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Anyone who knows Hirsch wouldn't be surprised to find such a room up. Right next to the Dueling Arena is a room that's purely for those wishing to practice their self-defence techniques. After all, defending yourself doesn't just stop short at using a wand to do so.
The Defence Training Room looks pretty much like any other training room. Mats can be found on the floor, which should make it easier to crash land on, should you be unfortunate to do so. Need more, and slightly more cushioned, mats? Others can be found towards the back of the room. Running along part of the left wall are a series of boxing bags. While boxing is permitted in here, NO ONE is allowed to practice on another person. Please use the boxing bags provided.
Other, slightly smaller, items can be found here as well: such as weights and ropes and even dummies. The dummies are particularly useful for those who want to practice more Oriental types of self-defence. Or even those who want to practice their kicks and punches. However, do be careful of the ones that like to fight back.
Something that's not permitted in here? Magic.
OOC: Please make sure to comply with the SS and the School RPG Rules. Think of this room like a sort of gym. No outright action-movie fighting with another charrie please <3
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
With his grade 3 spell book in his hands, Dorian had found a spell he had wanted to try out while he had been reading in bed. But because the spell was labeled explosive and also because he did not want to lose points by practising the bombarda spell anywhere else in the castle, Dorian thought it was a good idea to use the dueling room for that.
However, once he arrived at the middle floors, the Ravenclaw had entered the wrong room and blinked at the equipment. He was SURE that those hadnt been here last term. Or had they? Intrigued though, Dorian stepped closer to the row of bags hanging from the ceiling near one side of the wall. He had seen these before...in a movie...THAT he was sure of. Didn't the main lead punch those bags to get stronger. How one got stronger by punching a bag was a mystery to him but, he looked around to see if he was alone, it wouldn't hurt to try right?
Placing down his bag and school book nearby, the Ravenclaw rolled up his uniform sleeves and...wait what now? Did he just punch? He thought back of the movie and one thing he remembered was the way man had been standing. Bending his knees a little to stand down firmer on the ground, it would have been perfect if only he had placed one foot before the other instead of next to each other because now he just looked extremely awkward. Like he was riding an invisible bike.
Not knowing he was doing something wrong though, Dorian made a fist and pulled his arm back before he PUNCHED the bag with all his strength. The bag did not even move but the twelve year old had. Because of the way he had been standing, he fell back on the mat but it wasn't the fall that caused the tears in his eyes.
"Owwww!" he cried as he held up his fist and blew on it to cool down the pain. Wasn't he supposed to feel NO pain if he was the one doing the punching?! MOVIES LIED!
Last edited by DuckyLinJi; 05-06-2018 at 09:48 AM.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Daisy wanted to get her body in top shape just in case she made the Quidditch team and for her general health. She decided that this was the best place to go. She entered the room and scanned for anything that might be of use to her. Hmm, those weights and boxing bags might do just the trick. Daisy made her way to the boxing bags when she spotted a slightly younger Ravenclaw (Dorian) lying on a mat in certain agony. She knelt down beside him with a sympathetic expression on her face. "I think you needed to wear boxing gloves whilst doing punches."
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Too occupied with taking care of his injured , but not that injured that he needed to see the Healer, hand, Dorian had not heard another student entering the practise room. However, thanks to the big mirror behind the punching bags he had seen her walk towards him and he was about to get up and pretend like nothing had happened when she knelt down beside him.
Gloves? "I do?" he asked, feeling embarrassed by his mistake. Now that she mentioned it, the lead in the movie had been wearing gloves. "Aww man, i knew i did something wrong" he sighed as he got up. Doing SOMETHING wrong was an understatement though, EVERYTHING he had done to throw a punch had been wrong but hey, he wasn't a fighter, how would he know?
He searched for the gloves and once he found them the Ravenclaw walked towards them to put them on. The first one went on easy, the second one was a bit of a problem. He got his hand in but he couldn't get a good grip to pull it further down. "Ehhh...can you help me with this?" he asked the girl. "You're Emily right?" he was sure they had some classes together.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
Too occupied with taking care of his injured , but not that injured that he needed to see the Healer, hand, Dorian had not heard another student entering the practise room. However, thanks to the big mirror behind the punching bags he had seen her walk towards him and he was about to get up and pretend like nothing had happened when she knelt down beside him.
Gloves? "I do?" he asked, feeling embarrassed by his mistake. Now that she mentioned it, the lead in the movie had been wearing gloves. "Aww man, i knew i did something wrong" he sighed as he got up. Doing SOMETHING wrong was an understatement though, EVERYTHING he had done to throw a punch had been wrong but hey, he wasn't a fighter, how would he know?
He searched for the gloves and once he found them the Ravenclaw walked towards them to put them on. The first one went on easy, the second one was a bit of a problem. He got his hand in but he couldn't get a good grip to pull it further down. "Ehhh...can you help me with this?" he asked the girl. "You're Emily right?" he was sure they had some classes together.
Daisy helped the Ravenclaw put his second glove on with a smile on her face. "There you go. Oh, my name's Daisy. I'm not sure of your name," she said and then she looked towards the punching bags. "Would you like me to give you some tips on how to use a punching bag?"
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
"Thanks!" Dorian grinned after the girl had helped him put on the glove. It was strange but he felt more like a fighter with the gloves on. Like he could do anything. He frowned however when the girl told him her name was Daisy and not Emily and realising his mistake he sighed out loud. "Im sorry..." he apologised before he checked himself in the mirror and threw a few punches in the air. To him it looked cool. To someone else it might have looked pathetic. "I'm Dorian, im in Ravenclaw" as if his uniform hadn't been a give away enough.
He was about to walk back to the punching bags when he heard the offer. Twirling back around, Dorian nodded his head. "Yes please!" So...how did this worked?
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
"Oh, don't worry about it, Dorian," Daisy replied to the Ravenclaw's apology. She put on some boxing gloves and stood next to Dorian in front of a punching bag. "Use the knuckles of your index and middle fingers to hit the bag at first to lessen the chance of damage to your hand. Have your wrist straight and elbows tight and have your feet flat on the floor."
Daisy then began to swiftly punch the bag and she moved in between punches. "I am moving between punches which is a good defence technique." She then looked at Dorian. "Would you like to try?"
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Woah! How had she put on those gloves without any help? Even after Daisy had helped him put on the second glove, he pulled it off and tried to put it back on by himself again. He felt like a little kid learning how to dress himself... She had done it so effortlessly but the Ravenclaw was struggling again and in the end he put a string that was attached to the glove so that it could be tightened around his arm, in his mouth and pulled the glove on with his teeth. "TADAA!" he said proudly.
Oh right... She was going to help him how to punch. Dorian looked at his gloved hands when she said which fingers he was supposed to hit the bag with and then watched as she began to punch and move at the same time. If he wanted to try? "Eh...o-okay" The boy got in front of the bag next to Daisy's and kept his feet flat on the floor, he then pulled his arm back and punched the bag for a second time. This time he made sure he applied what the girl had told him and he was surprised that it did not hurt. "Did you see that punch?!" he asked overly enthusiastically and punched the bag again. Punch punch punch punch. "How do you know all this? Were you in many fights before?"
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Daisy had taken off her boxing gloves and sat down on a nearby mat. When Dorian had put on his gloves, she gave him a small round of applause. "Well done."
She then eagerly watched Dorian punch the bag. "That was really good! My late father was a Muggle so he would help me do some boxing to help my body prepare for Quidditch during the Summer. I've never been involved in any fights."
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
He stopped punching the bag after a couple more times and Dorian positively beamed at Daisy as he turned to look at her.It was always nice to get a compliment. He had even bowed after she applauded and when he got back up he chuckled. Though his form and his punches were still pretty weak, now that he knew a bit of the basics he could train to become stronger. He could already picture his arm muscles! The Ravenclaw looked down at his slim arms and sighed. He had a looooong way to go.
The bright smile on his face vanished instantly after he heard her say late father. "....Sorry about your dad, how old were you when he passed?" he asked as he sat down on the mat cross legged. He never knew his birth parents so he could not understand what it must feel like. He had a father now though and his grandfather helped out a lot as well so he was happy. But now that he thought about it, he had never really asked about his birth parents..."Wait, you're on the Quidditch team?!" Quidditch was always a good distraction. "Which position do you play?"
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Daisy looked sadly at Dorian. "My father passed away very recently. I received the news of his death during the opening feast. It's been tough coping but I'm slowly managing." At Dorian's question about Quidditch, Daisy gave a small smile and spoke, "I was a Reserve last term. I'm hoping to be Keeper or Beater this term. Do you play?"
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Basically the term had just started and Zoryn was already waiting for it to end. Don't get her wrong or anything, she LOVED Hogwarts. Just didn't love not being Quidditch Captain anymore. If anyone asked, however, SHE WAS FINE!!!!!! Truthfully though, she was frustrated and upset.
Only know one could know.
Which is why she was here, by the way. Because pretending you were fine is a very difficult task and she needed to blow off some steam. On a punching bag to be exact. While wearing boxing gloves.
"UGGHHH," the small Gryffindor let out some grunts, as she punched the floating bags as hard as her fists could go. She may be little, but boy was she mighty.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by Ginevra
Daisy looked sadly at Dorian. "My father passed away very recently. I received the news of his death during the opening feast. It's been tough coping but I'm slowly managing." At Dorian's question about Quidditch, Daisy gave a small smile and spoke, "I was a Reserve last term. I'm hoping to be Keeper or Beater this term. Do you play?"
Dorian frowned when he heard that she had found out about her father's passing during the opening feast. A feast that was supposed to be about joy and new beginnings. "What happened to him?" he asked despite knowing he probably shouldn't. If Daisy started to cry he would be in trouble too because he'd have no idea what to do with someone crying.
He was glad that the girl started to smile at the mention of Quidditch though and he had been right to think that it was a good distraction for a moment. "No i don't play. My dad was a chaser for Slytherin House when he had been at school and i want to play too but i have too many other extra curriculars" he said. Like the frog choir, quiz bowl, dueling club and the wizards card collectors club. "So i have never tried out before. What do you even do at try outs?"
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
Dorian frowned when he heard that she had found out about her father's passing during the opening feast. A feast that was supposed to be about joy and new beginnings. "What happened to him?" he asked despite knowing he probably shouldn't. If Daisy started to cry he would be in trouble too because he'd have no idea what to do with someone crying.
He was glad that the girl started to smile at the mention of Quidditch though and he had been right to think that it was a good distraction for a moment. "No i don't play. My dad was a chaser for Slytherin House when he had been at school and i want to play too but i have too many other extra curriculars" he said. Like the frog choir, quiz bowl, dueling club and the wizards card collectors club. "So i have never tried out before. What do you even do at try outs?"
"I think it was a heart attack. During his first hospitalisation, he was suffering from chest pains. I saw him then which was a few days before I boarded the train back to Hogwarts. My aunt didn't reveal to me in the letter what my father had actually died from," Daisy voice sounded slightly bitter at the thought.
As she listened to Dorian list his extra-curricular activities, she smiled. "I'm a frog choir member as well! Maybe you'll be able to try out in the future. I am not sure about other houses but Hufflepuff tryouts usually consist of an obstacle course set in the Quidditch Pitch that allows each person trying out to showcase skills that relate to each position in a Quidditch team."
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Zoryn! <3
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Basically the term had just started and Zoryn was already waiting for it to end. Don't get her wrong or anything, she LOVED Hogwarts. Just didn't love not being Quidditch Captain anymore. If anyone asked, however, SHE WAS FINE!!!!!! Truthfully though, she was frustrated and upset.
Only know one could know.
Which is why she was here, by the way. Because pretending you were fine is a very difficult task and she needed to blow off some steam. On a punching bag to be exact. While wearing boxing gloves.
"UGGHHH," the small Gryffindor let out some grunts, as she punched the floating bags as hard as her fists could go. She may be little, but boy was she mighty.
Kaysha was always up for improving her self-defense skills ever since that incident with the monster from a few terms ago that had terrified the occupants of the Castle. Today, she had decided to practice on the dummies. Not just the ordinary ones but rather, the ones that kicked or punched back. Those were the kind that always posed the real challenge.
The Training Room had a series of grunts emitting from it which was not the least bit surprising. What was surprising was seeing Zoryn taking on a punching bag. Such a small girl with such fierceness... she felt sorry for the bag. Kay wondered if she should simply ignore the Gryffindor. In any case, she had been on a mission to avoid as many persons as possible since the school year had commenced. Besides, Zoryn was busy.
For this reason, the woman made her way towards one of the close by dummies.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Kaysha was always up for improving her self-defense skills ever since that incident with the monster from a few terms ago that had terrified the occupants of the Castle. Today, she had decided to practice on the dummies. Not just the ordinary ones but rather, the ones that kicked or punched back. Those were the kind that always posed the real challenge.
The Training Room had a series of grunts emitting from it which was not the least bit surprising. What was surprising was seeing Zoryn taking on a punching bag. Such a small girl with such fierceness... she felt sorry for the bag. Kay wondered if she should simply ignore the Gryffindor. In any case, she had been on a mission to avoid as many persons as possible since the school year had commenced. Besides, Zoryn was busy.
For this reason, the woman made her way towards one of the close by dummies.
There was so much running through the Gryffindor's head as she gave the bag another punch. Between everything that had happened this term, it felt like it had gone on for years. She was frustrated, upset, MORE WORDS THAN SHE COULD COME UP WITH AT THE CURRENT MOMENT GIVEN HOW HARD SHE WAS PUNCHING.
Between all things Quidditch and school related, her growing frustration with her parents, whatever the heck that happened between herself and her best friend of all time and space, and Christopher Montmorency--
Gryffindor down, yo.
The punching bag came down hard on the backswing and completely knocked her off her feet and straight onto the ground.
Did everyone else see those stars too? Or was that all in her head?
Goodbye cruel, cruel world.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Zoryn!
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
There was so much running through the Gryffindor's head as she gave the bag another punch. Between everything that had happened this term, it felt like it had gone on for years. She was frustrated, upset, MORE WORDS THAN SHE COULD COME UP WITH AT THE CURRENT MOMENT GIVEN HOW HARD SHE WAS PUNCHING.
Between all things Quidditch and school related, her growing frustration with her parents, whatever the heck that happened between herself and her best friend of all time and space, and Christopher Montmorency--
Gryffindor down, yo.
The punching bag came down hard on the backswing and completely knocked her off her feet and straight onto the ground.
Did everyone else see those stars too? Or was that all in her head?
Goodbye cruel, cruel world.
Kay paid no more attention to Zoryn than she did to anyone else who may be in the room with them. He had selected a dummy which stood perfectly still now but she knew that once she landed that first punch or attempted to, it would spring to life. Hands balled into fists, they were raised ready to commence some physical training first but...
The sound of flesh hitting the floor made her spin around. A quick scan of the scene told her that the punching bag had bowled Zoryn over. "Are you hurt?'' were the first words out of Kay's mouth as she walked quickly to the Gryffindor.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Kay paid no more attention to Zoryn than she did to anyone else who may be in the room with them. He had selected a dummy which stood perfectly still now but she knew that once she landed that first punch or attempted to, it would spring to life. Hands balled into fists, they were raised ready to commence some physical training first but...
The sound of flesh hitting the floor made her spin around. A quick scan of the scene told her that the punching bag had bowled Zoryn over. "Are you hurt?'' were the first words out of Kay's mouth as she walked quickly to the Gryffindor.
Zoryn's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she became all too dizzy all at once. "One strawberry milkshake, please," was how she chose to respond to the question because clearly that's where she was: the kitchens. Maybe she was slightly (more than slightly?) disoriented. And yes, maybe she was being a little (more than a little?) dramatic.
It took the Gryffindor a minute to readjust.
And when she regained most of her consciousness there was a whole lot of blinking and a very vacant look of confusion etched on her face. "Professor Stewart?"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Zoryn!
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Zoryn's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she became all too dizzy all at once. "One strawberry milkshake, please," was how she chose to respond to the question because clearly that's where she was: the kitchens. Maybe she was slightly (more than slightly?) disoriented. And yes, maybe she was being a little (more than a little?) dramatic.
It took the Gryffindor a minute to readjust.
And when she regained most of her consciousness there was a whole lot of blinking and a very vacant look of confusion etched on her face. "Professor Stewart?"
Strawberry milkshake?
Kay didn't know whether she should laugh or not at that one. She was saved the decision making since obviously Zoryn needed help. Should she be levitated to the Levitated to the Hospital Wing? Or she could always dash water on the girl's face to see if that would help to revive her. If that didn't work then, yes. Hospital Wing it was.
Kay unholstered her wand.
But... goodness!
Zoryn had come around! The words were just out of her mouth when water rained in the direction of her face.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Strawberry milkshake?
Kay didn't know whether she should laugh or not at that one. She was saved the decision making since obviously Zoryn needed help. Should she be levitated to the Levitated to the Hospital Wing? Or she could always dash water on the girl's face to see if that would help to revive her. If that didn't work then, yes. Hospital Wing it was.
Kay unholstered her wand.
But... goodness!
Zoryn had come around! The words were just out of her mouth when water rained in the direction of her face.
Zoryn had all of 1.2 seconds to process what was happening before it was happening. And of course, 1.2 seconds wasn't enough time to process after you've been attacked by a giant punching bag.
So she didn't process. Not until there was water shooting out of her Professor's wand and landing all over her face. Zor had taken a MOUTHFUL of it, too and she was VERY displeased. Which, by the way, showed on her face as she was currently wearing a DEEP frown.
And yes, she did just spit the water right out onto Professor Stewarts face.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Zoryn! LOL xD
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Zoryn had all of 1.2 seconds to process what was happening before it was happening. And of course, 1.2 seconds wasn't enough time to process after you've been attacked by a giant punching bag.
So she didn't process. Not until there was water shooting out of her Professor's wand and landing all over her face. Zor had taken a MOUTHFUL of it, too and she was VERY displeased. Which, by the way, showed on her face as she was currently wearing a DEEP frown.
And yes, she did just spit the water right out onto Professor Stewarts face.
Goodness, that was a big frown!
"Finite,'' Kaysha said hastily and the water ceased its flow. That was barely done when a narrow jet of water came spraying into her face. Her eyes snapped shut and hand went out to shield her face reflexively.
"Stop, stop, Ms. Spinnet!''
Gingerly she lowered her hand and opened her eyes. "I'm sorry about splashing water on you. But are you okay? That bag seemed to have knocked you out.''
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Goodness, that was a big frown!
"Finite,'' Kaysha said hastily and the water ceased its flow. That was barely done when a narrow jet of water came spraying into her face. Her eyes snapped shut and hand went out to shield her face reflexively.
"Stop, stop, Ms. Spinnet!''
Gingerly she lowered her hand and opened her eyes. "I'm sorry about splashing water on you. But are you okay? That bag seemed to have knocked you out.''
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!
Professor Stewart really couldn't have done that TWO SECONDS AGO???? Before Zoryn was SOAKING WET?
"........" She must've looked like an angry, wet cat or something. "A 'hey are you alright' would've been a way better wakeup call, Professor," just saying. Yeah, Z was still mad about it.
Also, she wasn't going to answer the question. DID IT LOOK like she was okay??????
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Z! <3
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
THANK YOU !!!!!!!!
Professor Stewart really couldn't have done that TWO SECONDS AGO???? Before Zoryn was SOAKING WET?
"........" She must've looked like an angry, wet cat or something. "A 'hey are you alright' would've been a way better wakeup call, Professor," just saying. Yeah, Z was still mad about it.
Also, she wasn't going to answer the question. DID IT LOOK like she was okay??????
Kay felt guilty.
SO much guilt.
"Once again, I apologise. It looked like you were out cold.'' She raised her wand yet again but not to dash water on the Lioness this time. "I guess this is why I'm no healer,'' she added. A murmur of the appropriate incantation and the Hot Air spell went to work. A small smile was in place now. "This should help you dry off.''
Her own face was still damp where she had been spat on but that was forgotten at the moment. She just wanted to get this over and go back about her business.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Kay felt guilty.
SO much guilt.
"Once again, I apologise. It looked like you were out cold.'' She raised her wand yet again but not to dash water on the Lioness this time. "I guess this is why I'm no healer,'' she added. A murmur of the appropriate incantation and the Hot Air spell went to work. A small smile was in place now. "This should help you dry off.''
Her own face was still damp where she had been spat on but that was forgotten at the moment. She just wanted to get this over and go back about her business.
Thank Merlin Professor Stewart wasn't the healer. That would've been very bad news for Zoryn. Especially because she used 'being sick' as an excuse to skip as many Muggle Studies lessons as she possibly could. Uh. She was totally innocent though.
And now, her hair was frizzy.
This was just GREAT.
"Honestly, Professor," she propped herself up on her elbows. "I was just being dramatic." DUH.
She flopped back onto the ground and GROANED. "I wish you just left me here to DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE," was she being dramatic again? Why yes, yes she was.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Z! <3
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Thank Merlin Professor Stewart wasn't the healer. That would've been very bad news for Zoryn. Especially because she used 'being sick' as an excuse to skip as many Muggle Studies lessons as she possibly could. Uh. She was totally innocent though.
And now, her hair was frizzy.
This was just GREAT.
"Honestly, Professor," she propped herself up on her elbows. "I was just being dramatic." DUH.
She flopped back onto the ground and GROANED. "I wish you just left me here to DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE," was she being dramatic again? Why yes, yes she was.
With a sigh, Kay shook her head and ended the second spell.
"Really.'' she admonished. "There was no need for that.'' She really had been concerned and wasn't quite sure whether to believe Zoryn like that though with all the theatrics the girl was doing, it was clear to see she could pursue a career in acting. Paul would be pleased with that.
Kaysha sat back on her heels. "Is something bothering you? You seem to have a lot of frustration or anger that have just been let out...'' Once again, reference could be made to the punching bag.