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Since it's first discovery in the 2050s, the treehouse has maintained its presence throughout the years with upkeep and improvements thanks to the many Groundskeepers. A massive tree houses a wooden fort that sits high up in its branches. A rope ladder automatically descends down upon approach. Once inside you are greeted with a spacious place to lounge, much larger than the exterior leads on.
Whether you choose to bird watch, study or simply relax with friends, this place makes it easier with the mini fridge that refills with cool beverages, thanks to Mr. McLeod. If you happen to slip, don't worry, you are greeted with a bouncing charm on the ground keeping you safe and free to climb back up again.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Marshmallow was not giving up and neither was Kay. “Climb quicker!’’ she encouraged her friend. Goodness! Her sweet crup had suddenly gone rogue. Not bothering trying to figure out, she pulled out her wand, ready to stop the little creature. And by the looks of it, Rose just might be able to make it up that Treehouse.
Or so Kay hoped.
Marshmallow suddenly took a great leap. Kay gasped when she realised what was happening. The crup had aimed sharp teeth at Rose’s foot. “Look out, Rose!’’
It was a good thing that Kay was offering her moral support, but Rosalyn would have felt much better if the crup was stopped. Granted it would probably be hard to do without hurting the creature, something that needed to be avoided. Marshmallow was only a baby and hurting animals was wrong. "I'm trying! It's hard to run up here when it's so cold and icy!" Talk about the perfect day to be chased by a crup....
Just as she felt that she was high enough to be out of range, Rosalyn felt pain in her foot. "OUCH! She bit me!" Through her boots too!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Rose! <3
Originally Posted by WhittyBitty
It was a good thing that Kay was offering her moral support, but Rosalyn would have felt much better if the crup was stopped. Granted it would probably be hard to do without hurting the creature, something that needed to be avoided. Marshmallow was only a baby and hurting animals was wrong. "I'm trying! It's hard to run up here when it's so cold and icy!" Talk about the perfect day to be chased by a crup....
Just as she felt that she was high enough to be out of range, Rosalyn felt pain in her foot. "OUCH! She bit me!" Through her boots too!
In all the hubbub, Kay hadn’t thought about how difficult for Rose to climb the treehouse. She also didn’t want to use any spell at all on her precious Marshy. What if the crup reacted worse to one? What she couldn’t believe was it biting Rose! “Marshmallow!’’ Kay’s voice had a mixture of both distress and surprise as she tugged Marshy off of Rose’s foot.
“That wasn’t nice of you.’’ She looked at Rose. “Did she bite you really hard? Do you need to see River?’’ The bite had happened through Rose’s boot so hopefully that helped minimise the bite. “Marshy, I won’t give you any treats for the rest of the day.’’ Or the next few days for that matter. Kay was very upset.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Genny was already on the treehouse, her best spot in the entire castle. No one was allowed to take this away from her not even the stinging cold of February. So, she sat on one of the benches in the middle area of the first landing, sitting by the edge would mean more cold breeze slapping her face...
... which was a rookie mistake made by a smaller student with a Hufflepuff attire. Genny, hands tucked deep in her jumper, lifted herself up and went to sit next to the boy. "Hiya," she smiled at him and leaned her face on the railings, it was freezing cold so she laid her scarf between her skin and the surface. "Aren't you cold to be sitting out here?"
Kane jumped as someone sat down next to him unexpectedly, so much so that he nearly fell off the side of the treehouse. Once he balanced himself, he turned to this newcomer, a girl, and chuckled. "Not really. Although everything seems cold to me, being from California," he explained.
"Are YOU cold?" he asked, trying to make conversation. Probably a stupid question...
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
In all the hubbub, Kay hadn’t thought about how difficult for Rose to climb the treehouse. She also didn’t want to use any spell at all on her precious Marshy. What if the crup reacted worse to one? What she couldn’t believe was it biting Rose! “Marshmallow!’’ Kay’s voice had a mixture of both distress and surprise as she tugged Marshy off of Rose’s foot.
“That wasn’t nice of you.’’ She looked at Rose. “Did she bite you really hard? Do you need to see River?’’ The bite had happened through Rose’s boot so hopefully that helped minimise the bite. “Marshy, I won’t give you any treats for the rest of the day.’’ Or the next few days for that matter. Kay was very upset.
Sweet Merlin, that crup had a grip!
Rosalyn let out a sigh of relief when Kay pulled the animal off of her foot. It would have been worse if she had been barefoot, but still. These weren't exactly the thickest boots. Maybe she should have worn steel toe ones instead, but hindsight twenty-twenty and all that jazz.
"I'm not sure," Rosalyn said as she gingerly made her way down the latter. "It hurts, but I doubt it's deep. Still I guess I should worry about bacteria?" Honestly she had no idea because this wasn't something that she had read up on. Again with the hindsight thing.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Rose! <3
Originally Posted by WhittyBitty
Sweet Merlin, that crup had a grip!
Rosalyn let out a sigh of relief when Kay pulled the animal off of her foot. It would have been worse if she had been barefoot, but still. These weren't exactly the thickest boots. Maybe she should have worn steel toe ones instead, but hindsight twenty-twenty and all that jazz.
"I'm not sure," Rosalyn said as she gingerly made her way down the latter. "It hurts, but I doubt it's deep. Still I guess I should worry about bacteria?" Honestly she had no idea because this wasn't something that she had read up on. Again with the hindsight thing.
Kay kept a very firm grip on her crup which was now determinedly trying to cause distress to both ladies at the moment. “Marshy, be quiet. What has Rose done to you?’’ Still the crup barked. Giving up on her pet for a moment, she looked to Rose again. “Would you want to check on it now?’’ Kay was anxious to see how much damage was done but if it was too cold for Rose to remove her boot then they could always go back to the Castle.
“I’m so sorry, Rose. I don’t know what came over her.’’ And the woman could not think of a thing as to why Marshmallow would act so mean. She had her fingers crossed that Rose’s foot be okay. Not literally but you get the point.
Come to think about it, Katherine hadn't been here in... a long time, and now that the boys were found, she figured she could get out and enjoy some alone time - and that was precisely what she did. She woke up early on a Saturday morning, quickly had breakfast and got here, with her notebook, books and small magical radio, because she very well planned to spend the day here.
Ahh, the birds put her in a GREAT mood and she smiled to herself and decided to listen to the nature instead of the radio. She just hoped she'd be able to spend the whole day alone here.
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Originally Posted by StarShine
Come to think about it, Katherine hadn't been here in... a long time, and now that the boys were found, she figured she could get out and enjoy some alone time - and that was precisely what she did. She woke up early on a Saturday morning, quickly had breakfast and got here, with her notebook, books and small magical radio, because she very well planned to spend the day here.
Ahh, the birds put her in a GREAT mood and she smiled to herself and decided to listen to the nature instead of the radio. She just hoped she'd be able to spend the whole day alone here.
Olly needed to get outside. With this stupid curfew thing he took advantage of all his free time outside. It was much better than being cooped up inside, which he was forced to do most of his day. Even though his plans mostly just consisted of studying, he thought he might as well do it outside. It was still a bit chilly but not too bad actually. He was comfortable in just a sweatshirt.
With his books and notes stashed in his bag, Olly began the climb up into the treehouse. He was thinking that he would probably invite someone to come study with him later. Noelle or Ellery or Remy. But it was still pretty early so he didn't want to bother then yet, in case they were still asleep or something. For now he would study alone...or maybe not. When he made it to the main level of the treehouse he found that it was not empty. At least the inhabitant was a familiar one? Olly was not really sure how he felt about finding Katherine in the treehouse.
"Morning," he greeted her with a smile. He didn't say anything else because he didn't want to bother her. She didn't like that.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Kay kept a very firm grip on her crup which was now determinedly trying to cause distress to both ladies at the moment. “Marshy, be quiet. What has Rose done to you?’’ Still the crup barked. Giving up on her pet for a moment, she looked to Rose again. “Would you want to check on it now?’’ Kay was anxious to see how much damage was done but if it was too cold for Rose to remove her boot then they could always go back to the Castle.
“I’m so sorry, Rose. I don’t know what came over her.’’ And the woman could not think of a thing as to why Marshmallow would act so mean. She had her fingers crossed that Rose’s foot be okay. Not literally but you get the point.
Despite the fact that her friend had a firm grip on Marshmallow, Rose couldn't help but glance at the crup suspiciously. "I think she doesn't like me." For whatever reason she had no idea, but yeah. Clearly there was dislike. "Maybe she can smell Coco on me?" Dogs liked to chase after cats, right? Crups were basically dogs... This was her theory and she was going to stick to it for the moment. "Anyway, it's fine, Kay. I just hope it doesn't happen again."
With a sigh, she glanced down at her foot. "Well, I guess we can check it here even if it's freezing. Want to have some idea before making our way over to the castle." If it was no big deal, she would live through it. No point in going to River unless necessary; the man had more than enough on his plate this term.
Sitting in the snow and not caring in the least bit that it was cold and wet, Rosalyn carefully removed her boot and sock. "She's punctured the skin a little, but not too much. Do you think I need to worry about bacteria?" Just how clean were their mouths??
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Rose! <3
Originally Posted by WhittyBitty
Despite the fact that her friend had a firm grip on Marshmallow, Rose couldn't help but glance at the crup suspiciously. "I think she doesn't like me." For whatever reason she had no idea, but yeah. Clearly there was dislike. "Maybe she can smell Coco on me?" Dogs liked to chase after cats, right? Crups were basically dogs... This was her theory and she was going to stick to it for the moment. "Anyway, it's fine, Kay. I just hope it doesn't happen again."
With a sigh, she glanced down at her foot. "Well, I guess we can check it here even if it's freezing. Want to have some idea before making our way over to the castle." If it was no big deal, she would live through it. No point in going to River unless necessary; the man had more than enough on his plate this term.
Sitting in the snow and not caring in the least bit that it was cold and wet, Rosalyn carefully removed her boot and sock. "She's punctured the skin a little, but not too much. Do you think I need to worry about bacteria?" Just how clean were their mouths??
Kay was even more confused. Why in the world would Marshy not like Rose? "I'm not sure. She and Coco seem to get along well.'' Even for a cat and a dog, the two animals always seemed to like each other. She was a little relieved. "Thanks. I owe you one.'' And from now, she'd keep Marshy away from Rose. At least for a little while until the crup stopped being rude.
"Yes, I don't think I could stand waiting until we got to the castle to find out.'' Kay was that anxious. Still keeping a firm grip on Marshmallow who had now grown bored of barking, she focused on her friend. "Oh!'' The professor breathed in relief again. "That's not too bad. But just to be sure, we should check with River.'' She wanted nothing to happen to Rose's foot! "Shall we get going now?''
With his books and notes stashed in his bag, Olly began the climb up into the treehouse. He was thinking that he would probably invite someone to come study with him later. Noelle or Ellery or Remy. But it was still pretty early so he didn't want to bother then yet, in case they were still asleep or something. For now he would study alone...or maybe not. When he made it to the main level of the treehouse he found that it was not empty. At least the inhabitant was a familiar one? Olly was not really sure how he felt about finding Katherine in the treehouse.
"Morning," he greeted her with a smile. He didn't say anything else because he didn't want to bother her. She didn't like that.
Oh, here came someone.
Katherine sighed to herself in annoyance. Would she never have one moment to herself? She patiently waited for the person to fully arrive and look at her... huh, it was Oliver, Ellery's brother. She also remembered how she'd accused him of loving her, heh. Good old times, when she had still been so naïve... She knew far better now, so she returned the smile.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Kay was even more confused. Why in the world would Marshy not like Rose? "I'm not sure. She and Coco seem to get along well.'' Even for a cat and a dog, the two animals always seemed to like each other. She was a little relieved. "Thanks. I owe you one.'' And from now, she'd keep Marshy away from Rose. At least for a little while until the crup stopped being rude.
"Yes, I don't think I could stand waiting until we got to the castle to find out.'' Kay was that anxious. Still keeping a firm grip on Marshmallow who had now grown bored of barking, she focused on her friend. "Oh!'' The professor breathed in relief again. "That's not too bad. But just to be sure, we should check with River.'' She wanted nothing to happen to Rose's foot! "Shall we get going now?''
Hmmm, that was true. "I guess she just doesn't like me then." It was weird and made NO sense since Rosalyn hadn't even done anything to the crup, but it just seemed to be that way. Phantom wasn't the only animal to dislike her now, but then the cat had a reason to since she was 'stealing' Gaston. No matter, she could live with Marshmallow not liking her so long as no more bites happened. "It's no matter, Kay. We just need to make sure that I'm not around her really. Not sure how her and Coco playing together will go, but I'm sure we can work something out." Small smile to help her friend feel better. Kay must feel pretty bad right now even if this wasn't her fault.
It was nice that the two of them were reassured now, though her friend was right. Rosalyn supposed that it was a good idea to be on the safe side. "Okay, we can go then. I don't want to risk an infection." Now that wouldn't be nice even if nothing drastic like losing her foot would happen. "This shouldn't take too long," she added as she put her sock and boot back up.
Getting back to her feet, she dusted herself off. "To the Hospital Ward!" Probably a good idea to drop Marshmallow off on the way there...
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Originally Posted by StarShine
Oh, here came someone.
Katherine sighed to herself in annoyance. Would she never have one moment to herself? She patiently waited for the person to fully arrive and look at her... huh, it was Oliver, Ellery's brother. She also remembered how she'd accused him of loving her, heh. Good old times, when she had still been so naïve... She knew far better now, so she returned the smile.
"Morning." So, what now?
Olly settled himself into one corner and took out his book and his notes. These OWLs were going to be the death of him. He could not wait until they were over. He wasn't sure what to make of sharing this space with Katherine. He let awkward silence hang for just a moment before he decided it was too awkward to him. He just had to say something, but he didn't want to annoy her.
"Uh, I don't mean to bother you. Just doing some studying." He glanced down at the book, now open on his lap.
Olly settled himself into one corner and took out his book and his notes. These OWLs were going to be the death of him. He could not wait until they were over. He wasn't sure what to make of sharing this space with Katherine. He let awkward silence hang for just a moment before he decided it was too awkward to him. He just had to say something, but he didn't want to annoy her.
"Uh, I don't mean to bother you. Just doing some studying." He glanced down at the book, now open on his lap.
Katherine waved her hand as if to say Be my guest. In fact... now was the best time to do this. Be on good terms with him and all - if he wanted. Besides, he must even have had a girlfriend by now, he wasn't so bad-looking - on the contrary.
"I'm sorry for thinking that you liked me," she said directly in a soft tone, "I was young and truly thought the boys acted that way. I know better now, though. You aren't bothering me at all." Was SHE bothering him, though? That was the question.
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Originally Posted by StarShine
Katherine waved her hand as if to say Be my guest. In fact... now was the best time to do this. Be on good terms with him and all - if he wanted. Besides, he must even have had a girlfriend by now, he wasn't so bad-looking - on the contrary.
"I'm sorry for thinking that you liked me," she said directly in a soft tone, "I was young and truly thought the boys acted that way. I know better now, though. You aren't bothering me at all." Was SHE bothering him, though? That was the question.
Olly really was not expecting her to say that. To be honest he hadn't really expected her to say anything. He thought she would just ignore her. But then she was talking and...apologizing? It was strange? Had he gone through the portal? Was this what the alternative Hogwarts was like? No, he was pretty sure this was still the real world. Weird.
"Uh, it's okay?" It had been so long ago, really. She could have just believed him that he did not like her. But it didn't matter anymore. "Okay, good. Good. I just wanted to get out of the castle. I don't like being cooped up. What...uh, what brings you out here?"
Olly really was not expecting her to say that. To be honest he hadn't really expected her to say anything. He thought she would just ignore her. But then she was talking and...apologizing? It was strange? Had he gone through the portal? Was this what the alternative Hogwarts was like? No, he was pretty sure this was still the real world. Weird.
"Uh, it's okay?" It had been so long ago, really. She could have just believed him that he did not like her. But it didn't matter anymore. "Okay, good. Good. I just wanted to get out of the castle. I don't like being cooped up. What...uh, what brings you out here?"
She smiled, then, genuinely. Good to hear it was okay with him, too. "Same, honestly. I am not the one to take unnecessary risks, but it was too much and I just wanted to get away for a second... or for the whole day." If they weren't caught, which she doubted. She didn't know about him, but she wouldn't be missed - only Haddie would be curious, and she already knew where she was going in case she didn't return for dinner.
She had everything she would need anyway. She'd even made herself a sandwich for lunch and would even share with HIM if he came unprepared. Provided, he wouldn't think that she loved him. Hehehe.
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Originally Posted by StarShine
She smiled, then, genuinely. Good to hear it was okay with him, too. "Same, honestly. I am not the one to take unnecessary risks, but it was too much and I just wanted to get away for a second... or for the whole day." If they weren't caught, which she doubted. She didn't know about him, but she wouldn't be missed - only Haddie would be curious, and she already knew where she was going in case she didn't return for dinner.
She had everything she would need anyway. She'd even made herself a sandwich for lunch and would even share with HIM if he came unprepared. Provided, he wouldn't think that she loved him. Hehehe.
"The birds sing beautifully, don't they?"
Olly nodded his agreement. "When everyone is stuck in the common room it's a bit too much. I like being outside better anyway." If he had something extremely boring to do, like homework, he would rather do it outside than inside. And even though he maybe wasn't supposed to be there, he wasn't too worried about getting in trouble. The perks of your best friend being a prefect.
The birds? Olly paused for a moment and listened. "I guess I don't pay attention to the birds much. But yes they do. It's the sound of the outdoors." He was an artist, but only a visual artist. He wasn't as in tune to sounds. Didn't appreciate them as much as others did. Olly didn't even listen to music very often.
"Do you like the view from your common room?" He asked suddenly. "Can you see out across the grounds?
Katherine nodded. It was true, everyone was in the common room and the only peaceful place was the bathrooms - there the people had the decency not to talk, at least.
But now they were listening to the birds, so she kept quiet. What? How can someone not listen to - in fact, Katherine was going to ask him just that! How could he not pay them attention!? They filled her with joy! But - oh, he asked her a question, and she didn't really want to argue with him just after their peace treaty for good, so she kept quiet... for now.
"Yes," she said, "we have a wonderful view and it's such a sight especially during dawn and dusk." She smiled. "How about you? Do you have any view at all?"
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Originally Posted by StarShine
Katherine nodded. It was true, everyone was in the common room and the only peaceful place was the bathrooms - there the people had the decency not to talk, at least.
But now they were listening to the birds, so she kept quiet. What? How can someone not listen to - in fact, Katherine was going to ask him just that! How could he not pay them attention!? They filled her with joy! But - oh, he asked her a question, and she didn't really want to argue with him just after their peace treaty for good, so she kept quiet... for now.
"Yes," she said, "we have a wonderful view and it's such a sight especially during dawn and dusk." She smiled. "How about you? Do you have any view at all?"
"I wish I had that kind of view; it sounds so nice. I should have been a Gryffindor." His first year at Hogwarts he'd been grief stricken over the fact that he had not been sorted into Gryffindor. Since then he'd come to love his own house, but there were still times he thought about being a Gryffindor rather wistfully. Right now it was not only because the curfew wouldn't be separating him from two of his favorite people, but also because the views from the tower would be amazing.
"We can see out into the lake. It can be cool sometimes if there are creatures swimming by. But sometimes it's just the murky green water and that's not cool at all." Sometimes, especially when he couldn't leave, it almost made him feel like he was drowning. "I like it well enough, but it's not the best place for art."
Katherine didn't say anything, because she didn't know if Oliver also had the Gryffindor traits. But seeing out the lake sounded pretty neat too. "And I wish I could see the lake," she said and smiled. All of the common rooms had something great. "What do you do as art?" Did he paint? She didn't know.
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Originally Posted by StarShine
Katherine didn't say anything, because she didn't know if Oliver also had the Gryffindor traits. But seeing out the lake sounded pretty neat too. "And I wish I could see the lake," she said and smiled. All of the common rooms had something great. "What do you do as art?" Did he paint? She didn't know.
"I'll trade you," Olly said but he was mostly joking about that. The views did sound nice, but in his mind there weren't any other upsides of being a Ravenclaw. He was sure it was great and all, but he definitely was not smart enough.
Olly paused for a moment, taking the time to figure out how to answer that question. What was she expecting him to say? A medium? A subject? "Everything," he said eventually. "I like to draw or paint. I can't do sculpting or other art things like that, but if it involves a brush I'm there. I love doing body paint too." He made himself stop there because he could keep talking about art for a while, but he wasn't sure that was something Katherine would want to hear.
Despite the fact that this was clearly not the first sunny day since winter had started -- and now ended --, Daisy always felt like they could be the last. Sure, it was May and odds were they would get more sunny days from now on. Still, it wasn't like they were in the Mediterranean. Sunny days never lasted for long.
When the girl saw the clear blue sky reflected on the Great Hall's enchanted ceiling during lunch, she knew that there was no way she would spend the two free hours she had locked in the library.
OWLs or no OWLs.
That was why she found herself approaching the Treehouse. It was shameful, really, that she still hadn't paid a visit during the current term. Curfews and all of that.
It wasn't exactly down right cold these days, the snow had long since melted, birds were chirping, and Noah had even swatted away an insect that had made a brave attempt to fly into his mouth during his walk through the grounds, so it was a bit of a surprise to find the treehouse unoccupied.
Not that he was complaining, he wasn't.
It was rare he found anywhere truly quiet to be on his own since the portal mishaps, and lockdown. The library was full of students prepping for their OWLs and NEWTs, and the common room, Merlin.. Noah would rather be locked in his dorm.
But not today. Not now, at least. His brain needed a rest, both from studies and from his housemates. Abandoning his school bag into a corner of the room, Noah headed for a window, regretful that he hadn't brought his broom along.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
She had been around magic all of her life but it was always the little details that got her. Like the treehouse, for example, with its magical ladder that automatically appeared whenever someone approached. She dragged herself and her heavy school bag up the ladder, hoping that the treehouse would be empty.
Or at least half-empty. It was a pretty big space, anyway, so she could make do with some people there.
She didn't notice anyone there at first and only when she spotted a school bag abandoned did she look around, looking for its owner. OH. Her lips stretched into a grin as she recognised the boy by the window and her own bag was abandoned on the floor. "Mr. Diggory!" Soon she was close to him, trying to peek out of the window. What had he been doing? "You come out with the sun, eh?"