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The finest china and silverware is set on the table for this end of term feast. Although there's no food yet, wonderful smells are emanating from the kitchens, enough to make your mouth water in anticipation.
Have a seat as we wait for the Headmistress to give her speech, but make sure you take the time to swap summer plans and say goodbye to the departing seventh years. No tears... that's what the train is for!
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
What. A. Term!
Tenacius made his way to the Lions' table, feeling a whole lot better in days. The bandage on his head was gone now, and it didnt seem like there was anything amiss about him unless someone parted his curls to see the healing wound Healer Reed had so adeptly patched up.
But right, this term was SOMETHING wasnt it? He breathed a sigh of relief for having made it to this feast relatively in one piece. Did he think his first term as Prefect was going to be anything like this? Not by a long shot. Its almost like his Dad's inside info to all things Prefect didnt matter with what he had to tackle this year.
If he had to pick a word to describe this term, boring certainly isnt one of them.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Throughout the entire month following the Portal incident, Olivia Phillips had been in hiding. She'd even skipped out on most of her lessons, opting to do all of the assignments in private. It was a personal mental health decision to spend most of her time in either in the Room of Requirement, getting better acquainted with the aerial silks, or in the Defense training room, working out her angst and frustration on the available dummies. Reading had been a viable third option, but after tiring herself out with physical activities, there was little time left for it.
She was simply.... mentally and spiritually exhausted. There was little patience available for dealing with everyone who needed a more gentle approach and kinder words. Not that Olivia didn't want to be kind to people. Staying away was a kindness in itself. Weren't they all too spent right now?
Taking a quiet seat at her house table (after nodding respectfully to Ace), Liv removed the book from her robe pocket, flipping to the page she'd left off on the night before. Some reading until food happened. The blonde didn't have a lot to say to anyone just now.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Snaking our way over here. Get... Get it? Snaking. Bye.
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
Originally Posted by Govoni
Throughout the entire month following the Portal incident, Olivia Phillips had been in hiding. She'd even skipped out on most of her lessons, opting to do all of the assignments in private. It was a personal mental health decision to spend most of her time in either in the Room of Requirement, getting better acquainted with the aerial silks, or in the Defense training room, working out her angst and frustration on the available dummies. Reading had been a viable third option, but after tiring herself out with physical activities, there was little time left for it.
She was simply.... mentally and spiritually exhausted. There was little patience available for dealing with everyone who needed a more gentle approach and kinder words. Not that Olivia didn't want to be kind to people. Staying away was a kindness in itself. Weren't they all too spent right now?
Taking a quiet seat at her house table (after nodding respectfully to Ace), Liv removed the book from her robe pocket, flipping to the page she'd left off on the night before. Some reading until food happened. The blonde didn't have a lot to say to anyone just now.
Carlton still didn't know if his parents allowed him to return for his second year considering the monster had snatched him and the whole almost gotten eaten part, but for now he would enjoy the feast. He was really on his way to the Slytherin table but was also early and just a few students had made their way to the great hall. The young boy looked up the Hufflepuff table in search of Henry, the Ravenclaw table to look for Rooney and the Gryffindor table to look for...
"Liv." He smiled as he spotted her blonde hair further down the great hall. He hadn't seen in her so long. For some reason she had been MIA and himself... He'd just been hanging around the hospital wing, following the healer everywhere.
Except the bathroom. He didn't want to follow him in there. The young snake had standards.
"Hi, Liv." He called and waved at his mother her as he approached. Acknowledge me, talk to me, love me.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
Carlton still didn't know if his parents allowed him to return for his second year considering the monster had snatched him and the whole almost gotten eaten part, but for now he would enjoy the feast. He was really on his way to the Slytherin table but was also early and just a few students had made their way to the great hall. The young boy looked up the Hufflepuff table in search of Henry, the Ravenclaw table to look for Rooney and the Gryffindor table to look for...
"Liv." He smiled as he spotted her blonde hair further down the great hall. He hadn't seen in her so long. For some reason she had been MIA and himself... He'd just been hanging around the hospital wing, following the healer everywhere.
Except the bathroom. He didn't want to follow him in there. The young snake had standards.
"Hi, Liv." He called and waved at his mother her as he approached. Acknowledge me, talk to me, love me.
Olivia had gotten about five pages in when her name being excitedly exclaimed caught her attention. It was... pretty obvious as to who it was, but still... she was slow to respond. The Gryffindor's mood hadn't been the best, and it scared her that she might hurt Carlton's feelings. Liv would've absolutely hated herself...
...But Carlton.... BUT CRAPTASTIC MOOD.... BUT CARLTON....
Finally pushing her book to the side, Olivia patted the space of bench located directly to her right. Carlton Lewis was her ickle. She'd suffer whatever discomfort for him. Perhaps this would even cure the doldrums. "Hello, my love." After the patting, Liv thought to reach for his hand.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
Originally Posted by Govoni
Olivia had gotten about five pages in when her name being excitedly exclaimed caught her attention. It was... pretty obvious as to who it was, but still... she was slow to respond. The Gryffindor's mood hadn't been the best, and it scared her that she might hurt Carlton's feelings. Liv would've absolutely hated herself...
...But Carlton.... BUT CRAPTASTIC MOOD.... BUT CARLTON....
Finally pushing her book to the side, Olivia patted the space of bench located directly to her right. Carlton Lewis was her ickle. She'd suffer whatever discomfort for him. Perhaps this would even cure the doldrums. "Hello, my love." After the patting, Liv thought to reach for his hand.
For a brief moment he was worried she wouldn't want him there but when she patted the seat next to her he quickly sat down with a relieved little sigh. She called him 'love'. He loved her.
"Hi." He murmured again as he sat down. "What are you reading?" He'd missed her. He just wanted things to go back to what they were this fall when it was just the three of them; him, Liv and Roo. No monster, no anything. Just the three of them, happy. Maybe they would be happy this summer, he hoped so. And he hoped his mother would let him go see them.
"Where have you been?" He couldn't get into the Gryffindor common room and he hadn't wandered around the castle recently. No one had really. But he still thought he would have seen her now and again, but he just hadn't.
Finishing her memory book entry, Timila walked into the Great Hall and scanned the place around. For one, she knew she'd go see Conrad later in the evening. As well as her brother, Natalia, and Chris. Oh, and of course, Brady, and Alice. But first, she decided to just lounge at her house table one last time. As she sat in a spot, memories of her first year began coming back to her. The long train ride, the boats where she had made her first friends, and when she was sorted. Ah, all those good times. Taking out a pencil and parchment, Tim began to doodle again.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
So this was it, it was the end of the year and boy was he happy about that, getting up on the table because well there was no food around and he wouldn't get messy.
"I had thought about having a food fight but like normal in this place there doesn't seem to be any food yet." Simon wasn't happy about that maybe he could have an epic food fight later, but now it was time for his concert because he was an epic singer right."
"BORN TO BE WILD! I WAS JUST BORN TO BE WILD!" Simon looked at the table and wondered about doing a back-flip but decided against it since he didn't want to hurt himself.
Finishing her memory book entry, Timila walked into the Great Hall and scanned the place around. For one, she knew she'd go see Conrad later in the evening. As well as her brother, Natalia, and Chris. Oh, and of course, Brady, and Alice. But first, she decided to just lounge at her house table one last time. As she sat in a spot, memories of her first year began coming back to her. The long train ride, the boats where she had made her first friends, and when she was sorted. Ah, all those good times. Taking out a pencil and parchment, Tim began to doodle again.
Originally Posted by Harry174
So this was it, it was the end of the year and boy was he happy about that, getting up on the table because well there was no food around and he wouldn't get messy.
"I had thought about having a food fight but like normal in this place there doesn't seem to be any food yet." Simon wasn't happy about that maybe he could have an epic food fight later, but now it was time for his concert because he was an epic singer right."
"BORN TO BE WILD! I WAS JUST BORN TO BE WILD!" Simon looked at the table and wondered about doing a back-flip but decided against it since he didn't want to hurt himself.
Alice was so ready for this term to be over. SO READY. But her best-big sister friend was graduating and the moment Alice saw her she had to cuddle her Precious Star Fish-Haired Mermaid friend. "I will miss you the most, Scarecrow." She joked and suddenly hugged her friend tightly.. And then.. there seemed to be a noise she couldn't ignore..
This was her last feast as well and this tiny person was ruining it.. She could have simply asked. 'Who sings that song? Let's keep it that way.' But that didn't seem enough.. This kid was being disrespectful of the Gryffindor House table. Alice calmly drew her wand and aimed at the obnoxious child. "Flippendo" The Fourth year uttered calmly, hoping the get the boy's feet that had been Merlin knows where off of her table.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
For a brief moment he was worried she wouldn't want him there but when she patted the seat next to her he quickly sat down with a relieved little sigh. She called him 'love'. He loved her.
"Hi." He murmured again as he sat down. "What are you reading?" He'd missed her. He just wanted things to go back to what they were this fall when it was just the three of them; him, Liv and Roo. No monster, no anything. Just the three of them, happy. Maybe they would be happy this summer, he hoped so. And he hoped his mother would let him go see them.
"Where have you been?" He couldn't get into the Gryffindor common room and he hadn't wandered around the castle recently. No one had really. But he still thought he would have seen her now and again, but he just hadn't.
Wrapping her arm securely around the younger boy's shoulders, Olivia dropped a kiss or two upon his curly head. Quite honestly, she'd needed the time to herself, but now... Well, she feared that Carlton might've thought he'd been abandoned by her. For a second time... The urge to explain herself was strong, but... then Carlton hadn't even asked about the absence. Not at first, anyway.
As far as the book was concerned... "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Her grin was small, yet genuine. "It's a muggle tale... I'll read it to you sometime, if you'd like that." That was sort've her thing lately: reading to the ickles. It'd only been a month and past this summer, even, the healing process would be a long and tedious one for many of these kids. If they wanted to have weekly reading sessions in the library... or the Room of Requirement... The Kitchen? Olivia would oblige them. This was optimistic thinking, however, given that most of these children might've been pulled from the school after this latest incident.
Olivia hoped that wasn't the case... It would've broken her heart to see any of them go.
Ah, but there was the question. She'd known it was coming. "I've been trying to wrap my head around what happened." The words were meant for his ears only. "It was a very overwhelming situation.... I didn't mean to leave you, sweetheart." Heartfelt and sincere...yet inevitable, all the same.... "How have you been holding up?"
... She'd meant to say something more...but a disruption caught her attention down the table a ways. AN ICKLE!? Surely not one of hers..... Oh, Alice was handling that. Well, good. Now was not the time, nor was it the place, for grand-standing... And, naturally, thoughts of grandiose behavior drew her attention towards the Ravenclaw table, where the blonde immediately sought out Rooney Bronwyn. Was there anyone more extravagant than he?
Ugh, Rooney looked so handsome. It was awe-inspiring, truly.... No, noooo thinking about that. Distractions. She quickly looked to other tables, noting certain... other faces...
Lords, help her......"Would you like to eat with me tonight?" If anyone tried to displace him, Liv would kick shins.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
What. A. Term!
Tenacius made his way to the Lions' table, feeling a whole lot better in days. The bandage on his head was gone now, and it didnt seem like there was anything amiss about him unless someone parted his curls to see the healing wound Healer Reed had so adeptly patched up.
But right, this term was SOMETHING wasnt it? He breathed a sigh of relief for having made it to this feast relatively in one piece. Did he think his first term as Prefect was going to be anything like this? Not by a long shot. Its almost like his Dad's inside info to all things Prefect didnt matter with what he had to tackle this year.
If he had to pick a word to describe this term, boring certainly isnt one of them.
There was certainly someone she wanted to talk to here at the lion table. He had become a pretty good friend this term. She was actually going to miss him. Walking to the table she noticed a boy up on the table, "Hey dude, want to get down?" She eyed him a moment until Alice nailed him with a spell. Well it seemed the lions could take care of themselves, so Natalia decided to pretend she saw nothing and sat down near Ace, "Hey you"
Originally Posted by Star-Lord
Finishing her memory book entry, Timila walked into the Great Hall and scanned the place around. For one, she knew she'd go see Conrad later in the evening. As well as her brother, Natalia, and Chris. Oh, and of course, Brady, and Alice. But first, she decided to just lounge at her house table one last time. As she sat in a spot, memories of her first year began coming back to her. The long train ride, the boats where she had made her first friends, and when she was sorted. Ah, all those good times. Taking out a pencil and parchment, Tim began to doodle again.
Seeing her best friend Nat moved to the spot next to her. "We did it." Could she believe it? It was crazy, right? Nat was still in shock she actually did it. She made it to her last term, her last feast. She wasn't sure a few times if she was going to end up graduating let alone getting the end with the badge still. "Where's Conrad?" She assumed the boyfriend would be around somewhere, but at least Nat got her best friend time in first.
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Heading into the Great Hall, Noelle was trying to uplift her spirits. Between this term, OWLs, and other things... she was just exhausted and honestly wasn't feeling very socialable.
But the feast was a must. She quietly headed to the table and waved to everyone she passed. That included Nat, Liv, Tim, Alice, Ace, Carlton... and ... what was Simon doing???
Noelle sighed. She lifted her brows and went to go over when Alice flippendo'd him. To be honest, Noelle appreciated that. This was the Gryffindor table. Proud. And this singing and dancing... they'd been through enough this term.
She raised a brow but figured the flippendo would be enough. Sitting down at her table, she glanced around to the staff table. She took them in before looking around the hall. Her eyes falling on several people, her smile saying hello.
In all honesty, she was just ready for summer.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Dora had been gone for like... forever. Spending time with her father and sussing out what she was going to do in the future. Like... the IMMEDIATE future. Both he and her uncle has been less than pleased about the way the school had handled things, so there were many a long conversation about her return.
She had wanted to NOT. But in the end it was Sabel who had convinced her otherwise. Returning in time for her OWLs, she had taken them with great confidence and then deflated right afterward. She just... didn't feel like this place was home to her anymore. She felt she had outgrown it and most of the ridiculous people in it.
MOST. Not all. Some were absolutely amazing, like Sam and Casper, for instance. Pulling herself from her thoughts she looked across the table to Liv and offered a half smile. And Carlton also.
The rest of them were ignored to the best of her ability. Why pretend?
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Her friends all got waves from Charlotte before she found her usual spot to sit. Her usual spot being one that had a good view of the Hufflepuff table so she could see Henry and catch his attention enough for the usual little finger wave.
Teehee. He knew what that meant.
Oh. Tim! Charlotte leaned forward and waved at the older girl. She was graduating this term, and it had only just, very belatedly, occurred to Char to realize it.
"Congratulations on finishing your seventh year, Tim!"
So sue her for focusing on the positive things lately. It was just... easier.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Resident Ghost of Gryffindor | Chivilrous & Sociable
Since the portal had closed at taken two of the school's poltergeists with it, Sir Nicholas was in a much better mood than he'd been in months. The resident Gryffindor ghost floated along the table, giving each of his precious Lions a friendly smile and wave as he passed. "Hello, Tenacius!" he greeted the boy prefect. "How are you this fine evening?"
Ah, there was Miss Phillips and... a little Slytherin Sir Nicholas couldn't recall meeting. "Good evening, Olivia," he said. Then he turned his attention to the Slytherin boy. "Hello, there. I don't believe we've met. Sir Nicholas De Mimsy-Porpington, at your service." He gave the little one a deep bow before moving on.
The ghost beamed at the two seventh year girls. "Hello, Timila! And Natalia! I do believe congratulations are in order." Each girl got a bow and a wistful smile. It was always a little bittersweet to see his Lions graduating.
What in the world?! Mr. Klopp was standing on the table, and Miss Lupin fired a knockback jinx at him. Sir Nicholas was not impressed at all! He shook his head at them... or at least he would've if he could without his head falling. "Mister Klopp! Miss Lupin! Those actions are not befitting of the noble house of Godric Gryffindor!"
Unlike those of these fine ladies who'd exemplified Gryffindor courage by battling the monster in the portal! Sir Nicholas was practically bursting with pride when he saw Miss Summers and Miss Kettleburn. "Hello, Noelle! And Charlotte! Lovely to see you, ladies!"
And here was Miss Umbridge. The girl looked to be in poor spirits, but Sir Nicholas did not see that as reason to be less than chivalrous to her. "Good evening, Dora!" he greeted her.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
A very strange site greeted Gaston as he approached the Gryffindor table. Mr. Klopp was standing on the table... and was that singing he heard? "Mr. Klopp, please get -" he began, but Miss Lupin had sent a spell at the first year. Really?! He thought a knockback jinx was a bit much! That could've caused him to fall and get hurt! He wanted to let them both have it, but he was already sad and in no mood to exchange angry words with students. Oh, if only he could dock house points right now! But he couldn't, so he had to settle for a reprimanding look. Still, he thought Sir Nicholas had gotten the point across and gave the Gryffindor ghost a thankful smile. "Good evening, Sir Nicholas," he greeted.
What was he doing here again? He'd been so distracted by the odd sight that he'd forgotten. Oh, yes, his little gift for Miss Finch! Now he remembered! He approached the girl with a warm, though slightly sad smile. "Hello, Miss Finch! Congratulations on graduating!" he said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a chocolate frog and a graduation card. "Here's a little parting gift for you. I know it's not much, but..." His voice trailed off. "Good luck to you!"
Another smile when he saw Miss Franks-Mundie. "Hello again, Miss Franks-Mundie," he said before turning away. He'd already given her her little gift, and he had lots more cards and chocolate to hand out!
He started to leave, but he spotted Miss Umbridge. his heart sank; somehow he didn't think she'd forgiven him (nor likely ever would) for the incident earlier this term. He'd been avoiding the girl as much as [possible since, but he had something to say to her... something he should've said ages ago. "Hello, Miss Umbridge," he said as he cautiously approached. He took the seat across from her and looked her in the eye. "I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now, but please hear me out..." His voice trailed off, but he forced himself on, "I'm sorry about what happened earlier this term. I shouldn't have docked points from you; I just... overreacted. I still don't approve of hand smacking, but I understand why you did it and... I'm sorry." He dropped his gaze, dreading what her reaction might be. He wasn't holding out much hope that she'd forgive him, but at least he was trying to put things right!
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Last edited by MadMadamMalfoy; 04-08-2017 at 01:25 PM.
Reason: adding Dora
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
SPOILER!!: Mama Liv
Originally Posted by Govoni
Wrapping her arm securely around the younger boy's shoulders, Olivia dropped a kiss or two upon his curly head. Quite honestly, she'd needed the time to herself, but now... Well, she feared that Carlton might've thought he'd been abandoned by her. For a second time... The urge to explain herself was strong, but... then Carlton hadn't even asked about the absence. Not at first, anyway.
As far as the book was concerned... "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Her grin was small, yet genuine. "It's a muggle tale... I'll read it to you sometime, if you'd like that." That was sort've her thing lately: reading to the ickles. It'd only been a month and past this summer, even, the healing process would be a long and tedious one for many of these kids. If they wanted to have weekly reading sessions in the library... or the Room of Requirement... The Kitchen? Olivia would oblige them. This was optimistic thinking, however, given that most of these children might've been pulled from the school after this latest incident.
Olivia hoped that wasn't the case... It would've broken her heart to see any of them go.
Ah, but there was the question. She'd known it was coming. "I've been trying to wrap my head around what happened." The words were meant for his ears only. "It was a very overwhelming situation.... I didn't mean to leave you, sweetheart." Heartfelt and sincere...yet inevitable, all the same.... "How have you been holding up?"
... She'd meant to say something more...but a disruption caught her attention down the table a ways. AN ICKLE!? Surely not one of hers..... Oh, Alice was handling that. Well, good. Now was not the time, nor was it the place, for grand-standing... And, naturally, thoughts of grandiose behavior drew her attention towards the Ravenclaw table, where the blonde immediately sought out Rooney Bronwyn. Was there anyone more extravagant than he?
Ugh, Rooney looked so handsome. It was awe-inspiring, truly.... No, noooo thinking about that. Distractions. She quickly looked to other tables, noting certain... other faces...
Lords, help her......"Would you like to eat with me tonight?" If anyone tried to displace him, Liv would kick shins.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Carlton already knew that story but he wouldn't mind having Liv read it to him. "I like that one." He said. It was an old story, sure, but a good one. Especially when one of the kids got turned into a blueberry.
He listened to her tell him where she'd been and he looked down at the table. Everyone needed to process things now. When him, Rooney and Henry disappeared for five days, everyone just carried on with what they were doing. Students went away to professor Myers' vineyard when they were in there, hunted by the monster. And when they returned, they'd been overwhelmed with questions. Now, when almost everyone had encountered the monster, now they got just how serious the situation had been. When Abey and Simon got hauled off, everyone had jumped in after them.
It was several months too late. Carlton was upset, disappointed and betrayed by the school he loved so much. But he didn't tell her this. Completely ignoring the other student singing, he focused his attention back on Liv. "I understand. It was overwhelming." He nodded in agreement. When she asked him how he was doing he instinctively looked over at the Ravenclaw table where he spotted Rooney. "I'm fine." He said, shrugging. He was getting really good at that answer, just copied what Roo and Henry answered to those questions. The nightmares and the panic attacks were still there, he wondered briefly if they would ever leave him.
The young boy looked back at Liv and smiled again, pushing the memory of the monster away from him. "I hope my parents let me return." Mr. McLeod had assured him the monster wouldn't return, he just hoped his parents could be convinced. Returning to his old school with class mates that didn't talk to him would be a nightmare.
"Am I... Am I allowed to sit here?" Because really, he didn't want to leave her side right now. But he was also terrified of the Headmistress, cue glancing worriedly her way.
SPOILER!!: Mr. Gryffindor Ghost!
Originally Posted by Nearly Headless Nick
Since the portal had closed at taken two of the school's poltergeists with it, Sir Nicholas was in a much better mood than he'd been in months. The resident Gryffindor ghost floated along the table, giving each of his precious Lions a friendly smile and wave as he passed. "Hello, Tenacius!" he greeted the boy prefect. "How are you this fine evening?"
Ah, there was Miss Phillips and... a little Slytherin Sir Nicholas couldn't recall meeting. "Good evening, Olivia," he said. Then he turned his attention to the Slytherin boy. "Hello, there. I don't believe we've met. Sir Nicholas De Mimsy-Porpington, at your service." He gave the little one a deep bow before moving on.
The ghost beamed at the two seventh year girls. "Hello, Timila! And Natalia! I do believe congratulations are in order." Each girl got a bow and a wistful smile. It was always a little bittersweet to see his Lions graduating.
What in the world?! Mr. Klopp was standing on the table, and Miss Lupin fired a knockback jinx at him. Sir Nicholas was not impressed at all! He shook his head at them... or at least he would've if he could without his head falling. "Mister Klopp! Miss Lupin! Those actions are not befitting of the noble house of Godric Gryffindor!"
Unlike those of these fine ladies who'd exemplified Gryffindor courage by battling the monster in the portal! Sir Nicholas was practically bursting with pride when he saw Miss Summers and Miss Kettleburn. "Hello, Noelle! And Charlotte! Lovely to see you, ladies!"
And here was Miss Umbridge. The girl looked to be in poor spirits, but Sir Nicholas did not see that as reason to be less than chivalrous to her. "Good evening, Dora!" he greeted her.
There was a ghost talking to him. But not the Slytherin ghost, another one. "Good evening, Mr. Gryffindor." He wasn't expected to be able to pronounce that name, was he? He would never learn that.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
He must have been the Minority now.
How many students tonight felt like they were leaving Home and being sent some place else to live for the next 3 Months? How many of the Graduating Seventh Years felt like they were leaving Home for good?
When it all started Hogwarts was fun.
Now though, since that Day Simon woke up occasionally in cold sweats, His nightmares made his breathing at erratic. Derf had offered to let them bunk together if he really got scared, and he took up on that offer instantly. Simon had taken to clinging onto anyone anything tight since then. A habit he was sure wasn't going to escape him anytime soon.
He keeps his inhaler on a string around his neck now. He practically baths with it on now. He wondered if he could just have a vial of the stuff Healer Reed gave him, even asked the man. But he was denied saying that the Potion was for emergencies only. That the potion worked best with the bubblehead charm, and that spell was way about his skill level. So unless he had someone older with him who could cast the spell the potion was useless.
The option of Altering his Memory still hung heavy on him. He still wonders if he could have convinced Mr.Rockefeller to let him have it done. His Adoptive Father denied him this. Said it was too risky for such a young and still developing mind. That had been the most serious he had ever seen him. Most caring, and most serious he ever saw him.
Simon was glad to be leaving Hogwarts, but he didn't want to leave the people. Despite it all, he made friends. He...well he even felt that the most terrifying experience in his life left him bonded to one particular Gryffindor boy his age.
Talk about his Clinging habit? Simon couldn't think of ever letting go of Abey Botros. When it came down to it, when Simon could do little, Abey tossing his own potion at...it...Simon was to weak, but Abey tried to fight. He felt safe with him.
He went directly for the Gryffindor Table looking for him, but he couldn't find him. He lapped the table twice thinking maybe he just missed him, but still no Botros. A terrified look on his face creeping out, and his expression getting paler.
Where was Abey!?
Alice was so ready for this term to be over. SO READY. But her best-big sister friend was graduating and the moment Alice saw her she had to cuddle her Precious Star Fish-Haired Mermaid friend. "I will miss you the most, Scarecrow." She joked and suddenly hugged her friend tightly.. And then.. there seemed to be a noise she couldn't ignore..
This was her last feast as well and this tiny person was ruining it.. She could have simply asked. 'Who sings that song? Let's keep it that way.' But that didn't seem enough.. This kid was being disrespectful of the Gryffindor House table. Alice calmly drew her wand and aimed at the obnoxious child. "Flippendo" The Fourth year uttered calmly, hoping the get the boy's feet that had been Merlin knows where off of her table.
Tim was quietly still concentrated on her doodle as the hall seemed to get more crowded by the minute. She had forgotten about the people she was gonna go look for. Apparently her little doodle was more important right now. But then a strong embrace made her set the pencil down and look at the person. Red hair.
Tim automatically knew who it was and grinned at her friend. "But you can visit me when you have time off filming. I'll still be living at home," Because her family nor her had the money to get Tim her own place. Besides, her internship didn't pay.
SPOILER!!: Natalia
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Seeing her best friend Nat moved to the spot next to her. "We did it." Could she believe it? It was crazy, right? Nat was still in shock she actually did it. She made it to her last term, her last feast. She wasn't sure a few times if she was going to end up graduating let alone getting the end with the badge still. "Where's Conrad?" She assumed the boyfriend would be around somewhere, but at least Nat got her best friend time in first.
Oh, look, more guests.
Tim smiled at Natalia and nodded. "More like you made it. I was top notch," She playfully flipped her hair at her friend. Even though they both did need help with certain subjects, and NEWTs were just exhausting. Hopefully Tim got the proper scores she needed for university in a year. She'd most likely cry in her room if gotten a failing grade. But the blonde knew that wouldn't be the case in her three strongest subjects. "He's at his table, I think. I'll go find him later,"
Originally Posted by Tegz
Her friends all got waves from Charlotte before she found her usual spot to sit. Her usual spot being one that had a good view of the Hufflepuff table so she could see Henry and catch his attention enough for the usual little finger wave.
Teehee. He knew what that meant.
Oh. Tim! Charlotte leaned forward and waved at the older girl. She was graduating this term, and it had only just, very belatedly, occurred to Char to realize it.
"Congratulations on finishing your seventh year, Tim!"
So sue her for focusing on the positive things lately. It was just... easier.
Tim felt like she hadn't seen the other blonde around much. Then again she was busy with studying, exams, homework, and all that seventh year stuff. "Awwh, thank you. Not going to forget me, are you?"
SPOILER!!: Sir Nicholas
Originally Posted by Nearly Headless Nick
The ghost beamed at the two seventh year girls. "Hello, Timila! And Natalia! I do believe congratulations are in order." Each girl got a bow and a wistful smile. It was always a little bittersweet to see his Lions graduating.
The blonde couldn't help but beam as Nearly Headless Nick came over and congratulated her on graduating. "Thank you, sir! It was great to have you as my house ghost," she grinned, possibly starting to get emotional over not coming back to the castle anymore.
SPOILER!!: Professor
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
What was he doing here again? He'd been so distracted by the odd sight that he'd forgotten. Oh, yes, his little gift for Miss Finch! Now he remembered! He approached the girl with a warm, though slightly sad smile. "Hello, Miss Finch! Congratulations on graduating!" he said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a chocolate frog and a graduation card. "Here's a little parting gift for you. I know it's not much, but..." His voice trailed off. "Good luck to you!"
Oh, a gift? The professor was the first to give her one. Tim was surprised he actually did, no other professor would probably remember her. Maybe except Myers because she was always in the greenhouses. No matter the weather. It was her happy place. "Oh, professor, you didn't have to get me anything," she smiled, accepting the gift nonetheless. She'd have to keep the card somewhere safe now.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
He zoomed towards the LION'S table, sifting through all of the wonderful candy he had in his bucket.
The rice-crispy like treats, ooey and slightly gooey, rained down on the Gryffindors. (Some of them even had chocolate chips in them. You're very welcome, studentsies!!!!) Peeves flung an especially large chunk of rice-crispy at the boy who was DANCING on the table (Simon).
Pulling a few more red vines from the box, he JABBBBBED some of the girls in the back (Char, Olivia, Alice) and zoomed off.
You're nothing more than a pickle-headed prune biscuit-eating bulldog.
P.S. Your bowtie is crooked. And your pink thestral pony is super girly.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
SPOILER!!: Sir Nick and Tim
Originally Posted by Nearly Headless Nick
Since the portal had closed at taken two of the school's poltergeists with it, Sir Nicholas was in a much better mood than he'd been in months. The resident Gryffindor ghost floated along the table, giving each of his precious Lions a friendly smile and wave as he passed. "Hello, Tenacius!" he greeted the boy prefect. "How are you this fine evening?"
Ah, there was Miss Phillips and... a little Slytherin Sir Nicholas couldn't recall meeting. "Good evening, Olivia," he said. Then he turned his attention to the Slytherin boy. "Hello, there. I don't believe we've met. Sir Nicholas De Mimsy-Porpington, at your service." He gave the little one a deep bow before moving on.
The ghost beamed at the two seventh year girls. "Hello, Timila! And Natalia! I do believe congratulations are in order." Each girl got a bow and a wistful smile. It was always a little bittersweet to see his Lions graduating.
What in the world?! Mr. Klopp was standing on the table, and Miss Lupin fired a knockback jinx at him. Sir Nicholas was not impressed at all! He shook his head at them... or at least he would've if he could without his head falling. "Mister Klopp! Miss Lupin! Those actions are not befitting of the noble house of Godric Gryffindor!"
Unlike those of these fine ladies who'd exemplified Gryffindor courage by battling the monster in the portal! Sir Nicholas was practically bursting with pride when he saw Miss Summers and Miss Kettleburn. "Hello, Noelle! And Charlotte! Lovely to see you, ladies!"
And here was Miss Umbridge. The girl looked to be in poor spirits, but Sir Nicholas did not see that as reason to be less than chivalrous to her. "Good evening, Dora!" he greeted her.
Natalia playfully rolled her eyes. Her bestie was always so confident. She loved it and hated it at the same time, but she would always adore Tim for it. "Yeah, yeah we know I've always had to push a bit more." School wasn't her favorite thing, though she had come to love it during her Hogwart years. "Ready to be out of here?" She already knew that answer, but it didn't matter they'd be hanging out and seeing each other. She wasn't losing her best friend just because they were graduating.
Hearing her name she looked up and smiled, "Hello Sir Nickolas, how are you this evening?" He had always been a friendly ghost so she was happy to have him around, it wasn't until she saw Peeves that her eyes didn't start to roll. Now him, she wouldn't miss at all. Turning her attention back to Sir Nicholas she gave him a smile, "Thank you"