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Coming down to the end of October, the weather was bond to get a tad cold, a warning sign that the full blast of winter would be upon them all soon. It was for this reason that she had taken care to make sure that there was complete warmth circulating in her classroom. If any of the kiddos felt the need to wear extra layers of clothing then by all means they were quite free to.
This was not the first lesson she would be teaching after the events of last term and though they had went off fairly well, Kay was still worried about one of the more fiery kiddos giving her sass or disrupting the lesson. She didn't think she had the energy to defend herself anymore and it was for this reason that she had become withdrawn and unlike the cheery and bright person that she had been.
As it was, today the woman was seated at her desk. Though today's lesson was already planned completely, she was drafting a plan for her upcoming one. It was always best to be prepared. Once you enter the classroom, you may take a seat at one the combination desks. Taped to the whiteboard, is a chart displaying the various methods of transportation used by muggles. Air, land and sea methods were all covered.
OOC: Hiyo! WELCOMEEE to the first OOC lesson We shall officially get started in about 27-28 hours. In the meanwhile, have your kiddos greet Kay, ignore her, grab their seats or chat among friends! PS: Minimum chatthing tho, so as to not clutter the thread CLASS HAS STARTED!
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
The professor said she was okay, but Chloe was going to worry about her anyway. She just didn't seem herself, and it stressed her out when people were unhappy. Which was probably unhealthy, but a girl had to be herself. She let herself be distracted by the topic at hand, though, propping her quill against the parchment and writing down suggestions from her classmates.
Except the bit about a private jet. That sounded fake.
And then, inspiration! "Oh, I was going to say what Skylar said. Trains might be Muggle by invention, but we've all used those. They're pretty good, honestly, especially for moving a lot of people at once. And the Knight Bus, that's just a very big and magicked automobile. I've been on that a few times, although it makes my dad go like this," and Chloe did a more than passable expression of her father's stressed out face. "My sister has a motorcycle, but I've only been puttering around the block on it. My father makes that face again." Honestly, what didn't make him make that face?
They moved on to labeling parts of cars... right to the labeling, professor? That seemed like giving a pop quiz before assigning the chapter to read, but okay. Some of these parts were quite intuitive, right? "Um. Number 10 is a wheel. Or, no... a tire. Although it's not because it's sleepy but that's what it makes me think of." Tired tires.
★ Dawn ★
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
Last edited by Cassirin; 05-21-2018 at 02:15 AM.
Reason: Because I'm slow, apparently. Just adding, no subtracting.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Maddie nodded along as the professor gave her a very detailed definition of what a monorail was. Hmm...she hadn't known that, but leave it to the professor to know and then explain it to her. That wasn't what the lesson was about, though. Apparently, it was about car parts, something Maddie knew nothing about. Seats and wheels, yes, but all the insides of the car? Nope.
Maddie blinked and studied the diagrams. There were numbers everywhere pointing to parts that were obvious and then parts that weren't. It was a good thing they weren't meant to be labeling anything right now, because Maddie didn't even know what to label. Could they request a partner? And if they could, could Maddie be with somebody who knew all about cars?
Eria had been quietly weighing and thinking about the answers going around. All of them so modern, no one seemed to know about or care for the classics. How saddening...but then she wasn't impressed by the majority of the occupants in this class.
Speaking of which...Mr. Pumpkin certainly had a way of being a disgusting draw of attention every class didn't he? After the kerfluffle started, Eria calmly and silently moved herself to an empty seat near Beth.
It was probably best that the mutterings distracted her. Eria's favorite choice of transit was Elephants. Elephants were a little slow but they didn't crash, they didn't have gauges or computers that malfuntioned...they were extremely cute...they were warm, they could move obstructions out of their own way, they came with their own horn built in, you didn't have to perform mechanical maintenance, ...you could feed them and pet them and give them treats... they only needed food, water, respect, and the occasional vet visit. Elephants were THE BEST and safest way to travel by far and her favorite animal in the world...then horses.
Oh...they were labeling cars now? Well...she supposed. The lanky she snake was applying for her provisional license after this term and had already been for some driving lessons. At least the task wouldn't be difficult... Taking a piece of parchment and a pen, she marked all of the numerical values for the interior and exterior of the vehicle so that she could fill it in as they went.
That little excuse moi just made Beth roll her eyes, really? Was he trying to seem more pretentious? All oh look I’m wordly and cultured it must mean I’m important, she did of course bite back a giggle when he asked Quinn if something were funny. Ewan even got a slight little nod when the blonde noticed his smile, he did of course get a concerned look at the comment about the car.
”I’m sorry,” she muttered over to him, remembering of course of the story he had told her over the summer…right, that reminded her that she had told him something about her own father’s mysterious death – what had it been? Because truly, she hadn’t known the actual cause.
Oh, right…keep it down right. Beth nodded to the Professor, ”of course Professor” Beth muttered before taking the diagrams that were handed out. Yes, recreational transportation was more Beth’s thing…because that was fun.
SPOILER!!: notes
Anabeth C. Greyvson
Slytherin, 1st Year Ronan is a tool
a really annoying tool
Exterior Diagram
light…right? It’s a light?
bonnet thing…
rain flappy thing?
wind thingy bug shield?
side mirror
rear light?
wheel or tire
really very front
Interior Diagron
wheel...turning wheel like what they have on ships
odomitor? speed thing?
rear-view mirror
radio distraction zone thing
glove box i don't understand this name
gas no break...no gas! i don't know!
break...no gas...its a pedal!
another break? emergency break?
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Last edited by itsjustjesse; 05-21-2018 at 03:20 AM.
Reason: coding error i left out a closing /
Airplanes, right. He nodded at Ewan's explanations, his brows furrowing as the boy went off about things he did not know, professor Stewart only confirming it. Did he know that the first airplane was invented in 1903 by American brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright? He meekly shook his head. Well, he knew now.
As the class progressed, he could feel himself sinking into his seat. He knew absolutely nothing about cars. Has only been in one a couple of times his whole life... so he was going to make himself blend in with the surroundings until he disappeared altogether. Studying the diagrams only confirmed how clueless he was about all of that. "One and eight on the first one light up at night, right?" he asked in a low voice, leaning closer to Ewan, his eyes literally begging for help.
♪♫ As if it's a puzzle, the overlapping heartbeats,
We are still incomplete, which is why we are perfect. ♪♫
Steph looked closely at the diagrams, trying to remember the car parts to the exterior of it. She took out a piece of parchment and started writing down what she can remember when her dad talked about them. Or even her great aunt. And her cousin Tim, who now drove everywhere because of something about feeling free and whatnot. Anyway. The redhead wrote down some parts, but didn't want to exactly ask yet bout the ones she couldn't remember.
She'd wait a bit longer until her noggin couldn't think anymore.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
Professor Stewart got another sour look when she told Quinn and Beth to drop it along with the Head Boy. How were they not dropping it? All Quinn did was laugh a little at Beth's comment. It was Ronan that asked the question. She simply answered, and it was a short one word answer. Nothing more. Had he not asked, it would have been dropped with Beth's comment.
So really, direct that solely on him, Professor.
And oh. Eria had come and joined them, sitting on the opposite side of Beth than Quinn was. She gave the older snake a smile and then picked up her quill. This assignment was biased in her opinion. You had to have some exposure to muggles or muggle technology to know this, and some of them, like Quinn, had practically none.
SPOILER!!: Notes
Quinnlin Kevelle
Ravenclaw, First year
1. Eye? Candle?
2. Oh, this one has something to do with the head right? Hat? No, hair!
3. Window frame? What is it even point at?
4. Window.
5. Top.
6. Is that an ear or something? Looks like an ear a bit. Is it to hear other cars around them? Like an extendable ear?
7. That has to do with foot, yeah? Shoe? Or toe, I think.
8. Stern! (it is cars that they name the sides right?)
9. door
10. Wheel.
11. bow ???
12. bow
1. Wheel? (or is it a helm?)
2. Clocks? Why do they have 3 clocks?
3. Window handle?
4. Is that some sort of slot to put muggle money? Why?
5. A rectangle?
6. Cane holder?
7. ???
8. ???
9. ??? Honestly, I don't even know what I'm looking at to make a guess...
Quinn set down her quill and folded her arms over her chest in annoyance. It would be quite helpful if the Professor actually taught us this stuff before quizzing us.
She enjoyed hearing what everyone thought about different modes of muggle transportation. Some seemed to know a lot, and others, not much at all. It also sparked her memory of Bel showing up for quidditch tryouts last year in full motocross gear. She would have to talk to her more about riding after class.
After taking a few more notes, she huffed a bit, getting annoyed by all of the chatter going on in the class. She normally wouldn’t feel bothered by it, but her head was starting to pound and her ears felt as if someone had stuffed cotton balls inside of them.
She finished labeling as many parts as she could on her notes, then leaned her forehead against her hand.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Oh, had he touched some nerves? Good, especially if said touched nerves lead to points losses for the other houses (especially if said points loser was the Slytherin Captain). He didn't like that Gryffindor wasn't on top and he was determined to change that before the term ended. Granted, he had awhile, given that it was only October, but still. Also, the eye roll from the first year got a side eye from him. Did she have a problem with the French people? 'Cause that was going to be a problem, considering he'd basically grown up there.
Also, cars, slow? Since when? He still had his crutches from his accident the summer before last that said otherwise.
Honestly, the part about the jet had just slipped out. He hadn't meant it as a brag at all. Also, the Slytherin and Ravenclaw first years had started the whole thing with their snotty attitude, remarks and laughter. But, he'd be the bigger man, for now. He was, after all, the Head Boy. "Of course, Professor. Sorry."
Nailed it! And now he wanted to be behind the wheel of his own car back home. Anyway, were they just supposed to study the chart, or were they supposed to say which part was which? Because that one Ravenclaw had mentioned tires, which was correct, but no one else was saying anything? Oh well. Just decided to put it in his notes for now.
Text Cut: notes
Ronan Carter
Year Seven
Muggle Studies Note to self: Discuss certain Slytherin's behavior with Head Girl. Suggest she do something about it (a run in with Flynn may fix her wagon?) Also, a discussion with Professor Hirsch about a certain Ravenclaw?
1. Headlight
2. Hood
3. Windscreen wiper
4. Windscreen
5. Roof
6. Side mirror
7. Boot
8. Brake light
9. Door handle
10. Tire
11. Front bumper
12. Number plate
1: Steering wheel
2: Speedometer
3: Rearview mirror
4. Center console
5. Glovebox
6. Gearstick
7. Accelerator
8. Clutch (doesn't exist in cars with automatic transmission)
9. Brake!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
She didn't have any questions.
The Ravenclaw was barely paying attention as is and while questions came naturally for her, they did not when her mind and interest were elsewhere. Right now, that attention that'd grown so elusive this term was set just outside the window. A pair of birds swooped by. They reminded her of Galileo and Apollo. Shame she hadn't been able to keep them. Just a little more research and she was sure she could've gotten them as tame as Archimedes and Tiberius now were.
It was all in getting the wards and charms just right.
She could get another pair of birds...now that she knew better.....but the felines may very well make that difficult. Besides, a jack rabbit was next on the list. If birds came, they would have to be after.
Briefly, Jessa glanced back at the Professor, spotting the diagram she displayed for the class. Uh...no...she didn't wanna label that. She didn't particularly care what parts were called what or what exactly they did to contribute to the car's functionality.
Back out the window then. Oh look, another pair of birds.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Stealthy Ninja Queen | Snake For Life | waddling baker | binge royalty ♚
Patrick hadn’t mentioned any forms of transportation because every single one he knew they would know had already been said, but he could’ve said a unicycle. He was sure most of his friends had never seen someone down the busy streets ride a unicycle like it was no big deal. “Unicycles,” he mumbled under his breath not thinking anyone would hear him. He just nodded in agreement with his classmates. He felt like it was cheating since he grew up this way, nearly muggle since his mother didn’t want him to feel weird near his muggle friends.
Perking up he looked to the diagram on the board. That would be easy. He had been looking forward to getting his license since he was a kid. But more so now since he was thirteen and only three short years away from getting it since technically he still lived in the states as his grandparents were his main address. For purposes of his “boarding school”. He smiled a bit and began scribbling down the answers to the options. He heard someone ask about the things that light up at night and nodded to himself because he knew those were the headlights.
Text Cut: notes
inside: 9—clutch, but not all cars have one of these.
he noted that since he was afraid he wouldn’t get a chance to say it to the professor. He wanted to pipe up for the class his mouth opening for a second but then he figured that would be giving away an answer and he should sit down and shut his mouth.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
There was a lot going on and Derf must have been zoning out for a lot of it - especially since he had completely missed the exchange between Ronan and the first years and, well, the general aura with all that. Oops. He was clearly having a horribly off day.
Grinning curiously as he was awarded points, he threw Bel a small shoulder shrug and waited for the class to progress on to automobiles and labeling images. Er...the fifth year reckoned that he could flip open his textbook and find all the answers there, or most of them at least, but that seemed like a waste of time to just copy directly from the book and not likely to help him learn much. Better to label everything, take stabs in the dark, maybe make a thing up or two, and THEN cross reference to see how many he got right and what needed improvement.
Sooooooooo he slid his book under his seat and then glanced over at Bel. "So...you as knowledgeable about this as you are riding motocross?" he asked her, big blues wide with HOPE. "'cause...I know that that," he continued, pointing to number 9. "...is the door handle, unless there is a fancy name for that...and that that, er, those..." he added, pointing to number 10. "...is a wheel...or tire...reckon tire is the better word. Maybe. And 1 is a blinker."
And maybe he knew some of the others. Maybe. But 12? 11? Most of the things on the interior view? Nope. Big ol' bag of NOPE, not a clue.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
SPOILER!!: professor and derf
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
"Five points for your demonstration to Ms. Macindoe.''
"Motocross, everyone, is a form of off road motorcycle racing. While correctly stated it isn't a form of transportation, it must be noted that this is yet another method where transportation can be used in a competitive manner. Excellent, out of the box thinking, Mr Ashburry- Hawthorne. Cable cars indeed. In addition to being used aerially, they can be used on the ground. These exist in places like New Zealand and America, particularly San Francisco.''
OOC: I'm sorry but I forgot to give Derf the points earlier
Bel certainly had a lot to say but Kay listened with interest. Ah, so it was she that introduced Derf to motocross. "Thank you for sharing that, Ms Macindoe. I must say it's great to have an activity that builds your confidence and brings out a talent within you. Continue to take the precautions that you do.'' The last thing she wanted to hear was Bel was seriously injured in the future. "Continue to encourage your friends to try it also. It sounds fun.'' And scary at the same time but some lived dangerously, right?
* * * * * * * *
"Today we will be studying cars. Oh, we won't delve into the boring history of how they're made or where they originated from.'' Never fear, Kaysha wasn't that boring. "Many witches and wizards go on to take their driver's tests when they reach the minimum Muggle approved age in hope to gain their license. Since cars seem to be the most popular form chosen, we'll be covering the basic exterior and interior parts as well as some crucial do's and don'ts before moving into today's main activity.''
Stewart paused for a moment, taking the time to move to her desk. From within, she retrieved to more pieces of cardboard charts. They were quickly added to the board. "As you can see, I have diagrams of the exterior and exterior of a car. For this portion of the class, we will be labelling them.'' Of course, she could have just given them the diagrams on papers and have them label it but that was too basic and no fun. An interactive activity was what she was going for.
"Please study the diagrams then I will give you your first set of instructions. If you have any questions, now will be an excellent time to ask them or if there's a fact or opinion you want to share, go ahead. Just do not any parts to the diagram.''
OOC: Hiii, guys! <3 So, this is a more laid back part of the mini activity but it's perfect for asking questions or sharing a fact like Kay said. We shall continue in about 24 hours!
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
There was a lot going on and Derf must have been zoning out for a lot of it - especially since he had completely missed the exchange between Ronan and the first years and, well, the general aura with all that. Oops. He was clearly having a horribly off day.
Grinning curiously as he was awarded points, he threw Bel a small shoulder shrug and waited for the class to progress on to automobiles and labeling images. Er...the fifth year reckoned that he could flip open his textbook and find all the answers there, or most of them at least, but that seemed like a waste of time to just copy directly from the book and not likely to help him learn much. Better to label everything, take stabs in the dark, maybe make a thing up or two, and THEN cross reference to see how many he got right and what needed improvement.
Sooooooooo he slid his book under his seat and then glanced over at Bel. "So...you as knowledgeable about this as you are riding motocross?" he asked her, big blues wide with HOPE. "'cause...I know that that," he continued, pointing to number 9. "...is the door handle, unless there is a fancy name for that...and that that, er, those..." he added, pointing to number 10. "...is a wheel...or tire...reckon tire is the better word. Maybe. And 1 is a blinker."
And maybe he knew some of the others. Maybe. But 12? 11? Most of the things on the interior view? Nope. Big ol' bag of NOPE, not a clue.
Oh, bonza! With mirth in her eyes, Bel looked at Derf. Scored 5 points for showing her how to sit down? Clearly they needed to do that more often, if it would unexpectedly give a big chunk of points to Hufflepuff like that. She grinned cheerfully at the professor's response to her blather about motocross and gave her a thumbs up. And on to an activity, though Bel was actually slightly disappointed that they weren't talking a bit about how cars even happened, that sort of was a lot more interesting than just labeling a diagram. Or... not quite yet, but studying it and talking about it? She looked at Derf.
"Yeah I know a bit, but its too bad there's no picture of an engine up there." That would be more exciting wouldn't it? She pointed at the interior diagram. "But its the wrong way around, the wheel's supposed to be on the other side. But that's number 1. And 2 I think is pointing at the speedo but its hard to tell. And I dunno about if the foot pedals are reversed in this diagram like the wheel is?" That was confusing actually. Was it clutch, break, gas in this diagram? Or was it reversed like the wheel? The rest was easy enough.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Oh. Derf felt just a tiiiiiiiiny bit crestfallen that Bel wasn't an expert on this. But he supposed that was sorta a bit of an unfair assumption for him to have had anyway. "Okay...well...I reckon we can sort most of this out together then," he grinned as he unrolled a fresh piece of parchment and started writing numbers. Oh, but first he put their names at the top.
"Wait...isn't a speedo a...kind of swimsuit?" he asked, blinking at his friend a few times. As to the whole discussion about things being on the wrong side and such... "Don't Americans have stuff backwards? Or...maybe the whole picture is just in reverse?" Not that it made much of a different to the fifth year. He wouldn't know what half the stuff was even if it were in the right place. "Is...er...6 a joystick? I mean 6 on the inside view. I think 6 on the exterior are...mirrors. Side mirrors?"
door handle
steering wheel (wrong side though)
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Rylee listened to what everyone else said around her taking down a few notes. When Professor Stewart suggested she take things along with her on her journeys to occupy her time she smiled and nodded. It was a good idea and something she did do however she was an active child who liked to keep busy, so sometimes it wasn't easy to do. She tried though.
They were going to be talking about cars today. Good thing Rian had graduated, she would've disliked this lesson with a passion. Rylee looked at the diagrams on the board at the front of the room. Labeling her parchment she got to work on trying to see much of the diagram she actual knew.
SPOILER!!: Notes!
Rylee Prichard
2nd Year, Gryffindor
1. Headlights!
2. Hood
3. Uh is that supposed to be the windshield wiper?
4. Windshield
5. Hood
6. The side mirror!
7. Uh trunk?
8. Rear light maybe?
9. Door handle
10. Front tire
11. Front bumper
12. License plate right? Or does that go on the back of the car? Yeah... that's on the back... *Shrugs*
1. Steering wheel!
2. Uh... speedometer? one of those says how fast you go. Why are there three?
3. Rear-view mirror
4: The whole thing or just that one piece? *Confused* It plays music though!
5. Glove compartment! How come it's called this?
6. That's the gearstick thing... I think there's to many
7. Gas pedal right?
8. I have no idea
9.Break pedal cause the other one of the gas?
Rylee laid her quill down beside her parchment before sitting back in her chair. Most of this she did know even though she wasn't to fond of cars. Maybe Professor Steward would be able to explain why some of the parts of the car had such funny names.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
*Sigh* This was not something he wanted to do at all. Not now. Not ever. Looking over at Beth, he frowned. Sorry for... OH. He told her. *Blush*“uh...yeah thanks B. Just don’t tell anyone please”.
Listening to the Professor now, he couldn’t help but disagree slightly. Statistically, there were more car accidents than basically every other mode of transport. Mainly because they were more common but still. They may not all be fool proof but some were definitely safer than the rest. He knew first hand. Getting his quill, he started the professors task, not realising he was running his other hand over his ribs, his thoughts on other things. He didn't say any this of course. Looking at her now briefly, he turned away. He didn't want to get into it here and well... he'd only end up freaking out about it.
Turning his head slightly towards Daniel, his eyes still on his parchment, he continued his work. “Feel free to copy anything. Most of it should be right but if you know anything or want to add anything, let me know”. He knew he didn’t know much and he didn’t mind helping him. It wasn’t copying. More like team work. “Or if you want to know more about what something is or does”, he added at the end. After all, how else would he learn.
Diagram 1
1. Head lights (Used to light up the road)
2. Car Bonnet (Engine underneath)
3. Windscreen Wipers (To keep rain off the screen mainly)
4. Wind Screen
5. Roof
6. Mirrors (Used to see behind)
7. Boot? (Trunk if you prefer)
8. Rear lights
9. Door or door handle?
10. Car Wheels
11. Front bumper
12. Number plate
Diagram 2
1. Steering Wheel
2. Speedometer?
3. Mirror
4. CD player or radio
5. Glove box
6. Gear stick
7. Accelerator peddle
8. Brake Peddle
9. The clutch
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Certainly, more than paying attention to the loss of points and the attitude of the student that lost them. Not that he was completely unfamiliar with seeing automobiles if not ever having been in one. Septimus looked over the shown diagrams as instructed wondering about the possible names they could be labeling, at least the things he had no clue on. There was the door and wheels of course. And the driving wheel and music on the inside of the car. As for questions, he was going to have to wait until something came to mind. For now he was just watching and listening.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Chloe
Originally Posted by Cassirin
The professor said she was okay, but Chloe was going to worry about her anyway. She just didn't seem herself, and it stressed her out when people were unhappy. Which was probably unhealthy, but a girl had to be herself. She let herself be distracted by the topic at hand, though, propping her quill against the parchment and writing down suggestions from her classmates.
Except the bit about a private jet. That sounded fake.
And then, inspiration! "Oh, I was going to say what Skylar said. Trains might be Muggle by invention, but we've all used those. They're pretty good, honestly, especially for moving a lot of people at once. And the Knight Bus, that's just a very big and magicked automobile. I've been on that a few times, although it makes my dad go like this," and Chloe did a more than passable expression of her father's stressed out face. "My sister has a motorcycle, but I've only been puttering around the block on it. My father makes that face again." Honestly, what didn't make him make that face?
They moved on to labeling parts of cars... right to the labeling, professor? That seemed like giving a pop quiz before assigning the chapter to read, but okay. Some of these parts were quite intuitive, right? "Um. Number 10 is a wheel. Or, no... a tire. Although it's not because it's sleepy but that's what it makes me think of." Tired tires.
"Excellent, Ms. Kettleburn. The Knight Bus is indeed another fine example parallel to what Ms Diggory said.'' You know what else? Chloe actually made Kay laugh with her facial expressions. That's right, a genuine laugh. "Parents can worry too much, don't you think?'' The Ravenclaw was being an eager beaver, wasn't she? "You'll have to wait and find out,'' she added not unkindly.
SPOILER!!: Patrick!
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson
Patrick hadn’t mentioned any forms of transportation because every single one he knew they would know had already been said, but he could’ve said a unicycle. He was sure most of his friends had never seen someone down the busy streets ride a unicycle like it was no big deal. “Unicycles,” he mumbled under his breath not thinking anyone would hear him. He just nodded in agreement with his classmates. He felt like it was cheating since he grew up this way, nearly muggle since his mother didn’t want him to feel weird near his muggle friends.
Perking up he looked to the diagram on the board. That would be easy. He had been looking forward to getting his license since he was a kid. But more so now since he was thirteen and only three short years away from getting it since technically he still lived in the states as his grandparents were his main address. For purposes of his “boarding school”. He smiled a bit and began scribbling down the answers to the options. He heard someone ask about the things that light up at night and nodded to himself because he knew those were the headlights.
Text Cut: notes
inside: 9—clutch, but not all cars have one of these.
he noted that since he was afraid he wouldn’t get a chance to say it to the professor. He wanted to pipe up for the class his mouth opening for a second but then he figured that would be giving away an answer and he should sit down and shut his mouth.
Kay barely heard it but she was positive the word 'unicycles' wafted to her ears. "Unicycles, yes,'' she began a reply and looking at Patrick. Had it been him who had spoken? "They're mainly used by circus folk or by those who want to try it for fun and were more popular many, many years ago. I can't imagine learning to ride one of those is easy...'' the woman ended thoughtfully, for the first time thinking of such a thing.
* * * * * * *
Alright, so there weren’t questions which was just fine. It was time for Kay to pick the kiddos brains. She noticed that a few of them were already scribbling in books or on parchment and consulting with their friends. They really got a head of her there; this was actually a good thing.
"I see most of you have already gotten started on the activity. You may work on your own to come up with answers or you may work with a friend or friends. Have discussions, ask questions. You have twenty minutes. Once that time's elapsed, you'll help me label the diagrams.''
Kaysha gestured generally to the room at large. "Go ahead. Get started or continue from where you were.''
OOC: Howdy! Kay and I see all of you So, this is not officially a group activity, it's up to your charries They'll have twenty four hours to have discussion/ finish up putting their answers together.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
"Does anybody know anything about cars?! I need a partner! A smart one, too!" she said aloud. There was no way she could get this done by herself. If she had any hope of finishing the activity, she needed to find one super awesome partner! Didn't boys know a lot about cars? Even wizard boys? What about Patrick or Derf? OH! What about that cutie Charlie from Quidditch tryouts?!
Maddie went ahead and fished a piece of parchment, a quill, and some ink out of her bag. Did she have to write with a pencil and some loose-leaf paper in this class? If so, her partner would need to bring one of the those along, too!
Daehyun knew this was coming next. Identifying all those parts. Sigh.
Looking over at Ewan, he smiled gratefully at the boy's offer, but said, "I'll try on my own first." See just how clueless he was - but maybe he'd get some things right. But it was probably just wishful thinking.
SPOILER!!: Notes
1. light
2. ???
3. wipers!!
4. window?
5. ???
6. mirror
7. ???
8. another light
9. door
10. tire
11. ???
12. registration number
1. steering wheel
2. shows speed and other things?
3. another mirror
4. ???
5. secret compartment
6. ???
7. pedal
8. pedal
9. pedal
Sighing as he dropped his quill next to his parchment, he finally took a peek at Ewan's, immediately frowning. Of course the Ravenclaw already had everything down. "Glove box? So they just-use it for gloves?" Wasn't that quite useless, unless they lived in corners of the world that were cold all year around? What did muggles in warm countries use it for, then?
♪♫ As if it's a puzzle, the overlapping heartbeats,
We are still incomplete, which is why we are perfect. ♪♫
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
So, they hadn't been meant to start yet? Oops.
Since he was already done, Ronan took out a blank sheet of paper and started doodling absent-mindedly. Seemed as good a way to pass the time as any. And he didn't think Professor Stewart would mind, since he was being quiet and he was done with the assignment already.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Honestly, Harriet didn't want to be sat her labelling some random diagrams. She found muggle studies quite interesting at times, but honestly this was just boring. She probably wasn't going to learn to drive. She had no need to. She could apparate, and then their was the floo network for longer journeys. So really, no need to know anything about cars. She got that they needed to do activities, but she would have preferred something maybe more practical? Or a discussion around cars. Maybe that would come next? If not, the 7th year figured she was going to be very bored for the lesson.
So the blonde began to study the diagrams. She knew some of the parts, not all, but she figured that was okay. She just wrote down on her parchment the ones she did know. She wasn't too worried about not knowing them all. That was the point of school, no point coming if she already knew everything. She put her quill down, and then just looked at the diagrams, to see if she could work out any of the other things.
SPOILER!!: Hattie's notes
Car exterior;
1. Light
2. Bonnet.... front section? something?
4. Wind screen? Front window?
5. Roof
6. Side mirror
8. Back of car?
9. Handle
11. Front section?
12. Number Plate?
Car Interior;
1. Steering wheel
2. Speed thingy?
3. Mirror
4. radio? Music player?
6. Stick thingy?
7. A pedal?
8. another pedal?
9. another pedal?
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Eria sat in silence, waiting to be told she could mark things down. She wanted to just mark it and be done really, so her eyes stayed on her paper.
SPOILER!!: Answer Sheet
Eria A. Lovecraft
Year Five
External Vehicle Diagram
1. Headlight (Can be used in low or high power)
2. Hood or Bonnet (Name varies between countries, function is the same)
3. Windshield Wiper (May also be called a Windscreen Wiper)
4. Windshield (May also be called a Windscreen)
5. Roof (In certain models this could also be a Hard Top or a Rag Top)
6. Side Mirror (Also known as Wing Mirror)
7. Trunk or Boot (Where you put your junk...and tools...and spares...maybe bodies depending on your lifestyle)
8. Brake light (Also known as rear lights. Lights indicating stop in motion so no other cars bum rush you)
9. Door handle (Obviously opens the door)
10. Tire (Also known as Tyre)
11. Front Bumper (Not much to say about this)
12. Number plate (Also known as License Plate)
Interior Vehicle Diagram:
1: Steering Wheel (Used to steer obviously)
2: Speedometer (Tells you how fast you are accelerating)
3: Rearview Mirror (To look and see if anyone is too far up your posterior, or if you've angered law enforcement...)
4. Center Console (Pretty self explanatory, holds the stereo which is the best part)
5. Glovebox (Also known as a Chubby Box...no idea why the box gets bullied)
6. Gearstick (To shift between gears, such as forward and reverse)
7. Accelerator (Used to accelerate, clearly)
8. Clutch (This is only in models that posess a manual shift transmission)
9. Brake (Use this to stop, be very fond of this...)
Once she had finished her annotated list, she raised her eyes and looked around. She wondered how many half blooded or muggle born children were in this class...and if they knew this stuff even if they did come from a muggle parent or two.
As she mused she looked from person to person to see their facial expressions as they worked.
Kye had been here, but she was feeling a little out of it if she was being honest. She hadn’t slept last night at all, and she was just… not in the mood. Even if it was casual Friday. Sorry Professor. She had greeted Professor Stewart as warmly as she could muster before plopping into a vacant seat near the back. She stared idly at the board that was filled with different transportation methods for muggles. She listened as Professor Stewart began the lecture, deciding that this was one of the only teachers she would even attempt to get out of her funky mood for. Raising her hand, she answered the first questions. “Well, we take a train to and from Hogwarts which is a fairly popular mode of transportation for muggles, but I think my favorite is the airplane. It’s got way more comfortable seats, and makes traveling far distances so much nicer than a broomstick can be.” Yes, Kye loved to fly, but she imagined trying to ride her broom from Hogwarts to a distant country… She would start to feel a bit antsy after a while. On the airplanes, she could sit comfortably, walk around, or even go to sleep! “As for the least favorite… I’d go with boat. I think in short distances it could be fun, but after a while I start getting a bit nauseous from all the rocking back and forth and…” she mock gagged a little bit, “it’s not for me. Same with the bike.” This last part was in reference to Jessa’s answer, who had covered a good few.
Cable cars? That was one Kye had not heard of. She knew cable as something used with televisions, but that was it. Were they just cars with tellies in them? She wasn’t interested enough to ask right now, and instead decided to settle with her thought of preferring to Apparate. As the lesson progressed, Kye wondered if she would decide to take a driving test. She didn’t recall either of her parents having a driver’s license, but she’s have to owl them and ask. As the new diagrams were presented, Kye looked at them apprehensively. Uhmmm this was stuff she didn’t know. She made mental notes of her answers. That’s a door… that’s a window… the steerer… She began filling out her notes, which… well, at least she could make the outline of it…
Staring at her pathetic list and, not cheating here, but she took a look at others that were hard at work with MUCH more written down. She noticed a Slytherin girl ( ) she wasn't well acquainted with seemed to know plenty about cars. Leaning over, she asked quietly, "Hey do you mind helping me out a little with this?" Kye lifted her parchment to show just how much help was needed.
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Max nodded solemnly when Professor Stewart spoke of boating accidents. Yep, exactly. There was also the motion sickness thing that happened with boats too but he decided to keep his puking experiences to himself.
Besides, this lesson was apparently about cars. He'd travelled in his fair share of cars but he wasn't confident on the specifics. At least he wouldn't have to embarrass himself in front of a group though. Professor Stewart said they could work on their own and he was perfectly comfortable with that.
These desks weren't really made for group work anyway.
Max leaned over his parchment and started jotting down his interpretation of the diagram.
SPOILER!!: Notes
1. Light
2. Front
3. Window cleaner
4. Window
5. Roof
6. Side mirror
7. Back
8. Another light?
9. Door
10. Wheel
11. ???
12. ???
1. Direction wheel
2. ???
3. Mirror
4. Control panel
5. ???
6. ???
7. Pedal
8. Pedal
9. Pedal
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