-   Term 46: May - August 2017 (
-   -   Library Bookshelves (

MunchyBubbles 04-15-2017 10:52 PM

Library Bookshelves
The Library bookshelves make up most of the Hogwarts Library, here in these shelves one can find most anything your little hearts desire. Arranged Alphabetically by genre of course. You might also take note of the much enlarged muggle section area of books.

Kalen has brought over some of his favorites from his job at Cambridge.

Magical torches light the aisles, adding some ambience and much needed illumination to the previously dark rows.

Also, it is important to note that at times you need to watch your head. Kalen likes to put the books back by magic, at random intervals during the day. Gotta keep the kiddies on their toes.

So enjoy looking through the Library, remember to keep your voices down and don't get smacked in the head by a book, yeah?

DuckyLinJi 05-05-2017 09:23 AM

feel free to claim :3
There were legit tears forming in his eyes the moment he had entered the school library after a long time away. Of course the Ravenclaw Common Room had a small library as well but it was nothing, nothing compared to this place. Did no one else admire the beauty of it all? The tower high bookcases, the smell of parchment, the alphabetically arranged books, the many worlds and knowledge written in those thousands of books? How SOME people avoided this beautiful place like the plague he could not understand.

With a sigh of content, Mason walked to the first bookshelf on the right and after a quick look around he hugged the wood my precious before he took out an interesting looking book and opened it to the first page. He was at his second home again.

sweetpinkpixie 05-05-2017 12:03 PM

*does* :3

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi (Post 12208700)
There were legit tears forming in his eyes the moment he had entered the school library after a long time away. Of course the Ravenclaw Common Room had a small library as well but it was nothing, nothing compared to this place. Did no one else admire the beauty of it all? The tower high bookcases, the smell of parchment, the alphabetically arranged books, the many worlds and knowledge written in those thousands of books? How SOME people avoided this beautiful place like the plague he could not understand.

With a sigh of content, Mason walked to the first bookshelf on the right and after a quick look around he hugged the wood my precious before he took out an interesting looking book and opened it to the first page. He was at his second home again.

Derf was on a mission - as he often was whenever he stepped foot in the library. Except for the times when he wasn't on mission and just happened to stroll in because he was bored. But today wasn't the sort of mission where he was looking for Jessa - although that would be a happy side effect if he did - but rather a book on experimental charms and spell creation.

He had a spell he needed invent. Or see if there was already one in creation. His arsenal of existing spell knowledge was rather limited after all.

Turning the corner, the Hufflepuff was just in time to see the older Ravenclaw hugging one of the bookshelves. HOLY FLAMING SALAMNDERS...WERE THE BOOKSHELVES ALIVE?! Derf's blue eyes widened because wooooooooooooow. Mum had told him about Hogwarts being it only made sense really.

"Does-s-s it have a name?" he asked. "It...he...s-she? It."

DuckyLinJi 05-05-2017 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12208721)

Derf was on a mission - as he often was whenever he stepped foot in the library. Except for the times when he wasn't on mission and just happened to stroll in because he was bored. But today wasn't the sort of mission where he was looking for Jessa - although that would be a happy side effect if he did - but rather a book on experimental charms and spell creation.

He had a spell he needed invent. Or see if there was already one in creation. His arsenal of existing spell knowledge was rather limited after all.

Turning the corner, the Hufflepuff was just in time to see the older Ravenclaw hugging one of the bookshelves. HOLY FLAMING SALAMNDERS...WERE THE BOOKSHELVES ALIVE?! Derf's blue eyes widened because wooooooooooooow. Mum had told him about Hogwarts being it only made sense really.

"Does-s-s it have a name?" he asked. "It...he...s-she? It."

.................................... Someone had seen him. He was certain of that because he felt eyes staring at him. You know, that feeling when you are being watched? Yeah he had that right now.

Mason turned his head and his feelings were confirmed when he noticed a young student staring right at him. He wasn't the type of person to blush when he got embarrassed but instead he unconciously rubbed the back of his neck.

What should he do? Admit it cooly? Lie and question the young Hufflepuffs sanity because he was clearly seeing things? Pretend he hadn't heard him? What?!

"What are you talking about?"

sweetpinkpixie 05-06-2017 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi (Post 12208753)
.................................... Someone had seen him. He was certain of that because he felt eyes staring at him. You know, that feeling when you are being watched? Yeah he had that right now.

Mason turned his head and his feelings were confirmed when he noticed a young student staring right at him. He wasn't the type of person to blush when he got embarrassed but instead he unconciously rubbed the back of his neck.

What should he do? Admit it cooly? Lie and question the young Hufflepuffs sanity because he was clearly seeing things? Pretend he hadn't heard him? What?!

"What are you talking about?"

"The bookcas-s-se," he answered honestly, even pointing at it to make sure there could be no confusion as to what he was referring to. Or which bookcase for that matter since there were LOADS of them here in the library. "You were hugging it. Either to say thank you or hello I reckon."

Like like like...was this how the books stay sorted? Bookshelves are ALIVE? It sort of made him think about the muggle fairy tale mum had read to his little sister that one time. Only those objects weren't alive per say...they were PEOPLE who had been turned into objects.

And now his imagination was spiraling out of control. Oops.

"Is-s it a s-she? Your girlfriend!?"

Why did the librarian transfigure his girlfriend into a bookcase?

DuckyLinJi 05-06-2017 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12209637)

"The bookcas-s-se," he answered honestly, even pointing at it to make sure there could be no confusion as to what he was referring to. Or which bookcase for that matter since there were LOADS of them here in the library. "You were hugging it. Either to say thank you or hello I reckon."

Like like like...was this how the books stay sorted? Bookshelves are ALIVE? It sort of made him think about the muggle fairy tale mum had read to his little sister that one time. Only those objects weren't alive per say...they were PEOPLE who had been turned into objects.

And now his imagination was spiraling out of control. Oops.

"Is-s it a s-she? Your girlfriend!?"

Why did the librarian transfigure his girlfriend into a bookcase?

How on earth was he going to get out of this? He didn't want to be known as 'the bookcase hugger'. Mason placed the book he had gotten from the shelf and placed it back. He then turned to look at the little Hufflepuff again but had to move to the side so that his back was to the bookcase when a flying book flew towards him. Once it passed , the Ravenclaw stepped forward again.

"No, the bookcase is not my girlfriend" he said with a tired sigh. How did this kid's brain even function? "I was simply trying to reach a book" he said casually. Totally a lie. "You're Derfael right?" he had seen him around at classes and just in the school in general.

sweetpinkpixie 05-07-2017 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi (Post 12210115)

How on earth was he going to get out of this? He didn't want to be known as 'the bookcase hugger'. Mason placed the book he had gotten from the shelf and placed it back. He then turned to look at the little Hufflepuff again but had to move to the side so that his back was to the bookcase when a flying book flew towards him. Once it passed , the Ravenclaw stepped forward again.

"No, the bookcase is not my girlfriend" he said with a tired sigh. How did this kid's brain even function? "I was simply trying to reach a book" he said casually. Totally a lie. "You're Derfael right?" he had seen him around at classes and just in the school in general.

Too late. Mason would now forever be imprinted in the second year's mind as 'that guy that Dora glares at and hugs bookcases'. At least until the older Ravenclaw did something extraordinary to take the Hufflepuff's mind off these thoughts and give him a new label. Nothing was ever truly set in stone with the blonde - save for plants being evil...and that he totally had Scamander blood flowing through his veins and he was going to prove it someday...OH! And that amphibians and reptiles were super neat! OH! And chocolate frogs were delicious! OH -- wait...where was he going with all this?

Coming back to reality, sort of, Derf blinked a few times at Mason and tilted his head slightly. He wasn't sure the Ravenclaw understood the mechanics of a hug then if that was how he thought reaching for books went. That's okay though, Derf could teach him! "I am," he chirped. "But friends-s call me Derf." Pause. "Were you practicing hugging on the bookcas-s-se?" Another pause. "Do you could hug Dora properly and apologize for whatever it is-s-s that has-s-s her SO mad at you?"

Because of all the glaring, you see.

Watson 05-08-2017 05:37 AM

For Kalen!

Olivia stared at the muggle section. Had this expanded? She recognized far more titles in the section which excited her. Yes good old muggle novels! This is exactly what she loved. She ran her fingers along the spines of the books, enjoying the feeling of them under her fingertips. Maybe she would start to like the library after all this year? Maybe it'd feel less like a dungeon and more like a nice relaxing place for homework and studying.

A book on the top of the bookcase caught her eye. Hmm... she glanced around looking for a ladder or someone to help propel her up but couldn't find anyone or anything. Bummer.

She folded her arms and began concocting a plan to get the book on the top of the bookcase. If only she were taller....

MunchyBubbles 05-08-2017 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Watson (Post 12211194)

Olivia stared at the muggle section. Had this expanded? She recognized far more titles in the section which excited her. Yes good old muggle novels! This is exactly what she loved. She ran her fingers along the spines of the books, enjoying the feeling of them under her fingertips. Maybe she would start to like the library after all this year? Maybe it'd feel less like a dungeon and more like a nice relaxing place for homework and studying.

A book on the top of the bookcase caught her eye. Hmm... she glanced around looking for a ladder or someone to help propel her up but couldn't find anyone or anything. Bummer.

She folded her arms and began concocting a plan to get the book on the top of the bookcase. If only she were taller....

Kalen was moving towards the muggle section of the library, with a stack of books trailing behind them. Since the library seemed full of students he wasn't going to put them back without checking the aisles first..

He stopped in one section, the books coming to a stop behind him as he saw a girl there eyeing a book on the top shelf.

"Hello! Can I help you?" He asked as he flicked his wand at some books in the stack behind him and five of them went soaring off and settled into their respective places..

Magic was wonderful! He had to do this by hand at Cambridge.. which was..awful.

DuckyLinJi 05-08-2017 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12211014)

Too late. Mason would now forever be imprinted in the second year's mind as 'that guy that Dora glares at and hugs bookcases'. At least until the older Ravenclaw did something extraordinary to take the Hufflepuff's mind off these thoughts and give him a new label. Nothing was ever truly set in stone with the blonde - save for plants being evil...and that he totally had Scamander blood flowing through his veins and he was going to prove it someday...OH! And that amphibians and reptiles were super neat! OH! And chocolate frogs were delicious! OH -- wait...where was he going with all this?

Coming back to reality, sort of, Derf blinked a few times at Mason and tilted his head slightly. He wasn't sure the Ravenclaw understood the mechanics of a hug then if that was how he thought reaching for books went. That's okay though, Derf could teach him! "I am," he chirped. "But friends-s call me Derf." Pause. "Were you practicing hugging on the bookcas-s-se?" Another pause. "Do you could hug Dora properly and apologize for whatever it is-s-s that has-s-s her SO mad at you?"

Because of all the glaring, you see.

When the hufflepuff had been quiet for some time, the ravenclaw thought he would drop the bookcase hugging subject and he was about to turn around and grab a different book when he spoke again.

He wasn't sure which was worse. Derf having seen him hugging a bookcase or the fact that he knew about Dora and him. How many people had Dora told what had happened. Did everyone in the school knew she punched him a bloody nose? Oh Merlin's Beard.

"Kid, you got it all wrong" he said after a while. "Yes, Dora and i had a first but we made up during the holidays" at the bookshop in diagon alley ironically enough. "She's a friend of mine now so please don't tell rumors that we dislike each other" and to make it pefectly clear. "And i'm not hugging her either"

Watson 05-08-2017 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft (Post 12211197)
Kalen was moving towards the muggle section of the library, with a stack of books trailing behind them. Since the library seemed full of students he wasn't going to put them back without checking the aisles first..

He stopped in one section, the books coming to a stop behind him as he saw a girl there eyeing a book on the top shelf.

"Hello! Can I help you?" He asked as he flicked his wand at some books in the stack behind him and five of them went soaring off and settled into their respective places..

Magic was wonderful! He had to do this by hand at Cambridge.. which was..awful.

Alright. She was going to climb it.


That was a great idea. She quickly eyed her surroundings and then faced back to the bookshelf. She readied herself when she heard an unexpected voice. Turning to look in the direction of the voice, she found a man there. An adult! Was this the new librarian? "Hello! Yes! I was wondering if it would be possible to get that book up there. I would use Accio if I had my wand on me... I left it in my dormitory. Rather silly of me." she was also super short which didn't help. Unfortunately she had left her wand in her dormitory since over the summer she had become used to not carrying a wand in the muggle world.

MunchyBubbles 05-09-2017 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Watson (Post 12211358)
Alright. She was going to climb it.


That was a great idea. She quickly eyed her surroundings and then faced back to the bookshelf. She readied herself when she heard an unexpected voice. Turning to look in the direction of the voice, she found a man there. An adult! Was this the new librarian? "Hello! Yes! I was wondering if it would be possible to get that book up there. I would use Accio if I had my wand on me... I left it in my dormitory. Rather silly of me." she was also super short which didn't help. Unfortunately she had left her wand in her dormitory since over the summer she had become used to not carrying a wand in the muggle world.

Kalen smiled down at the young girl and nodded. "Hello, I am Kalen Kennedy, the new librarian." He said with a smile, he needed to be proper after all. Introductions first, book retrieval second.

Kalen's green eyes flicked up towards where she was pointing and he nodded. "The one with the yellow spine, yeah?" He asked her, making sure he was going to get the right one and not waste this little trick he had on the wrong book, least the effect be ruined.

You see, Kalen had long ago learned non verbal magic, one learned things like that in Hogwarts of course, and he has taken to it like a fish to water, so naturally his next instinct was to learn wandless magic. Not many people could do it and the Slytherin in him had taken such pride in the thought of being able to master such an art.

Sadly, Wandless Magic proved to be rather difficult for Kalen and he was still attempting to learn it to this day, there were however a few spells he knew really well, three in fact, Accio, Depulso and Alohomora.. Those three always worked for him, so he raised his hand and with a flick of his fingers, the book came down off the shelf and straight into his hand..

"Here you are. " Kalen said with a warm smile. "Is there anything else you need? " He asked her, his stack of books still waiting patiently behind him.

Watson 05-10-2017 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft (Post 12211920)
Kalen smiled down at the young girl and nodded. "Hello, I am Kalen Kennedy, the new librarian." He said with a smile, he needed to be proper after all. Introductions first, book retrieval second.

Kalen's green eyes flicked up towards where she was pointing and he nodded. "The one with the yellow spine, yeah?" He asked her, making sure he was going to get the right one and not waste this little trick he had on the wrong book, least the effect be ruined.

You see, Kalen had long ago learned non verbal magic, one learned things like that in Hogwarts of course, and he has taken to it like a fish to water, so naturally his next instinct was to learn wandless magic. Not many people could do it and the Slytherin in him had taken such pride in the thought of being able to master such an art.

Sadly, Wandless Magic proved to be rather difficult for Kalen and he was still attempting to learn it to this day, there were however a few spells he knew really well, three in fact, Accio, Depulso and Alohomora.. Those three always worked for him, so he raised his hand and with a flick of his fingers, the book came down off the shelf and straight into his hand..

"Here you are. " Kalen said with a warm smile. "Is there anything else you need? " He asked her, his stack of books still waiting patiently behind him.

This guy was the LIBRARIAN? He didn't look old enough to be a Librarian. Seriously what was up with the attractive Professors at Hogwarts? Did they have a secret spell or charm or something? Olivia Holden had to know. Though. She wasn't going to blurt that out. Thank Merlin that she had inherited a filter from her parents. If not, her inner thoughts surely would have made for a... unique conversation. Ahem. Introductions. Right. "It's very nice to meet you, Mr. Kennedy." She paused. Should she call him Mr. Kennedy or Kalen? Well he was an adult.... Mr. Kennedy worked. She did, after all, call River Reed Healer Reed. Yeah. Great. She'd go with that. "I'm Olivia Holden. Fifth year." She paused. "Gryffindor" She wasn't sure what else to add. Perhaps a 'how do you do'? Nope. Nope. Too awkward.

Olivia nodded. Yes, her book had a yellow spine on it. "Yes, that's the one," she affirmed with another nod. Her eyes widened as she watched him retrieve the wand without climbing the bookshelves, using a ladder, or even a wand. Her blue eyes widened in amazement. When he turned to her, she smiled and thanked him. "Thank you. I believe...." She trailed off, still in awe about the use of wandless magic. Wow. Wandless magic. "I have a question if you don't mind." She paused for a while, waiting for a comment, and then continued. "How did you learn to do that?" she asked. Whoops. What did 'that' mean? She cringed slightly. Be specific!

Olivia went on to clarify. "How did you learn to use wandless magic? How can I learn that? Are there books on it?" she asked curiously. She wanted to know and had always been fascinated with wandless magic even when Healer Reed had brought it up when he was tending to her sprained arm last term.

sweetpinkpixie 05-10-2017 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi (Post 12211238)
When the hufflepuff had been quiet for some time, the ravenclaw thought he would drop the bookcase hugging subject and he was about to turn around and grab a different book when he spoke again.

He wasn't sure which was worse. Derf having seen him hugging a bookcase or the fact that he knew about Dora and him. How many people had Dora told what had happened. Did everyone in the school knew she punched him a bloody nose? Oh Merlin's Beard.

"Kid, you got it all wrong" he said after a while. "Yes, Dora and i had a first but we made up during the holidays" at the bookshop in diagon alley ironically enough. "She's a friend of mine now so please don't tell rumors that we dislike each other" and to make it pefectly clear. "And i'm not hugging her either"

Derf ACTUALLY did not know the details. In fact, the Hufflepuff was making up wilder and wilder versions of 'what ifs' in his mind with each passing moment. Dora had become KIND OF a mama hen to him - although he was still convinced that Isa was the one who really wanted that title - and when she was upset...he was upset. He liked Dora's smile and found her glares really scary soooooooooo anything that could make all that stop was totally worth it.

"What kind of dis-s-sagreement?" he asked, curious switch officially flipped and eyes eager to understand. "I haven't been s-spreading rumors." Not about THIS at least. He was still sure he was on to something when it came to hags being hidden among staff. It WAS suspicious that so many had left the school last term, you know? "Why not? You will hug a bookcas-s-se but not Dora?"

Was he suuuuuuuuure the bookcase wasn't his girlfriend?

MunchyBubbles 05-11-2017 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Watson (Post 12212541)
This guy was the LIBRARIAN? He didn't look old enough to be a Librarian. Seriously what was up with the attractive Professors at Hogwarts? Did they have a secret spell or charm or something? Olivia Holden had to know. Though. She wasn't going to blurt that out. Thank Merlin that she had inherited a filter from her parents. If not, her inner thoughts surely would have made for a... unique conversation. Ahem. Introductions. Right. "It's very nice to meet you, Mr. Kennedy." She paused. Should she call him Mr. Kennedy or Kalen? Well he was an adult.... Mr. Kennedy worked. She did, after all, call River Reed Healer Reed. Yeah. Great. She'd go with that. "I'm Olivia Holden. Fifth year." She paused. "Gryffindor" She wasn't sure what else to add. Perhaps a 'how do you do'? Nope. Nope. Too awkward.

Olivia nodded. Yes, her book had a yellow spine on it. "Yes, that's the one," she affirmed with another nod. Her eyes widened as she watched him retrieve the wand without climbing the bookshelves, using a ladder, or even a wand. Her blue eyes widened in amazement. When he turned to her, she smiled and thanked him. "Thank you. I believe...." She trailed off, still in awe about the use of wandless magic. Wow. Wandless magic. "I have a question if you don't mind." She paused for a while, waiting for a comment, and then continued. "How did you learn to do that?" she asked. Whoops. What did 'that' mean? She cringed slightly. Be specific!

Olivia went on to clarify. "How did you learn to use wandless magic? How can I learn that? Are there books on it?" she asked curiously. She wanted to know and had always been fascinated with wandless magic even when Healer Reed had brought it up when he was tending to her sprained arm last term.

Kalen smiled down at the girl as she spoke and he inclined his head as she introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you as well Miss Holden. " He said as he noted her year, ahh same year as his niece.. Perhaps she knew her? Kalen wasn't going to mention it though and instead got her book and smiled.

"You are most welcome. " Yes he had seen the amazement in her eyes as he did his wandless magic, that was what he had been going for. His Slytherin pride puffed up for a moment, until it came crashing back down when she said she had a question to ask him.

"Yes Miss Holden? " He asked her as he raised an eyebrow.

Ahhhh, she wanted to know how to do it?

Merlin! Now he might actually have to tell her that he didn't know much wandless Magic..

Ehh, what she didn't know cousins hurt her right?

"It takes a lot of concentration, and it's not easy, I will tell you that. " He should know.. he only had three spells that consistently worked, he could hold out his hand and think Incendio and he'd be lucky to get a spark.. Magic was amazing like that though.. it was a never ending learning process and one could always get better.

"Yes of course there are books on it, and I can find some for you, however I would talk to Peofessor Hirsch or Professor Marchand about it as well. They would probably know some practical knowledge on the subject. "

Watson 05-11-2017 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft (Post 12213089)
Kalen smiled down at the girl as she spoke and he inclined his head as she introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you as well Miss Holden. " He said as he noted her year, ahh same year as his niece.. Perhaps she knew her? Kalen wasn't going to mention it though and instead got her book and smiled.

"You are most welcome. " Yes he had seen the amazement in her eyes as he did his wandless magic, that was what he had been going for. His Slytherin pride puffed up for a moment, until it came crashing back down when she said she had a question to ask him.

"Yes Miss Holden? " He asked her as he raised an eyebrow.

Ahhhh, she wanted to know how to do it?

Merlin! Now he might actually have to tell her that he didn't know much wandless Magic..

Ehh, what she didn't know cousins hurt her right?

"It takes a lot of concentration, and it's not easy, I will tell you that. " He should know.. he only had three spells that consistently worked, he could hold out his hand and think Incendio and he'd be lucky to get a spark.. Magic was amazing like that though.. it was a never ending learning process and one could always get better.

"Yes of course there are books on it, and I can find some for you, however I would talk to Peofessor Hirsch or Professor Marchand about it as well. They would probably know some practical knowledge on the subject. "

"Do you like Hogwarts so far?" she asked raising an eyebrow as she hoped that he was enjoying Hogwarts.

She nodded, listening to Mr. Kennedy speak about the art of wandless magic. "I'm sure. Non-verbal is hard," she said, nodding. She had only once been able to cast finite in her mind in a duel against Etta last year; however, she hadn't been able to cast the spell without a wand since then. Maybe something was blocking her? Or maybe she was just luckily and in the right zone to cast such a spell. It was strange. Trying to cast a spell without a wand seemed nearly impossible but she wanted to learn. Olivia was determined.

"If you could help me find some books on that, that would be great," she said with a nod. Then she pulled out a notebook and jotted down both Hirsch and Marchand's names on it. She knew Marchand well as he had been a former Beauxbatons Professor and she knew Hirsch fairly well because she had been a member of the dueling club last year. "I'll definetly go speak to them. When did you learn how to cast spells without a wand?"

MunchyBubbles 05-12-2017 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Watson (Post 12213542)
"Do you like Hogwarts so far?" she asked raising an eyebrow as she hoped that he was enjoying Hogwarts.

She nodded, listening to Mr. Kennedy speak about the art of wandless magic. "I'm sure. Non-verbal is hard," she said, nodding. She had only once been able to cast finite in her mind in a duel against Etta last year; however, she hadn't been able to cast the spell without a wand since then. Maybe something was blocking her? Or maybe she was just luckily and in the right zone to cast such a spell. It was strange. Trying to cast a spell without a wand seemed nearly impossible but she wanted to learn. Olivia was determined.

"If you could help me find some books on that, that would be great," she said with a nod. Then she pulled out a notebook and jotted down both Hirsch and Marchand's names on it. She knew Marchand well as he had been a former Beauxbatons Professor and she knew Hirsch fairly well because she had been a member of the dueling club last year. "I'll definetly go speak to them. When did you learn how to cast spells without a wand?"

Kalen smiled at her question, a tiny bit of nostalgia coming over him at her question. "I used to go here when I was younger actually, I was a Slytherin. " He grinned as he looked around the Library.. "I enjoyed the castle then, and I still enjoy it now. Though it's a little odd being back here as an adult. " He let out a soft chuckle as he looked down at Olivia.

"Mmmm, it is.. non verbal magic came petty easy to me actually, so I thought wandless would as well. " Whole different quidditch game though..making spells just come from your hand instead of a conduit was.. a whole different level of magic..

"Of course! I can help you find plenty of books on the subject, in fact, why don't we do so now hmm? " He asked as he motioned with his head to follow him.

The green eyed man started to move down the aisle, the books floating behind him started to move into their proper places on various shelves, with just a flick of his fingers as they walked. "We just need to go down to the magic section. " He said as he checked on the stack of books behind him. He titled his head in thought as she spoke.. "17 I was able to cast my first spell, after a lot of hard work. " and a bet..

Which he had won..

Just sayin'

Watson 05-15-2017 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft (Post 12213999)
Kalen smiled at her question, a tiny bit of nostalgia coming over him at her question. "I used to go here when I was younger actually, I was a Slytherin. " He grinned as he looked around the Library.. "I enjoyed the castle then, and I still enjoy it now. Though it's a little odd being back here as an adult. " He let out a soft chuckle as he looked down at Olivia.

"Mmmm, it is.. non verbal magic came petty easy to me actually, so I thought wandless would as well. " Whole different quidditch game though..making spells just come from your hand instead of a conduit was.. a whole different level of magic..

"Of course! I can help you find plenty of books on the subject, in fact, why don't we do so now hmm? " He asked as he motioned with his head to follow him.

The green eyed man started to move down the aisle, the books floating behind him started to move into their proper places on various shelves, with just a flick of his fingers as they walked. "We just need to go down to the magic section. " He said as he checked on the stack of books behind him. He titled his head in thought as she spoke.. "17 I was able to cast my first spell, after a lot of hard work. " and a bet..

Which he had won..

Just sayin'

Mr. Kennedy had been a SLYTHERIN? Woah. No wonder he was as cool as her older brother, Simon, and a few of her mates in that house. Olivia nodded slowly at his comment of returning to Hogwarts as an adult. "I'm sure it must be odd.... Has it changed much since you were a student? Were there just as many dangers here?" she wondered with a wide smile. She didn't mind the dangers too, too much though the portals last term had been quite numbing to her.

Her eyebrows raised when he said that wandless magic hadn't come easy to him compared to nonverbal magic. Hmm... Perhaps the two forms of magic were more different than she had originally assumed? She'd have to do more research on this to determine it. Olivia was determined to become a more skilled wizard and thought that this would be an AWESOME way to develop her skills. Nodding her head, she followed Mr. Kennedy down the aisles and listened to his response.

SEVENTEEN? HE WAS SEVENTEEN WHEN HE LEARNED? Merlin. She was barely fifteen. To be exact, she was fifteen and TWO WHOLE MONTHS. That meant she had ten months and a year to learn it. That simply wasn't enough time!!! :whaa: "At seventeen? Wow. How often did you practice?" she assumed almost every day. Yikes, that would be a lot of work....

MunchyBubbles 05-15-2017 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Watson (Post 12215481)
Mr. Kennedy had been a SLYTHERIN? Woah. No wonder he was as cool as her older brother, Simon, and a few of her mates in that house. Olivia nodded slowly at his comment of returning to Hogwarts as an adult. "I'm sure it must be odd.... Has it changed much since you were a student? Were there just as many dangers here?" she wondered with a wide smile. She didn't mind the dangers too, too much though the portals last term had been quite numbing to her.

Her eyebrows raised when he said that wandless magic hadn't come easy to him compared to nonverbal magic. Hmm... Perhaps the two forms of magic were more different than she had originally assumed? She'd have to do more research on this to determine it. Olivia was determined to become a more skilled wizard and thought that this would be an AWESOME way to develop her skills. Nodding her head, she followed Mr. Kennedy down the aisles and listened to his response.

SEVENTEEN? HE WAS SEVENTEEN WHEN HE LEARNED? Merlin. She was barely fifteen. To be exact, she was fifteen and TWO WHOLE MONTHS. That meant she had ten months and a year to learn it. That simply wasn't enough time!!! :whaa: "At seventeen? Wow. How often did you practice?" she assumed almost every day. Yikes, that would be a lot of work....

Kalen kept walking slowly down the long hall towards the magic section, at occcasional intervals, he would flick his fingers at the pile of books behind him and they would go sailing back to their spots, until only a few books remained hovering behind him.

He smiled a little at her question, "It has changed a bit of course, everything does. But for the most part it's still the same. " He said as he unconsciously touched his third finger.. some things weren't the same.. but that was okay.. He felt comfort in this castle.

He smiled down at Olivia as she seemed to be impressed by the age he had leaned his first wandless spell. "Well yes, but u had some motivation.. My older brother bet me that I couldn't do wandless magic by my 17th birthday.. so I proved him wrong.. " He said with a smirk as he turned down an aisle.. "Got a years worth of Fizzing Whizzbees for doing it too. " He said with a soft chuckle..

Watson 05-16-2017 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft (Post 12215862)
Kalen kept walking slowly down the long hall towards the magic section, at occcasional intervals, he would flick his fingers at the pile of books behind him and they would go sailing back to their spots, until only a few books remained hovering behind him.

He smiled a little at her question, "It has changed a bit of course, everything does. But for the most part it's still the same. " He said as he unconsciously touched his third finger.. some things weren't the same.. but that was okay.. He felt comfort in this castle.

He smiled down at Olivia as she seemed to be impressed by the age he had leaned his first wandless spell. "Well yes, but u had some motivation.. My older brother bet me that I couldn't do wandless magic by my 17th birthday.. so I proved him wrong.. " He said with a smirk as he turned down an aisle.. "Got a years worth of Fizzing Whizzbees for doing it too. " He said with a soft chuckle..

Olivia remained silent and followed Mr. Kennedy down the bookshelves, listening to him speak about how the school hadn't changed too much. She wondered what happened during his years at Hogwarts. The brunette clutched her satchel a little closer to her.

There was a bet involved too? That sounded like something she and her older brother would do. Merlin. She didn't even know if her brother could do wandless magic. They had never talked about magical abilities really. Well his abilities. Simon didn't like to talk about that and he always got her to talk about her school instead. She bit her lip, letting her mind slip to imaging Mr. Kennedy and his brother making that bet. Hmm.. " Mr. Kennedy, were you perhaps a younger sibling?" She chuckled. "That's a good deal. Could your brother do wandless magic?" she asked.

DuckyLinJi 05-16-2017 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12212555)

Derf ACTUALLY did not know the details. In fact, the Hufflepuff was making up wilder and wilder versions of 'what ifs' in his mind with each passing moment. Dora had become KIND OF a mama hen to him - although he was still convinced that Isa was the one who really wanted that title - and when she was upset...he was upset. He liked Dora's smile and found her glares really scary soooooooooo anything that could make all that stop was totally worth it.

"What kind of dis-s-sagreement?" he asked, curious switch officially flipped and eyes eager to understand. "I haven't been s-spreading rumors." Not about THIS at least. He was still sure he was on to something when it came to hags being hidden among staff. It WAS suspicious that so many had left the school last term, you know? "Why not? You will hug a bookcas-s-se but not Dora?"

Was he suuuuuuuuure the bookcase wasn't his girlfriend?

Mason turned around to grab another book from the shelf and as he had his back to the kid he rolled his eyes. Were every younger students annoying like he was? Had HE been that nosy? Yes, yes he had and he still was. He had read somewhere once that 'the thing you dislike is something that you , yourself do' Guess that the author was right about that one because he wanted nothing more than for Derf to leave him alone.

But he had the feeling that he wasn't going to leave that quickly and he refused to walk away himself. As he turned around to face him again, a new book in his hand, Mason shrugged his shoulders. "If you want the full story, here it is; Dora scared me, i threw a beverage in her face when i got startled, she got upset because her hair got wet, she told me to dry her hair for her, i refused, she got mad, i got mad, she punched me in the face, i hexed her back" He veeeeeeeeeeeeeery subtly let out the part in which he had NOT been able to hex her as she had dodged all his attacks and he had landed in the hospital himself. Ha. He had also left out the bit where she had tried to use him to get someone else, he felt like that, even if it had been a horrible thing to do in his opinion, he didn't want to make her look that bad. Especially since he knew that the younger students liked her. "But we both thought that fighting over something this trivial wasn't worth our time so we decided to become friends instead" there, happy kid?

And....he was still going on on hugging Dora? UGH , you know, he would do it just to shut him up but he didn't like it when someone came in to his personal space. He was fine with a handshake or a clap on the back or something, but a hug? No, he did not like that. "Don't you have classes to attent to?" or anything that required him NOT being in the library?

MunchyBubbles 05-17-2017 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Watson (Post 12215923)
Olivia remained silent and followed Mr. Kennedy down the bookshelves, listening to him speak about how the school hadn't changed too much. She wondered what happened during his years at Hogwarts. The brunette clutched her satchel a little closer to her.

There was a bet involved too? That sounded like something she and her older brother would do. Merlin. She didn't even know if her brother could do wandless magic. They had never talked about magical abilities really. Well his abilities. Simon didn't like to talk about that and he always got her to talk about her school instead. She bit her lip, letting her mind slip to imaging Mr. Kennedy and his brother making that bet. Hmm.. " Mr. Kennedy, were you perhaps a younger sibling?" She chuckled. "That's a good deal. Could your brother do wandless magic?" she asked.

Kalen chuckled softly as Olivia spoke.. "I am indeed a younger sibling, I have two older brothers.. and one younger.." He said as he led them down a long aisle before stopping at a section.. He ran his fingers over the spines of a few books, muttering under his breath before smiling as he found the one he wanted..

Of course.. right where it should have been..

Kalen was rather persnickety about the placement of all the books in the library and he had spent a few weeks before school arranging the tomes to his liking..

"Here we are.. " He said as he handed her two books, they were both wandless magic basics.. but should be helpful.. in fact he thought he had used one of them himself..

"And yes he could do wandless magic.. not much.. but he could do some.. " He said with a smile.

Watson 05-17-2017 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft (Post 12216305)
Kalen chuckled softly as Olivia spoke.. "I am indeed a younger sibling, I have two older brothers.. and one younger.." He said as he led them down a long aisle before stopping at a section.. He ran his fingers over the spines of a few books, muttering under his breath before smiling as he found the one he wanted..

Of course.. right where it should have been..

Kalen was rather persnickety about the placement of all the books in the library and he had spent a few weeks before school arranging the tomes to his liking..

"Here we are.. " He said as he handed her two books, they were both wandless magic basics.. but should be helpful.. in fact he thought he had used one of them himself..

"And yes he could do wandless magic.. not much.. but he could do some.. " He said with a smile.

With her hypothesis half-confirmed, Olivia chuckled quietly. It made perfect sense for some reason. She did wonder how old Mr. Kennedy was but she wouldn't dare ask. He looked sort of around Healer Reed's age. Speaking of Healer Reed, she owed him a visit but she would plan that later.

And now she had two books to help her study and less magic. They also weren't too, too heavy either which helped. Terrific. "Thank you, Mr. Kennedy," she said. She would keep them in good condition. A thought crossed her mind. Merlin. This would be the first set of books that she would ever take out of the library. Could she even take them out of the library? She didn't know.... "Can I check these out of the library or do I have to use them here?"

MunchyBubbles 05-17-2017 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Watson (Post 12216538)
With her hypothesis half-confirmed, Olivia chuckled quietly. It made perfect sense for some reason. She did wonder how old Mr. Kennedy was but she wouldn't dare ask. He looked sort of around Healer Reed's age. Speaking of Healer Reed, she owed him a visit but she would plan that later.

And now she had two books to help her study and less magic. They also weren't too, too heavy either which helped. Terrific. "Thank you, Mr. Kennedy," she said. She would keep them in good condition. A thought crossed her mind. Merlin. This would be the first set of books that she would ever take out of the library. Could she even take them out of the library? She didn't know.... "Can I check these out of the library or do I have to use them here?"

Kalen smiled warmly down at Olivia and he nodded his dark brown head, "You are very welcome Miss Holden, it's what I'm here for. " He said as his green eyes looked at her for a moment before the moved to scan the shelves a bit to make sure everything was how he liked it.

It was and with one last finger wave the books behind him moved into there places in the shelves.

Ahh, done with that.

"You may check them out of course, most books you can check out.. it's just the ones in the restricted section that need to stay here in the library. " He explained to her as he pushed his hands into the pockets of his trousers.

Watson 05-21-2017 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft (Post 12216758)
Kalen smiled warmly down at Olivia and he nodded his dark brown head, "You are very welcome Miss Holden, it's what I'm here for. " He said as his green eyes looked at her for a moment before the moved to scan the shelves a bit to make sure everything was how he liked it.

It was and with one last finger wave the books behind him moved into there places in the shelves.

Ahh, done with that.

"You may check them out of course, most books you can check out.. it's just the ones in the restricted section that need to stay here in the library. " He explained to her as he pushed his hands into the pockets of his trousers.

She knew it was his job to help students but she appreciated his help nonetheless. Glancing down at her books, she check d to make sure that she had everything. Yes..... yes... yes. Perfect! She had the books and she was all set. Olivia smiled. "Perfect then I would definitely like to check this out so that I can bring them with me and read up on this in my spare time."

Awesome! She could even check out the books now and bring them around the castle except for the ones in the restricted section. She wondered what kind of books were in there. Mr. Kennedy, what sort of books are in the restricted section?" she asked with a curious gaze over her shoulder towards the section. There wasn't anything too dangerous, right?

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