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Located not too far from the Muggle Studies classroom is where you can find a space dedicated to all things related to arts and crafts. In this classroom, students such as yourself will be exposed to famous historical and modern Muggle and Wizard artists and strengthen your artistic abilities. Here numerous styles and techniques will be observed, and an array of projects will be produced and put on display for all to see.
When you enter the art classroom, you quickly realize that it is not set up like others in the castle. There are no desks in the vibrantly coloured room covered with paintings and other gizmos and gadgets aplenty. In the centre is a large table that is meant to serve as a universal workstation. Scattered around the room are smaller, individualized tables, easels, and shelves containing a number of books and any supplies your creative mind may need. Tucked in the back is a dark room for developing photographs. Everything in this room is for you to use, so long as you clean up after yourself.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Much like the walk to the office, the one back to the room hadn't been that long. A part of her wondered if closing the door had been enough, if someone else had stumbled in and either cleared it all up or made a bigger mess but she wasn't nearly as concerned as she'd been when it was only her, Zoryn and Scarlett earlier. Professor Hirsch was specifically trained in defense against the dark arts. If anything happened, HE was the best person to be standing next to.
She shoved the door to the art room open, gesturing for the man to have a look.
"Whoever did this, must've been real mad about the magic." Only thing left to be done was conjure up a tornado and let it have it's way with the rest of the room. Might as well. This stuff looked busted beyond repair. She didn't wanna see Marchand's face when she had to come see.
"Should we get rid of it before Professor Marchand sees it? Y'know, in case it's too much for her to handle." If not, could she be there when it happened? Just to see. A reaction like that would have been worth sticking around for.
For science.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Text Cut: All of this
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Leave it to Zoryn to make sure the point got across. Jessa shot her TWO thumbs up, pleased by the way she'd upped the ante in this dimly lit seating area. Good job, when it doubt, leave it to the Gryffindor. Ravenclaws could be dramatic too...but it was a different sort of dramatic...one that probably wouldn't work well here.
THERE he was! Right on cue, looking perfectly alert. See? This was why they had to go to him. He was PREPARED for disasters.
Jessa turned on her heels, starting back toward the ransacked room. "I didn't see what happened, Zoryn was already there when I walked in. We think it might have been Kitty again." But Zoryn could expound more on that. Maybe she'd seen anything at all that might've been useful.
"There was a howler too, steaming mad and ready to explode. Yelled something about us being lazy for using magic to make the set designs and how we should try using our hands to do the work ourselves or something like that." It wasn't word for word but as the young girl walked, she tried remembering everything it said.
"And when it blew up afterwards....it was this....there was an image of a bird in the smoke...a weird sort of bird. The ashes should still be on the ground. We locked the door to preserve the crime scene." Because that's what it was, you know?
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
SEE, Zoryn knew Professor H was the right guy for the job! She made a show of greeting the man with a wide-tooth smile as he emerged from his office looking a little like he had just rolled out of bed, but still managing to be SUPER alert at the same time. #Goals.
“YEAH!” She nodded, a lot more excited and a lot less terrified than she probably should have been. It wasn’t her fault that they literally came across a CRIME SCENE !! It was by far the most EXCITING thing that had ever happened to her in her ENTIRE life. So yes, lol, she was THRILLED.
“Bet it’s the same person who ransacked the dorms,” she explained. “‘Cause whoever it was made a REAL mess, AGAIN. It was TOTALLY a calculated move.” And…. Not to point fingers, buuuuuuuuuuut Kitty was in the play and she didn’t have the lead… So maybe it was out of jealousy. Just sayin.
Zoryn quieted down to let Jessa explain about the howler, since she was the one to open it. That and Zoryn only absorbed one thing from that moment and she pipped up to contribute at the end of Jessa’s explanation, “Which is SO dumb ‘cause Howlers use magic too.” Wasn’t Kitty a Ravenclaw??? You’d think she’d know better. Maybe there were stupid Ravenclaws too. Zoryn would have to ask about it later when she wasn’t so focused on A CRIME SCENE!!!!
Why did both of them have to have such long legs? Zoryn was struggling to keep up, but she was going as fast as her little legs would take her ‘cause she wanted to be AT THE FRONT LINE!!!
"Are you gonna interrogate Kitty?" She forgot to keep this thought to herself. "Can I be there?" The worst he could say was no, right?
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Much like the walk to the office, the one back to the room hadn't been that long. A part of her wondered if closing the door had been enough, if someone else had stumbled in and either cleared it all up or made a bigger mess but she wasn't nearly as concerned as she'd been when it was only her, Zoryn and Scarlett earlier. Professor Hirsch was specifically trained in defense against the dark arts. If anything happened, HE was the best person to be standing next to.
She shoved the door to the art room open, gesturing for the man to have a look.
"Whoever did this, must've been real mad about the magic." Only thing left to be done was conjure up a tornado and let it have it's way with the rest of the room. Might as well. This stuff looked busted beyond repair. She didn't wanna see Marchand's face when she had to come see.
"Should we get rid of it before Professor Marchand sees it? Y'know, in case it's too much for her to handle." If not, could she be there when it happened? Just to see. A reaction like that would have been worth sticking around for.
For science.
There was a lot of information to process and not enough time to process it, especially seeing as they were approaching the room at this point. But, he had some questions that needed answering so he was going to start from the top. "Zoryn, did you notice anyone in the area when it happened? Or any kind of clues...?" His voice drifted away slightly as he held his wand higher, the beam of light spreading further across the corridor, almost as if he expected to see something else there.
Nope. Nothing.
"Both of you have your heads screwed on correctly," he said, a hint of pride in his voice, "You’re right: it doesn’t sound like something that’s been done randomly or something that someone would do to pull a prank. All four houses having their dorms ransacked? And then another part of the castle gets demolished and a message pops up about how terrible it is to use magic? The two aren’t unrelated." If it was, he would give up coffee.
The next topic? Howlers. This intrigued him the most out of everything else. "Using a Howler is very dramatic but if you’re spreading a message about Muggle awareness over magical enchantments, using a magical artefact is a dumb move." Just saying. "Jessa, you mentioned that the smoke took the shape of a bird? Was it the Ravenclaw eagle or something else?" Just to see if someone was trying to be pro-Ravenclaw here, in a twisted sort of way.
The part he didn’t understand was left to last and that was about Kitty. "You two have both made a serious accusation against Kitty Valentine. So my next question is: why? What makes you so sure that it was her?" Did they see her in the area before or after the incident? "If there are signs that it was her, I’ll have a private chat with her. But thank you for the offer, Zoryn."
When the door of the room was opened, Hirsch held his wand higher over his head, the beam of white light illuminating the scene in front of them. Everything was demolished, completely ruined as far as he could tell. Which was a shame, really, because producing all of this couldn’t have been an easy job. "Both of you: light your wands and keep your eyes and ears peeled. Just in case." The last thing he wanted was any kind of attack while he was busy searching.
He took a few slow steps into the room, his feet crunching against the tiny shards of what was once a water jug. Every corner of the room was looked at: from the broken paint pots that were oozing paint everywhere, to the splinters of what was once a set piece. He even bent down and examined the items on the floor, particularly the ashes from the Howler that Jessa and Zoryn had mentioned. It all seemed out of the ordinary and yet, there didn’t seem to be any kind of evidence here. Not if they dusted the room for fingerprints but something told him that that wouldn't work. There was a clear frown on his face but he didn’t say anything just yet. Not when he was busy examining.
Once he was sure he’d looked everywhere, the man stood up again and turned to face the two students. "As upsetting as it is, I think Professor Marchand needs to see it. It’s her club and she’s led this operation, she has a right to know what happened." At this, he held his wand higher and muttered an incantation under his breath. A blue-white fennec fox burst out of his wand and ran through the rest of the room and towards Rosalyn’s office.
"Now, I need to know: has anyone shown any distaste to the art room, Professor Marchand, or the play? Anyone who might have a motive behind this?" Pause. "And what do you know about any of the other situations like this?" The more information they shared, the better.
i do not know how this got so long, my formal apologies
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
If only everyday could be filled with THIS much excitement!!! Maybe if the whole acting career didn’t work out (which it would so fancying this idea was ridiculous!!) then she could double as a secret agent and solve crimes. Imagine the THRILL. “I only got here a little before Jessa, so I didn’t really look around a whole lot,” she shrugged. She was also way too focused on creating an alibi to actually do any real investigating. “Whoever did it yeeted out of here.” Which was probably intentional as they definitely left the Howler to be found.
As for their accusation against Kitty, Zoryn wanted all the credit for that one. Unless they were wrong. Because if they were right then it was totally her idea, but if they were wrong then Jessa was older and should have been wise enough not to go along with it so it was really her idea based off seniority. But on the record, “Well Kitty painted the blood message on the wall AND I KNOW it was her ‘cause when I went to read the cast list she was there with blood ALL over her fingers. Red handed, sir. Literally. Also, she's weird.” Couldn't argue with the facts.
Zor was still a few paces behind, WHY DID THEY ALL HAVE SUCH LONG LEGS!!!!! Which meant that opening the room was up to Jessa.
Real mad about magic, but too dumb not to use it. In Zoryn’s most humble opinion, anyway.
“Aye, aye! Sir!” It initially took Zoryn three tries, but in the end she finally got her wand to light up with lumos and flashed it all around the room. Zor wasn’t all too interested in exploring just yet (‘cause they had their chance to look around earlier and small details never interested her very much), instead she was focused on how Professor H was processing it all. She sorta wished he’d say it all out loud ‘cause he was a very difficult man to read, no offense. Or maybe it was on purpose with the whole being the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor.
Most of his words went in one ear and out of the other, UNTIL he brought up the point about dictate to the art room, Marchand, or the play. And Zoryn had a strong distaste for TWO out of those three things. Uh oh. But if anyone thought that she was going to go down for ANY of this, then they were WAY wrong. She had already been wrongly accused and punished for TWO crimes that she did not actually commit this year.
Zoryn Spinnet would NOT be blamed for this too!!! “Well, Sir… No offense, but I don’t think that’s really the point. ‘Cause if it was just about the play, it’d be a single incident, right? BUT whoever it is ransacked our rooms and put weird messages on the walls, AND broke into the restricted section. None of that has got anything to do with art, Professor Marchand, OR the play. I think it’s more got to do with MAGIC. That’s what they said in the Howler AND on the wall with blood. Nothing about the play,” was she making her case? See, this is why she was in the debate club. “They’re just using our play to get to us, since they know tons of us really care about it. Just a way to get attention.”
This was the most profound thing Zoryn Amari Spinnet had ever come up with in her entire life and she pulled all of it straight outta her bum.
She will be accepting Oscar nominations starting yesterday.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Her wand was up and lit at the Professor's request but for now, the Ravenclaw remained silent, allowing Zoryn to get her lines out first. Why? Because...the Professor had asked of who might have it out for the play and her first thought had been the younger Gryffindor so it was best to see who she was placing the blame on before offering up her own opinion.
Just in case.
Turns out it was good she waited too because Zoryn was making a whole lot of sense. It really wasn't about the play, this was just a means to an end.
"It wasn't like the Ravenclaw eagle....no, it was more like....I dunno...it was definitely predatory but it didn't look like the one on our crest." It did look familiar but at this late hour with everything going on, she couldn't and wouldn't for sure go naming a specie in case it was wrong and ended up throwing everyone off what might have otherwise been a worthwhile trail to follow.
"And I'm thinking Kitty too because--like Zoryn said--her planting all that blood stuff on the wall about muggle equality and Professor....if you've ever sat to have a conversation with her, it always turns into another opportunity to convince people the statute should be repealed and we should be more chummy with Muggles. Zoryn's right about this being more than the play so we gotta consider motives and there's only one person in this entire castle who so shamelessly and blatantly tries shoving muggle equality down our throats at every step. She's graduating, what does she have to lose by doing this in her final year? It's not like she'll have to come back next year and face us ostracizing her."
The Head Girl was in the perfect position to make the biggest stink then strut her way out those giant double doors for the last time in June and move on to terrorizing the rest of the wizarding world.
"I think it's reckless having her walking around so freely in light of everything that's going on and the evidence against her. We could be wrong," Which....she doubted, "but until we know that for sure, I think it's something to be considered."
She considered the final question, even as Zoryn relayed the bulletin board fiasco. "Only other thing I can think of is when they ransacked the restricted section. Books were thrown all over and Mr. Kennedy said there was one missing. Secrets of the Darkest Arts or something. Whoever took it would be well equipped to do all the things that've been happening."
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.