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Divination Lesson 1 - Moleosophy When you climb up into the Divination classroom you're met by at least 20 small circular clothed tables surrounded by chintz armchairs in an rainbow of colours. On each table you see a collection of mirrors in different shapes and sizes. The room is for the day lit by the sunshine coming in from the tower windows as well as the many lamps scattered around the circular room. It is not stiflingly warm but rather pleasantly warm since there is no fire burning under the mantelpiece today, but the heavy perfume or is it incense you smell in air is coming from somewhere. The shelves running around the circular walls are crammed with dusty feathers, candle stubs, packs of tattered playing cards and countless silvery crystal balls and a vast array of tea cups and you can also spot two charmed full-body mirrors. Near the centre of the room Professor Vance's empty comfy pink high chair stands, along with two small tables covered in parchments about today's lesson topic and her favourite teapot and cups set. Upon entering Professor Vance appears from somewhere unspecific it could be left or right and greets each student as they trickle into the classroom by saying hello and instructing them to find a table to sit at and to choose a mirror from the table collection. OOC: Welcome to this terms first lesson in the wonderful art of Divination!:jump: I hope you've all have practiced your Inner Eye's during the summer! This is not the first lesson IC since were in October. Class progression: Start+first question Responces + second question Responces + mini activity Question answers + main activity Class dismissed! |
*takes a prediction* xD The Gryffindor Ace clambered up the steps to the Divination classroom, subconsciously noting that it wasnt quite as stuffy as before, because so far he hasnt instantaneously broken out into a sweat. "Heya Professor Vance!" the Curly Top greeted her as he took her offered hand as he straightened himself up. Wow he is early aint he? Good he can have free reign to sit where he wanna, which is likely next to a window. |
While Skylar didn't necessarily believe in Divination, somehow she'd done well in the subject last year and considering that, she would make an attempt at the subject again. Who knows, maybe she might just find herself to be a believer. Entering the tower, she was pleasantly surprised to find it to not be as warm as stuffy as usual. Thank Merlin. Although the perfumes were still strong enough to bother her sense, but the fourth year had grown to expect it, even if she didn't care for the smells. Not taking a prediction, she did smile at the Professor, "Hello Professor Vance," as she went to find an empty seat at Tenacius' table, even though seats seemed to be in abundance, since she was somehow here early? "Hey Tenacius" She greeted. Hope he didn't mind or wasn't saving these seats for someone else; besides, she never really sat with him too often. |
Divination! One of her favourite classes, really. Etta had always assumed that she wasn't very good at it but Professor Vance was a really good teacher and she'd started to find the subject quite interesting. She entered the classroom, feeling a little exhausted from climbing all those stairs. "Hello, professor!" She greeted with a rather cheerful smile, also giving her a hand, before taking a seat at one of the tables. "Hi Tenacius and Skylar." Etta smiled at her fellow classmates before her gaze turned curiously towards all the mirrors set on the table. Hmm. Interesting. She picked one in random as instructed and waited for class to begin. |
Junia was rather skeptical when it came to Divination, but her curiosity weighed more heavily and the brunette found herself entering the classroom, a small smile playing on her lips as she offered her hand. "Hello Professor." What did the future have in store for her, hm? "Hey guys." Tenacius and Sky received a smile before the Slytherin moved over to sit with Etta. "Hey, mind if I join you?" Not that she really had a choice, considering the fourth year was already sitting. She selecting a rather ornate looking mirror just big enough to reflect her face. It was pretty, she thought. Something her mama might have. Now to find out what she'd be using it for... |
Abey hadn't ever been to a Divination class before this year had started. He hadn't opted to take the class in his first year, because it hadn't really appealed to him all that much, but NOW he was taking it, and had even been to almost every class so far. For REASONS. Reasons like that because ABEY WAS TOTALLY A SEER AND HOW HAD HE NOT REALISED BEFORE?! Or something. So, after that 'realisation', taking Divination class seemed to just be the natural progression of things actually. AND it meant MORE TIME WITH HIS VILLAIN. There was still the issue with the writing and reading of things, but mostly Abey avoided all of that, flew under the radar, and focused on the practical thingies. Red-faced and panting slightly (okay, a lot) from climbing the approximate half a million stairs that led up to the Divination Tower (he may have played Quidditch but he was nowhere near as fit as he should have been) Abey scrambled up through the trapdoor with about as much grace as a dizzy platypus, and rolled onto his back to catch his breath. Stairs... why... Once he was back on his feet, Abey allowed himself his usual moment to take in the sight of the classroom. It made him practically GIDDY to see. Not only were the chairs here in a million different colours and shades, but even the very sunlight streaming through the window seemed to shimmer and shine in a thousand million billion nuances of colour and....... it was perfect, and so different up here, somehow. This, Abey had quickly decided back in his very first Divination lesson, was his favourite classroom of all time. Barely noticing the actual teacher lady, Abey rushed through his greeting of "HiProfessorhowareyou," before hurrying into the classroom to find the comfiest seat. He definitely absolutely actually tested a few - dropping heavily into them and testing their squishiness by bouncing lightly in them - before settling on one that was a lovely deep indigo. He was SO READY. Ooh, mirrors. |
Two years into the subject and Jessa was still no closer to finding out how Divination worked. That was perhaps the only reason the Ravenclaw was back for a third try this school year. The thought of a concept that she couldn't wrap her mind around....of not knowing....it didn't entirely sit well with her. Surely there must have been something she was missing? A certain cause and effect relationship between the predictions and the subjects thereof? It was just very confusing and therefore something that needed to be deconstructed. Stepping into the room, Jessa did take the offered hand, finding she wouldn't mind a bit of extra homework in finding out how likely the prediction was to come true. It was likely she'd go out of her way to keep her routine as normal as possible....though...what if the prediction was contingent on her stepping outside the norm.....? No real way of telling she supposed, which was what made this subject so........headache inducing. It was like grasping at straws or trying to find logic in the scribbles of her baby niece--very very very difficult. "Hello Professor." Turning, the Ravenclaw looked about the room, considering her many options when it came to seating. Thankfully the room wasn't nearly as hot today, maybe that would help in her concentration. Jessa moved about the room, distracted by the mirrors that sat on the table until she came to one that had Abey sat at it. Oh. Hi. "Can I sit here?" That seat there was likely saved for Derf, she just wanted to know if the other two were taken as well. If they were, her eyes had already caught sight of an empty table not too far off. |
(empty table, yo) Today wasn't the greatest of days for Roo, but he was still pandering on with his classes and trying not to think about the stresses of seventh year and everything else. Did he need to be fretting about his relationship in twenty years right now? No. Was he? Yes. If there was something that could cause the slightest bit of worry, then Rooney was thinking about it today. And had been yesterday and the day before that. This was looking to be just one of those weeks. As he entered the Divination classroom, Rooney managed to smile at the Professor before heading to take a seat at a table. He'd collected a mirror that looked worn and uncared for, something that mirrored how he felt right now. |
abey & jessa yaaaaaaaas He had TOTALLY forgotten to ask Professor Vance how she had liked the Magic 8 Ball he had gifted her last term, but if his hunches and total Inner Eye were any indication then he KNEW she loved it. Bounding into the classroom, still needing to take a moment to adjust to the STRONG smells to the classroom, Derf GRINNED and immediately rushed over to the professor to greet her. Extended hand? CLEARLY that was grounds for a high five! Which he gave just as eagerly as his bounding towards her implied. "Hello, Profes-s-ssor Vance," he chirped before moving on to find himself a seat. He proooooobbaly should branch out a little more, but it was HARD to resist when your Gryffindor and your Ravenclaw were at the SAME table, you know. "HI!" Plopping his enchanted suitcase on the floor next to his seat, Derf flopped in the seat beside Jessa and rested his elbows on the table to look at the mirrors. |
Tenacius and Skylar, or Rooney. And a prediction Her relationship with Divination was a little confused but generally healthy, at least that's what she thought. Her first Divination teacher was a nightmare (Ursula Black, who'd tried to EAT her and Brody twice) but she hadn't really taught them anything other than to not automatically trust grown ups (being 12 back then, Kitty had been more than a little naïve), so it was unfair to judge the subject based on her. Ursula's replacement had been much better, but that one she hadn't gotten the chance to know well. But Professor Vance was awesome. Kitty genuinely liked her and because of her she always tried to be open minded on the subject and to try her best, even if she still wasn't one of the best students. She was almost always unsure what prophecy was real, and if one did come true, she wondered if it was coincidence or real. Some were real, but which ones? Speaking of which... "Hello Professor Vance, how are?" The Gothic prefect greeted her favorite Dination teacher, taking her offered hand with a small smile. Then she made her way over to the tables, basking in the strangely pleasant scent in the air. Her first thought was to sit with Rooney since he was all alone, but since they were both Ravenclaw prefects she wondered if maybe it would be better to spread out a little. And Tenacius was sitting on a table nearby, and she kind of wanted to sit with him, so... GAA! Sometimes she just couldn't make up her mind. "Who wants my company?" the Ravenclaw asked as she hovered halfway between Rooney's and Tenacius's and Skylar's table. |
Chloe tried not to think too hard about Divination whenever she went. There was no rhyme or reason to the logic behind prophesying, really. She found you either had the gift or you did not. And she did not. So she didn't mind the temperature or the smell. It was all arbitrary. She did however pick out a mirror and then a seat. Chloe did say hello to the professor on her way in but she didn't linger. Truthfully, she just wanted to get to the lesson part of the lesson. |
Prediction please and hello Rooney Shay arrived for Divination class and paused just outside the classroom. She always had to get her mind prepared before she took on the noble art. Besides, she also had to prepare herself for the olfactory stimulation that was a part of Divination class. As she entered the room, Shay was ready. She wondered what they would be studying today. Spotting the professor, she extended her hand and offered an enthusiastic greeting. "Hello Professor Vance", she said brightly. Then Shay had to decide where she wanted to sit. Join some of the other students or sit at an empty table? That was the question. Not particularly feeling like being alone, Shay went for option one. If she was going to achieve her goal of getting to know as many students as possible, she'd have to make a concerted effort. Shay saw the Ravenclaw prefect (Rooney) sitting alone and decided that he would be a good person to meet. She walked over to his table and said, "Hi". "Mind if I sit here?" She hoped that the answer was no, since she was already moving to sit down. Shay eased into the chair and set her things down. Turning to her neighbor, she said, "I'm Shay". Then she did as instructed and claimed a mirror from the set on the table. Taking out her quill and parchment, Shay waited for class to begin. |
She'd barely made it to the top of the stairs when her nose had started itching, and by the time she'd fully entered the classroom, Sam had sneezed at least thrice. She cursed under her breath at forgetting to take her potion; concentrating in class was near-impossible without it. How she was meant to clear her head with all this stuff in the air, she'd never know. Regardless, Sam greeted the Professor between sneezes, and absent-mindedly took the Professor's hand as she passed, mistakenly thinking a tissue was being offered. Realising her error, she removed it awkwardly and shoved it in her robe pocket. "Sorreh, Professor. A mirror, you said?" Her gaze moved to the classroom, and she automatically moved to one of the tables by a window. Maybe she would be able to breath more clearly here. As for the mirror? She chose a smallish, plain hand mirror, rectangular in shape with a blue backing. No particular reason, it was neither near the top nor the bottom. A mirror was a mirror, was it not? |
Derf, Abey and Jessa (also offering her hand to Professor Vance because why not?) The climb up to the Divination tower hadn’t been too hard. Granted, Stasya wouldn’t have said it had been even if anyone had asked. She liked climbing, and exploring, and anything that piqued her curiosity. And Divination definitely did that, even if it wasn’t anywhere near Care of Magical Creatures in her internal list of favorite subjects. It could have been, but creatures were more important. “Hi Professor Vance,” the small blonde had said with a grin, passing her and offering a hand almost absently even as she had listened to the instructions. Pick a table and a mirror. That didn’t seem hard, even if she didn’t really understand the whole mirror part of it all. She wanted to ask what they were supposed to see in the mirror aside from their reflection, but before she’d managed to get the question out, she had seen the nearly full table and beelined over to it. Hi Derf and Jessa and Abey. She was sitting there. Mhm. Besides, it wasn’t like she saw Liv there to claim her. She saw Rooney, but not Liv. So for this lesson she was claiming a Derf instead, and by association a Jessa and an Abey. |
Chloe Newman + Prediction Quote:
Naturally upon entering the classroom, the Gryffindor's first inclination was to sit with Rooney (because boyfriend and fiance)...but there was another person occupying the space opposite his. A girl she recognized from the Welcome Feast as Shay...... Oh, okay... Breathing through her disappointment (and slight jealousy), Liv made her way towards Chlo; pausing only to shake Professor Vance's hand (because manners). Sigh. Everything was so strange these days, and if there was one thing Olivia Lynn Phillips hated, it was uncertainty and the unknown. No, thanks. Transparency, please. "Newman." The blonde sat elegantly beside her friend, speaking Chloe's surname in an overly serious fashion. It was obvious teasing. "Mind if I bother you today?" Not waiting for an answer, because Chlo was her friend and OF COURSE it would be okay for her to sit here, Liv pushed her bag beneath the table and stared inspecting the dirty mirrors sat atop it.... She was reminded of Foe glass, and two-way mirrors... Interesting. "What do you suppose all this will be about today?" |
Oh! A someone! A Ravenclaw someone! A Jessa, specifically. Abey didn't know her all that particularly well actually, but she was a mega good friend to both Derf AND Mairwen, so he considered her friend by proxy. Poxy? ... No, proxy. "Of course!" he practically chirped at Jessa, having been put in a fabulous mood by this wonderful colourful room, like always. And the WARMTH of the room. And the way it felt like it was a million miles away from certain floors-and-corridors-that-were-to-be-avoided just by virtue of the room's very atmosphere. He BEAMED when Derf joined them too, reaching forward and WAVING EXUBERANTLY RIGHT AT HIS FACE. "HI VILLAIN!" It wasn't long at all before another joined their group; this time a first year Gryffindor who Abey knew to be called Stasya - he hoped he would never have to spell it, because he was fairly certain that he would ruin that pretty name with his clumsy grasp of letters and words. "Hi there," he greeted her with his customary grin. |
HE DIDN'T MIND!! Quick as that, Jessa flopped into the seat, leaving the one beside her open for Derf so he could sit between both her and Abey. It was that whole sharing thing, y'know? When your best friend had his own best friend and they were like super friends so there was nothing you could--or should--try to do about it? Like that. Plus, Abey was good for Derf. They sorta balanced each other out...so long as they weren't BOTH traumatized at the same time. Didn't take long for Derf to join them, looking about as chipper as Abey did. Was it something in the room? The incense HAD been making her feel just a little light headed but it wasn't by much. "What'd you think the mirrors are for?" She asked them. The question was actually more thrown out to either at the table but the principle was there. Oh and there was Stasya! Nah, she didn't mind her sitting there at all. The girl was nice enough and if Derf said she was okay, she likely was. He had a way of knowing when to not like someone, even if she didn't always agree. Jessa smiled at her, before reaching forward to pull the mirror closer. Would they be looking at their inner selves with these? Was that a thing? How would it work exactly? Perhaps the mirror was charmed beforehand. |
SPOILER!!: Individual replies: predictions SPOILER!!: Individual replies: greetings After greeting each student and when it seemed like no more were coming in right now professor Vance headed over to stand in the center of the room, near her high chair to begin the lesson. Pulling out her wand from its holder she conjures up a blackboard as she greets the assembled students with a big smile pursing her lips and her good mood is evident in her tone too. "Welcome to another lesson in the wonderful art of Divination. I hope that you are all rested so that each and everyone of you can be in tune with your Inner Eyes today." With the use of her wand Professor Vance then proceeds to write the word "MOLEOSOPHY" on the board in big letters. Pausing for a moment to let the word sink in and be registered by every student as she walks around amongst the student tables Professor Vance then asks "What do you think moleosophy is the study of? If you haven't heard of this branch of divination before then make the most logical and best guess from your point of view." OOC: Class has started! If you're just joining us welcome, welcome but please post as if you've been there all along unless you want to lose house points and irritate Professor Vance? Catch up posts are allowed throughout the lesson. The question is simple: what does your character think moleosophy is the study of? The little greeting predictions were just for fun and if you want to use them for some fun outside of class rpies around the castle then go for it! ;) I'll move on around 6-7pm GMT+2 monday night, May 15th. |
What did she MEAN she saw danger???? WHAT KIND OF DANGER?????? Realistically speaking, yes, Lexa was an Auror and if you were being honest, that sort ALWAYS had danger but it seemed far more ominous when the Professor said it. With everything her sister had ever told her, it seemed a safe bet for any seer to tell Jessa that her sister was in danger because on any given day...she likely was and the young girl knew that. Just...just.....now she was overthinking it. What if this time was the REAL real danger??? The one she couldn't get out of?? Poor Emmi would cry for days--and her daddy would be so sad too and rjbsekrjgfbvrlegf. Divination was often proven to be a bit of guesswork and nothing else but now Jessa found herself skeptical in her skepticism. What if this was the one time she was meant to BELIEVE. Oh Merlin, her sister! The Ravenclaw began to lose colour in her face until she was as pale as a sheet. The Professor's question flew right over her head, sounding more like muffled noise in the background, as the little girl became preoccupied with thoughts of dark wizards bringing her sister to her ultimate demise. How fast could an owl travel? How soon could she get a message to her warning that she needed to quit her job and do something else? More importantly, HOW was this having such an effect on her? This made no sense. It could have been wrong--it was very likely arbitrary and wrong but then...she'd never told the Professor she had a sister...so how much guesswork could it really have been? What if it was RIGHT???? Didn't take much longer after that for her breathing to grow oddly shallow and Jessa soon found herself having to coach herself into deeper breathing. Everything was fine. Aurors always had danger. Lexa was always fine. Everything was fine.BREATHE. |
Drat missed the chance for a prediction. Moleosophy? What? Hadley stared at the word, clearly uncertain and puzzled. She scrunched her nose up, as if the unfamiliarity of the word, or any part of it, left a bad taste in her mouth. There were times, when she wasn't paying attention, that she clearly marked herself as a Ravenclaw. This was one such moment. What did she think the word meant? "Honestly? No clue, Professor. It sounds like it should be defined as 'The philosophy of Moles." Which was clearly not even remotely close. Right? "Wait, does it have something to do with moles?" |
So Shay's prediction was........unusual, to say the least. It started of nicely enough. The professor liked her hair. Cool, but then things got weird. A puzzled expression crossed Shay's face when Professor Vance asked if she had combed her hair. Of course she had. When the mention of worms, lice and the like occurred, she didn't know whether to be offended or laugh. Shay decided to let it go. She had no idea where this prediction was coming from or what it was supposed to mean. There was one thing she knew for sure though. Her hair was big and curly, but her grooming was impeccable........so yeah. Once class had officially started, the class learned the topic for the day. Moleosophy. Shay had heard of it, but had no direct experience with it. It was exactly what it sounded like and she raised her hand to tell what she did know. "Moleosophy is a form of Divination that studies moles, birthmarks and things of that nature. You can tell things about a person by interpreting their moles." Strange, but true. |
"I think the mirrors are for divining things," Abey said, with an air of intelligence that was entirely faked and acted because actually he wasn't very intelligent at all, in his own opinion. But he HAD USED A WORD HE'D NEVER USED BEFORE. Divining. It was a nice word too. Oh wait hold on. The professor! "I'm good too, Professor..." Abey trailed off, because names were hard. "It's a lovely day actually!" Divination then? Divination. Good. Good to go. ... Except Abey was already stumped on the first question. He didn't really have any plans to try and answer either, for fear of looking mega student, but after an older Ravenclaw spoke, Abey couldn't stop himself from just blurting out his thoughts as they came to him. "Is that like the animal kind of moles or the skin kind of moles?" he asked aloud, sort of directing his question to the professor. "OH I KNOW!" He picked up the mirror and waved it around. "It's the skin kind of moles, and we're using these mirrors to find them on our faces?" Maybe????? Also, Abey was suddenly becoming aware of drawing attention to himself and calling out his answer. It was too late to take it back now, so he just tried to act more confident than he felt. ........ And then he caught sight of Jessa, who had gone very pale, and he had only just noticed. "Are you okay?" |
Rapunzel, huh? Hm. That wasn't the worst thing that could possibly happen to her and so she simply nodded. "Thanks for the warning, Professor." She'd certainly keep that in mind. Moleosophy...sounded funny. Also, considering the mirrors, Junia figured her classmates were on the right track with the mention of moles and birthmarks. "I'm with Abey and the rest, Professor. It'd make sense that it has something to do with marks on the skin, considering we have these mirrors." To look at those things more closely, you know. ...But her skin didn't have many marks at all, she thought, and what did that say about her? |
*catching up* x3 || w/ Skylar (not sure who else is seated with them?) SPOILER!!: Prof Vance The Curly Top's eyes grew large, great big blue-green orbs wide with alarm. Was the Professor serious about that? Because he is a Salander and his dad told him to be wary about the Whomping Willow. Something about an old grudge. His cruiser wasnt made of wood though, it was of metal... so maybe it wont come true? Not until his cruiser was made of wood perhaps... then again being splintered with wood sounds better than being pierced with metal shards. He was still mulling that over when Skylar joined him. "Hey Skylar." Somebody to take his mind off that prediction. He waved hello to Etta too. Ok so class is starting and.. they were gonna study what? He stared at the word the Professor wrote. Moles. Given his propensity for animals the first thing he thought of was the ground-burring creature. But then this isnt COMC class. "Are we.... studying the meaning of what moles mean depending on where they're found on our body?" |
Rooney and Shay + question Her eyes widened in surprise as Professor Vance predicted her chair would break. "Woah, are you sure?" she asked, looking at the chair by Tenacius and then looking at the one next to Rooney. They both looked the same to her, how did the professor know which one was damaged? But she didn't seem to be joking. "Um, okay.... thank you for, um, warning me." She made up her mind to sit next to Rooney and Shay. If her chair actually did break, then she didn't want to do that right next to Tenacius, as Tenacius was someone she wanted to impress literally every second. Time to see if this prophecy business was real... "Hey guys, mind if I join - GAA!!!" The chair snapped under her, causing her to fall backwards into the floor. Picking herself up in embarrassment, she picked up the chair and leaned it up against the wall, careful not to make eye contact with anyone. It was a good thing she always wore pale makeup, otherwise her embarrassment might have shown. She couldn't help but feel affronted, as if the subject of Divination itself was somehow alive and had attacked her for her skepticism. She stared at the word the professor wrote, blinking a little dully. "I'm not sure what that is. Does it have something to do with moles?" She hoped not! |
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