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Joint HoM and MS Lesson 3: The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy
It’s the very last day in April and it was a brilliant day out. Your Professors- Newton and K Stewart- have taken the time to plan a joint lesson that they hope you will enjoy and know you will find quite useful. Though it was being held in Professor Rose’s classroom, Professor Kay was there at the door to greet all of you as you enter. Rose was sitting at her desk, waiting to say hello as well.
Go on and take a seat anywhere you like! The room was rather airy as Professor Newton had every single window open. Just don’t doze off thanks to the good weather should you choose to sit next to one. Professor Stewart would be most displeased.
What shall today’s lessons be about? Written on the board before the room is “MAGIC IS MIGHT. Or is it?’’ You may want to ponder upon this statement while you wait for things to get started.
OOC: Welcome, everyone! Chatter is okay but just do not go overboard. Remember to read the rules for both Professors Newton and Stewart before posting. Also keep in mind that SS rules apply! Whit will get started in 24 hours! THE LESSON HAS STARTED!!
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
This time the nicer Professor spoke and Zoryn was still only half paying attention. The redundancy of the lesson was starting to get even MORE boring than it had been at the very start. It looked like their Professors would just keep taking turns asking questions--which Zoryn didn't care to answer as she was still in the middle of a protest--before the other Professor would chime in with an explanation.
How much longer until class was over?
'Cause it felt like an eternity. Zor continued to pass the time by pretending to take notes here and there while she secretly or maybe not-so-secretly payed no real attention to the new questions that were posed.
It would've been more tolerable had their Professors given them snacks like the better Professor Stewart did. Transfiguration was a lot easier to sit through because of it. Maybe Professor Muggle Studies was the one who needed to take some notes.
Just saying.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
She hadn’t answered the question of what she’d do in the first two scenarios. There was still way too much going through Stasya’s head for her to even think about answering, but she definitely agreed with what Emmeline had said. And everyone else, apparently. Magic was okay if it was being used to help people, but it wasn’t entertainment. And she still felt like the lesson hadn’t gone far enough away from the previous topics for her wide-eyed expression to fade. She wasn’t forgetting that any time soon, and she’d looked over as her best friend had asked. “Dark wizards”, she whispered, the only response she gave her. Things were definitely not okay if professors she’d previously thought were totally not dark wizards were talking about things that Dark wizards had believed in.
But she did raise her hand in response to Professor Newton’s questions, and she had been taking notes. “I’d probably just run or hide in the first one. And if I knew how to cure my friend with magic, I would.” Because she didn’t know enough defensive magic yet anyway, even if she did like DADA lessons and also she was small enough that hiding was possible so maybe she’d do both. She could curl herself up small, anyway, and also, they’d already said that it was okay to use magic to help injured people so if she knew a spell or something, of course she’d use it.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
GREAT. Another couple of scenarios.. As much as Etta liked this activity, she didn't understand the point of these questions. But then again, why should she? Just follow the instructions, yeah? There was no point in over-thinking. She rubbed her forehead with a small sigh, giving the questions some thought.. but they were quite straightforward, really. She raised a hand to answer.
"As for the first scenario, I would defend myself without using magic first. I would probably even try to escape but if that didn't work.. well, magic would be my very last option. And the second one.. if there was a way for me to cure them, I most definitely would." Because again, someone's health was WAY more important than revealing your magical abilities. At least, she thought so.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Hmph. Her well thought out responses, which were unique seemed to have gone totally unacknowledged. At least Kirk seemed to be on the same page as her in realizing there were other ways to entertain the friend without resorting magic. Which is essentially the same thing as what Professor Newton said in it not being a legit excuse to perform magic, but yet not.
And more scenarios, of which Skylar was totally tempted to respond with some sarcastic answers and yet the fourth year somehow managed to refrain. Mostly. "I doubt any magic I could do at this point in my education could seriously cause much harm, so obviously I'd do whatever means were necessary to save myself." #Slytherin. "Though I'm not sure why I would be walking in a deserted street at night either. But it depends on how the muggle intends to cause harm too, as sometimes people are all talk. Also, do I have access to my broom? Because I'd probably sooner resort to flying out of there rather than hexes or jinxes or muggle fighting." How about a bludger? She could do some serious harm with one of them.
"As for Scenario four, it depends. Like before, I doubt I'd be qualified to provide medical care for the friend and I could cause more harm than good. However, there is the possibility of getting them to see a magical healer if that was what they wanted. Consent is important, always." In case they learned nothing from the last IMPS challenge.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Well, the Ravenclaw prefect thought to herself with some grim satisfaction - at least Katy would be willing use magic to save a Muggle friends life. She couldn't be ALL that bad then, right? Hmmm.
Moving on to the next pair of scenarios (which Kitty was quite liking, by the way), she raised her hand to answer. "For scenario three I would use magic to defend myself against the Muggle, yeah." Most Muggles were perfectly good people, but she wasn't dumb - obviously there were just as many bad Muggles as bad wizards. "It wouldn't be violating the Statute since there's an exception when lives are in danger. I think a quick stupify ought to do the trick. Maybe something to keep him or her down longer so I can call the police. I wouldn't say I used magic to the police, of course, I'd just say he fainted. And no one would believe him when he said I did magic. I'm not very good at fighting physically at all and it's not like I own Muggle weapons, so magic is my best defense." The same was probably true for most of her classmates.
"In the fourth scenario, I would definitely use magic to cure my friend. I would do anything to protect the people I love, including breaking the Statute. Besides, isn't this a scenario where a life is in danger? Even if it wasn't, I would be willing to go to jail to save a friend's life."
A question occurred to her then that caused her hand to zoom back in the air. "I have a very related question about the Statute," she began. "There is an exception in the Stature for Muggles who are parents of a magical child. But what about if there was a couple who loved each other very much, one was a witch and the other a Muggle - but they didn't have kids? Or their kids didn't have magic. Would she be able to tell him about magic regardless, since they are married?"
Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button
This scenario game was getting a bit tedious, and Nicky's answer was not changing. He'd been roughed up more than once; the first scenario sounded scary, but was a defensive spell (that he probably wouldn't even perform correctly) really worth a lifetime in Azkaban?
And again with Muggle friends thing. Merlin, he barely had MAGICAL friends.
"Neither. I'd use magic in neither, ma'am." Honestly.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________ __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Kitty wasn't good at defending herself? Well. Perhaps they could settle things that way, since Katy planned on being very good at that very thing come next term. She bit back a smile and tried not to look too excited over the prospect. More of these scenarios to think about, right? More like more where the expected answer was obvious. Or less obvious in this situation, and Katy found herself agreeing with the unpleasant Tate kid.
She raised her hand. "I'd certainly hesitate to use magic in a situation that wasn't immediate and didn't offer some other way out. Threat of bodily harm is one thing, although I believe we could opt to leave or defend ourselves before risking revealing our whole community... but it's arguable, sure. But for a sick friend, I'm with Skylar. I don't know how to heal a person, and that sort of magic is best left to professionals, who may be able to do it discretely and non-verbally. I'm not saying we shouldn't get involved, but I think we have to be thoughtful. It's not that you're sharing your own secret with someone. You're sharing an entire community's safety with someone, and that someone could tell the world."
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: One/Two
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
“Thank you, Ms Umbridge,’’ the woman added with a slight smile to the Gryffindor. “Yes, the most common penalty is imprisonment in Azkaban.’’ Blue eyes moved to Olivia. “Excellent question, Ms Phillips! You’ve touched on our activity for today, actually. But to answer your question: Clause Seven of the Decree does dictate that magic may be used before Muggles in exceptional circumstances and those circumstances certainly include situations which threaten the life of the wizard or witch himself or herself as well as any witches, wizards or any Muggles present at the given time.’’
It was definitely time to move the lesson along. “Today, we shall have an activity designed to test your understanding of how important the Statute is. Professor Newton and I will pose scenarios to you and you have to let us know if you would reveal your magical abilities or not. It’s as simple as that.’’ Kay knew that this could very well spark debates but so far, she and Rose had managed to prevent this and was determined and confident that they continue the trend.
“First scenario: a close muggle friend has met with a fatal accident. You’re among the first rescuers to get to him or her and you realise it would take an extended period of time for the help they need to get to them. Healing Charms can help but unfortunately, you’re in the company of other Muggles. Would you use magic to save your friend?
“Scenario two: a Muggle friend is bored and wants entertainment. Being the good friend that you are, you are tempted to use your magical abilities to perform a series of tricks for them. Would you really go through with it?
"I wouldn't do anything...because I'm not that great with Healing magic. Nor am I a license Heal-- Doctor." They were called doctors in the muggle world. Her grandparents were both muggle doctors... "I agree that it's a terrible idea to try and use magic to heal someone, when you might not know the extent of their injury. It's irresponsible, actually." She was a bit late in answer, but her head was really starting to pound. In fact, she was keeping up remarkably well, considering.
"I just feel like magic can do more harm than good in certain situations."
SPOILER!!: Three/Four
Originally Posted by WhittyBitty
She smiled at the class. "Great job, everyone! It seems that most of you would perform magic in the first one while doing nothing in the second one. A muggle in danger certainly falls under Clause Seven of the Decree, while of course performing magic in the second scenario would most likely land you in Azkaban." So basically they were paying attention and that was always a GOOD thing. After pausing for a moment, she continued. "There are two more scenarios to go, and since Miss Phillips has raised a good question, let's use hers for one of them." Rosalyn had prepared something else, but she thought it would be nice to use something that one of the students had offered up.
"Scenario three: You are walking in a deserted street at night and out of nowhere a tough looking muggle comes up to you intending to do harm. Would you perform magic to save yourself? Or would you do something else that doesn't involve revealing yourself?" More or less what Miss Phillips was driving at as far as protecting oneself from a muggle. While Kay had explained that magic could be used in said circumstances, it was good to gauge what the students would do in that situation. Because really they could do either and this would fall under personal beliefs.
"Scenario four: You find out that one of your muggle friends has become very sick. They have a disease that unfortunately there is no muggle cure for. Would you expose yourself and use your magical abilities to cure them?"
It was going to be interesting to hear what everyone had to say! "As with the first two scenarios you can respond to one or both of them." Or none at all as had been the case with some people. Really they wanted to hear opinions on this.
......Olivia hadn't meant for her question...to become part of either scenario. And to be honest? Perhaps she shouldn't have said anything, as she was feeling...kinda triggered now. Triggered by traumatic past events that couldn't have been changed, anyway, as she never carried her wand around with her when she wasn't here at school. It only added to the helpless feeling that had taken hold of her when the....thing was actually happening....
...and scenario three had her putting her head down on the table....for a moment.... Her and her stupid, big mouth. "I wouldn't use magic at all, because I'm not of age to use magic outside of school. " First off, but secondly. "...As I said before, magic isn't good all the time. Especially when you're under duress. You might accidentally kill someone." Even if you're trying to protect yourself, you shouldn't take a life, right?
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
It was very interesting to hear what everyone would do in the hypothetical situations. There were a lot of differing opinions presented and Shay was surprised at some, not so much at others. Now though, they were moving on and it seemed that part two of the activity involved more scenarios. They were really making Shay think today. It was always difficult to imagine what one would do when the situation was hypothetical. You think you know, but in the heat of the moment......who really knows what they would do?
Shay thought about the next two situations for a moment and then raised her hand. "In scenario three, if I was sure that the muggle meant to harm me........I would probably only have seconds assess the situation and make a decision. What I would do would depend on a lot of things, how big the muggle was, whether or not he was armed.". Shay thought about all of the training she and Noelle had been doing. Could she take the muggle down? "If I thought I could defend myself non-magically, I would. If I thought I could get away safely, I would do that. I would use magic to save myself as a last resort, if I thought I had no other options." Shay was definitely not going down if she could help it.
As for scenario four, she continued. If I had a muggle friend with a disease that muggles could not cure and there was a magical cure for that disease.........I would try to help them as much as I could safely. But preferably in a way that would not reveal myself as a witch. Maybe I could give them a potion without them knowing what it was or use a spell without them being aware that I was doing it." If you used magic on a muggle, but they didn't know what you did, was that still a crime? If a tree falls in the woods......... These were tough moral dilemmas, but Shay wanted to think that's what she would do.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
It was almost time to end the lesson, and Rosalyn supposed that might be for the best because some of the students clearly weren't enjoying what was being covered. A real, shame but something that she was used to; history was never one of the more popular subjects. No matter though since it was important to know this stuff and she enjoyed teaching it.
Smiling, she nodded as responses started coming in. "So it seems that most of you would decline using magic in the third scenario despite it being completely legal." That was interesting to note. "That would definitely be a creative way of dealing with things, Miss Valentine." Quite impressive! And yes, Rosalyn knew what it was like to feel as if one wasn't very good at defending themselves. Why she had tried her hand at dueling club, though that hadn't gone successfully...
"It does indeed fall under the Clause, Miss Valentine." And huh. Another interesting question. "Well, there is no LEGAL issue when it comes to telling a spouse, but keep in mind that it would be a huge shock for a muggle. I'd say that it's best to use discretion in that kind of situation, but it depends on how the spouse would react to the news." After all some people accepted things better than others. I'm not surprised that most of you would use magic in the fourth scenario, though of course Miss Diggory, Miss Toussaint, and Miss Phillips raise a good point for us to remember in our day to day lives. When someone doesn't have abilities in a certain form of magic, it's best to leave it to someone who DOES." That was just a general statement. Of course in a hypothetical situation they were free to answer as if they could help the muggle themselves. "Good idea with the potion, Miss Morrison!" People sometimes forgot about those.
Anyway! Rosalyn glanced at her watch and saw that it was time for them to call an end to the lesson. "Wonderful job, everyone! That's it for today. Have a good rest of your day." Since opinions on the Statute had been shared, there wasn't really a need to talk about it after the lesson. Unless of course people WANTED to do that. Something completely fine in her books.
OOC: And that's a wrap! Thanks for attending our lesson. The thread will be left open for a little longer in case anyone wants to post wrapping up.
Now why was Katy looking so happy? Was it something she'd said? The Slytherin girl had only started looking excited after Kitty finished speaking, which was really weird unless it was just a coincidence. Kitty frowned. Hmmm...
Professor Newton's answer on telling your spouse was pretty awesome. Before now she didn't know what exactly the rule was concerning your spouse if you didn't have magical children. So it was nice to know that the Ministry realized you should be allowed to tell the person you love whatever you want.
And then this very interesting lesson had come to a close. Well! Kitty stood up to leave, thoughts of the debate they'd just had still swirling in her head, and she turned to the professor's to thank them for the lesson. "That was one of the most interesting lessons ever," she told them. "I was wondering when we were going to talk about the Statute. Thank you Professor Stewart and Professor Newton!" Beaming at them, she turned to leave.
And she made sure to avoid eye contact with Katy on the way out.