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It was crisp this February morning, but Paul didn’t think it was too cold. Mostly just a chilly wind. The Herbology professor had four portkeys set up: a giant beach ball (half deflated), an old sofa, a giant pair of plastic glasses (with one leg missing), and an enormous cardboard box. Pick whichever one you would like, kiddos!
We hope you wore your casual muggle clothing. This field trip might prove difficult in a uniform.
“Welcome welcome, everyone! Pick a portkey, quickly, as you come in! We will be leaving in approximately FIFTEEN MINUTES!” he shouted. The portkeys were setup outside the greenhouses. The one Paul was holding were the giant plastic glasses. The vineyard was likely to have lovely weather this morning, too.
OOC: Hi guys! This is our second Herbology lesson, but we're doing a field trip (as you can very well read!). Our announcement has posted what the kiddos will need to bring...but the important things are they are wearing MUGGLE CLOTHES that they won't care about getting dirty and they will have needed to pack a bagged lunch xD Paul insisted. I'll be moving on roughly 24 hours from now, might be more, might be less, depending on my class I have tomorrow night. CLASS HAS STARTED. DO NOT POST ARRIVING LATE. WE HAVE PORTKEY'D AWAY.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Text Cut: catch up
Okay, so it definitely seemed like they'd been on the right track then. It was a very specific spell and didn't really seem like something you'd use very often, at least if you weren't a Herbologist and taking care of a huge number of plants like this.
Still, Rula would do her best to get it right, so she decided to practice the wand movement first since it seemed like the easier of the two. A circular movement and then a jab. Circle...jab. Circle...jab.
She continued that a few more times, quickly getting the hang of it, before moving on to the incantation part. "Diminuendo..." That was probably the easiest part to remember since it was already a spell on its own. "Cavum...Punctum. Diminuendo...Cavum Puntum. Punctum. Diminuendo Cavum Punctum."
That took several more tries, and then even more attempts after that once she tried them together. Soon, though, she felt ready to actually use it. She found a spot that was leaking, moved her wand in a circle as she carefully said, "Diminuendo Cavum Punctum," with a final jab at the end.
And...success? Well, mostly. It did look like the hole had shrunk by a fraction, but not quite enough. So it took another try or two, but finally it had worked. That was good, right?
Then it seemed they were moving on, discussing some plants that helped protect the others, and Rula mostly stayed silent to watch and listen.
And now...apparently they were stomping grapes. Well...okay. Thank Merlin some of the others had asked about how sanitary it was, so at least they could be assured that it would be cleaned later. Rula still wasn't sure she'd want to drink this particular batch of grape juice even after it was cleaned, but she'd still participate at least.
Slipping off her shoes and socks, she stepped in and started stomping - somewhat carefully though, in an attempt to limit as much of it from getting on her clothes as possible. Aaaand she'd pass on the jogging in it, especially since quite a few of her classmates were already slipping and falling into it.
She'd much prefer to stay standing-
Originally Posted by Bazinga
She shook her head at the professor. No this wasn't fun this was gross. The grapes squishing between her toes was not something she would say was fun. It was just so icky. Now sand between her toes, that was a field trip she could enjoy. She watched the other's as they seemed to be enjoying this.
Which YAY, go them!
They could make his grape juice or whatever he was making with this squishy grossness. She was going to get out and enjoy watching the other's with clean feet. Though as she was going to pick up her foot from the grapes she noticed a few stuck to her foot.
UGH.. No
She started kicking it lightly trying to get it off, but doing so she was kicking up the juice and the pieces of grapes went flying at other students.
-and suddenly getting hit in the face with a bunch of smashed grapes and juice, which surprised her enough to bring her foot down to stomp sooner than expected, causing her to slip and fall on her bum in the grapes/grape juice.
"Hey!!" Seriously? Who was throwing it now? She wiped her face, trying to avoid getting it in her eyes as she looked around for the culprit.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by Oesed
Levi was for sure going to pay Myers a visit later in the week. This kind of free labor reminded him a lot of what internships were supposed to be and Myers was willing to make them work for free! Then there was no reason why Levi couldn't ask the man to be one of his references. Levi was still in the process of finding an apothecary that could take him as an apprentice, but he was pretty sure REFERENCES would look nice.
Levi stomped some more, keeping a bit of a distance from the girl in case he slipped again, but laughed along with her. His laugh was definitely louder now that he'd found a way to find a positive out of all the embarrassment he'd endured. Though he still wished he'd managed to stay on his feet the way Tenacius, who was always a ball of energy, had. "I think we've worked enough for four people." Probably an exaggeration. "Which explains why I'm sort of really hungry, now." He grinned. "But, hey--" What was her name, again? "Maybe we'll get some kind of prize."
Briefly glancing in the professor’s direction to see if she could get an answer to her unspoken question, Cassie eventually gave up and decided to try her hand at continuing the stomping. Her companion was already doing the same There didn’t look like all too much else to do at the moment. The Ravenclaw was just going to try and be way more careful as she really didn’t want to end up back or even worse front down in the smushed grapes. “Maybe so,” she mused with a shrug, pausing as she did so to keep her balance.
As for hungry…she couldn’t deny she was totally uneffected. They had been out on the field trip for quite a bit. Though Cassie had nearly forgotten that they had actually brought their lunches with them. “…Cassie,” she supplied as the boy appeared to search for her name. Come to think of it, she couldn’t be sure of his. Whoops…they hadn’t even exchanged names. What a way to make things more awkward between them. “That would be cool,” the Ravenclaw agreed. It would make up for the mess of their clothes they had made, not to mention the future stickiness.
Briefly glancing in the professor’s direction to see if she could get an answer to her unspoken question, Cassie eventually gave up and decided to try her hand at continuing the stomping. Her companion was already doing the same There didn’t look like all too much else to do at the moment. The Ravenclaw was just going to try and be way more careful as she really didn’t want to end up back or even worse front down in the smushed grapes. “Maybe so,” she mused with a shrug, pausing as she did so to keep her balance.
As for hungry…she couldn’t deny she was totally uneffected. They had been out on the field trip for quite a bit. Though Cassie had nearly forgotten that they had actually brought their lunches with them. “…Cassie,” she supplied as the boy appeared to search for her name. Come to think of it, she couldn’t be sure of his. Whoops…they hadn’t even exchanged names. What a way to make things more awkward between them. “That would be cool,” the Ravenclaw agreed. It would make up for the mess of their clothes they had made, not to mention the future stickiness.
His lunch of choice had been simple; a simple sandwich with ham and cheese and some chips. But he was pretty choice it would taste like paradise. As if to prove a point, his stomached growled. Levi would have had the decency to look embarrassed at Cassie, and he did flash her a smile, but he became distracted upon feeling something hit his side twice. He turned to look, halfway squished grapes were smattering over it, which was just as well because it wasn't like he'd be using this undershirt any time soon, or ever.
The culprit appeared to be a girl he was pretty sure was none of than the head girl. At least she looked like the head girl, but it was hard to be sure; Levi had never known just how much he relied on school uniforms to be able to tell people apart. "Thanks! Maybe!" He called loudly at her, both eyebrows raising, but still managing to sound pretty cheerful. Then he turned back to look at Cassie. "I'm Levi." He stabbed some of the grapes with his big toe and felt some satisfaction as he watched the juice leak. Then he did it again. "It would be, wouldn't it? But at this point, I'd be pretty happy if the prize was just getting to have lunch."
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Why wasn't this grape coming off? UGH this was so annoying. She kept flinging her foot around until she heard a hey. Her eyes lifted as she saw Rula staring at her. What was she staring at? Oh for Merlin's sake did she have grapes in her hair? This was not going well at all. Shaking her food once more she then noticed the grape juice going with her food.
Oh whoops
Her eyes went to a boy that seemed to have been hit. She tried to smile a little. "Professor said have fun, right? What's more fun than a grape fight?" She reached down and playfully sent some towards him. "You alright Rula? Sorry about that." She was really sorry, she didn't mean to fling them, but throwing the little at the boy was fun.
Kitty gawped as Professor Paul stepped into the pool of purple grapes and invited them in. Yep, this seemed like just the kind of activity he'd think up. Not that she could complain, because everyone knew she loved "the Muggle way" of doing things, and didn't Muggles squish grapes too?
Rolling up her jeans, the Ravenclaw prefect stepped gingerly into the pool of grapes, feeling a very strange sensation as they SQUISHED under her feet. The sensation was weird: she couldn't tell if it was pleasure of disgust that made her feel so elated as her second foot sunk into the grapes.
"Okay, let's go," she said, right before raising her right foot and stamping down on some fresh grapes nearby. "GAA this is great!" she exclaimed, feeling a sort of savage pleasure at the sensation. Now she knew it wasn't disgust she had felt before.