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GIRLS ONLY! STAY OUT, POTTER AND WEASLEY! The funny inscription etched on this door with a potions knife reminds us all of the great deeds Harry Potter and his friends performed in this very bathroom. Today it is fortunately no longer nearly as shifty as it used to be. Nevertheless, this bathroom is still haunted by the one and only Moaning Myrtle and, if you happen to speak Parseltongue, can gain access to an empty Chamber of Secrets.
If you are ever in need of extra toilet paper or a towel dispenser needs to be restocked, there is a small cupboard across from the sinks containing all of the bathroom necessities you could ever need. Do the caretaker a favour and keep this restroom clean and in tact. The toilets should only be used for, well, your bathroom business -- not for brewing advanced potions. And please try not to upset Myrtle in any way so she doesn't burst into a loud fit of crying and wailing and decide to flood the bathroom and the corridor outside for the millionth time. Be nice to her, even if you must lie.
Quinnlin Kevelle entered the girl's bathroom, with an uncharacteristic bounce in her step and humming some light, yet indistinguishable tune. She was also exceptionally sparkly, with her dark hair and robes covered in glittery confetti.
The Great Hall fared much worse.
With the same uncharacteristic bounce and lightness to her, Quinn made her way over to the sinks and mirrors and regarded herself for a moment with an amused smile that showed her dimples off. After a moment she shook her head playfully, watching the confetti fall like snow from her hair.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Rylee had a spring in her step, dirt on her jeans and shiny confetti still in her ginger curls as she entered the girl's bathroom having just returned from the barns. There was still her usual on her face and she might have very well been dancing/twirling her way towards one of the sinks singing under her breath. It was all Ewan's fault for getting that song stuck in her head. On her shoulder, of course, was still Neptune her rat.
Right there in front of the sinks was none other than Quinn. Rylee paused in her tracks noting the slightly younger girls smile and matching confetti in her hair from sudden impromptu party in the Great Hall Toddles had thrown. "Need some help getting all of that out of your hair?" she laughed softly watching Quinn shake some of the confetti from her hair. "Unless you happen to like it like that?" In which case that was fine by her. Truthfully speaking the bit of sparkly looked nice in the girls dark hair, not that she was about to say that right now.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Oh, it was Rylee. Quinn watched her through the mirror, cautiously, but at the same time with an unusual warmth in her expression. It stood out even more considering how she often looked at Rylee. At first the girl didn't reply, just watching. Then she nodded, a small cascade of confetti and glitter raining down into the sink.
"Yes, honestly. That'd be very helpful." And suddenly, Quinn's demeanor seemed to soften greatly toward Rylee. Part of it, she understood, was due to the fact that she was Reese's sister and they were close, and if they just were to be...continue to be great friends, she would need to get along with Rylee. Part of it was today. This day that put Quinn in such a rare mood for her.
"Just...if you do use magic, please do damage my hair." This was, honestly, why she hadn't tried magicking it all away with ease herself. Quinnlin Kevelle was very protective of her hair, considering this time last year she hadn't had any, and more to the point, hadn't had any for over a year.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Even if the look on Quinn's face was a warm one, Rylee wasn't sure if she should be worried or not. Okay, actually, this was Rylee. She wasn't the type to be worried when it came to people. She did however keep her friendly smile and wait for a reply.
When it came in the form of a yes, well she was somewhat surprised. Here she was, Rylee Prichard, offering to help, Quinnlyn Kevelle. And she said yes. How strange was this day turning out to be. "Alright. Let's see what how we can do this..." she gave a soft smile walking over to join her by the sink closing the gap between them.
Magic would be the easiest way to remove all the confetti and glitter but honestly she wasn't sure she trusted herself to do that. "No magic. I don't even use magic on my own hair... only what Rian gives me to use." Rylee laughed softly looking at all the confetti. "It looks like you got even more confetti and glitter in your hair than I do. Want to sit down and I'll get to work helping you get it all out?" It might take a little while...
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Quinn nodded, satisfied that her hair wasn't going to be magicked away, not even by accident, and turned to look at Rylee directly now. She could see the heavy family resemblance to Reese, and...no. Not thinking about that.
"Thank you," she said softly, giving Rylee a grateful half smile before making her way over to the stone bench along one of the walls. She sat at the edge so she could angle her body better for Rylee to work easier. Quinn bit her lip to hid the smile forming when Rylee pointed out she had more confetti and glitter in her hair than Rylee did. "That might be because I had been scoping some up and tossing them back in the air. Several times."
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Rylee liked using magic whenever she could but mostly for entertainment or sometimes to make things easier. When it came to her hair, no. Maybe when she was way more skilled she would trust herself, right now that only person that ever got to use magic on her hair was her big sister.
"You're welcome," she returned the smile waiting for Quinn to have a seat. Following behind her she realized very quickly that it was be easy to remove the glitter and confetti without an trouble from her hair until she needed to work on the top of her head... Quinn was taller than her. She would worry about that when the time came though. "That sounds exactly like something I would have done... only I was on my way to the barns," she giggled.
Rylee carefully worked to remove the confetti and glitter from Quinn's hair taking her time so as to not pull her hair at all. She was being rather gentle as if she was working with her own hair actually taking out a small comb from her bag to use at one point. Her bag was then set down on the bench by Quinn and she set Neptune on it so the rat could lay down and nap rather than continue to be stuck up on her shoulder. "That's Neptune by the way," she told Quinn unsure if she would remember having met him back on the train at the start of the year or not.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Rylee was being exceptionally gentle with her hair, and it did not go unnoticed. Or unappreciated. "I was celebrating," Quinn offered up after a moment. Ordinarily, she wasn't the type to collect confetti and toss it back in the air. Today was different. Special. Though Quinn didn't offer up more than that, just that she had been celebrating.
"You and Reese like the barn." It wasn't a question, exactly. More an observation. "So do I." More so now that I was able to visit Tobias regularly.
Ah yes, Neptune. "I remember him," she said, looking back over her shoulder at the rat for a bit. It would probably be somewhat imperative they keep Neptune and Tobias away from each other. She was felt a tinge of envy that Rylee got to take Neptune with her all the time. She honestly would have liked to be able to do the same with her snake. "How long have you had him?"
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Slowly she worked her comb through Quinn's hair removing little bits of glitter and confetti, occasionally using her fingers if the comb wasn't working the way she wanted it to. "Oh? Is it your birthday?" There were many reasons to celebrate but birthday's were usually very high up on the list. Or maybe it was Beth's? She knew that was the younger girls best friend. If it was something else than chances were she probably wouldn't be likely to guess what it was.
"Yes." Fact. Most everyone knew that. "I know. You're in there a lot." From time to time she saw her in there. "What's your favorite creature?" Since the topic of creatures is being spoken of she might as well ask.
Rylee nodded. Neptune was with her as much as he could be, minus lessons and certain activities were it wouldn't be safe for him to be there. "A little over a year. I got him before I came to Hogwarts for my first term." He was a gift... a here you can take him with you since you won't have Reese at your side anymore and you can't take Pulsar with you either type of thing. It wasn't nearly the same, not even close but it was something.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Quinn was silent for a few seconds, her mind churning up another tall-tale, before she remembered this was Reese's sister. He was close with Rylee, and he knew the truth. The basics of it at least. Still, while she trusted and felt close enough to Reese to tell him, she hadn't reached that point with Rylee yet either. "Sorta like that, but no. It's no one's birthday." No one's birthday she'd celebrate anyway.
Of course, Rylee knew. She and Reese were always in there as well. They saw her as much as she saw them. "Right." Why was it so easy to be around her brother, but awkward to be around her? But Quinn knew why already. She didn't do people all that well. Never has, never really cared to learn. It was only the rare souls, like Reese, that Quinn connected easily with.
She thought about Rylee's question a little. Afterall, Quinn liked a lot of creatures and animals, both magical and mundane. "Thestrals, I think. Have you seen one? I catch glimpse of the from the Ravenclaw common room flying above the black forest. They have a sort of haunting beauty to them. What about you? What's your favorite creature?"
She watched Neptune a bit while Rylee continued to clean her hair, making a point to never let Neptune and Tobias near each other unsupervised, or out of their hands. "Did you want me to clean them out of your hair next, or do you want to leave them in? I know how your inner Niffler comes out around shiny things..." Like treasure in a cave of Grindylows.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
The silence didn't seem to surprise, Rylee. However the answer somewhat did. Or at least the vagueness in which it was given was a surprise. Though this was Quinn she was talking with so truthfully speaking she was lucky she was getting any sort of response at all from her. "Oh." What else was she supposed to say to that? She didn't think Quinn would tell her what day it really was, should she have asked anyhow. "Well, it looks like you had a good time."
It was hard not to know someone like the same thing as yourself when you both were almost always in the same place. Even if you didn't talk to one another. Not to mention Reese filled her in on things. Talking about creatures was an easy one for her, it brought her joy and it was something she knew a good amount about. So it only made sense to ask Quinn her favorite knowing their girl was in the barn as much as she was. Only her reply took Rylee by surprise, making her stop brushing her hair for several seconds. "Thestrals?" That means... She knew what that meant. It meant that the girl sitting in front of her with the shiny confetti in her hair had seen someone die but not only that she understood what had happened. Like Rian. "No, no I can't see them. I've heard they're not as frightening as they look and are rather gentle." She wouldn't go into detail by who told her this or ask Quinn how it was she could see them. Right now, this little bit of information they had both just shared was a lot for the both or them. "Unicorns." As cliche as that might sound.
Seeing her looking at Neptune out of the corner of her eye as she went back to removing bits of confetti from her hair she smiled. "You can pet him if you want... he won't bite." Look at her really trying to be nice here. Go big or go home. When asked if she wanted help getting the confetti from her hair next she couldn't help but giggle at the way Quinn said it. It didn't matter if it was meant as a statement or even to be serious. It was true. She liked color, bright thing, if it was shiny, sparkled or glittered it got her attention. Just like in the cave... like a Niffler.
"As pretty as it looks in my hair, I actually wouldn't mind some help. If you have the time.. that is." Or she could just leave it in her hair. Either way was fine by her really.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Quinn sighed internally at herself. Outwardly she remained her normal quiet self. She knew she'd have to tell Rylee, sooner rather than later. Reese knew her story. The basics of it at least. He was someone she could easily talk to about things.
And he came with a sister that he was close to, and there were times, like when she'd visit this Christmas. And if Reese and Quinn ever became a couple...Her thoughts drifted on that idea for a second.
She liked Reese. Liked him as more than a friend. She'd slowly started to realize that after everything that happened at the lake, and well point was. There might be times she needed to talk to him with Rylee around and it could quickly get awkward and cause issues if she was always dragging him out of earshot of his sister.
Quinn didn't like it necessarily, but it was the best option.
She reached over to pet Neptune gently on the head. It figured her favorite animal would be a unicorn. Quinn wouldn't be surprised if Rylee turned out to be exactly the sort a unicorn would approach.
"Cancer," she said suddenly. "Reese knows about it, which is partially why I am telling you. But this doesn't leave this room, got it? You can talk to Reese about it, or Beth, or Octavia if you want. But that's it. I had leukemia, and today was the one year anniversary of the bone marrow transplant that gave my life again. Beth was the donor."
Quinn glanced in the mirror. She still had some confetti in her hair, but most of it was out and what was left would wash out later in the bath. "Alright, your turn. And I'll stick it all in a jar for you so you skip the treasure hunting next time. You'll have plenty of shiny right here."
Quinn swapped places with Rylee and started working on her hair, slipping the confetti into a jar she'd found in her bag after some digging. "That's why I can see them. My parents aren't....They probably shouldn't have ever been parents in the first place. They weren't exactly keen on changing their habits to accomodate a sick kid with some very specific needs to keep healthy. So, they booked me my own room at the hospital where I lived for over a year and a half while being treated. Made some friends going through their own problems there as well. Lost some of those friends too. The healers, in focusing on trying to save a life, didn't always pull the shade. That's how."
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Rylee was waiting for laughter or at the very least some snarky comment from Quinn at the mention of Unicorns. It was a typical Rylee answer and it seemed that anything that was typical Rylee wasn't at all Quinn. They were similar yes in small ways but so very very different.
Normally in a situation such as this something would have been said but not know the girl all to well what was she supposed to say to her. Therefore she kept quiet and focused solely on removing all the little glittery bits of confetti that she could. She did catch the little pat on the head Quinn gave Neptune which made her smile.
Out of nowhere came words. Well one word. A single word caught her attention like Quinn's shoe hitting the compartment wall on the train the first day they had met. There was a tiny fraction of a second where Rylee wondered if this was another of her stories but the very next word out of Quinn's mouth was Reese. If Reese knew it had to be true. Reese would never lie to her and Quinn knew she would talk to him so there was no point in lying to her about it. So she sat there and let it sink in.
This might be a time for Quinn to remember. Rylee was quiet still. Even as the girls swapped places and Quinn told her she would put the confetti into a jar for. The little tease about treasure hunting didn't go unmissed she knew she was referring to the cave in the Black Lake which was still very much a sore spot for her but it got no comment from Ry. The Gryffindors thoughts slipped briefly onto some friends of hers that she needed to get in touch with later and check up on.
It was weird having someone else touching her hair that wasn't herself, Rian, Ana, or Reese. Quinn wasn't hurting her though and she was talking again. Rylee wanted to tell the younger girl she didn't have to tell her anything, ask her why she was telling her but at the same time she knew if she opened her mouth Quinn might never share anything with her again. Rylee's first instinct was to tell her she was sorry but what does that do... it does nothing and this was Quinn. Hugging her was a huge no as well. That was NOT going to happen. While she hadn't personally gone through what the younger girl had she did know people who have. Everyone had their own box of secrets that they kept buried. "I won't say anything. It's good you have Beth and she was there for you." Like how Ana kept Jarrod strong both time he had gotten ill. Everyone needed someone to look out for them.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Quinn nodded, as if accepting the silence for exactly what it was. In truth, Rylee's instinct to not say anything was a good one. Any of the normal cookie-cutter sympathies have never gone over well with Quinn. She preferred the genuine silence over processed words. And when Rylee confirmed she wouldn't say anything, Quinn gave her a small grateful smile. "Thank you."
Quinn worked the confetti out of Rylee's hair silently for a bit, pausing every now and then to pet Neptune's head or scratch him under his chin if he let her. "I told you mostly so if or when I want to take to your brother, I won't have to drag him out of earshot. I know you two are close, and don't want to cause...problems."
And because she liked him. Really truly liked him, and hoped one day to spend a lot more time with, and that would mean spending time with Rylee too, likely. She didn't want to come between them.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
This was weird. All of it. Sitting here on a bench in the girls bathroom talking to Quinn. Removing confetti and bits of glitter from one another's hair. Talking about creatures and deeper darker things that wouldn't leave the walls of this room. A secret shared between two young girls that hardly looked at one another without annoyance or disdain since that first day on the train. It was a huge step up and all for the benefit of Reese. The things a girl did for her brother. "You're welcome." Reese was welcome. This was more for him then it was for Quinn right now. She would keep the young girls secret of course but right now it was about making her brother happy and if the girl currently picking bits of confetti out of hair did that then so be it.
Neptune seemed to sense that Quinn meant him no harm and with only just a quick glance once at Rylee to see where she was he was content to allow the little bit of attention he was receiving. Is that so? Did Quinn realize at all that she had been somewhat already doing just that. It was what it was now. Reese had already come to show her that he was going to do what he wanted to do, hang around with who he wanted to hang around with even if that meant he left her out. "We'll always be close." Quinn was welcome to take that as however she wanted.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Right, then. That bite hidden in Rylee's tone didn't go unnoticed. But Quinn had tried. She'd extended an olive branch and if Rylee wasn't interested in taking it, so be it. With an annoyed, resigned sigh, she quietly returned to focusing working the confetti out of Rylee's hair, and didn't say anything else.
She meant what she'd said. Quinn knew how close he was with Rylee. She wasn't trying to come between that. Nor could she, in her mind. If it ever came down to it, and Reese had to choose, permanent, to keep one in his life, and cut the other out, he would always choose his sister. Did she not see that?
If she were honest with herself, Quinn might have admitted that deep down, she was a bit envious of their bond. As an only child, and with parents like hers, Quinn didn't have that closeness to her family they had.
Quinn had extended an olive branch, and now it was Rylee's play. If and when she wanted to take that, good. Otherwise. Not Quinn's problem anymore. She made an attempt.
"I think that's good for now," she said, shortly. "You should have no trouble getting the rest of it out with a bath. Here." She handed the jar of sparkly, glittery confetti to the Niffler, collected her bag, and left the girl's bathroom without another word.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
There was a lot running through her head right now. Even more than usual and that was saying a lot. That had been part of the reason for her lack of words and usual excitement. The other part was she was really trying her best to tone it down for the sake of the company in which she was sitting with.
Only it seemed as if her lack of words may have been the wrong way to go. Or perhaps what she had said was wrong. Whatever it might have been she didn't even know for one second Quinn was talking to her and the very next the girls whole demeanor changed and Rylee was being handed a jar of glittery confetti while Quinn walked out. "Okay, thanks." That was all she managed to get out between the time Quinn left her sitting there confused about had just happened.
"What did I do wrong?" Rylee asked quietly looking to Neptune reaching over to scoop him up and stick him on her shoulder before putting the jar of confetti into her bag. "I said I wouldn't tell anyone... and I helped her with her hair.." Yeah she would be going over all of this in her head for a little bit working out just where it was she messed up. Slinging her bag over her shoulder she walked out the bathroom and headed for Gryffindor Tower.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Tinka appeared in the girls bathroom, bucket and mop in hand. Her whisk was safely tied to her waist with an old shoe string, which she immediately checked upon arrival. Satisfied with its safety, she began to clean the messy bathroom. "Studentises make big messies. Tinka like clean. Make Tinka happy things be nice and clean for studentsies."
She made quick work of the sinks before starting on the floors. "Tinka make floor shine." she mumbled as she mopped.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Maddie felt silly carrying around a cast of her foot, but if anybody else took Divination, too, they would know why she had one. She was on a mission to find at least one other person she somewhat knew well enough to ask them if she could look at their feet. Not everybody wanted their feet looked at, not even Maddie, really.
Passing by the girl's bathroom, she decided to make a quick stop there before traveling through the castle any further. She carried her supplies in with her, foot cast and all. Once she was at the sinks and washing her hands, she had no choice but to put the model of her foot on the floor beside her. Once this project was over, she seriously hoped Professor Vance didn't mind if she just threw the foot cast away. She had no desire to keep it. None at all.
It was a long way up to the Ravenclaw tower, making the girls' toilets on the second floor a bit of a necessity when returning to the tower from the grounds. And normally, she had the room to herself on account of the bathroom's resident ghost, which was always a plus in Quinn's mind.
Today seemed the be the exception as she heard the door open as she finished up. Quinn left the stall and made her way to the circular pillar of sinks, smiling at the hufflepuff began washing her hands. Maddie wasn't it? Yeah, Maddie.
As she dried her hands, Quinn caught sight of the footcast at Maddie's feet. "Isn't that heavy to be carrying around?" Hers was. Quinn couldn't imagine lugging her own up and down the Hogwarts' stairs.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: Callie
Originally Posted by Callie
It was a long way up to the Ravenclaw tower, making the girls' toilets on the second floor a bit of a necessity when returning to the tower from the grounds. And normally, she had the room to herself on account of the bathroom's resident ghost, which was always a plus in Quinn's mind.
Today seemed the be the exception as she heard the door open as she finished up. Quinn left the stall and made her way to the circular pillar of sinks, smiling at the hufflepuff began washing her hands. Maddie wasn't it? Yeah, Maddie.
As she dried her hands, Quinn caught sight of the footcast at Maddie's feet. "Isn't that heavy to be carrying around?" Hers was. Quinn couldn't imagine lugging her own up and down the Hogwarts' stairs.
Maddie hadn't even been aware that somebody else, other than Myrtle, had even been in the girls' bathroom with her. Not that she checked that sort of thing when entering anyway. She looked up to see Quinn, a girl she knew from classes, standing next to her. "Ughhh, I hate this thing," she said. "Yes, it's pretty heavy, and I'm actually hoping we can just throw it away when the assignment is over."
Hmm... Speaking of that assignment...
"Hey, Quinn? You got a few minutes?" she asked. If Quinn agreed to the foot reading, Maddie could hurry up and finish her assignment, and then she'd be done with the year-long assignment! "Can I do my last foot reading on you? I'm a fast worker, so it shouldn't be but about five minutes."
She tensed noticeably as soon as Maddie asked if she could ask her something. Quinn had a feeling she knew what was coming. What with the foot cast and everything, and she didn't like. And sure enough, yep. Maddie was asking to use her for a foot reading. Her eyes flicked slightly to door longingly, then she sighed.
"Yeah, I guess..." Though she didn't sound at all thrilled at the prospect. She made her way over to the bench, and sat down, and began removing one of her shoes and socks. "I really hope they don't have assignments like this at Volurheim next year," she muttered to herself as she finished removing her sock. Please, please say her new school won't have assignments like this.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Maddie managed to smile at Quinn's response. She kind of felt sorry for the people she'd had to ask to do a foot reading on. She knew it wasn't people's greatest thing to say yes to, so she was grateful for those who agreed. "Sorry, Quinn," she said. "I'll be quick." And she would be. She was as tired of doing the assignment as people were having her do the assignment on them.
She sat down next to Quinn and took out a fresh piece of parchment and a quill. She started to look down at Quinn's foot, but then she overheard something and paused. "Wait...are you moving to a new school?" she asked. She didn't know Quinn very well, but she hadn't seen that one coming. While she waited on a reply, she began analyzing Quinn's foot.
Foot reading number #: 3 Who are you doing the foot reading on: Quinn Kevelle Chosen Foot (left/right?): Left Feet characteristics (cracked, swollen, flat etc?) and meanings: Quinn has what's called a 'Common or Rome Foot'. It means she's really social and outgoing. She also has high arches, which means she really thinks logically about things. What's odd is that the last Ravenclaw I did a reading on had the same type of foot. Both had the characteristics of thinking logically, which is a trait of their house. Pretty cool! Toe characteristics (round, crooked, big, small etc?) + meanings:
- First toe: Her big toe stands apart from the other toes just a little. This means that she really takes some time to let her thoughts and feelings be known to other people. It's also sort of long, which means she might be pretty rich one day.
- Second toe: I believe she has what's called a Morton's toe. It's pretty long, as well. This means she has a lot of great ideas and likes to be in charge. It also means she's good at motivating others.
- Fifth toe: Her fifth toe is sort of bent toward the big toe, which means she might be hanging on to something in her past. It's also just a little bit under her fourth toe, which means she doesn't have a lot of faith in herself and finds it hard to trust. General reflections on what your foot says about your personality or your peers/staffers: I don't know Quinn very well, but I do know that she's a Ravenclaw. As you know, they're known for being great thinkers, being smart, and being logical. Quinn's foot revealed that she does have those characteristics. Her toes revealed that she keeps a lot of her feelings to herself, that she takes a long time to open up to others, that she likes to be in charge, and that she might be hanging on to things that have happened in her past. Since I don't know her that well, I don't know if this truly relates to her. I did share the ideas with her, though!
"Okay, all done," she said, and she turned the parchment to where Quinn could read it if she wanted to. "Once again, thanks for doing this for me. So--...are you really moving to a new school?" she asked.
The discomfort at having her foot examined was clearly written on her face, but Quinn said nothing and let Maddie do the assignment. True to the Hufflepuff's word, she was very quick, for which Quinn was immensely grateful for.
"Yes," she said as she started putting her sock back on. "Volurheim. It's a small school in the northern most part of Norway." She tried to hide it, but a slight amount of the excitement slipped into her voice. "I just don't really feel like I belong here, and it'd probably be best for me and everyone if I transferred to a smaller school. Well, mostly everyone... Anyway, they have some interesting classes there that Hogwarts doesn't offer, and I think it'd be a good change."