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The legendary portable swamp created by Fred and George Weasley was once large enough to consume the entire middle section of the first floor corridor, leading from the Dark Arts office to the History of Magic classroom. Nowadays, only a small section of the corridor is roped off in tribute of the redhead twins' swamp, but it is a historic section nonetheless.
The remaining swamp still SMELLS like authentic swamp, LOOKS like authentic swamp, BUBBLES like authentic swamp, and will suck you in like an authentic swamp, if you so wish to step in it. Avoid the swamp with care is the best advice you should heed while on the first floor, especially if you're running late to class.
Ok maybe Théo had no idea why he was here at the Swamp or maybe he wanted to see if anyone had fallen or if anyone had dropped anything. Ok he will admit it he was bored. He could maybe bother his dormmates or something. But he did not think of that until he was here. So he was not walking back to do that.Too much effort for that. So he would just find something to do at the Swamp until he got bored or whatever.
Maybe he should go to the pitch and fly on his broom.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok
Ok maybe Théo had no idea why he was here at the Swamp or maybe he wanted to see if anyone had fallen or if anyone had dropped anything. Ok he will admit it he was bored. He could maybe bother his dormmates or something. But he did not think of that until he was here. So he was not walking back to do that.Too much effort for that. So he would just find something to do at the Swamp until he got bored or whatever.
Maybe he should go to the pitch and fly on his broom.
See like our young protagonist, Théo Montmorency, Zoryn Spinnet was also bored, however, she would never admit it. Because Zoryn hated "bored" the same way she hated when the ice melted into her apple juice and made it all watery. In other words, she hated "bored" a whole heck of a lot.
Which was why she was on her way to the great swamp of second floor corridor to go... CROCODILE HUNTING!!!!!! It was too cold for the lake okay, she wasn't an idiot. This wasn't her first choice. It wasn't ideal, but she'd fake it 'til she made it. She came in tow with all the necessary crocodile hunting gear, including the ridiculous bucket hat on her head and RIDICULOUS er-"Australian" accent.
"Aye, Théoooooooooooor!" And the Hogwarts-gods had blessed her once again. She had a hunting partner! And lucky for him, she brought an EXTRA (truly extra) ridiculous bucket hat. Beaming at him, she pulled it out of her backpack and slapped it on his head. "Youse reh-dey to go croc cat-chin, mate?"
The second year suddenly whipped her head around at the sound of a faint noise, pulling out her binoculars and moving her ear to lay against the wall. "Leh-sten, gottah be cloh-se,"
She was NAILING THIS ACCENT. Probably one of her best performances YET.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
See like our young protagonist, Théo Montmorency, Zoryn Spinnet was also bored, however, she would never admit it. Because Zoryn hated "bored" the same way she hated when the ice melted into her apple juice and made it all watery. In other words, she hated "bored" a whole heck of a lot.
Which was why she was on her way to the great swamp of second floor corridor to go... CROCODILE HUNTING!!!!!! It was too cold for the lake okay, she wasn't an idiot. This wasn't her first choice. It wasn't ideal, but she'd fake it 'til she made it. She came in tow with all the necessary crocodile hunting gear, including the ridiculous bucket hat on her head and RIDICULOUS er-"Australian" accent.
"Aye, Théoooooooooooor!" And the Hogwarts-gods had blessed her once again. She had a hunting partner! And lucky for him, she brought an EXTRA (truly extra) ridiculous bucket hat. Beaming at him, she pulled it out of her backpack and slapped it on his head. "Youse reh-dey to go croc cat-chin, mate?"
The second year suddenly whipped her head around at the sound of a faint noise, pulling out her binoculars and moving her ear to lay against the wall. "Leh-sten, gottah be cloh-se,"
She was NAILING THIS ACCENT. Probably one of her best performances YET.
HUH, Théo knew that voice and even that terrible accent. It was worse than his fake american accent.Which to tell the truth was really bad. "Zoryn??". Whoa now he has a bucket hat on his head. Cro Catchin. Théo smiled before adjusting the hat so he could see. Well was there crocodiles in this swamp??? Since it was this school you never know. So sure why not. Croc catchin sounded fun. But how did you catch a croc. Did you have to wrestle it.
"Ready as i will ever be Cap"
She was the captain right now. Oh wait they were suppose to be quiet and not try and scare any crocs. Ok Théo was getting this. First time for him. He was listening but maybe he scared it away by talking to her. He whispered back
"You see anything in the swamp"
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok
HUH, Théo knew that voice and even that terrible accent. It was worse than his fake american accent.Which to tell the truth was really bad. "Zoryn??". Whoa now he has a bucket hat on his head. Cro Catchin. Théo smiled before adjusting the hat so he could see. Well was there crocodiles in this swamp??? Since it was this school you never know. So sure why not. Croc catchin sounded fun. But how did you catch a croc. Did you have to wrestle it.
"Ready as i will ever be Cap"
She was the captain right now. Oh wait they were suppose to be quiet and not try and scare any crocs. Ok Théo was getting this. First time for him. He was listening but maybe he scared it away by talking to her. He whispered back
"You see anything in the swamp"
"Noooooohr, she shook her head wildly. "Who's Zoh-rehn? I'm the Croc Catch-ah, mate." Was she going a little overboard? Maybe. But then again, didn't she always? Don't answer that.
Zoryn returned the smile her friend wore when he realized their mission at the swamp. Glad he was on board 'cause otherwise this would've been reaaaaaaaaal awkward. For him, of course. Zoryn never felt awkward. Mostly because she had no shame. Again she reached into her backpack, this time pulling out a big net by it's long handle and held it out for her partner in crime croc catchin'. Extension charms were the only spell that she mastered. Then she pulled out a second one for herself. These were big enough to catch a giant crocodile, right? Definitely not.
She kept a calculated look on her face, pretending to know exactly what she was doing when in reality she was fairly certain that there weren't any crocodiles in this swamp. But its called acting after all. "Hmmmmmm...." she hummed, squatting down and putting her nose real close to the swampy water. "I don't see any--" AND THEN SHE SHOT UP INTO THE AIR-- "GASP!" Yes she actually said that. "Do ya seeeee the puh-ddles?"
There was definitely a trail of water... But did the puddle prints belong to a crocodile or just some first year who accidentally went for a smelly swim? Either scenario had a high likelihood.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
"Noooooohr, she shook her head wildly. "Who's Zoh-rehn? I'm the Croc Catch-ah, mate." Was she going a little overboard? Maybe. But then again, didn't she always? Don't answer that.
Zoryn returned the smile her friend wore when he realized their mission at the swamp. Glad he was on board 'cause otherwise this would've been reaaaaaaaaal awkward. For him, of course. Zoryn never felt awkward. Mostly because she had no shame. Again she reached into her backpack, this time pulling out a big net by it's long handle and held it out for her partner in crime croc catchin'. Extension charms were the only spell that she mastered. Then she pulled out a second one for herself. These were big enough to catch a giant crocodile, right? Definitely not.
She kept a calculated look on her face, pretending to know exactly what she was doing when in reality she was fairly certain that there weren't any crocodiles in this swamp. But its called acting after all. "Hmmmmmm...." she hummed, squatting down and putting her nose real close to the swampy water. "I don't see any--" AND THEN SHE SHOT UP INTO THE AIR-- "GASP!" Yes she actually said that. "Do ya seeeee the puh-ddles?"
There was definitely a trail of water... But did the puddle prints belong to a crocodile or just some first year who accidentally went for a smelly swim? Either scenario had a high likelihood.
Ok Ok she was deep into character now and Théo was smiling. "Aye, Mate. I got ya now" Always overboard and he was loving it. He always loved it so maybe it was besides the point. WHOA when did she learn to do extension charms. Could she teach him. He grabbed the net and thanked her. But would this net really work or did it have magic on it to help. Probably not but a boy could dream.
Théo got as close to the water as he could trying to see what Zoryn was looking at but well he was not seeing anything.
He took his net and scoop a shoe out of the swamp.
Either some first year lost it in the swamp and decided not to go after it or a croc ate someone. Definitely the first
"A shoe"
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok
Ok Ok she was deep into character now and Théo was smiling. "Aye, Mate. I got ya now" Always overboard and he was loving it. He always loved it so maybe it was besides the point. WHOA when did she learn to do extension charms. Could she teach him. He grabbed the net and thanked her. But would this net really work or did it have magic on it to help. Probably not but a boy could dream.
Théo got as close to the water as he could trying to see what Zoryn was looking at but well he was not seeing anything.
He took his net and scoop a shoe out of the swamp.
Either some first year lost it in the swamp and decided not to go after it or a croc ate someone. Definitely the first
"A shoe"
Zoryn smiled BIG at Théo, who was quick to catch on. She appreciated that about him. It made this whole thing a lot easier. She thought she was gonna have to recruit some rando to join her.
At the boy's exclamation, the second year popped up in excitement. She was practically bouncing on the balls of her feet. "What is it, what IS IT, WHAT IS IT!?!?!".... O_____o "A shoe?" she echoed her friend, in an incredulous tone.
"Oh nooooooooorh!" ZOMG. BIG EYES as realization dawned on her. "This is sooooooh ba-ahd!!" Reaching her hand into his net, she fished out the shoe. Looks rather small, maybe a first year? .... Or could be a second year. WHAT IF IT WAS DERF??? "Théooooooorh, do y'know what that means?"It means someone must've lost a shoe."Do y'think we're toooh lah-ate?" Zoryn went for the second one. Maybe the crocodile hadn't eaten them yet!
Zoryn's head was buzzing with possibilities. On one hand they were meant to be catching crocodiles. On the other hand they were in the midst of an investigation. And on the other, other hand... This was a really nice shoe.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Zoryn smiled BIG at Théo, who was quick to catch on. She appreciated that about him. It made this whole thing a lot easier. She thought she was gonna have to recruit some rando to join her.
At the boy's exclamation, the second year popped up in excitement. She was practically bouncing on the balls of her feet. "What is it, what IS IT, WHAT IS IT!?!?!".... O_____o "A shoe?" she echoed her friend, in an incredulous tone.
"Oh nooooooooorh!" ZOMG. BIG EYES as realization dawned on her. "This is sooooooh ba-ahd!!" Reaching her hand into his net, she fished out the shoe. Looks rather small, maybe a first year? .... Or could be a second year. WHAT IF IT WAS DERF??? "Théooooooorh, do y'know what that means?"It means someone must've lost a shoe."Do y'think we're toooh lah-ate?" Zoryn went for the second one. Maybe the crocodile hadn't eaten them yet!
Zoryn's head was buzzing with possibilities. On one hand they were meant to be catching crocodiles. On the other hand they were in the midst of an investigation. And on the other, other hand... This was a really nice shoe.
YEP just a shoe.
Uhhhh Théo watched as she took the shoe and why did she want to touch it. It had been in a digusting swamp. But ok. He shook his head because nope he did not know what it means. Or hoped he didnt.
"You don't think a croc ate a firstie???"
No they can be too late. They were the heros of whatever this was. NO WAY THEY WERE LATE.
Did Zoryn or Croc CatChin Mate want to throw the shoe as far as they can in the swamp because that is kinda what Théo wanted to do right now.
"Can i throw the shoe?"
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok
YEP just a shoe.
Uhhhh Théo watched as she took the shoe and why did she want to touch it. It had been in a digusting swamp. But ok. He shook his head because nope he did not know what it means. Or hoped he didnt.
"You don't think a croc ate a firstie???"
No they can be too late. They were the heros of whatever this was. NO WAY THEY WERE LATE.
Did Zoryn or Croc CatChin Mate want to throw the shoe as far as they can in the swamp because that is kinda what Théo wanted to do right now.
"Can i throw the shoe?"
"MAYBE?????????" Zoryn was WIDE-EYED IN EXCITEMENT. I mean like, yeah it would be really bad if a crocodile actually ate a firstie BUT WHAT IF THEY GOT TO SAVE THE FIRSTIE AND BE HEROES?????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Dude." Where did her pseudo-Australian accent go? "We HAVE to solve this! It's a MISSING PERSON CASE!!!" Or maybe even A MURDER CASE!!!
G A S P.
"Théo, this is EVIDENCE!" She held the shoe up in the air, as if it were REALLY important and not soaking wet and stinky.
So no, he could not throw it back in. That would ruin the whole thing. He could throw it in after though. Once they were the Heroes of Hogwarts, he could probably do whatever he wanted.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
"MAYBE?????????" Zoryn was WIDE-EYED IN EXCITEMENT. I mean like, yeah it would be really bad if a crocodile actually ate a firstie BUT WHAT IF THEY GOT TO SAVE THE FIRSTIE AND BE HEROES?????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Dude." Where did her pseudo-Australian accent go? "We HAVE to solve this! It's a MISSING PERSON CASE!!!" Or maybe even A MURDER CASE!!!
G A S P.
"Théo, this is EVIDENCE!" She held the shoe up in the air, as if it were REALLY important and not soaking wet and stinky.
So no, he could not throw it back in. That would ruin the whole thing. He could throw it in after though. Once they were the Heroes of Hogwarts, he could probably do whatever he wanted.
So they were done trying to find the crocodile now or was it an alligator. Théo had already forgot. Murder Case now. Did she bring those hats Sherlock Holmes has. Maybe he should ask.
"You have the sherlock holmes hat. That would be cool with this"
They had evidence and all now and stuff. The hat and maybe a maginfy glass would help. Or you know the camera on his phone if it would ever work in this school. Ok he could throw the shoe yet. But he had to ask. Théo got closer to the shoe and stared at it looking for clues. Since he thought that was what you are suppose to do or what he say on TV at home.
"I think i see something inside the shoe besides swamp water"
He poked his finger inside the shoe.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok
So they were done trying to find the crocodile now or was it an alligator. Théo had already forgot. Murder Case now. Did she bring those hats Sherlock Holmes has. Maybe he should ask.
"You have the sherlock holmes hat. That would be cool with this"
They had evidence and all now and stuff. The hat and maybe a maginfy glass would help. Or you know the camera on his phone if it would ever work in this school. Ok he could throw the shoe yet. But he had to ask. Théo got closer to the shoe and stared at it looking for clues. Since he thought that was what you are suppose to do or what he say on TV at home.
"I think i see something inside the shoe besides swamp water"
He poked his finger inside the shoe.
Definitely done with the crocodile. Or alligator. Or all of the above.
Zoryn had a short attention span. And a MURDER was WAY cooler than any sea monster could ever be!!!!!!!! WHAT IF THEY MADE IT IN THE PROPHET FOR THIS??!?!?!?
"Duuuuuuuuuh," she beamed, scooping the bucket-hat straight off Théo's head and reaching into her backpack to find a crime-solving one instead. "Lesson one, Théo, an actress or actor," she clarified, "Always comes prepared." And with that she replaced her own hat as well. Aaaaaaand held out a mininotepad for Théo incase he wanted it.
And now they were ready.
"O.M.G. WHATDOYOUSEE??????" Zoryn bounced on her feet, trying to peer over and look inside. Except Théo's finger was sorta blocking her view.
What if it was a clue??????
"My bet's on the librarian," she said matter-of-factly. "There's no way anyone's THAT happy to be around books all the time." Plus he had access to the ENTIRE restricted section. There was probably LOADS in there on how to kidnap a first year. "Very suspicious," she jotted some KEY points into her notepad
Originally Posted by Blues Clues
Stinky swamp shoe - size of a firstie or a very tiny adult
Librarian - too happy; #1 person of interest
Note-To-Self: Pack sandwiches next time. Murders make me hungry
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Definitely done with the crocodile. Or alligator. Or all of the above.
Zoryn had a short attention span. And a MURDER was WAY cooler than any sea monster could ever be!!!!!!!! WHAT IF THEY MADE IT IN THE PROPHET FOR THIS??!?!?!?
"Duuuuuuuuuh," she beamed, scooping the bucket-hat straight off Théo's head and reaching into her backpack to find a crime-solving one instead. "Lesson one, Théo, an actress or actor," she clarified, "Always comes prepared." And with that she replaced her own hat as well. Aaaaaaand held out a mininotepad for Théo incase he wanted it.
And now they were ready.
"O.M.G. WHATDOYOUSEE??????" Zoryn bounced on her feet, trying to peer over and look inside. Except Théo's finger was sorta blocking her view.
What if it was a clue??????
"My bet's on the librarian," she said matter-of-factly. "There's no way anyone's THAT happy to be around books all the time." Plus he had access to the ENTIRE restricted section. There was probably LOADS in there on how to kidnap a first year. "Very suspicious," she jotted some KEY points into her notepad
By now Théo was used to her short attention span. But was still amazed that she was even prepared for a murder mystery. Before he knew it he did not have a bucket hat and now had an awesome hat and a cool notepad. And now they were ready for this investigation. WAIT THEY WERE MISSING ANOTHER VITAL PIECE OF THIS. SUPER IMPORTANT
"Zoryn. you have a fake mustache in that bag for me?"
He need one for this to work 110 percent.
He moved his finger to get a better look at whatever was in the shoe and well...it was not as interesting as what he first imagined it would be
"Its just a bertie bott bean"
How did one just in this shoe. Another mystery. Librarian. Well he did build that book maze.
"Think we should go ask him questions?"
Originally Posted by Théo Notes
I dont know what i should be writing but Zoryn looks like she is so i best look like im doing something.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: The game is afoot, Watson
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok
By now Théo was used to her short attention span. But was still amazed that she was even prepared for a murder mystery. Before he knew it he did not have a bucket hat and now had an awesome hat and a cool notepad. And now they were ready for this investigation. WAIT THEY WERE MISSING ANOTHER VITAL PIECE OF THIS. SUPER IMPORTANT
"Zoryn. you have a fake mustache in that bag for me?"
He need one for this to work 110 percent.
He moved his finger to get a better look at whatever was in the shoe and well...it was not as interesting as what he first imagined it would be
"Its just a bertie bott bean"
How did one just in this shoe. Another mystery. Librarian. Well he did build that book maze.
"Think we should go ask him questions?"
A fake mustache? This was maybe the only thing the second year hadn't prepared for. Hm. She began to shake her head no, before jumping up and thrusting a finger in the air. "No, but I've got the next best thing!" She threw one of the straps of her backpack off her shoulder and swung the body in front of her and began fishing through it's contents. "A black marker!" She had these incase they needed them for muggle studies. For some reason Professor S freaked the heck out if you used quills. INSANITY.
"Hold still so I can draw one on ya!" She wasn't an artist, but she was an ACTRESS so she could ACT like an ARTIST. Full proof. Théo trusted her, right?
She leaned forward again to see what Théo was uncovering. YEeeeeeees? YEEEEEEEES? YEEEEEEEEEEEE!?!?!? .... A bertie bott bean? "Dare ya to it eat!!!" This wasn't supposed to help with solving the murder. It was purely for her own enjoyment. 'Sides, she wanted to see if her friend had it in him. Mhm.
But AHEM. Back to the murder. Or kidnapping. OR WHATEVER THIS WAS. She had to keep reminding herself to focus. Focusing was SO HARD. "YEAH! Let's go to the library, Watson!" 'Cause if they were playing roles here, he was definitely the sidekick.
Originally Posted by Super Top Secret Information
Stinky swamp shoe - size of a firstie or a very tiny adult
Librarian - too happy; #1 person of interest
Note-To-Self: Pack sandwiches next time. Murders make me hungry
How did jelly beans get in a shoe?
Definitely pack sandwiches next time
Next move: library
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
A fake mustache? This was maybe the only thing the second year hadn't prepared for. Hm. She began to shake her head no, before jumping up and thrusting a finger in the air. "No, but I've got the next best thing!" She threw one of the straps of her backpack off her shoulder and swung the body in front of her and began fishing through it's contents. "A black marker!" She had these incase they needed them for muggle studies. For some reason Professor S freaked the heck out if you used quills. INSANITY.
"Hold still so I can draw one on ya!" She wasn't an artist, but she was an ACTRESS so she could ACT like an ARTIST. Full proof. Théo trusted her, right?
She leaned forward again to see what Théo was uncovering. YEeeeeeees? YEEEEEEEES? YEEEEEEEEEEEE!?!?!? .... A bertie bott bean? "Dare ya to it eat!!!" This wasn't supposed to help with solving the murder. It was purely for her own enjoyment. 'Sides, she wanted to see if her friend had it in him. Mhm.
But AHEM. Back to the murder. Or kidnapping. OR WHATEVER THIS WAS. She had to keep reminding herself to focus. Focusing was SO HARD. "YEAH! Let's go to the library, Watson!" 'Cause if they were playing roles here, he was definitely the sidekick.
...so no for the moustache. But he had no idea what the next best thing was. WAIT why did she have a marker out. Théo was trying to think of any time he even seen her draw. Was it better that stick figures. And he hoped so. He trusted her as much as he could. Which meant yeah he was going to let her draw on his face.
"Ok draw a mustache. Just make it a good one"
He was not going to eat it. It was in a shoe and in the swamp that was gross.
"No, but give me a target to throw it at?"
Uh, right murder mystery, hats, notepads things. They had a appointment with the Librarian. So that meant they were going to the library now. Well Théo tried to avoid that place because too many people studying and stuff. But guess they had to now. They were in too deep. Théo scribled some more notes down when he had a chance.
Wait he did not want to hold this shoe the whole way.
Originally Posted by Notes
-Guess we are really going to the library????
-Also wonder when they could take a break because i have to find the bathroom soon
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok
...so no for the moustache. But he had no idea what the next best thing was. WAIT why did she have a marker out. Théo was trying to think of any time he even seen her draw. Was it better that stick figures. And he hoped so. He trusted her as much as he could. Which meant yeah he was going to let her draw on his face.
"Ok draw a mustache. Just make it a good one"
He was not going to eat it. It was in a shoe and in the swamp that was gross.
"No, but give me a target to throw it at?"
Uh, right murder mystery, hats, notepads things. They had a appointment with the Librarian. So that meant they were going to the library now. Well Théo tried to avoid that place because too many people studying and stuff. But guess they had to now. They were in too deep. Théo scribled some more notes down when he had a chance.
Wait he did not want to hold this shoe the whole way.
"Duuuuuuuuuuuuh, Théo! I'll make it the best mustache in the history of all mustaches EVER," she nodded loads before uncapping the black marker and bringing it close to his face. With all the concentration she could muster, Zoryn wiggled a mustache under his nose. She even added little curly ends to it for aesthetics sake.
She took a step back to admire her handy work, tilting her head from side to side as if she was considering whether it looked legit enough. After a couple of seconds in silence, "You look GREAT!" she announced.
AHA. Now that he had a mustache and they had their hats, it was almost time to run off and find the librarian. Mhm. But first, the jellybean. "Awwww," so he wouldn't eat it? "Throw it at that guys head!" she pointed to a passerbyer walking down just a few feet away.
She GRINNED as she took the lead!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!