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Ancient Runes Lesson 2 - Growing Up with Berkana, Ingwaz, and Jera As to be expected in April, rain had been more than prominent at Hogwarts for what seemed like forever. However, yesterday not a single droplet of water fell from the sky. The same could be said about this morning. The sky is a brilliant blue, and not a single cloud is in the sky. All in all, it is a perfect day to be outdoors. Fortunately for you, Ancient Runes has been moved from the classroom up on the fifth floor to the grounds on this fine morning. Did you remember to bring your dragon hide gloves? You are going to need them for class today! |
Melbourne grinned as she made her way to down to the grounds. Her cheery smile was partly due to the fact that the sixteen year old had managed to get past her birthday unscathed. Even though the rain hadn’t fallen today, or yesterday the Gryffindor girl had come prepared. Her usual pair of ked trainers had been replaced by something far more adorable…well, in her opinion that is. |
The weather was finally more to Emmeline's taste. Even the rain was way better than all that way too persistent snow had been, and today was all blue skies and sun. The Gryffindor always kept her dragon hide gloves in her school bag, which was lucky 'cause if there had been something on the noticeboard about bringing gloves, she hadn't seen it. As she slowly approached the stone circles, the first year glanced down at her top left pocket. It was slightly bulging and a tiiiny pink nose poked out of the top. Emmeline told her pocket to "shhh" a good way away from the area where the lesson was taking place. She loved it when lessons were held outside in good weather. They were so much closer to the creature barns this way, and she could hardly wait to get past the runes and to the end of the lesson when she could go see her assigned cruppy. As she approached the box, Emmeline gave the headmistress a warm smile and greeted: "Hiii, Headmistress!" She grabbed a random seed out of the box when the headmistress indicated that she should before going over to stand by Mel, the only other student here so far. "Hiiii, Mel!", she said with another grin for her Housemate. "How're you?" The first year couldn't help feeling all happy when the weather was so nice, and she hoped that Mel was having a good morning so far too. |
Ever since Headmistress Hawthorne took over Ancient Runes class, Ava had enjoyed the lesson more. That woman really did make the lesson became interesting and she wouldn't miss it. Just like today, she smiled to herself walking to the grounds where the lesson would be held. The weather today was very nice to have a lesson out of classroom, wasn't it? The Gryffindor found Headmistress Hawthorne was standing at the stone circle. "Good morning, Headmistress." She greeted the woman. "Hey, guys." She noticed that there were two of her housemates already arrived before her. Where was Noelle? Ava knew that the Gryffindor prefect wouldn't miss this class, since she's struggling so hard on this subject in order to prepare herself for auror training kind of thing. She did notice a box with a numerous kind of seeds inside. Were they going to plant a tree? Was that a reason why the headmistress asked them to bring gloves? Hmm... |
The rain hadn’t bothered her. Aside from the cold, the snow hadn’t bothered her either, but that didn’t change the smile on Stasya’s face as she had made her way out into the grounds for the next Ancient Runes class. If anything, she wondered if she’d get to see even more creatures during this lesson, not counting the ones in the creature barn and the nursery where Albus was. Not counting her puffskein and her squirrel, even if she always counted Dobby. She was starting to think the same way about her baby puffskein too, but first, she had to get through the lesson. Then she could run down to visit the creatures. “Good morning Headmistress Hawthorne!,” she said as she arrived at the stone circle to find the headmistress waiting there with a box. She was only the tiniest bit disappointed to find only seeds inside the box as she’d peered inside it, finally selecting an interesting looking seed before she retreated to a place near Emmeline and Mel. “Hiii!,” she said brightly to her best friend and her older housemate both. “I like your boots.” PIIINK. Her favorite color. |
Skylar was honestly grateful that class was going to be outside today, what with the non-raining weather. Ancient runes class was definitely one that the fourth year struggled with, but after seeing the value of Brent using it in all his challenges thus far, it was also a class that she was determined to at least get the basics of it. Walking down to the stone circle where the Headmistress was assembled already, with ... Gryffindors, of course, because they seemed to multiply this term to unfathomable numbers, Skylar wondered what today's lesson would bring. Their lesson in the Fall with Abraxans was certainly memorable and it did make Skylar see the relation to runes a bit more. And while they had been indoors through their winter lessons, being outside again felt nice. "Hello Headmistress. Lovely day outside," Skylar said in greeting, as she selected a random seed (Birch) from the box and went to stand beside Ava. |
A part of Vivian was starting to grow fond towards Ancient Runes. It was a rather interesting subject, and she always wondered if maybe runes were useful in creating wands, too. For someone who was into wandlore, it definitely tickled the Slytherin's curiosity. The blonde was rather determined to get to class early this time, because why not? She skipped all the way from her common room to the grounds, which she was really thankful for. She hated going up the fifth floor. It just required too much leg work. Also, today was a lovely day to be outside. "Good morning, Headmistress," Vivian greeted the woman with a beam, and paused as she watched the box in the center. What was that for? She blinked and then approached it, still all sorts of confused. The fourth year looked up at the Headmistress for a moment and then down at the box, sticking her hand inside to get a random seed (maple). Okay, whatever this seed was. Vivian closed her hand around the seed, and then smiled at the Headmistress before going over to sit beside Sky. "Hiiiiiii." Skylar received a beam from the blonde. |
So they weren't in their usual spot today for Ancient Runes. But that wasn't too surprising. Headmistress seemed to want to keep them on their toes. Heading to the grounds and then towards the others that were already there, she was surprised to see.... the Headmistress actually smiling. Noelle didn't know she could do that. "Good day professor" She said with a tentative smile to the Headmistress. For some reason, Noelle was thinking that smile was leading to something. Probably nothing good. She looked around at the stones and the pathways, curious. "Hey Mel, Sky, Emm, Vivi, Stasya and Ava." Noelle said with a hello to all the ladies before going to stand beside Ava. She gave an extra look to make sure Stasya and Emm were okay. She'd heard a rumor. Turning back to the professor, she wondered idly what they were going to be doing today. Noelle was NOT good at Runes. it was something she desperately wanted to improve on but didn't seem to have the knack for. |
OUTDOOR LESSON! These were some of Derf's ABSOLUTE favorites for a lot of reasons. Mostly that being OUTSIDE increased the chance for for creature observations to occur and, well, Derf had fallen a liiiiiiittle behind in his worm collecting for Scamander...so really this was two fwoopers with one stone, you know? Not that the second year would ever endorse throwing rocks at fwoopers. Or any creature really. That was just MEAN. Bounding down to the grounds and spotting the collecting crowd, Derf waved enthusiastically at the Headmistress and was just a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny bit crestfallen that there were no winged horses this go around. Or really ANY creatures in sight for that matter. Did that mean they weren't going to be creature whisperers again? LAME! He had even worn his pendent again today! Which, well, was nothing NEW really since he had worn it every single lesson since the one they had made them in HOPES that they would have a repeat. But alas! "Hi Headmistress!" he chirped as he moved towards the box of...seeds? Were they meant to take these? He didn't see any signs saying DO NOT TOUCH this time so...the Hufflepuff shoved his hand in and grabbed a fist full before plopping down next to Stasya. |
Another outdoor class. This was was welcomed because it was spring and the weather was beautiful. Shay took her time walking to class. She wanted to stop and smell the roses, so she made sure to allow plenty of time to do that. There was so much beauty at Hogwarts and this route was particularly nice. Shay walked on, making sure not to miss anything. When she finally arrived at the designated Ancient Runes meeting area, Shay took a moment to scan the scene. "Hello Headmistress", she said before moving on. As directed, the seventh year peeked into the mystery box. Shay saw the variety of seeds inside and selected one randomly. Spotting her two favorite housemates, she headed in their direction. "Hey guys", she said to Ava and Noelle. Then she took her quill and parchment from her bag and prepared for class. |
Noelle, Vivian and company The day before and today were a b l e s s i n g. Why? NO RAIN. GAAAAH. Cornelius has been more than ecstatic. You'd figure the Scottish raised boy would be used to this kind of weather, which he was, but it didn't mean he enjoyed it. Okay, okay, he did. He enjoyed a good rain shower, but not when he was working on his conditioning. He had tried to go out for a run during a rainy day, and let's just say a wet poodle would have won him. After a very, very, early run and training session, the Slytherin got himself ready for Runes. Was it weird that every time he attended class he felt as if he was going to die? No? Just him? Okay. Taking the scenery in as he coolly made his way over the bridge, the boy returned the Headmistress' smile with one of his own. "Good morning, Headmistress. How are you?" he asked politely. Not just because he was being polite, but because he was genuinely interested, which showed in his voice. He noticed the box when it was gestured at, and curiously made his way towards it. It was an array of seeds. With a shrug, the Slytherin boy stuck his hand inside and plucked a random seed, not bothering to peek into his palm. He likes surprises. "How's it flowing, Viv?" Cornelius said as he joined Vivi and her friends, who all received a greeting nod. Miss Noelle got a wink. |
Kyle walked up to the area and looked around. A crossroads. Important things happened in crossroads. He smiled to the Headmistress, but couldn't quite find the voice to greet her. He knew once the class started he would be able to answer questions, if he knew the answers, that is. But for now, his vocal cords failed him. He looked in the box and saw all of the tree seeds. Some he recognized (after all, his father had been the Herbology professor before) though there were a few he didn't. He didn't see any seeds for any types of ebony trees, and that was a little disappointing. After careful thought, he chose an alder seed and then went to find a place to sit. He wondered what the seeds were for, and why they needed dragonhide gloves. |
What a nice day this was. Personally she didn't mind the rain at all (when it was raining gently she'd gone outside to dance where no one could see her), but after so many days of rain it was nice to see the sun back. The weather was great too. She made her way across the bridge, glancing to the side to watch songbirds fly past. The headmistress was waiting for them at the end of the bridge in the stone circle. "Good morning Professor Headmistress," she said courteously as entered the circle and glanced curiously at the box of seeds. Bending over, she took a few at random and stepped back. |
Sam was confused. Ancient Runes by itself was bad enough, for a girl that hadn't always found reading and writing the easiest in English. But then there was the note to bring Dragon Hide gloves. She had no idea where those came into things. On the plus side, it was sunny (in Scotland, in spring!), and they were outside. Silver linings and all that. Coming to the crossroads didn't reveal much, apart from a crowd of people and a box. "Good day, Headmistress," she greeted, before bending down to take a seed from the container. What type, she hadn't the foggiest, although she was preeeeetty sure it wasn't an oak (nope, not an acorn), or pine one. And after that, well...the back seemed to good place to sit, yup. |
Text Cut: Individual Responses Once she made her way past everyone once, checking to make sure a seed was in everyone's hands, the box was returned to its original spot in the middle of the stones. If anyone arrived late or, heaven forbid, someone misplaced their seed moments after getting it, she would know. "With it being such a lovely day, I thought it would be very fitting for us to take advantage of the weather and mesh Ancient Runes with another subject." The seeds were a dead giveaway as to which subject that would be. Regina paused to let that sink in their minds. This lesson was indeed a multi-disciplinary one, once again showing how runes could be used with just about anything. "This morning we are going to be putting the work we've done earlier this term and our recent focus of bind runes into practice. Today, ladies and gentlemen, we will be planting trees out here on the grounds." Perhaps they remembered what she had told Miss Wright back in December about young trees being planted once the snow was gone and the ground thawed out? Probably not. That was stated months ago, after all. "Before I go into more detail about how we're going to do this, I have something to ask of you first. What is the significance of trees in Norse mythology? How are trees used in today's world, in relation to runology or in general?" OOC: Hello, everyone! Thank you so much for coming out to participate in this lesson. It's going to be one filled with a lot of growing! Hehe. If you have yet to post in this lesson and wish to do so, act like your character has been here the whole time ... unless you want your character to show up late, of course. ;) To start off the lesson, Regina wants to know what your character knows, if anything, about trees in Norse mythology AND/OR how runologists or anyone in general use trees. Try not to repeat something that was already said, and remember that both correct and incorrect answers will be accepted. The lesson will continue in roughly 24 hours. Have fun! |
Ugh, Herbology. Emmeline was not a big fan of that subject, even if she could ignore the fact that it was taught by a Dark Wizard. She liked plants well enough, and some magical plants were super interesting, but at other times the subject was just boring. She hoped that combining runes with growing trees -- why else would they need a seed? -- would be more fun than a typical Herbology lesson. The first year had beamed at Stasya and Derf as they came over to her and Mel before class started. "Hii guys!", she'd whispered. She had smiled and waved at everyone else she knew as they arrived at the lesson site, and said hi back to Miss Noelle. Right now she was trying not to giggle at how many seeds Derf had, 'cause the headmistress was telling people to return the extras and her friend had A LOT of those. So the seeds were for trees!! Coool, that shouldn't be boring then. She'd never planted a tree before, and combining magic with a new thing was usually fun! Emmeline grinned down at her seed, 'cause Isa would be super happy to know they were planting trees. Especially after that she'd been so upset before Christmas. The first year was also hoping that creatures would be involved in this tree-planting thing somehow; maybe if they could make their trees grow high enough they could help bowtruckles move in?! That would be SO cool! And Derf would love that! Emmeline frowned when the headmistress got to the questions part of her talking. She didn't know very much about Norse mythology, and honestly, she hadn't been reading the Ancient Runes textbook lately. But she thought she remembered something she'd read in one of her textbooks AGES ago about some trees, so she raised her hand and answered tentatively: "Yew trees are linked with runes, magic, and death.." Which was really sad and kind of scary, but it was all she could think of right now. She wasn't entirely sure she was right about that, either, but she could've sworn it was in either their Runes or Divination textbooks... She remembered 'cause she'd thought it was creepy when she read about it in whichever book it was earlier in the term. |
Planting trees.. how interesting. Etta stared down at the random seed ( pine ) she'd picked earlier which was now sitting comfortably on the palm of her hand before her attention drifted towards the Headmistress once again. Norse mythology.. she tried to not look blank. She practically knew nothing about it. She knew she needed to devote more time to study Ancient Runes though, if she wanted to do well in OWLs. She started to think carefully, trying to come up something. Anything. "The World Tree is very significant in Norse mythology, right? I'm not aware of the details but it's supposed to act as a link between the sky and the earth.." Etta frowned, not sure whether she'd given the right answer but at least, she'd given it a try. The girl quietly listened to the others give answers as she waited for class to move on. |
As more people had arrived for class, Stasya had at least tried to give them all a smile. She wasn’t entirely sure if the headmistress would appreciate her actually saying hi to them all, but smiles were good too. She might’ve giggled softly as Derf had taken a whole handful of seeds, but quietly. She wasn’t going to interrupt the lesson after all, but she’d definitely given him a grin as he’d plopped down next to her. He’d probably have to give some of the seeds back, but it wasn’t like there were a ton of people at the lesson. Plus, she knew he was probably just as disappointed they weren’t working with creatures again in this lesson. She’d looked back over as the headmistress had announced they were mixing Runes with other subjects again. It wasn’t really a mystery what the subject was, not when they all had seeds, but she definitely remembered the tree lesson, and her idea that someone would be replacing the ones they’d cut down. She just hadn’t thought it would be her, but then also, it made her wonder if she’d see the unicorns again. If they were planting their trees where they’d cut the other ones down, maybe. Her hand had shot up as soon as Etta had given her answer, too. “Yggdrasil!” That was the name of the World Tree she’d mentioned, and it reminded her of her squirrel constellation from Astronomy. “And there’s something called warden trees too, that people give offerings to for luck.” |
anyone need a seeeeeeeeeeeed? Quote:
While he made no verbal noise to confirm his sheepish thoughts, his mouth DID form a rather large 'O' shape and ears turned a bit pink. "S-Sure thing, profes-s....er...Headmis-stress...er...OKAY!" One would think that by now Derf would have figured out what to call the woman and stick to the pattern, but he was a little all over the place recently. So it was that instead of sitting that the second year hopped to his feet with his fist full of seeds and selected one at random - he wouldn't know which seed was which from Adam. What did that expression even mean? Mum used it but...he was pretty sure that mum didn't know anyone named Adam. Did HE know anyone named Adam? Oh wait...that was probably the point, huh? Um...aaaaaanyway... "Anyone need a s-s-seed?" Quote:
But the image HE had with the word TREE was certainly not the sort that the Headmistress had in mind. Mum was a Herbologists - formerly a Herbology professor at Hogwarts even - and dad was one too. Started his own company thingy and all! Something with Spiney Purple Corals or something like that. But anyway...Derf wore a look of complete HORROR on his face when she announced they would be planting and growing TREES. Couldn't they plant and grow...um...um...something not with the potential to massacre them? HE KNEW WHAT FLESH EATING PLANTS COULD DO AND HOW COULD ANY OF THEM BE CERTAIN THAT THESE SEEDS WERE NOT THOSE OF A FLESH EATER HMMMM? HMMMMMMMMMMM? Maybe he should be going around and COLLECTING everyone's seeds...and then run down to the late and THROW them in. He could get a medal for his services to the school, you know? Protecting everyone. Was she working with Dark Lord Myers on this? The Hufflepuff was SUSPICIOUS. "Bowtruckles live in trees-s-s. Their HOME TREE," he offered as an answer. For, you know, every day daily life stuff. "Like Wiggentree! And wand trees-s-s...and we cut tho-s-se down to make wands-s...aaaaand S-SOMETIMES-S runes-s are carved into wands-s!" OH QUESTION. KINDA. "What...happens-s-s when you carve runes-s-s for stuff like we did with becoming winged horse whis-sperers with WAND woods? Like...are they BETTER?" He glanced down at his pendent and...what wood had this been again? Had they been told? If they had did he remember? "AND AND AAAAAAAAND! Which wood would be BES-ST for a creature whis-sper pendent carving runic thingy?" You know...just asking for a friend. Ahem. And because the Hufflepuff couldn't help himself.... ".....and none of thes-s-se s-s-seeds are....flesh eaters, are they?" |
Vivienne went up to the front and grabbed a seed from the box. She only grabbed one. She didn't want to be greedy. Today she was going to mesh Ancient Runes and Herbology. Bind runes were an interesting topic to Vivienne. She was going to be planting trees for god's sake! The ground had thawed completely after the devastating winter. But that was the past. Quote:
SPOILER!!: Professah Runes and trees....there was a connection between them for sure, its just the question of Tenacius trying to remembering what they were, as most were told to him via trivia and idle chatter of camping "Professor, I was told that Runes have a corresponding tree type, and that Rune craftsmen makes special rune sets and staves where they match the rune to its representative wood type." |
Mentions of Ava, Shay, and Corny Being so perplexed by the Headmistress' smile, that Noelle hadn't even noticed the box of the contents inside. She hadn't even noticed that others were grabbing seeds until Derf took some. Some. Not one. She smiled when Shay joined her and Ava. Then Corny showed up. And winked at her. yes, he got an eye roll and a slight head shake with a tiny smile. Then the Headmistress was starting class and walking around with the box. Noelle quickly grabbed a seed. They were planting trees?? ..... Shocked. Pure shock. Who knew? "Ive heard of Yggdrasil." Noelle said tagging on to what Stasya was saying. "My grandmother was big into mythology. She said that tree was a magical tree that...." What was it??? The stories were told when she was so young, she was having a hard time remembering. "Something about connecting the worlds. There were a handful of them.. I want to say like... 8 or 9?" Noelle said. Of course... these were just childhood stories.... right? |
Gryffindors were kind of early people for this lesson since the next person who came was Stasya, her junior housemate. But then Skylar came in and stood beside her, which she didn't really mind and the she-snake got a smile from her. "Hello there." And a moment later, her bestie and Shay came and joined her. They three seemed like an inseparable trio, huh? "I'm kind of surprised that I am the earliest now." Hehehe. The lesson had started and the Headmistress did want them to take one seed. "I'll take one, Derf."She said when the Hufflepuff boy offered. And back to Hawthorne's words... So they did really going to plant trees today, but obviously not just planting the trees since this was an Ancient Runes class, not Herbology. "I guess we're going to plant trees that usually is being used to make Gandr." The Gryffindor spoke up as she raised her hands, because that's the first thing pop on her brain since it did related to this lesson. "And... I have read about some trees is associated with Norse God or something." |
Friend greetings before class + response to question :3 Vivian beamed as each of her friends entered. "Hi, Miss Noelle!" She greeted the Gryffindor prefect with a wiggle of her finger as her way of waving her hand. And then Derf came along after Noelle, and he received a smile from the Slytherin, too. Cutie. How's it... flowing? Vivian blinked as Cornelius asked that question at first, but then smiled. "Everything's flowing well," she said. "No bugs on my hair for today, I'm sure." And he received a tiny smirk for that. Sure, it didn't matter to her since that prank was years old already, but it was how she was going to associate the boy with. Oh, and the lesson started. Vivian offered one last smile to Cornelius before diverting her attention to the Headmistress. It excited her a little because it involved planting... and plants... and Herbology. She loved that subject! So, of course, the Headmistress definitely had the Slytherin's ears perked up at the topic for today. And runes... related to trees? She knew quite a little, but not too much. In effort to give it a try, Vivian raised her hand. "Gandrs are made of wood, Headmistress, right? Also, I'm sure we can carve runes on wood, too, to invoke runic energy." And the Yggdrasil thing was mentioned already by Stasya, so the fourth year didn't want to really elaborate on that because she didn't know much other than the basics. Mhm, yup. That was it. Vivian smiled at the Headmistress as her way of concluding her answer. |
Had she finally grown the trust of the Headmistress? There was something about the headmistress seemingly to like you that just made everything better. More friends - Noelle and Vivian - joined and then the next thing was that the lesson was starting, promptly at 10. Had some people really grabbed more than one seed? Well, that was greedy and Skylar inspected the seed she had plucked for a moment. Not too long because they were talking about bind runes and trees in Norse mythology and what had Vivian just said about gandrs? When did her roommate get to be so fluent in runes? She was the notes-taker, the obsessively prepared, but somehow felt as if the blond seemed to have a greater sense of what was going on. Something did strike her though, which might be related, because they talked about the phonetically similar one earlier in the term.... "Eihwaz is associated with yew trees and it's associated with change and winter and nature. Trees are changing from starting as seeds to eventually producing fruit, or some other kind of product." So like is that why they each got a seed? Was it symbolic? |
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