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The Badgers sit under a brand new gold and black banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. It was once said that the Hogwarts House Elves are the best in the world. It is up to your stomach to agree... but surely it will! Why wouldn't it like elf cooking?
If you're thirsty, there is also fresh pumpkin juice and water on the table, regardless of whether or not it is actually mealtime.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Ama
Declan did not want to be that annoying person who overheard a conversation. Except he was that person. He was nodding and humming along to what Althea was telling her but his eyes kept drifting back to the familiar girl and the professor. He really should do something about not remembering names. He took the plate of chicken Althea offered. Declan made some kind of approving noise about chicken and paired it up with a wide eye look of starvation before he put the plate down on the table almost instantly.
"Yes, light does have a tendency to shine bright at the most inoportune times," He said quickly to Althea between her speaking and went back to humming and nodding. Hunter? Declan was almost certain that was not his name. "Just vanished? No kicking or screaming? No being dragged by another entity? Just a bright light and poof he was gone?" There had to be a hint in there somewhere. How did people vanish in light? Did he evaporate? Declan switched his gaze to where the familiar girl had indicated her friend had been. He didn't see a pile of dust, shoes left behind or anything. How strange! Declan barely heard the 'date' comment and just nodded along to Althea. He heard condolences somewhere in there so surely his sister was being some brand of sympathetic here.
"May I...say something?" Declan inquired shyly raising up his hand instinctively. He glanced sideways at his raised hand and brought it back down awkwardly. He wasn't inside a classroom. Why did he do that for? "I've read that mirrors can be used to take glances of other realms, which, I mean, aren't this one where we are standing right now. Of course it's usually a one way communication only..." It was a pointless idea and he cleared his throat as he felt his face heat up. "It was just a thought."
He wished he had access to a large mirror--one that wasn't the dirty ones in the boys' lavatory.
"Sorry that I'm not more helpful," he tacked on and averted his gaze. "If you need help looking, I can help." Declan pretty much spent his nights sneaking around anyway. He was familiar with dirty corners of the castle.
Charlotte looked over at the boy when he politely spoke up.
You know, politely, unlike his... sister? Sister. Char didn't know how to respond to his suggestion but she did smile thankfully. Especially at his offer of help.
"Thanks." She said quietly. Really. "Henry would appreciate knowing that people are looking for him." And she obviously did.
Originally Posted by thekraken
The drama was just too dramatic and Althea had no idea why everyone was frantic. She zeroed in on the panicking girl and narrowed her eyes at her. "Don't ignore me, you rude rat, I'm being helpful in your time of distress," she took a gulp of her pumpkin juice and faced her brother again. "Yeah, he just vanished. It was the strangest thing. No kind of struggle at all either." Which Althea found extremely suspicious. At the very least they had a professor to help sort all of this madness out--which is why Althea could not understand how Charlize could continue to panic and complain. At some point someone would have to tell her to be quiet (again.)
She was grateful that Declan found her or else she might have made to matters worse with her unsolicited advice. As he prattled on Althea nodded in tandem with each of his points; she was very surprised that they hadn't considered this method in the first place. Weren't professors supposed to be smart? "He's right y'know, you can trust him on these sorts of things." She supposed if Declan offered his services, Althea would help as well. Hayden was nice (from the brief interactions Althea had with him.) He didn't deserve this kind of treatment at all.
Wait... what?
Charlotte blinked in confusion.
"I'm not rude." What a rude and mean thing to say. Wait... had the girl been talking to her before? None of those names had been hers, and she'd been crying.
"I'm Charlotte Kettleburn... I don't know why you're being rude right now, but please stop." She didn't have time for it, and she was still upset and had to find her friend.
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
Text Cut: Char and the Kennings
Miss Kettleburn was beginning to clam down now, which Gaston was very glad to see. When she nodded in reply to him, he gave her a small smile. "I knew you could," he said, and he couldn't help but beam when she said they should look everywhere. Miss Kettleburn was exemplifying the best qualities of Gryffindor house right now, and he couldn't be prouder! He looked into the girl's eyes, and his voice dropped as he added, "I'm sure this is the last thing on your mind right now, but I'm giving you five points for your courage and devotion to your friend. Now let's find Henry!"
He turned toward the door, expecting Miss Kettleburn to follow, but he wheeled around at the sound of Mr. Kenning's voice. The professor was slightly taken aback when he raised his hand but chose not to comment on it. "Of course, Mr. Kenning. Go ahead," he said, nodding slightly. It was an interesting point he made... if only they had a mirror they could use to contact Henry. Still something the boy said stuck in his mind. Gaston shook his head when Mr. Kenning apologized for not being more helpful. "Not at all, Mr. Kenning," he said. "I think you may be onto something. Do you think Henry was taken to another realm?" He smiled when the Slytherin volunteered to help look. "Thank you, Mr. Kenning; five points to Slytherin for helping."
Gaston heard what Miss Kenning said to Miss Kettleburn, and he was not having that! Could she not see that the other girl was distraught?! She wasn't ignoring her on purpose. His eyes burned like bluebell flames as he shot her a reprimanding look. His instinct was to angrily tell her off, demand an apology, and dock house points, but he thought better of it. The last time he went into overprotective professor!dad mode, it didn't end well! He took a deep breath and calmly said, "That was a very unkind thing to call her, Miss Kenning. The next time I hear name-calling, it will be points loss." Somehow he doubted the girl would want to join them in the search for Henry, but he still invited her. "Would you like to join us, Miss Kenning?" There would be house points in it for her if she did!
..... points? Char didn't care about those. She just wanted her friend back. Like now. And a rewind to not ruin his birthday. Char was pretty sure that wherever Henry was, it wasn't good. The kitten in her arm squirmed and mewed again and she cradled it carefully.
Charlotte wasn't completely sure why the rude mean girl wasn't losing points right away, but she didn't really want to think about that, plus it wouldn't be fair because probably a girl like that had no interest in earning any points lost back, so it wouldn't be fair for Hufflepuff, but she DID speak up when the professor asked the girl to join them.
"I don't want someone rude and mean to come with us, sir. Not unless she apologizes and promises not to be selfish - we have to find Henry, its not about her." Because you had to stick up for yourself sometimes.
And also...
"Can I go change?" A dress was probably not the best for the search they needed to do, and she needed to be prepared. "And put the kitten somewhere safe? And get my holster. I'll be really quick. We could meet somewhere." And also, she wouldn't mind splashing her face with water, tying her hair back, and getting her game face on. She would search for as long as it took, so she had to get search-ready.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Originally Posted by Tegz
Charlotte looked over at the boy when he politely spoke up.
You know, politely, unlike his... sister? Sister. Char didn't know how to respond to his suggestion but she did smile thankfully. Especially at his offer of help.
"Thanks." She said quietly. Really. "Henry would appreciate knowing that people are looking for him." And she obviously did.
Wait... what?
Charlotte blinked in confusion.
"I'm not rude." What a rude and mean thing to say. Wait... had the girl been talking to her before? None of those names had been hers, and she'd been crying.
"I'm Charlotte Kettleburn... I don't know why you're being rude right now, but please stop." She didn't have time for it, and she was still upset and had to find her friend.
..... points? Char didn't care about those. She just wanted her friend back. Like now. And a rewind to not ruin his birthday. Char was pretty sure that wherever Henry was, it wasn't good. The kitten in her arm squirmed and mewed again and she cradled it carefully.
Charlotte wasn't completely sure why the rude mean girl wasn't losing points right away, but she didn't really want to think about that, plus it wouldn't be fair because probably a girl like that had no interest in earning any points lost back, so it wouldn't be fair for Hufflepuff, but she DID speak up when the professor asked the girl to join them.
"I don't want someone rude and mean to come with us, sir. Not unless she apologizes and promises not to be selfish - we have to find Henry, its not about her." Because you had to stick up for yourself sometimes.
And also...
"Can I go change?" A dress was probably not the best for the search they needed to do, and she needed to be prepared. "And put the kitten somewhere safe? And get my holster. I'll be really quick. We could meet somewhere." And also, she wouldn't mind splashing her face with water, tying her hair back, and getting her game face on. She would search for as long as it took, so she had to get search-ready.
It was all Gaston could do not to nod along with everything Miss Ketleburn said to Miss Kenning. He had a mind to award her more house points for standing up for herself, but he he decided against it. That would seem like blatant favoritism, and that wouldn't be professional.
He blinked a couple of times in confusion when she said she didn't want the other girl to search with them, He couldn't say he blamed her for it but... now what was he supposed to do? He didn't want Charlotte upset, but it seemed unfair to uninvite her. Then he got an idea. "Okay, we'll split up," he said. "Mr. Kenning - and Miss Kenning, if you're interested - could you please search for Henry outside? Miss Kettleburn and I will take the castle."
The professor headed for the door but stopped and wheeled around at the sound of Miss Kettleburn's voice. He was a little taken aback by the question, but the girl did have a point. "Yes, of course," he said. "Take all the time you need." But where should they meet up? Aha, he had an idea! "Shall we start with the dungeons and work out way up?" Made sense, right? Already drawing his wand, he rushed out the door so he could be waiting for Miss Kettleburn in the dungeon when she was ready. He momentarily loked back and gave the girl an encouraging smile. "Don't worry; we'll turn the eintire castle upside-down if we have to!"
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now
Declan clearly needed to react faster. Before he knew it he had been thanked, had been asked a few more questions, had been caught in between some awkward exchange of words between females, had been given permission (?) to look for Henry on the ground and had been....
Declan was a little lost.
"I'll look," was his promise. He didn't want to say he would find Henry. He wasn't even sure he could find any hints or any information that would be helpful at all but he would keep his eyes open; yes even his third eye if that was a thing people still talked about.
"Hey, Althea," he said gently, gathering more chicken on her plate. "You should eat up all you want first. If you're in the mood we can search or we can go look for Levi first."
Not that anyone had asked Althea what she thought, but everyone was overreacting. She'd long tuned out Char-the-Human and the professor as she ate, because really they weren't saying anything of worth to her. She did, however, catch the last tidbits of the conversation. "To be fair," she started, and held up her pointer finger, "I don't know or care about you, so you don't have any room to complain about how I talk to you." Which was the truth. Althea didn't have the capacity or the time to give extra effort for people she didn't really know; and was what she said really that rude? That was debatable. "Also, I didn't know that name-calling was justification for point deduction. You sure this isn't nepotism on your part?" She offered a lazy shrug and continued eating before adding: "The more you know."
Looking for Harry didn't seem like it would be worth her while, but if Declan thought it was a good idea then she'd go along with it. "Let's go get our lovable brother first. As foolish as he is, he's still the more perceptive of the three of us."
Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now
Once Althea had made up her mind to say something she was going to say it. She was ferociously frightening that way much like her mother. He tried channeling his father and failed immediately. Declan grabbed a dinner roll inside and shoved half of it in his mouth.
"Let's go, girl!" he said through squished bread, trying not to spit it out. "I bet he's at the library right now." Declan wrapped one arm around his sister's waist and used his free hand to hold her arm gently and steered her--quickly, sped-walk even--towards the Great Hall door and out into the corridor.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Text Cut: The Kennings
Originally Posted by Ama
Declan clearly needed to react faster. Before he knew it he had been thanked, had been asked a few more questions, had been caught in between some awkward exchange of words between females, had been given permission (?) to look for Henry on the ground and had been....
Declan was a little lost.
"I'll look," was his promise. He didn't want to say he would find Henry. He wasn't even sure he could find any hints or any information that would be helpful at all but he would keep his eyes open; yes even his third eye if that was a thing people still talked about.
"Hey, Althea," he said gently, gathering more chicken on her plate. "You should eat up all you want first. If you're in the mood we can search or we can go look for Levi first."
Originally Posted by thekraken
Not that anyone had asked Althea what she thought, but everyone was overreacting. She'd long tuned out Char-the-Human and the professor as she ate, because really they weren't saying anything of worth to her. She did, however, catch the last tidbits of the conversation. "To be fair," she started, and held up her pointer finger, "I don't know or care about you, so you don't have any room to complain about how I talk to you." Which was the truth. Althea didn't have the capacity or the time to give extra effort for people she didn't really know; and was what she said really that rude? That was debatable. "Also, I didn't know that name-calling was justification for point deduction. You sure this isn't nepotism on your part?" She offered a lazy shrug and continued eating before adding: "The more you know."
Looking for Harry didn't seem like it would be worth her while, but if Declan thought it was a good idea then she'd go along with it. "Let's go get our lovable brother first. As foolish as he is, he's still the more perceptive of the three of us."
Originally Posted by Ama
Once Althea had made up her mind to say something she was going to say it. She was ferociously frightening that way much like her mother. He tried channeling his father and failed immediately. Declan grabbed a dinner roll inside and shoved half of it in his mouth.
"Let's go, girl!" he said through squished bread, trying not to spit it out. "I bet he's at the library right now." Declan wrapped one arm around his sister's waist and used his free hand to hold her arm gently and steered her--quickly, sped-walk even--towards the Great Hall door and out into the corridor.
Gaston was done! He gave Mr. Kenning an appreciative smile and was going to thank him again for promising to look for Henry... when Miss Kenning spoke up, and the things she said made his anger boil up. It hurt him to know that a student thought that little of him, but he was not about to give her the satisfaction of seeing the emotional pain her sharp tongue had caused!
No, Miss Kenning, that's exactly why she has room to complain, he thought. If the girl's idea of nepotism was showing genuine compassion for someone in need, then he stood guilty as charged! it was taking every bit of resolve he had to bite back the harsh words he wanted to say. He started to point out that had the situation been reversed, had she been distraught and Miss Kettleburn called her a rude rat, he would've given the same warning. But he stopped himself. What was he doing? He didn't have to justify himself to her!
He tried to be kind and give the girl a second chance, but now he saw that had been a mistake. His eyes burned with angry fire, but his voice was uncharacteristically icy as he replied, "No, Miss Kenning, the more you know. As a matter of fact, name-calling is indeed justification for point deduction, as is disrespecting a professor... for which I'm taking ten points from Hufflepuff." His blue eyes flashed, warning her not to even think about sassing him again. "Just consider yourself lucky it wasn't more points."
He turned on his heel. "Now if you'll excuse me..." He'd made his point and had no desire to carry on this conversation further. "I have somewhere to be, and so do you." Gaston gave Mr. Kenning a grateful nod as he escorted his sister away and started toward the dungeons.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...