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On this particular Friday afternoon just after lunch, around 1.00 pm are you going out into the bright October sun for a Divination lesson in the Courtyard. All though the temperatures are a bit on the chilly side, Professor Vance thinks the students will endure if they've just dressed sensibly.
As you step into the Courtyard that is basking in the warm October afternoon sunlight you'll see that Professor Vance has set up a little outdoor classroom with the usual round class tables and chairs with extra warm cushions in a half circle facing towards the blackboard in close proximity to the Courtyard fountain. On each round table a large collection of hand mirrors, scented oil bottles and a large cauldron full of water can be found.
Professor Vance can be seen leaning casually against the side of the blackboard with a steaming floral tea cup of strawberry tea in her hands waiting for her students to arrive.
Come in, find a seat and make yourselves comfortable and we'll begin shortly!
Well, yeah, Night didn't want to get rid of her purple, glittery nail polish, but the Scourgify charm certainly worked better than no-maj nail polish remover. She'd just have to redo the designs later tonight.
Markings? Well, her nails were generally a little bit pinkish, but that might have just been her skin underneath. Her thumbs were kind of dark with a light stripe down the middle. The rest of her nails were darker at the tops. Did any of it really mean anything anyway?
Notes - Nails
Night Dixon
My nails: pinkish, lighter in the middle - stripes (thumbs), darker at tops (everything but thumbs)
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Text Cut: Cam
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Yes he could do so quietly.
While he hadn't quite mastered to make them completely nonverbal, he COULD in fact simply whisper the incantation. Which he did, while softly running his wand along her arms and down her back. Anywhere else? Legs? Feet? He figured it couldn't hurt (he doubted she'd complain about being TOO warm) so he ran his wand down her legs too. "Better?" He could do more but she'd have to tell him where else she was cold.
To be honest, Cameron still wasn't sure what to make of Divination in general, both as a concept and as a lesson. But today's topic seemed to be particularly strange. No offense. Fingernails. He always wondered just WHO had noticed that first. Who would think of predicting the future based on their fingernails?Who drew that connection? It seemed rather...arbitrary in a way.
ANYWAY, after taking down a few notes, Cameron started washing his hands. Which were already very clean, just FYI. He always made sure his hands were clean and proper looking. That included no dirt under fingernails. Still here he was cleaning them just in case before rubbing scented oils on them. Why were they scented? Wasn't this just about the oil? Hmm.
Cam was a very good friend, yes he was. Natalie appreciated him in many ways. She beamed happily as he offered her warming charms in all the right places and even giggled a little when a warm shiver ran up her spine from the significant temperature change. "Perfect," she replied with a grin, mood IMPROVED.
Now onto this fingernail nonsense.
Natalie rather enjoyed Divination, but just like all other magic, she wasn't the best at it. Even so, she found it very intriguing and fascinating... when it worked. In most cases she had to see it to believe it... so it was time to follow instructions and get to it. Natalie followed Cam's lead and washed her fingernails, too. She didn't have any nail polish on, so she just scrubbed them nice and clean before dumping some of the smelly oil onto them.
"Whew," Natalie whispered, turning her head as her nose filled with the scents. She tried to look at her nails, but they looked rather normal. Any spots she saw were coming from the overpowering smell of the oils.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
With all of the glittery nail polish removed from her nails, Rylee thought her fingers looked boring. She was definitely going to re-do her nails a different color later on. Maybe a really nice pink or perhaps red for house pride. Shaking the thoughts from her head she checked her fingers once more ensuring that they were polish free.
Dipping her hands into the cauldron full of water she wiggled her fingers around and wiped her hands together making sure they were all clean. Removing her hands from the water she gave them a little shake to get some water off and let them air dry for a few moments while she checked out the types of scented oils that were on her table. Carefully pushing a few aside she grabbed up the one that had a flower on the bottle. Flowers always smelled the best. Squirting a bit into the palm of her right hand she set the bottle down and closed it with her free hand before rubbing her hands together spreading the scented oil around.
Massaging the oils into her hands she turned her head away taking in a breath of fresh air as she continued to work the oils into her fingers and over her nails. Picking up one of the mirrors that were on her table she tried to angle it to get the sunlight to shine out it but that wasn't to easy. Staring at her nails she saw nothing... no white spots or little marks or anything. What was she doing wrong??
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Waterloo
People were cleaning their hands, so Maxton figured he would too. He dipped his fingers in the cauldron closest and gave them a little rub. We're they supposed to do something with the oils too...?
He was about to have another peer around and see what everyone else was doing when Zita distracted him with a question.
"Uhm, I don't really know," he answered honestly with a shrug of his shoulders. "Nothing too freaky I hope." He figured sometimes ignorance was bliss and it was better not to know too much about your future. What if he got a bad reading??
Her smile leaving her lips as he said he wasn't sure about what it would read, "Well if it read about if you were cute or not,
you wouldn't have anything to worry about." Just throwing that out there and all Max and she didn't even care that the quidditch snake captain was near them. There wasn't a law about being friendly to fellow housemates or flirting for that matter.
Picking up the oil she started rubbing it in as instructed, this better leave her hands smooth and nice, she wouldn't have any of this stuff messing up her skin. That was not going to go over well, but she trusted Professor V and new she wouldn't give them anything that would harm them, not with a woman as into fashion and makeup as Professor V seemed to be.
Now for the smelly oils. She picked up a bottle, uncorked it, as far away from her face as possible, got a few drops and started massaging it onto her fingers. Much to her surprise, it felt quite nice. She continued to massage until almost all of the oil on her hands had been absorbed.
Emmalyn then picked up the hand mirror and tried to figure out how she was supposed to get the sunlight to shine on her nails. In her haste to make it work, she dropped one of the mirrors on the hard ground, shattering it. “I’m so sorry I broke your mirror, professor. I’ll clean it up.”
Laurel was walking around amongst the tables when she heard how a mirror shattered behind her back. Quickly turning around and scanning for who had done something wrong her eyes came to land on Emmalyn as she apologized. "It's all right dear, it happens. You didn't cut yourself on the glass pieces I hope?" It was good to see that a few of Emmalyn's badger peers already were trying to help her clean up the mess and repair the mirror.
Originally Posted by Tegz
Wrong? Oh, no: the professor had misunderstood her point, Bel was pretty sure, so she stuck her hand back up and responded in earnest. "Well that's what I mean, professor, of course it tells you stuff about a person, but I don't think that makes it divination, because like for instance if someone has rough hands, you can tell they work hard, that doesn't take any special ability. Its the kind of 'divining' that muggles can do even, so it doesn't take any special ability or magic or anything, you know? Only a brain, and intuition about things. So its the kind of thing that charlatans and fakes could use to con people with." Because you could figure out true things about someone for sure, but it wasn't magic-related. Did she see now? What Bel was saying?
Before Laurel had had a chance to go anywhere as the students started with their tasks Bel's hand shot up again like a snake as she quickly responded. Listening she realized that maybe she had misunderstood the girl's point earlier. Even if Laurel rarely like to admit when that was the case. It was a flaw she had, but one she didn't flaunt. Turning to Bel she responded "Yes, you're right Bel from rough hands anyone can understand that it means someone works as a muggle mechanic or similar. But its only a seer/diviner that can predict accidents before they happen and act to prevent them or how long the person with the rough hands will live or get an illness or if he'll have a life of fortunes or misfortunes and so on.
The minutes trickled by fast and it was 30 minutes later that Laurel shouted "Times up!" while she looked out at the washing, massaging and spot identifying students. A quick glance told her that the majority had completed the task she had set them. It was essential that they had or it'd be hard to make the spots and colours and everything stand out for the next part of the lesson. She sent happy smiles and nods all around before Laurel said "Great work everyone! Let's start studying our nails and interpreting what they mean for our futures."
SPOILER!!: Nail image
Laurel paused her to replace the fingernail image back up on the blackboard. "Now that we have oiled our hands and nails it's time to really start observing how our nails actually look and to do that you need to use your hand mirrors to reflect the sunlight upon them so that you really can observe colour specs, markings, nail length and any condition they might show. Problems with your fingernails can be an indicator of an illness."
Pointing to the blackboard Professor Vance continued "Those nails you are looking at are actually my nails. If you look closely you'll see that the nails have white spots all over and are short and brittle. If I interpret them the white spots predict happiness, good fortunes and new love in my future, but also of a possible new enemy and of a possible over activity illness."
Laurel gave her nail's a quick once over before she adressed the students again. "So now on to your task which is to observe your fingernails closely with the help of the hand mirrors light reflecting and to interpret the colour specs, markings, condition and length of your nails and what it says about your futures. You can refer to page 56 in your Unfogging the Future textbooks for help when you take down your predictions notes on a parchment that you also should hand in when finished. You are most welcome to partner up for this and interpret your peers fingernails or do it solo. You're free to do what fits you best. You've got 1 hour to complete the task. Get to work everyone! I'll be walking around if anyone has any questions."
SPOILER!!: Page 56 unfogging the future
Shape of fingernails and general appearance are used to ascertain character. Greedy people will have crooked fingernails and if they are raised in the middle it is taken as a sign of an early death. The shape of the half moon on your fingernails at the base, are an indicator of longevity, the bigger the moon the longer the life.
Long fingernails are a sign of difficulties in your relationship, short ones can indicate an unexpected gift.
Problems with fingernails can indicate an illness, nutritional problem or disorder occurring in a person’s body and can often be the first indication that there is a problem.
White spots– are forerunner of happiness, prosperity and gifts you will get and it’s better if you have on the left hand fingernail. White spot on the pointer finger indicates a new friend, the middle finger predicts a new enemy, on the ring finger money or new love and if it is on our baby finger, a journey. Experienced specialist could even tell your lifespan. But, if your white spots become yellow it’s not a good sign. It leads to troubles and needs.
Yellow spots– are signs of illness, conflicts and fights, which could appear in one’s life. Big yellow spots could also be signs of near death. If your nail suddenly becomes all white, that will also be a sign of near death.
Red and brown spots are no good forerunners either, sadness, illness and other bad thing could happen, if have those spots on your nails.
Black spots are a sign of bad luck or misfortune
Markings on;
thumb: near luck, possible win, happy love and lucky business;
index finger: business luck, power and respect from surroundings;
middle finger: good news from parents and close relatives, and again great worship
ring finger: indulgence from bad people, love affair or wedding;
pinkie finger: success in all creativity beginnings, scientific work and selling, as well as great worship and some happy event
Polishing your nails is a warning against impulsive behaviours but filing them indicates accomplishments achieved through your own efforts.. Cutting your fingernails is a sign of prestige and advancement but bending them back painfully speaks of a difficult time coming ahead that could last for a couple of months.
White fingernails with pink near the tops can be a sign of cirrhosis of the liver and white lines across can also be an indicator of liver problems. A partially white nail with dark spots near the tip can be a sign of a kidney problem. If the whole nail is white it could mean kidney, liver disorders or anemia.
Yellowed nails can also indicate liver issues, diabetes, respiratory and lymphatic problems. Nails that are quite dark can indicate a Vitamin B12 deficiency but brittle nails can show iron deficiency or thyroid problems. Red at the bottom of the nail can be a sign of a connective tissue disorder.
If the nails are brittle, soft, with no shine or half moon, it can be an indicator of hyperthyroidism (overactive). Ridges can also indicate a thyroid problem or an infection. Nails that are too thick can indicate a circulation problem in your vascular system and if the nails beds are deep and blue it can be a sign of pulmonary obstruction or emphysema.
Very wide nails can show a hormonal disorder and flat nails can indicate Reynaud's Syndrome which affects the circulation and the persons feet and hands always feel cold.
Nails that bend too easily can indicate rheumatoid arthritis and nails that have the appearance of hammered brass can predict partial or total hair loss.
OOC: Main Practical is up! Instruction: Observe your students or partner students nails for length, colour, shape, condition and markings and interpret what they mean/say about your/their future(s) and write down your notes. You can partner up for this or do it on your own its up to you guys. Have fun and be creative!
You've got 3 days to complete the practical until Saturday @ approx 7 pm GMT +2 when i will move on with question 2.
Abra, who wasn't exactly very academically 'with it' at the best of times - something that was even more pronounced when he also had to deal with the cold - looked quizzically over at Derf, reaching for some of the oils in question as he did so. He was ABOUT to ask what they had to do with being outside, but at that moment caught a pungent whiff from the vial he was holding. Oh. Oh. Ah.
"Right. Yeah. Of course. I knew that." He did. Totally. It made SENSE, obviously.
........ But Abra still would have taken his chances with the oils in an enclosed room over braving the cold. The Divination classroom always smelled weirdly perfumed anyway, it wouldn't have surprised him if this sort of thing was exactly why.
Okay, so... generous amount, right? That was a difficult instruction; how much was 'generous'? Technically you could argue that there was no upper limit to it. He could use all the oils here (but wouldn't) and that could technically still be called 'generous'. But it was the sort of instruction that made it seem like too little a measure wouldn't be at all acceptable, so it was best to err on the side of caution, right? Riiiiiiiiight?
Well, whatever. In the end Abra just TOOK A WILD GUESS and poured a little bit of this and a little bit of that and a little bit of OOH SOME OF THAT TOO into his hands, and began massaging it into his skin. Almost at once it became clear that he had discovered just how much 'too much' was, but continued trying to work it all in anyway. Not much else he could do about it.
It took a while. But it was mesmerising. The longer it went on, the more entranced by the task Abra became, until he ended up stood there, staring at his hands as though hypnotised as he massaged each with the other, finally snapping back to attention upon hearing the phrase 'Time's up!' from Professor Vance.
He'd completely forgotten to do the initial nail inspecting part, even though he probably could have started on it while applying the oils. Though, well... Abra stared at his fingernails now and realised he didn't really know what he was looking for. Markings? Colour specks? They just seemed kind of... normal. Now, had the task been to inspect their hands, he'd have been all set; sort of prominent knuckles and finger joints, long fingers, calloused fingertips from playing guitar. But... nails? His were... short?
Well, at least now he had something to refer back to, to tell him specifically what things to look out for. Just his luck that it involved consulting the textbook. Sitting himself back down with a huff, Abra reached into his bag for his copy of Unfogging the Future, aware he was now getting excess hand oils on everything inside.
His bag was going to stink for weeks.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Copying her notes? Again? Ckckckck.....Nathan. Buts since she's such a nice friend. "Fineeeee.." Sigh.
Alyce turned her attention back to the Professor. Seeeee...Seeeeee....She was right. Onysomething. They need to clean their nails? Thank Merlin she didn't wear any nail polish today. She followed Nathan to the nearest cauldron, where she began to wash her nails. She rubbed and scrubbed her nails until it's squeaky-clean. She dried her nails using one of towels before she began to massage them with the scented oils. Ugh! The smell. Thanks Merlin they're outside.
Alyce went back to her seat when the Professor announced time's up. She listened carefully to what Professor Vance said. So now it's time to interpret their nails. Sweet! "Want to partner up?" She asked Nathan. Professor said they're allowed to have partner, right?
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
Emmalyn heard the professor speak out over the class to her. “I’m okay. Not a single scratch on me. Just clumsy hands this afternoon. Won’t happen again.” At least she hoped it wouldn’t happen again. She finished collecting all of the pieces of glass and handed the mirror over to Derf for repair. “Thanks again.”
After getting back into her seat, Emmalyn focused on the task at hand. She picked up another mirror, this one to remain unbroken, and took a few moments to position it just so that the sun’s light reflected on her fingers. With a huff, she sat the mirror back down and reached into her bag for her glasses. Finger reading was far too intricate for her to do without being able to see her best.
With glasses in place and mirror back in hand, she began inspecting the fingers of her dominate left hand. She was actually surprised by how much her nails looked simply boring. No white dots, no ridges, no yellow, and no red. She did, however have that black spot on her thumb from smashing it just days before.
Wondering if that counted as a black spot or just an injury, she raised her hand “Excuse me, Professor. I have a sort of black spot or mark on my thumb. It was from smashing it a few days ago playing quidditch. Does that count as a black spot and misfortune, or was it simply misfortune that I have a black spot?”
SPOILER!!: Notes
Emmalyn Walsh
1st year
Nails: Left hand
Short = unexpected gift
Black spot or mark? Thumb = bad luck or misfortune or near luck, possible win, happy love and lucky business
Medium sized half moon at nail bases= medium longevity
Very clean and well shaped. ? I like short and clean nails
Shera's eyes scanned the textbook, trying to keep up with her comparisons between her own nails and what she was reading on the page in front of her. She couldn't help but hum quietly as she tried to work out what exactly she could take into consideration as she looked at her nails.
As she went she scrawled out her notes
Originally Posted by Notes
Shera Ben-Ari Ravenclaw 1st year
Short = unexpected gift
Half moon at the bottom of fingernails, medium length = medium longevity
White spot, left thumb = near luck, possible win, happy love and lucky business
Cut fingernails = sign of prestige and advancement
Now... how was she meant to tell whether her nails were flat or wide? Her hand hesitantly started to rise to catch Professor Vance attention. "How do we know if our nails are flat or wide?"
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
It felt weird to see her nails without polish on. She almost always had polish on, especially now when she was getting into more decorative nail art. But she had to get it all off. Luckily she only had a basic shade on today. But it was okay. hopefully she might get something out of this. She still wasn't sure about the whole divination thing, but the blonde was open to learning more. Learning was good, although she was hoping she'd learn something useful. She wasn't so sure though, but she was trying to be optimistic. It was weird having her hands really oiled up too. How was she supposed to hold things, like her quill, when her hands were all slippery. Hmm. She'd tackle that when it came to it. For now she moved on, and began to look at her nails.
She picked up her mirror, and positioned it so that the sun reflected on the nails of her right hand. Since she was dominant with her left, she figured she'd do the right first, so she could still write easily. And then she began to inspect her nails. She had the textbook open, but honestly didn't really know what she was looking for. But she would try anyway. So, the sixth year spent the next 5 or so minutes looking at her nails.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
Copying her notes? Again? Ckckckck.....Nathan. Buts since she's such a nice friend. "Fineeeee.." Sigh.
Alyce turned her attention back to the Professor. Seeeee...Seeeeee....She was right. Onysomething. They need to clean their nails? Thank Merlin she didn't wear any nail polish today. She followed Nathan to the nearest cauldron, where she began to wash her nails. She rubbed and scrubbed her nails until it's squeaky-clean. She dried her nails using one of towels before she began to massage them with the scented oils. Ugh! The smell. Thanks Merlin they're outside.
Alyce went back to her seat when the Professor announced time's up. She listened carefully to what Professor Vance said. So now it's time to interpret their nails. Sweet! "Want to partner up?" She asked Nathan. Professor said they're allowed to have partner, right?
"Owe you one," Nathan winked back at her when she agreed to lend her notes to him.
Once he was done washing his hands and dry them afterward, he put the scented oil as instructed. He then rubs his hands together and took a whiff. Eh...it wasn't terrible but not something he would use for himself. He watched the professor intepret the fingernail image on the board. He got to say, his professor had pretty nails. He wondered what Alyce's nails looked like. Oh hey nevermind, she has agreed to partner with him. "Give me your hands," he grinned and confidently took hold of her hands. He noticed how soft and small her hands were compared to his. "We can compare our nails side by side, I want to know if I got this interpretation thing right." He flipped to the page 56. "Ready?"
Nathan Interpretation of his nails:
Long Nails - Difficulties in relationship....(what?)
Marking on thumb and index finger - Near luck, possible win, respect from surroundings.
Small size moon shape on the base- Not going to have a long life...(that's for sure)
Yellow tint on fingernails - Possible liver issues, diabetes, respiratory and lymphatic problems. (....yikes)
Slightly flat nails - Possible Reynaud's Syndrome which affects the circulation and the person's feet and hands always feel cold. (No wonder he's cold all the timeee...)
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
If anyone wants to work with her feel free to!
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Rylee sat up a tad bit taller making it hard to reach the ground with her feet so she swung them back and forth. She understood what they were supposed to do but wasn't she just doing that? She had already cleaned her hands of all the polish that had been on them making them look plain and boring. She had washed them and put that oil stuff on her hands and nails. She hadn't seen anything...
Crinkling her nose a bit she looked up at the photo on the board and than back down to her notes. Might as well take down all the notes first and than see what the textbook had to say.
Still swinging her legs back and forth, Rylee went about taking down all the lessons notes in her nice little writing in purple ink. When she had finished that she pulled her textbook from her bag and flipped it open to page 56. Dear Merlin what had she gotten herself into?!
Blinking down at the page she started off by labeling a section of her parchment for whatever she was to find.
Rylee Prichard
First Year
Nail Length: Medium-ish? (Long enough to polish nicely) Markings: Does a chipped nail count for anything? Moon Shape:
Looking between the textbook and her nails she wasn't sure what she was even doing. Dropping her quill she picked up the small mirror and once again tried to catch the proper angle of the sunlight off of it to see her nails.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Just as she was starting to look at her nails, Daisy heard a smashing sound. She saw a broken mirror on the ground in front of Em. "Are you okay?" Daisy asked.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Removing his hands from the water - which was now a pleasant shade of light brown - the fourth year quickly dried his hands and moved from his spot over to Emmalyn who had now been joined by Daisy as well. Stinky oils could wait. "Careful not to step on any bits," he warned Daisy, a smile of appreciation spreading across his face at her concern and want to help. "We can probably fix it with a Mending Charm if we collect all the pieces," he nodded, grabbing a towel from the table and laying it flat on the ground, already starting to pick up a few pieces and trrrrying to be careful not to cut his fingers in the process.
Originally Posted by Ginevra
"I am glad you are okay. I would be very surprised if Professor Vance got extremely upset with you. I mean, it was an accident." Daisy said, reassuringly, hoping Professor Vance didn't get angry at Emmalyn.
Daisy returned to looking at her nails. She saw that the shape of her fingernails was rounded and the thumbnails were like squares. As for spots, she was having a hard time spotting any. Wait, she was seeing a small white dot in the middle of her left ring finger.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
"Yeah, sure," he said with a false confidence. He WAS much better at the Mending Charm now - loads of practice fixing his jars of dirt in the dormroom so Simon Mord didn't have a heart and asthma attack seeing the mess (Lumpy was more than enough) - but he tended to perform better without an audience. "Just gotta get all the pieces," he repeated with a nod, picking up and placing a few more pieces on the towel.
But for now, it was collecting bits of broken mirror. "I think we've got them all," he said after another moment, glancing around the immediate area once more. Clearing his throat, Derf pulled out his wand and tried to steady his hand before giving it a wave over the pieces of mirror. "Reparo," he commanded, confidence nooooot exactly oozing in his tone or anything...but enough to get the charm to return the mirror to its original state. Save for a crack near the top....but otherwise a perfectly acceptable and usable people. "There," he grinned, handing it back to Emmelyn.
Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom
Emmalyn heard the professor speak out over the class to her. “I’m okay. Not a single scratch on me. Just clumsy hands this afternoon. Won’t happen again.” At least she hoped it wouldn’t happen again. She finished collecting all of the pieces of glass and handed the mirror over to Derf for repair. “Thanks again.”
Wondering if that counted as a black spot or just an injury, she raised her hand “Excuse me, Professor. I have a sort of black spot or mark on my thumb. It was from smashing it a few days ago playing quidditch. Does that count as a black spot and misfortune, or was it simply misfortune that I have a black spot?”
As the class got started with their practical activities Laurel made her way between the tables to the table that Emmalyn sat at along with Derf and Daisy. She had heard and seen how the two older badgers had come their younger peers aid. It was really commendable of both of them. It showed good character. They could have just ignored it and focused on their own tasks. Eyes flashing between the two older badgers Professor Vance beamed as she rewarded. "Daisy and Derf I reward you 2 house points each for your commendable caring and helpfulness to a younger house peer. I shall mention it to Professor Myers over dinner today, he'll be pleased."
Turning her attention to Emmalyn she said relieved and happy. "I'm glad you are all right Emmalyn." Professor Vance was about to turn away from the table to go see how the other students were doing when she heard Emmalyn's question. It was a curious one. Refocusing on Emmalyn again she said "Interesting question Emmalyn. I say that it doesn't count since it was a black spot from before and just misfortune that you got one from smashing your thumb. It would have counted if the black spot had appeared now today in class while your doing your nail readings. Does that make sense?"
Kye had absolutely no idea what she was looking for… What if a speck of dirt got on her and it was interpreted on accident? Obviously, that was the point of washing their hands, but that would be just her luck.
They were rounded but not overly so. Maybe that was because of how she clipped them? Kye squinted with her mirror, trying to see what she was looking for. HA! There! Right there! On the side of her thumb. That was a mark right? As she kept searching, she saw a couple things here and there on her middle and ring fingers as well. Those could also be scars though… who knew? She looked each up just in case, and wrote her notes. Continuing the reading, Kye couldn’t help but her bewildered expression. Taking care of yourself and having good hygiene was something everyone should be doing… and why would you bend them backwards?!
Kye Atwater
6th Year
Long nails = difficulty in your relationship (with who exactly???)
Markings on thumb/middle/ring fingers. Could indicate luck, possible win, happy love(?), and lucky business/ good news from parents/relatives/indulgence from bad people, love affair (LOL okay), or wedding.
Polished nails = warning against impulsive behaviors
Cutting them = a sign of prestige/advancement
Okay so this mostly sounded fine, if you were into this kind of thing. And reading the other sections, Kye started to feel like you either had all the luck in the world… OR you had a disease and better watch your back... OR everything contradicted each other. Wasn’t that just the way of Divination though?
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Reading over her notes with the interpretation, Skylar frowned. Liver problems? Hyperthyroidism? Circulation issues? Why did today's lesson seem SO dismal? Like a forbearing that they were all going to die?? She was only sixteen! There was still quite a bit much that she wanted to do with her life.
Polishing your nails is a warning against impulsive behaviours but filing them indicates accomplishments achieved through your own efforts.. Cutting your fingernails is a sign of prestige and advancement but bending them back painfully speaks of a difficult time coming ahead that could last for a couple of months. She didn't polish her nails because of quidditch reasons, but what??? Warning against impulsive behaviors? Even that seemed negative?
Also, there seemed to be nothing in there about bitten fingernails, to which the sixth year took as maybe a good sign? No news was good news, right? Inspecting her nails, really only one of the things seemed to apply which was about short fingernails. She didn't think she saw any unusual markings, which was a definite good thing from her brief skimmings. Unexpected gift? Related to .... Apollo? Quidditch? She was going to win her first match against Zoryn? Because it wasn't against the team; it was against the captain, at least in the case in the Gryffindor. That would definitely be a gift, but maybe not unexpected since she knew she was better than Zoryn "The Ground" Spinnet. Hmm... How long did she have to ponder this for? Because while Skylar was gazing at her nails, she was starting to see white spots on her pointer and middle and ring fingers... and she wondered if they were real or just from gazing too long?
SPOILER!!: notes
Skylar Diggory
Sixth Year
short ones can indicate an unexpected gift.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
As professor Vance kept explaining, Daehyun felt more at a loss with each word that kept coming. Could his nails truly predict things about his future?
Flipping through Unfogging the Future to page fifty-six, he grabbed a hand mirror to reflect more light on his nails and stared at them, unsure of what he was seeing. His nails were short for sure, so he jotted that down, before checking the textbook - unexpected gift? Well, his birthday was coming up in a month, so that was possible. Then he examined the shape of the half-moon, and his indicated a long life? He had to stifle a giggle at that - since he wanted to work with dragons one day, among other dangerous creatures, well- maybe it indicated that he would turn out to be a great magizoologist and indeed live a long life. But still a dangerous one.
Next, he looked for any markings, but he couldn't really see any- oh, there it was, one small white spot on his middle finger. Good news from parents or close relatives? He seriously doubted that one, unless... unless they'd send him a letter to say that they'd come to terms with the fact that he wouldn't be happy if he were to live up to their expectations? Huh.
His eyes soon widened as he'd read over some lines again, and realized that his marking was actually a white spot, and it predicted a new enemy?! Who in the world would it be?
With those things in mind, he read more about the meanings, though the colour of his nails didn't seem to indicate an illness, nor was he balding.
SPOILER!!: Notes
short nails - unexpected gift
big half-moon - long life
white spot on middle finger - good news from parents/close relatives new enemy
As he looked over his notes, he realized that his future was still very, very foggy.
Now, they were really going to interpret their fingernails.
Cameron was still a bit....unsure about this.
Pulling out his textbook he flipped through it until he’d reached the correct chapter. Right. They were allowed to partner up so he figured this could only get better if he was working with a friend. “Do you want to work with me?” Cameron turned to Nat next to him while picking up the hand mirror.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
This was growing harder and harder to take seriously, mostly because she was now sure Divination was a cop out. It was like Bel had pointed out; the interpretation of certain signs wasn't necessarily divining the future, it was probably more closely linked to being well read or having common sense.
Turning to the chapter mentioned in her textbook and reading through the paragraphs...it sounded just like that. The first part was oddly vague but it was the second part that really got her for the simple reason that they were health facts. Things that were a definite and not necessarily a prediction. Signs of arthritis, balding, these could all be proven. Was it really divining in cases like that? She wasn't entirely sure she could buy the Professor's response but.....she'd look at her nails anyhow.
Jessa was about to ask Cam if he'd want to be partners but then he asked Nat. Not necessarily wanting to move from this spot, she decided she'd simply work on her own.
It wasn't the worst outcome by a long shot, in fact Jessa kinda liked it sometimes. Less things to consider and less margin for error--not that her friends necessarily increased that margin, but random other people sometimes did and the Ravenclaw didn't always have the patience for that sort of thing.
She set her text before her then took the hand mirror and began reflecting the light.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Now, they were really going to interpret their fingernails.
Cameron was still a bit....unsure about this.
Pulling out his textbook he flipped through it until he’d reached the correct chapter. Right. They were allowed to partner up so he figured this could only get better if he was working with a friend. “Do you want to work with me?” Cameron turned to Nat next to him while picking up the hand mirror.
Nat had nice hands. And fingernails.
Natalie was, too, unsure about this. She was willing to give it a shot, though. And she was happy that Cam was offering his company, because she liked to work with him and they could probably make some fun out of it. "Of course," she replied with a pleased smile as she opened up her textbook.
"Alright," she said with a sigh, propping her hands up onto her book, covering her text. Now that the oils were on her nails, she inspected them, and thankfully didn't see any black or red -- black and red were ALWAYS bad. "I've got some little white spots... a couple yellow spots..." They looked awful, really. They would go away, right?
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Bel was still doubtful and trying very hard to be open minded, but wasn't a lot of this medical too? Medical and not divinatory? She studied her oiled up nails and cuticles and adjusted some of the lighting to better see but her nails were..... there weren't a lot of defects really. They were short sure, nothing fussy about them, and there was that little skin bit around there where the cuticles had a rough edge, but her actual nails? No weird marks, the half moons looked normal.... oh there was a tiny white mark from where she'd got her finger stuck in a door but....
Bel looked at the interpretation stuff in the textbook, entirely baffled. How did long or short fingernails mean anything other than the fact that you'd cut them? How was cutting them a sign of prestige when most people that cut them did so for practical reasons? Because they worked with their hands? Wasn't it more likely to have nails that were long and NOT conducive to doing stuff, if you were someone who was all fancy and appearance-focused like that Zita girl? Not that there was anything wrong with that, but how was it divination related?
Bel was still staring at her nails trying to get her head around it. Definitely this was charlatan stuff. Big time about taking people for a ride.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
"So then....if I had a boyfriend.....and decided to grow my nails....would we suddenly be having difficulties......? Or would growing my nails mean I shouldn't bother with a boyfriend because we'll just end up on the rocks anyway?" She asked aloud, trying and failing to really make sense of this. Her nails were never long, mostly because they'd get in the way up in her lab.......but.....in all fairness.........they probably weren't short either given what they could do........
Jessa held her hands out before her, raising a questioning brow as she looked them over. Glancing across from her, she saw Bel doing just about the same.
"Um." This was even more arbitrary than she'd first given it credit for being."How'd we know how long is long enough to be considered relationship ending?" Come to think of it......"What happens if we don't even have a relationship to begin with?" Did the prediction just pass to someone else?
How did this work?
Jessa lifted her hand once more, comparing it with Bel's. Did this makes hers long by default? Did default even count in Divination?
The Ravenclaw had entirely too many questions. Unfortunately, she didn't think they'd get answered anytime soon.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Daisy smiled at Professor Vance when she was told she was going to be awarded points for helping Emmalyn. "Thank you, Professor. I'm just glad Em is okay." She then got back to the task as she consulted her copy of "Unfogging the Future" in order to figure out what her nails meant.
Daisy Swann
Third Year
Divination: Fingernail Reading
White Spot on Left Ring Finger = Money or love on the horizon
Nail Length: Short = Unexpected gift
Nail Shape: Full moon = Life lead would be a long one
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Hanna was glad Professor Vance moved on. She was a bit bored with so much study of her fingernails. She knew her nails, but to study them was... well, it was a bit different.
Wait, they had to do MORE observing of their nails?
Well, okay then. She listened as Professor Vance gave away her own analysis of her nails, and was amazed at all the things she could determine from them. Happiness, good fortune, new love, new enemy, illness? That was a lot of things. Perhaps it would tell Hanna if she were about to get a Troll grade on something...
She went back to her nails, this time pulling out her parchment to write on. She opened her textbook to page 56, and got a fresh piece of parchment out, with her self-inking quill. She didn't think getting an ink stain on her nail would be something to observe, but still... what if it was an omen or something?
She decided to look at the overall shape of her nail first. Looking at it closely with aid of the tricky hand mirror, she took down her observations. Being that she kept them neat, on this particular day there was only about 1 millimeter of nail growth. When they got longer than this, she generally took a file to them, enabling her to shape them to the natural curve of the nailbed, and also get rid of any jagged bits or uneven bits. When they got too long, usually during holidays, she had to take a pair of nail clippers to them to cut them, before giving them a quick file. But she didn't wear nail polish. Her parents didn't let her, and she was far too interested in dirty things, like gardening and cooking.
Originally Posted by Parchment
Nails cut: prestige and advancement Nails filed: accomplishments achieved through your own efforts Short nails: indicate an unexpected gift
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
Vi’s nails were always kept trimmed and filed. It was something that she always needed to do especially when she got s chipped nail from DADA or Potions. Chipped nails were the absolute worst. And her brother always had her in the kitchen with him so clean and well kept nails were a must.
Two white spots. That’s what she found on her left hand. One on the index finger and one on her ring finger. Now what did they mean? Her eyes scanned page 56, searching for some sort of explanation. Ah the index finger... white spot. Business luck... power and respect from her surroundings. Well she was the Gryffindor Prefect so maybe this prophecy had already come true... maybe she’d have even better luck in the future? That one was pretty simple.
Her eyes scanned the page. Now left ring finger..... The Gryffindor almost turned as red as her tie when she read the next statement. Erm..... She focused on one word. Indulgence from bad people, love affair. The dreaded “w” word. Wedding. Hopefully not her own.... It was too soon.... The whole notion of it. Her stomach began tying itself in knots and she fidgeted a little more. She glanced over at Tenacius to see how he was coming along, flashing him a brief smile, before turning back to the textbook and continuing to internally agonize over such a prediction.
*should qualify for a degree in studying Harry's hands by now xD*
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Alright so... the future is in his hands. Literally eh?
Ace studied his nails, now that they were a lot cleaner and shinier he noticed a few more things about them that he normally wouldnt give a thought about. He did have this faint white spot on his left pointing finger, but only becomes really obvious if he presses or grips on something. There was also an even fainter smudge thats not a smudge on his pinky finger. He had to wonder if they had always been there or if they were some kind of scarring for when him and Mel would wrestle and gnaw at each other when they were toddlers.
He glanced at his very pretty girlfriend and returned her smile. Now that she was studying hers he couldnt help but peek. Oh! She had a white spot thingy on her left pointing finger too. He held up his own pointy finger to show hers his own tiiiiny faint spot.
The only marking that was easy to study on his hands were the half-moons on his thumbs, which were average-y to slightly below average in size. Which as he looked at his textbook, made him frown out of reflex. Apparently he wouldn't have to be worrying about retirement plans or growing old and grey. He'd normally find that hilarious, but theres a growing part of him that tugged at the heartstrings as he looked at Vi. Dang.... he has limited time with her?
SPOILER!!: Notes
Short, squarish nails = unexpected gift
Halfmoon on thumbs, very minimal on pointing finger, non-existent in others = average longevity; near luck, possible win, happy love and lucky business;
One tiiiiny faint white spot on left pointing finger= forerunner of happiness, prosperity and gifts; a new friend; business luck, power and respect from surroundings
Not sure if its a white spot but theres a faint white thing on left baby finger= forerunner of happiness, prosperity and gifts; a journey; success in all creativity beginnings, scientific work and selling, as well as great worship and some happy event
Very faint ridges grow lengthwise
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes