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The Wooden Bridge, also known as the Covered Bridge connects the Courtyard to the rest of the Grounds. This rickety bridge has been damaged and repaired many times over and although it looks like it may fall apart and let the students tumble down into the ravine below it probably won’t. That would be highly unlikely... Still, any unusually loud creaking should be reported to the Groundskeeper. Just in case.
The long and narrow bridge has held its own for many, many years and deserves your respect. On your way between the Grounds and the Castle; why don't you stop and admire the view for a moment.
"I wouldn't go there if you paid me a million No-Maj dollars," Aurora grumbled, wrinkling her nose. Seriously, why would ANYONE go anywhere NEAR a dark, scary forest like that? Even if it DIDN'T have giant spiders in there? Why did Aurora get the suspicion that this school was secretly trying to kill everyone who stepped foot in it? Between the moving staircases and the Forest of Death and secret passages that could cave in at any time...
"So like...hall monitors?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Glorified hall monitors, it sounded like. She was sort of glad that they didn't have something like that. She didn't need people constantly following her, wondering what she was up to.
"Aurora Chae," she said with a smile, shaking the girl's hand in return. "Oh? Have you been there?" she asked. That was odd, for a Hogwarts student to visit Ilvermorny - half their school seemed to be flocking HERE in recent years...
"Good!" she said seriously, though not in a chastising way. "You probably won't believe me, but I was literally carried into that forest by a hag who wanted to kill me. She dragged me and a Hufflepuff boy into the woods and would have eaten us if we hadn't been rescued. I'm not inventing that, you can ask a professor if you don't believe me." Because of course she wouldn't blame her if she didn't believe her, it was so strange.
Hall monitors? "Yeah...I suppose so. We're hall monitors." That was accurate, although she hadn't thought of it before like that. "But you don't have them? Wow, your school must be much safer than ours!"
She shook Aurora's hand and smiled. "I've never been there, but I'd love to. I've read all about your schools history, how one of its founders was a Muggle. You wouldn't have anyway of knowing this, but I'm kind of a radial here at Hogwarts because I'm anti-Statute. I'm sure that's also radical in America, but I think Ilvermorny would be a better debate ground."
"By the way, I won't only be cheering for Hogwarts at the Standoff. I cheer for everyone." She smiled conspiratorially as she said that last part.
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Originally Posted by Watson
"Everyone has one. It's like in tv shows or movies how sometimes a small melody will play whenever they're on screen or doing something that the audience should be paying attention too." Hopefully that made more sense? The thought was rather spontaneous and she just blurted it out. "Merlin if everyone had one, all the songs could clash." And that wouldn't be pleasant to listen to. Full of discord. Not nice.
It wasn't that she was embarrassed. Olivia kept a wary eye on Noelle as she leaned over the bridge a little bit too far for her comfort zone. "Merlin, be careful," she said, not wanting her friend to fall onto the other side. If Noelle did.... Olivia would panic surely. "I'm not embarrassed... I just am cautious. Knowing my luck, he's been behind us the whole time as we've been talking about this." Admitting it meant it was real and she didn't know why she was so stubborn about not admitting it. Admitting it meant that she would be vulnerable..
Now had Olivia seen the show? Oh no, she had not only seen the show, she was an avid fan of the show with knowing many quotes. Privately she fancied herself to be like Robin but she had a feeling that she was much more like Lily in personality. She laughed when Noelle nailed the impression. "It's gonna be.... wait for it.... LEGENDARY." Ah Barney Stinson was a gift to the world... we'll Neil Patrick Harris was at least. Talented, talented man.
Had Olivia liked someone before? She nodded. Last year, she had a crush on a much older friend of hers but he was in a relationship. It was a crush on someone who was completely out of her league. Oliver Finch. He was smart and handsome and very kind. "I had a crush on Oliver Finch last year. He was a seventh year. We're friends." Olivia had never thought about telling the guy though. It hadn't simply crossed her mind nor did she feel compelled to share that. And haaad she kissed someone? "...No. Only on the cheek as a greeting at Beauxbatons." She had never kissed someone before. "Erm... have you kissed someone before?" Curious.
Olivia nodded as she listened to Noelle speak about Noah. She wondered... "Where's Noah now?" she wondered if Noelle missed him.
Noelle tried to place what her theme song would be. Something catchy but strong. She nodded along to a tune in her head. "I'd get annoyed if I walked around and my song starting playing." She said with a little giggle.
Olivia being concerned that Noelle would fall was cute. "I'm fine. I'm fine." She said with a grin while leaning back up straight for her convenience. She watched Olivias face and then looked back behind them. No Ace. " ACE IF YOU"RE ANYWHERE NEAR US, GO AWAY!" Noelle half hollered, only loud enough if he was close. She grinned at Olivia. "Hows that?" She added with a wink.
Yep. She definitely knew the show. "its too bad they don't make shows like that anymore. Not that I watch a lot of television anyways." Mostly because this was Hogwarts and that was a muggle item, but at home, she did on occasion. "It would be... wait for it.... legendary." She said giving a giggle as she sounded like Barney.
"Oliver Finch...." Noelle said, turning her head slightly, trying to figure out if she knew that name. It didn't ring a bell. "I didn't know him, I don't think." Wow. She'd never been kissed properly? "I got my first kiss in second year." She said with a blush.
Speaking of Noah... "He's being homeschooled at the moment. Has some things hes working on or doing. I don't really know a whole lot. We broke up at the beginning of summer. We've been together since second term." Late in second term too. P.S Noelle missed him A LOT.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Looking up at her, he felt particularly small. Which he was NOT. He was basically a grown-up after all. His birthday was soon...ish. And then he was going to be a TEENager. Talk about being a grown-up. So, should he stand up too? So they'd be of equal height? Sort of. Okay, he would still shorter than her but he HAD grown over the summer. And his parents kept saying that he was going to be really tall some day. Only when was that-
She'd called him clever.
He WAS clever, wasn't he? Cameron grinned at her, forgetting all about his previous train of thought. So clever. She looked impressed. "I know. But it's usually very loud in the Common Room." And he preferred the quiet sometimes. Not all the time. He liked hanging out in the common room too. Would she think he was some kind of loner now? Because he wasn't. He had friends. Cool friends. Friends he liked to spend time with. "And I was trying to read." Hence his preference for the quiet. That made sense right?
Had she really just introduced herself? REALLY? "I know." He'd said that before he could stop himself. Cameron topped it off with a smile though. Smooth, right? People liked it when others knew their names, right? "Yes! I do! He's great!" Her brother that is. Mhm. Awesome. "What are you doing out here?" Good question, right? He was quite proud.
Despite the fact that Daisy was looking down at him from the other side of the bridge and Cameron really did look small sitting there, the girl was completely unfazed. Talking to people shorter than her was a daily occurrence since she did have three younger siblings and her height seemed to have stabilized at five feet and ten inches. While the Hogwarts' population seemed to be made up of tall supermodels, there were still a few students who were -- vertically challenged sounded wrong and rude. Not as tall. That sounded better, yes.
She still found it odd that he would choose to read outside, in the cold, roughly a year after two girls had been kidnapped by a random and mysterious portal from that same spot but he did have a point. "I know, that's true." The Slytherin Common Room seemed to randomly fluctuate between periods of great calm and just ... chaos. Either nothing was happening or fights were erupting everywhere. She would know."We have big personalities, I guess. And most of our housemates don't seem to understand that we look out for each other." She ended rather bitterly. It wasn't her intention at all, to either say those words or to have them sound the way they had sounded and she tried to cover it up with her smile. Her best one, all puffed out cheeks and stretched lips.
No need to worry the little snakes with this.
The smile grew more amused at the way he had stated he knew her name and Daisy looked at him curiously. Surprisingly, for one that didn't like having her private life discussed by random people, Daisy didn't really mind this. Cameron could know her name because of Maxton, from classes or even because of Quidditch. It had happened enough times to not strike it as weird or creepy. As for Maxton. "Eeeh, he's alright. Chudley Canons supporter. Terrible thing." Despite the unimpressed look on her face, Daisy was clearly joking; Maxton was too serious and completely unappreciative of her hugs but he was brilliant. Unconsciously, she tugged her gloves further down her hands. "Me? I was running." A terrible thing to do in winter, outside, but it was necessary. Unlike him and his book, which meant that the book was probably interesting. "What are you reading, then?" Hmmm. Was that nosy of her?
After sending word for Roo to meet her, the blonde quickly made her way out to the wooden bridge and plopped down. She cared not if it was wet, snowy, cold, anything. Her life was OVER. Ruined. Crushed. And she just needed her friend. He was always good at distraction and cuddles. Not that Sam wasn't, but she was just in the mood for a Roo right now.
Pulling her wool hat down lower the Gryffindor stared at her hands in her lap. Her nails were horrible at the moment. Atrocious. Hideous. Starting to scrape at the polish she found herself crying. Over spilt nail varnish? Looked that way, certainly. Not that she gave a Merlin's patooty what others might think if they saw her at the moment. She was, honestly, in the mood to fight someone if they crossed her. A feeling that she usually kept at bay.
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by Erindipity
After sending word for Roo to meet her, the blonde quickly made her way out to the wooden bridge and plopped down. She cared not if it was wet, snowy, cold, anything. Her life was OVER. Ruined. Crushed. And she just needed her friend. He was always good at distraction and cuddles. Not that Sam wasn't, but she was just in the mood for a Roo right now.
Pulling her wool hat down lower the Gryffindor stared at her hands in her lap. Her nails were horrible at the moment. Atrocious. Hideous. Starting to scrape at the polish she found herself crying. Over spilt nail varnish? Looked that way, certainly. Not that she gave a Merlin's patooty what others might think if they saw her at the moment. She was, honestly, in the mood to fight someone if they crossed her. A feeling that she usually kept at bay.
Where was a stupid American when she needed one?
Rooney was used to getting messages requiring his company from his sister or Katy, but from Dora it was becoming only a recent thing. It was nice to have a new friend, but he was getting increasingly worried about how she would deal with him being gone come September. Nothing he would voice to her, but just thought he was having. The chill in the air was something he was used to and something he was sure she hadn't accounted for, so he had with him a spare jacket and a blanket if she needed to be draped in something as well as his arms.
As the Ravenclaw settled down to sit beside her, he noticed the tears and instantly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "S'alright. You aren't an ugly crier."
Rooney was used to getting messages requiring his company from his sister or Katy, but from Dora it was becoming only a recent thing. It was nice to have a new friend, but he was getting increasingly worried about how she would deal with him being gone come September. Nothing he would voice to her, but just thought he was having. The chill in the air was something he was used to and something he was sure she hadn't accounted for, so he had with him a spare jacket and a blanket if she needed to be draped in something as well as his arms.
As the Ravenclaw settled down to sit beside her, he noticed the tears and instantly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "S'alright. You aren't an ugly crier."
Dora knew he would be gone next term and well... she was trying not to think of it much, to be honest. Rooney was her security blanket right now. She'd have to face his absence just as she had to face Zander and Zeke's, she knew, but for right now she was going to soak up all of the Rooney times she could.
Dora immediately put her arms around him and laughed a bit. "Course I'm not, " she said softly. Ugly crying was the least of her worries right now, but Merlin love Rooney for that distraction. "I'm sorry, " she muttered as she wiped at her face with one hand. Get it together, Umbridge. GET. IT. TOGETHER.
Studying for OWLs sucked worse than troll boogies.
Twelve subjects. Thanks to a special request from his lovely mother, he was taking them all. To say Cornelius was stressed was the century's greatest understatement. On top of that he had his father nagging him about Quidditch and his diet and fit condition. That wasn't even the tip of the ice berg. Azura has been acting strange, and he understood she was going through things, but he couldn't help feel she was pushing him away.
All in all, he felt like a helpless bum in all aspects of his life.
So, he ran.
Cornelius ran not only to keep in shape, but he ran because he couldn't and wouldn't run away from his problems. Besides, exercise released endorphins.
Endorphins made people happy. Or so science says so.
On this crisp Scottish day, running was taking his breath away. The Slytherin boy ran, and pushed himself. When his legs burned, he only kept going, encouraging himself internally. His muscles ached. They told him to stop, but he did. And when he did, it was because his lungs burned. He stopped only because they told him to. His hands pinched his sides before resting on his knees, breathing had.
Studying for OWLs sucked worse than troll boogies.
Twelve subjects. Thanks to a special request from his lovely mother, he was taking them all. To say Cornelius was stressed was the century's greatest understatement. On top of that he had his father nagging him about Quidditch and his diet and fit condition. That wasn't even the tip of the ice berg. Azura has been acting strange, and he understood she was going through things, but he couldn't help feel she was pushing him away.
All in all, he felt like a helpless bum in all aspects of his life.
So, he ran.
Cornelius ran not only to keep in shape, but he ran because he couldn't and wouldn't run away from his problems. Besides, exercise released endorphins.
Endorphins made people happy. Or so science says so.
On this crisp Scottish day, running was taking his breath away. The Slytherin boy ran, and pushed himself. When his legs burned, he only kept going, encouraging himself internally. His muscles ached. They told him to stop, but he did. And when he did, it was because his lungs burned. He stopped only because they told him to. His hands pinched his sides before resting on his knees, breathing had.
Killer run.
Ciara was in desperate need of some sunshine, and warm weather. She would even take any kind of warmer weather at this point. Today was a nice day for a nice walk around the grounds, and maybe sit by the lake and work on somethings.
As luck would have it, she had forgotten to bring any kind of work out with her. So it was just going to be a walk of the grounds. Perfect!
She took her time walking around, over the wooden bridge. Stopping in front the boys on his knees. ”Hello Mister Baltazar. Are you alright?” Still trying to figure out why he was on his knees.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Ciara was in desperate need of some sunshine, and warm weather. She would even take any kind of warmer weather at this point. Today was a nice day for a nice walk around the grounds, and maybe sit by the lake and work on somethings.
As luck would have it, she had forgotten to bring any kind of work out with her. So it was just going to be a walk of the grounds. Perfect!
She took her time walking around, over the wooden bridge. Stopping in front the boys on his knees. ”Hello Mister Baltazar. Are you alright?” Still trying to figure out why he was on his knees.
Ah, he was tired. Pushing himself to the max felt like a good idea. WAS it a good idea? Probably yes, for conditioning. Was it a good idea now? His lung hollered at him that it was a terrible idea. The boy chuckled to himself softly, imagining a comic of severely angry pair of lungs.
At the sound of footsteps he grew quiet, only his heaving breaths the only sound coming from him.
The Potions Mistress. Cornelius stood up straight and grinned amiably at the woman. "Yes, just attempted to run like a roadrunner," he said. He was in his sweats, hair a mass of curls and sweaty. He did not feel he was presentable enough to be in a professor's presence, but what could he do? Ask her to wait while he went off to get all handsome? Nah. He was the sweaty kind of handsome.
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Vial in hand, Noelle led the way down to the grounds to take the potion that she just made with Professor Stewart supervising. She was excited to try the potion with the professor. This should be a bucket list quest checked off!
Seeing as the weather was nicer, most people were more outside than inside. So finding a spot was a little difficult.
Noelle headed to the bridge which was a little deserted. Once there, she turned around to face the Professor. "Hows this look?" She asked.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
SPOILER!!: Noelle!
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur
Vial in hand, Noelle led the way down to the grounds to take the potion that she just made with Professor Stewart supervising. She was excited to try the potion with the professor. This should be a bucket list quest checked off!
Seeing as the weather was nicer, most people were more outside than inside. So finding a spot was a little difficult.
Noelle headed to the bridge which was a little deserted. Once there, she turned around to face the Professor. "Hows this look?" She asked.
Professor Stewart kept her pace matched with Noelle's as they made their way from the Potions Lab outside onto the grounds. The weather was getting much nicer and there was a larger amount of students outside than she had expected.
Walking a little bit content with the silence the pair came to the bridge. Looking around the area, Camilla nodded firmly. "This looks fine. Just so we pay attention to our surroundings at all times I don't foresee any issues." In simple terms they needed to keep an eye out for other students, staff and creatures.
Lifting the vial to her face she glanced at her student. "Are we ready? On three?" If they drank at the same time or very close to it they would change back at the same time as well.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Professor Stewart kept her pace matched with Noelle's as they made their way from the Potions Lab outside onto the grounds. The weather was getting much nicer and there was a larger amount of students outside than she had expected.
Walking a little bit content with the silence the pair came to the bridge. Looking around the area, Camilla nodded firmly. "This looks fine. Just so we pay attention to our surroundings at all times I don't foresee any issues." In simple terms they needed to keep an eye out for other students, staff and creatures.
Lifting the vial to her face she glanced at her student. "Are we ready? On three?" If they drank at the same time or very close to it they would change back at the same time as well.
Alright!! It was about time!
Noelle grinned as she faced the professor. She seemed to be in cahoots with the choice place. Noelle held up her vial. "Okay. On the count of three!" She raised the vial to her lips. Knowing if they took it at approximately the same time, they would stay the animal the same time, she counted out slowly. "1....
At three, Noelle drank the vial, making sure that the professor was drinking with her.
Having taken the potion before, she knew that there was some pain to the changing. I mean... she was turning into an animal. Small price to pay. She dropped the vial, made a little note in the back of her mind to pick it up after the change, and felt the sensation roll through her body as she began to change.
It didn't take long, but there were short bursts of sighs and grunts as the pain came and she went from a long legged, brown haired teenager to a short brown haired, green eyed crup.
She yipped in excitement.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
SPOILER!!: Noelle!
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur
Alright!! It was about time!
Noelle grinned as she faced the professor. She seemed to be in cahoots with the choice place. Noelle held up her vial. "Okay. On the count of three!" She raised the vial to her lips. Knowing if they took it at approximately the same time, they would stay the animal the same time, she counted out slowly. "1....
At three, Noelle drank the vial, making sure that the professor was drinking with her.
Having taken the potion before, she knew that there was some pain to the changing. I mean... she was turning into an animal. Small price to pay. She dropped the vial, made a little note in the back of her mind to pick it up after the change, and felt the sensation roll through her body as she began to change.
It didn't take long, but there were short bursts of sighs and grunts as the pain came and she went from a long legged, brown haired teenager to a short brown haired, green eyed crup.
She yipped in excitement.
When consuming a potion that would allow you to transform into something different knowing where you were was ideal. As was how much space you would have should it be needed. They were outside and there wasn't many students or staff around so they shouldn't have much to worry about.
Camilla nodded allowing Noelle to countdown for them. Raising the vial to her lips, the transfiguration professor didn't consume it's contents just yet. She was waiting to ensure that Noelle's transformation went well first. When the teen girl was no longer a girl but an adorable crup, Cami smiled warmly. "Alright good, here we go..." she told the girl/crup, tipping the vial back and drinking the terrible tasting potion.
It had been a long time since she had experienced transforming into an animal this way and it was by no means a walk in the park. It only took moments for the initial pain to wear off and the changes to begin, the vial slipping from her hand to land in the grass, she would pick that up later.
Within only a minute or two where Camilla had been standing was now a dark brown furred crup with dark chocolate brown eyes, tail wagging happily. Yeah, being a crup was nothing at all like being a kangaroo.
This was certainly going to take a bit to get used to.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!