the ground, she took flight and headed for the hoops.
She was moving faster than was probably wise, but her broom always felt like an extension of her body to her, and Junia was navigating through the hoops fairly easily. She did have a close call as one dipped lower than she anticipated, and she nearly grazed the top of her head ducking into it, but she managed okay and her heart was pounding afterward. It was fun. This was. She'd needed that.
Once finished, she moved down to claim an available beater's bat and got ready to channel her cousin, Hassan. He'd taught her a lot over the years and she was about to make him all kinds of proud.
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
The water break was very much needed and as Vivian landed to dismount from her broom, she wiggled her fingers a little bit and tucked loose hairs behind her ears. It felt nice, being on a broom again, and doing something she loved and was passionate about. She then turned back to observe Sky's demonstration. The hula hoops were a nice touch, because Vivian had been looking to practise her dodging skills too, to add a bit of a challenge.
But her eyes twinkled even more when they had to take a beater's bat and swat those Gater balls away. Her heart had always been with being trained as a beater, especially with her Aunt Elise when she was kid, and so she felt her eleven-year-old self awaken inside. That shouldn't be a problem, she hoped, though she did more training as a seeker lately when she got into the team last term. It wasn't possible to lose one's beater skills, right?
She watched as Skylar reached the last bit of the obstacle and squinted to see what those miniscule, from this distance, floating things were. Then Vivian's blue eyes widened when she realises that those were MARSHMALLOWS, an amused smile creeping on her face. Were they supposed to eat them? That was not a problem at all. She could chubby bunny her way through that part of the obstacle, for sure. And she gave Sky a look of suspiciousness and amusement. Where'd you get those, hmm?
Taking one last gulp from her water bottle, Vivian then kicked off with her broom and went to join the rest of her house mates. Firstly, it would be the hula hoop course. The blond charged fast, in seeker mode, and made her way through the hoops with ease, even doing a twirl when she entered the last one. Because why not? The Head Girl was determined to make this as fun as possible. She then dipped down to retrieve a beater's bat before moving back up to face the charmed Gater Balls, which were already coming her way. Adjusting her grip on the bat, she smacked one out of her way and dodged a few that the others had hit too. And a few more that tried to attack her, because she could definitely hear her Aunt Elise's loud voice in her head. Vivian wished she was here to see all this, wanting to make her proud and let the rest of the Portree team that she had learned a lot from their exhausting drills over the summer.
With the last bludger out of her way, Vivian flew low to drop the bat onto the ground and was ready to face the last and her favourite part of the obstacle. Having her boyfriend around to support her and knowing that marshmallows were in sight was enough motivation for the seventh year to just go right for it. Like Pac-Man nomming his way through the maze of Pac-Dots, Vivian opened up her mouth as she maneuvered her broom to a marshmallow. Nom number 1. And she went on, forgetting that this was actually a tryouts session as she kept flying around, chomping on her marshmallows. Yes, hers. They were hers, because where else would have Sky gotten a hold of these?
With a few more seconds left, Vivian took the few bits of her time to go for a last marshmallows as she caught one between her teeth. And her timer was off. Vivian happily nommed on the marshmallows she had caught. Perhaps it was the highlight of this tryout.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Practice starts here!!! Come play with us, snakes! <3
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Skylar was trying really hard to focus her energies on coping mechanisms like the quidditch team. One of the things she liked about playing quidditch was the feeling of belonging someplace. She'd sat out the last match because she needed the break after everything she'd been dealing with and wasn't really in a condition to play but fortunately her team had pulled through (thanks to their weekly practices and team efforts) and they were now doing stellar for the chances of winning the cup. Although if she was being honest with herself, she wasn't going to hold her breath for winning two years in a row. Hufflepuff had a great team, again.
Doing a few warmup laps around the pitch helped to clear her head, and she landed near the supplies for today's practice and waited for her teammates to show up.
Setting her broom down near her bat, she began do some stretches, as an indication that her teammates should probably do the same when they arrived.
ooc: While this is the only RPed practice, it's not your first practice. Post as much or as little as you want and we'll post some activity stuff as soon as a few of you show up - hopefully tomorrow.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Stealthy Ninja Queen | Snake For Life | waddling baker | binge royalty ♚
Patrick walked out onto the field a bit tired, this term felt never ending. He was happy they had won the last match, but something just felt off with his Captain. He wasn't exactly sure he could place what was wrong with her. Kicking off of the ground, taking a few laps around the stands, weaving in and out of the posts. The air filled his lungs as he began his slow down landing near Skylar.
Taking note of her stretching, he figured he should as well just to make sure he didn't pull something along the way. "Hey Skylar, how are you feeling?" he wasn't sure if he should pry, but he had already felt the words leave his mouth and he was stuck.
It had been an odd couple of weeks, and their last match had been no exception BUT they had won. She had definitely felt the stress as sub-Captain, but it had been a great learning opportunity. She made her way to the pitch, wondering if she would be able to have time to talk to Sky and Vivi just to make sure they were okay. It was a bit warmer than she wanted it to be, but she went to where Patrick and Skylar were, beginning to do group warm ups. "Hey guys," she greeted with a smile. Now wasn't the time for other talk unless Sky or Vivi mentioned it. In the meantime, *back crack.*