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The long staff table stretches across the front of the Great Hall, waiting for its esteemed occupants. There will be some new faces, but plenty of familiar ones to greet you as well.
Feel free to drop by to greet a professor (or six) AFTER the Headmistress's speech. Though don't linger here too long. Professors have to eat too, you know.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Skylar had never been one to really visit with the staff on an up at the dais, mostly because she didn't want to bother them, but also because after a long train ride from King's Cross, it was nice to just sit without any worries. But the lack of Justin McLeod, who had been her head of house for her first three terms, had the fourth year curious as to her new house head. That and she was feeling kind of restless - for once - just sitting.
And though she should have waited until the Headmistress spoke, it seemed it was maybe going to be awhile, so just a quick visit to say hello and give a welcome, might be good for her restless legs.
As she approached, however, her eyes fell upon one Healer Reed and memories flashed back to her revelation of amortentia smelling like murtlap, which she realized wasn't entirely truthful. Feeling the need to explain herself, she spoke quickly (and softly) as she approached, before she lost the nerve.
"Healer Reed. Welcome back! I just wanted to say hi real quick and that I felt the need to explain about my amortentia last term..." She bit her lip. "You see, it's not that my amortentia smells like murtlap, but I think it smells of sanitizer and the hospital wing supplies... and well, you." Oops? Was that too forward? Inappropriate? She should just go back the Snake table and sink low in her seat and never look up at the staff table again.
Except she hadn't figured out who was Justin's replacement yet, but it was not Healer Reed she knew that much for certain, as he hadn't been wearing that green snake pin.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
River let out a deep, but silent sigh as he momentarily closed his eyes to shut out the light and help suppress a headache that was forming behind his eyes. Clearly, he was not yet ready for the Term to start, and to immediately meet chaos the moment he stepped inside the hallowed halls of Hogwarts was a definite way to put his supposed festive mood off. It didn’t take long for him to hear the thundering footsteps of at least about a thousand pair of feet coming just behind the door of the Great Hall in front of them. As he did so, he willed himself to get his act together, and banish the headache once and for all with the help of his handy-dandy potion.
As if on cue, his headache slowly vanished as River slowly opened his eyes to see the first few students go to their respective tables. The once silent hall was now once more filled with excited voices. Soon, everything else will be awakened, such as the House Ghosts...and perhaps Peeves. Okay, maybe they can forego Peeves for now because he had enough exposure from last term. As the Healer sat straighter in his chair, and pulling his suit down, he caught sight of the Deputy Headmaster first, giving him a wave. “Hello Paul. Did you bring some grapes with you? I would love to grow one in my herbal garden.” Or perhaps they can plant one in his garden back in the grounds, yes? “I hope you had a relaxing summer too.” Because of...certain reasons, mhm. “Good evening Kay,” River gave the Muggle Studies professor a wave and a grin. He knew she went on a hiking trip with Rose and Camilla and was wondering if they enjoyed it. “How was the hiking trip? Did you ladies liked it?” Not everyone liked hiking, that’s why. Another wave was seen, and this time, River gave Ciara a nod and a grin. “Please, just call me River. Everyone else does,” except the students, of course. “Welcome to staff, officially, that is.” They’ve had staff meetings before the Opening Feast, and friendly interactions were made since then. Nothing beats welcoming a fellow colleague officially on their first feast, however. River’s smile didn’t waver when his eyes shifted from Ciara to Camilla. “A good evening to you too, Camilla. And I am glad that my humble gift brought wonders to your camping trip. Did you see hidden gems along the way?” He wanted to know if the charm he placed on the broken compass actually worked. It could point her in the right direction, of course, but what made the compass special was that it can point her to hidden destinations that no muggle or wizarding folk haven’t discovered. River’s attention, shifted to the new librarian next. “A good evening to you as well, Kalen,” It was too bad that he wasn’t there last term to see his nephew off. Was it just a few months ago when Leon stood in front of him to deliver his nice little thanks to them? “I’ve received...letters from Miss Snow’s mother about her daughter’s...latest accidents. Would you like to come by my office tomorrow to discuss it?” It was a good thing that Chase Kennedy haven’t given his threat yet, but just like all of his former colleagues whose children/nephew/niece are currently under his care, he ought to get one soon. Like, it’s become the unofficial protocol from Healer parents and guardians when their charges start in Hogwarts.
Laurel’s voice was then heard, making River turn to his right side and face his other colleagues from there. “Good evening to you as well, Laurel. And congratulations on the new appointment.” Surely, Justin would be proud of her. Smiling, River nodded at her question, “I am ready yes, minus the wrong delivery of medical supplies from earlier.” Seriously, they’ve been doing this for years and they screwed up now? Unbelievable! “Looks like you had a good summer,” he said giving her a nod and a grin. They all ought to have happy summers anyway, considering the events of last term. Shifting his attention to the gentlemen behind Laurel, River gave Tristan a wave and a smile. “Ah. Good evening to you as well, Tristan. You’d have to meet Bumi and Roscoe soon, yes?” He’s a man of creatures, and Tristan will surely love his huge Newfoundlands. And then there was Gaston. Seriously, that man needs some life injected to him. River took a glimpse at Hirsch wondering if he still remembered the promise they made to Viktor and Jordan before they left school. “Good evening, Gaston. Congratulations on your new appointment.” River sincerely smiled at his colleague tilting his head to the side thinking, “Is everything alright?” Really, he could tell River things, heck, they even share the same floor so adult conversations can be had whenever he’s free and vice-versa. River then gave a polite wave towards Haraldur and Keiyona. Yes, they’ve all met before the Feast, but he just wanted to be respectful and such.
And...then...the unexpected happened. River faced up front, only to be met by a Slytherin student. Last term during the Closing Feast, this happened too and honestly, River didn’t know how to handle the situation, considering that it was his first time being on the staff dais. Somehow, there was an unwritten law about not talking to the professors before the Headmistress/Headmaster made her/his speech, and Regina happened to be strict with it. But before dismissing Miss Diggory, River gave her the chance to speak, considering that she might be in need of an immediate medical attention. Why else would she approach him instead of another professor, right? “Hello Miss Diggory. Thank you and welcome back---”
What? In that moment, River could feel the gears in his brain do a full halt, wondering where that came from? His Ravenclaw brain tried to fit in logical answers to Skylar’s statement, but was only met with a resounding ‘HUH?’ and ‘WHAT?’ in his head. The lady Snake said she felt the need to tell him that, and River was itching to ask the reason behind that need. Shouldn’t Amortentias be, something personal? Merlin’s beard, if Hirsch heard this confession, he will not hear the end of it. It would be another ace against him, on top of the other aces he discovered during their summer misadventure. “Ah...I...see.” Her Amortentia was his smell? Merlin, River just got lost in that thought. “At least the smell is...well, clean?” River chuckled clasping both of his hands in front of him, giving Skylar’s new HoH a quick glance, “Listen, I would love to discuss this with you while we eat...” River gave Regina a sheepish look, and leaned over his plate towards where Skylar stood, “But first, you have to return to your table now. The Speech will come in shortly.” River gave the Slytherin a grin and a nod. She ought to flee now before Regina could duck points off her. Or worse, detention.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
There was Regina!
Hirsch smiled at the Headmistress, secretly glad that he'd arrived before her, for once. Whether she saw him come in mere seconds ago or she had no idea, he didn't know but what he did know was that it looked as though he was fairly early. Sort of. "Evening, Headmistress. How are you?" Polite, see?
Oh? What was this? A compliment from Rosalyn?
The man couldn't help but cast a quick glance to his right where a certain Charms professor was seated. There was nothing wrong with this, of course, and he certainly didn't think anything of it but this opportunity was just too good to miss. "Thank you, Rosalyn," he said, turning his attention back towards her and giving her a smile, "I would return the compliment but I don't want to make Gaston jealous." Teasing. He was teasing.
And speaking of Gaston, he was the man who had grabbed Hirsch's attention next. There was something different about the way the Charms professor had said those words - nerves Lack of confidence? - but he didn't concentrate on that. Instead, his green eyes briefly followed Gaston's before, smiling slightly, he looked back at the man and clapped him on the shoulder. "You'll be fine. More than fine. You were chosen for a reason, remember?" And if worse came to worst, at least the man wasn't going to have to exclude someone in his first year as Head of House.
An arm punch was what distracted him next and he turned away from Gaston to look at-
Ah! River. About time, too. The Healer earned himself a dimpled-smile and a look from the Defence Professor. Considering everything that had happened, it was probably a good thing he hadn't been alone through it all. Granted, it also probably meant that he needed to talk to River about it - or never speak of the summer ever again - but right now, he was slightly glad. "Everything okay, River?" He saw the phial. He did.
What was the Groundskeeperwearing?! Sure, Hirsch wasn't exactly the epitome of a fashion statement but.... really? Didn't the man feel stuffy in all that headgear? "Evening, Haraldur," he said, giving the man a nod of his head. If the man liked dressing uniquely, then Hirsch really hoped he wasn't going to team up with Paul to make Poncho Tuesdays a reality.
And speaking of Paul, cue a small groan from the Ravenclaw Head of House. Hirsch-y kiss?! He'd hoped that the summer would have helped to sweep that nickname under a rug but no. Paul Myers didn't forget embarrassing nicknames just like he, probably, didn't forget embarrassing glitter-covered professors. "I'm not going to live that nickname down, am I?" Peeves was to blame, of course. "It's going good. I'm glad to be back, at least. How's it going with you?"
Kaysha got herself a smile from the Defence Professor next as she greeted him. "Good evening, Kaysha! How was your hiking trip?" She'd gone with Rosalyn and Camilla, hadn't she? At least, that's what he overheard happened to pick up. His eyes turned to Camilla herself next as the woman started speaking to him. More than ready for the term? "That seems to be the general consensus around here." At least, that was the way he was seeing things. At her question, however, he paused. The question was bound to come up, sure, but he wasn't entirely sure how he was meant to answer it. Out of all the words in the English and German languages, there didn't seem to be one that described it perfectly.
"It was....... interesting. An eventful summer but I think I'm ready to get back to teaching." There. "How was yours?"
There were quite a few newcomers to the staff team which wasn't a bad thing but it also meant that he needed to keep his eyes out for any possible pub buddies. His eyes first landed on Kalen. Kalen Kennedy, actually. Huh. That surname was definitely familiar to Hirsch. "Evening, Kalen. Excited to get started?" Small talk. There was a lot of it happening today.
While he was going to miss Arthur's style, he had to admit: it was a little refreshing to see a female potions professor. According to the history books, there hadn't been a lot of them at Hogwarts. "Evening, Ciara," he said, returning the smile and wave with one of his own, "Had a good summer?" Again, small talk.
When Tristan spoke up, Hirsch couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at the answer. Well prepared? "It sounds like you've got some interesting lessons planned. Don't try and outshine us too much," Even as he said this, there was a playful, dimpled-smile playing on his lips. "I'm doing well as well. I'm looking forward to getting the year started, actually." Even if he was going to start wishing for the holidays once the school routine was back in full swing.
Ah, Justin. He was another former staff member that Hirsch happened to miss, especially considering the two had been at Durmstrang together. But he couldn't dwell on that memory right now, not when Laurel was speaking to him. "I'm sure you'll do well," She seemed to have a lot more confidence, from what he could tell. At her question, the man nodded in response before saying, "Of course! My office door is always open."
When Miss Diggory approached the dias, the Defence Professor hardly paid a lot of notice to the interaction. It wasn't exactly his business, was it? Even if he happened to pick up on one word that piqued his curiosity: amortentia. Questions? He had plenty of them.
And no, River, you're not going to hear the last of this.
But right now, the Ravenclaw Head of House simply sat back in his seat and gave the biggest smile of the evening to his Ravenclaws. He'd probably need to congratulate one Rooney Bronwyn soon enough and see if Kitty and Azura and some of the others, particularly the newly sorted Ravenclaws, were okay. And he needed to have a word with Henry Whittebrook as well, now that he thought about it.
Last edited by hermionesclone; 05-03-2017 at 09:02 PM.
Healer Reed (acknowledgement to Hirsch too) and leaving :3
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Judging from the healer's expressions, she was rambling and the fourth year just stood there awkwardly wishing she could make herself invisible. Truth be told, she didn't know why she was clarifying about her misspeak from last term, nor did she even truly know what she was saying about amortentia. She never actually smelled it before, but seeing how it smelled different to everyone according to what one loved crushed on, it just seemed like the grown up thing to have one.
But his face couldn't have been anymore indifferent in saying, 'that's nice'. But he shunned her down in a polite way instead, telling her that the speech would be along soon, and well she couldn't stay there, basically. "I'm ... I'm sorry." She said quietly, not knowing what to do really, but instead backing away from the staff dais, slowly, and caught Hirsch's face as she did so. "I'll ... talk to you later then ... enjoy your meal." Not needing to be told twice, the fourth year backed away, only not back to her seat by Maxton but instead the Ravenclaw table, before realizing that Noah wasn't going to be there for her to hide in his robes.
And she didn't even get to find out her new head of house.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Ahh, and then the stragglers had arrived. Regina eyes followed those who had arrived after her. Not a hint of coolness could be found in them, however. They were actually rather warm, for everyone had arrived before the students started to flood into the room. Half of her focus was on them, watching as the returning students found their seats and the newcomers started to congregate around the Sorting Hat.
The other half of her attention was still on her colleagues, returning Haraldur, River, Kaysha, Kalen, Ciara (long time no see), and Tristan's individual form of greetings with a simple nod of her head. The Divination professor received a smile for complimenting her dress, as did the Defence professor. Gaston also received a quick nod, but she wasn't able to analyze his stiffened posture for his significant other was walking by. The woman managed to slip out a "I'm doing quite well" (in response to both Roderik and Rosalyn) before the History of Magic professor take her place a few chairs away from her and Paul, of course, snagged the opportunity to say something to her.
There was a deadpan silence between his question and her response. She wondered, while watching the tail end of the sorting take place, if this was his way of segwaying into trying to convince her to let the school partake in those wild ideas of his. So, hoping to prolong that topic of conversation, she decided to keep things short and sweet, answering both questions simultaneously. "Quite pleasant. I've kept myself busy, as I always do." The man could interpret that however he wanted. She knew that her summer visit to Egypt had been pleasant (though short), and that all the communication and planning going on once she had turned to Britain kept her on her toes.
Speaking of the communication and planning she had been doing lately, she was about to take the opportune moment to rise and take her spot at the podium. But the unwanted presence of a student made her train of thought freeze, which caused her to miss Camilla's greeting from down at the end of the table. The woman's eyebrow rose ... and then her eyes widened at the words that came out of Ms. Diggory's mouth. Even River got a look. He would love to discuss it later? The fact that the girl was at their table, before the speech had been given, was not appreciated, and her words were something she wished she had not heard.
Before the Slytherin skedaddled off to the table (because she wouldn't be getting away with that so easily), Regina, since River wasn't, stated, "Actually, Ms. Diggory, I find the subject matter of this revelation that you felt so compelled to share to be highly inappropriate. This is not the type of conversation you should be having with any adult. Furthermore, you are well aware that students should not be approaching the staff table until after I give my speech. Ten points will be taken from Slytherin."
Honestly. What was the matter with some of these kids? Did they not think about their words and actions before they were said or done? It certainly was a shame.
No longer looking at the girl, the headmistress took that as her cue to deliver her speech. Hopefully a certain announcement she was going to make and the arrival of food would keep everyone preoccupied and foolishness at bay. Loudly, the woman walked to the front of the dais and looked out at the throng of students before her.
"Good evening," her voice rang throughout the entire hall as a smile grew on her face. As usual, she waited before the chitter chatter to die down before continuing. "I have some important updates to share with you all before we dive into the first feast of the new school year.
"My first order of business is to inform you all of some staff changes that have been made. As you can see, some of the faces from last term are not here with us tonight and new faces have taken their place. Teaching Astronomy will be Professor Keiyona Berkovich; Care of Magical Creatures, Professor Tristan Wayland; Potions, Professor Ciara Canterbury; and I will be taking on Ancient Runes. In addition, Mr. Haraldur Balvinsson is our new groundskeeper and flying instructor, while Mr. Kalen Kennedy is our new librarian and Ms. Sylvia Grimblehawk is our new caretaker. Please join me in welcoming our new staff members."
Regina clapped her hands together and then waited for the applause to die down.
"Next, I would like to take a moment to mention that Gryffindor and Slytherin have new Heads of House. Professor Marchand will be taking the lions under his wing while Professor Vance will be taking the snakes under hers. Both Houses are in very capable hands, and I know that they will be welcomed with open arms."
Another moment of applause was had. Once the applause died down, the headmistress purposefully paused, looking at the crowd with that same smile on her face, for dramatic affect.
"My final announcement is that all extra-curricular sporting activities will not take place this year," Regina began, wanting to get that initial shock out of the way. Whatever the students' reactions were, the headmistress paid no attention to because she continued on, "This is due to Hogwarts playing host to a special event. It is with great pleasure that we will be welcoming my alma mater and former place of employment, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, to our campus to participate in the International Magical Pupil Standoff, or IMPS. This is an inter-school competition designed over the summer by a number of staff from both schools with the purpose of strengthening the relationship between our sister schools and showcasing the knowledge and aptitude of our students.
"Due to the advanced nature and potential danger involved, it has been decided that two students, one male and one female, from each House aged fifteen and above have the odds of being selected to participate in the challenges designed for this competition. Further information about the IMPS and the selection of the representatives of each school will be revealed when our visitors from Ilvermorny arrive in October.
"Now, I know some of you could eat an entire hippogriff at this time, so I will leave you with your thoughts and anticipations. Eat up, sleep tight, and make this term a great one," Regina concluded with a single clap of her hands, causing food to appear on the plates and liquids to fill the goblets on the table, before she made her way back to her seat to enjoy the meal herself.
Yes, She had also remembered Tristan from when she was here as student, too. Again like most of them now they were professors teaching students now. She nodded at him and smiled. Ciara smiled again when she seen the students arrive how awesome was that to see their excited faces. Well some looked excited for the most part.
Her attention was back on the sweet old man, Paul she couldn’t be upset with him for forgetting her name. He did some to be taking his mistake a little hard on himself. She patted his shoulder, ”It’s quite alright Paul.” No big deal, really. She was still pretty new to all of them. Turning to Cami, ”Yes I think so. Everything is a go in my classroom. But I hope I am ready.” She said with a grin. They speech was happening soon right? Ciara was going to need her rest tonight in preparation for the morning.
Her blue eyes turned down to the other end of the staff table back to Laurel. If there was one thing that lit her up it was talking about the very subject she taught. ”Yes, I was very into potions. I always have been.” Then River had grabbed her attention again. Oh right, they were actually more of colleagues than just the school healer.. ”Alright River it is then.” She gave him a small smile.
Ciara’s jaw dropped to the floor, a student just walked up to the staff table. Nope. That was completely inappropriate at the time. Not the time kid. And what she had said, well that was definitely not appropriate. Hopefully not all of the students were like this. Ciara was going to ask the girl if she realized that was not a way to speak to an adult. But the Headmistress had gotten a hold of her first. Glancing over at Regina, who she knew would not take that mess from a student.
Rodrick got another nod and smile. ”It was great actually. Moving back to London.” Being close to her parents again, and rest of her family after everything that had went on in the states. She was just ready to start fresh. Starting with this term. Yes, the speech. Ciara listened to the headmistress, nodding at the mention of her name, and she clapped at the right times, She was really excited to for the events happening this term, seeing faces from Ilvermorny again. The two schools coming together it was going to be great.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Kaysha was immensely pleased with herself when it came to Cami’s situation. She would be telling her cousin ‘I TOLD YOU SO’ lots of times just to tease her. “I hope everything works out. I’m so happy for you right now!’’
Laurel always had such nice things to say. This is one of the reasons that Kay liked her. “I’ll definitely do that. Maybe even to another Feast a few terms from now if I don’t put on any extra pounds.’’ She winked. “Oh yes, it was. I got to bond even more with Cami and Rose. Do you like hiking or camping, Laurel? You and I can go on a trip next summer?’’
She grinned impishly at River. She had the urge to tease him as well but this was no time to be childish. “Yes,’’ she told him and Roderik. “It was quite fun. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. You two had an interesting summer as well?”
Kay smiled warmly at Kalen. “I’m certainly please you’re here again. It’s been too long since we’ve spoken.’’ This was one of the things she loved about the staffing- it usually brought back many familiar faces. “Good memories I hope, Ciara?’’ she said. Hogwarts held lots of good memories for her too even though most of her time was spent among books. The woman grinned. “You know, Tristan, I won’t mind having you sit in sometime. But I’m quite sure you have a vast amount of knowledge about the muggle world. And I’m doing quite well, thank you. Have you gotten at least most of your lessons planned?”
Afterwards, the speech happened. Kay clapped at the appropriate moments, welcoming her new colleagues again but missing Jordan and Justin even more. The big announcement of the tournament to be held that year cheered her up, however. She could hardly wait for it to get started!
With the speech over and the thoughts of the IMPS (and the disappointment of no Gobstones that term again), she drew her attention to the food.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Gaston nodded at Laurel's reply. She had a fair point. "True enough," he agreed with a slight smile, but his expression changed a little when she asked a question very similar to the one he'd gotten from Hirsch. Define ready, he thought. Physically ready? Yes. Intellectually ready? Yes. Emotionally ready? Not so much... how could he be when he was no longer sure he could trust his students? "Of course," he replied, repeating his answer from before, but he kept his eyes down to hide any doubt they might reflect.
Cami's words got a laugh from him, the only real laugh he'd had tonight. "It was my pleasure," he replied, returning her smile. Having Phantom, Bonsai, and Rose's cat Coco to look after was a welcome distraction from his sadness. It was funny watching them play together, and they'd even developed a kind of sibling rivalry. Whenever he'd pay attention to one cat, the other two would meow for his attention. "I'm glad he enjoyed himself. I don't think Phantom liked saying goodbye either! The poor cat was wandering around looking for Bonsai for days."
River's voice was the next to catch Gaston's attention, and he turned to look at the healer. "Thank you," he replied, managing a slight smile back. He couldn't help but notice the way his head tilted to one side and wondered if River had sensed something was wrong. He didn't often open up to his colleagues, out of fear of saying the wrong thing, but maybe he would tell River what had happened over the summer... one day, but not tonight. Now wasn't the time or the place.
He smiled as he saw Miss Diggory, though his eyes flashed warningly. He knew Hawthorne wouldn't take kindly to her approaching before the speech and he didn't want her to get in trouble. Upon overhearing her conversation, all he could do was blink dumbly. Did she really just say what he thought she said? The initial shock wore off and turned to disgust, and he pretended to be interested in his goblet so no one would see him roll his eyes. Don't tell me, another member of the Healer Reed fanclub? he thought. He hadn't been blind to the female admirers River had last term. He didn't even want to know how Hawthorne was going to react to this. If she'd given him a disapproving stare just for looking at Rosalyn at the last feast, he couldn't even begin to imagine what she'd do now! But he found out soon enough. Honestly the reprimand and points loss were much tamer than what he was expecting. Oh well, he supposed it could be worse. At least it wasn't yet another student drooling over Hirsch!
Speaking of whom, Gaston couldn't help but smile a bit as his neighbor clapped him on the shoulder and offered some words of encouragement. "Thank you for your kind words, Roderik," he said. There was a nagging doubt in the back of his mind that Hirsch could only be pretending to believe in him, just like his father had done, but it was still nice to hear. Yes, he had been chosen for a reason, though right now he wasn't sure if it was for a helpful or a harmful one. But before he had much time to think about it, he overheard what Hirsch said to Rose. "Jealous, me? Why would I be jealous?" he said, chuckling a little. He liked Hirsch, but truth be told he was insanely jealous of the man... just not for the reasons he was implying. After all, Hirsch had the admiration of almost everyone at Hogwarts, staff and student, without even trying!
Luckily Hawthorne's speech distracted him before he could get too lost in his thoughts. He applauded politely for the new staff, but he was slightly caught off guard when she announced him and Laurel as the new heads of house. He was planning to tell the Gryffindors himself after the speech, but it looked like the headmistress had spared him the trouble. His face flushed to the same Gryffindor red of his tie and he dropped his gaze. He wasn't expected to stand up and take a bow was he? Instead he settled for a small shy wave toward the Gryffindor table. His heart sank a little as he looked out at the students he was now in charge of. He already knew one Gryffindor who wouldn't be happy with the news, and there were probably more that he didn't know about.
The competitiont with ilvermorny sounded interesting - and he was sure the students would have fun with it - but the thought of more students who could potentially dislike him arriving from far away made his stomach turn. The feast appeared, but Gaston hardly touched the food; the combination of nerves and sadness had robbed him of his appetite.
Not that he had much anyway... he had been barely eating ever since that fight with his father. After some time, he pushed the plate away and rose from his chari with a slight sigh. He supposed it was time to go and greet the Gryffindors.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Last edited by MadMadamMalfoy; 05-04-2017 at 06:56 PM.
Reason: laptop glitched and left off a paragraph >_<
iPad post, so not the greatest. >_< Mentions of everyone!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
Haraldur nodded to everyone who had greeted him and also gave a small smile to the professors that arrived after him. He nodded in silence because still... Names. They were just not happening.
Here was a person who was going to be interesting to work with. Rosalyn hadn't gotten to know Haraldur well yet, but he was definitely proving to be eccentric so far. Nothing wrong with that; the man clearly went along to the beat of his own drum. He also had a unique taste in fashion. She smiled at him. "Having a good evening?" Was he ready for flying lessons to start?
Originally Posted by Stefan
As he neared the dais, River forced a smile towards his colleagues, and collectively greeted them. "Good evening, everyone," he said giving Hirsch an arm punch as he made his way towards his...oh, new seat! River made himself comfortable and procured a small phial of potion for his headache and drank it in one go.
He'd probably wait for the medicine to take effect first before starting a conversation with his colleagues...
Ah, there was River. Rosalyn had been wondering when he was going to arrive. "Good evening! You are looking nice today." Then again he was always looking nice. Eyebrow raise at the phial however. "Not feeling great?" That wasn't nice, but at least he was the healer and could easily treat himself. If only she had that ability, but her knowledge of such things was sorely lacking.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
“Good evening, Regina,’’ Kay greeted the Head. She nodded and looked towards the four Tables again. She could hardly wait for the students to get there, really. “Rose. Hello. Thank you. You look wonderful of course.’’ The best friend always did.
Kay always gave great compliments, but then she was always so nice and cheerful. That was one of the reasons why they were best friends. "Why thank you. We always manage to pull off great looks." Smile. It was true. "So how are you?" Probably missing Jordan right now since he wasn't here, but hopefully good otherwise.
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
Ohh look someone else who didn't look super excited to be here. Rosalyn got a smile as well..
Merlin.. why did people look so gloomy?
Kalen was super lucky because he got to work with books for a living. Rosalyn was tempted to tell him that later. Then again she had more than her share of experience doing just that. "Ready for term? You know, I used to work at a library myself." That had been a lot of fun though now she was definitely enjoying being a teacher and interacting with students.
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry
Roderick got a smile and a wave. ”Good evening, Roderick.” As did the Headmistress, ”And Good Evening to you Regina.” She had worked with her, her first two years at Ilvermorny. Relieved that she had told them the students would be arriving soon. Rounding off the last of the staff was Rose and River. That was all of them now, correct? ”Hello Rose, Healer Reed.” She raised her hand and waved to both of them. These feast always used to take forever, and they still did.
It felt so weird looking at Uncle Art's spot and not seeing him there. Rosalyn missed her uncle so much, but knew that she would be able to see him again at Christmas time. She would also write him letters. Well, if anyone was going to replace him, Ciara was definitely the perfect person for it. "Ready for term?" she asked the woman with a smile. There were big shoes to fill, but Ciara would surely do a great job.
Originally Posted by Suziella
Tristan grinned hugely as Rose, his best friend in the world, walk into the great hall. He smiled hugely and gave her a wink, "Hello, Rose." He did notice that Gaston only got a smile, and wondered what was going on there. She did seem to be a little distressed, even though she was hiding it well. He would have to talk to her later, when she wasn't a table length away from him and they had a little more privacy.
Why did her best friend have to sit so far away? It would have been perfect if he was near to her as well as Kaysha. Gaston... well, she was not thinking about THAT right now. Everything would work out, and besides it was the start of term feast. The school year was beginning, and there were exciting things to be happening. Hopefully the students enjoyed it.
Talk to you later, she mouthed to him. Really there was nothing important to tell him, she just wanted to continue catching up. Even though they had kept contact, she wanted to talk in person.
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Table buddy Rosalyn was here! Wonderful, wonderful! Paul made sure there was room for her, and he nodded. "Nice to see you, too. I expect you've have a good summer?" And...the welcome between her and Gaston did not go unnoticed by Paul. The nosy man perked his ears slightly...hmm. What could be going on, then? Trouble in paradise? Did she need someone to talk to? Paul A. genuinely cared and wanted to help and B. WANTED TO KNOW WHAT THE HECK WAS GOING ON. "Are you...okay, dear?" he asked softly, so only she would hear. Art was no longer here, either, to look after her. Her dear, dear uncle. Again, Paul missed him.
Goodness, Paul was the sweetest. Just talking to him was making Rosalyn start to feel better. "It was mostly good! A few ups and downs, but I went to France and had a hiking trip with Kay and Cami." Not going to go into much detail about France right now, and of course the shopping trips went without saying; she never hid the fact that she loved fashion and shopping. "Did you have a good summer? How is Milton?" She didn't know Paul's husband super well, but they had spoken a bit, and she rather liked him.
Oh. He had noticed. She'd been trying to keep things low key, but that wasn't too surprising. "I've been better. Can I talk to you later?" This wasn't the time of the place and she knew that he would listen.
Originally Posted by Kolyander
There was Rose. "Thank you, Rose. That color is gorgeous on you." She smiled taking a quick look up and down the table. Everyone looked really nice tonight honestly.
Aww, Cami was so sweet. Rosalyn really liked her and was happy that they were becoming better friends. "Thank you! I can say the same for you." Then again she always managed to look good. Just like her cousin! "You ready for term?" There were exciting things in store. Ones that would be mentioned soon!
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
[b]She almost missed Roses arrival in a classic black piece because of Regina's entrance, but when her girlfriend met her eye and threw a comment her way Laurel immediately responded with a warm beam. "Hi Rose, I absolutely adore the classic black piece you're wearing tonight too Rose. Do you think we were born with noses for finding the perfect dresses for ourselves?"
Laurel was one of the sweetest people ever, and Rosalyn had never ending adoration for her. "Thank you so much! Your outfit is just as exquisite." They all had a perfect sense for fashion, didn't they? Already she was thinking about more shopping trips with the girlfriends next summer. "Oh yes! I have to say that it's one of the best gifts we could have." Giggle. Well, Laurel had a cooler one. Would her friend be making any more predictions?
SPOILER!!: Skylar
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Skylar had never been one to really visit with the staff on an up at the dais, mostly because she didn't want to bother them, but also because after a long train ride from King's Cross, it was nice to just sit without any worries. But the lack of Justin McLeod, who had been her head of house for her first three terms, had the fourth year curious as to her new house head. That and she was feeling kind of restless - for once - just sitting.
And though she should have waited until the Headmistress spoke, it seemed it was maybe going to be awhile, so just a quick visit to say hello and give a welcome, might be good for her restless legs.
As she approached, however, her eyes fell upon one Healer Reed and memories flashed back to her revelation of amortentia smelling like murtlap, which she realized wasn't entirely truthful. Feeling the need to explain herself, she spoke quickly (and softly) as she approached, before she lost the nerve.
"Healer Reed. Welcome back! I just wanted to say hi real quick and that I felt the need to explain about my amortentia last term..." She bit her lip. "You see, it's not that my amortentia smells like murtlap, but I think it smells of sanitizer and the hospital wing supplies... and well, you." Oops? Was that too forward? Inappropriate? She should just go back the Snake table and sink low in her seat and never look up at the staff table again.
Except she hadn't figured out who was Justin's replacement yet, but it was not Healer Reed she knew that much for certain, as he hadn't been wearing that green snake pin.
Rosalyn wasn't sure what surprised her more: Skylar heading to the staff table before the speech, or what was said to River.
Eyes widening in surprise, she wondered what had possessed the girl. One of her favourite students was saying things that were not only appropriate, but would surely land her in trouble. River beat her in mentioning that it was a good idea to head black to the table, but of course point loss happened first. Not surprising, and it could have been worse. Poor Skylar would probably be feeling bad about this.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Oh? What was this? A compliment from Rosalyn?
The man couldn't help but cast a quick glance to his right where a certain Charms professor was seated. There was nothing wrong with this, of course, and he certainly didn't think anything of it but this opportunity was just too good to miss. "Thank you, Rosalyn," he said, turning his attention back towards her and giving her a smile, "I would return the compliment but I don't want to make Gaston jealous." Teasing. He was teasing.
Hirsch had Rosalyn laughing. There was absolutely no need for Gaston to be jealous as they were only being friendly. Something that not only THEY knew, but Gaston did as well judging by his comment. "Seems okay then. You can compliment me all you want to," she said playfully. Women always liked hearing good things about their appearance! At least she did.
SPOILER!!: Headmistress and speech stuff
Originally Posted by Zoe
Ahh, and then the stragglers had arrived. Regina eyes followed those who had arrived after her. Not a hint of coolness could be found in them, however. They were actually rather warm, for everyone had arrived before the students started to flood into the room. Half of her focus was on them, watching as the returning students found their seats and the newcomers started to congregate around the Sorting Hat.
The other half of her attention was still on her colleagues, returning Haraldur, River, Kaysha, Kalen, Ciara (long time no see), and Tristan's individual form of greetings with a simple nod of her head. The Divination professor received a smile for complimenting her dress, as did the Defence professor. Gaston also received a quick nod, but she wasn't able to analyze his stiffened posture for his significant other was walking by. The woman managed to slip out a "I'm doing quite well" (in response to both Roderik and Rosalyn) before the History of Magic professor take her place a few chairs away from her and Paul, of course, snagged the opportunity to say something to her.
There was a deadpan silence between his question and her response. She wondered, while watching the tail end of the sorting take place, if this was his way of segwaying into trying to convince her to let the school partake in those wild ideas of his. So, hoping to prolong that topic of conversation, she decided to keep things short and sweet, answering both questions simultaneously. "Quite pleasant. I've kept myself busy, as I always do." The man could interpret that however he wanted. She knew that her summer visit to Egypt had been pleasant (though short), and that all the communication and planning going on once she had turned to Britain kept her on her toes.
Speaking of the communication and planning she had been doing lately, she was about to take the opportune moment to rise and take her spot at the podium. But the unwanted presence of a student made her train of thought freeze, which caused her to miss Camilla's greeting from down at the end of the table. The woman's eyebrow rose ... and then her eyes widened at the words that came out of Ms. Diggory's mouth. Even River got a look. He would love to discuss it later? The fact that the girl was at their table, before the speech had been given, was not appreciated, and her words were something she wished she had not heard.
Before the Slytherin skedaddled off to the table (because she wouldn't be getting away with that so easily), Regina, since River wasn't, stated, "Actually, Ms. Diggory, I find the subject matter of this revelation that you felt so compelled to share to be highly inappropriate. This is not the type of conversation you should be having with any adult. Furthermore, you are well aware that students should not be approaching the staff table until after I give my speech. Ten points will be taken from Slytherin."
Honestly. What was the matter with some of these kids? Did they not think about their words and actions before they were said or done? It certainly was a shame.
No longer looking at the girl, the headmistress took that as her cue to deliver her speech. Hopefully a certain announcement she was going to make and the arrival of food would keep everyone preoccupied and foolishness at bay. Loudly, the woman walked to the front of the dais and looked out at the throng of students before her.
"Good evening," her voice rang throughout the entire hall as a smile grew on her face. As usual, she waited before the chitter chatter to die down before continuing. "I have some important updates to share with you all before we dive into the first feast of the new school year.
"My first order of business is to inform you all of some staff changes that have been made. As you can see, some of the faces from last term are not here with us tonight and new faces have taken their place. Teaching Astronomy will be Professor Keiyona Berkovich; Care of Magical Creatures, Professor Tristan Wayland; Potions, Professor Ciara Canterbury; and I will be taking on Ancient Runes. In addition, Mr. Haraldur Balvinsson is our new groundskeeper and flying instructor, while Mr. Kalen Kennedy is our new librarian and Ms. Sylvia Grimblehawk is our new caretaker. Please join me in welcoming our new staff members."
Regina clapped her hands together and then waited for the applause to die down.
"Next, I would like to take a moment to mention that Gryffindor and Slytherin have new Heads of House. Professor Marchand will be taking the lions under his wing while Professor Vance will be taking the snakes under hers. Both Houses are in very capable hands, and I know that they will be welcomed with open arms."
Another moment of applause was had. Once the applause died down, the headmistress purposefully paused, looking at the crowd with that same smile on her face, for dramatic affect.
"My final announcement is that all extra-curricular sporting activities will not take place this year," Regina began, wanting to get that initial shock out of the way. Whatever the students' reactions were, the headmistress paid no attention to because she continued on, "This is due to Hogwarts playing host to a special event. It is with great pleasure that we will be welcoming my alma mater and former place of employment, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, to our campus to participate in the International Magical Pupil Standoff, or IMPS. This is an inter-school competition designed over the summer by a number of staff from both schools with the purpose of strengthening the relationship between our sister schools and showcasing the knowledge and aptitude of our students.
"Due to the advanced nature and potential danger involved, it has been decided that two students, one male and one female, from each House aged fifteen and above have the odds of being selected to participate in the challenges designed for this competition. Further information about the IMPS and the selection of the representatives of each school will be revealed when our visitors from Ilvermorny arrive in October.
"Now, I know some of you could eat an entire hippogriff at this time, so I will leave you with your thoughts and anticipations. Eat up, sleep tight, and make this term a great one," Regina concluded with a single clap of her hands, causing food to appear on the plates and liquids to fill the goblets on the table, before she made her way back to her seat to enjoy the meal herself.
The Headmistress did indeed seem to be doing quite well, but before Rosalyn could ask her about how the summer had been, things happened. The things mainly being Skylar and the speech.
Excitedly she listened to everything that was being said, clapping when necessary. This was certainly going to be an interesting term and a good change from what had happened last year. Hopefully the students would love it. And of course she was very pleased about both new Heads of House. Both Laurel and Gaston were going to rock this!
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Kalen smiled warmly as Ciara turned towards him and asked him if he was ready for Term to start. "I'm not sure, but I'm excited all the same. How about you? " Kalen asked her, he had known her in school, like many of the people here, and he was looking forward to getting reacquainted with them all.. Once he had gotten into college he has lost touch with so many people..
Stupid bet.. But the rewards were worth the sacrifices..
Tristan's voice caught his attention and the man grinned down the table at his friend, they had been good friends back in the day, and he was looking forward to hanging out with him again. Thankfully it didn't seem like Rose would be an issue this time around.. Hopefully. " I'll stop on down by the hut sometime, yeah?" He asked as he turned his attention to other happenings..
He could see Azura walking in and he waved at her, happy that she seemed to be doing all right with him being here. He would like the opportunity to get to know her better, though his green eyes dimmed ever so slightly as he thought of his nephew, he had missed Leon by a year. Ah well.
Kalen didn't mind Paul calling him Tristan, and he wasn't going to hold it against him.. much. And anyways.. fun could be had with the mistake, so Kalen just sat back and grinned.. At least this year wouldn't be boring.. though he was already looking forward to the little tricks he had up his sleeve for the kids in his library..
He paid no attention to Grumpy McGrumperton and instead turned his attention towards Laurel. An easy grin spread across his face as she spoke and he just shrugged.. "It's a good thing I like tea then. " He said, his green eyes twinkling ever so slightly.. He was looking forward to their chat..
Was that a student professing her love for Healer Reed? Ohhkayy.. Kalen took a sip of his pumpkin juice and looked away... he would have whistled if he could of. Eek.. Merlin. That was Awkward. He kept drinking his pumpkin juice and kept pretending he hadn't heard what the Slytherin had said.
Thankfully the Healer had a much welcome subject change.. sorta at least. "Ahh yes, I will be by tomorrow. Before the howlers from Chase show up. " He said with a bit of a teasing grin. He wouldn't put it past his brother to do something like that.. "She seems to be better today though, yeah?" he said as he nodded his head in the direction of his niece, who was snuggling with.. a boy.
Merlin.. he rubbed his face a bit. He wasn't mentally prepared to deal with that, was there an Uncles handbook he could read somewhere?
Thankfully Hirch spoke to him and he nodded.."As ready as I'll ever be! Remind me to stop by, my niece and nephew speak highly of you.. and I have news Leon wants me to deliver. " He said with another easy smile before turning towards the Headmistress as she started to speak!
Ohh food was coming soon!! Hoorayyy!
Uhh.. he meant speech? Yay?
He smiled and nodded as he was introduced, but didn't do much more than that. He would be able to speak with them soon enough.
After the speech had ended, he turned towards Kay and gave her a warm smile as he adjusted his bangs once more.. "It has been way too long, we shall have to catch up at one point." He said with a smile as he turned towards Rosalyn who actually had a smile on her face! Gasp! That was nice to see.
"Have you now? Come by my office, we can discuss things. " He said with a genuine smile, he always loved talking books with people. Though the best friend and former girlfriend of his good friend wasn't fully in his good graces, but he needed to put the past behind him.. or give her pink hair and THEN put it behind him.
Yes much better plan.
He looked out at the people gathered at the feast, so many people were here and he was used to large rooms filled with books and quiet people. Not this chatter and so many people talking to him. The noise seemed to discombobulate him a bit. He took a deep breath and turned to concentrate on his food. Food was not confusing.. thankfully.
Last edited by MunchyBubbles; 05-04-2017 at 11:14 PM.