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Welcome to Hogwarts! All guests and residents enter and leave the castle through Hogwarts' two great oak front doors. Once inside the Hall, you'll notice newly cleaned marble floors, a majestic central staircase, large, iridescent arched windows, and numerous doors and staircases leading off from the hall.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Kimi made his way into the entrance hall and stopped for a few moments to catch his breath because the short climb up from the kitchens made him feel breathless and he needed to rest before he moved on to his next location
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Kimi made his way into the entrance hall and stopped for a few moments to catch his breath because the short climb up from the kitchens made him feel breathless and he needed to rest before he moved on to his next location
He needed something to eat after a couple of hours of studying. His exam studying schedule had said he had a free period right now anyways so the Ravenclaw had jogged downstairs from his Common Room to the Great Hall.
But before he could walk up the steps that lead to the door of the Great Hall he was suprised to see kimi, a Hufflepuff he had met on the train once, catching his breath. "Dude, don't tell me you're tired from those few steps" he said as he came to an halt. "Those stairs are nothing compared to where i need to go" aka the top of the tower.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
He needed something to eat after a couple of hours of studying. His exam studying schedule had said he had a free period right now anyways so the Ravenclaw had jogged downstairs from his Common Room to the Great Hall.
But before he could walk up the steps that lead to the door of the Great Hall he was suprised to see kimi, a Hufflepuff he had met on the train once, catching his breath. "Dude, don't tell me you're tired from those few steps" he said as he came to an halt. "Those stairs are nothing compared to where i need to go" aka the top of the tower.
Kimi looked up at Mason who he had met on the train a long time ago and said "Well i am tired but that is because i haven't been keeping well lately" Kimi knew that his illness made him tired and short of breath at times
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Kimi looked up at Mason who he had met on the train a long time ago and said "Well i am tired but that is because i haven't been keeping well lately" Kimi knew that his illness made him tired and short of breath at times
"That's tough" he said. He had no idea what else to say. He wasn't exactly good at words and although he knew how to express care, words usually failed him at these moments. "What are you doing here then? you should be seeing Healer Reed" he said. Obviously thinking he had some kind of flu.
Oh Merlin's Beard he wasn't contagious right? He took a suuuubtle step to the side. What if he got chosen to participate in the IMPS tournament and he got sick himself?! He couldn't risk that chance.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
"That's tough" he said. He had no idea what else to say. He wasn't exactly good at words and although he knew how to express care, words usually failed him at these moments. "What are you doing here then? you should be seeing Healer Reed" he said. Obviously thinking he had some kind of flu.
Oh Merlin's Beard he wasn't contagious right? He took a suuuubtle step to the side. What if he got chosen to participate in the IMPS tournament and he got sick himself?! He couldn't risk that chance.
Kimi looked at Mason and said "Well i would go see the healer but i have been unwell since mid-way through last term ive been in st.mungo's and nothing but watching myself and taking medication can help" Kimi was telling the truth because it was a serious condition he had but nothing much could be done about it at the moment
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Kimi looked at Mason and said "Well i would go see the healer but i have been unwell since mid-way through last term ive been in st.mungo's and nothing but watching myself and taking medication can help" Kimi was telling the truth because it was a serious condition he had but nothing much could be done about it at the moment
"You've been in st.mungo's?" Yeeeeeaaaah, definitely taking a step back now.
Mason looked at Kimi with an almost curious expression on his face. He wondered what the guy had yet at the same time did not want to sound rude so he kept his mouth shut. Maybe he just needed a distraction, and food was the best distraction...apart from reading a good book of course. "Well, i'm going to get something to eat at the Great Hall, you hungry too?" he asked.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
"You've been in st.mungo's?" Yeeeeeaaaah, definitely taking a step back now.
Mason looked at Kimi with an almost curious expression on his face. He wondered what the guy had yet at the same time did not want to sound rude so he kept his mouth shut. Maybe he just needed a distraction, and food was the best distraction...apart from reading a good book of course. "Well, i'm going to get something to eat at the Great Hall, you hungry too?" he asked.
Kimi smiled at Mason and said "Yeah that would be good i am hungry and well it would be a good way to get some strength back and yes i was in St.Mungo's and don't worry it is nothing that you can catch"
Holding his broom (YES, HIS BROOM!) Cameron was waiting for his friend in the Entrance Hall. To be fair, it took her a lot longer than him to get here. Who would want to live in the tower anyway? The only advantage you had up there was probably the view. But you could have that from all the other towers too. Or in the AIR! Like they were about to.
He had forgotten to ask if Jessa had her own broom but he'd brought his own (BRAND NEW) Beater's Bat and had asked one of the older students to duplicate it. That would do for now right? It would last for a few hours. Hopefully.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Like, ready set go ready.
Where was Jessa?
Holding his broom (YES, HIS BROOM!) Cameron was waiting for his friend in the Entrance Hall. To be fair, it took her a lot longer than him to get here. Who would want to live in the tower anyway? The only advantage you had up there was probably the view. But you could have that from all the other towers too. Or in the AIR! Like they were about to.
He had forgotten to ask if Jessa had her own broom but he'd brought his own (BRAND NEW) Beater's Bat and had asked one of the older students to duplicate it. That would do for now right? It would last for a few hours. Hopefully.
SHE WAS ON HER WAY!! Jessa took the stairs two at a time, occasionally missing a step and staggering back to some semblance of balance before going right back to hurtling down the stairs again. She was going to learn more about QUIDDITCH and even more she would be able to get in some flying practice which was sure to help her through the flying classes.
Balancing on a broom was one thing, but when you suddenly had to consider everything else happening in the air with you, everything got at least a zillion times more difficult.
Approaching the final steps, Jessa hopped off the staircase, skidding to a stop by her friend with a breathless grin. "Here! Ready! Flying! Yes!" The girl leaned against her broom to steady herself. Breeeeeeeathe. Last thing she needed was an asthma attack and with all the stairs between here and the tower plus the EX-CITE-MENT, she could feel her lungs doing a thing. Nothing she couldn't handle if it stayed like this. Just needed to breathe.
"Ooohhh, is that your beater's bat?!?!" He had TWO??? Merlin's beard they looked....gorgeous....and...and dangerous at the same time. "Quidditch Pitch?" Quidditch Pitch. Let's go.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
SHE WAS ON HER WAY!! Jessa took the stairs two at a time, occasionally missing a step and staggering back to some semblance of balance before going right back to hurtling down the stairs again. She was going to learn more about QUIDDITCH and even more she would be able to get in some flying practice which was sure to help her through the flying classes.
Balancing on a broom was one thing, but when you suddenly had to consider everything else happening in the air with you, everything got at least a zillion times more difficult.
Approaching the final steps, Jessa hopped off the staircase, skidding to a stop by her friend with a breathless grin. "Here! Ready! Flying! Yes!" The girl leaned against her broom to steady herself. Breeeeeeeathe. Last thing she needed was an asthma attack and with all the stairs between here and the tower plus the EX-CITE-MENT, she could feel her lungs doing a thing. Nothing she couldn't handle if it stayed like this. Just needed to breathe.
"Ooohhh, is that your beater's bat?!?!" He had TWO??? Merlin's beard they looked....gorgeous....and...and dangerous at the same time. "Quidditch Pitch?" Quidditch Pitch. Let's go.
THERE she was!!
"Hiiiii!" Could she tell that he was excited?? Maybe by the tone of his voice? Or maybe by the BIG GRIN on his face? At least he wasn't bouncing on the spot (no, he was MATURE after all) but he was definitely bouncing on the inside. E X C I T E D !!! And Jessa seemed just as excited. Which made him even MORE excited.
He stuck out his chin a little, clearly proud of the affirmative way he was able to answer her question. "Yes, it is! It's mine. I got it as a going to Hogwarts gift at the end of summer." Which was AWESOME! His own Beater's bat. Even though his parents had TRIED to maybe get him to reconsider playing Chaser, something about Beating being too dangerous. But pfft. Nope. This was his DESTINY. And now he even had that special gift Natalia Franks-Mundie had given him to keep him going. He'd of course left it at home for now. His protection spells weren't that good just yet and he did NOT want it to get stolen. It was the most amazing thing he'd ever owned.
"I had someone duplicate it. It should last through today. But probably not much longer." Cameron handed her the duplicate Beater's Bat, on which he'd tied a small red ribbon to make sure he didn't give her HIS. They did pretty much look identical right now.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by Lislchen
THERE she was!!
"Hiiiii!" Could she tell that he was excited?? Maybe by the tone of his voice? Or maybe by the BIG GRIN on his face? At least he wasn't bouncing on the spot (no, he was MATURE after all) but he was definitely bouncing on the inside. E X C I T E D !!! And Jessa seemed just as excited. Which made him even MORE excited.
He stuck out his chin a little, clearly proud of the affirmative way he was able to answer her question. "Yes, it is! It's mine. I got it as a going to Hogwarts gift at the end of summer." Which was AWESOME! His own Beater's bat. Even though his parents had TRIED to maybe get him to reconsider playing Chaser, something about Beating being too dangerous. But pfft. Nope. This was his DESTINY. And now he even had that special gift Natalia Franks-Mundie had given him to keep him going. He'd of course left it at home for now. His protection spells weren't that good just yet and he did NOT want it to get stolen. It was the most amazing thing he'd ever owned.
"I had someone duplicate it. It should last through today. But probably not much longer." Cameron handed her the duplicate Beater's Bat, on which he'd tied a small red ribbon to make sure he didn't give her HIS. They did pretty much look identical right now.
"Yes! Let's go." Off to the Quidditch Pitch!
It was waaaay harder controlling her excitement when Cameron was sounding as excited as she did. Double the excitement meant about half the chill that she would possess on any given day of the week. How was he standing still right now??? It didn't seem possible. There was some amount of restless shifting from one leg to the next while he explained the source of his bat.
"That's neat! You can get in a whole ton of practice before next summer. Will you be going to quidditch camp again?" And why were they still standing here??? They had to get to the pitch!!
Jessa took the duplicated bat, turning it over in her hand. "It's kinda heavy." She said finally, not a complaint but an observation. "You must need a good bit of muscle to swing it right." The smallest of glances was spared to her own puny set before she tucked the bat under her arm that held her broom before linking the other arm with his. Pitch, the were going to the pitch, which meant they had to start walking.
The Ravenclaw took bold, enthusiastic steps toward the large double doors, eager to get started. "Do you happen to have any bludgers tucked away?"
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
It had been a sunny morning and Kay had completed her almost- daily jog before going to check on Marshmallow. She had ended up playing playing with her crup longer than she intended but she had finally torn away herself to jog back to the Castle. A shower was needed, of course; that would happen shortly.
The professor paused at the Entrance. Her hair tie had become slack and as such, her hair was becoming undone. She pulled the tie off to proceed to put her hair back neatly in place. Having long hair was a pain sometimes and she pondered yet again if she should cut it.
It had been a sunny morning and Kay had completed her almost- daily jog before going to check on Marshmallow. She had ended up playing playing with her crup longer than she intended but she had finally torn away herself to jog back to the Castle. A shower was needed, of course; that would happen shortly.
The professor paused at the Entrance. Her hair tie had become slack and as such, her hair was becoming undone. She pulled the tie off to proceed to put her hair back neatly in place. Having long hair was a pain sometimes and she pondered yet again if she should cut it.
These days, it wasn't exactly the norm for Abey to hang around on his own, especially inside the castle. Mostly he spent all of his time with Junia and/or Rula and/or Derf and/or Théo, but sometimes he DID end up accidentally on his own actually, and during those times he tended to gravitate to the more populated areas of Hogwarts, at least until he could find someone else (an adult or an older, capable student) to tag along with.
The problem was that it did get sort of boring to wait around. And Abey was about 99% CERTAIN THAT HE WAS A SEER but he still didn't seem to have the type of SEEING that let him know when he would be spending huge chunks of his day in the Entrance Hall, otherwise he would have thought to bring his paints along. He didn't really want to go and get them now either, because that meant walking through the corridors ALONE, and no thank you.
So Abey just passed the time by people watching. He sat on the banister - right at the bottom of the stairs, because he wasn't really big on the idea of hanging out near portal-friendly walls - in a cross-legged position (because he was small enough to fit on it like that), head propped in his hand and watching people wandering about.
Ooh! That was a professor, wasn't it?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Cutie *__*
Originally Posted by Felixir
These days, it wasn't exactly the norm for Abey to hang around on his own, especially inside the castle. Mostly he spent all of his time with Junia and/or Rula and/or Derf and/or Théo, but sometimes he DID end up accidentally on his own actually, and during those times he tended to gravitate to the more populated areas of Hogwarts, at least until he could find someone else (an adult or an older, capable student) to tag along with.
The problem was that it did get sort of boring to wait around. And Abey was about 99% CERTAIN THAT HE WAS A SEER but he still didn't seem to have the type of SEEING that let him know when he would be spending huge chunks of his day in the Entrance Hall, otherwise he would have thought to bring his paints along. He didn't really want to go and get them now either, because that meant walking through the corridors ALONE, and no thank you.
So Abey just passed the time by people watching. He sat on the banister - right at the bottom of the stairs, because he wasn't really big on the idea of hanging out near portal-friendly walls - in a cross-legged position (because he was small enough to fit on it like that), head propped in his hand and watching people wandering about.
Ooh! That was a professor, wasn't it?
Even though she certainly was focused on re-tying her hair, Kay spared enough time to greet the students heading in or our of the Castle. They either got smiles or a friendly 'good morning!' or a combination of both. "Better,'' she told herself, referring to her hair. Hello there! Her gaze had just settled on a certain small second year. Wasn't he simply adorable sitting tucked away there? And was Abey just people watching?
"Mr Botros! Good morning.'' Kay could see that he was looking in her direction. "Are you enjoying the morning so far?'' This was just the Gryffindor that Kay had wanted to see. She had meant to check on him and how he was doing after last term's harrowing experience.
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Rhea Durant was annoyed. Why was it that every single time she wanted some peace and quiet someone would come along and ruin it? This time it had been a couple of first year boys running around the common room, yelling so loudly that she could still here them when she reached her dorm room. 'NO ONE CARES', she wanted to shout at them. Blimey. She couldn't even escape to her own room. They were everywhere.
There was only one thing for it. An evening walk.
'Bundled' up in a dark hoodie, she made her way out through the castle, reaching the entrance hall. Needless to say, she had to take a few detours to avoid people. There were accidental detours, too, because she hadn't quite got the hang of finding her way around the castle, but soon enough she was in sight of the doors. Almost there. Rhea had no real plan for when she got outside, but that didn't matter to her in the moment. She was just sick of people being everywhere and wished she could have some alone time. Just for a little while. That wasn't too much to ask, surely?
Rhea Durant was annoyed. Why was it that every single time she wanted some peace and quiet someone would come along and ruin it? This time it had been a couple of first year boys running around the common room, yelling so loudly that she could still here them when she reached her dorm room. 'NO ONE CARES', she wanted to shout at them. Blimey. She couldn't even escape to her own room. They were everywhere.
There was only one thing for it. An evening walk.
'Bundled' up in a dark hoodie, she made her way out through the castle, reaching the entrance hall. Needless to say, she had to take a few detours to avoid people. There were accidental detours, too, because she hadn't quite got the hang of finding her way around the castle, but soon enough she was in sight of the doors. Almost there. Rhea had no real plan for when she got outside, but that didn't matter to her in the moment. She was just sick of people being everywhere and wished she could have some alone time. Just for a little while. That wasn't too much to ask, surely?
As luck would have it (or lack thereof for the other girl) Dora was making her way out of the castle also. The Gryffindor had the hood of her coat pulled up, but blonde curls did stick out here and there. She knew it was going to be a bit cold out, so as she walked she pulled her gloves on as well.
And in her distracted moment she did bump into someone. Yipes. Well it wasn't difficult considering her school had been INVADED BY A BUNCH OF AMERICANS! Because she wasn't rude though she did look up, slightly abashed, and say, "M'sorry. Truly. I was distracted. Are you alright? "
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Originally Posted by Erindipity
As luck would have it (or lack thereof for the other girl) Dora was making her way out of the castle also. The Gryffindor had the hood of her coat pulled up, but blonde curls did stick out here and there. She knew it was going to be a bit cold out, so as she walked she pulled her gloves on as well.
And in her distracted moment she did bump into someone. Yipes. Well it wasn't difficult considering her school had been INVADED BY A BUNCH OF AMERICANS! Because she wasn't rude though she did look up, slightly abashed, and say, "M'sorry. Truly. I was distracted. Are you alright? "
How? How did anyone manage to bump into her in a place that was practically deserted? Okay, that was an exaggeration, but still. After letting out an involuntary sigh of annoyance and regaining her composure, Rhea looked up to see who had bumped into her. She narrowed her eyes .... This girl appeared to be older than her and, therefore, should know better, but she had apologise profusely. If Rhea was to kick up a fuss, it would only lead to more annoyance. So, she decided to brush it off.
Um RUDE! Dora heard the sigh and just caught that annoyed VIBE from the girl. And narrowed eyes. Who the hell did this girl think she was?! Dora Umbridge didn't take kindly to rude people... and her temper wasn't exactly one with a long fuse.
The blonde tucked a curl inside her hood as she gave the girl a stank look. "Mhmm. Whatever, " she said as she side stepped the YOUNG girl and strode toward the door. But one parting bit of wisdom... "You'll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar you know. " Meaning don't be such as jerk!
Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA
Originally Posted by Erindipity
Um RUDE! Dora heard the sigh and just caught that annoyed VIBE from the girl. And narrowed eyes. Who the hell did this girl think she was?! Dora Umbridge didn't take kindly to rude people... and her temper wasn't exactly one with a long fuse.
The blonde tucked a curl inside her hood as she gave the girl a stank look. "Mhmm. Whatever, " she said as she side stepped the YOUNG girl and strode toward the door. But one parting bit of wisdom... "You'll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar you know. " Meaning don't be such as jerk!
Rhea had tried to be polite, somewhat, but apparently it wasn't up to this OLD girl's standards. Sure, the sigh might have been uncalled for, but who cares? People could be annoyed if they wanted to be. And she had bumped into her, therefore she was the one in the wrong. No? That's what her mother had always told her: she was allowed to feel annoyed if she was wronged.
Did this count as being wronged? Hm.
Sorry, what? Rhea almost scoffed at the girl's final statement. "What is that supposed to mean?" A laugh threatened to escape her lips. "I'm sorry I was rude. Clearly not a people person," she said, gesturing to herself, "but you did bump into me," she pointed out.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
before the competition kicks off TL [ Abey and EVERYONE!! ]
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
He really REALLY needed to learn how to be decent good at a Levitation Charm. Problem with that spell was that you needed to concentrate and STAY that way for a while while it floated along side you. Derf wasn't...well...he wasn't quite able to hold his attention span for too long and easily ferreted. Which was why today he was utilizing his enchanted suitcase to bring the goods with him to the entrance to the great hall to meet up with Abey - thankfully the Hufflepuff common room wasn't too far though. Breakfast would be soon and with the competition kicking off later that day he was DETERMINED to spread some more Hogwarts cheer and he figured this was the most likely of places to get the foot traffic he was hoping for.
He had not forgotten the Americans! It had just taken him LOADS of time to get this much done and ran OUT of time before he could make t-shirts for them as well.
Stopping just off to the right of the doors, the Hufflepuff threw open his case and pulled out not one, not two, not three, but NINE small boxes. EACH containing T-shirts with the face of one of the eight Hogwarts competitors and then one last box that had a T-shirt charmed to cycle through all the competitors. He had asked for help from an older student for that last one, but the rest he had managed on his OWN!
Gryffindors first...then Hufflepuffs...then Ravenclaws...and then Slytherins.
He was proud to say he knew BOTH the Gryffindor representatives. Dora, Mama Dora in his head SOMETIMES, was always giving him solid advice and keeping him save AND helping him practice his Mermish. He still needed to introduce Natalie to her about that, come to think of it. Levi had been super nice to him too, making him feel okay about things when he got sick in Potions and taught him a very important distinction between garden hoes and other sorts. There was Etta who OF COURSE Derf knew and admired and often times wondered how it was possible for someone to be so compassionate. He felt a bit of a knot in his stomach looking at her box, however. She had been one of the people TAKEN last term by the monster and now she was being thrown into something potentially life threatening. Again. Against her will. He just wanted to make sure she was SAFE and would gladly make an Unbreakable Vow with her too - which he was still working on achieving with Simon and Abey. He didn't actually know Carl despite being in the same house, but this was clearly something he would need to fix soon. He did not know the female Ravenclaw representative all that well either, Cassandra...but she had a nice smile he had decided. He DID know Mason though and his bookcase hugging pastime. A pastime that he still 10000000% believed was just to practice on so he could hug Dora properly. Which made him think...if someone wore a Dora shirt and someone else a Mason shirt and THEY hugged...
Brent! DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE. Derf figured he would do well in this little competition but he had to wonder if it felt WEIRD competing against his old school so soon after transferring to Hogwarts. And he REALLY didn't know the Slytherin female representative whose name was really long but he DID know that he liked her hair.
Boxes all in a NEAT line...he waited.
Should he charge for these? Someone had suggested that he do that but then how MUCH?!?!?!?!
Where was Abey? He ought to ask him...and hope Abey was better at counting coins than he was or else they may be a mild disaster.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Mmmm, time to go look for some breakfast, probably oatmeal and fruit today. This morning Isa was in a good mood as she generally was on most mornings, but she was extra excited about the IMPS competition thing. She had been spending all of her free time since the champions had been announced planning her outfit for watching the first challenge and making signs so she could cheer for people. Isa had even been trying to write her own cheers for people, although she didn't particularly like any of the cheers she had come up with so far.
As she skipped and twirled through the entrance hall on her way to breakfast, Isa noticed her friend Derf doing something with boxes. Derf! Who cared what was in the boxes, she just wanted to see Derf. DERF! "Hi Derf! What are you up to?" Her face lit up in a smile like a beam of sunshine. Isa was all smiles around Derf. He was the kind of guy who made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and she was pretty sure that was a good thing. Everything he did was just so cute! He loved creatures too, and she had interest in what he was doing with creatures. She was even in on Stasya's goat plan. That was discussion for another time and place though. Right now all Isa was thinking about was Derf and all of the adorable things he did in class and how kind he was. Derf was definitely one of Isa's favorite people at Hogwarts.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Hmmmmmm...he probably should have brought some mannequins or something with him. OOOOOH! Or the dummies in the practice room near Professor Hirsch's office. But THAT would mean maybe seeing that man and Derf really REALLY was not ready to do that. There was a hole and VOID in his heart over what had transpired and this little Hufflepuff was NOT over it. He could consult Abey once he got here and then they could sort it out. In the meantime...he probably should model one of the shirts. OF COURSE he moved towards Dora's first, but then he pivoting on the spot and spun back around to grab the one of the alternating faces. He actually had one made of Valerie Gray that he was going to wear under whatever it was he was wearing but shhh.
Grabbing one of the topmost T-shirts - which was a little big for him but oh well - he slipped it on and tugged at the hem to watch the faces morph into one another when he heard someone say his name. "Hey Isa," he grinned. "S-Spreading s-s-some Hogwarts cheer!" He even gave his own shirt a tug at the hem to stretch it out a little to show it off. "Do you want one? I have one for each champion too."
Hence all the boxes.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Hmmmmmm...he probably should have brought some mannequins or something with him. OOOOOH! Or the dummies in the practice room near Professor Hirsch's office. But THAT would mean maybe seeing that man and Derf really REALLY was not ready to do that. There was a hole and VOID in his heart over what had transpired and this little Hufflepuff was NOT over it. He could consult Abey once he got here and then they could sort it out. In the meantime...he probably should model one of the shirts. OF COURSE he moved towards Dora's first, but then he pivoting on the spot and spun back around to grab the one of the alternating faces. He actually had one made of Valerie Gray that he was going to wear under whatever it was he was wearing but shhh.
Grabbing one of the topmost T-shirts - which was a little big for him but oh well - he slipped it on and tugged at the hem to watch the faces morph into one another when he heard someone say his name. "Hey Isa," he grinned. "S-Spreading s-s-some Hogwarts cheer!" He even gave his own shirt a tug at the hem to stretch it out a little to show it off. "Do you want one? I have one for each champion too."
Hence all the boxes.
The smile of Isa’s face grew even bigger when Derf spoke to her. Spreading Hogwarts cheer. What a wonderful idea! She loved it! Look at that awesome shirt. ”I would love one! Such a great way to show school spirit.” Derf was so adorable. Obviously Isa was all for showing school spirit and spreading Hogwarts cheer. Wow, was that charmed to rotate between faces? "That's a really cool shirt, Derf! How did you get it to change the pictures like that?" Impressive. Must involve some advanced spells. Isa would have to get that one. Couldn’t decide which person to support. Of course Isa was partial to the Hufflepuffs, but all of the champions were great. Probably. Actually, Isa didn’t really know most of the champions, but it was still nice to show support for all of them. Either way Isa was excited to cheer on all of the competitors. She had been planning her outfit and making signs to cheer with all week. Today was going to be a big day. Isa was excited about the International something something something - yeah, she was just going to call it IMPS, whatever that stood for. ”Are you selling them or just giving them to people?” That was important to know. She was always up for free school spirit gear, especially if it was something that Derf had made. If she needed to pay for it she might need to take a minute to poke around her pockets to see if she had money on her.
”Have you eaten anything yet? I’m on my way to get breakfast. You could come with me, if you want. Or if you need to stay here I could bring you something.” Couldn’t let Derf go hungry. Did he have any diet restrictions? Was he vegetarian too? Isa didn't know of any other vegetarians at Hogwarts, so he probably wasn't. Then again, she didn't just go around asking people about their eating habits. Could be an interesting project.
Even though she certainly was focused on re-tying her hair, Kay spared enough time to greet the students heading in or our of the Castle. They either got smiles or a friendly 'good morning!' or a combination of both. "Better,'' she told herself, referring to her hair. Hello there! Her gaze had just settled on a certain small second year. Wasn't he simply adorable sitting tucked away there? And was Abey just people watching?
"Mr Botros! Good morning.'' Kay could see that he was looking in her direction. "Are you enjoying the morning so far?'' This was just the Gryffindor that Kay had wanted to see. She had meant to check on him and how he was doing after last term's harrowing experience.
Automatically, and because it was polite and respectful and because he had been brought up to value and practice those very things - especially with his elders - Abey greeted the professor back.
"Good morning, Professor Stewart," he said cheerfully enough, smiling shyly because that tended to be his way when he spoke with adults one-on-one. Usually he dragged Théo or Derf or Junia with him when he needed to ask professors questions, and got them to do the asking for him, or at least the part where they got the professors' attention. "Yes, very much, thank you. Um... how about you?" ... and then, because he was already talking at it was much easier to ask questions once he had got going... "Were you out running? ... Or flying?" That last part maybe sounded almost hopeful. Abey looooooved talking about flying actually.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!