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The Three Broomsticks is the most well-known pub in the small village, which is why it is often rather crowded with students and adults alike. The outside of the building is a good preview of what the inside may look like with the same steep roof as the surrounding buildings, yet taller, with a sign on it's facade featuring the legendary three boomsticks, all fixed around a lantern to light the patrons' way. It certainly looks better kept than the Hog's Head down the street.
Once you enter the pub, the warmth of the large stone fireplace great you as you place hats and coats by the door. Directly in front of you there are tables and booths lining the majority of the small hall with oil lamps placed on each one. On winter days it is usually hard to find a place beside the large fire grate; however, if you're early enough, you can bet your galleons that you'll be nice and toasty by the fire. To the left is the bar where the bartender waits to take your order.
Text Cut: Menu & Prices
Beverages: one free refill
* Butterbeer - 5 sickles
* Firewhiskey (must be of age) – 10 sickles
* Pumpkin Juice - 3 knuts
* Hot Cocoa – 5 knuts
* Shepherd’s Pie – 2 galleons
* Fish and Chips - 2 galleons, 3 sickles
* Chicken Noodle Soup – 1 galleon, 3 knuts
* Turkey Sandwich (cold or grilled) - 1 galleon
With cheese - 1 galleon, 2 sickles
* Cheese Sandwich (cold or grilled) - 1 galleon
* Ham Sandwich (cold or grilled) - 1 galleon
With cheese - 1 galleon, 2 sickles
* Tomato Soup - 16 sickles
* Macaroni and Cheese – 1 galleon, 3 sickles
That was exciting! Matt actually felt a bit nervous, but he was convinced the feeling in his stomach was more excitement than nervousness. Definitely. This was too cool and he wouldn't let silly nerves get the best of him. Nerves NEVER got the best of him. Everrrrrr!
MWAHAHKLFDJ how exciting! A DATE! His FIRST date EVER AND!!! With a pretty awesome girl he already liked very much. Awesommmeeeeee. WOOHOO!
Being that excited didn't affect his thoughts at all, though. Right before coming to the Three Broomsticks, Matt had paid a visit to his favourite shop in Hogsmeade. He needed to get Daisy something and DUH, of course it had to be something super useful and interesting, so there was no better place to get it than Zonko's Joke Shop.
BWAHAHA, the gift he had gotten her was... pretty fun, in his opinion. He even wanted one for himself. He'd have to go back there in their next Hogsmeade visit with more money to get another one.
He took a seat at a table for two and waiteeedd. Man, that was a much better place than that silly pink shop across the street. The tea shop seemed WAY too quiet for his liking, so the Three Broomsticks was the ideal place to go. Just the right amount of noise so they could talk and yet not be in complete silence when they were eating and stuff.
That was exciting! Matt actually felt a bit nervous, but he was convinced the feeling in his stomach was more excitement than nervousness. Definitely. This was too cool and he wouldn't let silly nerves get the best of him. Nerves NEVER got the best of him. Everrrrrr!
MWAHAHKLFDJ how exciting! A DATE! His FIRST date EVER AND!!! With a pretty awesome girl he already liked very much. Awesommmeeeeee. WOOHOO!
Being that excited didn't affect his thoughts at all, though. Right before coming to the Three Broomsticks, Matt had paid a visit to his favourite shop in Hogsmeade. He needed to get Daisy something and DUH, of course it had to be something super useful and interesting, so there was no better place to get it than Zonko's Joke Shop.
BWAHAHA, the gift he had gotten her was... pretty fun, in his opinion. He even wanted one for himself. He'd have to go back there in their next Hogsmeade visit with more money to get another one.
He took a seat at a table for two and waiteeedd. Man, that was a much better place than that silly pink shop across the street. The tea shop seemed WAY too quiet for his liking, so the Three Broomsticks was the ideal place to go. Just the right amount of noise so they could talk and yet not be in complete silence when they were eating and stuff.
IDEAL! And now he'd wait.
Daisy was nervous. It was pretty weird for her to be nervous, usually she only felt the nervousness in her stomach before Quidditch games. Most of the time she was pretty relaxed about stuff. Not before dates, apparently.
The more you know.
There was also excitement rushing through her, though, and the Slytherin bounced excitedly as she saw the dingy pub appear. Ooooh. Was she early? Was she late? ... did she have to be late?? No one haď told her the protocol! They should have lessons on that at Hogwarts, not Ancient Runes.
Well, whatever. She was here already so she might aswell get in. Right. Let the date begin!
She pushed open the doors to the Three Broomsticks, perfectly glad about the choice of place. The tea shop was ... weird. Also poisonous, so. Good choice, Matt. Speaking of him, whereeee was he? As she removed her coat and her scarf and placed it by the door, she looked for the Gryffindor. AH -- good, he was here already.
With a grin, she made her way to the table he had picked for them and sat herself down. "Matt Solo! Here I am" Release the fireworks! The event of the year was about to begin.
Daisy was nervous. It was pretty weird for her to be nervous, usually she only felt the nervousness in her stomach before Quidditch games. Most of the time she was pretty relaxed about stuff. Not before dates, apparently.
The more you know.
There was also excitement rushing through her, though, and the Slytherin bounced excitedly as she saw the dingy pub appear. Ooooh. Was she early? Was she late? ... did she have to be late?? No one haď told her the protocol! They should have lessons on that at Hogwarts, not Ancient Runes.
Well, whatever. She was here already so she might aswell get in. Right. Let the date begin!
She pushed open the doors to the Three Broomsticks, perfectly glad about the choice of place. The tea shop was ... weird. Also poisonous, so. Good choice, Matt. Speaking of him, whereeee was he? As she removed her coat and her scarf and placed it by the door, she looked for the Gryffindor. AH -- good, he was here already.
With a grin, she made her way to the table he had picked for them and sat herself down. "Matt Solo! Here I am" Release the fireworks! The event of the year was about to begin.
Matt was itching to open Daisy's gift, but he was going to control himself. It was not a gift for HIM, it was for HER, so he needed to stop himself from poking the package. THE EXCITMENT!!!
As he was focusing on kind watching the package as if the thing inside would SPRING OUT of it - he wanted to see it in action!!! - he was actually startled when Daisy greeted him. "Ohai!!" He beamed, getting up and immediately holding up the PACKAGE from Zonko's. "For yoou!" He exclaimed in a sing-song voice. Matt gave her a ridiculously expectant look as he OBVIOUSLY waited for her to open it right there and then.
Matt was itching to open Daisy's gift, but he was going to control himself. It was not a gift for HIM, it was for HER, so he needed to stop himself from poking the package. THE EXCITMENT!!!
As he was focusing on kind watching the package as if the thing inside would SPRING OUT of it - he wanted to see it in action!!! - he was actually startled when Daisy greeted him. "Ohai!!" He beamed, getting up and immediately holding up the PACKAGE from Zonko's. "For yoou!" He exclaimed in a sing-song voice. Matt gave her a ridiculously expectant look as he OBVIOUSLY waited for her to open it right there and then.
HAHA. Was he not expecting her, or something? It wasn't all that obvious but Daisy could tell that he had been startled by her arrival. Maybe she really was early?? No matter, she was here now AND he didn't seem that startled anymore ... just excited. Which was GOOD YAY!!
Wait. Why was he standing up now??
OOOOOOOOOOH PRESENT!! This was good! Daisy liked presents; she liked presents very much. The Slytherin hadn't exactly thought of buying Matt a present, though, so here was hoping he wouldn't be offended. "You got me a present! Cheers, Solo." There was really no need for that look he was giving her because as soon as she got her hand on the package from Zonko's, she was carelessly tearing it apart. What was the point of pretending to be patient when everyone in this situation wanted the present to be opened??
Oh. OH.
That was unexpected.
She sent a curious look Matt's way, before looking back down and reaching into the package. Was that...?? Slowly, she pulled the present out from its .. well, rubber neck and stared at it. Then stared at Matt. A rubber chicken. Silently, she fixed her eyes back on the chicken she was holding out and her lips twitched. Nope. Couldn't do it.
HAHA. Was he not expecting her, or something? It wasn't all that obvious but Daisy could tell that he had been startled by her arrival. Maybe she really was early?? No matter, she was here now AND he didn't seem that startled anymore ... just excited. Which was GOOD YAY!!
Wait. Why was he standing up now??
OOOOOOOOOOH PRESENT!! This was good! Daisy liked presents; she liked presents very much. The Slytherin hadn't exactly thought of buying Matt a present, though, so here was hoping he wouldn't be offended. "You got me a present! Cheers, Solo." There was really no need for that look he was giving her because as soon as she got her hand on the package from Zonko's, she was carelessly tearing it apart. What was the point of pretending to be patient when everyone in this situation wanted the present to be opened??
Oh. OH.
That was unexpected.
She sent a curious look Matt's way, before looking back down and reaching into the package. Was that...?? Slowly, she pulled the present out from its .. well, rubber neck and stared at it. Then stared at Matt. A rubber chicken. Silently, she fixed her eyes back on the chicken she was holding out and her lips twitched. Nope. Couldn't do it.
And all of a sudden, Daisy exploded in laughter.
What in Merlin's name????
Matt was nearly boucing in excitement. Ah, who was he kidding, he was LITERALLY bouncing in excitement as Daisy opened the present.
He stood there, looking from her to the Rubby O'Chicken she was holding by the neck - which, by the way, was the greatest and most hilarious way of holding it - and back at her. His was still expectant to see her first reaction, so as soon as she burst out laughing, so did he.
"IT'S GREAT, ISN'T IT???" He yelled exclaimed as he cracked up. "AND that's not all!!" Matt quickly added, taking the toy from Daisy's hand as he pushed everything on their table to the side and plopped the chicken right on the centre. "Watch this!" He gave the thing a squeeze and let go.
The Gryffindor laughed even louder as the rubber chicken started to do a very wonky irish tap dance.
Matt was nearly boucing in excitement. Ah, who was he kidding, he was LITERALLY bouncing in excitement as Daisy opened the present.
He stood there, looking from her to the Rubby O'Chicken she was holding by the neck - which, by the way, was the greatest and most hilarious way of holding it - and back at her. His was still expectant to see her first reaction, so as soon as she burst out laughing, so did he.
"IT'S GREAT, ISN'T IT???" He yelled exclaimed as he cracked up. "AND that's not all!!" Matt quickly added, taking the toy from Daisy's hand as he pushed everything on their table to the side and plopped the chicken right on the centre. "Watch this!" He gave the thing a squeeze and let go.
The Gryffindor laughed even louder as the rubber chicken started to do a very wonky irish tap dance.
Was he great at giving presents or WHAT??
That had been a perfectly random and unexpected gift and yet Daisy really should have seen it coming. She hadn't known the Gryffindor for that long, really, but it was PERFECTLY clear that he was the most random person she had ever met. And that included her Dad, so... high praise, indeed. Honestly, who else gave their date a rubber chicken? And then got ridiculous excited about it??
Only Matt, that's who.
"It's hilarious. I LOVE it!" And she truly, truly did ... but even more so after Matt squeezed the rubber contraption. It was a good thing that Daisy was already sitting down or she probably would have fallen over from laughing. IT DANCED!! "Look at it GOOOO!!" The Slytherin wiggled in her seat in time with the dancing chicken and looked up at Matt. "Where did you even find this??" She didn't even know that Zonko's sold that kind of stuff which was probably stupid of her since that shop sold pretty much EVERYTHING.
"Man, I could watch that forever." And elbows leaning on the table, Daisy rested her head on her hands even as it moved to the imaginary rhythm of the music the chicken was dancing to.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Killian wasn't exactly expecting Zelena to take him up on his invitation to go somewhere, but he was glad she did. Hogsmeade was always more fun with somebody to enjoy it with (and preferably if that somebody was not his prissy older sisters!)
The dark-haired Gryffindor held the door to The Three Broomsticks open for his companion, and his eyes darted around the pub. Merlin, there were a lot of people here today! But then again, this place was always crowded. Good luck finding a table in this mess!
Killian weaved his way through the crowds, adding an occasional "excuse me" as he bumped into somebody. He finally found an open table toward the back and pulled a chair out for Zelena before taking a seat himself. He looked over the menu for a minute and was realized just how hungry he was (despite raiding Fiyero's candy stash earlier)! "Do you know what you're getting?" he asked Zelena, looking up from the menu. "I'm buying."
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
Killian wasn't exactly expecting Zelena to take him up on his invitation to go somewhere, but he was glad she did. Hogsmeade was always more fun with somebody to enjoy it with (and preferably if that somebody was not his prissy older sisters!)
The dark-haired Gryffindor held the door to The Three Broomsticks open for his companion, and his eyes darted around the pub. Merlin, there were a lot of people here today! But then again, this place was always crowded. Good luck finding a table in this mess!
Killian weaved his way through the crowds, adding an occasional "excuse me" as he bumped into somebody. He finally found an open table toward the back and pulled a chair out for Zelena before taking a seat himself. He looked over the menu for a minute and was realized just how hungry he was (despite raiding Fiyero's candy stash earlier)! "Do you know what you're getting?" he asked Zelena, looking up from the menu. "I'm buying."
Zelena was so happy to not be dining alone. It got rather tiresome sitting alone at a table watching all the couples interact. Zelena thanked Killian as she sat down on the chair that he had pulled out for her. She looked at the menu and decided on something simple.
"I'm in the mood for a Butterbeer and a grilled cheese sandwich. Are you sure that you can afford this?"
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Originally Posted by Ginevra
Zelena was so happy to not be dining alone. It got rather tiresome sitting alone at a table watching all the couples interact. Zelena thanked Killian as she sat down on the chair that he had pulled out for her. She looked at the menu and decided on something simple.
"I'm in the mood for a Butterbeer and a grilled cheese sandwich. Are you sure that you can afford this?"
Zelena wasn't used to all this fuss.
Killian smiled as Zelena thanked him and went back to perusing the menu. Hmm... he was thinking a butterbeer and a grilled cheese. When Zelena told him her order, he suddenly burst out laughing. Who would've guessed they'd both end up ordering the same thing? "Sorry, sorry!" he said when he'd regained his composure a few moments later. He hoped she didn't think he was laughing at her! "I wasn't laughing at you. It's just funny because I was going to order the same thing!" Well, at least they'd found something in common!
"Sure, no problem," he replied when Zelena asked if he could afford everything. He reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a few galleons as proof. He wasn't exactly hurting for money; that was the good thing about having a Malfoy for a grandma! And besides, what kind of jerk invites a girl somewhere and expects her to pay?
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Juno was stupidly excited! it was her twin sister's birthday. Yes they had separate birthdays by only 15 minutes; it was the coolest thing ever. But she was so excited because this was the first birthday she would spend with her boyfriend, and she got her sister THE best present ever and she couldn't wait to give it to her.
Juno was so excited that she was literally pulling Leon through the pub to find an open table. "C'mon, Cap! We gotta find a table. OH, THERE'S ONE!" She quickly rushed over to a table with four chairs, though they wouldn't need that fourth one because it was just going to be the three of them. Juno, Leon, and Esme! What a great day!
Juno patted the seat next to her for Leon to sit in. She placed her sister's wrapped birthday present on the center of the table. She couldn't wait for Esme to open it. She just knew her sister would love it.
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Originally Posted by Suziella
Juno was stupidly excited! it was her twin sister's birthday. Yes they had separate birthdays by only 15 minutes; it was the coolest thing ever. But she was so excited because this was the first birthday she would spend with her boyfriend, and she got her sister THE best present ever and she couldn't wait to give it to her.
Juno was so excited that she was literally pulling Leon through the pub to find an open table. "C'mon, Cap! We gotta find a table. OH, THERE'S ONE!" She quickly rushed over to a table with four chairs, though they wouldn't need that fourth one because it was just going to be the three of them. Juno, Leon, and Esme! What a great day!
Juno patted the seat next to her for Leon to sit in. She placed her sister's wrapped birthday present on the center of the table. She couldn't wait for Esme to open it. She just knew her sister would love it.
Leon was chuckling softly as Juno legit pulled him into the pub, he wasn't even lollygagging! He was walking as fast as he could and it still didn't match her excited pace. "I'm coming Quicksilver! Just remember I don't have super speed! I'm just strong. " He said with a grin at his girlfriend!
He settled down into the seat next to Juno, his leather jacket creaking as he did so and put the present he and Az had gotten for Esme on the table as well.
"As excited I am about your sisters birthday, I'm even more excited about yours! " He said with a grin at her as he leaned down and gave a gentle kiss on the cheek. He had had help from Az and he hoped she was going to like her birthday present!
He slipped his hand into hers under the table and looked around.. "Want anything to eat or drink? Or should I wait until Esme gets here? " He asked her softly.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Olly was going to be outright honest with himself. He was more confused than before about what had just happened. Many questions were running through his mind and which were not limited to: how long had Esme liked him? Why hadn’t she told him?... she was way more outgoing than he was. And… did this mean that they could date now? Alright, so maybe the last question was the most important to him.
Before he knew it, they had arrived at the Three Broomsticks. Using his free hand, he held open the door for Esme in true Hufflepuff style. “I see Juno. There she is.’’ Olly nodded in the direction in which he had spotted the other Darcy and a guy that could only be Leon. Still holding Esme’s hand, he began his way to their table, his brain and mind still reeling.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Sooooo Olly wasn't saying anything back to her. Esme guessed that meant he didn't like her back because she had just told him that she had a crush on him?? Okay, she was going to try and not look disappointed right now even though she was. This was not his fault and he didn't have to return the feelings.
She nodded as he pointed out her sister, and Esme made a beeline towards Juno and Leon. "Hey, sis! Leon!" Of course Juno got a big hug because even if they saw each other all the time, this was a special occasion. It was her birthday and she was trying to think of something other than being kind of rejected.
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Juno looked back at Leon with an evil grin. She was faster than he was on broom and feet. But she was extra excited today because it was one of the most important days of the year to her. "That's ok. I like strong." She grinned hugely and gave him a flirty wink.
Juno smiled at the two presents side by side. She really couldn't wait for her sister to open them. Though she didn't know what Leon and Az got her sister. Juno leaned into his kiss on her cheek. She wished his lips could stay there forever. "Awe, I am glad you are and I am too. But it's hard to explain the connection that Es and I have. I have had a best friend my whole life. So her birthday is just as exciting to me as mine is. Trust me I will be even more excited for my own tomorrow." She said with a chuckle.
Juno gave Leon's hand a little squeeze as soon as he put it in hers. It was so nice to be able to hold his hand. It made her feel safe. Just as she was about to reply to Leon's question her sister and some guy that looked really familiar walked in. They were holding hands...but immediately she felt it. As soon as her sister looked at her. She brushed it off maybe it was nothing. She smiled and waved at the unexpected guy, who she was assuming was Olly, and her sister.
Letting go of Leon's hand, she stood up and threw out her arms for her sister. "Hey Es! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She said with a giggle, and immediately wrapped her arms around her sister. The closer they were the more connected, and she instantly felt what her sister was feeling. Disappointment and rejection. This guy had rejected her sister? OH, BUDDY HE WAS ON HER LIST NOW! She released her sister, and as soon as she was out of ear shot leaned over to Leon, whispering where only he could hear it, "Somethings wrong."
"You must be Olly?" Juno said as she put her hand out to shake his. "Do I know you from somewhere?" He looked so familiar. She was really trying to be cordial....even if she really wanted to punch this guy for making her sister upset.
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Leon grinned at Juno as she spoke and he winked back.."Good! Cause that's what I am.. and while I run.. it's more for long distance and stamina than speed. " He said as he saw her flirty grin and nearly blushed..
Gahhh.. his head felt all melty now and.. what was happening?
He managed to get his head back together as she spoke about her bond with Esme, "That sounds.. amazing. I'm glad you have the bond you two do. " He said with a smile. He hoped he would one day be able to have that sort of bond with Azura.. they were already getting close.. and he was grateful for that. Siblings were so cool!
Leon blinked as he turned and saw Esme entering with.. a boy? And they were holding hands? His eyebrows rose a bit.. uhh.. was this a recent development? Should he say congrats? Did Juno know about this?
His mind was reeling as he stood and smiled. "Hello Esme! Happy birthday! " He said with an easy grin before turning to the dark haired boy next to her. "Hey, I'm Leon Kennedy, Juno's boyfriend. " He said with a wide grin as he stuck his hand out to shake when..
He caught Juno's whisper and his grey eyes looked confused...
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
Killian smiled as Zelena thanked him and went back to perusing the menu. Hmm... he was thinking a butterbeer and a grilled cheese. When Zelena told him her order, he suddenly burst out laughing. Who would've guessed they'd both end up ordering the same thing? "Sorry, sorry!" he said when he'd regained his composure a few moments later. He hoped she didn't think he was laughing at her! "I wasn't laughing at you. It's just funny because I was going to order the same thing!" Well, at least they'd found something in common!
"Sure, no problem," he replied when Zelena asked if he could afford everything. He reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a few galleons as proof. He wasn't exactly hurting for money; that was the good thing about having a Malfoy for a grandma! And besides, what kind of jerk invites a girl somewhere and expects her to pay?
Zelena was a bit confused when Killian burst out laughing. When he informed her that he was going to order the same meal as her, Zelena giggled. "How weird is that? Great minds think alike!"
When Killian pulled out some galleons, Zelena smiled as if to say, "Thank you."
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Olly was too caught up to have heard what Esme had asked him out on the street and even more distracted now that they were in the company of Juno and Leon. Esme received a huge hug from her sister, for which Olly had to let go of her hand. He didn’t mind though. It was nice to see sibling love except it made him miss his own sister like crazy!
“Uh, hi.’’ He smiled awkwardly at Juno and Leon. Meeting people was not his thing. “Yes, I was at Hogwarts too but I graduated a almost three years ago.’’ Would he be offended if Juno didn’t remember him? Not one bit. Olly had always been one to be in the shadows. He shook her hand heartily and tried desperately not to wince. When he took back his hand, it was throbbing. Did Juno workout or something? Ow ow ow!
“Hi, Leon.’’ Olly gingerly stuck his hand out to shake Leon’s. He wouldn’t crush his hand, yeah? “Oliver McDean but you can call me Olly.’’ Everyone did, anyway. “How’s it going?’’ And was he missing something? Why was Juno whispering to Leon?
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Originally Posted by Ginevra
Zelena was a bit confused when Killian burst out laughing. When he informed her that he was going to order the same meal as her, Zelena giggled. "How weird is that? Great minds think alike!"
When Killian pulled out some galleons, Zelena smiled as if to say, "Thank you."
Killian couldn't help but notice how confused Zelena seemed, and he was worried she thought he was laughing at her. Nice going, idiot! he thought to himself. He was relieved when he heard Zelena giggle and laughed a little along with her. "Yeah, I guess they do!" he said.
He returned Zelena's smile as his blue eyes searched the room for the shopkeeper. Where was he? Oh well, no big deal. He'd just get up and find him himself. "So shall I go order for us?"
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Esme was trying hard not to be sad, especially since Olly hadn't actually SAID anything to her, but it was hard not to take his non-response as rejection. She had been so sure he had a crush on her by the way he liked the kiss, but maybe that was all it was. Regardless it wasn't his fault and wouldn't change the way that she felt about him. After they had met up around Christmas she had found herself liking him more and more and wanting to be his girlfriend; something that she was sure Juno had picked up on.
"Thanks, Juno!" With a somewhat forced smile, her attention then turned to the new boyfriend. "Thank you, Leon!" It was a good thing that Esme was focused on him instead of Juno and Olly, because it really would have upset her even further if she saw His hand being squeezed hard!
Seeing Juno whispering to Leon, Esme instantly picked up on something. It was the connection that they had always shared and it made it so there really weren't any secrets between the two of them. Well, she wanted Juno to like Olly! No point in mentioning the onion incident as that might be a little awkward. Unfortunately it was probably the only way that Juno would remember him... "Olly goes to WADA now! He's studying painting and told me that I can see some of his work." Trying to make things more comfortable AND distract herself at the same time.
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
She didn't care why he ran...just so long as he ran with her. And just like that he was putty. It made Juno grin super huge. She loved that he liked her so much that he blushed whenever she looked at him a certain way. It made her feel good that she could make him blush.
She didn't know how to explain this one to him. What she and Esme had was more than just a normal sibling bond. "It is amazing. And it's more than just being close to one another...we kinda have this....extra sense." She gave him a look that said she would explain more later. It would take time to explain it to him.
Leon looked just as confused as Juno felt she shrugged and shook her head, indicating she had no idea this person was coming. But she had to be cordial.
OOPS! She realized as she was letting go of his hand that she had gripped Olly! She hadn't meant to, but she was seriously upset because her sister was upset and she couldn't help it sometimes. Then when he said he graduated a few years ago the memory struck her. "Oh, my gosh. You're the guy that dumped the onions all over Esme!" She said it with a chuckle, despite the anger in her heart.
She could sense her sister going through so many emotions right now. Saddness, worry, fear, disappointment, rejection, were just a few. She felt confusion too...but there was also a smidgen of hope...even if it was burried deep. This guy better prove to her that he wanted to be with his sister or a things were going to go south quickly.
"You're welcome, sis." She watched as Esme exchanged greatings with Leon. She was so happy Esme liked him. If she didn't approve it would be really hard for her to be with him known her sister didn't like him. But thankfully she did. Oh, and artist. Now the look made sense. He looked like a Vampire. Juno almost wanted to stake him...almost. "That's great! Why don't we all have a seat and we can decide on food or open presents!" Juno said with a wink hoping her sister would want a pick me up!
She looked over to Leon and gave him a wink that said I'll tell you later, and sat back down at the table. This was going to be an interesting afternoon.
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
Killian couldn't help but notice how confused Zelena seemed, and he was worried she thought he was laughing at her. Nice going, idiot! he thought to himself. He was relieved when he heard Zelena giggle and laughed a little along with her. "Yeah, I guess they do!" he said.
He returned Zelena's smile as his blue eyes searched the room for the shopkeeper. Where was he? Oh well, no big deal. He'd just get up and find him himself. "So shall I go order for us?"
When Killian asked Zelena if he should order, she replied with a "I think that's a great idea." After all, she was getting quite famished but on the other hand, she didn't want Killian to feel rushed.