-   Term 45: January - April 2017 (
-   -   Second Floor Corridor (

Zoe 08-06-2016 01:34 AM

Second Floor Corridor

So many a door and so many a bore chore are found on this, the second floor. Between the Arithmancy classroom and the Headmaster's Office are several doors, nooks, and crannies... so what's not to explore on this legendary floor?

Weasley174 01-08-2017 10:54 AM

Simon had been heading off towards the common room, he had no idea why it had to be on the seventh floor. Seriously that was way up in the sky. He had been walking up the stairs when the unthinkable happened.

"ARRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed, getting off the stairs. "THE STAIRS!! THE....THE...THEY!" He was panting as he ran, he couldn't even say what he meant, his eyes were wide in shock. Seriously were there going to be any more surprised?

Steelsheen 01-08-2017 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Harry174 (Post 12123029)
Simon had been heading off towards the common room, he had no idea why it had to be on the seventh floor. Seriously that was way up in the sky. He had been walking up the stairs when the unthinkable happened.

"ARRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed, getting off the stairs. "THE STAIRS!! THE....THE...THEY!" He was panting as he ran, he couldn't even say what he meant, his eyes were wide in shock. Seriously were there going to be any more surprised?

Tenacius has just rounded the corner from his secret snacking corner aka the Arithmancy tea cart he heard SCREAMING headed towards him. He turned to look and realized it was the Ghostbusters kid. Yes that's he personal nickname for him "What happened to the stairs Simon?" the Curly Top asked between hastily chewed chunks of cookie. After what happened last term, Tenacius has learned that those stairs can a source of a lot of things....

Weasley174 01-08-2017 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Steelsheen (Post 12123064)
Tenacius has just rounded the corner from his secret snacking corner aka the Arithmancy tea cart he heard SCREAMING headed towards him. He turned to look and realized it was the Ghostbusters kid. Yes that's he personal nickname for him "What happened to the stairs Simon?" the Curly Top asked between hastily chewed chunks of cookie. After what happened last term, Tenacius has learned that those stairs can a source of a lot of things....

Simon looked at Tenacius, he was relieved that it was him, because well... he knew about Ghostbusters and things like that. "The... The... The!" Simon was trying to figure out if what he was about to say sounded crazy of not. "They move!" Simon looked at Tenacius trying to study his face.

"I know it sounds crazy." Simon had never had a stair move on him yet, but these had seriously done it. "But I was heading off towards the common room, when suddenly they moved." He stopped to get his breath back before adding. "Seriously, I'm not making it up."

Steelsheen 01-08-2017 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Harry174 (Post 12123082)
Simon looked at Tenacius, he was relieved that it was him, because well... he knew about Ghostbusters and things like that. "The... The... The!" Simon was trying to figure out if what he was about to say sounded crazy of not. "They move!" Simon looked at Tenacius trying to study his face.

"I know it sounds crazy." Simon had never had a stair move on him yet, but these had seriously done it. "But I was heading off towards the common room, when suddenly they moved." He stopped to get his breath back before adding. "Seriously, I'm not making it up."

The stairs. They move.

Tenacius looked intently at the young Gryffindor, waiting for him to add more to his description.... and that was pretty much it. It moves. And the Firstie was scared witless. Well at least the stairs didnt turn into a slide and harmed this young one it just harms older ones yarrr

"Right... yes I totally believe you're not making it up." the Prefect nodded and placed a reassuring hand on the boy's shoulder... or maybe it was more of an arm-hug, because he's not that much taller anyway. "The main staircase here in Hogwarts..... its normal for them to move...." he broke the news gently "....think of it as an escalator-- except the whole thing moves and not the steps."

"Which in itself presents an extra challenge-- they pivot between floors, between other staircases, so you've really gotta observe and time it." Pause "Also sometimes it likes to mess with ya.... like if you're running a little late, it would suddenly move away. Or just stop mid swing. Or connect to another staircase instead of a floor. Or just stop on a blank wall." he added, a teasing grin started to tug at his lips. "So yeah... good luck with that Simon!" Pat pat griiiiiiin.

Weasley174 01-08-2017 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Steelsheen (Post 12123190)
The stairs. They move.

Tenacius looked intently at the young Gryffindor, waiting for him to add more to his description.... and that was pretty much it. It moves. And the Firstie was scared witless. Well at least the stairs didnt turn into a slide and harmed this young one it just harms older ones yarrr

"Right... yes I totally believe you're not making it up." the Prefect nodded and placed a reassuring hand on the boy's shoulder... or maybe it was more of an arm-hug, because he's not that much taller anyway. "The main staircase here in Hogwarts..... its normal for them to move...." he broke the news gently "....think of it as an escalator-- except the whole thing moves and not the steps."

"Which in itself presents an extra challenge-- they pivot between floors, between other staircases, so you've really gotta observe and time it." Pause "Also sometimes it likes to mess with ya.... like if you're running a little late, it would suddenly move away. Or just stop mid swing. Or connect to another staircase instead of a floor. Or just stop on a blank wall." he added, a teasing grin started to tug at his lips. "So yeah... good luck with that Simon!" Pat pat griiiiiiin.

Simon just stared dumbfounded, whilst it seemed like Tenacius was teasing him, well at least it was a friendly tease. Simon felt like Tenacius was acting like an older brother. "YOU WHAT?!" Simon shrieked, as his older friend spoke. "YOUR JOKING RIGHT?" Simon sighed.

Simon was starting to wish that he was back at his primary school, seriously though why was this school so different, okay so they were here to learn magic, but when he had been told that, he thought they meant like Houdini, you know with the illusions and stuff like that.

Steelsheen 01-08-2017 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Harry174 (Post 12123310)
Simon just stared dumbfounded, whilst it seemed like Tenacius was teasing him, well at least it was a friendly tease. Simon felt like Tenacius was acting like an older brother. "YOU WHAT?!" Simon shrieked, as his older friend spoke. "YOUR JOKING RIGHT?" Simon sighed.

Simon was starting to wish that he was back at his primary school, seriously though why was this school so different, okay so they were here to learn magic, but when he had been told that, he thought they meant like Houdini, you know with the illusions and stuff like that.

Ghostbuster kid.... seems to be afraid of more than just ghosts. "No I aint joking... although I do know of one where it starts with Venkman, Spengler and Stantz walks into a bar...." Bahahaha he just cracks himself up.

After that laughing fit, he looks at the Lion Cub "I'm guessing you're a Muggleborn huh? Seems to me like you its your first time seeing anything thats pretty normal here in the Wizarding World."

Lissy Longbottom 01-30-2017 03:59 AM

Kane wandered down the second floor corridor, wondering if now was a good time to get visit the Headmistress. She HAD been his professor at Ilvermorny, after all, and it had been almost a whole semester and he still hadn't visited. Still, she was SORT OF intimidating, and did she even remember him and Brent? Probably Brent, he was the older one and she'd seen him more...

Still debating with himself, Kane decided to sit down and do his reading for Arithmancy while he was in a relatively quiet place. Those were hard to come by around here...and he had time to kill. After he read a chapter, THEN he'd decide if he wanted to visit her...

Shanners 02-01-2017 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom (Post 12142985)
Kane wandered down the second floor corridor, wondering if now was a good time to get visit the Headmistress. She HAD been his professor at Ilvermorny, after all, and it had been almost a whole semester and he still hadn't visited. Still, she was SORT OF intimidating, and did she even remember him and Brent? Probably Brent, he was the older one and she'd seen him more...

Still debating with himself, Kane decided to sit down and do his reading for Arithmancy while he was in a relatively quiet place. Those were hard to come by around here...and he had time to kill. After he read a chapter, THEN he'd decide if he wanted to visit her...

Rooney had found himself at a wall in his studying today when he finally ran out of things to snack on. A trip to the Great Hall to see what was left over from lunch was definitely in order and so he was on his way down from the Ravenclaw Tower when his foot caught on a leg and up he went. Probably not much, but he was experiencing it in slow motion and so it felt like he went miles high. Of course, the fall down was much quicker and it was nothing more than a second before the Ravenclaw Prefect was face down in the hallway, groaning about how it had been his nose to break the fall.

And boy did it hurt.

DuckyLinJi 02-04-2017 05:42 PM

Mason had been walking around the castle for ten minutes now, trying to find the floor where he had seen that portal. He should really learn to make some notes about where what was or even get his hands on a map of Hogwarts. Did the school even have maps? He'd ask the Headmistress but he had no idea on which floor her office was. And he felt too good to ask someone, he liked finding things out on his own.

He rounded the corner on the second floor, trying to figure out on which floor that bloody portal had been. Not that he wanted to go through it, he had seen how some of the students who had went through had come out, no he wanted to examine the tendrils on the wall if it hadn't vanished yet. Purely academic. WHY could he not remember the floor?!

emjay 02-04-2017 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi (Post 12147839)
Mason had been walking around the castle for ten minutes now, trying to find the floor where he had seen that portal. He should really learn to make some notes about where what was or even get his hands on a map of Hogwarts. Did the school even have maps? He'd ask the Headmistress but he had no idea on which floor her office was. And he felt too good to ask someone, he liked finding things out on his own.

He rounded the corner on the second floor, trying to figure out on which floor that bloody portal had been. Not that he wanted to go through it, he had seen how some of the students who had went through had come out, no he wanted to examine the tendrils on the wall if it hadn't vanished yet. Purely academic. WHY could he not remember the floor?!

Henry was in a rather cheerful mood today, even if he had spent part of his afternoon doing extra studying. That was never his preferred way of spending time, even if he knew it was necessary. But he had a rather cheerful personality in general, plus he had good reason for the mood he was in.

With certain thoughts in mind, the fifteen year old headed down the corridor after he finished his Arithmancy studies for the day. He was slightly worried that this new material he didn't quite understand was going to be on the OWLs, so he felt he could benefit from extra practice. With that done, he was headed to the kitchen. But as he started to round the corner, he nearly bumped into a boy coming around the corner in the opposite direction.

"Oh, hey, sorry, friend," he chuckled as he caught the book trying to slip from his grasp as he quickly shifted out of the way. "Guess I had my mind on other things." Well, that was pretty typical of Henry on most days. But no harm done right?

DuckyLinJi 02-05-2017 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by emjay (Post 12147982)
Henry was in a rather cheerful mood today, even if he had spent part of his afternoon doing extra studying. That was never his preferred way of spending time, even if he knew it was necessary. But he had a rather cheerful personality in general, plus he had good reason for the mood he was in.

With certain thoughts in mind, the fifteen year old headed down the corridor after he finished his Arithmancy studies for the day. He was slightly worried that this new material he didn't quite understand was going to be on the OWLs, so he felt he could benefit from extra practice. With that done, he was headed to the kitchen. But as he started to round the corner, he nearly bumped into a boy coming around the corner in the opposite direction.

"Oh, hey, sorry, friend," he chuckled as he caught the book trying to slip from his grasp as he quickly shifted out of the way. "Guess I had my mind on other things." Well, that was pretty typical of Henry on most days. But no harm done right?

Whenever he was in his own thoughts, he blocked out everything around him and had therefore he had not heard the footsteps coming from round the corner towards him until it was too late. Well, nearly too late because the guy he had almost bumped in to managed to catch his book before it hit the ground. "Nice reflexes" he said as he looked at the title of the book. Arithmancy. Not his most enjoyable subject to be honest. But it beats Divination.

It was also odd to see someone else walking around with a book in their hands. He had always thought that he was the only odd one who did that. Funnily enough, he had no book with him this time as he had left his bag in the common room. Mason then looked up to look at the guy and he guessed he was about his age. "It's okay, i know the feeling" he said with a small smile. "What are you reading?" he asked. He already knew as he had seen the title but he needed a conversation starter or else this would be awkward.

emjay 02-07-2017 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi (Post 12148651)
Whenever he was in his own thoughts, he blocked out everything around him and had therefore he had not heard the footsteps coming from round the corner towards him until it was too late. Well, nearly too late because the guy he had almost bumped in to managed to catch his book before it hit the ground. "Nice reflexes" he said as he looked at the title of the book. Arithmancy. Not his most enjoyable subject to be honest. But it beats Divination.

It was also odd to see someone else walking around with a book in their hands. He had always thought that he was the only odd one who did that. Funnily enough, he had no book with him this time as he had left his bag in the common room. Mason then looked up to look at the guy and he guessed he was about his age. "It's okay, i know the feeling" he said with a small smile. "What are you reading?" he asked. He already knew as he had seen the title but he needed a conversation starter or else this would be awkward.

Henry gave the Ravenclaw a grin, glad to see the other boy wasn't grouchy about him almost running into him. One never did know when another might have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed or something. "Yeah, thanks!" Maybe he should have just shoved his book back in his bag with his other things, but it somehow seemed easier this way. "Those reflexes come in handy when I'm playing Quidditch," he added with a chuckle. Over the summer of course, since he had no opportunity to play it while he was in school.

And it was good to know that he wasn't the only one who could get distracted and not pay attention. He knew it could cause him trouble sometimes, but he really couldn't help it. Oh! Henry held up his book so the other boy could see the title. "It's just my Arithmancy textbook. I was doing a little extra work.." Which was why he was on this floor in the first place as he spent a little time in the practice room. He probably could have done the same in the library or in his common room, but he thought he could benefit from using the materials there. Plus he was hoping to see if Professor Greyvson was around.

"Do you take Arithmancy? I'm not really following some of the new material." And he actually like the number and calculation parts of it. It was just this weird alternative method that the professor seemed to be fond of that he was having trouble with. And if that sort of thing was going to be on the OWL, he needed to understand it better.

MadMadamMalfoy 02-10-2017 09:17 PM

Candy Grams for Rooney and Mason!

Originally Posted by Shanners (Post 12144695)
Rooney had found himself at a wall in his studying today when he finally ran out of things to snack on. A trip to the Great Hall to see what was left over from lunch was definitely in order and so he was on his way down from the Ravenclaw Tower when his foot caught on a leg and up he went. Probably not much, but he was experiencing it in slow motion and so it felt like he went miles high. Of course, the fall down was much quicker and it was nothing more than a second before the Ravenclaw Prefect was face down in the hallway, groaning about how it had been his nose to break the fall.

And boy did it hurt.

Santa!Gaston was wandering the corridors looking for candy gram recipients when out of the corner of his eye,he saw Mr. Bronwyn trip and fall. He was at the prefect's side in moments. "Holy holly!" he exclaimed - he was going for a more Christmasy alternative to 'merlin's beard' - and offered a hand to help the boy up. "Are you alright, Mr. Bronwyn?" He reached into the big red sack on his back and pulled out not one but two candy canes. "Here, maybe these'll help..." He handed the candies to the Ravenclaw. The first one bore the following message:


To: Rooney Bronwyn

When I look at you
I see my future and smile
At the things we'll do

There will be laughter
And bliss; hardships and sorrow
But all things worth it

Because you are mine
And I am happily yours
And we are an "us"

Started with a song
Played on that old piano
How were we to know?

That we would be "us"
More than our version of friends
"Best friends" who can snog

This is "I love you"
From the bottom of my heart
Please be my "End game"

From: Your Future

Santa!Gaston wasn't sure if that message was supposed to be a reference to something, but he still thought it was very sweet. The other candy cane he had for the prefect bore a different message; this one said:


To: Rooney Bronwyn

“She warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.”

... And you are beautiful, Rooney Bronwyn.

From: Belle

Now that reference was one the professor-turned-Santa Claus understood. Frankly, he was half surprised that no one had sent him a candy gram with a Beauty and the Beast reference yet... not that he particularly wanted one, though. He gave Mr. Bronwyn a smile and continued down the corridor.


Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi (Post 12148651)
Whenever he was in his own thoughts, he blocked out everything around him and had therefore he had not heard the footsteps coming from round the corner towards him until it was too late. Well, nearly too late because the guy he had almost bumped in to managed to catch his book before it hit the ground. "Nice reflexes" he said as he looked at the title of the book. Arithmancy. Not his most enjoyable subject to be honest. But it beats Divination.

It was also odd to see someone else walking around with a book in their hands. He had always thought that he was the only odd one who did that. Funnily enough, he had no book with him this time as he had left his bag in the common room. Mason then looked up to look at the guy and he guessed he was about his age. "It's okay, i know the feeling" he said with a small smile. "What are you reading?" he asked. He already knew as he had seen the title but he needed a conversation starter or else this would be awkward.

It wasn't long before Santa!Gaston happened upon Mr. Winslow. "HO, HO, HO! Merry Christmas, Mr. Winslow!" he called to the young Ravenclaw. "Looks like someone's been a good boy this year!" He produced another candy cane from the sack ad gave it to the boy. This one read:


To: Mason Winslow

Sorry about everything. Wanna go with me to Hogsmeade next weekend we can?

From: Dora Umbridge

He gave Mr. Winslow a friendly smile before slinging the sack aback over his shoulder and continuing on his way. He still had lots of candy grams to deliver!

DuckyLinJi 02-10-2017 10:59 PM

+candy gram

Originally Posted by emjay (Post 12150223)
Henry gave the Ravenclaw a grin, glad to see the other boy wasn't grouchy about him almost running into him. One never did know when another might have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed or something. "Yeah, thanks!" Maybe he should have just shoved his book back in his bag with his other things, but it somehow seemed easier this way. "Those reflexes come in handy when I'm playing Quidditch," he added with a chuckle. Over the summer of course, since he had no opportunity to play it while he was in school.

And it was good to know that he wasn't the only one who could get distracted and not pay attention. He knew it could cause him trouble sometimes, but he really couldn't help it. Oh! Henry held up his book so the other boy could see the title. "It's just my Arithmancy textbook. I was doing a little extra work.." Which was why he was on this floor in the first place as he spent a little time in the practice room. He probably could have done the same in the library or in his common room, but he thought he could benefit from using the materials there. Plus he was hoping to see if Professor Greyvson was around.

"Do you take Arithmancy? I'm not really following some of the new material." And he actually like the number and calculation parts of it. It was just this weird alternative method that the professor seemed to be fond of that he was having trouble with. And if that sort of thing was going to be on the OWL, he needed to understand it better.

"You play Quidditch?" Mason asked curiously. He hadn't flown on a broom since his parents gave his broom to his nephew a few years ago. He had been okay with it after they explained but he still missed it sometimes. Of course he could use the school brooms but they weren't know? Plus they were nearly always used for classes for the younger students "which position? I'm guessing keeper" he didn't know why.

Looking from the book to the guy, the Ravenclaw shook his head. "I don't take Arithmancy, i choose Divination instead...something i'm regretting right now..." he added the last part in a mumble before he spoke up again and pointed at the book. "But maybe i'm good at Arithmancy, what do you need to know?"

He waited for him to explain when he heard his name. Turning around, Mason had to refrain from laughing to see the Charms Professor dressed up as a Santa. "Nice suit, sir" he said and was surprised when he was suddenly handed a letter. Eh? "Uhm, Thanks?" he said and after the Professor was gone he opened up the letter. Who would write to him anyways?

Dora. He frowned slightly, deep in thought as he read the few words. Should he go to Hogsmeade with her? After what she had done? To be fair, he had tried to curse her as well but... this wasn't a joke right? What if he came to Hogsmeade and she never showed up? How humiliating. But for some reason he didn't think she would do that. Making a decision, Mason put the letter in his pocket. He would find Dora later to tell her he would go to Hogsmeade with her under one condition

That she paid for a butterbeer.

emjay 02-12-2017 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi (Post 12152451)
"You play Quidditch?" Mason asked curiously. He hadn't flown on a broom since his parents gave his broom to his nephew a few years ago. He had been okay with it after they explained but he still missed it sometimes. Of course he could use the school brooms but they weren't know? Plus they were nearly always used for classes for the younger students "which position? I'm guessing keeper" he didn't know why.

Looking from the book to the guy, the Ravenclaw shook his head. "I don't take Arithmancy, i choose Divination instead...something i'm regretting right now..." he added the last part in a mumble before he spoke up again and pointed at the book. "But maybe i'm good at Arithmancy, what do you need to know?"

He waited for him to explain when he heard his name. Turning around, Mason had to refrain from laughing to see the Charms Professor dressed up as a Santa. "Nice suit, sir" he said and was surprised when he was suddenly handed a letter. Eh? "Uhm, Thanks?" he said and after the Professor was gone he opened up the letter. Who would write to him anyways?

Dora. He frowned slightly, deep in thought as he read the few words. Should he go to Hogsmeade with her? After what she had done? To be fair, he had tried to curse her as well but... this wasn't a joke right? What if he came to Hogsmeade and she never showed up? How humiliating. But for some reason he didn't think she would do that. Making a decision, Mason put the letter in his pocket. He would find Dora later to tell her he would go to Hogsmeade with her under one condition

That she paid for a butterbeer.

Henry nodded happily. "Yeah. I made England's Under-17 team the summer before last." And he was really proud of that fact since it wasn't just a local team. He was representing the sporting wizarding youth of the country. But Quidditch was pretty much his life. "Nah, I'm a Chaser," he grinned, but not a bad guess. He supposed that'd be his second choice. "My sister plays for the Catapults," he added. Not trying to brag or anything, but he was proud of her too. "Do you play Quidditch? Are you a fan or anything?" He supposed most at least liked to watch, but he was always happy to find out someone else played, especially for a pick-up game or something.

"Oh.." Henry nodded again, this time in understanding. "I don't take Divination.." He heard sometimes it was really weird, but sometimes they did something cool, like shoot arrows. But he wasn't really sure that someone who didn't take the subject would be much help. "Oh, I can do the calculations just fine... but Professor Greyvson has been teaching with this new age method. Reminds me of when my mum was into yoga.." But before he could expand much on that, his attention was diverted by the appearance of "Santa."

Would it be wrong to hope that he had gotten another candygram? But this time it wasn't for him but for Mason. "Do you have a secret admirer?" Henry grinned. "Or a girlfriend?" But maybe neither as he didn't look all that happy about it. Maybe it wasn't his business as he didn't know the other boy very well, but he hoped it wasn't anything bad. Those candygrams were supposed to be fun. "Everything okay?"

Lissy Longbottom 02-14-2017 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Shanners (Post 12144695)
Rooney had found himself at a wall in his studying today when he finally ran out of things to snack on. A trip to the Great Hall to see what was left over from lunch was definitely in order and so he was on his way down from the Ravenclaw Tower when his foot caught on a leg and up he went. Probably not much, but he was experiencing it in slow motion and so it felt like he went miles high. Of course, the fall down was much quicker and it was nothing more than a second before the Ravenclaw Prefect was face down in the hallway, groaning about how it had been his nose to break the fall.

And boy did it hurt.

Kane didn't realize someone was tripping over him until SOMEONE WAS TRIPPING OVER HIM, and he felt terrible and wanted to help - but he couldn't stop himself from watching the disaster unfold. He tried to pull back his leg but it was too late. He bit his lip and jumped up, holding out a hand to help the boy. This was just GREAT. Did he need to take this guy to the hospital wing??

"Sorry man, are you ok?!" he asked. As he stared at him, he realized he knew this kid - by face, at least. He was a Ravenclaw prefect. EXTRA GREAT. Could prefects take house points from people for being stupid?!

Shanners 02-15-2017 09:58 PM

(+ candy gram)

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom (Post 12155783)

Kane didn't realize someone was tripping over him until SOMEONE WAS TRIPPING OVER HIM, and he felt terrible and wanted to help - but he couldn't stop himself from watching the disaster unfold. He tried to pull back his leg but it was too late. He bit his lip and jumped up, holding out a hand to help the boy. This was just GREAT. Did he need to take this guy to the hospital wing??

"Sorry man, are you ok?!" he asked. As he stared at him, he realized he knew this kid - by face, at least. He was a Ravenclaw prefect. EXTRA GREAT. Could prefects take house points from people for being stupid?!

Rooney was in the middle of groaning from the floor and did not want to turn over, not even when he was approached by Santa. Ugh. "M'fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine." He grumbled, brushing the back of his hand under his nose. It didn't feel broken, which was a good thing as he had broken it twice already in the last two years. The Ravenclaw accepted the candy grams but lay the on the floor next to his head as he tried to get over the throbbing in his knees that had slammed into the floor. And the strange feeling in his ankle.

What had he even tripped over?! A girl?! Was she hurt?! Panicked, Roo sat up and scrambled to look. "YOU'RE A BOY." And the extended hand was not being taken because he was furious.

And being vertical had done something that made blood flow out of his nose.


DuckyLinJi 02-18-2017 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by emjay (Post 12153465)
Henry nodded happily. "Yeah. I made England's Under-17 team the summer before last." And he was really proud of that fact since it wasn't just a local team. He was representing the sporting wizarding youth of the country. But Quidditch was pretty much his life. "Nah, I'm a Chaser," he grinned, but not a bad guess. He supposed that'd be his second choice. "My sister plays for the Catapults," he added. Not trying to brag or anything, but he was proud of her too. "Do you play Quidditch? Are you a fan or anything?" He supposed most at least liked to watch, but he was always happy to find out someone else played, especially for a pick-up game or something.

"Oh.." Henry nodded again, this time in understanding. "I don't take Divination.." He heard sometimes it was really weird, but sometimes they did something cool, like shoot arrows. But he wasn't really sure that someone who didn't take the subject would be much help. "Oh, I can do the calculations just fine... but Professor Greyvson has been teaching with this new age method. Reminds me of when my mum was into yoga.." But before he could expand much on that, his attention was diverted by the appearance of "Santa."

Would it be wrong to hope that he had gotten another candygram? But this time it wasn't for him but for Mason. "Do you have a secret admirer?" Henry grinned. "Or a girlfriend?" But maybe neither as he didn't look all that happy about it. Maybe it wasn't his business as he didn't know the other boy very well, but he hoped it wasn't anything bad. Those candygrams were supposed to be fun. "Everything okay?"

Mason stared at him, his mouth even fell a bit open as he heard what Henry was saying. Was he in the presence of a future professional Quidditch player? Should....should he ask for an autograph? That if he did become famous later in life he could brag and show off the signature that was signed BEFORE stardom or...NO! He gasped silently as he thought all of this. He'd sell it for big money!

A small grin appeared on his face as his eyes glazed over for a second but he was back to reality when he mentioned he was a chaser. "chaser, right" HIS SISTER FLIES FOR THE CATAPULTS!?!? Asdgfhsfkkjl new best friend?!

"oh...uh..." his face flushed red a bit because although he was a pretty decent flier, he wasn't as great as someone who flew for a national team "I'm okay, flying i mean, but i don't have a broom went to my nephew" he let out a small sigh.

When he sighed, he looked down at the candy gram letter in his hand and he wasn't surprised when Henry started asking questions. He thought for a moment but he was so confused by this letter that he needed a second opinion. And although the Healer had offered to help, it was less awkward to talk about this kind of stuff with someone around his own age than an adult. "I don't know..." he answered truthfully. "Ok so, do you know what it means that when a..uh..a ..ok don't laugh! I swear if you laugh ..." he threatened unconvincingly before he continued. "what does it mean when a girl punches and breaks your nose and jinxes your fingers in to jelly and then later she sits next to you in class with a big smile and now she send a letter to me saying if i want to go to Hogsmeade with her, i mean...i don't get it?" girls were confusing and terrifying.

emjay 02-20-2017 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi (Post 12158506)
Mason stared at him, his mouth even fell a bit open as he heard what Henry was saying. Was he in the presence of a future professional Quidditch player? Should....should he ask for an autograph? That if he did become famous later in life he could brag and show off the signature that was signed BEFORE stardom or...NO! He gasped silently as he thought all of this. He'd sell it for big money!

A small grin appeared on his face as his eyes glazed over for a second but he was back to reality when he mentioned he was a chaser. "chaser, right" HIS SISTER FLIES FOR THE CATAPULTS!?!? Asdgfhsfkkjl new best friend?!

"oh...uh..." his face flushed red a bit because although he was a pretty decent flier, he wasn't as great as someone who flew for a national team "I'm okay, flying i mean, but i don't have a broom went to my nephew" he let out a small sigh.

When he sighed, he looked down at the candy gram letter in his hand and he wasn't surprised when Henry started asking questions. He thought for a moment but he was so confused by this letter that he needed a second opinion. And although the Healer had offered to help, it was less awkward to talk about this kind of stuff with someone around his own age than an adult. "I don't know..." he answered truthfully. "Ok so, do you know what it means that when a..uh..a ..ok don't laugh! I swear if you laugh ..." he threatened unconvincingly before he continued. "what does it mean when a girl punches and breaks your nose and jinxes your fingers in to jelly and then later she sits next to you in class with a big smile and now she send a letter to me saying if i want to go to Hogsmeade with her, i mean...i don't get it?" girls were confusing and terrifying.

Henry could literally talk about Quidditch all day. It was probably one of his favorite subjects ever. So he didn't really notice Mason staring at him the way he was, he just continued talking. "I've probably been playing Quidditch my whole life really, Quidditch camps and recreational teams before I made the national team. It's just too bad there's no Quidditch here anymore. Pick up games are fun of course, but it's not like a real competition." Of course, he did the best he could with what he had here. He stayed active, did plenty of training on his own or with a friend or two, pick up games when there were enough people that wanted to play. And he did have plenty of fun with all of that.

"Oh, I was just wondering if you'd want to join one of our games sometime," he shrugged lightly, explaining partially why he asked. Of course he could borrow a school broom if he really wanted too, but if he didn't want to play, that was cool too. Henry didn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. He often just gauged people's interest. "You're an uncle too? That's cool. I have two nieces." He didn't know too many people his age who were uncles and aunts, so he was always interested when he discovered someone was. It kind of sucked that he lost his broom to his nephew though. He couldn't imagine having to give up his.

Henry watched Mason carefully as he started to explain about the candy gram. Or at least he thought that's what he was doing. "Oh, I wouldn't laugh! I promise." He was good at listening to problems, or at least he thought, and he wouldn't try to make anyone feel bad about it. But it did make him curious. As the other boy spoke, his expression went from curious to somewhat shocked to thoughtful. He wanted to say this girl sounded a little psycho, but he was not one to judge and it would probably sound a bit mean.

"Why did she punch you? Did you two get into a fight or something?" Not that he was a big proponent of violence, even if he was trained in MMA. "Well, I'm not sure... maybe that's her way of apologizing?" It was weird though and he could completely understand his hesitation. But he didn't have any personal experience with a girl punching him, luckily enough.

Lissy Longbottom 02-22-2017 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Shanners (Post 12156388)
Rooney was in the middle of groaning from the floor and did not want to turn over, not even when he was approached by Santa. Ugh. "M'fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine." He grumbled, brushing the back of his hand under his nose. It didn't feel broken, which was a good thing as he had broken it twice already in the last two years. The Ravenclaw accepted the candy grams but lay the on the floor next to his head as he tried to get over the throbbing in his knees that had slammed into the floor. And the strange feeling in his ankle.

What had he even tripped over?! A girl?! Was she hurt?! Panicked, Roo sat up and scrambled to look. "YOU'RE A BOY." And the extended hand was not being taken because he was furious.

And being vertical had done something that made blood flow out of his nose.


Kane was seriously concerned, because that response did NOT sound convincing at all. He straightened up, to avoid causing injury to anyone else who might wander by. He was going to frantically apologize, again out of fear that he might lose points, when a lot of things happened at once. The boy jumped up like he remembered that he was supposed to be a helpful prefect. Then he had some sort of brain blast and realized that yes, Kane was a BOY (did that mean he looked like a girl?! How was that possibly a mistake someone could make?!) "Um, yeah, I am..." he started to mutter, and then...

The revelation that Kane was a male seemed to cause some sort of spontaneous nose bleed in the prefect.


"OH NO you're bleeding!" Kane squeaked. Kane was NOT a fan of blood. Ever since he'd had a compound fracture in gymnastics when he was five, and the sight of all that made him did REMEMBERING it and seeing MORE blood in front of him...

Oh dear. This usually didn't happen...but it was happening.

Kane reached out to the wall to try and steady himself as his vision started to blur and the hallway seemed to start spinning. Oh merlin, HE WAS GOING TO FAINT wasn't he?!

Shanners 02-24-2017 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom (Post 12160973)

Kane was seriously concerned, because that response did NOT sound convincing at all. He straightened up, to avoid causing injury to anyone else who might wander by. He was going to frantically apologize, again out of fear that he might lose points, when a lot of things happened at once. The boy jumped up like he remembered that he was supposed to be a helpful prefect. Then he had some sort of brain blast and realized that yes, Kane was a BOY (did that mean he looked like a girl?! How was that possibly a mistake someone could make?!) "Um, yeah, I am..." he started to mutter, and then...

The revelation that Kane was a male seemed to cause some sort of spontaneous nose bleed in the prefect.


"OH NO you're bleeding!" Kane squeaked. Kane was NOT a fan of blood. Ever since he'd had a compound fracture in gymnastics when he was five, and the sight of all that made him did REMEMBERING it and seeing MORE blood in front of him...

Oh dear. This usually didn't happen...but it was happening.

Kane reached out to the wall to try and steady himself as his vision started to blur and the hallway seemed to start spinning. Oh merlin, HE WAS GOING TO FAINT wasn't he?!

Smearing the blood against the back of his hand and onto his wrist, Rooney groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose as he fumbled for his wand. He couldn't quite cast whilst he was pinching his nose like this as there was no telling what would happen as his pronunciation, enunciation and everything would be off. Couldn't do magic if he knew he couldn't cast right. Sigh. Although...this loss of blood was making him feel a little funny in the head. Forgetting things. A little bit swimmy. Hm.. "I'b fibe. A tolbja." And everything happened...almost so quickly......but also in slow motion. It was silly how the Ravenclaw wasn't able to step in, but instead he reached out his bloodied hand to try grab the kid and give him a shake.

Instead........he realised the he had sniffled and coughed out the blood the he had just sniffed down his throat.........right..........into.......the...... ...boys.......face..........

Lissy Longbottom 03-06-2017 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by Shanners (Post 12162530)
Smearing the blood against the back of his hand and onto his wrist, Rooney groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose as he fumbled for his wand. He couldn't quite cast whilst he was pinching his nose like this as there was no telling what would happen as his pronunciation, enunciation and everything would be off. Couldn't do magic if he knew he couldn't cast right. Sigh. Although...this loss of blood was making him feel a little funny in the head. Forgetting things. A little bit swimmy. Hm.. "I'b fibe. A tolbja." And everything happened...almost so quickly......but also in slow motion. It was silly how the Ravenclaw wasn't able to step in, but instead he reached out his bloodied hand to try grab the kid and give him a shake.

Instead........he realised the he had sniffled and coughed out the blood the he had just sniffed down his throat.........right..........into.......the...... ...boys.......face..........

Ok, this guy was now talking like he had a head cold, WHICH Kane new meant that his nose was probably broken. Or at least going to be bleeding for a while still. He had to try SO HARD not to pass out, or throw up...or throw up and THEN pass out in his throw up. Ew.

Deep breaths...DEEP breaths.

Just when he thought he MIGHT be able to stomach all this...the prefect was trying to shake his hand. With his BLOODY hand. OMG NO THANK YOU NOPE NOPE A MILLION TIMES NO.

And then there was blood. Being sneezed at him. It was on him. OH MIGHTY MERLIN IT WAS ON HIM.

"" was all Kane could mutter as he stumbled forward into the boy, all but collapsing into his arms.

Shanners 03-06-2017 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom (Post 12169225)
Ok, this guy was now talking like he had a head cold, WHICH Kane new meant that his nose was probably broken. Or at least going to be bleeding for a while still. He had to try SO HARD not to pass out, or throw up...or throw up and THEN pass out in his throw up. Ew.

Deep breaths...DEEP breaths.

Just when he thought he MIGHT be able to stomach all this...the prefect was trying to shake his hand. With his BLOODY hand. OMG NO THANK YOU NOPE NOPE A MILLION TIMES NO.

And then there was blood. Being sneezed at him. It was on him. OH MIGHTY MERLIN IT WAS ON HIM.

"" was all Kane could mutter as he stumbled forward into the boy, all but collapsing into his arms.


Oh. Oh man.

Luckily the boy hadn't fallen too far into Rooney that he was going to end up on the floor once more, but this was still uncomfortable. Resting his arm on top of the blonde head, Roo resumed pinching the bridge of his nose and prayed that none of his nose blood made it into the kids hair. "You can wake up any time soon, you know."

Pretty please.

Lissy Longbottom 03-17-2017 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Shanners (Post 12169465)

Oh. Oh man.

Luckily the boy hadn't fallen too far into Rooney that he was going to end up on the floor once more, but this was still uncomfortable. Resting his arm on top of the blonde head, Roo resumed pinching the bridge of his nose and prayed that none of his nose blood made it into the kids hair. "You can wake up any time soon, you know."

Pretty please.

Kane WAS sort of awake - SORT OF. But what REALLY got him awake was the feeling of SOMETHING falling on his head. He knew what that something was. He wasn't THAT out of it.


"EWW! It's on me! IT'S ON ME!" he exclaimed, waking up VERY quickly with the realization that bodily fluids were now IN HIS PRECIOUS HAIR. There were still specks on his face, of course, from the boy SNEEZING on him, but that was not as appalling as it being on his HAIR.

Thankfully, when someone was as weary of messing up his hair as Kane was, he had spent a bit of extra time learning some spells that came in handy during these times. He pulled out his wand, taking a deep breath to try and stop the dizziness that was currently taking over his brain, and pointed at his head. "Scourgify!" he muttered. There, hopefully that did the trick, with both his hair AND his face.

Now that that was taken care of...he should probably try and help the prefect. Still, he couldn't really look at all the blood without passing out all over again (or almost passing out, he supposed) so instead he turned and stared off at the wall. "Um, you ok dude?" he asked, addressing the wall.

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