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Since it's first discovery in the 2050s, the treehouse has maintained its presence throughout the years with upkeep and improvements thanks to the many Groundskeepers. A massive tree houses a wooden fort that sits high up in its branches. A rope ladder automatically descends down upon approach. Once inside you are greeted with a spacious place to lounge, much larger than the exterior leads on.
Whether you choose to bird watch, study or simply relax with friends, this place makes it easier with the mini fridge that refills with cool beverages, thanks to Mr. McLeod. If you happen to slip, don't worry, you are greeted with a bouncing charm on the ground keeping you safe and free to climb back up again.
When Dora opened her mouth, no doubt to tell him that he was stupid, Mason gave her a look as well as if to say, 'don't you dare' but when she didn't and only gave him a look back, he resisted the temptation to roll his eyes.
And then she was pocketing HIS wand inside of her robes and Mason pointed at her. "What do you think you're doing?" in other words. Give that back! He now did roll his eyes. "What's there to talk about? You startled me , i threw the beverage, i apologised, you throw a tantrum about your hair being wet , which by the way is ridiculous but you're a Gryffindor so i guess its part of who you are much like how its part of me that i startle easily." he sighed. "then you pointed your wand at me, you ordered me to do the same , i refused, you punched, i hexed you, failed badly enough, you did the same back and now here we are" he held his hand out again " now give me my wand back so i can go see the Healer cause im not going to let you fix my nose"
the end
If Mason thought any LOOK from him intimidated her, he was SORELY mistaken. She had just punched him in the nose and hexed him... what was there to fear from him?? Nothing, that was the answer. N O T H I N G.
"What does it look like I am doing. I got your wand myself. It answers to me now anyway. Rules of dueling." When ones wand was won by another its allegiances changed. Didn't he know anything? WORST Ravenclaw of life right here.
"You're an idiot. I just wanted you to dry my hair. And being a Gryffindor has nothing to do with why I reacted that way, actually. You did something mean and then laughed about it and said all the wrong things. Thus spurring on my anger. Felt pretty intentional to me. But what do I know? I'm just some dumb blonde Gryffindor." Since they were stereotyping and all.
"I don't want to fix it ANYWAY," she said before turning to walk away. That was it. She was going to turn his wand into his Head of House. Let Hirsch sort it out. She was done with him.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by Erindipity
If Mason thought any LOOK from him intimidated her, he was SORELY mistaken. She had just punched him in the nose and hexed him... what was there to fear from him?? Nothing, that was the answer. N O T H I N G.
"What does it look like I am doing. I got your wand myself. It answers to me now anyway. Rules of dueling." When ones wand was won by another its allegiances changed. Didn't he know anything? WORST Ravenclaw of life right here.
"You're an idiot. I just wanted you to dry my hair. And being a Gryffindor has nothing to do with why I reacted that way, actually. You did something mean and then laughed about it and said all the wrong things. Thus spurring on my anger. Felt pretty intentional to me. But what do I know? I'm just some dumb blonde Gryffindor." Since they were stereotyping and all.
"I don't want to fix it ANYWAY," she said before turning to walk away. That was it. She was going to turn his wand into his Head of House. Let Hirsch sort it out. She was done with him.
His wand answered to her now? Wait, that hadn't been in the textbook, had it?! Mason looked at Dora as he tried to recall if anything she was saying was true. And then a story popped up in his head. His mother had told him about the Tale of the three brothers many times before bedtime and in it...a wand was won over...
But before he could say anything, Dora was already speaking again and this time the sixteen year old was looking even more confused. Was THAT what she meant? Helping her with drying her hair and not dueling. Well, in his defence she could have said that better. Anyone who heard 'take out your wand' would hear 'lets duel now' "I never said you're a dumb blonde Gryffindor...." he muttered quietly, feeling a pang of guilt which he shouldn't feel because he had never said that.
And then she was gone. Mason waited a couple of minutes, thinking about what on earth he had done wrong, before he climbed down the ladder and walked away from the tree house. He had come to the conclusion that she was just nuts. A nutcase who..... He put his hands in his robe pockets as he walked and then stopped.....still had his wand!!!!
His wand answered to her now? Wait, that hadn't been in the textbook, had it?! Mason looked at Dora as he tried to recall if anything she was saying was true. And then a story popped up in his head. His mother had told him about the Tale of the three brothers many times before bedtime and in it...a wand was won over...
But before he could say anything, Dora was already speaking again and this time the sixteen year old was looking even more confused. Was THAT what she meant? Helping her with drying her hair and not dueling. Well, in his defence she could have said that better. Anyone who heard 'take out your wand' would hear 'lets duel now' "I never said you're a dumb blonde Gryffindor...." he muttered quietly, feeling a pang of guilt which he shouldn't feel because he had never said that.
And then she was gone. Mason waited a couple of minutes, thinking about what on earth he had done wrong, before he climbed down the ladder and walked away from the tree house. He had come to the conclusion that she was just nuts. A nutcase who..... He put his hands in his robe pockets as he walked and then stopped.....still had his wand!!!!
She... hadn't actually left, just started to walk away, for dramatic purposes, of course. This Ravenclaw, though. He was a HANDFUL. Made her look less dramatic than she was. Haha. That was saying a lot, obviously. But as it was she watched the boy go down the ladder and out onto the grounds.
Dora made her way to the railings and sat down, legs dangling over the side, and watched him curiously. Was he really going to storm off into the castle without his wand? She had kind of expected him to tackle her or something. That was totally what the Gryffindor would have done. Without a doubt. Mason had proven that he wasn't the same type of person as her, though. Now she had to stay and study him as it were. Perhaps give him a head start and stalk him back into the castle.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Ever since Kay had adopted Marshmallow, the pair had been inseparable. It was the same today as the two went out for a walk. The weather was still incredibly cold since it was sometime in January but Kay had the suspicion that her crup adored the cold. “Marshmallow!’’ Kay laughed as she watched her ran off barking in the direction of the treehouse, the purple scarf she had gotten for her billowing from her around her neck as he ran. She ran to catch up with him just as he headed face first into a pile of snow.
Of course the entire scene was funny to the woman. She was used to Marshmallow bounding about in the snow by now to know that it didn’t bother him. “I should build you an igloo to live in instead of putting you in that warm barnyard.’’ That was a joke. Her Marshmallow deserved the warmth. The crup backed out of the snow pile then came bounding back to Kay, barking all the while. She laughed again. “I can see you’re having fun but no thank you. I'll pass on diving into snow.’’
Having checked all of her usual hideouts... and bribed a firstie to let her into the Claw common room... Dora had one last spot to check out before she officially gave up and sent Wasabi after her friend. If she was still her friend. That thought made Dora frown as she looked up the length of the ladder. No way to know if Sam was there other than to climb up. Luckily for the Gryffindor, she had cast a rather strong warming spell on herself before going outside... so her fingers were nice and toasty and she was ready to climb!
Up and up she went, lost in her own thoughts, really. So much had happened since she and her Ravenclaws had been avoiding one another... but not more than what had happened today. This was big news. News worthy of wearing out her shoe leather in search of her bestie. So as she reached the top and spotted said bestie, she found herself frowning. "Is that all you have to keep warm? You're going to catch your death up here, Sam. I have been looking for you for a few hours." Meaning she knew that she had likely been outside for those few hours... with just the help of a bluebell flame to keep her warm. This girl was marginally more stubborn than herself!
Pulling herself up onto the platform Dora immediately pulled her wand and cleared away some of the snow on the ground and folded herself own beside Sam. "You alright then?"
Sam warmed her hands over the bluebell flame she was huddled around, before adjusting the hood of her leather jacket, and pulling it closer over her curly hair. She was wearing gloves, but she'd opted for her old torn fingerless ones so she could enjoy both the solitude of being out here in the snow, and get some homework done. She picked up her quill, and was just about to turn the page of her charms book when she heard someone joining her on the platform.
She barely gave the visitor a second glance until she heard that voice. A voice full of familiarity, and concern...and telling off. "'m fine." She shrugged at the sight of her bestie. She'd survived in far worse, with much less. "I got a hot water bottle too."
But yes, she was stubborn. Plus being here right now suited her mood. She was decidedly mopey, where else better to be than outside in the cold alone?
"Sure." She was alright. If you counted a bestie that was too busy studying to spend time with her, suddenly having a family, her Pa being released soon, and whatever it was she had going with Astrea. "What bring you out here? I thought you had OWLs to study for..."
Dora couldn't hide the look of hurt and rejection. But she quickly masked it before pointing her wand at Sam and casting a warming spell on her as well. Whether she said she was fine or not, Dora knew better. Huddling around a bluebell flame was not warmth enough for winter in Scotland. "There, should warm you right up, " she mumbled before tucking her wand back in its holster. It was awfully COLD out here and Sam's attitude made it moreso.
Sighing slightly, the Gryffindor watched her friend and shook her head. "Took a breal to come find you. I... have some news and you're the only person I wanted to share it with. " Perhaps that would soften her up a bit? One could only hope!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Ever since Kay had adopted Marshmallow, the pair had been inseparable. It was the same today as the two went out for a walk. The weather was still incredibly cold since it was sometime in January but Kay had the suspicion that her crup adored the cold. “Marshmallow!’’ Kay laughed as she watched her ran off barking in the direction of the treehouse, the purple scarf she had gotten for her billowing from her around her neck as he ran. She ran to catch up with him just as he headed face first into a pile of snow.
Of course the entire scene was funny to the woman. She was used to Marshmallow bounding about in the snow by now to know that it didn’t bother him. “I should build you an igloo to live in instead of putting you in that warm barnyard.’’ That was a joke. Her Marshmallow deserved the warmth. The crup backed out of the snow pile then came bounding back to Kay, barking all the while. She laughed again. “I can see you’re having fun but no thank you. I'll pass on diving into snow.’’
Unfortunately the weather was too cold for Rosalyn to take Coco out on the grounds to do some exploring.
The kitten had been a Christmas present from Gaston along with a beautiful rose necklace, and she loved them both very much. The latter was around her neck at this very moment - though it was impossible to see under all the layers she was currently wearing - and the former was currently napping on Rosalyn's bed. No matter because they would have play time later, and Coco would get to meet Phantom. Hopefully the two would get on wonderfully though there were some misgivings; that cat wasn't very friendly in her opinion, very possessive of Gaston.
Lost in her thoughts, she was distracted by barking. Looking around, she spotted a little crup and one of her best friends! Beaming, she made her way over to them. "Hello, Kay!" It was nice to see that she wasn't the only one wanting some fresh air despite the extreme cold. Rosalyn bent down so that she was at a closer level to the crup. "Hello, little Marshmallow," she said affectionately as she reached out to pet her. "I'm friends with your mommy."
Dora couldn't hide the look of hurt and rejection. But she quickly masked it before pointing her wand at Sam and casting a warming spell on her as well. Whether she said she was fine or not, Dora knew better. Huddling around a bluebell flame was not warmth enough for winter in Scotland. "There, should warm you right up, " she mumbled before tucking her wand back in its holster. It was awfully COLD out here and Sam's attitude made it moreso.
Sighing slightly, the Gryffindor watched her friend and shook her head. "Took a breal to come find you. I... have some news and you're the only person I wanted to share it with. " Perhaps that would soften her up a bit? One could only hope!
If Sam saw that look as she continued to write on her parchment, she didn't show it. The quill continued to scratch across the paper as she glanced between it and her textbook. Dora wasn't the only one who could study when others wanted to spend time hanging. She'd admit though that warming spelling was rather nice, and she paused a moment to give her friend the slightest of a grateful smiles.
A smile that visibly softened at Dora's next words. "You do?" She raised an inquisitive eyebrow, and for the first time put her studying materials aside to consider the Gryffindor more fully. This sounded much more promising than most of their contact of late. "What kind of news?"
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
Being back at Hogwarts after winter break was nice. It was a little sad leaving home after Christmas but as soon as he arrived at Hogwarts again everything was a-okay. He waddled through the snow, all bundled up with every piece of clothing he owned. Maybe the heating charm was useful to learn, he'd ask Roo about that at their next private lesson. For now, he moved rather clumsily and slow over the grounds, but at least he wasn't cold.
"A whole new wooooooooooooooorld, a new fantastic point of view." He sang to himself, rearranging his scarf so he could sing properly. "Lala something nooo, or where to gooo and something about dreeaming!"
Hold up. What was that? Carlton squinted at a house in the sky. THERE WAS A HOUSE IN THE SKY? He hurried towards it. Or, he tried to hurry over there. He still moved very slow. When he finally reached it, a ladder descended.
Very inviting, Sky house. Very inviting.
Carlton looked around him. Well then. Don't mind if I do. He started to climb.
"A whole new wooooooorld, a dazzling plaze I neeever knew. But when I'm way up hereeee, it's crystal cleaaar, that now I'm in a whole new world with yoooooooou."
Maybe someone lived in the Sky House? Surprise! Here was a Carlton.
If Sam saw that look as she continued to write on her parchment, she didn't show it. The quill continued to scratch across the paper as she glanced between it and her textbook. Dora wasn't the only one who could study when others wanted to spend time hanging. She'd admit though that warming spelling was rather nice, and she paused a moment to give her friend the slightest of a grateful smiles.
A smile that visibly softened at Dora's next words. "You do?" She raised an inquisitive eyebrow, and for the first time put her studying materials aside to consider the Gryffindor more fully. This sounded much more promising than most of their contact of late. "What kind of news?"
Welp. Looked like Dora has taught her friend more than she realized. That was textbook Dora Umbridge behavior right there. So, she couldn't be mad really. She'd be patient and kind... much like someone else in her life. The subject of the news she had. Hehe.
The blonde was practically giddy as she watch Sam smile and ask about the news. G I D D Y. "Before I say, you have to give me your undivided attention and know that this literally JUST happened. Well like an hour ago. I didn't tell anyone else and I started looking for you straight away. Okay? " It was important that Sam knew all thag. And this was important. While she waited for Sam to five said undivided attention, she fluffed her visible curls and giggled.
Was that enough of a dramatic pause? HEHE. "Casper Greenwood is my boyfriend. " Pause from dramatic effect!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Rose! <3
Originally Posted by WhittyBitty
Unfortunately the weather was too cold for Rosalyn to take Coco out on the grounds to do some exploring.
The kitten had been a Christmas present from Gaston along with a beautiful rose necklace, and she loved them both very much. The latter was around her neck at this very moment - though it was impossible to see under all the layers she was currently wearing - and the former was currently napping on Rosalyn's bed. No matter because they would have play time later, and Coco would get to meet Phantom. Hopefully the two would get on wonderfully though there were some misgivings; that cat wasn't very friendly in her opinion, very possessive of Gaston.
Lost in her thoughts, she was distracted by barking. Looking around, she spotted a little crup and one of her best friends! Beaming, she made her way over to them. "Hello, Kay!" It was nice to see that she wasn't the only one wanting some fresh air despite the extreme cold. Rosalyn bent down so that she was at a closer level to the crup. "Hello, little Marshmallow," she said affectionately as she reached out to pet her. "I'm friends with your mommy."
Kay had a feeling Marshmallow would want to jump right back into the snow. The crup would have done just that if it had not been for Rosealyn joining them. “Oh, hello, Rose. How’s it going?’’ She beamed at her friend and was so pleased when Rose decided to get to know Marshmallow. “Say hi, Marshy.’’
What the crup did was stand on all fours and started barking loudly. It’s forked tail stood still as it barked which was quite unusual since that tail was always wagging happily. And this happened to be a side of Marshmallow that Kay had never seen. Usually the crup got along with everyone; it like all the persons it came in contact with.
Marshmallow bounded closer to Rose, barking louder still. “Marshy, stop that this instant!’’ This had no effects whatsoever.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Kay had a feeling Marshmallow would want to jump right back into the snow. The crup would have done just that if it had not been for Rosealyn joining them. “Oh, hello, Rose. How’s it going?’’ She beamed at her friend and was so pleased when Rose decided to get to know Marshmallow. “Say hi, Marshy.’’
What the crup did was stand on all fours and started barking loudly. It’s forked tail stood still as it barked which was quite unusual since that tail was always wagging happily. And this happened to be a side of Marshmallow that Kay had never seen. Usually the crup got along with everyone; it like all the persons it came in contact with.
Marshmallow bounded closer to Rose, barking louder still. “Marshy, stop that this instant!’’ This had no effects whatsoever.
Kaysha seemed really happy to see her, but then she always was. "I'm good! Just needed a break and some fresh air. I wanted to take Coco with me, but it's too cold for her. Plus she could easily get lost in the snow." Even though her friend hadn't had the chance to properly meet the kitten yet, Rosalyn had told her friends about her present from Gaston. Soon the kitty would be all over the castle exploring and discovering everything. "How are you doing?" Good by the look of things.
Just about to ask about Jordan, Rosalyn was greeted by a lot of barking. What was that all about? Suddenly her whole body tensed slightly though she was not afraid of the little crup. The animal's behaviour was off-putting. "What's wrong with her?" This was so weird...
Whatever the news, Sam was sure she hadn't seen Dora this is excited in FOREVER. Seriously, the girl looked like she was going to BURST. The Ravenclse simply nodded at Dora's demands, pushing the textbook and quill further away from her. "Okay," she confirmed, once again warming her hands over the bluebell flame on front of her. "C'mon on then. Spill."
The Gryffindor's excitement was rubbing off on her, despite her mopey mood and Sam gave a look. TELL HER ALREADY!
"He's your...?" Sam gave a confused look. "I thought you were...?" Regardless, Dora looked happy, like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. And for that, Sam was relieved. She shook her head at the questions, and let a smile spread across her face. "Tell me all about it. What did he say?"
Whatever the news, Sam was sure she hadn't seen Dora this is excited in FOREVER. Seriously, the girl looked like she was going to BURST. The Ravenclse simply nodded at Dora's demands, pushing the textbook and quill further away from her. "Okay," she confirmed, once again warming her hands over the bluebell flame on front of her. "C'mon on then. Spill."
The Gryffindor's excitement was rubbing off on her, despite her mopey mood and Sam gave a look. TELL HER ALREADY!
"He's your...?" Sam gave a confused look. "I thought you were...?" Regardless, Dora looked happy, like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. And for that, Sam was relieved. She shook her head at the questions, and let a smile spread across her face. "Tell me all about it. What did he say?"
Dora was satisfied with her undivided attention as well as her reaction... mostly. She knew that it must seem a bit confusing considering. "I don't think I had it figured right. It's just... Casper. He is so different from me, but so supportive. It makes sense. It's... right." Her face felt like it might split in two from the smile stretching from ear to ear. She was genuinely happy, she was. Truly and completely. And well, she figured that if someone made her happy, whether it was a guy or a girl, then that was all that she looked at now. Gender was not the deciding factor in who she loved.
Oh! She wanted story tiiiime? Dora pulled her wand and cleared more snow away before conjuring a cushion to lean back against the wall with. "He was jealous that I asked Mason out so he finally quit moping and came to find me. It was all really sweet. I really, really like him, Sam. And I am not sneaking about for anyone. I am Casper Greenwood's girlfriend and I don't care who knows it. Although, I am curious to see how his parents and my dad react to it all." She couldn't help the small laugh at the last. Oliver would likely have some inappropriate remark to make... and Cam... well she scared Dora a bit, she did. But she knew that they were both lovely and always made her feel welcome.
"How are things with Astrea? Figured it out yet?" she asked gently before nudging Sam gently with her foot.
She definitely hadn't seen Dora this happy for a long time, and that smile? It lit up the treehouse on a day even as chilly and grey as today. She listened to the whole story, not wanting to interrupt the Gryffindor's excited stream of words. She'd promised her full attention, after all.
"I'm glad you two have finally worked things out. And that you don't feel the need to sneak around any more. I like Casper, and I know how you guys look out for each other. Always have done. Pretty sure Mr. Umbridge will be pretty torn about that..." She didn't know about Casper's parents, having not really spent time with them.
She was happy, and yet Sam could already feel a balance shifting in her heart. Dora and Casper had known each other so long, and although she liked Casper as a friend too, how could she ever hope to fit in, to keep up? It hurt to even start thinking about it.
And between that and Dora's next question, Sam just completely clammed up. She hugged her knees tight to her chest, the rips in her jeans exposing bare skin, and gave a sigh. "I dunno."
It was true. Dora had not been this happy in forever. She was glad that she could share this moment with her bestie, too. What better way to have happy news than to share with someone you cared about?!
"Yeah? You mean that? I am so glad you approve and so will Casper. He was worried. He thinks a lot of you, you know. He said so. And Nicolas Umbridge is a marshmallow." If she kept telling herself that, it would be true, right? She knew that her dad was a regular to Knockturn Alley... so he wasn't exactly innocent, was he? Not that it matter to Dora one way or another. But she wasn't blind to his... past and present for that matter.
oh.. Oh no. What was this? Dora saw it happening. The loss of excitement. Oh man. Nooooo.
"Sam, what's the matter? Please tell me. I am here sharing this with you as a sign of... good faith. Or something. I want to make things right between us. I love you and can't bear fighting or avoiding anymore. Please don't shut down on me. I am sorry if I have done it in the past." Pleaaaaase don't clam up. "And if you don't know... well that's fine, Sam. Really. Not everyone is as sure of things as Astrea apparently is. There is nothing wrong with not knowing." And how could Astrea be so sure anyway? Dora found it so hard to believe. She liked girls and boys... but still hadn't figured that out until recently... and maybe Casper was the only boy she liked. And really, Dora was far better adjusted mentally and emotionally than As was. Ahem.
Being back at Hogwarts after winter break was nice. It was a little sad leaving home after Christmas but as soon as he arrived at Hogwarts again everything was a-okay. He waddled through the snow, all bundled up with every piece of clothing he owned. Maybe the heating charm was useful to learn, he'd ask Roo about that at their next private lesson. For now, he moved rather clumsily and slow over the grounds, but at least he wasn't cold.
"A whole new wooooooooooooooorld, a new fantastic point of view." He sang to himself, rearranging his scarf so he could sing properly. "Lala something nooo, or where to gooo and something about dreeaming!"
Hold up. What was that? Carlton squinted at a house in the sky. THERE WAS A HOUSE IN THE SKY? He hurried towards it. Or, he tried to hurry over there. He still moved very slow. When he finally reached it, a ladder descended.
Very inviting, Sky house. Very inviting.
Carlton looked around him. Well then. Don't mind if I do. He started to climb.
"A whole new wooooooorld, a dazzling plaze I neeever knew. But when I'm way up hereeee, it's crystal cleaaar, that now I'm in a whole new world with yoooooooou."
Maybe someone lived in the Sky House? Surprise! Here was a Carlton.
Etta wandered down to the grounds for some fresh air, with her textbook in hand. She was glad that she had decided to wear a few layers of clothing because WOW. It was waaaay too cold. Still.. it felt good to be outside. Plus, she could get some reading done too.
---- OOOOH THE TREEHOUSE. Etta hadn't really spent much time there so now was better than never, right? She briskly walked over to the treehouse and stopped. How was she to climb with a book in one hand? Could she do that? She stared doubtfully at the ladder and shrugged lightly. The Hufflepuff tucked the book under one arm and carefully started to climb, hoping she didn't drop it in the process.
And there was someone singing? She smiled to herself, feeling quite amused. Heh. Whoever that was.... well. They weren't actually all that bad. Mhm. She finally reached the top and noticed the baby kid she'd seen around in classes but never really got to meet.
"Hi." Etta gave him a bright and cheerful smile and raised an eyebrow at him. She assumed he had been the one singing earlier and added a moment later, "You have a nice voice."
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Rose! <3
Originally Posted by WhittyBitty
Kaysha seemed really happy to see her, but then she always was. "I'm good! Just needed a break and some fresh air. I wanted to take Coco with me, but it's too cold for her. Plus she could easily get lost in the snow." Even though her friend hadn't had the chance to properly meet the kitten yet, Rosalyn had told her friends about her present from Gaston. Soon the kitty would be all over the castle exploring and discovering everything. "How are you doing?" Good by the look of things.
Just about to ask about Jordan, Rosalyn was greeted by a lot of barking. What was that all about? Suddenly her whole body tensed slightly though she was not afraid of the little crup. The animal's behaviour was off-putting. "What's wrong with her?" This was so weird...
Kay nodded. "Fresh, cold air, you mean.'' It certainly was and while she wasn't very much into this type of weather, she was able to tolerate it especially now that she had Marshmallow. "Awww, is Coco snuggling warmly in his bed?'' Too bad Kay hadn't really gotten the time to meet the kitty properly as yet. She'd change that soon enough. "Great, actually! You?''
The woman frowned at Marshmallow who was outright refusing to listen to her which was strange. She watched in further puzzlement as her crup actually took a few steps towards Rose, barking louder still. "MARSHMALLOW STEWART! You stop that barking!'' What Kay got was a growl and Rose got a fierce look before it charged towards the History of Magic Professor.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Kay nodded. "Fresh, cold air, you mean.'' It certainly was and while she wasn't very much into this type of weather, she was able to tolerate it especially now that she had Marshmallow. "Awww, is Coco snuggling warmly in his bed?'' Too bad Kay hadn't really gotten the time to meet the kitty properly as yet. She'd change that soon enough. "Great, actually! You?''
The woman frowned at Marshmallow who was outright refusing to listen to her which was strange. She watched in further puzzlement as her crup actually took a few steps towards Rose, barking louder still. "MARSHMALLOW STEWART! You stop that barking!'' What Kay got was a growl and Rose got a fierce look before it charged towards the History of Magic Professor.
Well, yes. It certainly was cold outside. Rosalyn nodded. Its better to be out in the cold but get some fresh air than to be warm and stuck inside." While it was true that the entire castle hadn't been insulated, if she was going to feel cold, she might as well do that outside while getting some exercise and enjoying the scenery. "Oh, yes. She's been in my quarters pretty much all the time. I'm going to start showing her around the castle soon." Then she could meet Marshmallow!
Speaking of Marshmallow, the crup was acting really weird and wasn't letting up even with Kay telling her to stop. Rosalyn was at a complete loss as to what to do when suddenly she found herself being charged at. With nothing else to do but run, the History of Magic professor made a break for it, heading towards the treehouse.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Rose! <3
Originally Posted by WhittyBitty
Well, yes. It certainly was cold outside. Rosalyn nodded. Its better to be out in the cold but get some fresh air than to be warm and stuck inside." While it was true that the entire castle hadn't been insulated, if she was going to feel cold, she might as well do that outside while getting some exercise and enjoying the scenery. "Oh, yes. She's been in my quarters pretty much all the time. I'm going to start showing her around the castle soon." Then she could meet Marshmallow!
Speaking of Marshmallow, the crup was acting really weird and wasn't letting up even with Kay telling her to stop. Rosalyn was at a complete loss as to what to do when suddenly she found herself being charged at. With nothing else to do but run, the History of Magic professor made a break for it, heading towards the treehouse.
Kay nodded, agreeing with Rose. But in all honesty, the cold was growing on her and she had her adorable Marshy to thank for that. “As long as you don’t get a cold, there’s no harm in that. Or having a snowball fight.’’ She smiled mischievously. She loved snowball fights and snowman making. “That sounds like a great idea. Marshy baby has to meet her soon.’’
* * * * * * *
Before Kay knew what she was doing, she too was taking up the chase. “Marshy!’’ Why was her crup behaving so strange? The crup had a head start and thankfully, Rose too whose refugee might have to end up being the Treehouse. At least, Kay hoped Rose thought of scaling it. Marshamallow would not be able to get up there for the crup seemed bent on not giving up its chasing and barking.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
It was unseasonably warm today, so naturally Kane was outside. He couldn't take the COLD anymore. Granted, it was getting a BIT warmer out, but nothing crazy yet. Soon, he could brag that he had survived his first winter! There had even been snow and everything!
Snuggling up a little tighter in his Hufflepuff scarf (because it WAS still cold) he made a beeline for the treehouse on the ground. He wondered if he could see the Giant Squid swimming around from up there. Did he hibernate during the winter? Or was he so large and...blubbery, he didn't really mind the cold? Did squids have blubber? Or was it just whales?
Hmm. He'd have to research that sometime.
He climbed onto the first level of the treehouse and plopped down, feet dangling over the side as he looked off into the distance.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
It was unseasonably warm today, so naturally Kane was outside. He couldn't take the COLD anymore. Granted, it was getting a BIT warmer out, but nothing crazy yet. Soon, he could brag that he had survived his first winter! There had even been snow and everything!
Snuggling up a little tighter in his Hufflepuff scarf (because it WAS still cold) he made a beeline for the treehouse on the ground. He wondered if he could see the Giant Squid swimming around from up there. Did he hibernate during the winter? Or was he so large and...blubbery, he didn't really mind the cold? Did squids have blubber? Or was it just whales?
Hmm. He'd have to research that sometime.
He climbed onto the first level of the treehouse and plopped down, feet dangling over the side as he looked off into the distance.
Genny was already on the treehouse, her best spot in the entire castle. No one was allowed to take this away from her not even the stinging cold of February. So, she sat on one of the benches in the middle area of the first landing, sitting by the edge would mean more cold breeze slapping her face...
... which was a rookie mistake made by a smaller student with a Hufflepuff attire. Genny, hands tucked deep in her jumper, lifted herself up and went to sit next to the boy. "Hiya," she smiled at him and leaned her face on the railings, it was freezing cold so she laid her scarf between her skin and the surface. "Aren't you cold to be sitting out here?"
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Kay nodded, agreeing with Rose. But in all honesty, the cold was growing on her and she had her adorable Marshy to thank for that. “As long as you don’t get a cold, there’s no harm in that. Or having a snowball fight.’’ She smiled mischievously. She loved snowball fights and snowman making. “That sounds like a great idea. Marshy baby has to meet her soon.’’
* * * * * * *
Before Kay knew what she was doing, she too was taking up the chase. “Marshy!’’ Why was her crup behaving so strange? The crup had a head start and thankfully, Rose too whose refugee might have to end up being the Treehouse. At least, Kay hoped Rose thought of scaling it. Marshamallow would not be able to get up there for the crup seemed bent on not giving up its chasing and barking.
Not in the least bit concerned with how ridiculous she probably looked to others, Rosalyn continued running from the little crup. Occasionally she glanced over her shoulder to get a judge of how far away the animal was. Even though Marshmallow couldn't do serious harm, those were sharp enough teeth to hurt and she did not want to get bitten!
Finally she had reached the treehouse!
Without giving it a second thought, Rosalyn began climbing up the ladder. Hopefully Marshmallow wouldn't be able to get a hold of her because then her jeans could get damaged. She did not need this in her life right now.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Rose! <3
Originally Posted by WhittyBitty
Not in the least bit concerned with how ridiculous she probably looked to others, Rosalyn continued running from the little crup. Occasionally she glanced over her shoulder to get a judge of how far away the animal was. Even though Marshmallow couldn't do serious harm, those were sharp enough teeth to hurt and she did not want to get bitten!
Finally she had reached the treehouse!
Without giving it a second thought, Rosalyn began climbing up the ladder. Hopefully Marshmallow wouldn't be able to get a hold of her because then her jeans could get damaged. She did not need this in her life right now.
Marshmallow was not giving up and neither was Kay. “Climb quicker!’’ she encouraged her friend. Goodness! Her sweet crup had suddenly gone rogue. Not bothering trying to figure out, she pulled out her wand, ready to stop the little creature. And by the looks of it, Rose just might be able to make it up that Treehouse.
Or so Kay hoped.
Marshmallow suddenly took a great leap. Kay gasped when she realised what was happening. The crup had aimed sharp teeth at Rose’s foot. “Look out, Rose!’’