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It's time to say your last farewells to your mum, your dad, your siblings, etc. until the first major holiday of the school year. Do you have all of the items you think you will need to survive the new term? All of your textbooks, clean underpants, your wand, everything you could possibly think of? Now would be a good time to check!
Don't dilly dally, however, for the warning whistle just blew. The Hogwarts Express will be soon leaving the station and heading straight for Hogwarts. Hurry on up and climb aboard ... or you'll be left behind!
OOC: Here you may play your student character and anyone that is associated with them (such as their family members).
Making sure that his hold on Noah was secure - the mopey young man sitting upon his shoulders defiantly clinging to Gabriel's blonde locks - the Frenchman stepped through the barrier immediately after his husband and daughter were safely through.
That is, after reassuring his sniffling son for Merlin knew what time that morning that his sister was NOT going to forget about him just because he was out of sight. He would need to remind Tibs that they needed to never ever use the phrase 'out of sight out of mind' ever again in the boy's presence, particularly given that he apparently had the uncanny knack for remembering everything ever said to him and recalling said words at the more inopportune moments.
Once on the other side of the barrier, Gabriel lifted Noah off his shoulders and set him on the ground. "She'll be home before you know it," he whispered reassuringly to the boy as he took his hand and walked them over to where Hazel and Tibs were waiting.
Permanent pout plastered to his face, Noah clung to papa's hand and kept his eyes on the ground. Maybe...just MAYBE if he didn't look then none of this would be real and she wouldn't leave.
So when they came to a stop, his eyes STARED at his sister's shoes for a bit before moving to a spot on the ground just a little bit in front of her.
Not going to look. Nope. Nope nope nope nope.
Hazel was so excited about her impending adventure, but every time she saw how upset Noah was, she only felt sad. Daddy had reassured her that they would all be ok, but at least twice she'd wondered aloud if maybe she shouldn't go and that they could homeschool her.
"Noah..." she said, sadly. Her frown matched his pout. She hated making him upset but there was no way for her not to. She shuffled her shoe against the floor. "Can you.. can you do something for me while I'm away?" Maybe giving him a very very important task would help. Maybe.
She could hope, right?
Tiberius rubbed his face almost as soon as he saw Noah and Gabriel come through. He'd been spending a lot of time the past few weeks helping Hazel get ready, answering her questions, taking her shopping. But maybe they hadn't spent enough time on having something exciting for Noah as well.
As Noah stepped forward and Hazel approached him, Tiberius looked up at his husband. With a silent look and a nod to the side, he stepped away from their kids as if to say 'let's see if they can work it out.'
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind
You can float across a rainbowsky
to once upon a time
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Originally Posted by Crayola
"You better make sure that the broomsticks are in top notch condition for the Christmas holidays, Dad." Daisy matter of factly told her Dad, slowly removing herself from their group embrace. We will need them for our annual Christmas match!" Honestly, it was only the first of September and there she was, already wishing it was Christmas. The annual Carden Christmas Quidditch match was epic.
Especially when the dog played as well.
"I promise I'll write plenty. She promised her Mum, deciding that it would probably be best not to make promises she couldn't keep - like pass all her OWLs. The fifteen-year-old planted a kiss on her Mum's cheek before turning to her Dad, grinning. "And I'll write you that letter about Max's sorting..." She cheekily winked at her Dad before pressing a kiss onto his cheek.
"Shall we go in then, Maxton?" Daisy asked her younger brother, for once sending a smile his way. Sure, all these years away from Maxton while she was at Hogwarts had been nice but still - he was her brother. And the castle was pretty big, anyway. She wouldn't always be with him, right?
The fifth year hoped so, at least.
Right. Pep talks given. Recommendations shared. Group hug dismantled. Clifford was right, the kids had to get a move on or they would miss the train. She squeezed Maxton tighter for a second longer and slowly let go of him, smooching his cheek and messing his hair. "Don't worry too much about the sorting, sweetheart. It doesn't really matter one bit to us." Evangeline whispered to her son, not wanting him to worry about the outcome of the sorting ceremony.
Especially because she knew in her heart that he was a Slytherin. Fiercely loyal and ambitious.
Right, time to move, Carden clan!" Evangeline exclaimed brightly, enveloping Daisy in a hug and pressing a kiss into her forehead. She smoothed down her eldest's brown hair and finally let her go, going to move and stand next to her husband. "Have fun, be sensible and we will see you two at the next Hogsmeade weekend." Or at Christmas. But at Hogsmeade, most likely.
Oh, she almost forgot about something!
"Daisy, have you given your brother the card yet?"
The card! Of course. The Carden family tradition.
Solemnly, the fifteen year old reached into the pocket of her dress and produced a battered, old-looking Salazar Slytherin chocolate frog card which she then offered to her brother. "This is yours now, Maxxie. Look after it."
Ohhhhh, his babies were leaving him! Well, two of them anyway. Clifford pouted like a toddler and gazed down at the pair of them. He was jealous, HE wanted to hop on that train and be whisked away to Hogwarts. Oh man, the welcome feast!! His mouth watered at the thought alone.
They'd have a Carden feast during the Christmas holidays.
Maxton appreciated the comments from his mother and puffed his chest out confidently. He wasn't going to get sent to muggle school if he was sorted into any other house, his dad was only kidding. In fact, he secretly kind of hoped he was sorted into Ravenclaw. He'd read that to get into the Common Room you had to answer a riddle. Maxton liked riddles.
Oh, well that was awkward. Here he was thinking about Ravenclaw while being handed the traditional Salazar Slytherin chocolate frog card.
"Thanks.." Maxxie said with a light flush, taking the card and hastily shoving it into his jacket pocket. "I'll eat an extra portion for you at the feast, Dad. And Mum, keep an eye out for Orion. I'll write straight away!" And he would. Maxton was a boy of his word!
And with that, Maxton wheeled his luggage trolley towards the train.
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
Ohhhhh, his babies were leaving him! Well, two of them anyway. Clifford pouted like a toddler and gazed down at the pair of them. He was jealous, HE wanted to hop on that train and be whisked away to Hogwarts. Oh man, the welcome feast!! His mouth watered at the thought alone.
They'd have a Carden feast during the Christmas holidays.
Maxton appreciated the comments from his mother and puffed his chest out confidently. He wasn't going to get sent to muggle school if he was sorted into any other house, his dad was only kidding. In fact, he secretly kind of hoped he was sorted into Ravenclaw. He'd read that to get into the Common Room you had to answer a riddle. Maxton liked riddles.
Oh, well that was awkward. Here he was thinking about Ravenclaw while being handed the traditional Salazar Slytherin chocolate frog card.
"Thanks.." Maxxie said with a light flush, taking the card and hastily shoving it into his jacket pocket. "I'll eat an extra portion for you at the feast, Dad. And Mum, keep an eye out for Orion. I'll write straight away!" And he would. Maxton was a boy of his word!
And with that, Maxton wheeled his luggage trolley towards the train.
Because she was older - and therefore wiser - Daisy knew that that card didn't really give anyone good luck. It just reassured their parents because, at the end of the day, they were both sentimental saps. Still, it had been pretty cool to walk around with something that had belonged to her parents when they had been at Hogwarts.
So, if Maxton didn't get sorted into Slytherin, she was stealing it from him.
"Well, he clearly doesn't need a chaperone." Daisy commented, blinking at the retreating back of her younger brother. She was happy for that - the last thing she needed was to spend her fifth year at Hogwarts holding a firstie's hand. "Right, I better go too. Love you both! Don't have any more kids while I'm away at school, okay?" She grinned at both her parents before sending another chocolate frog in her Dad's direction and turning around, the luggage trolley squeaking towards the train.
Off they went, then.
Holding onto one of her husband's hands, Evangeline waved goodbye to her kids despite the fact that they clearly were not looking back at her. But hey - it was the thought that counted, right? "We have two kids at Hogwarts. When exactly did that happen?" She wondered aloud, turning to look back at her husband and shaking her head. Seriously, when? They had only just graduated school themselves!
connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow
Originally Posted by Crayola
Because she was older - and therefore wiser - Daisy knew that that card didn't really give anyone good luck. It just reassured their parents because, at the end of the day, they were both sentimental saps. Still, it had been pretty cool to walk around with something that had belonged to her parents when they had been at Hogwarts.
So, if Maxton didn't get sorted into Slytherin, she was stealing it from him.
"Well, he clearly doesn't need a chaperone." Daisy commented, blinking at the retreating back of her younger brother. She was happy for that - the last thing she needed was to spend her fifth year at Hogwarts holding a firstie's hand. "Right, I better go too. Love you both! Don't have any more kids while I'm away at school, okay?" She grinned at both her parents before sending another chocolate frog in her Dad's direction and turning around, the luggage trolley squeaking towards the train.
Off they went, then.
Holding onto one of her husband's hands, Evangeline waved goodbye to her kids despite the fact that they clearly were not looking back at her. But hey - it was the thought that counted, right? "We have two kids at Hogwarts. When exactly did that happen?" She wondered aloud, turning to look back at her husband and shaking her head. Seriously, when? They had only just graduated school themselves!
"Love you!!!!" Clifford shouted loudly towards his children as they boarded the train. He probably just embarrassed the socks off of them, but oh well.
"They'll be fine," Clifford said, squeezing Evangeline's hand. "They'll be absolutely fine." Was he trying to assure his wife? Or himself? He wasn't entirely sure. "Daisy will look out for Maxxie." Although in all honesty, Maxxie would probably end up looking after his big sister. That kid was smart, just like his Mother. He gave it a month until Maxxie was doing Daisy's homework for her.
As for how they had two kids at Hogwarts? "No idea..." Clifford said with a sigh. "I guess this means we're officially old."
_____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: The twinsies! LOL <3
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Too nervous to even concentrate on the Sherlock book he had packed in his carry-on bag, even though he could probably recite it in his sleep, he was just waiting for them to be able to board. Thankfully a familiar voice spoke and Teddy looked up to see Rachel approaching. "Miss Watson!" He said in his pretend Sherlock Holmes voice. "Hey, how ar- you got some sun this summer," he pointed out. Then realised pointing those sorts of things out wasn't necessarily nice. "Your skin looks good," he quickly said. Merlin... "Not really." His shoulders slumped a little. "OWL year. I've got my timetable all sorted for revision, though. And I started on the train coming home so I think I'm on track so far." He was still very anxious about the whole thing. "How are you?" It was good to see Rachel again.
And there was Ava. Teddy was okay with her being there. They were in their mother's womb together. But her next comment would have had drink spurting from his nose if he had one. "Boxers?" he asked, then took her arm to lead her away from Rachel. He didn't want to embarrass her by conversations regarding his under... things. Plus he didn't want to embarrass himself. "I don't wear..." he looked confused for a second, then his face cracked into a smile. "Eww they're probably..." but no, he did NOT want to have that conversation with his sister about her boyfriend. Nope. He quickly went back to Rachel where... hopefully the subject of his underclothing would cease.
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
SPOILER!!: Ahem.
Apart from OWL years, Ava was actually excited for going back to Hogwarts. The huge fight with her mother makes her feel uncomfortable and imprisoned in her own home, lucky that her sister was being a nice fairy godmother and provided a place for her to live in without seeing the scary, evil Russian woman disguised as the mother. Being at Hogwarts meant she would see Noelle and having their usual late-night girls talk in their dorm. Also obviously she would reunite with her lovely goofy charming boyfriend and being all lovey-dovey again.
Speaking of, where was him? Her lips were itching to snog his and well... Probably she would find Phillip pretty soon.
After saying goodbye to Zhenya, Ava pushed her trolley full of her stuffs and looked around. Maybe she could find Phillip or Noelle or any of her friends. But then she spotted her twin brother with his fellow Ravenclaw. She had made some observations about Rachel Watson and thought that it would be cute if they're together. So then, she casually came bothering them to say hello. "Teddy, Zhenny said that you left one of your boxer at her apartment. Should I give it now or... Oh, hello Rachel!" Hehehe.
Rachel giggled. She liked it when Teddy would call her Ms Watson in his Sherlock Holmes voice. He did a good impression of it in her opinion. She nodded solemnly, scrunching her nose in the process. "I did. I was in California with Haddie for a while. Is my sunburn still showing much? It's the first time I have gotten one and it was simply awful.'' The fourth year blushed lightly. "Thank you,'' she said shyly. "California was scorching.'' Ignoring her still slightly heated cheeks, she nodded. "It's okay to be nervous, Teddy, but I know you'll do brilliantly. If you would like a study buddy for Herbology, Arithmancy or Charms, I'd be happy to help.'' Those three were her best subjects.
"I'm quite well, thank you for asking. I'm quite looking forward to being a fourth year.'' It was true. Rachel was one of those girls that enjoyed the company of books and liked to study. "Also, I'd like to spend more time in Professor Myers's greenhouses. I suppose I'll be able to explore the ones housing the more dangerous plants.''
When Ava joined them, Rachel smiled in her direction. "Hello, Ava! Did you have a good summer?'' Even though the Gryffindor had pranked her the very first time they had met, Rachel liked Ava. What was that she was telling Teddy? Oh dear. She almost started giggling but caught herself just in time. It wouldn't be very nice to embarrass poor Teddy. The girl waited until he had moved away with his sister before bursting into soft giggles. Though when she saw him coming back, she stopped. "You didn't study most of the summer holidays, did you, Teddy?'' It was as though that underwear conversation never happened.
The big day had arrived and, if she was completely honest with herself, she wasn't exactly ready for it. How had her baby brother grown up so much that he was now ready to head off to a magical boarding school and have some adventures of his own?! She was baffled.
Nevertheless, here she was: on platform nine and three-quarters with her two favourite boys and a strong sense of fake confidence about her. Strong and capable, remember? Lilian glanced around the surrounding area, taking in the general hustle and bustle of the people there, the comforting gestures and the rise in hormones about the place. When her eyes found the scarlet steam engine, something seemed to tug in her heart. It was weird to be back here and it was even weirder to have missed it.
Her eyes found Hassan, silently telling him that he'll get the hug he, probably, needs a little later. Hufflepuffs liked that, didn't they? But for now, her attention was turned towards the cutest Botros: Abey. "This is it, Ab," she said in a voice that, she hoped, sounded a lot stronger than she was letting on, "How are you feeling? Ready for your big adventure?"
Was she unnecessarily smoothing out his hair? Yes, yes she was.
Today was the DAY.
Today was THE day!
Today... was the day...
... Today? Was... the day?
Today was... the day.
Abey, who had been full of confidence and excitement and nervous energy aaaaaaall the way from their home in Egypt to the London train station, had suddenly started... to process everything. Everything.
It wasn't until he'd seen the big red train,iconic and long-awaited and what he'd been looking forward to his whole entire life, until it really hit him. That big red train would take him even further north away from his homeland, and from most of his family. His mama. For months and months and ever and ever. He stood staring at the train as the dread hit him with the force of a big red steam engine.
Abey looked up at Lilian after letting her smooth down his hair a little... and promptly burst into tears.
"N-n-noooooooo," he cried, immediately clinging onto her with a vice-like grip. He wasn't ready. He wasn't ready! He had to go home. Right now. Home. Home with mama, home to the life he knew best, his comfortable, familiar life.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
"Love you!!!!" Clifford shouted loudly towards his children as they boarded the train. He probably just embarrassed the socks off of them, but oh well.
"They'll be fine," Clifford said, squeezing Evangeline's hand. "They'll be absolutely fine." Was he trying to assure his wife? Or himself? He wasn't entirely sure. "Daisy will look out for Maxxie." Although in all honesty, Maxxie would probably end up looking after his big sister. That kid was smart, just like his Mother. He gave it a month until Maxxie was doing Daisy's homework for her.
As for how they had two kids at Hogwarts? "No idea..." Clifford said with a sigh. "I guess this means we're officially old."
"Of course they'll be fine." Evangeline replied to her husband's reassurance, not sure if it was intended for her or for himself. She chanced a look at the old clock, realising it was almost time for the train to leave. Right. So, too late to go in there and kidnap her own kids, right? "It's Hogwarts. What's the worst that can happen?" She sarcastically added, looking at Clifford with one eyebrow raised.
They had only got turned into animals for a year. Not too bad, right?
The train was leaving now and Evangeline resumed the waving, smiling at her kids through the window. There they went. It would all be fine. Absolutely fine. "How dare you call me old, Carden? What would that make you?" Honestly, the nerve of that man. She poked him on the side with her free hand before tugging on the hand that was holding hers. The train was gone, there was no use in lingering around the platform anymore.
Kitty was already wearing her Ravenclaw robes when she arrived at the station, while her mom Emily was dressed in a rather frilly pink and white uniform with a bow instead of tie. They came to a stop outside the train just as students started boarding. "Be sure to write every week," Emily said, taking a comb out of her purse and brushing Kitty's hair bangs down.
"GAA!! Not in front of everyone!" Kitty said in a scandalized tone, brushing away the comb and patting her bangs down herself. Kitty was very able to comb her own hair and she did it most of the time but back at home she often indulged her mom in letting her do her hair. But she didn't think mot students her age allowed their parents to comb their hair and she didn't want everyone seeing it.
"Don't be silly, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Now be safe." Any moment now Emily knew Kitty would have to board.
"I love you mom." Kitty hugged Emily as hard as her weak body could manage. She was happy to return to Hogwarts but she knew she'd miss her mother dearly. "I'll write all the time!"
Emily patted her on the back gently, feeling tears coming to her eyes. Then they parted and Kitty boarded the train. Right before getting on she turned and waved one last time, then they were blocked from each others view by a crowd of students.
Jessie pushed her trolley.
"Yes,mom.I promised you to be better student this year.Trying my best to not to break the laws and study harder.No need to worry."
"And don't forget the most important thing,Jessie." Jessie snapped her head to the woman beside her.
"What is it,mom?"
"Write to me more often!" her mother smiled.
Jessie was so excited about her second year in Hogwarts. She wants to meet her friend again and she might make a new friend. Doing her hobby as exploring Hogwarts and many more.
And then the voice of her mother bring her back to the platform.
"Okay,sweety.Go...go...go...Hogwarts is waiting and make sure you bring all of your things." Jessie pushed her trolley faster after pecked her mom cheeks.
"If I forget to bring something, I will let you know and just send to me,mom."
Jessie hugged her mother quickly and walked to the big red train. To her new adventure!
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Rachel giggled. She liked it when Teddy would call her Ms Watson in his Sherlock Holmes voice. He did a good impression of it in her opinion. She nodded solemnly, scrunching her nose in the process. "I did. I was in California with Haddie for a while. Is my sunburn still showing much? It's the first time I have gotten one and it was simply awful.'' The fourth year blushed lightly. "Thank you,'' she said shyly. "California was scorching.'' Ignoring her still slightly heated cheeks, she nodded. "It's okay to be nervous, Teddy, but I know you'll do brilliantly. If you would like a study buddy for Herbology, Arithmancy or Charms, I'd be happy to help.'' Those three were her best subjects.
"I'm quite well, thank you for asking. I'm quite looking forward to being a fourth year.'' It was true. Rachel was one of those girls that enjoyed the company of books and liked to study. "Also, I'd like to spend more time in Professor Myers's greenhouses. I suppose I'll be able to explore the ones housing the more dangerous plants.''
When Ava joined them, Rachel smiled in her direction. "Hello, Ava! Did you have a good summer?'' Even though the Gryffindor had pranked her the very first time they had met, Rachel liked Ava. What was that she was telling Teddy? Oh dear. She almost started giggling but caught herself just in time. It wouldn't be very nice to embarrass poor Teddy. The girl waited until he had moved away with his sister before bursting into soft giggles. Though when she saw him coming back, she stopped. "You didn't study most of the summer holidays, did you, Teddy?'' It was as though that underwear conversation never happened.
"No, no it's not showing much." Stupid him for saying something! "That sounds like fun, how was Haddie? Did you go to Disneyland?" Teddy loved the Disneyland in Paris, but he really wanted to visit the other ones.
He nodded, knowing that Zhenya felt the same way before her fifth year. He grinned at Rachel's offer. "I'd love a study buddy, Rach." When they got back to the common room they could take their spot back for the year. Well, hopefully. "Fourth year was interesting," Teddy said. "Though Peeves and Miffy... not so much." Teddy disliked Peeves, and then TWO MORE went to join him. He was almost worried to go back, in case they reverted back to their old ways. "That sounds pretty good. I think I'll be spending lots of time in Professor Newton's Reference Room." He liked Herbology, but not the practical side of it. HE didn't like getting dirty, especially dirty finger nails. But History of Magic was fascinating and clean!
Teddy was hoping Rachel didn't hear the conversation. Well, he didn't have anything to be embarrassed about, seeing as it was unlikely they were his, but still... he didn't want Rachel to THINK he left his underthings lying around. It didn't seem that Rachel heard any of it, so Teddy pretended nothing had happened, his face still slightly flushed though. "Er..." caught. "Well my mum made me promise not to do any school stuff on the weekends, so not all of my holidays." Just... when he woke up until he went to bed during the week.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Teddy! <3
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
"No, no it's not showing much." Stupid him for saying something! "That sounds like fun, how was Haddie? Did you go to Disneyland?" Teddy loved the Disneyland in Paris, but he really wanted to visit the other ones.
He nodded, knowing that Zhenya felt the same way before her fifth year. He grinned at Rachel's offer. "I'd love a study buddy, Rach." When they got back to the common room they could take their spot back for the year. Well, hopefully. "Fourth year was interesting," Teddy said. "Though Peeves and Miffy... not so much." Teddy disliked Peeves, and then TWO MORE went to join him. He was almost worried to go back, in case they reverted back to their old ways. "That sounds pretty good. I think I'll be spending lots of time in Professor Newton's Reference Room." He liked Herbology, but not the practical side of it. HE didn't like getting dirty, especially dirty finger nails. But History of Magic was fascinating and clean!
Teddy was hoping Rachel didn't hear the conversation. Well, he didn't have anything to be embarrassed about, seeing as it was unlikely they were his, but still... he didn't want Rachel to THINK he left his underthings lying around. It didn't seem that Rachel heard any of it, so Teddy pretended nothing had happened, his face still slightly flushed though. "Er..." caught. "Well my mum made me promise not to do any school stuff on the weekends, so not all of my holidays." Just... when he woke up until he went to bed during the week.
"Thank goodness. My Auntie Regina gave me something to help get rid of it. It seems to be working.'' Rachel wrinkled her nose again, a habit she had picked up since she had acquired the sunburn. "Haddie is good. We only got back yesterday so we had one day to pack. I expect she'll be here soon.'' One day would have gone by but Rachel missed her best friend already. "Yes, we did! I got to take pictures with the Princesses.'' The Disney Princesses were her favourite. "We also visited Knotts Berry farm, Magic Mountain and Raging Waters and other amusement parks.''
Rachel smiled. "I think I'll be a better study buddy to you. With Haddie, she falls asleep most of the time while we're studying.'' The sight of Haddie sleeping on her books with Asher curled up on her head was something precious. "Storm too,'' she agreed with a nod. "I try to stay out of their way as much as I can. I wish all three of them would go away and leave us be.'' Rachel didn't like pranks very much. She found it to be a a great inconvenience. "Among the books,'' she said with an understanding smile. "I'm accustomed to using the library. It's one of my favourite places in the Castle.''
The girl bit her lower lip. Another fit of giggles were threatening to escape again but she would embarrass poor Teddy if it did. She must control herself. Luckily she did even if it were just barely. "That's wise of your mother. Somehow I just knew that you would be spending much of your time with books.'' He was just like her in that way but Haddie made her take time for recreation.
She looked around. Everyone was busy moving to get to the Express. "Shall we go or do you prefer to wait for Ava?''
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
SPOILER!!: two Ravvies
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
"No, no it's not showing much." Stupid him for saying something! "That sounds like fun, how was Haddie? Did you go to Disneyland?" Teddy loved the Disneyland in Paris, but he really wanted to visit the other ones.
He nodded, knowing that Zhenya felt the same way before her fifth year. He grinned at Rachel's offer. "I'd love a study buddy, Rach." When they got back to the common room they could take their spot back for the year. Well, hopefully. "Fourth year was interesting," Teddy said. "Though Peeves and Miffy... not so much." Teddy disliked Peeves, and then TWO MORE went to join him. He was almost worried to go back, in case they reverted back to their old ways. "That sounds pretty good. I think I'll be spending lots of time in Professor Newton's Reference Room." He liked Herbology, but not the practical side of it. HE didn't like getting dirty, especially dirty finger nails. But History of Magic was fascinating and clean!
Teddy was hoping Rachel didn't hear the conversation. Well, he didn't have anything to be embarrassed about, seeing as it was unlikely they were his, but still... he didn't want Rachel to THINK he left his underthings lying around. It didn't seem that Rachel heard any of it, so Teddy pretended nothing had happened, his face still slightly flushed though. "Er..." caught. "Well my mum made me promise not to do any school stuff on the weekends, so not all of my holidays." Just... when he woke up until he went to bed during the week.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
"Thank goodness. My Auntie Regina gave me something to help get rid of it. It seems to be working.'' Rachel wrinkled her nose again, a habit she had picked up since she had acquired the sunburn. "Haddie is good. We only got back yesterday so we had one day to pack. I expect she'll be here soon.'' One day would have gone by but Rachel missed her best friend already. "Yes, we did! I got to take pictures with the Princesses.'' The Disney Princesses were her favourite. "We also visited Knotts Berry farm, Magic Mountain and Raging Waters and other amusement parks.''
Rachel smiled. "I think I'll be a better study buddy to you. With Haddie, she falls asleep most of the time while we're studying.'' The sight of Haddie sleeping on her books with Asher curled up on her head was something precious. "Storm too,'' she agreed with a nod. "I try to stay out of their way as much as I can. I wish all three of them would go away and leave us be.'' Rachel didn't like pranks very much. She found it to be a a great inconvenience. "Among the books,'' she said with an understanding smile. "I'm accustomed to using the library. It's one of my favourite places in the Castle.''
The girl bit her lower lip. Another fit of giggles were threatening to escape again but she would embarrass poor Teddy if it did. She must control herself. Luckily she did even if it were just barely. "That's wise of your mother. Somehow I just knew that you would be spending much of your time with books.'' He was just like her in that way but Haddie made her take time for recreation.
She looked around. Everyone was busy moving to get to the Express. "Shall we go or do you prefer to wait for Ava?''
In fact, there's no boxer and Ava didn't want to think about what kind of underwear that her brother was wearing. She just needed an excuse to interrupt these two and bothered Teddy, thank you very much. But still, somehow she wanted to bother him more.
Did she have a good summer? "Sort of, it was not really fun if it involves evil witch and being imprisoned by her. But lucky that my fairy godmother helped me to escape and it's much better now." The Gryffindor didn't want to tell more about the fight with her mother, being grounded, and the possibility being disowned by her family because she might have just found her true love. "Anyway Rachel, do you think my brother is cute? Because he is, and he's also smart, diligent and also a very good person. Plus, he always wears clean underwear." Was that important? "Do you want to go out with him sometime like, on a date?" BROWS.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.