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START HERE: Patient's Check-In Area Down the third floor corridor and towards the main door of the Hospital Wing, you will find yourself in a relatively warm and cozy antechamber. On both sides, you will see wooden benches long enough to seat at least 10 people. This is where the patient or companions of the patient wait and fill out the Emergency Form provided by Healer Reed.
Patient Name: Aslan Evans. Accompanied by: N/A Links: (none because this is a kind of check up/need to understand something) |
Alright. At least he got a name out of it. River got up from his seat with the form in his hand, and made his way to the Waiting Area. "Miss Evans?" River expected her to have company, and that she'd look miserable in a way. The Healer approached the young lady, quietly assessing her if she was injured...or hiding any injury. Teens tend to do that, he supposed. "What can I do for you?" he asked tucking his hands in front of him, tilting his head to the side wondering what on earth is wrong with this lady. |
Aslan, dark haired, dark eyed and slightly brooding didn't notice the Healer even as he spoke to her. She was caught up, you see. Her mind racing around possible conclusions, symptoms she'd never realized might be symptoms and some, if any kind of diagnosis that might come her way. She did this without worry, concern or anxiety. It was another puzzle, that was all. A puzzle to piece together to reach the solution to a problem that was becoming more and more of an annoyance. The shadow on the floor was what caught her attention, long and misshapen but male in form. Undoubtably the -not-Murdoch- healer. Glancing up, her slightly glazed over eyes took in the Healer's appearance with vague curiosity. He was, as all the rest of the staff and the rest of the school for that matter, physically attractive, albeit in a way that did not appeal to her taste. The Gryffindor's features were neutral, calm and perhaps just a bit weary. "Yes. Evans." She said, quite a bit of time after his question. Aslan remained seated. "I can't seem to calm my mind. My thoughts chase over each other before I can conclude them and as I'm sure you can conclude that isn't exactly helpful." Tone even, Aslan raised an eyebrow as she waited. What sort of magic does a Healer employ to check the mind? |
Is this what Jordan warned him about? No, she’s not faking her illness, but she looked crestfallen and tired. Tired of what, exactly? River remained neutral, deciding ultimately that Miss Evans’ case was something he should treat carefully. By the looks of it, the lady Gryffindor in front of him can no longer be classified as a child, and if she came to him looking for answers, then perhaps privacy should be added to the formula as well. The raised brow was not missed, and the Healer returned it with a kind grin. “Medically speaking, I can conclude that you’ve lost a good amount of sleep because of these racing thoughts.” He said nodding to her. “The body doesn't lie.” He added as he held up Miss Evan’s form and tapped it against his open palm. “Kettle’s just boiled. Care to join me for tea, Miss Evans?” he asked gesturing his hand towards his office door. The Gryffindor doesn’t need any sleeping tincture... for now. It seemed that she needed an adult person to talk to. OOC: You can post now in his office! |
"Have a seat, Sam. I'll fill out your form. I've probably got better handwriting anyway, hm?" Junia shooed her injured friend to one of the benches when they arrived and headed right up to the podium for form filling out purposes. She was quite good at bossing, had he noticed? And honestly, said bossing was helping her feel more like herself and less like a worried girl friend. Girl friend with a space in between. That kind of girl friend. ...obviously. Right, forms. Quote:
Rather unsteadily Rosalyn reached the hospital ward. It was a good thing that there hadn't been a long way to go and that Gaston had been there to help her. "It's a good thing that you are on the same level as River because I am done going up and down stairs right now." Yep, she wasn't going to be doing that again until she had been looked to and given potion. There was a form that needed filling out, so Rosalyn set about doing that while they waited for River: Quote:
Trained to act and prepare fast, River wasted no second to get all the things he needed for Rosalyn. He knew that his colleagues would be there shortly, given that the Bistro was just across the Hospital Wing. The Healer went on to set the bed by pulling the blanket away from the mattress and placed a charm on it to keep it warm for Rosalyn. And before he left the area to welcome in his first patient, River scribbled notes and his initial diagnosis at the back of Rosalyn’s form, and attached it to the foot of her bed. River spun around as soon as he was done, only to be welcomed by Roscoe, his black Newfoundland with another Emergency Form. “Don’t look so happy, Roscoe. This young man is a patient, not a new playmate.” River gave his dog a good pat on the head before summoning in the first patient. Quote:
OOC: You may now post in Bed 1. Quote:
“Alright. Enlighten me, Master Chevalier. What happened to you?” |
Yes, Sam did notice that Junia had no trouble calling the shots. And in this instance, he had no qualms with that: she could fill out the paperwork and he could just sit here holding his arm. Somehow holding it made it seem slightly better, even if that was just mental. He nodded before she walked off. Idly, he glanced around the hospital wing to distract him from the pain in his arm. He'd never visited before, for himself or for anyone else. So when Junia returned and asked him about it, he shook his head some. "Me neither." A boy of many words. When the healer had finished tending to another patient who was there before them, the man made his way over to them. Sam thought it a little odd that he called him Master Chevalier. Only house elves had called him that before. Maybe he was foreign. "Well, we were jumping off the swings and I came down on my arm." Needless to say, his landing needed some work. "I heard something make a 'snap' when it happened." If that made any difference. Still holding his arm with his free hand, he kept his eyes on the healer for some good healing wisdom. |
..."You can fix it, right, Healer Reed?" Like, there were potions for something like this, she was sure of it. It wasn't like Sam had to stay in the hospital wing for ages...right? |
“Of course, Miss Botros. Trust me, I have seen worse.” He grinned at the young Slytherin and gestured for them to move. “You’re welcome to accompany Master Chevalier inside, if you wish. Off you pop then.” OOC: You may now post in Bed 2! |
Scribbling notes on the piece of parchment proved to be very difficult with her left arm. She was right handed and she had landed and had hurt her arm quite a bit. Before when she had confronted the poltergeists, it hadn't hurt but now it was really aching. "Perfect," she said to herself before turning to Profesosr Greyvson. "Thank you for accompanying me." Fortunately, they hadn't run into Peeves or Miffy again. Phew. Quote:
Still, she wasn’t going to tell the young Gryffindor that…it was, well, it wouldn’t put her in the best light as a Professor now would it? Hi…I didn’t come for you? no that was just rude! She’d never say that…well, she’d say that if she were with Moaning Myrtle. The weeping thing was so utterly annoying. ”does your arm hurt any more than it had earlier?” she asked kindly. |
Truth be told by the time Skylar exited the forest and was walking back up the castle stairs, her arm didn't feel so bad anymore. However, she'd seen him at the feast and at daily dinners and well, truth be told the third year wanted to know more about this new staff member. And given that he didn't teach any classes, well having an excuse to come to the Hospital Wing was the only way she'd get to know more about him. Thankfully she finally had the excuse, even if it was a gelid reason. Quote:
Seriously, what is wrong with these Gryffindor children? It seemed that the trend hasn’t changed a bit, when he himself was a student like, “Miss Holden?” River had a worried look on his face as he came out of the Hospital wing right after attending to Master Chevalier. “Imogen.” He said acknowledging the woman with a brief grin. “Thank you for accompanying, Olivia. What happened to you, Miss Holden?” Because it doesn’t hurt to give him a very brief background of her accident. “Please take a seat while you’re at it.” He added, addressing the same to Imogen. Quote:
In just a few, and quick strides, River emerged from the Hospital Wing like a huge bat with his black robes billowing behind him. “Miss Diggory, good afternoon.” He said to the lone snake. “What...can I do for you?” he asked curiously, given that she was clearly not in pain, nor did she look like she was extremely ill. |
SPOILER!!: ze adults! Olivia glanced at Professor Greyvson and offered her a small smile as she gingerly held her arm. She was still grateful that the Professor had helped her out. "Yes, Healer Reed is very nice. He told me that if I ever broke my arm, I should come see him." She chuckled a little, wondering how he would react. Maybe when he came over, she ought to grin and make light of the situation. Hehe. She wondered how he would react to THAT. Teehe. Her mind wandered as it occasionally did to other thoughts. Her thoughts went to the little Snake that had been with them. Carlton. She wondered how he was. Poor thing was probably terrified to venture around the school alone now. She'd have to speak to him as soon as she was mobile again. Yes. That would be a must. Olivia snapped back to reality when Professor Greyvson had asked her a question. Oh! Her arm. "It's sore. It really hurts to move it. I've tried rotating my wrist and..." she said, trying to demonstrate and winced. "I don't have much movement. I'm not sure if its broken. I hope its not. I hope its just bruised." She glanced down at her arm and bit her lip. It hurt way more than a bruise. And Healer Reed came out with a very worried look. Hi. She took a seat, following his instruction to do so, and then began her story. "Well I think I may broken my arm so we came to see you!" she added with a small smile, trying to make light of the situation before frowning slightly. Maybe humor wasn't the best approach at the moment, eh? Well... "I broke my arm... but I didn't go looking for trouble, Healer Reed." Yes, she swore. She told him that she wouldn't. Mhmm.. She probably looked like an absolute mess. Leeches on her, hair messed up.... Yeah. It was great to look like this in front of an attractive person. Cheeks flushed slightly and she brought herself to focus. Ahem. The leech. She could feel it still attached. She shuddered. It was quite awful. Though she supposed that she ought to give him the full story, right? Where to begin? Ah. Yes. At the beginning. "Well I was exploring around the castle when I ran into another student, Carlton Lewis. Carlton's a first year here. He's probably terrified by what happened." She would definitely have to check in with him. She paused. "He and I were admiring the suits of armor when Peeves came out of nowhere and flew dungbombs at us. Peeves was parading around, trying to convince Carlton that he'd blame the mess at the Suits of Armor on Carlton and I. Then he said we'd get expelled which didn't seem possible." It wasn't possible since they hadn't committed the offense; however, poor Carlton had believed it. Poor thing. She wished there was some spell that she could have used to defend both of them. "Then his wife, Miffy, appeared and they fought. Then Prefect Kitty Valentine appeared to help us out. Family drama. Peeves left quite upset. He didn't leave without throwing a few dungbombs and some armor getting knocked over. Then Miffy left too, dumping a few live leeches on me." She shuddered and tried to block that thought out of her mind. "I tried to move out of the way and slipped, landing on my right arm," she said, motioning to her sore arm that she gingerly held. "I also think I have a leech on my neck and one on my shoulder that are still attached." Last time she checked, they still were. "Carlton was in tears and then Professor Greyvson came out to investigate. She found us on the floor. Then she offered to escort us to the Hospital Wing." Yes, it had been a very nice offer. |
SPOILER!!: Olivia H. and Imogen River sat beside Olivia, and got her form out in one swift motion, and scribbled medical notes on it. The Healer held a sigh as the young Gryffindor mentioned Peeves...and his partner. River wasn’t exactly surprised, given that he’d witnessed Peeves’ notorious pranks before, and the fact that his nephew, Jace, had an accident just last term sustaining a head injury because of Peeves. Of course, as an uncle, he had to insist to examine the boy just to be sure. Apparently, the not so friendly poltergeist wasn’t anywhere near from being over his infamous tricks. As Olivia recounted what happened to her and her companions, River shot Imogen a quick glance, then back to the injured Lion. “I see. I can surely fix your arm...and your...leech problem.” He finally said tilting Olivia’s head to the side to look at the worm fixated firmly on her. “Huh. Medieval bloodletting without my knowledge?” he asked jokingly. Who knows if the young Gryffindor was that adventurous? After jotting down another quick note on Olivia’s form, River finally stood up and looked at the opposite side of the corridor. “I do hope the other two students are okay. I think it’s a good idea to let Roderick and Justin know about their students.” he said as he looked at his colleague, “I am more concerned about the first year student, however.” Poor kid. “Anyway, let’s continue this discussion inside while I fix Miss Holden's arm.” He said stepping away from the two ladies and gestured his arm towards the hospital doors. “Off you go, then.” OOC: You can now post in Bed 3! |
Mason covered his nose behind one of his fingers jelly-jinxed hands as he made his way towards the hospital. The nose had stopped bleeding but he didn't want anyone to see the dried blood in case someone stopped him to ask questions. And he really did not want to tell anyone HOW he gotten in this state. He'd find Dora later and demand his wand back. Yes, she still had his wand. Ugh. Entering the check in area, the Ravenclaw walked towards a little sign that read he had to sign up. He laughed. Though he wasn't really laughing. How was he supposed to write with fingers like jelly?! He picked up the self inking quill and it dropped on the paper immediately. This was no use. He would kick at the door for the Healer to come but he didn't want any more trouble. So after a quick look around to see if no one could see him, he picked up the quill with his mouth and began to write. The writing was illegible and he laughed again when he looked at it. Perhaps this was better, if the Healer couldn't make out what it said he would be on the top of the list. Pushing the piece of paper in the niche beside the door and then turned around to sit and wait. Quote:
No matter what he thinks of the form, both guesses needed his immediate attention. River took two steps at a time, rounded up a secret corridor, down a few flight of stairs, into a secret portrait, then out into the Third Floor. Black robes billowed behind him as he quickened his pace towards the antechamber to find, "Master...Winslow?" he asked, his brows furrowed in confusion as he saw his...jelly fingers. Alright, so that's the first accident right there, but why was he covering his nose? "Let me see that." River pocketed Mason's form as he got one of his hands and slowly closed it into a fist...or lump in his case to prevent it from wiggling around. "Your other hand please." Which also means, show your broken and bloody nose, young man. |
Well, at least the Healer could read his name. Or did he knew his name in general? Not that it mattered, what mattered was that he was here so that Mason could get help. He was surprised when the man did not come through the hospital wing door but from the corridor. He held up one of his hands as the Healer grabbed it, making a 'fist' of his jelly jinxed fingers hand and the Ravenclaw looked at it, a look of both curiousity and disgust on his face. When he had to show his other hand he hesitated for a second or two. Then, slowly and not looking at the Healer but behind him he lowered his hand. Dried blood was still under his obviously broken nose. He hoped that he wasn't going to ask questions because he needed to leave as soon as possible to find Dora and |
After cleaning up Mason's face, River went back to fold the boy's fingers in a fist and ushered him to go inside the Hospital Wing. "Let's get you fixed, shall we?" OOC: You can now post in Bed 2! |
But her face blanked out when he asked what he could do for her, because clearly nothing seemed to be broken and the pain from the burn had dissipated some "Hi...... Mister Reed," trying to prolong the moment as much as possible. "I burned my arm in class, and well I wanted you to have a closer look." And for him to be closer to him so she could inspect him on a closer level. Not that he'd know that. She rubbed her right arm with her left hand soothingly to indicate which one was burned. |
“The ward is fully occupied at the moment, Miss Diggory. I’ll clean your wounds up in my office. Come along now.” River gestured his head towards his office door, and made a beeline for his medical supplies. OOC: You can now post in the office! |
From the portal Natalia had moved the group with Noelle to the hospital wing as the headmistress had asked. She kept watching over all of them as she did so. Her focus was getting them there without any issues. If that portal just showed up on the sixth floor could it be somewhere else as well? If so she'd be ready to make sure the group stayed safe. Turning as she got to the check in area she looked over the group, "Everyone here?" They all followed and stuff, right? Turning back to the check in, did she need to sign all of them in or just wait for the healer. "Hello? Mr. Reed?" |
So far the trip from the sixth floor to the Hospital wing was uneventful, which perhaps was a good thing given the near death experience he just had. Thing is he was already calming down some, so that was good wasnt it? He wasnt a nervous wreck. He stood by Nat as she called out for the Healer. And then his gaze fell on the emergency forms by the table "I think we need to fill this up, its what I had to do last term for someone else." And now it was he who needed medical attention. Funny how that goes.... Quote:
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