-   Term 49: May - August 2018 (
-   -   DADA Lesson Two - Peek-a-boo! (

hermionesclone 07-16-2018 08:57 PM

DADA Lesson Two - Peek-a-boo!
On a late-April morning, you might find yourself heading towards the first floor for another Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson to learn about another form of the dark arts. Expecting the unexpected might have become the norm but what you might not have expected is how dark the room is.

As you step inside, you notice that the room has a gloomy look to it. No normal lighting can be seen and any natural daylight has been obstructed by large black drapes. Instead, small lanterns can be seen floating around the room, only giving you the slightest indication as to what's there. What you might see might confuse you more than the lanterns do: the classroom looks less like a normal classroom and more like a long stretch of corridor.

The weirdest part of this entire scene is what stands directly opposite you. Various doors line the 'wall' opposite, similar to the kind you'd find around the castle. The only difference is that above the doors, illuminating brighter than any light in the room, are names of the students themselves.

Confused? Hirsch would be surprised if you weren't.

Speaking of Hirsch, where is he? Those who are observant enough might notice that there's no sign of the Defence Professor anywhere and no direct indication as to what you're meant to do. Where was the man and why wasn't he here yet? And did that mean that this was the right room or not?

While you're left pondering, come in and try and make yourselves as comfortable as possible. Or, you could go into the room marked with your name and discover what lies beyond...

Just remember: constant vigilance.

class progression:
_____- Narrator post
_____- Narrator post
_____- Narrator post
_____- Narrator post
- What went well in that activity? What would you do differently? What would you improve on?
- What do you know about the Hidebehind?
- That's all folks!

OOC: Please make sure you're familiar with Hirsch's rules as well as the SS site rules before posting. Class will continue tomorrow (eveningtime GMT+1). Class has already begun but you're more than welcome to jump in if you haven't done so already. Just pretend as though your charrie has been there the entire time. Hope you have fun! ^^

Birchwoodmom 07-16-2018 11:26 PM

Another Defense Against the Dark Arts class was upon them and she had spent the morning mentally preparing for what was to come. DADA, only second to potions, was a feared class of hers. Something always seemed to go wrong or be extra gross.

She took one last deep breath before entering the room, stepped through the door and...took a step back out to make sure she was in the right place. She had no idea what was going on. The room wasn't a room. Well, it was a room, but it was more like the corridor and far too dark to see well. Her heart rate increased and she grabbed her wand, just to be safe.

After her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, she noticed her name was above a door on the far wall. She then noticed the other students names above the doors. "Oh, so that's where everyone is." She whispered as she made her way towards her door. The last thing she wanted to do was to be late for class and it seemed as if all of the others had already entered their doors, so she quick stepped through the darkness, grabbed the handle of her door, and stepped inside.

Anna Banana 07-17-2018 12:46 AM

Maddie really liked Defense Against the Dark Arts! The professor was awesome and always held a pretty cool class. She was actually in a pretty good mood, but all that came to a sudden halt when she walked into the classroom. It looked like...Halloween had come a little early. Everything was so...dark. She wondered if they were allowed to cast Lumos or something...

That probably wasn't even necessary, though, because there were small lanterns floating around the room. They kind of made it seem even more like Halloween. She peered into the oddly-shaped classroom and narrowed her eyes at all the little doors. Uhhh...she was in Defense class, right? She saw Emmalyn enter a doorway, but Maddie wasn't quite that adventurous yet.

She roamed the corridor until she found her door, and then with a quick "Lumos" she cast a light toward the door. No way was she just going to dive right on in.

Cassirin 07-17-2018 02:05 AM

"Professor, it's so creep... y," Chloe burst out as soon as she entered the room, only faltering when she realized that the professor wasn't even in the room. Or was he? The thing about the Defense Professor was that he was part ninja, so he could be anywhere. In one of those doors. Behind the curtains. Maybe hanging from the ceiling!

She spotted her name on the wall, which was more than a little unnerving. Was that her door? Was she supposed to go stand near it? Because it looked more like a tomb than an entrance. "Emmalyn! I wouldn't go in there. Not until the professor says so." They might need special tools.

LilFox06 07-17-2018 02:54 AM

Slate squinted as he walked into the... classroom? He backed out, checked to make sure it was the correct door, before stepping back in...

He light his wand with a "Lumos" before continuing forward. He noticed a few of the other students looked as confused as he felt. He noticed, as he wandered deeper, that the doors had names above them. Soon he came across the one with his name. He examined the door, curious as to what was going on.

Holmesian Feline 07-17-2018 04:03 AM

Mention of Chloe and Emmalyn
Time for another Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson.

Septimus made his way towards the classroom since the class notice hadn’t mentioned anything else only to be greeted with the dreary dark room and confused classmates. “Lumos!” he cast as he entered to add to the little light already there. His eyes taking in as much of the room as he could to try and be aware of the surroundings. He might only be a second year but between his head of house’s drilling of constant vigilance and his mum’s comments on things happening in the school, the second year would want to be cautious.

It was then he noticed the named doors. “What in Merlin’s beard?” He turned in the direction of a fellow second year as Chloe, an elder Ravenclaw drew his attention to her. “Yeah…maybe we have to wait for instructions before entering.”

lazykitty 07-17-2018 04:36 AM

Okay, this had to be the weirdest setup yet. I mean, Professor Hirsch wasn't exactly known to keep a normal classroom setup (in fact, just the opposite) but doors with THEIR NAMES ON THEM?! As Chole said, creepy. So much so that Ronan had his wand out and at the ready, eyes moving around the room taking in everything, looking for any potential threat. Once he reached the door bearing his name, he cast a silent 'SpeRevelio' on it. He wasn't going in without being sure...

Ginevra 07-17-2018 06:46 AM

Daisy entered the classroom and became slightly nervous due to the amount of darkness that surrounded her. She quickly reached for her wand and cast, "Lumos," so that she could get a better scope of her surroundings. Her eyes then saw a door with her name emblazoned above it. Daisy started to walk towards it but stopped when she was a few inches away from it, her wand aimed at the door.

SilverTiger 07-17-2018 07:24 AM

DADA wasn’t necessarily her best subject, but it was definitely one of Stasya’s favorites. Not surprisingly, for the reason of Professor Hirsch being the instructor, just because she trusted him above all the others. Even if the actual subject had given her pause more often than not because it reminded her of things. Things that the professor knew, and that she tried to push through however she could because she didn’t want to let anyone down. Plus, she felt like she had to prove that her skill in dueling wasn’t a fluke, even if the lessons didn’t involve dueling. She just knew she’d fight to accomplish successfully casting the spells they learned no matter what.

The darkness that greeted her upon arriving, however, brought her to a pause just inside the door. “Lumos,” she cast quietly, wanting light but not wanting to draw the attention of anything lurking inside the darkness. Since that was entirely possible, after all. The fact she didn’t see Professor Hirsch around anywhere made her suspicious too. He had to be around there somewhere, and she was going to stay vigilant. Vigilant with her wand lit, as bright as she could make it with the simple spell.

Plus, there was no way she was going inside the creepy door with her name glowing above it. Instead, she placed herself in front of it, ready for whatever might happen. Hopefully.

RachieRu 07-17-2018 09:01 AM

Defence against the dark arts was one of her favourite subjects. It wasn't her best, which was sad, but she liked it. It wasn't surprising. Not when it was considered that two of her siblings were training to be aurors. Hattie wasn't following that career bath, but she did like the subject. So she had a big smile on her face as she headed towards the classroom. Hopefully it would be a fun lesson. They always were though, so she didn't have to hope. Hopefully though, there would be no drama this time.

Ahh. This was different. It was dark, not like it usually was. There were a few others here though, so she knew she was in the right place. "Hmm..." The blonde murmured as she stepped into the classroom, which looked more like a corridor today. She got her wand out, noticing that there were doors with their names on. Interesting. She didn't say much, but quickly found the door that had her name above it.

Now what? Hmm. Guess they would have to wait and find out.

DaniDiNardo 07-17-2018 09:45 AM



She knew she should have skipped class today. Nevermind that this one was taught by her Head of House who would have obviously noticed her absence. There'd been a feeling. She ignored that feeling and now there was a dark corridor like structure with doors that led Merlin knew where. The fact it had their names on it DID peaked her curiosity but not enough to dislodge her from her spot just outside the door to the classroom.

From there she watched the others lighting their wands. That Hufflepuff was even willing to take the first steps in.

"No. I think she should go." She contracted Chloe and Septimus who'd suggested otherwise. "If the Professor wanted us to keep out, he'd have said as much or put the right measures in place to ensure we can't enter at all. I'd like to know what's inside and I doubt it'd be anything fatal otherwise it'd be under heavy lock and key."

Did they see? If entering wasn't allowed then there would be no means to enter. She would herself but the space inside the classroom left her hella say the least.

Kolyander 07-17-2018 03:00 PM

Why was it so dark in here?

Pulling out her wand and casting 'Lumos' the second year slowly moved her wand around as she moved in a circle. Besides it being dark and the very strange setup, what was up with all those doors?!, nothing else seemed out of the ordinary. Seemed. She knew better now... looks could be very deceiving.

Rylee continued to move forward offering a light smile or a quiet greeting to her fellow classmates. When she reached the door with her name above it she stood there for a long moment just looking at it.

Did they go through the doors or wait? Where was Hirsch? A quick 'finite' made the light of her wand go out. She knew two spells she could try... if either would work was beyond her. First she was going to attempt to find out if the professor was lurking somewhere in the room as she thought he most likely was. "Homenum revelio," she cast knowing it wouldn't work but at least for her own sake of mind having to try. Sooner or later she would be able to cast that spell with much more confidence and know it would work.

Despite her previous failure Rylee turned her attention onto the door with her name and tried casting "SpeRevelio" on it. When nothing happened she wasn't sure if the door was safe or if these spells were way to difficult, it was more likely the latter having only really learned them from her older sister. Taking a breath she reached out, turned the handle on the door and used her foot to push it open the rest of the way. "Lumos," was once more quickly cast allowing her to use the light in hopes of seeing inside the room without stepping inside.

Hopefully if anything was going to jump out at her she would be ready... Look at her trying to think before actually doing something!

PuppySara 07-17-2018 05:23 PM

Josie came into class and glanced around, squinting to try to see her way around, to no avail. And no sign of her teacher either, which seemed odd, but she figured she would try to still be polite, "Um... Hello profe-" And she managed not notice a bench in front of her, sending her tumbling to the ground, "... Ow..."

The thirteen year old slowly sat up, brushing off her robes, hoping the dim lighting would hide her blatant blush of embarrassment. It was already wonderful to be known as the quiet one, now this would surely add to others thinking she was just odd and unapproachable.

She stood up slowly and glanced around to try to get a better idea of her surroundings before she even tried to move again.

PhoenixRising 07-17-2018 06:37 PM

Skylar had a love-hate relationship with Defense. On one hand, she had managed to excel beyond belief with her OWL examination, but she always seemed to struggle when it came to the dueling aspect of things. She was definitely far more great when it came to theoretical application and how it related to curses and cursebreaking; which was why she considered that as a plausible field for training. Hirsch was a decent professor too and unlike some of her other classes, he'd been there since her first year. Which meant she definitely trusted him and his lessons were usually enjoyable.

Although she did have to admit the irony when she entered the Defense class that morning because the gloominess of the classroom one hundred and ten percent matched her mood of the past few months. No Hirsch though? Somehow she doubted that, because even though he wasn't visible, she was nearly positive he was there even if he couldn't be seen. He liked to do that.

The seventeen year old cautiously observed each of the doors, only half listening to what some of her peers were saying. Wait. Was that ... names... Vivian Fairfield ... Felicity Harrington ... okay, so where was hers? Her heart skipped a beat at the next name. Apollo Kennedy. Okay, she was just going to keep walking.

Aha. Finally. Skylar Diggory. Now what that she'd found her door? Try to go through it .... or? Wait for Hirsch? Yes, the latter. Even though she was completely and irrevocably impatient, after seven years of Defense classes and well, Hogwarts classes in general, waiting for further instructions was prudent to success.

The Narrator 07-17-2018 09:52 PM

The magical light from students's wands won't do much to illuminate the surroundings. Even worse, the SpeRevelio spells cast revealed very little....

But something that did happen, whether it's because of the spells or not, might not be very comforting either. The doors for anyone who hasn't entered their room suddenly opens with a resounding creaaaaaak, inviting you inside...

A very dark, and quite small, inner room lies ahead. There are no lanterns in there and no sense that there's anything else in the room. It's almost as if you've got a blindfold wrapped around your eyes. Want to cast some light of your own? Unfortunately, Lumos and any other form of light-spells will not work in here. In fact, once you step inside, even the door closes behind you.

Just when you think things couldn't get worse, you hear a shuffling within the room. Could there be something else within the room? The shuffling starts off in one place and then moves around the room, even around you...

What do you do?

OOC: Ohmygooosh you guys ;____; *fangirls* Class has officially started so please keep chatter to a minimum! If you haven't posted already and want to, feel free to jump in, I don't mind! Just pretend as though your charrie has been there the entire time ^^

I'm starting off with the mini activity! I'm going to give you guys roughly 3 days to post as much as you want to. I'll be posting alongside you guys, especially if you need a little nudge :evil:

If the wording is confusing/doesn't make sense, please do give me a nudge and I'll be happy to clarify it for you <3

I'll continue with the lesson (i.e. move on from the mini activity) on the 20th of July.

Thanks, lovelies! :loved:

Birchwoodmom 07-17-2018 10:51 PM

Just after she had entered the room, the door promptly shut behind her. It was pitch black. Darker than any place she'd been before, and her eyes desperately tried to widen enough to let any speck of light in. No such luck would be had. It was completely devoid of light.

If only she knew how to cast a good lighting charm, but without being able to see and considering how horrible her luck was with spells, she didn't dare try. Instead, she held her wand out, as if in a warning to anything that may approach, and used her ears to try and orientate herself to her new surroundings.

Then there was the shuffling. Her head whipped to the left, but as soon as she tried to locate the source, it moved again. Her heart pounded and she froze in place, not wanting to give whatever it was a better reading of her location. The shuffling was moving all around her and her level of panic was swiftly rising. Maybe going through the door wasn't the best idea after all.

The shuffling continued and she knew she had to do something. Willy nilly casting protection spells wasn't an option for her, but trying to track the shuffling sound and pouncing on whatever it was seemed like a good idea. Her ears strained to catch the slightest of movement, she listened left, then right before hurtling her body towards the place she heard the most movement and hoped to land upon whatever it was.

DuckyLinJi 07-17-2018 10:55 PM

Dorian hadn't even bothered using magic to illuminate the classroom. He figured that if the older students weren't able to he certainly couldn't and it was probably for a reason.

Instead, his blue eyes were looking at the other side of the room where multiple doors were and above them were names shining in bright letters. It didn't take him too long until he found his own name and he sighed. Part of him wanted to leave and go to the library or the common room. The professor wasn't even here, he wouldn't find out if he left...right? But this was a class and as much as he did not want to go to his door, Dorian still did because he was a good student who followed the rules!

Standing in front of it, he Ravenclaw had long ago zoned out the rest of the group and took out his acacia wand. What he was going to do with it, he had no idea. He didn't even know what was on the other side of that door and he hated it that he was curious to find out. This was defence class, certainly there wouldn't be any kittens on the other side of the door.

With another deep sigh, Dorian used his non wand hand to push open the door but before his hand made contact the door creaked open and the fourteen year old had the feeling that he was stepping in to a haunted house.

Stepping inside, he hadn't taken a couple of steps before the door closed behind him and he jumped, startled by the sudden noise. The room was pitch black which of course heightened his fear and as he walked he held his arms in front of him giving him the appearance of a zombie.

When he heard something shuffling somewhere in the room, Dorian stood still. His eyes were wide open and he seemed to have been frozen. When the shuffling went behind him he spun around so quickly he actually made a pirouette A non elegant one. Maybe....maybe if he stood veeeeery still, whatever it was that was in the room with him would go away?

So he stood still, trying to not even breathe too hard. CAUSE HE WAS FREAKING OUT silently

Cassirin 07-18-2018 01:34 AM

The door might be open, but Chloe still hadn't heard anyone tell them they should enter the room with their name on it, and it was awfully presumptuous to go wandering out of the classroom without the professor telling them it was okay. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot, an impatient gesture that was at odds with Chloe's normally bubbly personality.

"Hey... door?" Chloe eased closer to her room and tried not to jump at the sound of the shuffling from inside the dark space. "If it's okay to go in the room without the professor saying so, could you like... give me a sign? Wave or something? 'Cause otherwise..." She crossed her arms again and didn't move any closer.

Ginevra 07-18-2018 01:38 AM

Daisy gave a slight start as "her door" shut behind her and she was submerged in total darkness. As if this wasn't horrible enough, she could hear shuffling sounds from all around her. She tried Lumos Maxima which had no effect. She was going to attempt a spell. When she heard the shuffling once again, Daisy aimed her wand and cast, "Impiriano!" to hopefully provide some kind of barrier.

She bit her lip nervously. Maybe the shuffling was from a Lethifold and she needed to do a Patronus Charm. Would that be seen as a lumination spell? Daisy's mind was racing.

siriusblackliveson 07-18-2018 03:44 PM

Patrick had stopped right inside the main door before class had begun, this was exactly how that lesson his first year began. Dark, mysterious objects in the room and no Hirsch yet. Great, he was going to die again today. Would he even be noticed if he just casually waited by the door until Hirsch arrived and maybe added some light to the room?

Sure, his name was on the door closest to the left, but he'd be absolutely nuts if he decided to walk right through that door like he had walked through the cave. He got closer, noticing that the door swung open, "Nope, not happening. I refuse to allow myself the opportunity to die again." he mumbled under his breath.

PuppySara 07-18-2018 07:16 PM

Josephine glanced up at the door that had her name on it as it swung open, Oh great, what bogeys are they having me fight today? She gave a wince and slowly... VERY slowly walked through the door. She shook trying to cast lumos, to no avail. Nope... Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. She was not doing this. She turned to run out, only managing to smack into the door as it slammed closed.

"Great... So I'm really going to just die here?! What are you guys going to tell my parents about this?!" She looked around the room she was trapped in trying to see where the scuffling was coming from. Her breathing got heavier and she stayed up against the door, at least whatever was running around couldn't sneak up behind her this way.

Maybe I should just start writing my will now...

The Narrator 07-18-2018 09:57 PM

Text Cut: Emmalyn

Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom (Post 12338058)
Just after she had entered the room, the door promptly shut behind her. It was pitch black. Darker than any place she'd been before, and her eyes desperately tried to widen enough to let any speck of light in. No such luck would be had. It was completely devoid of light.

If only she knew how to cast a good lighting charm, but without being able to see and considering how horrible her luck was with spells, she didn't dare try. Instead, she held her wand out, as if in a warning to anything that may approach, and used her ears to try and orientate herself to her new surroundings.

Then there was the shuffling. Her head whipped to the left, but as soon as she tried to locate the source, it moved again. Her heart pounded and she froze in place, not wanting to give whatever it was a better reading of her location. The shuffling was moving all around her and her level of panic was swiftly rising. Maybe going through the door wasn't the best idea after all.

The shuffling continued and she knew she had to do something. Willy nilly casting protection spells wasn't an option for her, but trying to track the shuffling sound and pouncing on whatever it was seemed like a good idea. Her ears strained to catch the slightest of movement, she listened left, then right before hurtling her body towards the place she heard the most movement and hoped to land upon whatever it was.

Taking out the source of the shuffling completely Muggle-style was a very brave move. Not only did the source fall over, but she did as well. Both toppled onto the ground with a loud, resounding THUMP!

The source wasn't going to stop there. It wriggled, tried to move out from under her grip. Even tried to move her out of the way.

Will you let it go?

Text Cut: Dorian

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi (Post 12338060)
Dorian hadn't even bothered using magic to illuminate the classroom. He figured that if the older students weren't able to he certainly couldn't and it was probably for a reason.

Instead, his blue eyes were looking at the other side of the room where multiple doors were and above them were names shining in bright letters. It didn't take him too long until he found his own name and he sighed. Part of him wanted to leave and go to the library or the common room. The professor wasn't even here, he wouldn't find out if he left...right? But this was a class and as much as he did not want to go to his door, Dorian still did because he was a good student who followed the rules!

Standing in front of it, he Ravenclaw had long ago zoned out the rest of the group and took out his acacia wand. What he was going to do with it, he had no idea. He didn't even know what was on the other side of that door and he hated it that he was curious to find out. This was defence class, certainly there wouldn't be any kittens on the other side of the door.

With another deep sigh, Dorian used his non wand hand to push open the door but before his hand made contact the door creaked open and the fourteen year old had the feeling that he was stepping in to a haunted house.

Stepping inside, he hadn't taken a couple of steps before the door closed behind him and he jumped, startled by the sudden noise. The room was pitch black which of course heightened his fear and as he walked he held his arms in front of him giving him the appearance of a zombie.

When he heard something shuffling somewhere in the room, Dorian stood still. His eyes were wide open and he seemed to have been frozen. When the shuffling went behind him he spun around so quickly he actually made a pirouette A non elegant one. Maybe....maybe if he stood veeeeery still, whatever it was that was in the room with him would go away?

So he stood still, trying to not even breathe too hard. CAUSE HE WAS FREAKING OUT silently

If this was his tactic on getting rid of the source, it wasn't going to work. Not only did the shuffling continue, but it also started getting louder and louder...

Was this normal? Or was the source of the sound getting closer?

Think fast.

Text Cut: Chloe

Originally Posted by Cassirin (Post 12338088)
The door might be open, but Chloe still hadn't heard anyone tell them they should enter the room with their name on it, and it was awfully presumptuous to go wandering out of the classroom without the professor telling them it was okay. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot, an impatient gesture that was at odds with Chloe's normally bubbly personality.

"Hey... door?" Chloe eased closer to her room and tried not to jump at the sound of the shuffling from inside the dark space. "If it's okay to go in the room without the professor saying so, could you like... give me a sign? Wave or something? 'Cause otherwise..." She crossed her arms again and didn't move any closer.

The shuffling from within the room continued, as if whatever was inside was eager to approach its target. In fact, she might be able to notice a vague, darker black figure moving around from inside the room. Exactly what it is remains unclear....

Could a door wave? No. But after a moment's pause, it did start moving back and forth a few inches.

Was that her cue?

Text Cut: Daisy

Originally Posted by Ginevra (Post 12338089)
Daisy gave a slight start as "her door" shut behind her and she was submerged in total darkness. As if this wasn't horrible enough, she could hear shuffling sounds from all around her. She tried Lumos Maxima which had no effect. She was going to attempt a spell. When she heard the shuffling once again, Daisy aimed her wand and cast, "Impiriano!" to hopefully provide some kind of barrier.

She bit her lip nervously. Maybe the shuffling was from a Lethifold and she needed to do a Patronus Charm. Would that be seen as a lumination spell? Daisy's mind was racing.

The use of Impiriano was a very clever one because the source of the shuffling was a physical object. It grew louder and louder and tried to approach her but to no avail. But be careful, young Hufflepuff, that shield isn't going to last forever...

And no, it wouldn't.

Text Cut: Patrick

Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson (Post 12338128)
Patrick had stopped right inside the main door before class had begun, this was exactly how that lesson his first year began. Dark, mysterious objects in the room and no Hirsch yet. Great, he was going to die again today. Would he even be noticed if he just casually waited by the door until Hirsch arrived and maybe added some light to the room?

Sure, his name was on the door closest to the left, but he'd be absolutely nuts if he decided to walk right through that door like he had walked through the cave. He got closer, noticing that the door swung open, "Nope, not happening. I refuse to allow myself the opportunity to die again." he mumbled under his breath.

Better safe than sorry, eh?

Although, the door was still open and therefore, he still had the opportunity to glance inside the dark room. Nothing substantial could be seen, but he might be able to notice a figure shuffling around from within the room....

Text Cut: Josephine

Originally Posted by PuppySara (Post 12338142)
Josephine glanced up at the door that had her name on it as it swung open, Oh great, what bogeys are they having me fight today? She gave a wince and slowly... VERY slowly walked through the door. She shook trying to cast lumos, to no avail. Nope... Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. She was not doing this. She turned to run out, only managing to smack into the door as it slammed closed.

"Great... So I'm really going to just die here?! What are you guys going to tell my parents about this?!" She looked around the room she was trapped in trying to see where the scuffling was coming from. Her breathing got heavier and she stayed up against the door, at least whatever was running around couldn't sneak up behind her this way.

Maybe I should just start writing my will now...

Maybe staying up near the door was a good idea. The source of the shuffling couldn't sneak up on you from behind, could it?

But that wasn't going to stop the source from shuffling ever closer. The sound started to get louder and louder as whatever it was started to shuffle ever so closer.

Lumos might not work but something else might...

Birchwoodmom 07-18-2018 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by The Narrator (Post 12338150)

Taking out the source of the shuffling completely Muggle-style was a very brave move. Not only did the source fall over, but she did as well. Both toppled onto the ground with a loud, resounding THUMP!

The source wasn't going to stop there. It wriggled, tried to move out from under her grip. Even tried to move her out of the way.

Will you let it go?

She felt her arms wrap around the shuffling thing in the room as her body flung through the air. Unfortunately, when she started her attack, she didn't plan out her landing. She fell to the ground, hard, and the struggle continued. "Stop moving!" She cried out to the thing she was desperately trying to hold on to. Whatever it was, it was strong, and her body was being pushed about. She, however, was not letting go.

If the adrenaline hadn't been pumping full force, she probably would have realized that was she was doing was absolutely bonkers. She still had no idea what the thing was that she now had her arms wrapped around. The room was still darker than the night of a new moon, and she had no idea where the professor was.

Ever since her encounter with the boggart at Hogsmeade and the crazed garden gnome out on the grounds, she had been on the defense and ready to strike first. She had vowed to never sit back and wait for what might happen to her.

lazykitty 07-18-2018 11:43 PM

So...there was nothing dangerous on the door. Good to know. Though, that didn't mean there was nothing dangerous on the otherside of the door, which had opened. Ronan did creep closer to the doorway, taking a peek inside. Completely dark. He tried a simple Lumos, which did nothing. Oookay. He followed that failed spell up with other lighting spells, to no avail. What up with that, Professor Hirsch?

"Expecto Patronum." Because, duh, patronuses (patronui?) were basically light...

Anna Banana 07-19-2018 12:41 AM

Maddie squinted at the light coming from her wand. Nothing seemed to be showing on the door, so she ended the spell and just stood awkwardly in place as she waited for...well, anything to happen. Was this all just a trick or something? WHERE was the professor?!

Just as that thought escaped her mind, the door opened, causing Maddie to jump just a little. Umm...hello?! Why were they all supposed to enter a separate door? If she walked inside, would anybody else be there? She glanced up and down the corridor as several students entered their respective rooms. Sigh. Professor Hirsch was just so extra today.

She should have never gotten rid of her light spell. She attempted several times to cast it again, but the light would never come. She sighed again, and even though her wand couldn't produce light, she still kept it tight in her hand. Realizing there was nothing else to do but walk through the door, she did just that. ... ... ... And then the door shut behind her.

Seriously, Professor Hirsch?! Knowing that this was part of a class was the only thing keeping her somewhat calm right now. Well, she was calm until the shuffling started. With eyes wide open and heart pounding so loudly it could likely be heard from outside her body, Maddie quickly cast a Silver Shield Spell. There might be a better spell than that, but at least she coukd be protected while she figured it out. "Lumos Maxima!" she tried.

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