-   Term 45: January - April 2017 (
-   -   The Great Lake (

Charely Potter 08-15-2015 01:35 AM

The Great Lake
The Great Lake, also known as the Black Lake, is a large body of water located to the south of the castle. It is about half a mile in diameter and the Hogwarts plumbing network drains into it. Creatures have made it their home from Merpeople to Grindylows, with even Moaning Myrtle occasionally taking a swim. The most notable is Bartholomew Henry, the Giant Squid. While busy with his kin, it is not uncommon to spot him or possibly receive a helping hand should you slip in after enough callings.

Boats and life vests mainly reserved for the First year's entrance and Graduate's departure still sit by the dock. With Sir McLeod's permission you'll be permitted to use them for a lovely afternoon of sailing. There are also several trees by edge of the lake. A Beech tree in particular with a hollow hole inside is filled with books that have been left there over time. If you take one, be sure to replace one in exchange to keep the system alive.

Saz Hale 01-05-2017 04:17 PM

whitney/professor newton
Kimi was enjoying his trip out of the castle he made his way to the lake and smiled it was so peaceful here at the moment

RandomRaven 01-05-2017 06:24 PM

open for anyone!
Having his lessons planned and all teachers stuffs done, Jordan decided to take a break for a moment and enjoyed the scenery around the castle. Perhaps to take Big Boss wandered around too, his golden retriever dog might need some exercise and new atmosphere and he's getting bored to just wander around the hut and/or barn.

"Come on, Big Boss!" He said to his dog while doing a little jog from the hut, to the barn, courtyard, pathways, and now they arrived at the lake. Merlin, he still needed some adjustment from warm California weather to a chilly autumn Scotland. Not that he felt cold though, that's why he decided to do a little jogging. "Do you want to play some throw and catch the ball, buddy?" The CoMC professor took a ball from his pocket and threw it somewhere so his dog could chase and bring it to him.

dansgurl 01-05-2017 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by RandomRaven (Post 12120543)
Having his lessons planned and all teachers stuffs done, Jordan decided to take a break for a moment and enjoyed the scenery around the castle. Perhaps to take Big Boss wandered around too, his golden retriever dog might need some exercise and new atmosphere and he's getting bored to just wander around the hut and/or barn.

"Come on, Big Boss!" He said to his dog while doing a little jog from the hut, to the barn, courtyard, pathways, and now they arrived at the lake. Merlin, he still needed some adjustment from warm California weather to a chilly autumn Scotland. Not that he felt cold though, that's why he decided to do a little jogging. "Do you want to play some throw and catch the ball, buddy?" The CoMC professor took a ball from his pocket and threw it somewhere so his dog could chase and bring it to him.

She wandered around the school grounds, looking around, registering everything as she passed. She stopped by the lake. Nice place to sit and.. what ?

She looked for an empty bench and she spotted a man. He had a ball in his hands and a dog beside him. Ashley watched as he threw the ball, and the dog chased it.

She moved closer to him. "Is that the school's pet?"
she asked, and paused a bit. Did schools have official pets?

WhittyBitty 01-06-2017 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 12120498)
Kimi was enjoying his trip out of the castle he made his way to the lake and smiled it was so peaceful here at the moment

The grounds was rather deserted at the moment, but Rosalyn was happy to see a familiar face as she made her way over to the lake. Seemed that she wasn't the only one who wanted to take advantage of a lovely day. Hopefully this weather would last a while because she was not looking forward to everything being cold.

"Hello, Mr Kovalainen. Enjoying start of term?" she asked conversationally.

Saz Hale 01-06-2017 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by WhittyBitty (Post 12121206)

The grounds was rather deserted at the moment, but Rosalyn was happy to see a familiar face as she made her way over to the lake. Seemed that she wasn't the only one who wanted to take advantage of a lovely day. Hopefully this weather would last a while because she was not looking forward to everything being cold.

"Hello, Mr Kovalainen. Enjoying start of term?" she asked conversationally.

Kimi looked up at said "Oh hello Professor Newton, yes i am enjoying the start of term and glad to be back" Kimi did like his History of Magic professor

Giant Squid 01-06-2017 10:54 PM

Come say hi!
It was a beautiful to bask in the sun. Hogwarts was full of students and professors once more. Did anyone of them want to have a chat with old Bartholomew Henry? He would find out. Bartholomew gracefully rose from below the water to casually swim closer to the shores.

Who would notice him first? Bartholomew was in a rather chatty mood. Someone should come update him with the recent news of the world too. Bartholomew always craved knowledge of any form. He waved a tentacle in the general direction of the shore.


littledhampir 01-06-2017 11:22 PM

Olly liked to swim and it was not unusual for him to head down to the Great Lake for a swim. He had done it many times. Olly wanted to be able to get in as much swimming time as he pleased before the weather got too cold for that kind of activity. Usually he had someone with him, but today it was just him. Of course he wouldn't mind if someone came and joined him. It was always fun to swim with a friend.

Olly stripped off his t-shirt and left it with a towel near the edge of the lake. With just his swim trunks on, he waded into the water, getting used to the temperature before diving right in. As he stood there he could see out into the water and...what was that? Was that what he thought it was? Olly's eyes were wide. Of course he had heard about the squid but he had never actually seen him before. This was, quite possibly, the most exciting day of his entire life.

Was that a wave? Olly lifted his hand and waved back, still in shock. He quickly recovered, though, and did the first thing that came to mind. He plunged into the lake and began swimming toward the squid. No way was he going to miss an opportunity like this.

RandomRaven 01-06-2017 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by dansgurl (Post 12120551)
She wandered around the school grounds, looking around, registering everything as she passed. She stopped by the lake. Nice place to sit and.. what ?

She looked for an empty bench and she spotted a man. He had a ball in his hands and a dog beside him. Ashley watched as he threw the ball, and the dog chased it.

She moved closer to him. "Is that the school's pet?"
she asked, and paused a bit. Did schools have official pets?

What a smart and playful dog. Jordan kept tossing the ball and let Big Boss fetched it to him. He didn't realize that a student came until she asked him if it was a school's pet. He let out a chuckle. "Oh no. He is not school's dog, although we have some crups in the barn." The CoMC Professor said, "He is mine."

Noticing that he had never seen that girl in his class (yeah, he's good with remembering face, but not names), Jordan asked the young student. "Do you take Care of Magical Creatures? I've never seen you in my class."

emjay 01-07-2017 12:55 AM

For Sarah + the Squid! and mention of Olly
Outside was one of Henry's favorite places to be and that's exactly where he was today. It was still a rather warm day, though he'd still go out if it wasn't, and he wandered down to the lake looking for something to do. It did cross his mind to go swimming though not until after he was already outside and so he simply sat on the dock with his trouser legs rolled up and his bare feet dangling in the water.

Glancing out at the water, Henry wondered if he'd see anyone he knew, either walking by or in the water. He didn't always like to be alone with his thoughts and often preferred the company of others. Squinting at the figure swimming a little further out, he realized it was Olly and he gave him a cheerful wave. Maybe he should join him.

But wait. Was that the squid? Henry hadn't seen him in the past four years that he had been at Hogwarts and was starting to think he was no more than a myth. Even if he was told by a select few people that they had seen him. Sitting up with interest, the fifteen year old stared at the giant squid for a moment before waving back. At least he thought that was a wave coming from the water creature.

WhittyBitty 01-07-2017 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 12121447)
Kimi looked up at said "Oh hello Professor Newton, yes i am enjoying the start of term and glad to be back" Kimi did like his History of Magic professor

Rosalyn was pleased to see that Kimi seemed to be in a good mood, but then most students were despite this being the start of term. As much as people enjoyed the summer holidays, it was always a nice thing to return to Hogwarts afterwards - at least that was how she felt now. During her school days, she had felt the exact same way.

"Well, that's good to hear. Did you do anything exciting over the holidays?" She always liked to hear about what her students had gotten up to during their time off. Hopefully most of them had a lot of fun, because sadly there were always exceptions. There was no way to avoid that.

dansgurl 01-07-2017 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by RandomRaven (Post 12121774)
What a smart and playful dog. Jordan kept tossing the ball and let Big Boss fetched it to him. He didn't realize that a student came until she asked him if it was a school's pet. He let out a chuckle. "Oh no. He is not school's dog, although we have some crups in the barn." The CoMC Professor said, "He is mine."

Noticing that he had never seen that girl in his class (yeah, he's good with remembering face, but not names), Jordan asked the young student. "Do you take Care of Magical Creatures? I've never seen you in my class."

The dog was his. And the school had cups.. crups? "What cup?" she asked, uh "Crup?" She wasn't sure if she'd heard him right.

Seen me in his class? "Oh.. you wouldn't have.. I'm a first year." she said, "Haven't had the chance to attend one yet" Or had she missed it. She can't have. She'd checked the notice board that morning. ".. Professor " she added. "Which subject do you teach?" she asked. Was she supposed to know that already?

RandomRaven 01-07-2017 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by dansgurl (Post 12122153)
The dog was his. And the school had cups.. crups? "What cup?" she asked, uh "Crup?" She wasn't sure if she'd heard him right.

Seen me in his class? "Oh.. you wouldn't have.. I'm a first year." she said, "Haven't had the chance to attend one yet" Or had she missed it. She can't have. She'd checked the notice board that morning. ".. Professor " she added. "Which subject do you teach?" she asked. Was she supposed to know that already?

She didn't know what crup was? Oh, maybe she's a muggleborn witch. "It's a magical creature. A wizard-bred dog. You will learn about it more in my class." Or maybe she would find it by herself, who knows?

So she's a first year. That explained a lot. But when she asked what subject did he teach, the CoMC professor was a little bit disappointed. Okay, she was new here but shouldn't the older students or the head of house explained to them about the system, subjects, and the staffs in Hogwarts? Because that's what they'd done back when he was a student here. But well, introduction to this new students on a block wouldn't be hurt, right? "I'm Professor Hernandez and I teach care of magical creatures." He briefly introduced himself.

Giant Squid 01-08-2017 03:36 AM

+ Henry

Originally Posted by littledhampir (Post 12121760)
Olly liked to swim and it was not unusual for him to head down to the Great Lake for a swim. He had done it many times. Olly wanted to be able to get in as much swimming time as he pleased before the weather got too cold for that kind of activity. Usually he had someone with him, but today it was just him. Of course he wouldn't mind if someone came and joined him. It was always fun to swim with a friend.

Olly stripped off his t-shirt and left it with a towel near the edge of the lake. With just his swim trunks on, he waded into the water, getting used to the temperature before diving right in. As he stood there he could see out into the water and...what was that? Was that what he thought it was? Olly's eyes were wide. Of course he had heard about the squid but he had never actually seen him before. This was, quite possibly, the most exciting day of his entire life.

Was that a wave? Olly lifted his hand and waved back, still in shock. He quickly recovered, though, and did the first thing that came to mind. He plunged into the lake and began swimming toward the squid. No way was he going to miss an opportunity like this.

One tentacle then two tentacles waving certainly would attract a student or two. There were many milling about. Bartholomew was pleased when he saw a student swimming out towards him. It was surely safe to assume that since the first student had waved back and so had another (Henry). Would that one be joining him as well?

“Hello.’’ Bartholomew delivered his greeting in a friendly tone. The school’s squid was a friendly one all the time. “I do not believe I have met you before. I am Bartholomew but surely you must know this by now.

Callie 01-08-2017 03:44 AM

For Aslan/Nicole
The weather was warm and beautiful. A perfect day to spend out at her favorite place on the school grounds: the lake. Naturally, she'd brought Asher along. The ferret had been a bit lazier than usual lately. Part of that was his age, but Hadley suspected most of it was he didn't want to give her the chance to leave again, so now, whenever he was out, he tried to remain on her shoulder or curled up in her lap rather than run around and burn off energy. Hopefully the lake, one of Asher's favorite places to play, would encourage him to run around a bit.

It was warmer than Hadley expected. When she reached the lake, Hadley set her messenger bag and Asher on the grass. The ferret protested loudly and tried to climb back up her robes, just as Hadley slipped them off and let them fall to the ground, ferret and all. This earned another protest from within the fabric of her robes. Hadley giggled softly to herself and pulled her camera out of her bag.

She snapped a few shots of the lake before glancing back to check on her pet. Asher had finally managed to find his way out of her robes through the sleeve, stood triumphantly for a mere second and then dove back into the robes. He emerged a few moments later out the other sleeve and rushed back in. Asher had found himself a tunnel to run through.

Smiling Hadley raised her camera and waited for Asher to appear out of her robes again.

dansgurl 01-08-2017 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by RandomRaven (Post 12122282)
She didn't know what crup was? Oh, maybe she's a muggleborn witch. "It's a magical creature. A wizard-bred dog. You will learn about it more in my class." Or maybe she would find it by herself, who knows?

So she's a first year. That explained a lot. But when she asked what subject did he teach, the CoMC professor was a little bit disappointed. Okay, she was new here but shouldn't the older students or the head of house explained to them about the system, subjects, and the staffs in Hogwarts? Because that's what they'd done back when he was a student here. But well, introduction to this new students on a block wouldn't be hurt, right? "I'm Professor Hernandez and I teach care of magical creatures." He briefly introduced himself.


He was THE CoMC Professor. And she had asked HIM what.. uhm that was. Ashley's face went from natural to a more deep shade of pink.

"I'm Ashley, sir" she said, "From Gryffindor" He could probably see that. "What do you call him?" she pointed at the dog by his side. And what's the difference between this dog and the crup? His dog was bred by him. A Wizard.

Winter Dreams 01-08-2017 09:13 AM

So far Ava's time at Hogwarts had been incredibly exciting. There was just so much to do, it was nonstop. From classes that just blew her away, to exploring the Castle that was just endless with new things to discover. She could not remember a time in her life where she had this much fun. It had been another full on day today, and she found herself very much in need of a nice relaxing walk.

Walking across the school grounds she headed straight for the lake. It was a perfect place for a nice stroll next to the beautiful water. She had plenty of time all year to get to know the many wonders of Hogwarts, she reminded herself. Although she was secretly hoping she might catch a glimpse of some creature in the murky depths that called this lake its home. But mostly she was here to relax. She had a book with her for some light reading, and some parchment so that she could write a letter to her mum.

MadMadamMalfoy 01-08-2017 10:26 AM

Open post! Any takers?
The lake was easily Gaston's favorite place on the Hogwarts grounds! Staring out at the water always calmed him down, which was helpful now that there were three poltergeists terrorizing the castle, and it was always fun to watch the students or - the squid! Merlin, he'd almost forgotten about the giant squid living in the late! The Frenchman mentally kicked himself for not thinking to bring a fish to feed the creature.

Gaston found a quiet shady spot under a tree to sit and pulled a book - one of his favorite classic French romance novels - from his jacket pocket. He knew the students would probably giggle at his taste in literature, but they shouldn't be surprised; they all knew what a softie he was by now! Speaking of the students... he glanced up, hoping to see someone approaching. It would be nice to have some company!

Saz Hale 01-08-2017 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by WhittyBitty (Post 12121895)

Rosalyn was pleased to see that Kimi seemed to be in a good mood, but then most students were despite this being the start of term. As much as people enjoyed the summer holidays, it was always a nice thing to return to Hogwarts afterwards - at least that was how she felt now. During her school days, she had felt the exact same way.

"Well, that's good to hear. Did you do anything exciting over the holidays?" She always liked to hear about what her students had gotten up to during their time off. Hopefully most of them had a lot of fun, because sadly there were always exceptions. There was no way to avoid that.

Kimi smiled and said "Yeah i had a holiday to Moscow for a week saw the sights and had fun and then the rest of the holidays i either spent in Diagon Alley or down in my basement practicing potion making" Kimi did like Professor Newton a lot

Goblinfrog 01-08-2017 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Winter Dreams (Post 12122965)
So far Ava's time at Hogwarts had been incredibly exciting. There was just so much to do, it was nonstop. From classes that just blew her away, to exploring the Castle that was just endless with new things to discover. She could not remember a time in her life where she had this much fun. It had been another full on day today, and she found herself very much in need of a nice relaxing walk.

Walking across the school grounds she headed straight for the lake. It was a perfect place for a nice stroll next to the beautiful water. She had plenty of time all year to get to know the many wonders of Hogwarts, she reminded herself. Although she was secretly hoping she might catch a glimpse of some creature in the murky depths that called this lake its home. But mostly she was here to relax. She had a book with her for some light reading, and some parchment so that she could write a letter to her mum.

Days with nice weather at Hogwarts would usually find Kitty in her spare time either in the Owlerly writing near a window, or on the grounds. Right now it was the later. She had left behind her Ravenclaw robes and personal Gothic cape and was instead wearing a short sleeved black t-shirt - which was admittedly very rare for her to do.

As she arrived at the lake she saw a much younger Slytherin girl staring out at the lake. With a pang, Kitty remembered her friend Mason and how she had transferred to another school. "Hello," Kitty greeted the first year Slytherin with a kind smile. "How are you enjoying Hogwarts?"

Winter Dreams 01-09-2017 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Goblinfrog (Post 12123951)
Days with nice weather at Hogwarts would usually find Kitty in her spare time either in the Owlerly writing near a window, or on the grounds. Right now it was the later. She had left behind her Ravenclaw robes and personal Gothic cape and was instead wearing a short sleeved black t-shirt - which was admittedly very rare for her to do.

As she arrived at the lake she saw a much younger Slytherin girl staring out at the lake. With a pang, Kitty remembered her friend Mason and how she had transferred to another school. "Hello," Kitty greeted the first year Slytherin with a kind smile. "How are you enjoying Hogwarts?"

Ava was staring out at the lake, watching the water ripple. It was quite mesmerizing. She thought about the night she arrived here, traveling across the lake on boats with the rest of the first years, and seeing Hogwarts for the first time. It was magical.

Brought back to the present by a voice, she turned to see the older girl who was saying hello. She seemed very nice. "Hi! I am enjoying it very much!" She didn't want to seem over eager, but when it came to Hogwarts she just couldn't contain her excitement. Everything was exciting to her, even homework! She still couldn't really believe she was actually here, at Hogwarts. "I love it here. There's so much to explore, and the classes, they are so interesting. Like learning about water divination. So cool!"

SarcasticStrawberry 01-09-2017 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by emjay (Post 12121876)
Outside was one of Henry's favorite places to be and that's exactly where he was today. It was still a rather warm day, though he'd still go out if it wasn't, and he wandered down to the lake looking for something to do. It did cross his mind to go swimming though not until after he was already outside and so he simply sat on the dock with his trouser legs rolled up and his bare feet dangling in the water.

Glancing out at the water, Henry wondered if he'd see anyone he knew, either walking by or in the water. He didn't always like to be alone with his thoughts and often preferred the company of others. Squinting at the figure swimming a little further out, he realized it was Olly and he gave him a cheerful wave. Maybe he should join him.

But wait. Was that the squid? Henry hadn't seen him in the past four years that he had been at Hogwarts and was starting to think he was no more than a myth. Even if he was told by a select few people that they had seen him. Sitting up with interest, the fifteen year old stared at the giant squid for a moment before waving back. At least he thought that was a wave coming from the water creature.

Another nice day outside, there was no other place that Katerina would rather be today. Free of lessons for the rest of the day, she headed outside to the grounds. She wasn't sure exactly what all she was going to do while she was out here. Just enjoy the weather and get things off of her mind. Even though she wasn't suppose to be doing that.Thinking.

The lake did sound like a good place to go. She headed down to the lake, maybe she would stick her feet in, just wade knee, or ankle deep today. She seen Henry sitting on the dock alone and decided she to go see if he would like some company. She walked up the dock. "Hello Henry mind if you have some company."

Oh my! Was that the giant squid? She sat down next to Henry and waved to the squid, " Hello Bartholomew. Yes I've heard a lot about you. I'm Kat and this is my friend, Henry." She gestured toward him and smiled. She could not believe that she was actually talking to the giant squid after four long years.

Goblinfrog 01-10-2017 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by Winter Dreams (Post 12124120)
Ava was staring out at the lake, watching the water ripple. It was quite mesmerizing. She thought about the night she arrived here, traveling across the lake on boats with the rest of the first years, and seeing Hogwarts for the first time. It was magical.

Brought back to the present by a voice, she turned to see the older girl who was saying hello. She seemed very nice. "Hi! I am enjoying it very much!" She didn't want to seem over eager, but when it came to Hogwarts she just couldn't contain her excitement. Everything was exciting to her, even homework! She still couldn't really believe she was actually here, at Hogwarts. "I love it here. There's so much to explore, and the classes, they are so interesting. Like learning about water divination. So cool!"

Kitty listened with a small smile as the young Slytherin shared her enthusiasm on Hogwarts and all the classes. It was cool that she wasn't afraid or shy of anything. Kitty remembered how frightened she had been in her first year. Now of course she also loved Hogwarts and had the same enthusiasm that this girl had.

"Water Divination was fascinating," she admitted. "Professor Vance knows how to make the subject interesting. Until she came along I never really liked or wanted anything to do with the subject at all. Did you know that one time an evil Hag was hired to be our Divination teacher?" It would be a good story to tell, as Kitty herself had been at the heart of that misadventure.

"Kitty Valentine, by the way," she said, extending a hand to the young girl. "I'm the Ravenclaw prefect but you probably already know that."

Winter Dreams 01-10-2017 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Goblinfrog (Post 12125094)
Kitty listened with a small smile as the young Slytherin shared her enthusiasm on Hogwarts and all the classes. It was cool that she wasn't afraid or shy of anything. Kitty remembered how frightened she had been in her first year. Now of course she also loved Hogwarts and had the same enthusiasm that this girl had.

"Water Divination was fascinating," she admitted. "Professor Vance knows how to make the subject interesting. Until she came along I never really liked or wanted anything to do with the subject at all. Did you know that one time an evil Hag was hired to be our Divination teacher?" It would be a good story to tell, as Kitty herself had been at the heart of that misadventure.

"Kitty Valentine, by the way," she said, extending a hand to the young girl. "I'm the Ravenclaw prefect but you probably already know that."

The old Divination teacher was an evil hag? That sound rather fascinating, and most unpleasant. "Wow, really?" She laughed. "Tell me more." She requested, excitement in her voice. She rather enjoyed hearing about tales of the unexpected, especially when there was an element of darkness to them. Admittedly, she wasn't sure how she would feel about them if they were actually happening to her.

"Very nice to meet you, Kitty!" Ava said enthusiastically, shaking her hand. "Yes I have noticed you around. I haven't personally talked to my own house prefects yet, but you Ravenclaws seem very nice. My name is Ava James. I'm in Slytherin."

emjay 01-10-2017 04:11 AM

SPOILER!!: Giant Squid and Kat

Originally Posted by Giant Squid (Post 12122736)
One tentacle then two tentacles waving certainly would attract a student or two. There were many milling about. Bartholomew was pleased when he saw a student swimming out towards him. It was surely safe to assume that since the first student had waved back and so had another (Henry). Would that one be joining him as well?

“Hello.’’ Bartholomew delivered his greeting in a friendly tone. The school’s squid was a friendly one all the time. “I do not believe I have met you before. I am Bartholomew but surely you must know this by now.


Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry (Post 12124128)
Another nice day outside, there was no other place that Katerina would rather be today. Free of lessons for the rest of the day, she headed outside to the grounds. She wasn't sure exactly what all she was going to do while she was out here. Just enjoy the weather and get things off of her mind. Even though she wasn't suppose to be doing that.Thinking.

The lake did sound like a good place to go. She headed down to the lake, maybe she would stick her feet in, just wade knee, or ankle deep today. She seen Henry sitting on the dock alone and decided she to go see if he would like some company. She walked up the dock. "Hello Henry mind if you have some company."

Oh my! Was that the giant squid? She sat down next to Henry and waved to the squid, " Hello Bartholomew. Yes I've heard a lot about you. I'm Kat and this is my friend, Henry." She gestured toward him and smiled. She could not believe that she was actually talking to the giant squid after four long years.

Henry kept his eyes on the squid as he sat on the deck. He still could hardly believe that he was actually looking at him after looking for him pretty much anytime he was out at the lake the last few years. Or at least looking in the general direction to see if he was around. But whatever the reason was that he was out today and Henry was lucky enough to see him, the fifteen year old thought it was pretty cool.

Turning as he heard his name, he gave a grin to Kat. "Hey! No, I don't mind at all... was just enjoying the water a little bit, and.. well, there's the squid." He laughed a little and pointed out to the water. What luck.

Wait one second! Did he just... talk? Henry didn't know he could and his eyes snapped back to the giant squid and just stared at him a moment. Good thing that Kat spoke for him, because he was momentarily at a loss. "Right.. right, I'm Henry." And he was Bartholomew, which he had heard before. "I'm sure I've never seen you swimming around, Bartholomew... where have you been hiding?" Okay, he knew it was a big lake, but he was always outside. Chances were that he'd have seen him before now if he was out and about more often.

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