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The Courtyard Banner credit: FwooperOnYourLeft The Courtyard is where the students spend their time between lessons if they’re not in their Common Room or the Great Hall. Its architecture reveals the Courtyard to be one of the oldest parts of the castle. It connects the castle with the Grounds and also leads to the Wooden Bridge. |
Wife. Part of him had wanted to meet with Olivia outside of her common room and escort her out to the grounds for their date, but he had wanted to spent time setting up and not leave their area alone for someone to ruin. So he settled with giving her a time to get here for on the note he had given to her after their walk three days ago. It had read something along the lines of: I've promised to prove to you every day that my heart is yours. Join me on Saturday afternoon to begin my new tradition. I love you forever, Olivia Lynn. Courtyard at 11am, don't wrap up too warm.He had been out here since 8:30, after grabbing breakfast and all of the things he needed. Setting up on the grass area, but still near the fountain (as that was what he needed for all of this), Rooney had laid out four dark blankets to make a large square surface area. Each of the blankets had a mild heating fabric woven into them, something which Rooney thought was genius for outdoor picnics in the later months of the year. As time got closer to 11, he had journeyed into the kitchens to grab food for his basket of love. There were potatoes of all kinds, because his love loved them and that meant that he loved them too. Heart shaped cupcakes, heart shaped sandwiches, juice in cups laden with hearts, heart confetti, heart napkins... There was a whole lot of hearts in this here basket. Even the ribbon wrapped diligently around the handles was heart printed. And so was the fabric coating the inside. Rooney was magnificently ready to just spend time with Liv without the stress of school and everything else. Before their castle was overwhelmed with a whole other spectrum of students from across the pond. Anyone would think that he was about to propose to her, with how much effort he was going to. But that had actually been the easiest thing he had ever done in August in the place that meant a lot to them, in the city that they had once considered for their future. This future. As he wandered the perimeter of the blankets, he adjusted the positioning of a large purple scrapbook and three gift boxes. Where was his Queen? |
Needless to say, Olivia was not in the best place lately. Ever since the train ride returning to Hogwarts, the blonde had found herself in a constant state of unbalance and turmoil. Monthly pains had lent themselves to most of this, but since that was long gone...Well, she'd been focusing on the ickles. Liv had been planning a small tea party for them. Because it was her strength, and such... And the younger kids made her happy. It was literally the only thing making her happy right now. That wasn't right. That was a warning sign. ...but she'd kept her discontent to herself. To the Gryffindor's messy, teenage mind, it seemed selfless enough, but in all actuality... it was fear. Fear of the unknown; fear of uncertainty... She was a terrible Gryffindor. A cowardly Gryffindor, even. Merlin's panties, what had Rooney done....? Olivia slowed her pace as she neared the laid out blankets, book, and gifts?...eyes a little wide. For a moment, the blonde stood perfectly still, surprised that there were wrapped presents. Rooney knew she hated that. If she were being given something, it was only fair that she be allowed to return the favor. Otherwise, it didn't feel right to her. Material things... She hoped the items weren't expensive, if they happened to be bought from a store. But then again, Rooney did enjoy making things... It was hard to say. "Hello." |
Grin extending from ear to ear, Roo embraced his girlfriend with a hug first and a cheek kiss afterwards. "Hello, love. Did anyone ever tell you that you were exceptionally beautiful in this life?" In any other life that Livvy lived, he knew that she would be beautiful - but this one was the one he got to experience with her and by golly was she the most beautiful being that he had ever encountered and knew that he would encounter. Oh, the love. Oh, the adoration. He took her hand, raising it to give her a spin and show her off to anyone that was looking and thought they dared have a chance with her. This one was his and he was hers. Right? That was the extent of their love story, was it not? They were in love and devoted to one another. Rooney was. And he didn't doubt Liv's feelings towards him. She had just been so very stressed with it being her exam year and her mother being the way she was. Perhaps Brinlee could cheer her up later with an orange - Brin cheered everyone up with oranges. "I have food and things to show you!" Not presents, per se. But just things that required lovely presentation in boxes wrapped in ribbons. "Come sit down, my love. Take a seat, I'll get you a drink and we'll begin!" |
Autumn was Olivia's favorite season at Hogwarts. Leaves were in the midst of changing colors and the temperature was much more bearable. With a warm jumper, the girl found herself a seat on the edge of the fountain. Crossing her legs, she sat on the lip of the fountain and pulled out a music composition notebook and began flipping through a few pages. Hmm... Yes. Today was the perfect day to write a new melody. But what melody would she create? She tapped her chin and began staring at the page, trying to hum. |
As she reached the courtyard she saw that it was mostly empty though it seemed that Olivia was busy at work on something. She smiled at the girl. "Hello, Miss Holden. Isn't this a lovely afternoon? Was she intruding? Because if so she would be on her way and leave Olivia in peace! |
"Are you out on a walk Professor?" |
For Pidgey/Ali/Professor Stewart Kimi was out in the courtyard to get some fresh air he had just finished all of his homework and he felt that getting out of the castle for some air was a good idea so he took a seat in the courtyard and looked at his notebook to see if he was keeping on top of his medication |
Brent needed some fresh in air in order to process what had just happened. He was randomly (or maybe not randomly?) selected by some book to compete in this huge magical competition in front of ALLLLL of his friends. Not to mention that some of the people he'd be competing against were his former housemates at the opposing school. Not to mention Madelyn Cunningham was here, at the very school she'd broken up with him over. Being a teenager was hard. he reached the courtyard area and took a seat on a nearby bench. There were literally so many thoughts running through his head at one time. What exactly was this competition? What if he was the first to be eliminated? What if he made himself out to be an idiot in front of everybody? What was going on between he and Skylar? Why did Madelyn Cunningham come here? Did Madelyn Cunningham still snog the same way she did when she was thirteen-years-old? Hmm... |
Her hair pulled high on her head the fifth year bounced through the courtyard until she saw the exact person she was not sure how she felt about seeing. "Brent" she gave a soft smile as she moved closer to him. "I almost forgot you went here." She hadn't forgotten, it was the first thing she thought of when she found out they were going, but she wasn't going to give him the benefit of the doubt of him knowing she did. She had been the one to break up with him, but she knew they were only 13 and he was going so far away. It just hadn't been meant to be, but now they were here face to face. "Congrats on being one of the competitors. Y'all seem to have a great group going up against us." |
"Oh, yes. Well I wanted to get out of the castle for a little bit. What about you? Doing homework?" Or was she working on something else? |
It was a nice day to get out of the castle. "Oh no, not homework," began Olivia as she flipped open her book to show the Professor what she had been working on. "I'm working on a song. I haven't decided the lyrics but I know what it will sound like. I hear these melodies and just need to stop and write them down." |
Text Cut: Bazinga Whoa. WHOOOOOA. That voice. Brent looked up but not at her just yet. He just looked straight forward then slooooowly turned his gaze toward her. He hated himself for it, but his heart sank. He was still hurt by the way he'd fallen for her, and then she'd just dropped him so fast. He didn't know what to do, so he just stood up and faced her. "Madelyn," he said, returning the same greeting she'd given him, except with her name instead of his. Merlin, she was pretty. "You almost forgot," he repeated, nodding slowly as he realized she'd probably just forgot all about him while he spent most of last summer holed up in his room over her. "Well, here I am, a Hogwarts student." He shifted his weight from one foot to the other then tried to get a grip on things. "Thanks," he said, "I'm pretty pumped up about the competition." Let's cut right to the chase, though. "So how was fourth year?" |
Oh, so it wasn't homework. Rosalyn was rather impressed. All her students had talents and different ways to be creative. "Wonderful! Are you considering a career in music?" As she spoke, she joined Olivia on the bench. |
for Emmeline/anyone else if they want ^_^ It wasn’t breaking the rules. Not really. Stasya refused to believe that her squirrel was only allowed in the barn, even if Dobby had to stay there at night and while she was in classes and all those times. Besides, she wanted him to get to see Hogwarts too, and obviously that couldn’t be accomplished if all they saw was the barn and pastures. She had to be allowed to take him elsewhere. On walks, if anyone asked, even if the squirrel generally was riding on her shoulder. She wasn’t going to try to smuggle him inside the castle. Not now, anyway, although she’d reserved the option of trying when winter fell unless the barn proved to be warm enough. Dobby was little. That meant he couldn’t handle freezing cold like the bigger creatures. Dobby was possibly almost smaller than her puffskein was, or she figured that might happen eventually. When Albus got bigger. But the squirrel was on her shoulder as she’d walked through the courtyard, occasionally telling him things about Hogwarts as they passed them. The castle wall, the fountain…the pathway to other parts of the grounds she intended on exploring at some point. She felt like the red squirrel deserved to know, and nobody else was around to listen to her. It was her little alone moment. Alone with Dobby, unless someone decided to walk by. Everyone seemed awfully distracted by the competition though. |
A career in music? Hmm... Olivia had certainly thought about a career in music but she wasn't sure if she would like performing or entertaining like a pop star or a band. "I don't know. I'm fascinated with scores used in films. I think that would be pretty cool to explore. I'm not sure if I would want to get onstage and sing and perform. I don't really have much of a singing voice." She had taken singing lessons at Beauxbatons but had stopped when she had gotten to Hogwarts. She still sung every day in the shower though or when she was walking by herself. "I love music but I'm also interested in charms and healing." And she loved history and archaeology too. "And archaeology and history. I'd love to pursue them all." A question popped into her mind. She decided to ask it. "How did you decide to what you wanted to do for a career? How did you know that you wanted to be a Professor?" |
Emmeline had been playing with various creatures in the barn as usual, and not just her cruppy, when she'd made a scary discovery -- Dobby was missing! She had looked all around the barn for her friend's pet squirrel, but he hadn't even climbed up to the ceiling rafters or anything. It didn't even occur to her that Stasya might have taken him out of the barn, though maybe it should have. The first year's mind was consumed with panic instead, and she was in the process of sprinting back to the castle to find Stasya and assemble a search and rescue party RIGHT NOW when she saw Stasya strolling around the courtyard. Skidding to an ungainly stop next to her friend, Emmeline gasped out -- it was kind of hard to breathe after all that running --: "Stasya! Thank Merlin! It's Dobby, he's..." As she paused for breath, the 11-year-old noticed the missing squirrel in question was perched on Stasya's shoulder as if nothing had happened. Well, if he'd run out of the barn for some reason, Stasya had clearly already found him. Relief flooded Emmeline and a big smile split her face: "He's here! Hi, Dobby!" |
People kept pausing when they saw her, and it was starting to make her wonder what was going on. First there was that weird thing in Charms when Derf had suddenly stuttered again, and now Emmeline. It was definitely weird, but then she’d grinned at her friend’s words as Dobby had scampered down her arm to look at Emmeline closer like he was returning the greeting. “Course he’s here. I’m showing him Hogwarts, or at least what I think won’t make anyone angry.” They were still outside after all, even if she still didn’t really understand why she couldn’t bring the squirrel inside the castle. Why she couldn’t have him in her room. She knew Emmeline wouldn’t mind him, anyway. |
Stasya's response made it obvious to Emmeline that she'd been the one to let Dobby out of the barn; he hadn't run off. Though now that she stopped to think about it, Dobby wouldn't leave the barn without Stasya ever anyway. But she'd been kind of afraid that he might leave to try to find Stasya if he ever got the chance, and so her panic had taken over. She didn't understand why such a little guy couldn't just live in their room. Cats were allowed to and they were bigger, and it wasn't like Stasya didn't know how to take care of Dobby or anything. She grinned as Dobby moved closer to her by running down her friend's arm. Moving slowly, so as not to startle him, she put her hand out closer to him for him to sniff if he wanted. Maybe that was only a cat thing, but Scamander had seemed to appreciate it too. Not that newts could smell like cats, she didn't think, but creatures don't like to be surprised. "Can I pet him?" She nodded as Stasya explained what she was doing. "Cool! I wish we could bring the babies out to show them too." But she knew that was a Big Deal, and super forbidden. She supposed Professor Wayland didn't want them taking any chances with the babies; what if some kids didn't know how to handle them and they ran off into the forest or something? Anyway..."How's your puffskein doing?" |
The squirrel in question, though, was much more intrigued by Emmeline right now, which made Stasya giggle a little. “He likes you,” she informed her. Dobby wouldn’t’ve gotten hat close if he didn’t, and she knew Emmeline knew how to act around creatures anyway. “Course you can,” she said, giggling again as Dobby had actually decided to jump off her hand and onto Emmeline’s to investigate further. Apparently Dobby was okay with it too. “Maybe when they’re a little older?” She figured Professor Wayland had his reasons for making sure they didn’t take their babies anywhere he didn’t want them to. Just like she had her reasons why she wanted Dobby to learn about his new home. “He’s awesome. Really fuzzy and cuddly still,” she added, smiling again. Aside from Albus’ habit of trying to lick her ear, it was fun. |
I just I don't know with all the excitement of coming over and the competition lost track that you were here." She really didn't, she had looked at her outfits forever packing to get the perfect ones in case she saw him. She practiced all the time what she would say and now she was screwing it up. "You really have become a Hogwartian haven't you? I mean you have to be for them to pick you for this." She still felt a bit betrayed by that fact. She had hoped at one point he'd just come back to the states. "Fourth year was alright. I've been working on getting the cheer club up and running. I think we have it going pretty well." She gave a small smile, "It was weird without you there though." She had struggled at first, but it was now getting easier and he seemed to be doing fine at this school. She assumed with all the pretty girls here he hadn't thought about her much. "So you are a Slytherin, weird getting to know the houses I don't know if I would have guessed that." She had been researching them a bit, plus the people she had met were helping her figure things out. |
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