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It was the middle of October, and though it was very chilly at night, in the middle of the day it was still moderately nice out. Not too hot, not too cold...just right. It was a perfect day for this Creature Companions activity Professor Wayland had planned. He had set the time for right after lunch so every one had a chance to get a good meal in before all the exploring they would be doing.
Tristan stood by the edge of The Great Lake, no hay bale throne this time, next to a table that had all kinds of swimming gear, gillyweed, and wand holsters. He really hoped this would be a fun activity for the students. Let the adventure begin!
OOC: Welcome to the first Creature Companions Activity! This extra-curricular meeting will be used for plot purposes -- so feel free to drop in and bring a friend!
Stealthy Ninja Queen | Snake For Life | waddling baker | binge royalty ♚
Patrick hustled down toward the Great Lake, a bag of apples in his hands as he finished his lunch. He wanted to get there early, he had some questions for Professor Wayland about the barn and how often he was technically allowed to help out. He skirted to a stop right before the table admiring all of the things on the table. He had been so excited for this since the notice had gone up on the notice board last week.
“Hey Professor! So excited for this. he told himself to calm down, but how often was one able to go into the depths of the lake for a class? “I also had a question about the barn, I spent time with my grandparents in their muggle barn all summer, would I be able to come down and help some? Well, I guess that was silly since my parents signed the permission slip, but more often than I do now? I really enjoy learning about the creatures and helping them out.”
Rolling his eyes at himself, calm your jets Patrick he thought to himself. He was coming off as some giddy first year and he was just trying to get more of an understanding for how a barn would work for those creatures.
As soon as Daehyun had seen the announcement for this creature companions activity, he'd been excited. Beyond excited. But then he saw something about swimming, and suddenly all of that excitement vanished. He could in no way swim, or even float enough to keep himself from drowning. So, as his eyes landed on the table filled with swimming gear, he was sure he would not, definitely not use any of it. He could just- remain near the shore.
"Hello, professor," he said, still scanning the things on the table filled with Daehyun-torture stuff. "Is that... gillyweed?"
... what did professor Wayland have prepared for them?! Would he be able to participate... at all?
Ewan loved swimming! LOVED IT!! Changing his favourite pair of swimming trunks (Think Hawaii) and an old tshirt, he strode down to the lake, a fluffy blue towel slung over his shoulder, ready to learn about all of the different magical creatures. Spotting Daehyun, he strode over to the Gryffindor and stood beside him. "Hey Danny boy, excited for this?". Spotting his slight apprehension, he gave him a little wink, he leaned towards him and whispered "Don't worry, it couldn't be any worse than the ghost room!
Turning towards the Professor now, a massive grin spread across his face. "Hey Professor! How are you on this lovely day?". He was pleased about the weather... he was pleased about the lake. And, he was pleased to be learning. Today was going to be a good day! Checking his leg to see if he still had his black leather wand holster, he quickly turned towards the lake, ready to make friends with whatever creature that the Prof would be introducing to them today!
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Rylee made her way over to the lake right after lunch, her swimsuit on underneath her jeans and hoodie. It was October after all. There was no sense in freezing until she got in the water. Slung over her shoulder was her extra fluffy purple towel. Right away her eyes found the small group that was already beginning to gather there and she made her way over to them quickly her excitement growing with every step.
"Hello, Professor Wayland," There was the usual bright smile on her face every time she attended one of his lessons or one of these activities. It wasn't hard to miss the swimming gear, gillyweed, wand holsters... this was going to some serious fun for sure. Could they get started already? Where was everyone else? Speaking of everyone...
"Hi, guys!" All three of them. Rylee rocked back and forth on her feet trying to contain her energy a bit but it was never easy.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
Ari was looking forward to swimming in the lake, especially before it gets too cold and Ari will have to resort to sledding off the hills for fun. It was too chilly to go out just in a swimsuit, so Ari made sure to wrap a nice, warm towel around her before heading out.
Ari wondered what sort of "creature companions activity" this was going be about, since the announcement didn't specify what they would be doing in the lake. Ari would love to play around with animals, but she wasn't so sure what sort of "companion" a fish will make. Ever since her newly-adopted, elderly cat disappeared into the Whomping Willow, Ari had been looking for possible new companions. Hopefully this time, it won't be a nasty-tempered fur-ball. Maybe it was a good thing that the stupid tree swallowed Pudgeface...
"Hello, Professor." Ari greeted after approaching the small crowd that was forming. "Are we going to be adopting animals today?" She asked hopefully. Were they going to hunt for interesting water creatures, and keep whatever they find?! Ari grinned at the thought.
At first, he didn't react to Danny boy. Why would he, anyway, since no one ever called him that. And may Merlin have mercy on the unfortunate souls who dared call him that. So, naturally, his brain didn't bother to process it. That is, until Ewan showed up beside him, and only then did he realize that he had, indeed, been talking to him.
He blinked at the Ravenclaw boy. "Daniel," he corrected Ewan, hopefully the first and last time. As for the worrying part... "I can't swim though," he muttered under his breath, more to himself. Not to mention how scared he was of deep waters and, by the looks of it, they were going in deep.
"Hi Rylee!" he said to his fellow housemate, waving his hand with a smile, before coming back to his previous thoughts of deep waters. Sigh.
Reese made his way down to the creature activity as soon as had heard about it... Which, of course, was at the last minute... But he had still managed to run down and make it in time... PHEW!..
He immediately saw his sister Rylee and there was Ari... So, he waved to her and shot her a Hi, how are ya type smile and found a seat beside his older sister and gave her little Lion-friend a look that summed it all up.. He'd seen him around, but hadn't much spoken.. Heck!.. They hadn't even really been formally introduced and it was already October... Eh..
But he still gave him a nod of his head and said, " Hi.. I'm Rylee's little brother, Reese.. Nice to meet ya.. " And he shoved his hand toward the other boy..
Look, Edmund was excited to do creature related things, he really was. He was even excited about the idea of swimming, but he had to admit, he wasn't too enthusiastic of the idea of swimming in these temperatures that we cooler than he was used to back home. His mom would definitely not let him swim in this. He decided he would take this as a challenge. "Hi Professor," he said as he went to stand near the others.
So many things are possible
just as long as you don't know they're impossible
Bartholomew was excited and eager to be a part of this activity. When the Creatures Professor had contacted him with an explanation, Bartholomew had readily accepted. Now the time was here. Old Bart glided silently along the Lake. Not even a splash of his tentacles could be heard against the Black Lake's water. Bart slowed his movements as he neared the shore.
"Good day, children. Professor Wayland.'' Tentacles waved in their general direction. "I will be crashing your activity today so I hope you don't mind.'' Bartholomew seemed to be smiling through his eyes.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Of COURSE Bel was here! Creatures! Though of course she had no clue which creatures specifically were going to be the focus of this meeting, she wanted to be a companion to it/them all the same! And the part where they had to wear swimwear and bring towels? Well! Bel was all about that! She had picked out one of her sportiest bikinis, a black and green Speedo cozzie, one that she often wore while surfing since it was particularly good at staying on even if she got wiped out by a big wave, and who knew what kind of swimming they'd be doing right now? She'd worn a tracksuit overtop just because it wasn't as warm as she'd like, but as soon as she got to the lake, Bel began stripping out of it.
"Hello professor!" She greeted cheerfully, and then folded up her tracksuit. And for now... she'd sit on her towel and wait to see what was-- oh look it was the giant squid! "Oh great! Welcome Mr Henry!"That was the squid's name right? The Aussie girl was enthusiastic that was for sure.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Nettie had been looking forward to learning about magical creatures ever since she got to school - and so far, the lessons had not been a disappointment! Naturally, she was NOT going to miss the creature companions activity, so she made her way down to the lake. It was PERFECT weather outside, and as she approached, she saw that the GIANT SQUID had already made an appearance! OH MY GOSHHHHH how exciting!
"Hello Mr. Henry, sir!" she piped up to him as she entered the area and found a seat. She'd remembered hearing that he had a proper name, but she couldn't remember it. Thankfully she'd walked up just as the Hufflepuff captain had been yelling out to him, so she was able to cheat and figure it out that way. YAYYY for not being rude to old mythical creatures!
"Hello Professor!" she added before taking a seat next to Ewan, her fellow claw first year. She eyed the table that he was seating near - was that GILLYWEED? Did that mean what she THOUGHT it meant?! She hoped so!
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Emmalyn hurried down to the Great Lake, stomach overfull from eating too much too fast. She new that last serving was more than her little stomach could handle, but the food was just too good to pass up. Coming to a halt at the edge of the class area, she rubbed her aching side and took a few deep breaths.
She slowly made the final few meters towards the other students. "Good afternoon Professor Wayland, you too Mr. Henry." Glancing around she spotted several of her friends had already arrived. "Hey Captain Bel!" She smiled and waved at her house captain before wandering closer to the table. "Hi Ewan." She greeted her partner then eyed the supplies the professor had placed on the table.
Her heart sank a bit. Sure, she was prepared to get wet, but she hadn't put it together that they might be going into the great lake. What she had in mind, she wasn't exactly sure of, but it wasn't swimming with a giant squid or any of the other various magical creatures lurking in the lake. Plus, weren't they supposed to wait an hour after eating before getting in a lake?
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Did Zoryn actually care for creatures? OF COURSE NOT! But did she care to make Professor WayOLD's life a living nightmare? Yes. Yes, she did. Which is why she made sure to show up to EVERY meeting the club held. It was the most she had been invested in academia since her first day of primary school. You're welcome, Sir.
The Gryffindor arrived behind a large group of her peers and made sure to pay Professor W a visit before trying to find her friends. "HEY PROFESSOR, bet you missed me LOADS over the holiday. Haven't got to miss me anymore though, I'll make sure to visit your office LOADS this year!" If anyone was unaware, Zoryn Amari Spinnet was by far his favoritest student of all time. He mentioned all the time.
She took that moment to look around at the table before giving the man a skeptical look with a wrinkled nose. "Are we gonna have to see you wear a swimming costume today, sir?" Because no offense, but there were somethings no one needed to see. This was one of those things.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
One month into the term, and so far Vivian was quite relieved she didn't have much to do yet. There was still a lot of time left before NEWTs, and she didn't want to overwhelm herself with all the things she needed to study for when it was just too early in the term anyway. Although, surely, there were already students studying for them... but she had other concerns to deal with first, like university stuff. Those were just as scary, and applications were due soon enough.
Making a short detour to the Great Hall for an apple, Vivian headed to the grounds to join the rest of the students at the Great Lake. And she did have her school-appropriate (because that was, apparently, important and was pointed out) swimwear underneath her clothes. "Good day, professor," the Head Girl greeted, and her attention was then drawn towards the equipment on the table.
... Gillyweed? Vivian eyed it for a second and then side-glanced at the professor before finding a space for herself. This felt like the 1994 Triwizard Tournament Task Number Two all over again, right?
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Daisy made her way to the Great Lake, her yellow one-piece bathing suit underneath her jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. Her towel and wand were inside a small tote bag. "Hello, Professor Wayland!" Daisy smiled at the teacher. She then waved and smiled at the Giant Squid. "Hello, Bart! Can I call you 'Bart'?"
Mentions of Rylee, Bel and whomever else wants to say she waved at them. <3
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
It was still plenty warm enough for a trip to the lake, although that hadn’t kept Stasya from remembering her conversation with Ian last term about swimming in the lake when it was cold. As far as she was concerned, though, Professor Wayland wouldn’t have held the club meeting out at the lake if it was too cold. More accurately, he wouldn’t have requested they wear swimwear if it was too cold to go in the lake. Although there was always still the option of heating charms, if that didn’t bother the lake wildlife. She didn’t think it would, but it was a question to ask if the topic ever came up.
Either way, she had made her way out to the lake with a red and gold Gryffindor swimsuit on underneath a fuzzy pink cardigan that she’d pinned her badge to, and jeans with sneakers. “Hi Professor Wayland! How are the babies doing today?,” she asked, as she’d joined the group waiting by the edge of the water. Giving Rylee, Bel and a few of the others a wave as she found somewhere to plant herself.
Oh, and there was Bartholomew Henry! The tall blonde gave the squid a big smile. “Good day to you too, Mr. Henry” Of course he’d get a greeting. She’d been thinking about visiting him as it was, so now that was taken care of.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Beth made her way to the lake at the appropriate time, she wasn’t lake unlike those times with Quinn and Lilly…and well, nearly everyone else in the school already. Still, it was October so for what reason did satan these Professors have them outside SWIMMING? It didn’t look like the black lake had exactly the warmest of water on a good day.
Patrick her housemate got a little head nod as she arrived as did a few others, Daniel got a grin…Ewan, a shrug and of c o u r s e, of course Reese and Rylee got their waves…even Edmund got a wave – heck, the squid and Nettie got happier welcomes than the boy that was so fond of those dad jokes. The jokes had gotten to her maybe? Or, she just wanted to make friends with other people too.
”good day professor,” she smiled less enthusiastically then most of the other students. She was here though, that was what mattered. ”Hey Edmund,” she smiled as she finally settled and stood next to the Gryffindor boy she had met over summer.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
In hopefully before the Professor replies! Beth, + mentions of Reese, Rylee & Ewan
Fluttery Pegasi
And then Quinn was suddenly just there, standing next to Beth as if she'd apparated, though of course that was impossible for anyone but the Headmistress. But that was Quinn for you, silent when she wished to be, a skill she learned from Beth, actually.
She glanced around, quietly, seeing who was here. When her eyes fell on Reese, the edges of her lips pulled into a small, barely perceptible smile, then fell in annoyance when she spotted Rylee next to him. Ewan got a barely there nod, and finally her eyes rested on Professor Wayland, inquisitive as ever.
She'd be by later today to check and see how Tobias was recovering. The snake she'd rescued.
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
SPOILER!!: All Y'all!
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson
“Hey Professor! So excited for this. he told himself to calm down, but how often was one able to go into the depths of the lake for a class? “I also had a question about the barn, I spent time with my grandparents in their muggle barn all summer, would I be able to come down and help some? Well, I guess that was silly since my parents signed the permission slip, but more often than I do now? I really enjoy learning about the creatures and helping them out.”
"Hello Patrick." He replied. Tristan's mind was already buzzing with excitement for this activity, so to have Patrick come up and ask him a really long question, made it really hard for him to focus. But he did his best. "Uh, Patrick you know you can help as much as you would like. I can honestly use all the help in the world with all the creatures we have in the barns. So, whenever you have time you can come down, but I don't want you to come down unless all your other school work is done. Must not ignore our studies to come be with the creatures. Trust me." He knew that result too well.
Originally Posted by debpetrisor
"Hello, professor," he said, still scanning the things on the table filled with Daehyun-torture stuff. "Is that... gillyweed?"
... what did professor Wayland have prepared for them?! Would he be able to participate... at all?
"Hello, Daehyun!" He glanced over at the table as the young man did and grinned, "Yes it is. Good job identifying it." He said with a wink not registering the slight terror in the young man's eyes.
Originally Posted by GD2204
Turning towards the Professor now, a massive grin spread across his face. "Hey Professor! How are you on this lovely day?". He was pleased about the weather... he was pleased about the lake. And, he was pleased to be learning. Today was going to be a good day! Checking his leg to see if he still had his black leather wand holster, he quickly turned towards the lake, ready to make friends with whatever creature that the Prof would be introducing to them today!
"Hello, Ewan! I'm doing well. How are you?" Tristan said with a wink and a grin. It was going to be an awesome day.
Originally Posted by Kolyander
"Hello, Professor Wayland," There was the usual bright smile on her face every time she attended one of his lessons or one of these activities. It wasn't hard to miss the swimming gear, gillyweed, wand holsters... this was going to some serious fun for sure. Could they get started already? Where was everyone else? Speaking of everyone...
"Hello, Rylee! Ready for today's activity?" He said with a smile. He was super ready for it!
Originally Posted by GoldenSnake
"Hello, Professor." Ari greeted after approaching the small crowd that was forming. "Are we going to be adopting animals today?" She asked hopefully. Were they going to hunt for interesting water creatures, and keep whatever they find?! Ari grinned at the thought.
"Hello Ari!" Tristan was about to ask how she was but her question threw him off a bit. "Uhmm, unfortunately no. The creatures we will be working with today are wild and we don't take them out of their habitats to make them our pets." He said with a pointed glance and a concerned smile.
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
Reese made his way down to the creature activity as soon as had heard about it... Which, of course, was at the last minute... But he had still managed to run down and make it in time... PHEW!..
He immediately saw his sister Rylee and there was Ari... So, he waved to her and shot her a Hi, how are ya type smile and found a seat beside his older sister and gave her little Lion-friend a look that summed it all up.. He'd seen him around, but hadn't much spoken.. Heck!.. They hadn't even really been formally introduced and it was already October... Eh..
Reese wasn't going to say hello to him? Alright then. He smiled in the young boys direction. At least his sister said hello.
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy
Look, Edmund was excited to do creature related things, he really was. He was even excited about the idea of swimming, but he had to admit, he wasn't too enthusiastic of the idea of swimming in these temperatures that we cooler than he was used to back home. His mom would definitely not let him swim in this. He decided he would take this as a challenge. "Hi Professor," he said as he went to stand near the others.
"Hello, Edmund." Tristan said with a smile, though the young man looked concerned, hopefully he would change his mind soon enough.
Originally Posted by Giant Squid
Bartholomew was excited and eager to be a part of this activity. When the Creatures Professor had contacted him with an explanation, Bartholomew had readily accepted. Now the time was here. Old Bart glided silently along the Lake. Not even a splash of his tentacles could be heard against the Black Lake's water. Bart slowed his movements as he neared the shore.
"Good day, children. Professor Wayland.'' Tentacles waved in their general direction. "I will be crashing your activity today so I hope you don't mind.'' Bartholomew seemed to be smiling through his eyes.
Tristan turned with a huge smile on his face. He was beyond excited for this activity, and at the appearance of the Giant Squid he was even more excited. "Bartholomew! Welcome! We are so excited to have you with us today." He said with a grin.
Originally Posted by Tegz
"Hello professor!" She greeted cheerfully, and then folded up her tracksuit. And for now... she'd sit on her towel and wait to see what was-- oh look it was the giant squid! "Oh great! Welcome Mr Henry!"That was the squid's name right? The Aussie girl was enthusiastic that was for sure.
"Hello, Bel!" Tristan said with a smile. When she noticed Bartholomew his smile widened. It was going to be a great day.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
"Hello Professor!" she added before taking a seat next to Ewan, her fellow claw first year. She eyed the table that he was seating near - was that GILLYWEED? Did that mean what she THOUGHT it meant?! She hoped so!
"Hello, Nettie!" He said with a smile and a small wave. He really couldn't wait to get started.
Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom
She slowly made the final few meters towards the other students. "Good afternoon Professor Wayland, you too Mr. Henry." Glancing around she spotted several of her friends had already arrived. "Hey Captain Bel!" She smiled and waved at her house captain before wandering closer to the table. "Hi Ewan." She greeted her partner then eyed the supplies the professor had placed on the table.
"Afternoon, Emmalyn!" Tristan said with a nod and a smile. He checked his watch; it was almost time!!
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
The Gryffindor arrived behind a large group of her peers and made sure to pay Professor W a visit before trying to find her friends. "HEY PROFESSOR, bet you missed me LOADS over the holiday. Haven't got to miss me anymore though, I'll make sure to visit your office LOADS this year!" If anyone was unaware, Zoryn Amari Spinnet was by far his favoritest student of all time. He mentioned all the time.
She took that moment to look around at the table before giving the man a skeptical look with a wrinkled nose. "Are we gonna have to see you wear a swimming costume today, sir?" Because no offense, but there were somethings no one needed to see. This was one of those things.
And of course his smile faltered as soon as Zoryn came into view. She was not going to get to him today. He would send her back to the castle faster than a Demiguise could disappear if she wasn't careful. "Hello, Zoryn." He said with a nod not responding to that comment. You would think a fifteen year old would mature a little but...apparently not this one.
Her question earned a very stern glare. The thought to set a silencing charm on her ran through his mind, but he pushed it away. "Who call's bathing suits swimming costumes anymore?" Was all he said back. Such an old fashioned term. And she called HIM old. He shook his head.
Originally Posted by Kimothy
Making a short detour to the Great Hall for an apple, Vivian headed to the grounds to join the rest of the students at the Great Lake. And she did have her school-appropriate (because that was, apparently, important and was pointed out) swimwear underneath her clothes. "Good day, professor," the Head Girl greeted, and her attention was then drawn towards the equipment on the table.
"Good day, Head Girl." He said with a grin. He was very happy for Vivian. He was sure she would do a great job.
Originally Posted by Ginevra
Daisy made her way to the Great Lake, her yellow one-piece bathing suit underneath her jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. Her towel and wand were inside a small tote bag. "Hello, Professor Wayland!" Daisy smiled at the teacher. She then waved and smiled at the Giant Squid. "Hello, Bart! Can I call you 'Bart'?"
"Hello, Daisy!" He called back with a wave and a grin. They were getting ever closer starting the activity.
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
Either way, she had made her way out to the lake with a red and gold Gryffindor swimsuit on underneath a fuzzy pink cardigan that she’d pinned her badge to, and jeans with sneakers. “Hi Professor Wayland! How are the babies doing today?,” she asked, as she’d joined the group waiting by the edge of the water. Giving Rylee, Bel and a few of the others a wave as she found somewhere to plant herself.
"Hello, Stasya! They are doing just fine." He said with a grin. He had finally gotten all of the adopted 2 year olds over to the main barn and there were only newborns and 1 year olds left. But they were all doing well!
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime
”Good day professor,” she smiled less enthusiastically then most of the other students. She was here though, that was what mattered. ”Hey Edmund,” she smiled as she finally settled and stood next to the Gryffindor boy she had met over summer.
"Good day, Beth!" He said with a wave. He started bouncing a little as the minutes ticked down.
Originally Posted by Callie
She glanced around, quietly, seeing who was here. When her eyes fell on Reese, the edges of her lips pulled into a small, barely perceptible smile, then fell in annoyance when she spotted Rylee next to him. Ewan got a barely there nod, and finally her eyes rested on Professor Wayland, inquisitive as ever.
Was Quinn staring at him or the squid? He turned to look behind him at Bartholomew and smiled before turning back to look at the young girl. She could at least say hello or something. He shook his head and checked his watch.
With a grin he took a step closer to the students. "Alright everyone! It's time to get started." He paused to wait for the chatter to die down. When he had everyone's attention, he gave them a smile and said, "So for today's Creature Companion activity, I wanted to do something interesting and fun. There are so many different creatures on land and in the sea, and we have a multitude of them in our own Great Lake." He paused, "So, today. We will be going into the lake to observe some of those creatures with the help of our favorite Giant Squid, Mr. Bartholomew Henry." He put his hands out towards the squid as if showing a prize on a game show.
"But before we get into the lake, we need to get ourselves ready to go in, which means we need to be able to breath underwater for a good amount of time. I, personally, will be using the Bubble head charm. I have Gillyweed for those that don't know how to use the charm yet. If you can, which human Transfiguration you don't typically learn until seventh year, you may use transfiguration as well." He paused for a moment, and with a flick of his wand his clothes turned into a wet suit. "Now, please take the time to decide which method you will use. If you need a reminder on how the bubble head charm works, please ask. There are some changing rooms set up to the left for those that need to change into their bathing suits. He looked down at his watch.
"You have about 10 minutes before we get in the water to get changed and use whatever method you decide. Hop to it." He said with a wink and a smile.
OOC: Welcome to the first Creature Companion's activity! Just a reminder that this activity will be used for plot purposes so please invite people to join! As per the instructions, have your student change into their bathing suits/wet suits etc. and chose a method to use to safely breath under the water. You have 24 hours to complete this task before we move on, but don't be alarmed if I post before then. I will be posting more frequently in this activity. Have fun!
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
Lydia made it to the creature companions activity just in time! After having raced along the grounds to make it, she was quite out of breath. She recognized several familiar faces, but she didn't have time to greet or wave to anyone before Professor Wayland started explaining the activity.
When Lydia realized they were going into the lake itself, a little thrill of alarm shot through her. The lake? Really? Wasn't that dangerous? And what if there were students who couldn't swim? Luckily swimming had been about the only sport she'd been interested in back in the muggle world, but she'd stuck to pools and occasionally a trip to the beach. This lake was dark and probably very cold, and was that a giant squid? And it could talk! Ok, the surprises really never stopped here at Hogwarts, did they?
Still somewhat breathless, Lydia took her turn getting changed into her swimsuit. Then she walked up to the table with the gillyweed. She had no idea what the bubble-head charm was so obviously she could not cast that, and she was still learning how to transfigure matchsticks into needles so that was out too. Nasty old gillyweed it was then!
As more students showed up, Daehyun introduced himself back to Rylee's little brother, and Beth got a grin back, as well, and there was Bartholomew! He made a mental note to pay the squid a visit one of those days to show off his new Mermish skills.
But then, as professor Wayland started speaking, dread settled in once again. They would be going... into the lake... into the depths of the lake that scared the living daylights out of him... He couldn't even focus on what the professor spoke about next, because he already knew what gillyweed was used for... and also knew that he wouldn't be using it...
When he'd seen the announcement for the activity, swimsuits rang some alarms in his head, but he thought they'd be splashing around, while Daehyun would be able to remain close to the shore. But going in... he couldn't do it.
Biting down on his lower lip to keep it from trembling, he remained unmoving as other students moved about. For starters, evening out his ragged breaths would be a nice start.
Giving Rylee a friendly smile and wave, Ewan leaned in closer to Daniel now, “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. See that green seaweed like substance? That’ll let you breath under water and help you swim a little better. You’ll be fine”. Giving the boy a reassuring nudge in the shoulder, he turned to greet some fellow students as they arrived. “Hey Nettie. Are you ready for this?” Unable to hide his enthusiasm, a grin appeared across his face. “I can’t wait!”.
Greeting his partner in crime now, he smiled “What’s up Emmalyn? Excited to get into the lake?”.[ He wasn’t exactly sure if they would be going into the lake or not but, judging from the gillyweed and them being next to the lake, he felt confident in his assumption.
Eyes widening as the giant squid crashed through the lake into the lesson, he couldn’t help but laugh. This was going to be interesting after all. Giving a brief nod towards Beth and Quinn in acknowledgement of their presence, he turned back to the professor ready to learn.
Despite not really having much to do with the Professor before this lesson, he appreciated the wink and smile that he’d given him It was something he would have done if he’d been the teacher. Listening carefully to his instructions, he turned towards the changing rooms and quickly strode over there, eager not to miss a thing. Within a quick swish and flick, he was back, all changed into his bright Hawaiian shorts and fitted t-shirt. Hesitating for a second, decided to use gillyweed when he eventually went in. Honestly, it had never been an option because he didn’t know how to cast the bubble head charm yet. YET. But either way, he couldn’t wait. I mean, who didn’t want to breath under water!
Kye was hesitant, but she had decided to come down for this creature companion thing. With mixed feelings she met down where the hoard of students were and waved at Vivi, and everyone else. As Mr. Henry appeared, Kye had to stifle a yawn. "Hi, Mr. Henry." She pulled the sleeves of her jacket over her hands, and starting to get would do that Should she have stayed in bed today? Because that sounded really really nice right about now.
Before long, Professor Wayland was explaining the plan and Kye had decided almost immediately on Transfiguration. This could be fun, right? It was all about getting those moments in this year right? And this was one of them, she just hoped the water wasn't too cold. She did as instructed and got ready to get in the water, pulling her hair up into a ponytail. Hmm now what animal would suit her best?
They were going in the lake. Her heart pounded at a terrifyingly rapid rate. Not only was her twelve year old self going to be on display in a swimsuit, but she was going to have to swim with unknown creatures. “Um, Professor Wayland, do any of the creatures eat students?” Her face was a bit pale and sweat was beginning to form on her forehead. She wiped the perspiration away with her towel, hoping no one caught on to her panic.
Thankful to have changed back at the castle and simply put her robes on over her suit, she stood, covered for the time being, and stared at the underwater breathing options. She had no idea how to perform the bubble head charm, so it was going to have to be gillyweed.
Hardly registering the greeting from Ewan, her hand raised just a bit in an awkward wave and she mumbled “Sure. The lake.” Her eyes remained focused on the table of supplies as she waited for the next set of instructions and for her heart to return to a more normal rate.