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Honeydukes is the greatest (and only) candy shop in Hogsmeade that never has a quiet day. Knowing that the place is famous for its chocolate and other sugary delights that are too scrumptious to resist, students and adults alike flock to this shop to satisfy their sweet tooth. If you were to peek through the window, you will witness shelves full of hundreds of candy jars and boxes as well as a large crowd of customers greedily snatching them before they all run out.
A million coloured boxes and wrappers capture your attention the moment you step inside the shop. The walls are adorned with green shelving, the counters hold jars and boxes of different candies, and there is even a station for trying out candy samples from chocolate frogs to jelly slugs and anything in between. Feel free to explore the entirety of the stop; just refrain from going down to (or coming out of...) the cellar where crates and boxes full of candy are stored.
Text Cut: Inventory & Prices
Fudge - Only a Galleon a pound!
Milk Chocolate
Dark Chocolate
Peanut butter and jellyfish
Chocolate dragon
Hand-Made Candies - One for a sickle, Galleon per 15
Nougat (several flavors each day)
Coconut Ice
Cherry-center Truffle
Dark Chocolate Truffle
Drooble's Best Blowing Gum - 2 sickles
Toothflossing Stringmints - 3 sickles
Creature Feature Blowing Gum - 1 sickle
Giant Gumballs - 10 knuts each
Specialty Candies
Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans - 8 sickles per packet
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Fiyero needed candy, like now! His stash that he'd bought in Diagon Alley over the summer was dwindling, and the candy that some of the professors offered only went so far to satisfy his sweet tooth. But what kind should he get?
The third year Gryffindor blinked confusedly as he walked inside Honeydukes. Whoa, where was everybody?! Usually this was one of the busiest shops in Hogsmeade! Oh well, on the bright side, now he wouldn't have to fight the crowds. He perused the displays, picking up a few things as he went. Some Every Flavor beans, some Jelly Slugs and Pepper Imps, a few chocolate frogs... Man, that was a lot of candy! He was having trouble holding it all. Shifting everything to his left hand, he clumsily managed to draw his wand and cast a levitation charm. There, now he didn't have to hold everything!
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Fiyero! <3
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
Fiyero needed candy, like now! His stash that he'd bought in Diagon Alley over the summer was dwindling, and the candy that some of the professors offered only went so far to satisfy his sweet tooth. But what kind should he get?
The third year Gryffindor blinked confusedly as he walked inside Honeydukes. Whoa, where was everybody?! Usually this was one of the busiest shops in Hogsmeade! Oh well, on the bright side, now he wouldn't have to fight the crowds. He perused the displays, picking up a few things as he went. Some Every Flavor beans, some Jelly Slugs and Pepper Imps, a few chocolate frogs... Man, that was a lot of candy! He was having trouble holding it all. Shifting everything to his left hand, he clumsily managed to draw his wand and cast a levitation charm. There, now he didn't have to hold everything!
Rachel decided that she would leave for Hogsmeade on her own today. Not planning anything to do with her friends was something new since she always did. She couldn't wait to see how the day would unfurl. Deciding that she would first stop at Honeydukes, the fourth year gracefully stepped into the shop.
Perhaps she was a tad early because the shop didn't have many students milling around. One particular person caught her eyes. "Hello, Fiyero. Will you be sharing any of those?'' Rachel smiled. He didn't have to share if he didn't want to but knowing the boy, she was sure he would even if she told him she was only teasing.
Hogsmeade weekends were always busy times at Hogwarts because students loved candy and usually wanted LOTS of it. Sometimes Maisie felt that she would go insane in trying to keep up with the demands, but usually she just enjoyed making the students happy.
Currently she was carrying a bunch of fudge in her hands, boxes that she would organize by flavour once she got to the displays because it had not occurred to her in all the current excitement to bother sorting everything out before hand. No matter, because as soon as she entered the main area she saw two students. "Hello," she said to them with a smile. "How can I - OOF!"
Suddenly Maisie found herself lying on her back, boxes of fudge flying in the air before landing all around her.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Fiyero was still checking out the candy displays when a voice caused his blond head to jerk up, and he smiled as he saw Rachel. "Hey, Rachel, What's up?" he greeted the older Ravenclaw. He laughed a little when she asked if he would share. "Sure, but I should probably pay for all this stuff first." Wink, wink, He hoped she would get the joke.
Then the shopkeeper appeared, but before Fiyero could say anything, she fell and fudge went flying everywhere. He tapped his candy with his wand to keep it suspended midair and rushed to the woman's side. "Whoa, are you okay?" he asked her, offering a hand to help her up. Gryffindor, remember? Chivalry and all that stuff...
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Rachel giggled. "Of course. I hardly expected you to steal them, Fiyero.'' Smiling still, she retrieved two packs of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and some Drooble's Best Bubble Gum for herself and her three best friends. She would share those with them later. "Shall we head on over to pay? Have you seen Ms Windell as yet?''
Oh, there she was.
"Hello, Ms Wind- Goodness! Are you alright?'' Rachel set down her sweets on the counter then rushed over to the Shopkeeper. She nodded in approval to Fiyero. He was such a gentleman. While he helped Maisie up, she gathered the fudge up using magic. She also cast a Scouring Charm on them to get rid of germs.
Not really because Maisie loved it, but her back was hurting after hitting the floor. Thank Merlin there were students here to help her up! "Thank you," she said appreciatively as she took the boy's offer of assistance. Once she was back on her feet things seemed to feel a bit better - well, minus the sore back. "I think I'll be fine. Seems I slipped on one of my shoelaces." As she spoke, she glanced down. That would not do at all; quickly she tied it so as not to injure herself again.
"Thank you," she added once again as she saw that everything had been taken care off. "Now how can I help you guys?" It felt like a good idea to give them some candy for free to thank them for assisting her. Yes, Maisie liked the sound of that!
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Fiyero laughed along with Rachel. "Nice to know you don't think I'm some kind of weird candy pirate," he said, still joking around. That would be pretty funny though, a pirate who only steals candy! Probably not a good idea to try that now... He didn't want to get banned from Hogsmeade because coming here was fun! He'd just have to keep that idea in mind for next Halloween.
He nodded to Rachel. "Might as well," he agreed. "I think I've got enough candy to last a while, don't you?" Now that was a good question Rachel asked! Fiyero's eyes darted around the room, but he didn't see the shopkeeper anywhere. "I don't know where she-" He began, but then he saw the shopkeeper trip.
"You're welcome," the Gryffindor replied as he helped Ms. Windell up. He was glad to see she wasn't hurt! He raised his wand to help clean up the fudge, but Rachel had already taken care of that. She was ahead of him! He saw the nod she gave him and smiled back; he was glad she didn't think he was ignoring her when he rushed to help the shopkeeper. With a flick of his wand, he cast a summoning charm and his candy flew over to the counter when Ms. Windell asked if she could help. "I'll take these, ma'am," he said, starting to count out his money. Let's see... 3 chocolate frogs, a pack of every flavor beans, Drooble's, jelly slugs, and two pepper imps. That was a galleon and 12 sickles, right?
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
“Arr, you’d make a funny pirate, me hearty.’’ Rachel put a hand over one of her eyes to pretend that it was an eye patch. Truth be told, she didn’t like pirates. They scared her because they always did such mean things. But not Captain Hook though. She liked him and Smee. “If you do steal any, do remember to share a few with your cohort.’’ She giggled again. “Yes, I have enough. I’m just getting a few for me and my friends.’’
“For the love of Ariel’s love for things human, Ms Windell. You need to be careful.’’ Rachel adored Maisie because she was always so full of life but she didn’t want her to be hurt. “You’re welcome. I would like two packs of Bertie Bott’s and eight of Droobles Gum, please. I think Fiyero here is trying to buy the entire shop.’’ Rachel giggled again.
Maisie found herself giggling a little as she dusted herself off. No lasting harm done and she was starting to feel better already! "I think I was clumsy since birth." More giggling followed that comment, but it was TRUE. Well, it never hurt to laugh at things! Made life better in her opinion.
"Gotcha!" she added with a small salute as she went to sort out both of their purchases. "Would you like some fudge free of charge? For being so helpful." It would make her feel nice to know she had given them something for their kindness, and there was plenty of fudge to be had. With a smile she began running up the boy's purchases. "Thank you, dear!" she said as she took his money. Now to ring the other ones through!
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Fiyero laughed when Rachel said he'd make a funny pirate. That was probably the weirdest compliment he'd ever gotten, but that was okay; he'd take what he could get. The pretend eye patch got him laughing even harder; no he was laughing so loudly he was surprised he wasn't annoying everyone in the store! "Arrr, thanks, matey!" he said, curling one finger into a hook shape and playfully tapping her with it. "I'll keep that in mind."
The blond Gryffindor blinked confusedly when Rachel said something about Ariel; it took him a minute to register who she was talking about. Oh yeah, that Ariel... not his little sister! Because how would Rachel know his sister? He laughed a little at his own stupidity. "For a minute there, i thought you were talking about my sister; her name is Ariel too!" he said.
Fiyero was surprised when Ms. Windell offered him and Rachel free fudge. He didn't think that was necessary - he just did what any decent person would do! But it seemed a little rude to refuse her nice offer, and hey, free fudge! He could always use some of that. "Whoa, really? We get free fudge?"he said, still barely believing it. "Wow, thank you so much!"
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Rachel didn’t know she could be funny. At least Fiyero made her recognise that. He in turn had her giggling even more. “We’ll be fine pirates and rule Candy Land.’’ Regardless if she ate lots of sweets or not. Oh, he had a little sister? “I hadn’t known. That was by pure coincidence that I said her name. I think you realised that I was referring to the mermaid.’’ She loved the Princesses so much.
The fourth year offered up her money for her sweets as well. Aww, wasn’t Maisie a sweetheart? “That would be lovely, thank you, Ms Windell.’’ She hadn’t been looking forward to anything for being helpful. Her mommy and daddy had just raised her right. But now she had fudge to share with Haddie, Mel and Garreth which was wonderful.
With a big smile on her face, Maisie nodded. "You can grab some while I ring these other purchases through." Even though they hadn't helped in order to get a reward, she wanted to give them something. Free fudge was an awesome thing and there was a lot more where that came from! "You are very welcome." Giggle. Such sweet children.
"That will be 1 Galleon and 15 Sickles," she added as she finished with the girl's purchases.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Gaston was in a a bit of a hurry today. He had a date with Rose soon, but he still had a little time, so he decided to pop into Honeydukes for a minute. The dark-haired Frenchman hummed a cheery little tune to himself as he perused the candy displays. Normally he despised this time of year, but this year was different.
Now which kind of candy should he buy? He was torn between the dark chocolate truffles and the ones with cherry centers. After a few moments, he decided to go with some of each. His bright blue eyes searched the shop, but he saw no sign of the shopkeeper. He wondered where she was. He wanted to ask her if she had a heart-shaped box to put the candy in.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Ahhhh the candy store!
Azura stood in the doorway as she inhaled the sweet aromas drifting towards her. She closed her eyes and took another deep breath.. Goodness all she needed was this, Cornelius and the piano and she'd be a happy person. Or a happier person?
She opened her purple eyes and slowly moved forward, looking around to see which of her favorite candies she would acquire first..
Watermelon Sugar Quills or dark chocolate?
Azura tapped her chin for a moment before heading over to the sugar quills.. a grin on her face as she looked at them and thought up her nickname.. Ahhh.. Right! What was happening?
Hogsmeade weekends meant that the library was pretty empty. Cynthia took advantage of this to join the rest of the school in a bit of shopping. Now, what did librarians buy when they went shopping?
Sweets, of course.
Cynthia was partial to fudge and sugar quills. She browsed the aisles to see if there was anything else that caught her fancy. If not, she'd stick with just the usual.
Outside of a Dog, a Book is Man's Best Friend._____________________________
Inside of a Dog, It's Too Dark to Read.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
Ahhhh the candy store!
Azura stood in the doorway as she inhaled the sweet aromas drifting towards her. She closed her eyes and took another deep breath.. Goodness all she needed was this, Cornelius and the piano and she'd be a happy person. Or a happier person?
She opened her purple eyes and slowly moved forward, looking around to see which of her favorite candies she would acquire first..
Watermelon Sugar Quills or dark chocolate?
Azura tapped her chin for a moment before heading over to the sugar quills.. a grin on her face as she looked at them and thought up her nickname.. Ahhh.. Right! What was happening?
Even though Esme wasn't a huge fan of candy, she had decided that it might be a good idea to pop into Honeydukes and get some chocolate for her sister. This would make a nice little surprise for Juno, and some fudge might be added into the mix. Maybe she would get some for herself as well, so long as it wasn't chocolate.
Looking around the store, she smiled as she came across one of her best friends. "Azura!" She got a special hug because Esme had missed her so much.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Originally Posted by WhittyBitty
Even though Esme wasn't a huge fan of candy, she had decided that it might be a good idea to pop into Honeydukes and get some chocolate for her sister. This would make a nice little surprise for Juno, and some fudge might be added into the mix. Maybe she would get some for herself as well, so long as it wasn't chocolate.
Looking around the store, she smiled as she came across one of her best friends. "Azura!" She got a special hug because Esme had missed her so much.
A goofy smile was still on the girls face as she heard a voice call her name. The smile stretched into a wide grin as she turned her dark head and saw who it was.
"Esme! "
Azura bounded carefully over to her friend and smiled happily as she hugged her, it felt like it has been forever since she had seen her, even though she knew it wasn't.
The purple eyed girl pulled back and smiled happily at her friend.
"Hello Esme! How are you? It feels like it's been forever! " The fifteen year old said as she pushed her hair behind her ears.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
A goofy smile was still on the girls face as she heard a voice call her name. The smile stretched into a wide grin as she turned her dark head and saw who it was.
"Esme! "
Azura bounded carefully over to her friend and smiled happily as she hugged her, it felt like it has been forever since she had seen her, even though she knew it wasn't.
The purple eyed girl pulled back and smiled happily at her friend.
"Hello Esme! How are you? It feels like it's been forever! " The fifteen year old said as she pushed her hair behind her ears.
It was so amazing how coming into Honeydukes was paying off in the end. Deciding to get Juno some birthday chocolates led her to meet up with someone who meant a lot to her. That was always a great thing. "I'm good! Enjoying my birthday and I'm going to meet with my sister, her sort-of boyfriend, and one of my friends later on!" Basically a fun day. She was going to be seeing her crush!
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Originally Posted by WhittyBitty
It was so amazing how coming into Honeydukes was paying off in the end. Deciding to get Juno some birthday chocolates led her to meet up with someone who meant a lot to her. That was always a great thing. "I'm good! Enjoying my birthday and I'm going to meet with my sister, her sort-of boyfriend, and one of my friends later on!" Basically a fun day. She was going to be seeing her crush!
"I know! How have you been?" Hopefully good.
Azura grinned as Esme spoke, it was nice to see her friend so happy and she smiled as she said it was her birthday! "I haven't forgotten! There are vanilla cupcakes with a caramel filling and vanilla frosting waiting for you in your dorm. " She said with a smile, "I wasn't sure if I was going to see you today. " The girl explained before listening a bit..
Ahh Juno and Leon!
"Well, I don't know if you know this.. But Juno's sort of person just happens to be my newly discovered half brother. " She said with a grin.. "He was so nervous about this meeting and her birthday.. I ended up helping him out! "
Azura's smile fell ever so slightly as Esme asked how she was doing, the rumors of her around school and her recent decision to stop bugging Jace popped into her mind.. Only to be pushed out by the one shining star..
Oh and Leon!
"I'm doing good. Things seem to be turning around. " She said with a happy smile.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
Azura grinned as Esme spoke, it was nice to see her friend so happy and she smiled as she said it was her birthday! "I haven't forgotten! There are vanilla cupcakes with a caramel filling and vanilla frosting waiting for you in your dorm. " She said with a smile, "I wasn't sure if I was going to see you today. " The girl explained before listening a bit..
Ahh Juno and Leon!
"Well, I don't know if you know this.. But Juno's sort of person just happens to be my newly discovered half brother. " She said with a grin.. "He was so nervous about this meeting and her birthday.. I ended up helping him out! "
Azura's smile fell ever so slightly as Esme asked how she was doing, the rumors of her around school and her recent decision to stop bugging Jace popped into her mind.. Only to be pushed out by the one shining star..
Oh and Leon!
"I'm doing good. Things seem to be turning around. " She said with a happy smile.
Oh wow! Esme's eyes widened. That was so sweet. Even if Acura was always kind like that, it was still nice to know that her friend cared so much. "Thanks, Azura! You're the best!" Really, truly. There wasn't much time to think of that, however, at her friend's next revelation.
"Really?? That's amazing! If Juno marries him, we would become family!" That was super exciting even if Esme knew it might not happen. Their relationship had only just started for one thing. Still, it was an exciting thought and the two seemed to be perfect together. Leon would be crazy not to want to be with her sister for forever. "I'm really happy you helped. I know she's going to be so happy." A happy Juno meant a happy Esme.
Esme beamed. "I am so glad that things are getting better!" It was about time.
Gaston was in a a bit of a hurry today. He had a date with Rose soon, but he still had a little time, so he decided to pop into Honeydukes for a minute. The dark-haired Frenchman hummed a cheery little tune to himself as he perused the candy displays. Normally he despised this time of year, but this year was different.
Now which kind of candy should he buy? He was torn between the dark chocolate truffles and the ones with cherry centers. After a few moments, he decided to go with some of each. His bright blue eyes searched the shop, but he saw no sign of the shopkeeper. He wondered where she was. He wanted to ask her if she had a heart-shaped box to put the candy in.
It was so wonderful that another Hogsmeade weekend had approached. Even better that it was in time for Valentine's Day! Meant a lot of people coming in and buying chocolates for their sweethearts.
Like this man here, who seemed to be at an utter loss. Maisie would bet a thousand galleons that he was looking for something to give a female. "How can I help you?" she asked.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Originally Posted by Maisie Windell
It was so wonderful that another Hogsmeade weekend had approached. Even better that it was in time for Valentine's Day! Meant a lot of people coming in and buying chocolates for their sweethearts.
Like this man here, who seemed to be at an utter loss. Maisie would bet a thousand galleons that he was looking for something to give a female. "How can I help you?" she asked.
Gaston was still humming to himself when an unexpected voice caused his head to whip around. Oh, there was the shopkeeper! He gave the woman a cheery smile. "I'd like eight dark chocolate truffles and seven cherry center truffles, please," he said.
He suddenly remembered the box and asked, "And do you have a heart-shaped box for them?" His smile turned sheepish, and he ran a hand though his hair. He felt a little silly asking, but he wanted only the best for his Rose!
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Gaston was still humming to himself when an unexpected voice caused his head to whip around. Oh, there was the shopkeeper! He gave the woman a cheery smile. "I'd like eight dark chocolate truffles and seven cherry center truffles, please," he said.
He suddenly remembered the box and asked, "And do you have a heart-shaped box for them?" His smile turned sheepish, and he ran a hand though his hair. He felt a little silly asking, but he wanted only the best for his Rose!
Oooh! Could Maisie have her thousand galleons now?
It was hard to keep herself laughing, but then he found everything funny. What was the point of life if you couldn't enjoy it? Clearly this man was given that he had a lady to impress; lucky her because he was rather cute. Just saying.
"Sure thing!" she said giving giving a little salute. Fingers crossed there would be no mishaps because it would be an awful shame to ruin a Valentine present. Carefully she headed to the back of the shop, managing only a small stumble because really she hadn't learned how not to be clumsy and probably never would.
After doing a little digging around, she returned victorious with a pleased smile on her face. Being the lovely shopkeeper she was, Maisie started adding the chocolates without a moment of hesitation. "Would you like some pretty ribbon for the box?" Women liked ribbon, right?
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Originally Posted by Maisie Windell
Oooh! Could Maisie have her thousand galleons now?
It was hard to keep herself laughing, but then he found everything funny. What was the point of life if you couldn't enjoy it? Clearly this man was given that he had a lady to impress; lucky her because he was rather cute. Just saying.
"Sure thing!" she said giving giving a little salute. Fingers crossed there would be no mishaps because it would be an awful shame to ruin a Valentine present. Carefully she headed to the back of the shop, managing only a small stumble because really she hadn't learned how not to be clumsy and probably never would.
After doing a little digging around, she returned victorious with a pleased smile on her face. Being the lovely shopkeeper she was, Maisie started adding the chocolates without a moment of hesitation. "Would you like some pretty ribbon for the box?" Women liked ribbon, right?
Gaston was slightly surprised but no less pleased that the shopkeeper had the kind of box he wanted; Honeydukes didn't strike him as the type of place to have a supply of heart-shaped boxes lying around. He laughed a little as he returned the woman's salute. "Thank you, Madame Shopkeeper," he said.
He waited patiently for the shopkeeper to return, digging through his pockets for money. He gave her an appreciative smile as she put the chocolates in the box. Then she asked him about a ribbon, and he silently berated himself for not thinking to ask about it earlier. "Yes, please," he replied with a small nod. "Do you have anything in purple?" He knew the ribbon would probably clash with the box, but he wanted something in Rose's favorite color.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...