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Paul couldn't lie to himself anymore; he hated his office. Well, hate was such a strong word. But really, he didn't like meeting with students in there. It was so stifling to conversation so...not fun. And so, he would keep his office the same, of course, but only spend time in there when he needed absolutely concentration grading papers or doing his own research. He would NOT be meeting with students in there anymore. Just...no.
The waiting area that had previously held those flower chairs that most students seemed to not like...was transformed into the meeting space, but the students must knock on the door to be let inside now. And he would only meet with students in here becaaaaaause there was something very special he was going to with this room.
Paul would make it different, every three months. Fun things, too. He had plenty of ideas, yes! But for now, the room looks normal if not for the TRAMPOLINE ACTING AS THE FLOOR. It was the perfect spot to relax in peace, to mellow out. Paul might even let students chill in here without a reason to speak to him, too, if they're well behaved enough.
OOC: I apologize deeply for not having a normal office .___. Have your character knock and Paul will let them in, all in this thread.
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Isa arrived at Professor Myers' office space after class with a flowerpot containing her snapdragons in hand. She was wearing dragonhide gloves and had her hair up in a bun to keep it away from her firey plant. The snapdragons had seemed normal when they had first started to come up, but today the flowers had started spitting ash and tiny fireballs. Seemed sort of dangerous. Probably got cross-pollinated with one of the ash roses somehow. Wait, had she crossbred that on purpose? Sounded like the sort of thing she would do. Problem was, Isa didn't remember purposely crossbreeding this plant. How could she have let this happen? Her mum probably wouldn't approve of this, and she was a professional herbologist. So here Isa was to show her possibly accidental plant creation to Professor Myers. It would probably need to stay in the greenhouse away from other plants that it might pollinate, and it definitely wasn't safe to have in the dorm anymore. She knocked on the door and waited for the professor. Hopefully he would be in, because a plant that had started spitting out fireballs was somewhat of an urgent matter.
Paul was in his office doing lesson plans when he heard the knock from the room over. Thank Merlin for magic, eh? He got up and moved through to the meeting space and opened the door for...Isa!
Paul smiled a bit and gestured her inside. "Come in, m'dear!" the ground was all trampoline, so Paul was...bouncing a bit as he shut the door behind her. He wished he could do a toe touch. Oh, to be young and limber again!
"What is it you've got there, Isa?" he asked curious.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Paul was in his office doing lesson plans when he heard the knock from the room over. Thank Merlin for magic, eh? He got up and moved through to the meeting space and opened the door for...Isa!
Paul smiled a bit and gestured her inside. "Come in, m'dear!" the ground was all trampoline, so Paul was...bouncing a bit as he shut the door behind her. He wished he could do a toe touch. Oh, to be young and limber again!
"What is it you've got there, Isa?" he asked curious.
He was here! Isa would have been bouncing with excitement, but she didn't because she was being careful with her snapdragons. "Hello, Professor Myers!" She carefully stepped into the room, being careful to keep the snapdragons upright. Isa held up her snapdragons for Paul to see, making sure that they weren't too close to his face. "Snapdragons, professor. Magical, fire-spitting snapdragons. They look like ordinary snapdragons and for a while I thought that they might turn out to just be mundane snapdragons, but today they started spitting clouds of ash and flames. Problem is, I'm not entirely sure how these were bred. Think there was an accident with a floo flower or something. I don't think this is safe to keep in my dorm anymore. Seems like a potential hazard." Flames shot out of the plant as she spoke. Did he see what she had created? It was really interesting.
He was here! Isa would have been bouncing with excitement, but she didn't because she was being careful with her snapdragons. "Hello, Professor Myers!" She carefully stepped into the room, being careful to keep the snapdragons upright. Isa held up her snapdragons for Paul to see, making sure that they weren't too close to his face. "Snapdragons, professor. Magical, fire-spitting snapdragons. They look like ordinary snapdragons and for a while I thought that they might turn out to just be mundane snapdragons, but today they started spitting clouds of ash and flames. Problem is, I'm not entirely sure how these were bred. Think there was an accident with a floo flower or something. I don't think this is safe to keep in my dorm anymore. Seems like a potential hazard." Flames shot out of the plant as she spoke. Did he see what she had created? It was really interesting.
Paul did indeed see the snapdragons. They were very pretty flowers. "Oh." Yeah, no, spitting out actual fire is...not a trait of the mundane plant. "Have you taken it near any sort of floo flower or fire rose bush lately?" he asked curiously. "Did you expose the flower to either of those at all?" Because how else could it suddenly have this ability?
"I can...take it off your hands, m'dear. And possibly observe it for a few days in isolation before I put it near any other plants," since it was technically a species he had never seen before. "But it is very pretty. Eh, accidental cross-breeding..." he chuckled a little. "Plants are very unpredictable sometimes," it was fun. Also frustrating.
He bounced a bit more as he took the plant.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Olly did know that Professor Myers was not technically his head of house, but he was here anyway. He had thought a lot about if he should talk to someone, and then who he should talk to. Technically his own head of house should have been the obvious answer, but he didn't really know his own head of house. Sure he knew who he was - how couldn't he? - and he was nice and all, but he didn't really know him. But he did know Professor Myers and he really liked him. Olly would feel comfortable talking to him, which would make everything less stressful. That's what he was hoping anyway. Plus even if he wasn't Olly's head of house he was a head of house which meant he was definitely qualified to help.
Plus Professor Myers was fun and Olly wanted to come see him. He didn't often visit professors, but this was a special circumstance and a special professor. That was why, not long after term had started, Olly found himself walking down toward the greenhouses and where Professor Myers had his office. Olly knew he never really had a normal office, but he did not know exactly what to expect. He lifted his hand a knocked, hoping he wouldn't be disturbing anything important.
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Paul did indeed see the snapdragons. They were very pretty flowers. "Oh." Yeah, no, spitting out actual fire is...not a trait of the mundane plant. "Have you taken it near any sort of floo flower or fire rose bush lately?" he asked curiously. "Did you expose the flower to either of those at all?" Because how else could it suddenly have this ability?
"I can...take it off your hands, m'dear. And possibly observe it for a few days in isolation before I put it near any other plants," since it was technically a species he had never seen before. "But it is very pretty. Eh, accidental cross-breeding..." he chuckled a little. "Plants are very unpredictable sometimes," it was fun. Also frustrating.
He bounced a bit more as he took the plant.
Naturally Professor Myers would have to keep an eye on the new species on snapdragons. She loved her snapdragons, but she would have to let Professor Myers take them for observation because she had no idea what they would do. "That would probably be best, seeing as new crossbreeds are very unpredictable. It's hard to say what exactly it might have been exposed to. We have a lot of plants at home, both magical and mundane. My mum is an experimental breeder for the DERP at the ministry." Mum was a professional magical plant cross-breeder. Things were different now at home with mum working at the ministry. Isa had been disappointed that mum hadn't had as much time at home in the summer, but mum seemed happy to be working at the ministry. Isa bounced a bit as she handed the plant over to Professor Myers. She was going to miss her snapdragons. Poor little babies. Perhaps she would be able to grow some new mundane snapdragons.
Olly did know that Professor Myers was not technically his head of house, but he was here anyway. He had thought a lot about if he should talk to someone, and then who he should talk to. Technically his own head of house should have been the obvious answer, but he didn't really know his own head of house. Sure he knew who he was - how couldn't he? - and he was nice and all, but he didn't really know him. But he did know Professor Myers and he really liked him. Olly would feel comfortable talking to him, which would make everything less stressful. That's what he was hoping anyway. Plus even if he wasn't Olly's head of house he was a head of house which meant he was definitely qualified to help.
Plus Professor Myers was fun and Olly wanted to come see him. He didn't often visit professors, but this was a special circumstance and a special professor. That was why, not long after term had started, Olly found himself walking down toward the greenhouses and where Professor Myers had his office. Olly knew he never really had a normal office, but he did not know exactly what to expect. He lifted his hand a knocked, hoping he wouldn't be disturbing anything important.
Knock knock knock-- the noise made Paul stop bouncing or a second to go open the door. He was in his socks, and he was still bouncing when he opened the door, just a bit, though.
"Oh, Hello, Oliver!" he beamed and waved his inside. "I find--that since--I got this--" BOUNCE "I have--been--more--ACTIVE--" he grinned and bounced around the room.
"WHAT--DO YOU--NEED?" He said in between bounces.
Originally Posted by griffin
Naturally Professor Myers would have to keep an eye on the new species on snapdragons. She loved her snapdragons, but she would have to let Professor Myers take them for observation because she had no idea what they would do. "That would probably be best, seeing as new crossbreeds are very unpredictable. It's hard to say what exactly it might have been exposed to. We have a lot of plants at home, both magical and mundane. My mum is an experimental breeder for the DERP at the ministry." Mum was a professional magical plant cross-breeder. Things were different now at home with mum working at the ministry. Isa had been disappointed that mum hadn't had as much time at home in the summer, but mum seemed happy to be working at the ministry. Isa bounced a bit as she handed the plant over to Professor Myers. She was going to miss her snapdragons. Poor little babies. Perhaps she would be able to grow some new mundane snapdragons.
Paul nodded. "Ahh...I see. I think you've told me that before." He smiled, though. "You can still come visit it whenever you want...as soon as I figure out where to put him..." hmmm. It would be in isolation for a few days at least, though, until he could figure out if it would spread any fiery qualities to any neighbors it might have.
"Have you written to your mum about it yet to ask her opinion? She might know, seeing as she knows what plants are at your home," he hoped she did, anyways. Taking inventory and all was quite important.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Knock knock knock-- the noise made Paul stop bouncing or a second to go open the door. He was in his socks, and he was still bouncing when he opened the door, just a bit, though.
"Oh, Hello, Oliver!" he beamed and waved his inside. "I find--that since--I got this--" BOUNCE "I have--been--more--ACTIVE--" he grinned and bounced around the room.
"WHAT--DO YOU--NEED?" He said in between bounces.
Olly wasn't really sure what he would find on the other side of the door. He definitely was not expecting a giant trampoline. He took a step forward, immediately bouncing when his feet touched the trampoline floor. He gave a few tentative bounces and smiled. Unexpected, but pretty amazing. He let himself hop around just a bit. "This is fun. How do you get any work done? I would just jump all day long."
Right, he had come there for an actual reason. He slowed his jumping but continued to bounce a bit as he spoke. "I wanted to talk about the future. My future specifically I mean." He wasn't here about Divination or anything like that. "I know you're not my head of house but I thought you might be able to help me? My OWLs are this year and I've been thinking about them a lot. But what if I want to work in the muggle world? What purposes do my OWL scores serve then? And how would I go about doing that, exactly?"
Olly wasn't really sure what he would find on the other side of the door. He definitely was not expecting a giant trampoline. He took a step forward, immediately bouncing when his feet touched the trampoline floor. He gave a few tentative bounces and smiled. Unexpected, but pretty amazing. He let himself hop around just a bit. "This is fun. How do you get any work done? I would just jump all day long."
Right, he had come there for an actual reason. He slowed his jumping but continued to bounce a bit as he spoke. "I wanted to talk about the future. My future specifically I mean." He wasn't here about Divination or anything like that. "I know you're not my head of house but I thought you might be able to help me? My OWLs are this year and I've been thinking about them a lot. But what if I want to work in the muggle world? What purposes do my OWL scores serve then? And how would I go about doing that, exactly?"
Bounce, bounce.
Paul continued to bounce a little as Oliver came in, and he smiled. "Sometimes I do jump all day. All work and no play makes...well, any normal human very dull," he winked. "How was the rest of your summer, then? And how are your classes going so far this term?" The boy was good in Herbology, but that was no shocker.
....oh he had serious questions. Paul bounced one last time before letting himself fall on his behind, looking up at Oliver. "Have a seat, then. We can discuss your future," he grinned.
"Well, you need to take OWLs regardless. And as for working in the muggle world...well, your transcripts will be slightly different looking if you want a job there...and...well..tell me what you're thinking. What is it you want to be, right this minute, when you grow up more?" Because all his students were GROWN UP...but there was always MORE growing to do! So.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Paul continued to bounce a little as Oliver came in, and he smiled. "Sometimes I do jump all day. All work and no play makes...well, any normal human very dull," he winked. "How was the rest of your summer, then? And how are your classes going so far this term?" The boy was good in Herbology, but that was no shocker.
....oh he had serious questions. Paul bounced one last time before letting himself fall on his behind, looking up at Oliver. "Have a seat, then. We can discuss your future," he grinned.
"Well, you need to take OWLs regardless. And as for working in the muggle world...well, your transcripts will be slightly different looking if you want a job there...and...well..tell me what you're thinking. What is it you want to be, right this minute, when you grow up more?" Because all his students were GROWN UP...but there was always MORE growing to do! So.
Olly grinned at Professor Myers' statement. He agreed very much. It would be so boring to have to work all day long without any breaks. Sometimes he felt like that would be what his life would be like as a fifth year, but so far he had been managing as long as he did find break times amidst homework and studying.
"My summer was good. We went on a family vacation in August. And I volunteered all summer at a theater to help paint their sets." It had been a blast. He'd already told them he'd be back next summer.
Following Professor Myers' lead, Olly let his last bounce take him all the way down so he was sitting on the trampoline. It was still much cooler than sitting in a chair in an office. And it made the conversation about his future feel less serious and stressful, so that was nice.
"I know I have to take them, but the subjects aren't exactly what muggle students would take. How would they be translated?" He couldn't apply to a muggle university with his Hogwarts transcript. "Or if I go to a wizard university could they translate that degree into someone that's applicable in the muggle world." As for the question about what he wanted to do, he had been expecting that of course and supplied his answer immediately. "A social worker."
Olly grinned at Professor Myers' statement. He agreed very much. It would be so boring to have to work all day long without any breaks. Sometimes he felt like that would be what his life would be like as a fifth year, but so far he had been managing as long as he did find break times amidst homework and studying.
"My summer was good. We went on a family vacation in August. And I volunteered all summer at a theater to help paint their sets." It had been a blast. He'd already told them he'd be back next summer.
Following Professor Myers' lead, Olly let his last bounce take him all the way down so he was sitting on the trampoline. It was still much cooler than sitting in a chair in an office. And it made the conversation about his future feel less serious and stressful, so that was nice.
"I know I have to take them, but the subjects aren't exactly what muggle students would take. How would they be translated?" He couldn't apply to a muggle university with his Hogwarts transcript. "Or if I go to a wizard university could they translate that degree into someone that's applicable in the muggle world." As for the question about what he wanted to do, he had been expecting that of course and supplied his answer immediately. "A social worker."
Paul smiled. "What kind of sets did you paint? I remember you saying you like doing that..." he said. "I'd love to see your work sometime, if you have pictures, m'boy." Students and their creative expressions were always interesting to the former Ravenclaw. How people chose to be creative said a lot about a person and who they were. At least, Paul believed so. For someone so...well, Paul was a Herbologist. He had to be into biological things and somewhat scientific in his practices when it came to Herbology. BUT THE BANJO. He NEEDED his musical outlet! Outlets were super important, so he was glad Oliver seemed to have at least one.
Precisely the point of the trampoline, dear boy. Serious talks were much more harrowing in offices weren't they?
Paul was not an expert on this by any means. "I...I think I'll need to ask for help on some of these questions. I don't want to give you the wrong answers or lead you astray..so..I KNOW there is a way to work these things out, of course," he smiled reassuringly. "People do it all the time. I just..am not sure of the EXACT process, you know?"
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
How did funeral marches go?
The first year did not know, having never been to a funeral himself, but he was sure one was playing as he made his way to his Head of House's...er...area. He hadn't come immediately as instructed - because he needed to get his fire seed back to his dorm room - but had come as quickly as his scrawny legs could manage AND had brought the professor's bucket with him as well. Still with the charm in place because, well, he didn't really know how to make it stop.
Trumpets sounding as he reached the door - trumpets could be a part of funeral marches, right? - the Hufflepuff reluctantly knocked on the door three times and hoped that his feeble knocks made a muffled enough sound that the professor could not hear them and not come to the door at all.
Derf could still say he had honestly tried and followed instructions that way...not his fault that the professor couldn't hear, right? Right.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
The first year did not know, having never been to a funeral himself, but he was sure one was playing as he made his way to his Head of House's...er...area. He hadn't come immediately as instructed - because he needed to get his fire seed back to his dorm room - but had come as quickly as his scrawny legs could manage AND had brought the professor's bucket with him as well. Still with the charm in place because, well, he didn't really know how to make it stop.
Trumpets sounding as he reached the door - trumpets could be a part of funeral marches, right? - the Hufflepuff reluctantly knocked on the door three times and hoped that his feeble knocks made a muffled enough sound that the professor could not hear them and not come to the door at all.
Derf could still say he had honestly tried and followed instructions that way...not his fault that the professor couldn't hear, right? Right.
He had been expecting Derf. The boy had taken slightly longer than he thought to get down here, but when he heard the knock, those little knocks, he knew it was the young Hufflepuff boy.
He stood up, bounced his way over to the door, and opened it up. "Come in, m'boy!" he said, sounding slightly more cheerful than he had earlier in class. And he turned to go bounce towards the middle of the room. "Have a seat anywhere you like! Or...don't have a seat! I don't mind either way," he gave the boy a smile.
Now for business. How to go about said business?
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by kayquilz
He had been expecting Derf. The boy had taken slightly longer than he thought to get down here, but when he heard the knock, those little knocks, he knew it was the young Hufflepuff boy.
He stood up, bounced his way over to the door, and opened it up. "Come in, m'boy!" he said, sounding slightly more cheerful than he had earlier in class. And he turned to go bounce towards the middle of the room. "Have a seat anywhere you like! Or...don't have a seat! I don't mind either way," he gave the boy a smile.
Now for business. How to go about said business?
Fidgeting with his robes, Derf nodded his head at his Head of House's request and was about to reluctantly oblige when the man BOUNCED away. It was only then that the blue eyes of the first year properly saw what was going on and it was SO HARD to hide his excitement. But he KNEW what was going on. This was like getting shots from muggle doctors...how then lured you into a false sense of security with stickers and lollipops and 'this wont hurt a bit' talks and then they STABBED you with a needle and INJECTED stuff into you.
Which, yeah, was actually GOOD for you in the long run...but Derf was trying to be skeptical right now. TRYING...but...BOUNCING!
Giving in to the urge, he took a few eager steps inside and had just enough momentum to bounce enough to throw himself off balance and into a haphazard looking somersault. FUN! Only no...NOT FUN. NOT...
Okay...so he wanted to somersault again. Was that SO terrible?!
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
It was hard to resist a trampoline floor. Paul knew this. Maybe there were other motives for having the kid come to his meeting space after class.
Aaaaand Paul chuckled to himself. "If I had done that, I would have broke my back," and then bYE BYE HERBOLOGY PROFESSOR, HOGWARTS. "You're still young and full of LIFE though." He was smiling as he ploppppped down on his bottom. "Continue bouncing if you want...I just want to ask you some....questions." Ahem.
"So I assume you've seen that word 'horcrux' somewhere...." Possibly a book. Textbook. That sort of thing. Aaaaand he was reminded of the metal he wanted the boy to decorate. He supposed he would bring that up in just a moment though. Let's get through this horcrux business first.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
Carlton was exhausted! He'd walked aaaall the way from the Slytherin common room up to the bakery in the Astronomy tower to grab a donut and then aaaaall the way back down to the ground floor to ask for directions. And rhen he'd crossed the courtyard, walked through the pathways, ended up at the Quidditch Pitch turned around and walked the opposite way. Almost got smacked down by a tree the students referred to as the Whomping Willow, ran away from the mean tree only to end up at professor McLeod's hut.
If he wasn't so eager to find out the answers to his questions, the very important questions, then he would have knocked on his Head of House's door and asked for help. A broom, a light shove by Mr. McLeod and he could have geeently glided all the way up to the castle again. But he hadn't done that, because QUESTIONS.
Finally he'd seen the greenhouses and then wandered around there for a while (quickly running the opposite direction after reading the sign for the fourth greenhouse). He might have dropped his head back, eyes to the sky and let out a loud; "Professoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor! Can't find yoooooou..." Because he couldn't. But the whining didn't help locate Professor Myers so he had continued, walked through a garden, past the pods before he'd stopped. Was this it?
He hoped so. Carlton hoisted his schoolbag full of heavy textbooks up on his shoulder and cleared his throat. These were serious matters. SERIOUS. He had never gone to see a professor after class. Ever. Not in his old school and not at Hogwarts. This was monumental.
Knock, knock.
Carlton put his mouth against the keyhole so his voice would sound through the other room. People had a tendency to miss his presence because he was short so he had to be loud instead. "Professor Myers!" He called through. "Hope I'm not disturbing you Professor! I've walked for an hour to get heeere!"
Carlton was exhausted! He'd walked aaaall the way from the Slytherin common room up to the bakery in the Astronomy tower to grab a donut and then aaaaall the way back down to the ground floor to ask for directions. And rhen he'd crossed the courtyard, walked through the pathways, ended up at the Quidditch Pitch turned around and walked the opposite way. Almost got smacked down by a tree the students referred to as the Whomping Willow, ran away from the mean tree only to end up at professor McLeod's hut.
If he wasn't so eager to find out the answers to his questions, the very important questions, then he would have knocked on his Head of House's door and asked for help. A broom, a light shove by Mr. McLeod and he could have geeently glided all the way up to the castle again. But he hadn't done that, because QUESTIONS.
Finally he'd seen the greenhouses and then wandered around there for a while (quickly running the opposite direction after reading the sign for the fourth greenhouse). He might have dropped his head back, eyes to the sky and let out a loud; "Professoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor! Can't find yoooooou..." Because he couldn't. But the whining didn't help locate Professor Myers so he had continued, walked through a garden, past the pods before he'd stopped. Was this it?
He hoped so. Carlton hoisted his schoolbag full of heavy textbooks up on his shoulder and cleared his throat. These were serious matters. SERIOUS. He had never gone to see a professor after class. Ever. Not in his old school and not at Hogwarts. This was monumental.
Knock, knock.
Carlton put his mouth against the keyhole so his voice would sound through the other room. People had a tendency to miss his presence because he was short so he had to be loud instead. "Professor Myers!" He called through. "Hope I'm not disturbing you Professor! I've walked for an hour to get heeere!"
Was there a disturbance? Paul's office was set up weirdly in accordance to the typical office setup. What had been his old waiting room for his actual office was now the meeting space. So the door to the meeting space had another door at the other end of the room into Paul's office where he did the heavy load of his work.
And right now, Paul Myers was practicing banjo in his office. He wasn't playing too loudly, but just strumming gently as he played a song that reminded him of a different time in his life. He wouldn't have heard the knock in the meeting space; he had a charm setup to alert him, but of course, he was playing his instrument. Only when Zelda, his collie, began to bark at him did he stop playing to see what she wanted only to hear the alert.
He slung the banjo over his shoulder and made his way into the meeting space, bouncing towards the door, and opened it gently. "HELLO M'BOY!" Paul greeted eagerly. "COME IN!"
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Was there a disturbance? Paul's office was set up weirdly in accordance to the typical office setup. What had been his old waiting room for his actual office was now the meeting space. So the door to the meeting space had another door at the other end of the room into Paul's office where he did the heavy load of his work.
And right now, Paul Myers was practicing banjo in his office. He wasn't playing too loudly, but just strumming gently as he played a song that reminded him of a different time in his life. He wouldn't have heard the knock in the meeting space; he had a charm setup to alert him, but of course, he was playing his instrument. Only when Zelda, his collie, began to bark at him did he stop playing to see what she wanted only to hear the alert.
He slung the banjo over his shoulder and made his way into the meeting space, bouncing towards the door, and opened it gently. "HELLO M'BOY!" Paul greeted eagerly. "COME IN!"
"Hello Professor, and thank you very much!" Carlton marched past professor Myers with his head held high. He was there on formal, important business. Carlton took two stumbling steps forwards before falling over, flat on his face. Instead of the usual hard impact that usually hit him though, he just sort of bounced on the floor.
Carlton stayed face down on the huuuge trampoline mat before rolling over giggling. Did all the professors at Hogwarts have trampoline floors? If so, he'd have to visit them ALL. But he did have a hard time picturing Professor Hirsch or Mr. McLeod bouncing around their office. "What a FUN office, Proffesor!"
He sat up bouncing a few times. "How do you get things done, Professor?" That wasn't the question he came there to ask but still, it was a very important one! "I like it." He murmured, patting the floor with his hands.
"Hello Professor, and thank you very much!" Carlton marched past professor Myers with his head held high. He was there on formal, important business. Carlton took two stumbling steps forwards before falling over, flat on his face. Instead of the usual hard impact that usually hit him though, he just sort of bounced on the floor.
Carlton stayed face down on the huuuge trampoline mat before rolling over giggling. Did all the professors at Hogwarts have trampoline floors? If so, he'd have to visit them ALL. But he did have a hard time picturing Professor Hirsch or Mr. McLeod bouncing around their office. "What a FUN office, Proffesor!"
He sat up bouncing a few times. "How do you get things done, Professor?" That wasn't the question he came there to ask but still, it was a very important one! "I like it." He murmured, patting the floor with his hands.
Pat, pat, bounce, bounce.
PAHAHAHA! Paul chortled at his reaction to the bOUNCE BOUNCE floor. "Well, I think meeting in an office can be so stifling to the psyche!" he explained as he bounced around a little. Don't mind the elderly fellow BOUNCING ON A TRAMPOLINE NBD. "But having a FUN or interesting meeting space is...stimulating to the BRAIN!" He grinned.
"I get all my serious stuff done in there--" he nodded at the other door into his ACTUAL office. "At my desk," he said, "Like grading papers..reading essays, reading journals...all that fun stuff," he said. And he sat down next to the boy. "SoooooooOOo why did you come to see me? Just a chat or...?"
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
Originally Posted by kayquilz
PAHAHAHA! Paul chortled at his reaction to the bOUNCE BOUNCE floor. "Well, I think meeting in an office can be so stifling to the psyche!" he explained as he bounced around a little. Don't mind the elderly fellow BOUNCING ON A TRAMPOLINE NBD. "But having a FUN or interesting meeting space is...stimulating to the BRAIN!" He grinned.
"I get all my serious stuff done in there--" he nodded at the other door into his ACTUAL office. "At my desk," he said, "Like grading papers..reading essays, reading journals...all that fun stuff," he said. And he sat down next to the boy. "SoooooooOOo why did you come to see me? Just a chat or...?"
Carlton looked over at the door which apparently lead to the serious stuff. Professor Myers had called it 'fun' but grading papers and reading essays sounded anything but fun to Carlton but he didn't tell the professor that of course. Didn't want to hurt the man's feelings. To each their own.
The floor moved when professor Myers sat down next to him. Carlton bounced a little where he sat, thoroughly enjoying the trampoline. If he bounced, then professor Myers bounced the same way just seconds after due to the wobbly floor. He found that very amusing. Until he remembered it wasn't just anyone he was bouncing with. It was a professor at his school. And he wasn't there just to chat.
Serious face now.
"No. I'm important." Carlton shook his head confused. That wasn't what he was supposed to say. "No. What I'm about to ask you, is important." That was it.
He swung his bag around from his back so it rested on his tum-tum. And started rummaging through the bag filled with books and crumbled up notes. "I just need to find my notes, professor..." He murmured.
AHA! Here was something...
SPOILER!!: Crumbled paper #1
5 ways 4 ways to beat Batman in a one-on-one fight
1.Get a cool suit 2. Learn to fly a broom 3. Be super fast and super strong 4. Find Batman 5. Ask to ride in the Batmobile
That was an important document but it wasn't the one he needed right now. What about this?
SPOILER!!: Crumbled paper #2
ANCIENT RUNES November 27th
My runic tatoo:
If he was to design a rune tatoo to wear that would be it. Why professor Sokolov didn't approve it was beyond him. But then again, Runes wasn't his best subject.
"I know I put it in here somewhe- HERE IT IS!" Carlton waved a piece of paper in the air, straightened it out the best he could and handed it over to professor Myers. "Found it.
SPOILER!!: The Very Important Document
Questions for proffessorproffesor professor Myers concerning the fire babies
- Do the seeds need more care? If so, who does that? The centaurs?
- When are they full grown?
- Why did they leave the second cave?
- What if we gave them too much water? Can they drown?
- Why do they like water if they are fire babies?
- Are there fire seeds in the Greenhouses?
- Can I have some?
And he'd drawn a flame at the bottom of the paper, he hoped his planted fire babies were all grown up like the flame he'd drawn. "I liked the lesson in the forest, professor!" He said when he'd handed over the Very Important Document. "But I need to know the answers to these questions, professor. I NEED to."
They had kept him up at night. The fire seeds were out in a cave somewhere in the dark, cold forest with no one to care for them! He'd voiced his concerns to some of the older students but they had all referred him to professor Myers. And so here he was.
Last edited by potterobsessionist; 01-27-2017 at 11:32 AM.
Carlton looked over at the door which apparently lead to the serious stuff. Professor Myers had called it 'fun' but grading papers and reading essays sounded anything but fun to Carlton but he didn't tell the professor that of course. Didn't want to hurt the man's feelings. To each their own.
The floor moved when professor Myers sat down next to him. Carlton bounced a little where he sat, thoroughly enjoying the trampoline. If he bounced, then professor Myers bounced the same way just seconds after due to the wobbly floor. He found that very amusing. Until he remembered it wasn't just anyone he was bouncing with. It was a professor at his school. And he wasn't there just to chat.
Serious face now.
"No. I'm important." Carlton shook his head confused. That wasn't what he was supposed to say. "No. What I'm about to ask you, is important." That was it.
He swung his bag around from his back so it rested on his tum-tum. And started rummaging through the bag filled with books and crumbled up notes. "I just need to find my notes, professor..." He murmured.
AHA! Here was something...
SPOILER!!: Crumbled paper #1
5 ways 4 ways to beat Batman in a one-on-one fight
1.Get a cool suit 2. Learn to fly a broom 3. Be super fast and super strong 4. Find Batman 5. Ask to ride in the Batmobile
That was an important document but it wasn't the one he needed right now. What about this?
SPOILER!!: Crumbled paper #2
ANCIENT RUNES November 27th
My runic tatoo:
If he was to design a rune tatoo to wear that would be it. Why professor Sokolov didn't approve it was beyond him. But then again, Runes wasn't his best subject.
"I know I put it in here somewhe- HERE IT IS!" Carlton waved a piece of paper in the air, straightened it out the best he could and handed it over to professor Myers. "Found it.
SPOILER!!: The Very Important Document
Questions for proffessorproffesor professor Myers concerning the fire babies
- Do the seeds need more care? If so, who does that? The centaurs?
- When are they full grown?
- Why did they leave the second cave?
- What if we gave them too much water? Can they drown?
- Why do they like water if they are fire babies?
- Are there fire seeds in the Greenhouses?
- Can I have some?
And he'd drawn a flame at the bottom of the paper, he hoped his planted fire babies were all grown up like the flame he'd drawn. "I liked the lesson in the forest, professor!" He said when he'd handed over the Very Important Document. "But I need to know the answers to these questions, professor. I NEED to."
They had kept him up at night. The fire seeds were out in a cave somewhere in the dark, cold forest with no one to care for them! He'd voiced his concerns to some of the older students but they had all referred him to professor Myers. And so here he was.[/QUOTE]
Paul smiled kindly. "Well, you weren't wrong. You ARE important." At least Paul thought so. "But what do you want to ask----" and then he eyed all of the...paper shuffling, the unfolding and recrumbling of a few papers. He spotted that flower picture aaaaaaand was chuckling. "What was that? Let me see..." said the curious former Ravenclaw.
Paul laughed heartily as he took the paper from the first year boy. His eyes scanned the questions quickly, moving back and forth as he did so across the page. "Ahh. Well, to answer the first question, they need very little care. They thrive well in isolated conditions. But that doesn't mean that IF someone WERE to care for them that they would die---on average, they pretty much fit in wherever. They will be just fine in those caves." He winked.
"As for number 2...." Paul began, "Bushes and shrubs typically take years to get to be a fully grown plant. These might only grow a foot or so by the end of the year, and that's not even a quarter of how big they can get." Bushes were slow and steady little guys. "We left the cave because...it's in the forest." That wasn't apparent? Maybe not to an eleven year old, he supposed. "They can drown." He said softly. "That is why I told you all NOT a lot of water." Had the boy been listening?
Heh, Paul never knew how to answer the next question. "They don't like it, though. That's why they only need a LITTLE BIT every so often. Caves typically trap moisture pretty well, and most fire seed bushes survive on that little bit of water. Now if the cave were to flood...." he trailed off. All the bushes would die. BUT..."That is highly unlikely." Just, you know, for the record, little guy. "There are currently no fire seeds in my greenhouses," he said. "But I might get some if you all want them enough." He had gotten a NUMBER of request for them. He supposed people wanted them for potions.
Aaaandddd HA! "Well, you can't keep a fire seed in your dorm, m'boy, but you could certainly keep one in the greenhouse." Paul was pretty chill about what people kept in his greenhouses, within reason, of course. "So does that answer everything?" he grinned. "If so...I'd like to keep your paper. I really like your drawing...and...I have a bunch of student work hung up in my office."
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Paul smiled. "What kind of sets did you paint? I remember you saying you like doing that..." he said. "I'd love to see your work sometime, if you have pictures, m'boy." Students and their creative expressions were always interesting to the former Ravenclaw. How people chose to be creative said a lot about a person and who they were. At least, Paul believed so. For someone so...well, Paul was a Herbologist. He had to be into biological things and somewhat scientific in his practices when it came to Herbology. BUT THE BANJO. He NEEDED his musical outlet! Outlets were super important, so he was glad Oliver seemed to have at least one.
Precisely the point of the trampoline, dear boy. Serious talks were much more harrowing in offices weren't they?
Paul was not an expert on this by any means. "I...I think I'll need to ask for help on some of these questions. I don't want to give you the wrong answers or lead you astray..so..I KNOW there is a way to work these things out, of course," he smiled reassuringly. "People do it all the time. I just..am not sure of the EXACT process, you know?"
"The play they did was Wizard of Oz." Olly smiled as he said it, remembering his summer and how fun it had been. "There was a lot of green for Emerald City. And stuff in black and white for Kansas in the beginning. It was really fun. I don't think I have any pictures of the set. But I can ask my dads. They might have taken some." Of course he had lots and lots of other artwork, just no pictures of the specific set he'd helped paint over the summer.
Olly nodded as he listened to Professor Myers. He definitely didn't want wrong answers, but he liked immediate gratification. He didn't like to have to wait. Even though he knew that waiting would be for the best because it meant he would be able to get the best answers possible. "Is there someone I would be able to ask who would really know? I just want to know if there's anything I need to start preparing for now or if I can wait a bit before having to worry about it." He probably wouldn't have to do it this year, but he did want to know what he was going to have to do and when he was going to have to do it.
"The play they did was Wizard of Oz." Olly smiled as he said it, remembering his summer and how fun it had been. "There was a lot of green for Emerald City. And stuff in black and white for Kansas in the beginning. It was really fun. I don't think I have any pictures of the set. But I can ask my dads. They might have taken some." Of course he had lots and lots of other artwork, just no pictures of the specific set he'd helped paint over the summer.
Olly nodded as he listened to Professor Myers. He definitely didn't want wrong answers, but he liked immediate gratification. He didn't like to have to wait. Even though he knew that waiting would be for the best because it meant he would be able to get the best answers possible. "Is there someone I would be able to ask who would really know? I just want to know if there's anything I need to start preparing for now or if I can wait a bit before having to worry about it." He probably wouldn't have to do it this year, but he did want to know what he was going to have to do and when he was going to have to do it.
"Wizard of Oz!" Paul grinned. "I've only ever seen the muggle movie. Never read of any those books." Enjoyable little film. Highly colorful. And, you know, the whole 'Friends of Dorothy' thing AHEM WHAT? Paul knew the reference. "So the set was in black and white when they were still in Kansas? That's cool. Were the costumes in black and white, too?" he asked curiously. Because THAT would have been REAAALLLLLY cool if so. And quite creative as well.
Paul thought for a second. "So you're a fifth year, right?" Paul pursed his lips. "I think preparing right NOW wouldn't be necessary...um." Paul felt highly unqualified. "I definitely think you can wait a bit. And let me gather some info for you so I can get you the right stuff," he smiled. "Just know there's a WAY this all works, I just don't know it."
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Paul smiled kindly. "Well, you weren't wrong. You ARE important." At least Paul thought so. "But what do you want to ask----" and then he eyed all of the...paper shuffling, the unfolding and recrumbling of a few papers. He spotted that flower picture aaaaaaand was chuckling. "What was that? Let me see..." said the curious former Ravenclaw.
Paul laughed heartily as he took the paper from the first year boy. His eyes scanned the questions quickly, moving back and forth as he did so across the page. "Ahh. Well, to answer the first question, they need very little care. They thrive well in isolated conditions. But that doesn't mean that IF someone WERE to care for them that they would die---on average, they pretty much fit in wherever. They will be just fine in those caves." He winked.
"As for number 2...." Paul began, "Bushes and shrubs typically take years to get to be a fully grown plant. These might only grow a foot or so by the end of the year, and that's not even a quarter of how big they can get." Bushes were slow and steady little guys. "We left the cave because...it's in the forest." That wasn't apparent? Maybe not to an eleven year old, he supposed. "They can drown." He said softly. "That is why I told you all NOT a lot of water." Had the boy been listening?
Heh, Paul never knew how to answer the next question. "They don't like it, though. That's why they only need a LITTLE BIT every so often. Caves typically trap moisture pretty well, and most fire seed bushes survive on that little bit of water. Now if the cave were to flood...." he trailed off. All the bushes would die. BUT..."That is highly unlikely." Just, you know, for the record, little guy. "There are currently no fire seeds in my greenhouses," he said. "But I might get some if you all want them enough." He had gotten a NUMBER of request for them. He supposed people wanted them for potions.
Aaaandddd HA! "Well, you can't keep a fire seed in your dorm, m'boy, but you could certainly keep one in the greenhouse." Paul was pretty chill about what people kept in his greenhouses, within reason, of course. "So does that answer everything?" he grinned. "If so...I'd like to keep your paper. I really like your drawing...and...I have a bunch of student work hung up in my office."
Carlton listened INTENTLY to professor Myers, hanging on his every word. The bit about the fire seeds needing water still confused him but he was satisfied with the answer he got.
There was one little misunderstanding though. He reached over and jabbed his finger at The Very Important Point Number 3. "No, professor, why did they leave? The seeds! Why did they leave that cave in the first place?" Because hadn't he said they had lived there earlier and then mysteriously disappeared? "What happened to them before? Could it happen again? What if it's an unsafe enviroment?" What if they needed protection...
He bounced a little in place as he contemplated. "Do you think the centaurs could swing by the cave to check in on them, professor? Do the centaurs like plants?" Because Carlton did.
Truth be told, he was disappointed that he wasn't allowed to keep a fire bush in his dorm but he supposed it was because of safety reasons or other things that adults liked to preach to him about. "It would be nice to have something in the greenhouse." He added quietly. It didn't have to be a fire bush because then maybe he would have to enter greenhouse number four. Shudder. But something small would be nice.
Carlton was surprised professor Myers wanted to keep the drawing mainly because Carlton didn't know how to draw. But he felt VERY special that the professor wanted it. "You like the drawing?" He puffed out his chest and with a solemn expression, he nodded. "Yes professor. Yes, you may keep it."