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On the fourth floor corridor is one of the few balconies in the castle. With a view of Hogwarts grounds, this balcony is a great place to take a break from doing that lengthy Arithmancy homework, or to generally relax with your friend.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
One can only spend so much time in the vast library, looking at all the various tomes that lined all the shelves inits vast collection. Even a Ravenclaw like herself. Cassie had done a couple of hours, first on homework and then looking for a random book or two to read or at least look through. Checked out and stashed in her half-empty bag, she left and wandered down the one corridor thinking she was going one way back towards a set of stairs to head upstairs to the common room only to find herself at a balcony.
Had she missed this in the past 3 years? Or forgotten it over time? Whatever the case, she was going to remember it from now on. It was perfect place to curl up with a book retrieved from the library right down the corridor. As long as someone else wasn't using the space for their own peace and quiet. Cass walked out to the railing, leaning both hands against it as she looked out over the grounds. The light autumn breezes brushing across her face and through her hair let loose from before.
Ava had been spending the morning in the library organizing the homework and reading assignments she had been given by her teachers. Only the start of the year and already so much to do! But there was certainly some very interesting subjects to read about, she was particularly interested in her Defense Against the Dark Arts books. Figuring that lunch time was probably approaching, she decided to head down to the great hall for a bite to eat.
She must have taken a left instead of a right, because as she came down the corridor she came upon a balcony with a most astonishing view of the castle grounds. She gasped. It was really very beautiful. She decided to stay awhile, she was in no rush after all.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Cassie! <3
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
One can only spend so much time in the vast library, looking at all the various tomes that lined all the shelves inits vast collection. Even a Ravenclaw like herself. Cassie had done a couple of hours, first on homework and then looking for a random book or two to read or at least look through. Checked out and stashed in her half-empty bag, she left and wandered down the one corridor thinking she was going one way back towards a set of stairs to head upstairs to the common room only to find herself at a balcony.
Had she missed this in the past 3 years? Or forgotten it over time? Whatever the case, she was going to remember it from now on. It was perfect place to curl up with a book retrieved from the library right down the corridor. As long as someone else wasn't using the space for their own peace and quiet. Cass walked out to the railing, leaning both hands against it as she looked out over the grounds. The light autumn breezes brushing across her face and through her hair let loose from before.
It really was a nice view.
Cynthia had promised her some more books for leisure reading once again and so it was for this reason, Kay was headed in the direction of the library. As she was doing so, her mind wandered to Leo. She missed him. He had always been such a great friend to her but he had a family of his own and she really could understand why he would want more free time now.
Kay hardly noticed that she had walked right past the balcony until her brain finally registered the brilliant sunshine that streamed into the Castle. When she did, she was just a few paces past it so she doubled back to get a look at the grounds. She approached the balcony, coming to a stop beside the student there. "Hello, Ms McNally. Are you enjoying the view and the weather?"
Ava had been spending the morning in the library organizing the homework and reading assignments she had been given by her teachers. Only the start of the year and already so much to do! But there was certainly some very interesting subjects to read about, she was particularly interested in her Defense Against the Dark Arts books. Figuring that lunch time was probably approaching, she decided to head down to the great hall for a bite to eat.
She must have taken a left instead of a right, because as she came down the corridor she came upon a balcony with a most astonishing view of the castle grounds. She gasped. It was really very beautiful. She decided to stay awhile, she was in no rush after all.
Dora happened to love this balcony. It was a fantastic place to get some peace and quiet. Her common room was constantly full and so loud it hurt her ears, thE great hall was often the same, too. Ugh.
Just thinking about it made Dora's mouth turn down at the corners a bit. That was, until she came to her spot... only to find a young Slytherin there. Well, they could share the spot for now.
If she got too chatty though, she would have to go.
Smiling over at her, she moved up and propped her arms on the hehe railing. See. peace and quiet.
Dora happened to love this balcony. It was a fantastic place to get some peace and quiet. Her common room was constantly full and so loud it hurt her ears, thE great hall was often the same, too. Ugh.
Just thinking about it made Dora's mouth turn down at the corners a bit. That was, until she came to her spot... only to find a young Slytherin there. Well, they could share the spot for now.
If she got too chatty though, she would have to go.
Smiling over at her, she moved up and propped her arms on the hehe railing. See. peace and quiet.
The sun was shining on Ava's face, not too hot when combined with the light breeze. Just perfect. She was very pleased to have found another perfect spot to just relax and enjoy looking at the Castle grounds.
Here was another girl who came near her, who looked to be doing the same. She smiled back at her. "I think this might be my new favourite place in the castle." She said simply, before looking back it the view.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Cynthia had promised her some more books for leisure reading once again and so it was for this reason, Kay was headed in the direction of the library. As she was doing so, her mind wandered to Leo. She missed him. He had always been such a great friend to her but he had a family of his own and she really could understand why he would want more free time now.
Kay hardly noticed that she had walked right past the balcony until her brain finally registered the brilliant sunshine that streamed into the Castle. When she did, she was just a few paces past it so she doubled back to get a look at the grounds. She approached the balcony, coming to a stop beside the student there. "Hello, Ms McNally. Are you enjoying the view and the weather?"
She must have been distracted as Cass hadn’t noticed the sound of footsteps anywhere near until they were happening right on top of her in the balcony. Well beside her in the alcove anyway. And it was a professor at that. Thank goodness it wasn't someone she couldn't stand. “Hello Professor Stewart,” the Ravenclaw greeted the woman politely in return, glancing her way to further acknowledge her presence.
“Yeah…I am,” Cassie admitted with a nod of her head for emphasis, once more turning her gaze to look out over the railing. "It's quite nice." Out of doors but not totally out of doors. And while she had been stumbled upon there on the balcony, it wasn't as accessible as other spots. She made a note to certainly try the space out in the winter when she tended to have pouts of cabin fever.
"Have you spent much time here?" she asked, mildly curious. Surely professors had a better awareness of spaces around Hogwarts.
The sun was shining on Ava's face, not too hot when combined with the light breeze. Just perfect. She was very pleased to have found another perfect spot to just relax and enjoy looking at the Castle grounds.
Here was another girl who came near her, who looked to be doing the same. She smiled back at her. "I think this might be my new favourite place in the castle." She said simply, before looking back it the view.
It really was lovely.
Okay, this line of conversation wasn't so bad. Smiling over at the girl she replied, "It's really very lovely. Peaceful even. "
Pushing some of her hair over her shoulder a small sigh escaped her. "My common room used to be my favorite, but now it's just too loud and crazy. "
Okay, this line of conversation wasn't so bad. Smiling over at the girl she replied, "It's really very lovely. Peaceful even. "
Pushing some of her hair over her shoulder a small sigh escaped her. "My common room used to be my favorite, but now it's just too loud and crazy. "
This girl shared her feeling of this place. That was good. Ava felt like she had been running all over the place in her excitement to be here, she tired herself out a little bit. It was nice to be somewhere that felt so calm.
"At least there are some good places around the Castle to try to get away from that stuff. I like the Slytherin common room, but it is nice to get a bit of sunlight."
This girl shared her feeling of this place. That was good. Ava felt like she had been running all over the place in her excitement to be here, she tired herself out a little bit. It was nice to be somewhere that felt so calm.
"At least there are some good places around the Castle to try to get away from that stuff. I like the Slytherin common room, but it is nice to get a bit of sunlight."
"Yeah, your common room isn't so bad. Even if it is in the dungeons." And she had an aversion to the dungeons most days. Most people did, though, right? It smelled funny and always seemed to be damp. ACK!
"I wouldn't trade my common room for anything in the world! It is always so bright and clean... and it feels lived in. I mean, I wish it was quieter, like I said." But other than that, she loved it, she did.
Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear she found herself looking out over the grounds with a smile. It really was, for lack of a better word, a magical place. No place like it in the world. And the Gryffindor would know, she had been all over the world!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Cassie! <3
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
She must have been distracted as Cass hadn’t noticed the sound of footsteps anywhere near until they were happening right on top of her in the balcony. Well beside her in the alcove anyway. And it was a professor at that. Thank goodness it wasn't someone she couldn't stand. “Hello Professor Stewart,” the Ravenclaw greeted the woman politely in return, glancing her way to further acknowledge her presence.
“Yeah…I am,” Cassie admitted with a nod of her head for emphasis, once more turning her gaze to look out over the railing. "It's quite nice." Out of doors but not totally out of doors. And while she had been stumbled upon there on the balcony, it wasn't as accessible as other spots. She made a note to certainly try the space out in the winter when she tended to have pouts of cabin fever.
"Have you spent much time here?" she asked, mildly curious. Surely professors had a better awareness of spaces around Hogwarts.
The sunshine was wonderful. Kay was on the fence about being in the sun a lot but she really did enjoy the warm of sun rays on her skin. “It’s perfect for outdoor activities, don’t you think?’’ She had an opportunity to know a little about one of her students and she was going to take it. About the outdoor activities, Kay was thinking about that hiking trip that she and her cousin had planned. Cami was always fun to go camping and hiking with.
“Not really. At least not since this school year has begun. I was actually on my way to the library. I have a few books to pick up from the librarian.’’ Which she was looking forward to doing and then reading them was something to look forward to even more. “So Ms McNally. Have you any plans for today other than lesson related things?”
"Yeah, your common room isn't so bad. Even if it is in the dungeons." And she had an aversion to the dungeons most days. Most people did, though, right? It smelled funny and always seemed to be damp. ACK!
"I wouldn't trade my common room for anything in the world! It is always so bright and clean... and it feels lived in. I mean, I wish it was quieter, like I said." But other than that, she loved it, she did.
Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear she found herself looking out over the grounds with a smile. It really was, for lack of a better word, a magical place. No place like it in the world. And the Gryffindor would know, she had been all over the world!
"I feel the same way about the Slytherin one," she said thinking about it. All of the other common rooms sounded very nice, according to what she had heard, but she felt very happy to be spending her time in the Slytherin one. But that was just her. Different places were probably perfect for different people. "But the Gryffindor one does sounds nice..." She trailed off a little bit, becoming caught up with the view again. She could see some students wandering about on the grounds, but they all looked so small from up here.
"My name is Ava, and I'm a first year so this is all very new to me. What about you?"
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
The sunshine was wonderful. Kay was on the fence about being in the sun a lot but she really did enjoy the warm of sun rays on her skin. “It’s perfect for outdoor activities, don’t you think?’’ She had an opportunity to know a little about one of her students and she was going to take it. About the outdoor activities, Kay was thinking about that hiking trip that she and her cousin had planned. Cami was always fun to go camping and hiking with.
“Not really. At least not since this school year has begun. I was actually on my way to the library. I have a few books to pick up from the librarian.’’ Which she was looking forward to doing and then reading them was something to look forward to even more. “So Ms McNally. Have you any plans for today other than lesson related things?”
Perfect for outdoor activities? Yeah, Cass would say so. “Definitely…” she agreed. Not to warm or cool on the other end of the spectrum. And not many clouds in the sky to threaten any sort of precipitation on any of the living presences she had noticed whenever her eyes caught sight of them below her. Below the both of them. “Might have to head fully outside at some point.” Think of something to go do seeing as she could just read here if she so wanted to.
So the professor had known about previously, but that was to be expected Cassie supposed. They had to know where to search out students after curfew, or anytime actually. “I actually just came from the library,” she admitted. It seems they had been travelling in opposite directions and managed to meet up there randomly in the balcony. As for her plans for the rest of the day… “Looking into exploring a few things.” Which had started out with what she had found at the library but who knows…maybe she’d continue to wander around the castle for a bit more and see what she could find.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Cass! <3
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
Perfect for outdoor activities? Yeah, Cass would say so. “Definitely…” she agreed. Not to warm or cool on the other end of the spectrum. And not many clouds in the sky to threaten any sort of precipitation on any of the living presences she had noticed whenever her eyes caught sight of them below her. Below the both of them. “Might have to head fully outside at some point.” Think of something to go do seeing as she could just read here if she so wanted to.
So the professor had known about previously, but that was to be expected Cassie supposed. They had to know where to search out students after curfew, or anytime actually. “I actually just came from the library,” she admitted. It seems they had been travelling in opposite directions and managed to meet up there randomly in the balcony. As for her plans for the rest of the day… “Looking into exploring a few things.” Which had started out with what she had found at the library but who knows…maybe she’d continue to wander around the castle for a bit more and see what she could find.
Kay nodded her agreement. “You know, I think I just might do that as well. After I collect those books from Ms Davis, that is. That beech tree is a very good place to have a read. Or even the treehouse just as long as you're not distracted by the view.’’ Plus she could always make a stop at Jordan’s and go see Marshmallow at some point.
“Did you get books for recreational reading or for homework?’’ Kay was always so very interested in books so naturally she wanted to know more. Ravenclaws were always drawn to the objects but of course there were a few exceptions. Now she wondered if she were being too nosy as she said, “Interesting. Any particular place you have your mind set on?’’
"I feel the same way about the Slytherin one," she said thinking about it. All of the other common rooms sounded very nice, according to what she had heard, but she felt very happy to be spending her time in the Slytherin one. But that was just her. Different places were probably perfect for different people. "But the Gryffindor one does sounds nice..." She trailed off a little bit, becoming caught up with the view again. She could see some students wandering about on the grounds, but they all looked so small from up here.
"My name is Ava, and I'm a first year so this is all very new to me. What about you?"
Dora had spent some time in the Slytherin common room and dorms once upon a time, so she knew it to be quite nice. Nice in a different way from Gryffindor, though. Definitely. Not as comfortable for sure. But those thoughts, she kept to herself. For sure. "It is, quite lovely," she said as she let her eyes wander over the view as well. It wasn't as nice as the one from her CR, but it would do. Not to mention, she kind of hoped she caught a glimpse of Echo.
"I am definitely not a first year," she said with a chuckle. "I have been here since first year. I am now a fifth year. Oh! And I'm Dora Umbridge. Nice to meet ya," the Gryffindor said proudly.
Storm was bored. The prank in the bistro was funny, but not funny enough. He could do better!
He zoomed onto the balcony carrying a bucket of fish and threw some of them at the Gryffindork girlie's head. "Fish in your hair! FISH IN YOUR HAIR!!!!"
Then the polter!kid flew up to the firstie and stuck another fish RIGHT IN HER FACE! "Ooh, give us a kiss!!!" He started making kissy noises as he moved the fish's lips up and down.
No kiss? Okay, then. He dropped the slimiest fish he had down the Ravenclod girlie's shirt. But he wasn't quite done yet.
For his grand finale, Storm grabbed the biggest fish and slapped the professie that was here in the face with it. There! If that didn't make Dadsie proud, he didn't know what would!
Storm was bored. The prank in the bistro was funny, but not funny enough. He could do better!
He zoomed onto the balcony carrying a bucket of fish and threw some of them at the Gryffindork girlie's head. "Fish in your hair! FISH IN YOUR HAIR!!!!"
Then the polter!kid flew up to the firstie and stuck another fish RIGHT IN HER FACE! "Ooh, give us a kiss!!!" He started making kissy noises as he moved the fish's lips up and down.
No kiss? Okay, then. He dropped the slimiest fish he had down the Ravenclod girlie's shirt. But he wasn't quite done yet.
For his grand finale, Storm grabbed the biggest fish and slapped the professie that was here in the face with it. There! If that didn't make Dadsie proud, he didn't know what would!
Dora was about to say something... when a FISH hit her in the head.
Fish slime was in her HAIR. Her precious blonde locks had been defiled with dark mag... wait. Wrong line.
"YOU MENACE! WHY WOULD YOU THROW A FISH AT ME?!" The lion was seeing RED. R E D. No one got away with things like this when it came to NYMPHADORA KENNEDY UMBRIDGE! Without a second thought, Dora pulled her wand and pointed it at the stupid poltergeist kid... thing... and...
Well what spells worked on beings? She was stumped, really.
"PROFESSOR!!!!!! DO SOMETHING!" There was fish slime in her hair and she was NOT happy.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
SPOILER!!: Kay, Polter and Dora
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Kay nodded her agreement. “You know, I think I just might do that as well. After I collect those books from Ms Davis, that is. That beech tree is a very good place to have a read. Or even the treehouse just as long as you're not distracted by the view.’’ Plus she could always make a stop at Jordan’s and go see Marshmallow at some point.
“Did you get books for recreational reading or for homework?’’ Kay was always so very interested in books so naturally she wanted to know more. Ravenclaws were always drawn to the objects but of course there were a few exceptions. Now she wondered if she were being too nosy as she said, “Interesting. Any particular place you have your mind set on?’’
Originally Posted by Storm
Storm was bored. The prank in the bistro was funny, but not funny enough. He could do better!
He zoomed onto the balcony carrying a bucket of fish and threw some of them at the Gryffindork girlie's head. "Fish in your hair! FISH IN YOUR HAIR!!!!"
Then the polter!kid flew up to the firstie and stuck another fish RIGHT IN HER FACE! "Ooh, give us a kiss!!!" He started making kissy noises as he moved the fish's lips up and down.
No kiss? Okay, then. He dropped the slimiest fish he had down the Ravenclod girlie's shirt. But he wasn't quite done yet.
For his grand finale, Storm grabbed the biggest fish and slapped the professie that was here in the face with it. There! If that didn't make Dadsie proud, he didn't know what would!
Originally Posted by Erindipity
Dora was about to say something... when a FISH hit her in the head.
Fish slime was in her HAIR. Her precious blonde locks had been defiled with dark mag... wait. Wrong line.
"YOU MENACE! WHY WOULD YOU THROW A FISH AT ME?!" The lion was seeing RED. R E D. No one got away with things like this when it came to NYMPHADORA KENNEDY UMBRIDGE! Without a second thought, Dora pulled her wand and pointed it at the stupid poltergeist kid... thing... and...
Well what spells worked on beings? She was stumped, really.
"PROFESSOR!!!!!! DO SOMETHING!" There was fish slime in her hair and she was NOT happy.
Underneath trees or up in treehouses.
They both sounded like a perfect perch for a good read when the weather was really quite nice like it was today. Cassie was definitely liking the idea more and more. “More recreational than work” she said, though technically they could still be considered something for learning. It wasn’t like it was a novel or anything of that sort. “Something came up briefly in one of my classes and I thought I’d look into it more,” she admitted for further explanation of her reading interests. She was a curious Ravenclaw through and through.
As for exploring, she shook her head and was about to speak when she felt first the chill of a ghost nearby followed by something wet and slimy down the back of her shirt. Cass couldn’t help but squirm and make a face at the feel just as a young Gryffindor ran in and identified the culprit. The young poltergeist. “Ewwww…you little….” She remarked, trying to reach back and get whatever it was, she was fearing fish, out of her shirt. Thankfully she wasn’t in uniform with it tucked into her skirt.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Recreational reading! “That’s the best type of reading there is in my opinion. Of course any type of reading is good too.’’ Just listen to her going on passionately about books. “If you’d like to stop by my office sometime, you’re more than welcome to select a few books for recreational reading. I have quite a few.’’ Just as long as her books were returned when lent, Kay never minded her students borrowing them.
The appearance and the loud exclamation startled Kay, no lie. What on earth was that Storm up to now? She turned in its direction just in time to see it dump a fish on Dora’s head. Good Gracious! “STORM! Enough of your nonsense!’’ She looked fiercely at Storm and at the same time whipped out her wand to vanish the fish. Yuck. Disgusting. “Leave her alone.’’ The woman could be fierce when she wanted. She was a no-nonsense type.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Mhmm…she had to agree there. Reading was one of the best activities to do alone. It seemed she found a fellow book nerd in the Muggle Studies professor. Cassie could’t help her face light up as the woman offered her access to her personal library. “I might have to take you up on that…thank you Professor.” It truly was an honor to be trusted with that sort of thing. And she’d be sure to treat whatever she borrowed with the utmost care, maybe even better than her library books.
But now the mood was ruined by a bloody baby poltergeist and his fish. Still struggling to release her torture, Cass was glad when Professor Stewart vanished the squirmy disgusting fish from inside her shirt. “Thanks Professor,” she said as she stood beside the woman, now alert and watching the ghost herself in case he tried to pull more stunts on them.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Cassie! <3
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
Mhmm…she had to agree there. Reading was one of the best activities to do alone. It seemed she found a fellow book nerd in the Muggle Studies professor. Cassie could’t help her face light up as the woman offered her access to her personal library. “I might have to take you up on that…thank you Professor.” It truly was an honor to be trusted with that sort of thing. And she’d be sure to treat whatever she borrowed with the utmost care, maybe even better than her library books.
But now the mood was ruined by a bloody baby poltergeist and his fish. Still struggling to release her torture, Cass was glad when Professor Stewart vanished the squirmy disgusting fish from inside her shirt. “Thanks Professor,” she said as she stood beside the woman, now alert and watching the ghost herself in case he tried to pull more stunts on them.
The way Cassie’s face had lit up when she mentioned that the books could be borrowed had not gone unnoticed by Kay. This reminded her about the students’ expressions who had borrowed them prior. “Excellent. My office is always open.’’ Pause. “As long as I am there, of course,’’ she added as an afterthought. “I think you’d like my collection, especially if you’re into a wide variety of type. I have a bit of mystery, fantasy, romance…’’ Her favourite topic beside the one of teaching was obviously books as you could tell.
* * * * * * *
“You’re welcome, Ms McNally.’’ Kay eyed the poltergeist with great disdain. They were always starting trouble and since she was the no- nonsense type of woman, she could be rather protective of her students from the Peeves and his family. And she kept her eyes on Storm until she was sure he wasn’t going to cause more trouble.
You know how in Muggle films, whenever something went into lockdown, it almost looked fun? Not to the people INSIDE the movie, duh, but to the viewer, it did seem exciting. Because usually, whenever stuff went into lockdown to avoid something, that was when that thing usually happened.
So yeah. They were all going to die. Probably.
And Daisy Carden was NOT going to die without breathing fresh air for one last time. So she had somehow managed to escape the troop of students being led by the Prefects to the Great Hall. As she reached the balcony, she dropped her rucksack carelessly to the ground and spun around, taking in all that fresh air.
You know how in Muggle films, whenever something went into lockdown, it almost looked fun? Not to the people INSIDE the movie, duh, but to the viewer, it did seem exciting. Because usually, whenever stuff went into lockdown to avoid something, that was when that thing usually happened.
So yeah. They were all going to die. Probably.
And Daisy Carden was NOT going to die without breathing fresh air for one last time. So she had somehow managed to escape the troop of students being led by the Prefects to the Great Hall. As she reached the balcony, she dropped her rucksack carelessly to the ground and spun around, taking in all that fresh air.
These past few weeks had found the prefects busier than they'd ever been. Prefects were supposed to accompany other students everywhere, no exceptions - and that seemed to include bathrooms. It would have been embarrassing if the events behind these new rules weren't so terrifying. Her co-prefect and friend Rooney was one of the three missing people, and it was impossible to be completely happy without knowing how they were. Normally, the darkness below Kitty's eyes were just a part of her usual Gothic makeup, but now they were also there because of lack of sleeping.
She'd just finished accompanying the students to the Great Hall when she noticed that someone who had been with them at the start of the journey was no longer there. Anxiety gripped her as she scanned the crowd two more times to be certain. Daisy wasn't there with the other Slytherins.
Kitty quickly left the Great Hall before anyone could ask her questions and re-traced the groups steps. She gripped her wand tightly incase anything jumped out at her. Everything was quite. Even the portraits were more silent than usual.
Speaking of which...
"Excuse me, but I was wondering if you'd seen a Slytherin girl walk by this way recently on her own," Kitty cordially asked one of the portraits. She tried this several times until at last one portrait said that he thought he saw heading towards the fourth floor. Kitty thanked the portrait and hurried towards the floor to begin looking.
The sound of something dropping to the floor made her turn to look towards the balcony. "Daisy! What are you doing here? We are supposed to be in the Great Hall with the others, I was so worried about you!" She crossed the distance towards the balcony and came up right alongside the Slytherin girl.
Last edited by Goblinfrog; 03-01-2017 at 04:46 AM.
These past few weeks had found the prefects busier than they'd ever been. Prefects were supposed to accompany other students everywhere, no exceptions - and that seemed to include bathrooms. It would have been embarrassing if the events behind these new rules weren't so terrifying. Her co-prefect and friend Rooney was one of the three missing people, and it was impossible to be completely happy without knowing how they were. Normally, the darkness below Kitty's eyes were just a part of her usual Gothic makeup, but now they were also there because of lack of sleeping.
She'd just finished accompanying the students to the Great Hall when she noticed that someone who had been with them at the start of the journey was no longer there. Anxiety gripped her as she scanned the crowd two more times to be certain. Daisy wasn't there with the other Slytherins.
Kitty quickly left the Great Hall before anyone could ask her questions and re-traced the groups steps. She gripped her wand tightly incase anything jumped out at her. Everything was quite. Even the portraits were more silent than usual.
Speaking of which...
"Excuse me, but I was wondering if you'd seen a Slytherin girl walk by this way recently on her own," Kitty cordially asked one of the portraits. She tried this several times until at last one portrait said that he thought he saw heading towards the fourth floor. Kitty thanked the portrait and hurried towards the floor to begin looking.
The sound of something dropping to the floor made her turn to look towards the balcony. "Daisy! What are you doing here? We are supposed to be in the Great Hall with the others, I was so worried about you!" She crossed the distance towards the balcony and came up right alongside the Slytherin girl.
Daisy stopped the spinning around as soon as she heard someone's voice and turned to find Prefect Kitty next to her. OOPS. She had been caught, then. The Ravenclaw Prefect also looked decidedly worried which wasn't exactly what she had wanted. Judging by the worry visible in the Ravenclaw's face and voice, Daisy was probably in trouble and the Slytherin chewed on her lower lip for a second before looking down at her shoes. EEEH. "I got ... lost." She said, looking back at the girl.
That sounded stupid even to her ears. It was her fifth year in this school!
"Then I felt the fresh air and got distracted." Did the Ravenclaw even realise how hard it was to get some fresh air in this castle when you were a Slytherin and weren't allowed outside except for Herbology? Yeah. With that in mind, Daisy sent a tentative smile Kitty's way. "Still, you are here now so we're okay, right?"
Daisy stopped the spinning around as soon as she heard someone's voice and turned to find Prefect Kitty next to her. OOPS. She had been caught, then. The Ravenclaw Prefect also looked decidedly worried which wasn't exactly what she had wanted. Judging by the worry visible in the Ravenclaw's face and voice, Daisy was probably in trouble and the Slytherin chewed on her lower lip for a second before looking down at her shoes. EEEH. "I got ... lost." She said, looking back at the girl.
That sounded stupid even to her ears. It was her fifth year in this school!
"Then I felt the fresh air and got distracted." Did the Ravenclaw even realise how hard it was to get some fresh air in this castle when you were a Slytherin and weren't allowed outside except for Herbology? Yeah. With that in mind, Daisy sent a tentative smile Kitty's way. "Still, you are here now so we're okay, right?"
Well, as okay as they could be, anyway.
So Kitty didn't really believe that Daisy had gotten lost on their trip to the Great Hall. For one thing, she was with them at the start, so unless she closed her eyes and wandered away it would have been very difficult to get lost. Secondly, it was a trip they'd taken countless times in the last few weeks. And finally, Daisy was a fifth year student and she'd probably already memorized much of the castle.
She raised her eyebrows to show her skepticism of the Slytherin's story, though she wasn't angry. Kitty knew how hard this curfew was for everyone and she didn't blame Daisy for wanting to get fresh air.
Kitty glanced back the way they came before answering. It was a paranoid habit she'd picked up recently. "I think you wandered away on purpose." she said. Judging by the way Daisy had looked down at her shoes and bitten her lip, she probably knew that Kitty knew too, so no need to go into reasons. "I don't really blame you, though. I know this sucks. But it's even worse for me and the other prefects because we have to be everywhere at once. I even have to accompany people to the bathroom." She wasn't trying to sound whiny, the reason she brought this up was to try to show Daisy that she didn't like these arrangements anymore than she did. "And right now I'm the only Ravenlaw prefect." Just thinking about Rooney made Kitty feel like crying. She even felt tears coming to her eyes but she tried to fight them back, if only for Daisy's sake.
"But you're safe and that's all that matters," she said, her shoulders shaking from stress and sadness. "I won't tell anyone. But please, please next time tell me first. I wouldn't mind accompanying you wherever you wished, as long as I wasn't busy with other students."
She paused to look outside, feeling the wind blow across her hair. It calmed her down a bit. "But you are okay?" She wasn't sure why she asked, since Daisy had already said she was okay.