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Once invited into Professor Marchand's office, the first thing you'll notice is a plaque bearing the likness of the Disney character who shares his name attatched to the door as a joke for the students' enjoyment. The room itself is decorated with blue walls and several black leather chairs. Two potted pink bleeding heart plants hang suspended from the ceiling. On one wall is a bookshelf containing various books on charms theory and application, as well as a few classic French novels. If you'd like to read one, Professor Marchand would be happy to lend it to you. All you have to do is ask!
In the middle of the room is a dark-colored wooden desk where you'll normally find Professor Marchand seated in a large balck leather chair. Two smaller leather chairs sit on the opposite side of the desk for visitors' use. On the desk, in addition to the usual quills and parchment, are several photos of the professor's wife and daughter and an ipod dock that may or may not be blasting punk rock music when you walk in. A glass candy dish full of fancy French chocolates (courtesy of care packages from the professor's mother) sits in on corner of the desk facing the visitors. Please help yourself to a few!
Behind Professor Marchand is a shelf full of models of classic cars. Please DON'T touch the cars, thank you very much! You'll also find a few cat toys scattered on the floor and a cat condo where Professor Marchand's black and white cat, Phantom, can usually be found napping. If you're lucky, she may even let you pet her! A new addition to the room is a glass case along the back wall housing an empty cookie tin, a paper wolf, a couple of chocolate frog cards, a hot chocolate recipe, a wax samurai figure in a wooden box, a lion in a Gryffindor scarf sitting on a pedestal, and a photo of a rose music box (the item itself sits in his daughter's nursery) - all gifts from his students. The case is charmed to be weatherproof and unbreakable with a complicated series of charms required to unlock it.
So have a seat and make yourself at home!
OOC: please make sure you've posted in the Seating Area first and have been told to enter by Professor Marchand or me. You may play the cat if you wish, but please don't play the professor!
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Daisy entered Professor Marchand's office and immediately spotted the photo of the rose music box that Daisy's father had made. This caused the Hufflepuff to completely lose control of her emotions. She collapsed into the chair and spoke in short bursts, "M-my father fell ill during the s-summer and had to be hospitalised. The owl I received at the feast was from my aunt s-saying he d-died."
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Originally Posted by Ginevra
Daisy entered Professor Marchand's office and immediately spotted the photo of the rose music box that Daisy's father had made. This caused the Hufflepuff to completely lose control of her emotions. She collapsed into the chair and spoke in short bursts, "M-my father fell ill during the s-summer and had to be hospitalised. The owl I received at the feast was from my aunt s-saying he d-died."
Gaston eyed Daisy with concern as she entered the office, mentally searching for the right way to ask what was bothering her. He didn't want to sound nosy or demanding! In the end, he decided it would be best to wait and let her tell him on her own terms. He quietly closed the door behind him and turned to the Hufflepuff. He was going to invite her to sit down, but she'd already collapsed into a chair and...
Gaston felt as if he'd just been gut-punched. He had guessed that the owl brought bad news, but this was beyond anything he could've imagined! He drew in a sharp breath, leaning against the desk to steady himself. His eyes strayed to the glass case and the photo of the music box inside. He couldn't believe the man who made it just one short year ago was gone! Once the initial shock wore off, all that remained was sadness. Mr. Swann had once done something kind for Gaston's daughter; now it was only fair that he return the favor. Of course he would've wanted to comfort Daisy anyway, but now he felt even more of an obligation to do so. The problem was he didn't know how.
He sat in the other leather chair beside Daisy and said upon finding his voice, "Oh, Daisy... I'm so sorry. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through..." He had known loss before, but this was different. His father was still alive, and even so, he could never know what it was like to lose a parent at such a young age. "I- I'm here for you, whatever you need..."
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
Gaston eyed Daisy with concern as she entered the office, mentally searching for the right way to ask what was bothering her. He didn't want to sound nosy or demanding! In the end, he decided it would be best to wait and let her tell him on her own terms. He quietly closed the door behind him and turned to the Hufflepuff. He was going to invite her to sit down, but she'd already collapsed into a chair and...
Gaston felt as if he'd just been gut-punched. He had guessed that the owl brought bad news, but this was beyond anything he could've imagined! He drew in a sharp breath, leaning against the desk to steady himself. His eyes strayed to the glass case and the photo of the music box inside. He couldn't believe the man who made it just one short year ago was gone! Once the initial shock wore off, all that remained was sadness. Mr. Swann had once done something kind for Gaston's daughter; now it was only fair that he return the favor. Of course he would've wanted to comfort Daisy anyway, but now he felt even more of an obligation to do so. The problem was he didn't know how.
He sat in the other leather chair beside Daisy and said upon finding his voice, "Oh, Daisy... I'm so sorry. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through..." He had known loss before, but this was different. His father was still alive, and even so, he could never know what it was like to lose a parent at such a young age. "I- I'm here for you, whatever you need..."
"T-thank you, Professor Marchand," Daisy said tearfully. "I have this f-feeling that Hufflepuff was the only house that didn't have a start of term p-party and it's all m-my fault. I don't mind people showing concern, of course, but I-I don't want people feeling like they have to tread on eggshells around me."
Daisy wrung her hands in her lap and continued. "I'm worried about my lessons. What if I fail them?"
The day was almost done, and Gaston was looking forward to his nightly visit with his wife and daughter. But first, he had a few things to finish up... and dinner, of course. The thought crossed his mind to work through dinner so he could get home sooner, but Rose would never let him hear the end of it if she knew he'd been skipping meals again. He was sitting at his desk, halfway through a letter he was writing, when a knock at the door (or three) jerked him out of his thoughts.
He couldn't help but wonder what was going on as he set his quill down. The first knock sounded urgent, but the subsequent ones less so. He wasn't expecting to see Abra on the other side of the door,... well, he wasn't sure who he was expecting, but it was nice to see the boy nonetheless. He gave the Gryffindor captain a smile as he opened the door a bit wider. "Well, this is a pleasant surprise!" he said. "What can I do for you, Abra?"
Despite the fact that he was at the office in the hopes that his head of house would be there, Abra still jumped slightly when the door opened. He couldn't help it; nervous disposition. That was sort of getting better now, with the potions and everything, but sometimes he still surprised himself with how on edge he could be.
"Good afternoon, Professor Marchand," he said politely, stepping tentatively over the threshold and casting a quick look around the office. He didn't move to take a seat or anything just yet, not being nearly so confident to do so just of his own accord. "I've, ahh..." Bludgers and broomsticks. Abra hadn't quite anticipated just how difficult it would be to even start on the topic, to get the words out of his mouth. What if it was a flat out no? Worse, what if he was judged for asking it? What if he got yelled at? What if someone arrived outside and heard him and laughed because everyone knew he was useless at school and-...
No. Abra. No. We're not doing this right now.
He took a deep breath. Let it out.
"I've come to talk to you about OWLs, actually," Abra said at last, looking and sounding more than a little uncertain. Despite his breathing, the words were all coming out in a bit of a rush. "How to get out of them, like if you could write a note excusing me or something." A bit of a long shot, but he may as well ask, right?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Text Cut: Daisy <3
Originally Posted by Ginevra
"T-thank you, Professor Marchand," Daisy said tearfully. "I have this f-feeling that Hufflepuff was the only house that didn't have a start of term p-party and it's all m-my fault. I don't mind people showing concern, of course, but I-I don't want people feeling like they have to tread on eggshells around me."
Daisy wrung her hands in her lap and continued. "I'm worried about my lessons. What if I fail them?"
Gaston was sad. Seeing Daisy like this broke his heart; he wanted to give her a hug, but he didn't think that would be appropriate or appreciated at this point. A part of him wanted to scream at the injustice of it. Why did this have to happen to someone as kind as Daisy? His heart filled with fear as his thoughts turned to his beloved Desiree and the realization that one day, hopefully many decades form now, she would go through the same thing. He didn't know what was worse, knowing that she'd be hurt because of him or that there was nothing he could do to stop it from happening!
Looking at Daisy suddenly felt like looking into the future, and he imagined an older Desiree crying over his death. He shook his head, willing himself not to think about that, but the stubborn image remained burned into his brain. Between that and the sadness he already felt for Daisy, the emotional strain became too much for him, and tears welled in his eyes. He turned away, hoping Daisy wouldn't see. He didn't want her to think she'd upset him, especially after what she said.
Gaston sighed, swallowing the lump in his throat, and said, "I don't know why Hufflepuff didn't have a party, but I doubt that was the reason." He wondered if the reason had anything to do with Paul's uncharacteristically quiet attitude at the feast, but now wasn't the time to mention that. He didn't want to worry Daisy. "I can't see Professor Myers cancelling a party because of one person; he strikes me as the 'show must go on' type." At least, that was the idea he got working with him on that play a couple of terms ago! "And if he had thought along those lines, I think he would've asked you if that was what you wanted instead of just cancelling. If you're still worried about that, maybe you could ask him why there was no party?"
Blue eyes blinked in shock at her next words. Lessons were the last thing he expected she'd be concerned about now! "You won't fail," he assured her. "You've been through a traumatic experience, and the other professors and I will take that into consideration. Just do your best, like I know you will, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it." He managed a small, sad smile in an effort to encourage her.
Text Cut: Abra <3
Originally Posted by Felixir
Despite the fact that he was at the office in the hopes that his head of house would be there, Abra still jumped slightly when the door opened. He couldn't help it; nervous disposition. That was sort of getting better now, with the potions and everything, but sometimes he still surprised himself with how on edge he could be.
"Good afternoon, Professor Marchand," he said politely, stepping tentatively over the threshold and casting a quick look around the office. He didn't move to take a seat or anything just yet, not being nearly so confident to do so just of his own accord. "I've, ahh..." Bludgers and broomsticks. Abra hadn't quite anticipated just how difficult it would be to even start on the topic, to get the words out of his mouth. What if it was a flat out no? Worse, what if he was judged for asking it? What if he got yelled at? What if someone arrived outside and heard him and laughed because everyone knew he was useless at school and-...
No. Abra. No. We're not doing this right now.
He took a deep breath. Let it out.
"I've come to talk to you about OWLs, actually," Abra said at last, looking and sounding more than a little uncertain. Despite his breathing, the words were all coming out in a bit of a rush. "How to get out of them, like if you could write a note excusing me or something." A bit of a long shot, but he may as well ask, right?
Gaston couldn't help but notice Abra jump as he opened the door, Goodness, he hadn't meant to startle him! He gave him an apologetic look but said nothing about it. He didn't want to embarrass him by drawing unnecessary attention to it. His eyes followed the boy as he stepped into the office, and he closed the door behind him. As if on cue, the black and white cat sleeping on the cat condo behind the desk sprang to life, jumped down, and greeted the visitor with a cheery "meow!"
The professor chuckled a little, giving Phantom a quick scratch behind her ear. "I think she remembers you," he said. He took his place in the large leather chair behind the desk, and it was only then that he noticed Abra was still standing. Merlin, where were his manners? "Please, do sit down..." He gestured toward the chairs on the opposite side of the desk.
Gaston wondered what in the world was making Abra so nervous; then he heard the mention of OWLs. At first, he thought this was going to be a request for tutoring, but the conversation took an unexpected turn. His face fell. He didn't like having to be the bad guy and deny his students' requests, but he knew there were strict rules in place. He wasn't allowed to excuse a student from OWLs without a very good reason... though maybe Abra had one. "Could you give me a bit more information?" he asked. "Why do you want out of your OWLs?" He would withhold his decision for now, at least until he heard what the boy had to say.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
Gaston was sad. Seeing Daisy like this broke his heart; he wanted to give her a hug, but he didn't think that would be appropriate or appreciated at this point. A part of him wanted to scream at the injustice of it. Why did this have to happen to someone as kind as Daisy? His heart filled with fear as his thoughts turned to his beloved Desiree and the realization that one day, hopefully many decades form now, she would go through the same thing. He didn't know what was worse, knowing that she'd be hurt because of him or that there was nothing he could do to stop it from happening!
Looking at Daisy suddenly felt like looking into the future, and he imagined an older Desiree crying over his death. He shook his head, willing himself not to think about that, but the stubborn image remained burned into his brain. Between that and the sadness he already felt for Daisy, the emotional strain became too much for him, and tears welled in his eyes. He turned away, hoping Daisy wouldn't see. He didn't want her to think she'd upset him, especially after what she said.
Gaston sighed, swallowing the lump in his throat, and said, "I don't know why Hufflepuff didn't have a party, but I doubt that was the reason." He wondered if the reason had anything to do with Paul's uncharacteristically quiet attitude at the feast, but now wasn't the time to mention that. He didn't want to worry Daisy. "I can't see Professor Myers cancelling a party because of one person; he strikes me as the 'show must go on' type." At least, that was the idea he got working with him on that play a couple of terms ago! "And if he had thought along those lines, I think he would've asked you if that was what you wanted instead of just cancelling. If you're still worried about that, maybe you could ask him why there was no party?"
Blue eyes blinked in shock at her next words. Lessons were the last thing he expected she'd be concerned about now! "You won't fail," he assured her. "You've been through a traumatic experience, and the other professors and I will take that into consideration. Just do your best, like I know you will, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it." He managed a small, sad smile in an effort to encourage her.
Daisy sat in the chair thinking about what Professor Marchand was saying with regards to Professor Myers. "Maybe I should ask him but I don't know if I can just yet." When Professor Marchand gave Daisy those words of encouragement regarding lessons, she managed a small smile. "Thank you, Professor. I really appreciate that."
Gaston couldn't help but notice Abra jump as he opened the door, Goodness, he hadn't meant to startle him! He gave him an apologetic look but said nothing about it. He didn't want to embarrass him by drawing unnecessary attention to it. His eyes followed the boy as he stepped into the office, and he closed the door behind him. As if on cue, the black and white cat sleeping on the cat condo behind the desk sprang to life, jumped down, and greeted the visitor with a cheery "meow!"
The professor chuckled a little, giving Phantom a quick scratch behind her ear. "I think she remembers you," he said. He took his place in the large leather chair behind the desk, and it was only then that he noticed Abra was still standing. Merlin, where were his manners? "Please, do sit down..." He gestured toward the chairs on the opposite side of the desk.
Gaston wondered what in the world was making Abra so nervous; then he heard the mention of OWLs. At first, he thought this was going to be a request for tutoring, but the conversation took an unexpected turn. His face fell. He didn't like having to be the bad guy and deny his students' requests, but he knew there were strict rules in place. He wasn't allowed to excuse a student from OWLs without a very good reason... though maybe Abra had one. "Could you give me a bit more information?" he asked. "Why do you want out of your OWLs?" He would withhold his decision for now, at least until he heard what the boy had to say.
Oh, it was Phantom! Of course, being a self-confessed cat person, Abra hadn't forgotten the cat at all, just as he never forgot any of the cats he managed to meet. He smiled and leaned down to pet Phantom, and give her a little scratch behind the ears just as his Head of House had done, following his lead and all. "I remember her too." And, actually, was there any better feeling than when a cat was happy to see you?
Right, yes, of course. Abra nodded and, being careful not to knock into the cat, he went across to take one of the seats, glancing to Phantom to see where she would follow. His full attention, though, was on his question, or more specifically the answer.
As he took a fleeting look at Marchand's face, and caught sight of his expression, Abra started to deflate a little. That looked for sure like it would be a no, which was expected but, well, still disappointing. "It's just that..." he started to answer, not really sure of how to go about explaining or even if it was a good idea, but forging ahead all the same. "It's just that... it's too much. I know I'm going to end up failing them all anyway when it takes me, like, literally a billion hours longer than everyone else to do things like the theory stuff." Okay, a bit of an exaggeration, but it was sort of true, for dyslexia reasons. Practical work was fine, great even, but that wasn't taking things like Potions into account, where Abra was actually a liability. "And I don't remember things very well either, and there's just so much to remember in every class and I can't keep up and I don't know how I'm going to manage it all. I'm definitely going to fail everything." Had he said that already? Okay, sure, but that second time was for emphasis.
Whew. That felt... actually pretty okay to properly say out loud. It was a weird-good feeling to know that, even if he wasn't going to get what he wanted, Marchand still knew his concerns about it.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Text Cut: Daisy <3
Originally Posted by Ginevra
Daisy sat in the chair thinking about what Professor Marchand was saying with regards to Professor Myers. "Maybe I should ask him but I don't know if I can just yet." When Professor Marchand gave Daisy those words of encouragement regarding lessons, she managed a small smile. "Thank you, Professor. I really appreciate that."
Gaston remained silent, staring at the floor in front of him to hide the emotions playing across his face as his sad thoughts ran wild. He just wanted to go home to his daughter! He would be hugging her a little tighter than normal tonight. Panic set in as his thoughts turned to his own father. He'd seemed perfectly healthy when he saw him last Christmas, and he knew his mother would be frantically badgering him if something was wrong - but he still worried about him. He should probably write him later, just to make sure he was doing alright.
Daisy's voice jerked him out of his thoughts. Pushing his own troubles to the back of his mind, he met her eyes. "That's alright, you don't have to talk to him now," he said. "You can wait until you're ready." Her smile came as a welcome surprise, and he returned it with a small one of his own. "You're very welcome." Really, there was no need to thank him!
He eyed her with sympathy and concern, wishing there was something more he could do for her, but what? Then he remembered what his father said to him after Ellie's death. He'd been too emotionally drained to remember most of the comforting words he got, but these always stuck with him. "Daisy... If I may, I'd like to tell you something my father once told me when I lost someone," he said. "He said, 'When tragedy strikes, our first instinct is to offer comfort, but sometimes we just need to be reminded how strong you really are.' And I believe you're strong enough to get through this."
Text Cut: Abra <3
Originally Posted by Felixir
Oh, it was Phantom! Of course, being a self-confessed cat person, Abra hadn't forgotten the cat at all, just as he never forgot any of the cats he managed to meet. He smiled and leaned down to pet Phantom, and give her a little scratch behind the ears just as his Head of House had done, following his lead and all. "I remember her too." And, actually, was there any better feeling than when a cat was happy to see you?
Right, yes, of course. Abra nodded and, being careful not to knock into the cat, he went across to take one of the seats, glancing to Phantom to see where she would follow. His full attention, though, was on his question, or more specifically the answer.
As he took a fleeting look at Marchand's face, and caught sight of his expression, Abra started to deflate a little. That looked for sure like it would be a no, which was expected but, well, still disappointing. "It's just that..." he started to answer, not really sure of how to go about explaining or even if it was a good idea, but forging ahead all the same. "It's just that... it's too much. I know I'm going to end up failing them all anyway when it takes me, like, literally a billion hours longer than everyone else to do things like the theory stuff." Okay, a bit of an exaggeration, but it was sort of true, for dyslexia reasons. Practical work was fine, great even, but that wasn't taking things like Potions into account, where Abra was actually a liability. "And I don't remember things very well either, and there's just so much to remember in every class and I can't keep up and I don't know how I'm going to manage it all. I'm definitely going to fail everything." Had he said that already? Okay, sure, but that second time was for emphasis.
Whew. That felt... actually pretty okay to properly say out loud. It was a weird-good feeling to know that, even if he wasn't going to get what he wanted, Marchand still knew his concerns about it.
Gaston smiled as he watched Abra petting Phantom. The little cat leaned into his hand and began purring wildly, loving every minute of the attention she was getting. He chuckled a little at his words. "That's good," he said. "Phantom wouldn't take too kindly if you forgot about her! She likes to think she leaves a lasting impression on everyone she meets." He looked at the cat. "Isn't that right, Phantom?" The cat gave an emphatic meow in reply.
He vaguely noticed Phantom follow Abra to the chairs and curl up on the floor beside him, but his focus was on the boy as he began speaking. His eyes widened slightly as he listened. That was... a much longer explanation than he expected. Sympathy danwed in his eyes as he looked back at the boy.. "I understand... I think exams are overwhelming for everybody," he said. He remembered what a wreck he'd been over his own exams! "But I don't think skipping the OWLs is the answer." If he excused every stressed out kid from the OWLS, there would be nobody left to take the exams! "There are other things we can try. I can help you study, teach you some memory tricks, and I'll write to the Ministry about giving you extra time to do the theoretical portions of the exams."
He gave him a small, encouraging smile. "Don't worry, you won't fail everything. As a matter of interest, what do you plan to do after graduation?" If he knew Abra's intended career path, he could get a better idea which subjects to focus on helping him study.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
Gaston remained silent, staring at the floor in front of him to hide the emotions playing across his face as his sad thoughts ran wild. He just wanted to go home to his daughter! He would be hugging her a little tighter than normal tonight. Panic set in as his thoughts turned to his own father. He'd seemed perfectly healthy when he saw him last Christmas, and he knew his mother would be frantically badgering him if something was wrong - but he still worried about him. He should probably write him later, just to make sure he was doing alright.
Daisy's voice jerked him out of his thoughts. Pushing his own troubles to the back of his mind, he met her eyes. "That's alright, you don't have to talk to him now," he said. "You can wait until you're ready." Her smile came as a welcome surprise, and he returned it with a small one of his own. "You're very welcome." Really, there was no need to thank him!
He eyed her with sympathy and concern, wishing there was something more he could do for her, but what? Then he remembered what his father said to him after Ellie's death. He'd been too emotionally drained to remember most of the comforting words he got, but these always stuck with him. "Daisy... If I may, I'd like to tell you something my father once told me when I lost someone," he said. "He said, 'When tragedy strikes, our first instinct is to offer comfort, but sometimes we just need to be reminded how strong you really are.' And I believe you're strong enough to get through this."
Daisy couldn't help but notice that Professor Marchand had a rather troubled expression on his face. Had she done something to upset him? "Professor, I haven't upset you?" Daisy asked, looking at her Charms professor with concern.
Daisy thought for a moment. "I might talk with Headmistress Hawthorne as well as Professor Myers. I'm sure they will be able to help as much as you have been," she replied, smiling.
At Professor Marchand's advice, Daisy nodded in appreciation. "Thank you for the advice, sir. I appreciate all you've done for me but I must be going," Daisy got up from her seat and made her way to the door.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Originally Posted by Ginevra
Daisy couldn't help but notice that Professor Marchand had a rather troubled expression on his face. Had she done something to upset him? "Professor, I haven't upset you?" Daisy asked, looking at her Charms professor with concern.
Daisy thought for a moment. "I might talk with Headmistress Hawthorne as well as Professor Myers. I'm sure they will be able to help as much as you have been," she replied, smiling.
At Professor Marchand's advice, Daisy nodded in appreciation. "Thank you for the advice, sir. I appreciate all you've done for me but I must be going," Daisy got up from her seat and made her way to the door.
Gaston was so consumed by his worries about his own family that he didn't even notice the emotion written all over his face until Daisy spoke. He inwardly berated himself for letting her see him this way. She had enough enough on her mind now without having to worry about upsetting him! He really needed to do a better job of concealing his emotions. He sighed, not even bothering to hide his sadness as he forced himself to meet Daisy's eyes. It seemed futile, as she'd obviously already seen.
"You didn't upset me, Daisy," he said. He was silent for a moment as his mind searched for the right words to go on. He didn't want her to regret confiding in him, but he would not lie to her. "If anything, the situation upsets me." He ran a hand through his black hair, making it stick up. How should he put this? "It just... hurts me to see my students in pain, be it physical or emotional. I'm sad that this happened to you, but it's not your fault. I'm just being a sentimental fool."
Daisy's next words got a small smile from the professor. "I think that's a very good idea," he replied, nodding. "I'm sure they'll help you any way they can." He rose from his chair and followed Daisy to the door. "You're very welcome, Daisy," he said. "I'm glad I could help. Please don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything else."
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Gaston smiled as he watched Abra petting Phantom. The little cat leaned into his hand and began purring wildly, loving every minute of the attention she was getting. He chuckled a little at his words. "That's good," he said. "Phantom wouldn't take too kindly if you forgot about her! She likes to think she leaves a lasting impression on everyone she meets." He looked at the cat. "Isn't that right, Phantom?" The cat gave an emphatic meow in reply.
He vaguely noticed Phantom follow Abra to the chairs and curl up on the floor beside him, but his focus was on the boy as he began speaking. His eyes widened slightly as he listened. That was... a much longer explanation than he expected. Sympathy danwed in his eyes as he looked back at the boy.. "I understand... I think exams are overwhelming for everybody," he said. He remembered what a wreck he'd been over his own exams! "But I don't think skipping the OWLs is the answer." If he excused every stressed out kid from the OWLS, there would be nobody left to take the exams! "There are other things we can try. I can help you study, teach you some memory tricks, and I'll write to the Ministry about giving you extra time to do the theoretical portions of the exams."
He gave him a small, encouraging smile. "Don't worry, you won't fail everything. As a matter of interest, what do you plan to do after graduation?" If he knew Abra's intended career path, he could get a better idea which subjects to focus on helping him study.
As Phantom settled down beside him, and as he went on with his explanation, Abra leaned down and pet the little cat very gently, giving her a soft scratch behind the ears every now and then. Honestly, he knew that Phantom was Professor Marchand's pet, but having a cat in the office was actually a really good idea. Cats, and maybe just cute animals in general, were great for getting rid of anxiety - especially while talking about something that was hugely anxiety-provoking.
When the response from Professor Marchand came, Abra was, naturally, a little deflated, but resigned to the fact all the same. He'd honestly never actually believed that Marchand - and especially not the Headmistress - would actually let him just skip his OWLs altogether. He was, after all, in school for a reason. He suPPOSED.
Even so, he smiled, because Marchand was not entirely leaving him to his problems. Not that that was something Marchand was ever very likely to do. "That would be really great, thank you, sir." Maybe they could leave off from starting the studying part RIGHT away; it was still way too early to start that stress and Abra was still learning how to balance his Quidditch responsibilities with regular homework. And also attempting to live in a world of denial about exams. That too. "I think... I think that could help a lot."
He felt somewhat doubtful about Marchand's reassurances, but smiled anyway, before going quiet and thoughtful for a moment. The question was something he thought about a lot but also tried not to think about, as much as he could help it. Because scary future things.
"I... it's nothing to do with school, really. I was thinking about... trying to get into music? Like..." Feeling slightly embarrassed and, predictably, anxious about voicing his thoughts out loud, Abra got just the slightest bit flustered. "I play guitar and I... I sing. So... writing songs and performing them and... and stuff like that." If he ever got his anxiety under control, of course, potions or not. It always seemed to go away when he could get on stage and put on a persona or perform a role, but it was getting up there - getting out there - that was hard. He really needed to ask West how he did all the things, but the fear of not being good enough to go into a profession like that had been enough that he'd not really let himself give the matter any serious thought, and so he hadn't yet approached him on the matter. "My only other idea was art. Something to do with magical portraits, maybe."
Both ideas had notoriously limited success rates, Abra knew that. He did wish he was properly good at school, so that he could find a more stable sort of ambition, but apparently it just didn't work like that. He was only good at the things - music, art, Quidditch - where potential careers were incredibly ambitious or unlikely. And THEN there was his father to think about, and what he'd approve of, and all that fun stuff. Abra was getting anxious just thinking about it.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Originally Posted by Felixir
As Phantom settled down beside him, and as he went on with his explanation, Abra leaned down and pet the little cat very gently, giving her a soft scratch behind the ears every now and then. Honestly, he knew that Phantom was Professor Marchand's pet, but having a cat in the office was actually a really good idea. Cats, and maybe just cute animals in general, were great for getting rid of anxiety - especially while talking about something that was hugely anxiety-provoking.
When the response from Professor Marchand came, Abra was, naturally, a little deflated, but resigned to the fact all the same. He'd honestly never actually believed that Marchand - and especially not the Headmistress - would actually let him just skip his OWLs altogether. He was, after all, in school for a reason. He suPPOSED.
Even so, he smiled, because Marchand was not entirely leaving him to his problems. Not that that was something Marchand was ever very likely to do. "That would be really great, thank you, sir." Maybe they could leave off from starting the studying part RIGHT away; it was still way too early to start that stress and Abra was still learning how to balance his Quidditch responsibilities with regular homework. And also attempting to live in a world of denial about exams. That too. "I think... I think that could help a lot."
He felt somewhat doubtful about Marchand's reassurances, but smiled anyway, before going quiet and thoughtful for a moment. The question was something he thought about a lot but also tried not to think about, as much as he could help it. Because scary future things.
"I... it's nothing to do with school, really. I was thinking about... trying to get into music? Like..." Feeling slightly embarrassed and, predictably, anxious about voicing his thoughts out loud, Abra got just the slightest bit flustered. "I play guitar and I... I sing. So... writing songs and performing them and... and stuff like that." If he ever got his anxiety under control, of course, potions or not. It always seemed to go away when he could get on stage and put on a persona or perform a role, but it was getting up there - getting out there - that was hard. He really needed to ask West how he did all the things, but the fear of not being good enough to go into a profession like that had been enough that he'd not really let himself give the matter any serious thought, and so he hadn't yet approached him on the matter. "My only other idea was art. Something to do with magical portraits, maybe."
Both ideas had notoriously limited success rates, Abra knew that. He did wish he was properly good at school, so that he could find a more stable sort of ambition, but apparently it just didn't work like that. He was only good at the things - music, art, Quidditch - where potential careers were incredibly ambitious or unlikely. And THEN there was his father to think about, and what he'd approve of, and all that fun stuff. Abra was getting anxious just thinking about it.
Gaston watched as Phantom continued to bask in all the attention she was getting. The black and white Persian nudged her head against Abra's hand, demanding more petting. Gaston laughed. Such a ham! The thought crossed his mind to ask if Phantom was bothering him, but he didn't think Abra seemed annoyed. On the contrary, he seemed more at ease around her... not that that was much of a surprise. Phantom had that effect on people!
His expression darkened slightly as he awaited the boy's reaction to his words. If there was any way he could grant his request, he would've done it... but it just wasn't possible. Still, he couldn't help but feel a bit guilty about it. Gaston was half-expecting an argument to follow, but that didn't happen. To his surprise, Abra was smiling, and he smiled in return. "No, thank you for handling this in such a mature way," he replied. "If you like, I can talk to some of the other professors about helping you study as well; I'm sure they'd be happy to help. It's our job to help you any way we can."
Gaston's blue eyes widened. He wasn't sure what career path would interest Abra, but he wasn't expecting it to be something so... right up his alley. "Really?" he said. He knew the boy played guitar from having him in the orchestra the past few terms, but he didn't know he wrote his own songs. Merlin, he needed to do a better job keeping track of his students' interests! "I'm something of a songwriter myself." His cheeks blushed as he ran a nervous hand through his dark hair. He felt like he was bragging, despite leaving out the part about his songs being used by a famous rock band! "I was never much of a performer, but I can teach you some techniques to hone your songwriting skills. I also have some friends in the music business who might be able to help you. I can write to them, ask them to give you some advice about perusing a career..." He chuckled to himself as he imagined Lucien and Tillie's reactions to such a letter.
His expression turned serious as he looked back at Abra. Was it just him or did the boy seem a little flustered? He gave him a sympathetic smile; there was nothing to worry about. Then an thought occurred to him. He recalled the extreme stage fright he'd suffered when he was starting out (and still did, to some degree) and wondered if it was the same for Abra. "And how is performing for you?" he asked. Maybe he could teach him some tricks to overcome his stage fright...
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...