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Snow began falling once again not long before breakfast and, by the time everyone needed to head off to class, the snow was still gracefully falling. Whether or not you wanted to venture off outside of the school and play in it, one of the first classes of the day was keeping you indoors as today's Ancient Runes lesson was taking place in its usual setting: in its designated classroom on the fifth floor. Better get there quick so you don't have to linger in the drafty corridor for too long or, even worse, end up being late to class.
Once inside the warm room, you notice that the desks are not in their usual places. Rather than being in straight rows, they are set up in a large horseshoe-like fashion. There are no clear-cut clues whatsoever to help you infer the reasoning behind the arrangement. However, scattered in the middle of the horseshoe, there are five small tables. That is, perhaps, the more perplexing thing about today's setup for every table has something on it, each of varying shapes and sizes, covered by a white sheet. Will your curiosity get the better of you?
Though you may want to sneak a peek at what is underneath the sheets as you make your way to a desk, you are unable to do so without being caught. Headmistress Hawthorne is clearly visible in the front of the room and watches with a small smile on her face as you and your classmates arrive.
OOC: My apologies for the late start; I was having some internet issues the other day. Without further ado, let's get this party started! ... Take note that this is NOT the first Ancient Runes lesson your character has had with the headmistress this term. Also, please familiarize yourself with the classroom rules before posting. The lesson has started, but feel free to jump in at any time!
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
A more theoretical lesson today? Skylar was at mixed opinions about this because on one hand, she was naturally a more book-ish person but on the other hand, usually the practical applications is what confirmed in her mind that she did maybe want to pursue cursebreaking. But as the Headmistress continued on, it seemed as though there was going to be some practical application, to which the seventh year let out a breath that she didn't even know she'd been holding.
Bind runes. Okay. Easy enough. Except Max Carden basically took thw words right out of her mouth, even if they seemed ... doubtful, at best. But there were other reasons for using them, which as her mind flickered to her boyfriend- as it frequently did - Skylar raised her hand. "Bind runes can also be used for healing too. There's the general rune healing charm, which contains the runes Sowilo, Jera, and Uruz. But there's also one designed towards reducing fever, which contains Isa, Laguz, Naudhiz" She could go onto what role some of the runes may play in these healing charm, but figured maybe someone else wanted to offer some input. Or not.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Kye had been here on time that was for sure! She filed into class, wished a good morning to her Headmistress, and found a seat in the… semi-circle or whatever. Kye looked out the window as the snow fell, and she wished she was outside. Unfortunately, she anticipated having loads to study today, and would probably find herself in the common room like usual. Ooh, okay, it was actually a bit warm in here. Kye removed her jacket, and let it lay on her seat behind her as she got out her materials for class. As she pulled her book out, she eyed the tables in the middle wondering what the Headmistress had in store for them today.
While others made disapproving noises, Kye was one of the ones that stayed quiet. A theoretical lesson wasn’t necessarily a boring time, but it definitely was cooler when they were working with items and artifacts… even if they were just enchanted by the professor. At the question about bind runes, Kye was a bit too slow to raise her hand first but she managed eventually. “Yea, basically bind runes can be used to strengthen the power of a rune…” With a nod to Sky, she continued. “Since Isa and Laguz can both cool you down, binding them together is a stronger force on the fever than just using one. And then there are ones like the money charm, which uses Ingwaz, Fehu, and Laguz. But here, obviously, Laguz is used for its power in a different way than healing.” As she finished talking, she realized she could not remember what Naudhiz's major function was, and with furrowed brow she began flipping through her book.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Bind runes.
Derf's posture suddenly JOLTED upwards as though a broom had been slipped under his robes. It was the most straight the young man had ever sat in any class, which was so incredibly subtle and further proof that Derf was about as sneaky as a Hungarian Horntail in a China shop. His thoughts vividly went back to THAT day when he had overheard the talkings and mullings of the Hogwarts staff while he had been busy chasing down Picketta. A VERY distinct discussion about bind runes ONE the treasure they had found while under the lake and how the Headmistress did not believe that there was anything Dark about them but for protection and strength. But that still hadn't made the Hufflepuff's heart feel at ease. Just because protection and strength were typically positive traits, that did not mean there weren't sinister motives behind them.
Protection and strength on a treasure? That HAD to mean something and Derf had theory upon theory spinning in his head. Much like the single coin he still kept in his pocket from that day and often spun on his desk while thinking back in his dorm.
Not to mention he couldn't shake the feeling that their safety was being gambled with. After everything that had happened since he was a first year - the portal still causing him restless sleeps and nightmares - he would have thought that Hogwarts would be veering on the side of caution.
And then Derf realized he had kinda sorta just been STARING at the Headmistress...so he really ought to say SOMETHING or else he would look suspicious. Not that that was too late or anything.
"Well...um...well...um...bind runes are sorta a way for one to attempt to have an impact on the future...rather than us individual runes to casting and try to predict it...or using a rune in the here and now for a purpose...like talking with horses and other horse like creatures using Ehwaz," he began, hand moving wildly through his hair as he ruffled it. "And...um...way back when...it was a common practice to combine runes, er...bind runes, in a way that asked something of the gods...either a blessing or..........a curse. And...um...bind runes are sorta more of a magical process instead of having definite starting and stopping points. And...um...I think there are three types of bind runes? Each with a different kind of singular and specific purpose. I like the Radial ones...even if their names are really long and hard to pronounce...and I think those ones were mostly used defensively."
Yeah...he had done a faaaaaaaaaaair bit of reading up on things.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
A bit dissapointed that even after asking for permission to look under the sheet, he still wasn't allowed to look under it. Dorian nodded at the Headmistress to show he had understood and then walked towards one of the empty tables before taking a seat.
As he began placing his supplies like textbook, ink and quill and notebook neatly on to his desk, he listened as the lesson started. When he heard that today's lesson was more on the theoretical part rather than the practical one, Dorian let out a quiet "Yes!" before clearing his throat.
"Bind Runes can be placed in three kinds of ways" he said as he held up his hand and then lowered it back down. "Next to each other like how we write" in this country anyway. "In a circle or just putting them together" he said. "Personally the last one sounds the best cause then you can get cool symbols that way"
Not minding it at all that the lesson would be theoretical today the sixth year looked interested, runes weren’t exactly her best subject but, she wasn’t completely stupid either, she actually found it very interesting. Thinking back about her previous lessons and what she had read in her book she raised her hand to speak. ”Bind runes are runes who are made out of mostly two and sometimes, although it’s rare, three runes to form one. Some runes are naturally like that, while others can be made while using already existing runes to create a new one.” Frowning slightly because she had been thinking very deeply she hoped that she didn’t had made a mistake because she did not wanted to make a fool of herself while speaking out loud in a full classroom. When a first or even a second year made a mistake, then it was to be expected, but a sixth year…?
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
She'd been close to catching a peak at the underside of the sheet but slow all the same. Being aware the woman's eyes were on her, the Sixth Year was giving her a chance to tell her not to if she so wished.
And there it was.
Without protest, Jessa let the tip of the sheet fall from her hand but didn't quite move away from the table. When it was time to get a better look, she wanted to be in a position that fully allowed such a thing. Move to somewhere like....over there by that Slytherin for example and she'd have to get on her toes and start wishing from of her classmates would shrink.
Blue eyes remained on the sheet even while the Headmistress began the lesson but once she heard the topic, her gaze lifted to her. Bind runes huh? Interesting.
"They're a lot harder to break through or dismantle--or tamper with making them among your best bets when you've got specific tasks in mind or things you'd rather have others stay away from." Just saying. They were pretty useful. Far more so than a simply rune carved and left on its own.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():
Every time Ancient Runes rolled around Sylvie wondered why exactly she was taking the subject. During her third year she'd taken it because the runes looked like letters from games she'd used to play at home, but now she knew that it was complicated, she always got bad marks, and the Headmistress taught it which made it easier to be late to submit homework and get away with it.
... And yet. She kind of enjoyed it. It was different than just waving her wand and hoping for the best, and Sylvie found herself legitimately enjoying herself in lessons sometimes.
That being said, she never did any extra reading and therefore had absolutely no idea what binding runes were other than what people had already said, sorry Headmistress Hawthorne. So instead of saying something stupid, Sylvie chose to say nothing at all, glancing around to the class to wave at Maxton instead. Good guy, Maxton.
yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: Hawthorne!
Originally Posted by Zoe
Though the smile lessened a little at the sight of Zoryn Spinnet. The sight of the girl and the mumbling was, to say the least, rather concerning. Believe it or not, the headmistress much rather wanted that odd spunk the Gryffindor had the years prior present and accounted for.
"Good morning," she responded, in spite of the girl's mumbling and non-enthusiastic tone. She did move toward the girl as she took her seat. "Are you alright, Miss Spinnet?" she quietly whispered.
Again, there was a brief pause given to let that sink in. "But before any of that is revealed, let's set up the foundation for today's class. Our focus is going to be on accurately identifying runes within bind runes and then analyzing them. What are bind runes, and why or when would they be used?"
Was she alright? No, not really. Her WHOLE LIFE was basically falling apart and maybe it was mostly due to the fact that she was being slightly dramatic, but how many hits could a person really take before they completely toppled over? It just felt like everything bad was happening all at once and seeing as Zoryn Spinnet was never one to allow herself to indulge in the negative emotions, it all sort of just piled up. Kind of like in potions when she'd just throw all the ingredients into the cauldron at once and then eventually the whole thing would explode.
Zoryn, like several of her cauldrons, had exploded.
And now she was more-or-less a pile of sad, deflated goop. But was any of this said out loud to her Headmistress? No, of course not! "I guess," she shrugged in response to her Headmistress' obvious concern.
As for bind runes, of course Zoryn didn't have an intelligent answer to offer for the benefit of the discussion. However, had she been feeling like herself she probably would've made some silly comment, like 'bet they're runes that are stuck together' or 'runes that help you get outta a sticky situation' or 'it's one letter away from being a blind rune!' But because she hadn't been feeling like herself lately, she opted to remain quiet.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
"Bind means stuck together, right?" Beau smushed his palms against one another as if they weren't able to be pulled away and grinned. "BUT it could be something UNBREAKABLE. You know..like an unbreakable BONNNNND. So something cooler than just lip smushin'." Slurping noise inserted here.
Did anyone really expect Beau to be quiet in classes?
♣ Heejin here | Did somebody say coffee & cakes? | cat lover ♣
Caleb has to be be honest when the first question came up he felt stump. Perplex? He should at least know something about this. But he needs to think really hard for something or at least anything about 'Binding Runes'. Is it literal? A ligature? Where binding means binding plus the runes? Could be correct.
"It's when 2 runes are combined to make or create something better and increasing it." He does remember bits and pieces. He has heard of some examples of bind runes. Oh well. He tried.
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
It seemed that the winter season was truly upon them now with all the snow. Later she would have to go check on her plants in the greenhouse to make sure they were warm enough, but now it was time for focusing on her Ancient Runes lesson. Oooh, they were talking about bind runes today? How exciting! Ancient Runes was one of Isa’s favorite subjects, after herbology and creatures, of course. There were so many interesting uses for runic magic. Isa raised her hand to give her answer for what she knew about bind runes. ”Bind runes are multiple runes carved together into one symbol, usually for use in a runic charm or spell to enhance the power of the runes and combine their properties for an intended purpose. There are different ways of carving bind runes, as Derf mentioned.” See, this stuff was so cool. The sixth year Hufflepuff was a bit of a runes nerd in her spare time when she wasn’t busy caring for her plants and pets. Runes was a fascinating subject. Isa couldn’t wait to learn even more today! Were they going to carve their own bind runes for a charm? Maybe a protection charm to be safe from whatever craziness Hogwarts threw their way this year, or a good luck charm? She would have to wait and see.
Honestly since last term Ancient Runes had really became one of her favorite subjects. Maybe even before then. Either way Juniper really enjoyed studying the subject and liked learning more about them. With that being said, the fifth year would have been slightly disappointed that this was going to be more of a theoretical lesson than practical lesson. But she was down for both, for this subject.
Bind Runes…. Binding two runes to together, Kind of sort of reminding her Runic wards, but not using as many runes at once. ”Binding runes is combination of runes that are stuck together…. I think that weaved together seems more accurate?” Was that more of how it should be explained? Something like that. ”I think someone would use binding runes to find a balance whether it be in their life or some other way.” Much like the balance she didn’t in her life running around studying most of her year away so far. But lately she had found a happyish medium between studying for OWLs and being a teenager. Thank Merlin!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Okay, what did he know about bind runes? Actually, a lot of what he knew had been mentioned already. Which meant digging deep into the old brain well here. "Bind Runes are chosen based on what your intention is with whatever you're adding them to. Like, if you were trying to protect something, you'd use Isa, Naudhiz, and Thurisaz."
Also, what would Beau know about stuff that was, ahem, 'cooler then lip-smushin''? The younger Gryffindor got a LOOK from Ronan. A 'hush-up' look.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Text Cut: Individual Replies
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Trinetta sometimes had trouble in class due to the whole language thing, but Runes was especially terrible. Not only did she have to try and translate Runes from an ancient Nordic language to English, but she also had to translate THAT to French in her brain. It was exhausting, but overall, interesting.
Bind runes? She didn't know much about them, to be truthful, but she knew the absolute basics. She raised her hand and sat up a little straighter - Headmistress Hawthrone always seemed like she was staring straight in to her soul. "Bind runes are basically two or more runes that have been joined together, to put it simply," she told her.
Yeah, that was literally the extent of what she knew.
To put it simply, the first year Ravenclaw was correct. The headmistress smiled and gave the girl a nod. "Well said, Miss Gladin. Short and to the point."
But, of course, there were much more to bind runes, which the first year would learn about soon enough.
Originally Posted by Callie
Quinn slipped the bookmark back between the pages of her book and slipped it back into the depths of her bag. Class was starting, and while many might groan about the theoretical focus of today's lesson, Quinn was not one of them. Theoretical could be just as informative and helpful as practical, and it was never that hard to take something you learned in a more theoretical way, and apply it practically if they had a halfway decent mind in their cavernous head.
So, not that many honestly.
Binding runes? While Quinn often sat quietly and opted not to answer in most of her class regardless of whether or not she knew the answer, the slight uncertain furrow of her brow at the question suggested she didn't know this. Honestly, Quinn hadn't exposed herself to rune all that much before coming to Hogwarts, and didn't know much. That was part of the reason she liked this class. It was all very new to her.
She opened one roll of parchment, and dipped her quill in her scarlet ink, and wrote Binding Runes at the top, ready to take notes.
Her eyes then shifted over to Quinn, wondering whether or not she would have anything to say. Though, unlike her fellow Housemate, no words came from the girl's mouth. So Regina simply moved her eyes over to the next student, though was pleased that the girl was beginning to take notes without being prompted to do so.
Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom
With her notebook out and ready, Emmalyn started taking down the information. Even though her mind might not be at one hundred percent, she was alert enough to realize she would need the information later.
Under the date and Ancient Runes, she wrote bind rune.
She timidly raised her hand " Professor, I believe bind runes can be hard to read because runes, like Isa, can sort of hide inside like a buried rune. You can use them for things like protection or keeping things hidden."
Her hand raced across her paper, trying to jot down what she had just said before it slipped from her mind forever. It would be far easier for her to mark it out later if her answer was wrong than to think of it again.
Again, another young student that didn't need prompting for necessary note-taking. The hand raising was appreciated as well.
"Great insights, Miss Walsh," the headmistress replied. "You bring up two great points: that certain runes could be lost inside of another in a bind rune and that bind runes can be used for the purposes you mentioned."
Originally Posted by Waterloo
He still couldn't quite believe he'd actually made it on time. In the nick of time, yeah. But still on time.
While Headmistress Hawthorne spoke about the upcoming lesson, Max fanned himself with a piece of parchment. Yes, it was the middle of winter but woah all that running and rushing had made him WARM.
At least he'd caught his breath enough to try and give the question a go. Why he was bothering he wasn't really sure because runes were confusing but here goes.
"Well, 'bind' literally means to stick something to something else, right?" He tried, raising his arm in the air. "And I guess they're used because the more runes the better? Like.... it makes the effects stronger?"
Did that even make sense? No idea.
Oh dear. When Regina's eyes fell upon Maxton, she couldn't help but wonder if he needed to step outside momentarily to catch his breath or to just pause what they were doing to do some focused deep breathing (there were some sour ones present that probably needed it just as badly). But his hand went up; class was to continue moving on.
"Thank you, Mr. Carden. You do bring up a great point about bind runes. Binding them together makes the effects stronger. The more runes you have, even if they same runes are used multiple times, the more powerful the energies evoked will be."
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Maddie grew wide-eyed in response to the Headmistress' silent glance around the room. If she didn't know any better, she'd think the woman was trying to figure out which of them she'd eat first. As it was, though, Maddie did know better, but it didn't stop her from remembering that deep down inside, she was afraid of Regina Hawthorne.
The freshly-turned thirteen-year-old had no idea what theoretical and practical meant, but she was along for this ride anyway. Apparently, they were also expected to already have a background in today's topic, which Maddie didn't. Not really. She only knew basic knowledge that came with being raised pureblood.
She raised her hand. "I know that bind means to join together, so I'm guessing bind runes are more than one rune put together," she began. "I think people would make them, because they want the power of more than rune. Like...sometimes you just don't need strength...you might need something like strength and luck."
Even if there wasn't a ton of prior knowledge about bind runes, there were some educated guesses that could be made about them. Whether or not Maddie was purely taking a stab in the dark or not, the headmistress did not know. Regardless, what the Hufflepuff was saying was true.
"Excellent, Miss Kemp," she said, nodding her head. "Bind runes allow for different energies to be used at the same time."
Originally Posted by debpetrisor
People around might protest because the class was more on the theoretical side, but Daehyun was excited. Though he did love practical parts in Ancient Runes, also. It was more the practical part in Flying or Divination that he was bad at.
He was scribbling down things he heard, before raising his hand and saying, "Since binding runes are two or more runes joined to form a single one, I suppose they can channel each other's properties and become stronger together?" If that made any sense? "Together, they can become a runic charm, far more powerful than the runes alone." Oh, how he wished they'd go further into that!
When the second year spoke, a twinkle became apparent in the headmistress' eyes. Runic charms, the making and usage of them, was the direction they would be heading. Not in today's lesson for this was mainly setting up the foundation, but in the near future.
"Very true, Mr. Yoon."
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
A more theoretical lesson today? Skylar was at mixed opinions about this because on one hand, she was naturally a more book-ish person but on the other hand, usually the practical applications is what confirmed in her mind that she did maybe want to pursue cursebreaking. But as the Headmistress continued on, it seemed as though there was going to be some practical application, to which the seventh year let out a breath that she didn't even know she'd been holding.
Bind runes. Okay. Easy enough. Except Max Carden basically took thw words right out of her mouth, even if they seemed ... doubtful, at best. But there were other reasons for using them, which as her mind flickered to her boyfriend- as it frequently did - Skylar raised her hand. "Bind runes can also be used for healing too. There's the general rune healing charm, which contains the runes Sowilo, Jera, and Uruz. But there's also one designed towards reducing fever, which contains Isa, Laguz, Naudhiz" She could go onto what role some of the runes may play in these healing charm, but figured maybe someone else wanted to offer some input. Or not.
And since they were now on the topic of runic charms, she wasn't at all surprised that . Truth be told, bind runes and runic charms did go hand-in-hand. In order to make a runic charm, a bind rune was needed.
"Thank you, Miss Diggory, for informing us of another purpose one could have for using bind runes," Regina praised, "as well as providing us with a great example." One that likely would come up again, among other runic charms, in a latter lesson.
Originally Posted by Dokimoto
Kye had been here on time that was for sure! She filed into class, wished a good morning to her Headmistress, and found a seat in the… semi-circle or whatever. Kye looked out the window as the snow fell, and she wished she was outside. Unfortunately, she anticipated having loads to study today, and would probably find herself in the common room like usual. Ooh, okay, it was actually a bit warm in here. Kye removed her jacket, and let it lay on her seat behind her as she got out her materials for class. As she pulled her book out, she eyed the tables in the middle wondering what the Headmistress had in store for them today.
While others made disapproving noises, Kye was one of the ones that stayed quiet. A theoretical lesson wasn’t necessarily a boring time, but it definitely was cooler when they were working with items and artifacts… even if they were just enchanted by the professor. At the question about bind runes, Kye was a bit too slow to raise her hand first but she managed eventually. “Yea, basically bind runes can be used to strengthen the power of a rune…” With a nod to Sky, she continued. “Since Isa and Laguz can both cool you down, binding them together is a stronger force on the fever than just using one. And then there are ones like the money charm, which uses Ingwaz, Fehu, and Laguz. But here, obviously, Laguz is used for its power in a different way than healing.” As she finished talking, she realized she could not remember what Naudhiz's major function was, and with furrowed brow she began flipping through her book.
The response that came after Skylar's was very true. Mind you, it was a bit of an information overload for a setting-up-the-stage type of lesson, but she was nonetheless pleased with these older, more advanced, Rune students' answers. The two Slytherins either paid attention to her lectures, or they recently were doing a lot of cramming for their NEWT exams.
But Valkyrie did bring up an excellent point about how runes could be used in a bind rune. "You are very much correct, Miss Atwater. Class, as we all know by this point in the term, each individual rune has multiple magical uses and different energies could be invoked. That is why, with bind runes, the intent of using a specific rune is very important."
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Bind runes.
Derf's posture suddenly JOLTED upwards as though a broom had been slipped under his robes. It was the most straight the young man had ever sat in any class, which was so incredibly subtle and further proof that Derf was about as sneaky as a Hungarian Horntail in a China shop. His thoughts vividly went back to THAT day when he had overheard the talkings and mullings of the Hogwarts staff while he had been busy chasing down Picketta. A VERY distinct discussion about bind runes ONE the treasure they had found while under the lake and how the Headmistress did not believe that there was anything Dark about them but for protection and strength. But that still hadn't made the Hufflepuff's heart feel at ease. Just because protection and strength were typically positive traits, that did not mean there weren't sinister motives behind them.
Protection and strength on a treasure? That HAD to mean something and Derf had theory upon theory spinning in his head. Much like the single coin he still kept in his pocket from that day and often spun on his desk while thinking back in his dorm.
Not to mention he couldn't shake the feeling that their safety was being gambled with. After everything that had happened since he was a first year - the portal still causing him restless sleeps and nightmares - he would have thought that Hogwarts would be veering on the side of caution.
And then Derf realized he had kinda sorta just been STARING at the Headmistress...so he really ought to say SOMETHING or else he would look suspicious. Not that that was too late or anything.
"Well...um...well...um...bind runes are sorta a way for one to attempt to have an impact on the future...rather than us individual runes to casting and try to predict it...or using a rune in the here and now for a purpose...like talking with horses and other horse like creatures using Ehwaz," he began, hand moving wildly through his hair as he ruffled it. "And...um...way back when...it was a common practice to combine runes, er...bind runes, in a way that asked something of the gods...either a blessing or..........a curse. And...um...bind runes are sorta more of a magical process instead of having definite starting and stopping points. And...um...I think there are three types of bind runes? Each with a different kind of singular and specific purpose. I like the Radial ones...even if their names are really long and hard to pronounce...and I think those ones were mostly used defensively."
Yeah...he had done a faaaaaaaaaaair bit of reading up on things.
Regina was patiently listening while Derfael spoke. Though she wasn't going to point it out, she couldn't help but notice that his response seemed to be ... jumping from one thing to the next -- that bind runes could be used to help impact what is to come, the results could be a blessing or a curse, that they were a magical process, and that there were three different types of runes. Then there was the mention of Radial bind runes.
Well, he certainly proved that he knew quite a bit about the topic of the lesson.
"Thank you, Mr. Ashburry-Hawthorne, for sharing," she said with a smile. And, to sort of summarize his thoughts, she added, "Again, ladies and gentlemen, bind runes have various purposes. As Mr. Ashburry-Hawthorne said, they can be used to help influence the future, for good or bad, and that there are a number of ways bind runes can be formed."
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
A bit dissapointed that even after asking for permission to look under the sheet, he still wasn't allowed to look under it. Dorian nodded at the Headmistress to show he had understood and then walked towards one of the empty tables before taking a seat.
As he began placing his supplies like textbook, ink and quill and notebook neatly on to his desk, he listened as the lesson started. When he heard that today's lesson was more on the theoretical part rather than the practical one, Dorian let out a quiet "Yes!" before clearing his throat.
"Bind Runes can be placed in three kinds of ways" he said as he held up his hand and then lowered it back down. "Next to each other like how we write" in this country anyway. "In a circle or just putting them together" he said. "Personally the last one sounds the best cause then you can get cool symbols that way"
Following up on what Derfael said came Dorian. What the boy said, even if it was simplified quite a bit, was true. Regina smiled at him, ready to add a little more elaboration for those who had not a clue what he was talking about.
"What Mr. Katharos is referring to are linear, radial, and multi-axial bind runes. Linear bind runes read from left to right. Radial bind runes, which Derfael was speaking about earlier, are all connected in the middle with spokes. Then multi-axial bind runes contain runes that are arranged in a random way as they can be rotated and merge with other rune lines."
Originally Posted by Sonea
Not minding it at all that the lesson would be theoretical today the sixth year looked interested, runes weren’t exactly her best subject but, she wasn’t completely stupid either, she actually found it very interesting. Thinking back about her previous lessons and what she had read in her book she raised her hand to speak. ”Bind runes are runes who are made out of mostly two and sometimes, although it’s rare, three runes to form one. Some runes are naturally like that, while others can be made while using already existing runes to create a new one.” Frowning slightly because she had been thinking very deeply she hoped that she didn’t had made a mistake because she did not wanted to make a fool of herself while speaking out loud in a full classroom. When a first or even a second year made a mistake, then it was to be expected, but a sixth year…?
While Leesha spoke, the headmistress silently nodded her head. What the sixth year Slytherin was saying had validity to it, but there was one tiny misconception in her words.
"Many bind runes, the simplest ones, do commonly contain two runes. However, many runic charms typically have three runes, and it isn't unheard of for more complex bind runes to have four or more runes in them."
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
She'd been close to catching a peak at the underside of the sheet but slow all the same. Being aware the woman's eyes were on her, the Sixth Year was giving her a chance to tell her not to if she so wished.
And there it was.
Without protest, Jessa let the tip of the sheet fall from her hand but didn't quite move away from the table. When it was time to get a better look, she wanted to be in a position that fully allowed such a thing. Move to somewhere like....over there by that Slytherin for example and she'd have to get on her toes and start wishing from of her classmates would shrink.
Blue eyes remained on the sheet even while the Headmistress began the lesson but once she heard the topic, her gaze lifted to her. Bind runes huh? Interesting.
"They're a lot harder to break through or dismantle--or tamper with making them among your best bets when you've got specific tasks in mind or things you'd rather have others stay away from." Just saying. They were pretty useful. Far more so than a simply rune carved and left on its own.
Of course, Regina wasn't surprised at all by Jessa's response. The girl was quite knowledgable about runes, among other subjects.
"Well said, Miss Cambridge." There really wasn't anything else to add onto her answer. It was clear and to the point.
Originally Posted by Daemon
Every time Ancient Runes rolled around Sylvie wondered why exactly she was taking the subject. During her third year she'd taken it because the runes looked like letters from games she'd used to play at home, but now she knew that it was complicated, she always got bad marks, and the Headmistress taught it which made it easier to be late to submit homework and get away with it.
... And yet. She kind of enjoyed it. It was different than just waving her wand and hoping for the best, and Sylvie found herself legitimately enjoying herself in lessons sometimes.
That being said, she never did any extra reading and therefore had absolutely no idea what binding runes were other than what people had already said, sorry Headmistress Hawthorne. So instead of saying something stupid, Sylvie chose to say nothing at all, glancing around to the class to wave at Maxton instead. Good guy, Maxton.
Another one without an answer to give? Regina had deduced at least one reason why that was...
"Miss Norcott, pay attention to the runes please." Rather than a certain boy. "Two points from Gryffindor."
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Was she alright? No, not really. Her WHOLE LIFE was basically falling apart and maybe it was mostly due to the fact that she was being slightly dramatic, but how many hits could a person really take before they completely toppled over? It just felt like everything bad was happening all at once and seeing as Zoryn Spinnet was never one to allow herself to indulge in the negative emotions, it all sort of just piled up. Kind of like in potions when she'd just throw all the ingredients into the cauldron at once and then eventually the whole thing would explode.
Zoryn, like several of her cauldrons, had exploded.
And now she was more-or-less a pile of sad, deflated goop. But was any of this said out loud to her Headmistress? No, of course not! "I guess," she shrugged in response to her Headmistress' obvious concern.
As for bind runes, of course Zoryn didn't have an intelligent answer to offer for the benefit of the discussion. However, had she been feeling like herself she probably would've made some silly comment, like 'bet they're runes that are stuck together' or 'runes that help you get outta a sticky situation' or 'it's one letter away from being a blind rune!' But because she hadn't been feeling like herself lately, she opted to remain quiet.
I guess? Regina wasn't buying into that for a single second. It was very obvious to everyone and their mother that Zoryn Spinnet was anything but alright. The headmistress made a mental note to, at some point, invite the Gryffindor to her office or just happen to 'run' into her somewhere after one of her classes.
Especially since she wasn't giving one of her very Zoryn answers. Merlin... what happened?
Originally Posted by Shanners
"Bind means stuck together, right?" Beau smushed his palms against one another as if they weren't able to be pulled away and grinned. "BUT it could be something UNBREAKABLE. You know..like an unbreakable BONNNNND. So something cooler than just lip smushin'." Slurping noise inserted here.
Did anyone really expect Beau to be quiet in classes?
For a second, she where Beau was heading with his answer ... and things just went south. The smile that had been on her face faded rather fast.
"Mr. Montague, that is quite enough. Two points from Gryffindor."
Originally Posted by hjhm
Caleb has to be be honest when the first question came up he felt stump. Perplex? He should at least know something about this. But he needs to think really hard for something or at least anything about 'Binding Runes'. Is it literal? A ligature? Where binding means binding plus the runes? Could be correct.
"It's when 2 runes are combined to make or create something better and increasing it." He does remember bits and pieces. He has heard of some examples of bind runes. Oh well. He tried.
Regina made sure that the smile returned to her face by the time her eyes made contact with the next student that spoke. The smile was genuine. At least Caleb was trying his best in a subject that she knew he wasn't terribly fond of and wasn't making slurping noises for no good reason.
"Two runes, yes," she agreed before added on a quick, "and sometimes more than that even."
Originally Posted by griffin
It seemed that the winter season was truly upon them now with all the snow. Later she would have to go check on her plants in the greenhouse to make sure they were warm enough, but now it was time for focusing on her Ancient Runes lesson. Oooh, they were talking about bind runes today? How exciting! Ancient Runes was one of Isa’s favorite subjects, after herbology and creatures, of course. There were so many interesting uses for runic magic. Isa raised her hand to give her answer for what she knew about bind runes. ”Bind runes are multiple runes carved together into one symbol, usually for use in a runic charm or spell to enhance the power of the runes and combine their properties for an intended purpose. There are different ways of carving bind runes, as Derf mentioned.” See, this stuff was so cool. The sixth year Hufflepuff was a bit of a runes nerd in her spare time when she wasn’t busy caring for her plants and pets. Runes was a fascinating subject. Isa couldn’t wait to learn even more today! Were they going to carve their own bind runes for a charm? Maybe a protection charm to be safe from whatever craziness Hogwarts threw their way this year, or a good luck charm? She would have to wait and see.
Isabel's reply was well said, though there really wasn't anything new that was said that hadn't been mentioned before. But, alas, Regina was at least glad that the Hufflepuff was participating.
"Thank you, Miss Wright," the headmistress said, her smile warm.
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry
Honestly since last term Ancient Runes had really became one of her favorite subjects. Maybe even before then. Either way Juniper really enjoyed studying the subject and liked learning more about them. With that being said, the fifth year would have been slightly disappointed that this was going to be more of a theoretical lesson than practical lesson. But she was down for both, for this subject.
Bind Runes…. Binding two runes to together, Kind of sort of reminding her Runic wards, but not using as many runes at once. ”Binding runes is combination of runes that are stuck together…. I think that weaved together seems more accurate?” Was that more of how it should be explained? Something like that. ”I think someone would use binding runes to find a balance whether it be in their life or some other way.” Much like the balance she didn’t in her life running around studying most of her year away so far. But lately she had found a happyish medium between studying for OWLs and being a teenager. Thank Merlin!
Another nod of her head was given. "Weaved together is definitely another way of putting it, Miss Primeaux. And that would come from the term binding actually referring to weaving, as in the old Nordic term Nalbinding or needle-knitting. Though the use of bind runes is more common in carving than literally binding, or weaving, them."
The more you know.
Originally Posted by lazykitty
Okay, what did he know about bind runes? Actually, a lot of what he knew had been mentioned already. Which meant digging deep into the old brain well here. "Bind Runes are chosen based on what your intention is with whatever you're adding them to. Like, if you were trying to protect something, you'd use Isa, Naudhiz, and Thurisaz."
Also, what would Beau know about stuff that was, ahem, 'cooler then lip-smushin''? The younger Gryffindor got a LOOK from Ronan. A 'hush-up' look.
There really wasn't a whole lot to add to the current conversation was there? Nevertheless, she did applaud Ronan for sharing something, especially since the example he gave hadn't been mentioned yet. "Thank you, Mr. Carter, for mentioning the runes bounded together to form the General Protection Rune Charm."
That took, clearly directed at Beau, didn't go unnoticed either. However, it was a look at she agreed with. There was no place in Ancient Runes for slurping noises.
After that initial felix of her wand, the old-school chalk moved along the black board, writing down everything that was said (so long as it wasn't a repeat) about bind runes. While the white stick did all of the recording, Regina did not remain idly standing by. Rather, she crept around the horseshoe, making sure that everyone was taking down these notes. After all, everything that was being said, and of course some notes of her own, was fair game for being on an exam.
Text Cut: Blackboard
Bind Runes
A combination of 2+ runes that are "stuck" together or overlapped in some way.
Used for a number of purposes: enhancing luck, protection/defence, healing, etc.
There are three different types of bind runes:
Linear - made from several runes with a vertical element, with all the vertical lines merged into one long stave.
Radial - four, six, or eight runes on individual spokes connecting in the centre.
Multi-Axial - random arrangement, runes all upright or with some of them being rotated and bound onto diagonal lines of other runes.
Binding runes together makes the effects stronger and more difficult to break.
Used in runic charms (e.g., Rune Money Charm, Rune Healing Charm for Reducing Fever, General Protection Rune Charm).
Bind runes allow for different energies to be used at the same time.
Different uses/energies of an individual rune could be invoked depending on the intent of the bind rune.
Certain runes (like Isa) could be "lost" inside of another in a bind rune.
Once the last response was given, the chalk began to swiftly set itself down. By the time it found its resting place, the headmistress had made her way to the middle of the horseshoe arrangement where the covered tables were. Based on everything that was said, it was time to move on to the next stage of the lesson.
"Great work pooling your individual knowledge together so that we all have a better understanding of what a bind rune is and why and even how they are used," she said. "Now, today we are going to be working directly with multi-axel bind runes using --" with a flourish of her wand, the sheets covering the table rose up into the air and vanished, revealingthefivedifferentitems that had been hidden beneath "-- these. As I am sure many of you are aware, back in the middle of October a curious find was discovered by those of you who were part of the Creature Companions exploration in the lake. Since then, some of the staff and I went back to the underwater cave to retrieve the rest of the items that were left behind. We were unable to detect any signs of dark magic, though we did find the items had hidden bind runes on them."
Regina then gave each item a firm tap, nonverbally casting the Revealing Charm. One by one, fivedifferentbindrunesappeared. Naturally, there was a brief pause to allow some excitement to build up in the room.
"Due to this find and the discovery of these bind runes, I have been in contact with the Wizarding Treasure Trove Unit at the British Museum and these items, as well as the others, will soon be removed from the school for closer examination and research purposes. However, before the items are taken away, I have been granted permission to allow each of you the opportunity to analyze these bind runes and perhaps form your own conclusions about why the bind runes were used on these items in a hands-on approach." Exciting, right?
"With that said, the first step is to take a good look at these bind runes. Everybody up and out of your seats now! I'm going to give you all fifteen minutes to look at two, at the very least, of the five items and then record the different runes that make up the bind rune and what each individual rune means. I'll leave it up to you to select your own items and whether not you want to work on your own or with a partner. If there are any questions, please let me know. Chapters threethroughfive of your textbook will be very helpful if you need a starting point."
OOC: Apologies in advance for the lengthy post, but we have made it to the main activity of the lesson! To recap what Regina said: everyone needs to analyze at least 2/5 items by 1) identifying all of the runes in the bind rune and 2) listing the meaning of each individual rune. (We will get to your character's conclusions about the purpose of the bind rune as a whole soon enough, so please don't go overboard.)
If your character is struggling IC, feel free to have them ask a peer or Regina for help.
In the text cut below, I listed the different items and their respective bind rune. I have also indicated how many runes are in each bind rune for OOC purposes. If there are any OOC questions or concerns, please address them to me via PM.
Anabeth had been quietly sitting in class and then she. Saw them, the items. They’d seen them in the cave hadn’t they? Looking over toward her seatmates the blonde just began sketching the bind runes down into her notebook before opening her textbook up.
SPOILER!!: the bind rune analysis
hinge & gold pendant – have two runes
brooch, arm ring, and other brooch – have three runes
Taking a moment she looked at the items and the runes once more, before deciding that her first glance opinion was right. The hinge strap only had two runes, that and the gold pendant seemed like the best option to delve into at first.
Opening her textbook she began glancing through the runes. Working with the hinge strap first…this, this was tough. That rune looked so close to the shape of thurisaz…but, but that could just be a lie? Biting the edge of her lip the blonde quickly tied her hair back in a rather messy bun while she began to get to work.
SPOILER!!: the bind rune analysis
Possible Runes involved
giant |DM: hardship, painful event, discipline, knowledge introspect, focus | MU: aid in study/meditation, self-discipline, clearing out a bad situation. | energy: enthusiasm, self-empowerment, chaos, active defensive force, breaker of resistance, destructive storms
ice | DM: inactivity, blockage, stagnation, potential, patience, reflection, withdrawal, rest | MU: to stop a process, to represent primal form | energy: stillness, contraction, stasis
torch | DM: wisdom, insight, solution to a problem, creativity, inspiration, enlightenment | MU: creative inspiration, aid in study, fertility, dispelling anxiety and fear | energy: controlled energy, transformation (phoenix fire), teaching/learning dynamic, illumination
Combined Options
Thurisaz & Isa
use: to prevent an event and stop a process
Thurisaz & Kenaz
use: to prevent and controlled energy – a controlled stop?
Wait…Merkstaves, if those were used it could be simpler than she was thinking. As in Isa and Kenaz together simpler, the shape would work. The blond looked at her notes once more before writing down the additional information.
Raising her hand blonde needed to know of course if the Merkstaves were being used. ”excuse me, Professor are we going to be looking at the Merstaves with this?” she asked as she pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
He was distracted. Very much so. One theory spiraling into another and then another and another...it had been a while since the Hufflepuff had had a proper conspiracy theory trip - one with anything actually tangible and now outlandish claims about their being polyjuiced hags on staff because of all the food handed out. Though that was one he still wasn't going to let go for a while - his 11-year-old self wouldn't let him.
Thankfully he was able to rein himself back in enough to scribble down the points listed on the board - sorta the highlight to bind runes as a sort of quick reference - and wrote 'multi-axel bind runes' once more particularly large on his parchment. It was the primary topic of the day and all, yeah? In the next moment, after the reveal, Derf was standing and leaning over his desk to try and get a better look at everything. But only 15 minutes!? That was not a lot of time, especially with how complicated some of the designs looked...but Derf was keen to get started and had bolted from his seat once they were given the go ahead. First on the agenda was to draw all five of the bind runes on his parchment - even if he ran out of time he could look over things later, you know?
The hinge strap bind rune didn't look like it was too bad? Though the P ish looking shape of Thurisaz was RIGHT there and almost made it seem like it wasn't a bind rune at all. It was easy to get it confused with Wunjo...but there was that additional space at the top there...not being a REAL P shape. But...anyway...all Derf could see was Thurisaz in it...which meant that there must be a HIDDEN rune within it, yeah? Isa being the most obvious...so there was Thurisaz for an active defensive force...he assumed...and Isa for reinforcement or stasis. In terms of their energies anyway. And he wasn't entirely sure what primal form MEANT...other than the early stage in evolutionary development...and the earliest time in the existence of a person or thing. Which was...confusing too
So...a stasis active defensive force that was primal? That was kinda contradictory and for some reason caused a chill to shoot up and down the Hufflepuff's spine as he scribbled these notes beside his sketch of the bind rune on his parchment.
Pausing here, Derf ruffled his hair a fair bit.
A primal active defensive force that was in stasis?
UuuuUUUuuUUUh...maybe he should move on to the next rune now. Yeaaaaaaah...
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
As the Headmistress began circling the horseshoe-shaped room, Maddie fumbled about with her parchment and quill. There were notes on the board, and she assumed those notes were meant to be on her parchment. She didn't look up, except to read the chalk-written notes on the board, for at least five minutes.
When the sheets rose from the tables, the third year leeeeeeeaned forward a little in anticipation and surveyed the objects before her. What in the world were all five of them? This class was so confusing! The only two things in this entire room that she was familiar with were sheets and people. She had a feeling neither would help her make a good grade. Her eyebrows rose when she discovered that some of the staff members had gone back to retrieve more treasure! Maddie was still kicking herself for not joining Creature Companions!
"WHOOOOA," she said, upon seeing the bind runes. She couldn't help the excitement. Ancient Runes was suddenly a lot more cool! Maddie bounded out of her seat, upon the word go, and began surveying the items. "HEADMISTRESSSS!" she exclaimed. "Will you be my partner?" It was worth a chance, right?
The brooch's bind rune looked super hard, so Maddie looked at it but definitely didn't choose it. The hinge strap's bind rune looked easy! There was the first of her two choices! Both the arm ring and some other object she didn't know the name of looked hard, too. In the end, Maddie decided that her two objects were going to be the hinge strap and the pendant! "Anybody want to work on the hinge strap and pendant with me?" she asked.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
As the Headmistress began circling the horseshoe-shaped room, Maddie fumbled about with her parchment and quill. There were notes on the board, and she assumed those notes were meant to be on her parchment. She didn't look up, except to read the chalk-written notes on the board, for at least five minutes.
When the sheets rose from the tables, the third year leeeeeeeaned forward a little in anticipation and surveyed the objects before her. What in the world were all five of them? This class was so confusing! The only two things in this entire room that she was familiar with were sheets and people. She had a feeling neither would help her make a good grade. Her eyebrows rose when she discovered that some of the staff members had gone back to retrieve more treasure! Maddie was still kicking herself for not joining Creature Companions!
"WHOOOOA," she said, upon seeing the bind runes. She couldn't help the excitement. Ancient Runes was suddenly a lot more cool! Maddie bounded out of her seat, upon the word go, and began surveying the items. "HEADMISTRESSSS!" she exclaimed. "Will you be my partner?" It was worth a chance, right?
The brooch's bind rune looked super hard, so Maddie looked at it but definitely didn't choose it. The hinge strap's bind rune looked easy! There was the first of her two choices! Both the arm ring and some other object she didn't know the name of looked hard, too. In the end, Maddie decided that her two objects were going to be the hinge strap and the pendant! "Anybody want to work on the hinge strap and pendant with me?" she asked.
Scribbing down a few more notes and thoughts on the hinge strap on his parchment, Derf's ears perked up when he heard Maddie's voice. "You can work with me if you wanna," he offered with a grin. "I could use another perspective on my analysis of the hinge strap." Fresh pair of eyes and someone checking his work, you know? Maybe helping him stay in check too, though Maddie may be precisely the wrong person for that. "I just finished the hinge strap ... so you could see if you agree! And was gonna give the pendant a whirl now." Which he quickly gave another glance at his parchment for reference. "I reckon one in this one being Hagalaz....using the energies of chaos...which it shares with Thurisaz that I think is in the hinge strap bind rune...also power beyond human ability to harness and objective confrontation...but haven't figured what else it's binded with yet."
That was his knee jerk thoughts on the pendant anyway.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
As soon as Headmistress Hawthorne moved towards the covered tables that he'd itched to know what hid beneath the covers, his eyes flew over when she revealed the items. The things they'd stumbled upon on the one activity he wanted to forget. Instinctively, his hand dropped to his foot where a grindylow had feasted on it, but stopped mid-way as he remembered it was fully healed.
And- oh, wow, they were allowed to examine the objects before being taken away from the school? Cursed or not, that was awesome!
When he moved to get a closer look at the objects, his eyes widened in awe before remembering his real purpose. There were two of them on which he could identify runes, hopefully, so he knew immediately which he'd choose to analyze. As he returned to his seat, he started jotting down his observations, occasionally flipping through the textbook.
SPOILER!!: Notes
Runes: hinge strap - Isa and Thurisaz, gold pendant - Hagalaz and Eihwaz
Thurisaz: harsh outside forces, discipline, hardship, knowledge, used for clearing out a bad situation, defensive force Isa: inactivity, blockage, stagnation Hagalaz: destruction, clearance, drastic change, used for removing unwanted influences Eihwaz: change, confrontation of fears, transformation, death
Hinge strap: protective binding rune Gold pendant: binding rune for keeping unwanted forces away, or it'll destruct itself or the outside forces
If he was sure of one thing, it was that he had no intention of touching the gold pendant. Unless he was completely wrong.
♪♫ As if it's a puzzle, the overlapping heartbeats,
We are still incomplete, which is why we are perfect. ♪♫
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Stasya had stayed quiet during the discussion about bind runes, more out of a need to not say something that anyone else said than anything else. She knew better than to do that, so instead she’d just started taking notes. Thinking about what kinds of bind runes she’d want to create more than anything else, but in the end she had still managed to copy down everything that the headmistress had written on the blackboard. Actually, what the headmistress’ charmed chalk had written down, but either way it was what the headmistress had wanted them to know. Even if she’d mixed in a few of her own ideas when she’d been copying it all down. Creature-related bind rune ideas, mostly.
Nothing useful when the sheets had vanished from the tables and revealed items that were all too familiar to her even if she had stayed closer to the opening of the cave than the others back during the Creature Companions meeting. Except, she hadn’t realized how weirdly familiar the items were back then, not with the grindylow attack and everything. Not massively familiar, just sort of.
Either way, she’d made sure to take a sheet of parchment wither as she got up to look at the items closer. That way it’d be easier to make sure she copied everything down right, in case she decided she wanted to do more research later on. When she wasn’t working on her secret Animagus project, anyway. Plus, then she’d have everything down in case they were supposed to translate the others for homework. Everyone seemed to be looking at the hinge strap and the pendant, which had made her go closer to the others first, and she copied the runes from the brooch and the arm ring down before deciding to actually try and decipher the runes on the third one, which sort of looked like a frog face to her even if she was fairly certain that wasn’t what it was
SPOILER!!: notes
frogface brooch?
Runes: fehu, ansuz, raidho
fehu: cattle, wealth, payment of a debt
ansuz: Odin, wisdom, creativity, a guide
raidho: ride or journey
Now that she had one of them hopefully identified right, she moved on to get the other two bind rune options copied down and returned to her seat to finish identifying another. At least, for now. Given the origins of all five, where they’d been found, she really was curious about the runes on all of them. Maybe the evil grindylows had been protecting them.
SPOILER!!: more notes
Runes: hagalaz, eihwaz
hagalaz: hail, destruction, rebirth
eihwaz: yew, immortality, the occult, standing strong in the face of adversity
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Now she could see why the Headmistress had said the lesson would be more on the theoretical side. Not that she minded. Runes were one of Jessa's favourite things to look into and find use for. Pulling them apart to find out what they were already being used for was equally fun for the girl who liked deconstructing then reconstructing things to figure out how they worked.
Wasting little time, she turned to the items in question and immediately found herself with a dilemma.
She......wanted to go through them all. Each item was the sort that COULD potentially contain specific sorts of magic and she wanted to know what they all were. Anti-theft? Good luck? A curse? Concentration? Success? At first she thought maybe just getting through two of the items. It wasn't so much to avoid looking like she was showing off but more as a means of pacing herself.
For the sake of time, she really would have to make a choice though and settled for getting through three of them. Three was a fair number for herself in her estimate. The young girl moved from item to item, systematically taking down all the runes she could make out in the bind rune. Some required a second look, just to ensure she was really seeing what she thought she was seeing but all in all she was pretty sure she'd gotten everything.
SPOILER!!: Notes
Hinge Strap
Arm Ring
Gold Pendant
Aaaand time to move on to their meanings.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Max smiled happily when Headmistress Hawthorne seemed to approve of the answer he had given. That smile quickly turned into a grimace when he realised that Sylvie had just lost house points because she'd waved at him. Oh no! He sent an apologetic look her way before turning back to the Headmistress, worried about getting into even more trouble.
Treasures in the lake? Bind runes? Treasure Trove Unit? British museum? He was already finding it difficult to keep up.
Textbook at the ready, Max begrudgingly headed for the table and first looked at the runes on the hingestrap. He could spot one rune, but failed to see how there was another one?? He glanced around the classroom thinking maybe he'd ask Zita for help because she was ace at runes..... and then remembered that she now hated him ughhhh...
Already giving up, he looked at the gold pendant instead. Okay, was that Hagalaz he could spot? Aaaaaand.... nope, once again he struggled to spot any other rune. Meshing them together like that was CONFUSING.
SPOILER!!: notes
- Thurisaz
Gold Pendant
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Bind runes. Right. Vivian knew a teeny tiny bit about those, and she remembered that they did a bind rune during her fourth year to make that plant grow. Plus, she and Skylar were then attacked by pixies after that. Of course, she couldn't forget that lesson.
But everyone had shared their thoughts already, and Vivian didn't feel like repeating what was already said. Kind of redundant, don't you think?
Things went seriously more interesting when the items under the white cloth were reveal, though. Vivian had not been in that cave during the activity and she hadn't gotten her hands on the treasures on the floor, but the Head Girl felt rather uneasy as she twitch her leg a bit--the leg that was bitten by one of the grindylows during that activity. It had healed, a bite mark scar was still visible, but it was all okay.
Exciting as this was for someone as curious as Vivian, but it was a bit... odd. Was it safe for them to examine these things? Oh well, if anything happened, they'd all know it was the headmistress' idea in the first place. Right?
Vivian made her way to the center quietly, preferring to work alone unless she needed Sky's help. Her best friend was definitely more well-versed in runes than the Head Girl was, but she did get an O grade for her OWL in this class. Worth a shot if she wanted to become a Curse Breaker one day. The gold pendant and penannular brooch caught her attention the most--mostly because they were nearer to her--and she scribbled on her notebook.
Text Cut: Bind runes
Penannular Brooch - three runes
1. Raidho: Journey, pilgrimage, change, destiny, quest, progress, life lessons
2. Ansuz: Authority figure, leader, mind & body balance, justice, shaman, clairvoyant
3. Fehu: Prosperity, money, wealth, concern with physical and financial needs, goals, promotion, self-esteem, centeredness, karma
Gold Pendant - two runes
1. Hagalaz: Sudden loss, ordeal, destruction, disaster, clearance, testing, karmic lesson, drastic change
2. Eihwaz: Change, initiation, confrontation of fears, turning point, death, transformation
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
...and there was her offer for a partner!
Derf was SO super sweet! He was always ready to help somebody out and work with them! Plus, Maddie was lucky he forgave her for that poster episode a few years back. She smiled at him and did a little half-skip over to where he was seated. "Thanks!" she said.
He had already figured out the hinge strap? "Whoooa, you must be good at runes!" she said. He'd probably already figured out that she wasn't the best at runes, what with her being a first time Ancient Runes student and all. She had a good idea what the basics were, though, and looking at bind runes was kind of like a puzzle to her. She just had to find the shapes in the midst of everything!
Textbook in hand, she peered at the bind rune on the hinge strap. She compared what she saw in her basic chart of runes to what was on the items before her. "I definitely see Thurisaz," she began, and without touching the item, she traced the straight line and triangular shape of Thurisaz in the air. "It looks like it's just Thurisaz, but if it's supposed to be a bind rune, maybe there's an Isa in there, too."
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Zoryn had hardly registered that Sylvie had lost points for something, not that it really mattered much. Had it been a few days ago, Z may have been happy (in a vindictive sort of way)… But now? She didn’t even blink. After all, she was tired of fighting.
Instead, the Gryffindor began to look at the items from the lake. She didn’t seek out a partner, instead choosing to only consult her textbook. There was a first time for everything, it seemed. And today may have been the first time Zoryn willingly sat quietly and did her work. Revolutionary. Something was definitely wrong.
Of course she struggled quite a bit, despite Dora’s private tutoring lessons, but she was able to get.. somewhere. Sort of. So she may have fallen behind the rest of the class, but at least she was trying.
SPOILER!!: Notes so far
Pendant: Uruz Eihwaz + SowiloAlgiz Hagalaz
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!